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July 24 to August 26, 2019
All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren "Needlework"

It is proved that needlework develops the right hemisphere and the creative abilities of a person. Your hobby is knitting, embroidery, and maybe fashionable patchwork and quilling, then show your talent at the mass competition for schoolchildren "Needlework".

July 3 to August 2, 2019
All-Russian mass selfie competition for schoolchildren "Me and my friends"

Of course, in the life of every person there is at least one true friend. The more friends the better. You are surrounded by loyal and devoted friends, participate in the selfie contest for schoolchildren "Me and my friends".
Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic cabinet participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

May 22 to June 25, 2019
All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren "My favorite TV shows"

The television was first demonstrated in 1926. Since then, it has improved and firmly entered the life of everyone. modern man. We all watch educational, entertaining, sports and other programs. Of course, each of us has our own favorite program. If you also have your own favorite TV show, share what it is interesting and useful for you in the All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren "My Favorite TV Shows".

Summing up. In accordance with the regulation, the official list of winners will be published within one month from the end of the competition.

May 11 to June 12, 2019
All-Russian mass drawing competition for schoolchildren "I am an artist"

Around us is fabulous nature, which pleases us with beautiful landscapes, magnificent colors in different time of the year. At creative people It is possible to capture the beauty of the surrounding world. If you like to draw, and in this process you find yourself, be sure to participate in the All-Russian mass drawing competition for schoolchildren "I am an artist".
Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.

The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

from April 7 to May 11, 2019
All-Russian mass essay competition for schoolchildren "What kind of film would I like to make ..."

Have you always dreamed of trying yourself as a video director, or your future profession will be related to films, be sure to declare yourself in the essay competition for schoolchildren “What kind of film would I like to make ...”.

Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

from March 21 to April 24, 2019
All-Russian mass photo contest for schoolchildren "My future profession"

Who among us as a schoolboy has not thought about what we will become when we grow up. The All-Russian mass photo contest for schoolchildren "My Future Profession" will help make your dreams come true.

Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

February 14 to March 16, 2019
All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren "The most original postcard" Since February 23 "

There is such a profession to defend the Motherland. It is on the day of February 23 that all attention is riveted to men, it is customary to give them gifts. Undoubtedly, any holiday begins with a postcard. You always congratulate your grandfather, father and brother on Defender of the Fatherland Day, then you will be interested in participating in the All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren "The most original postcard" From February 23 ".

Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

from February 5 to March 6, 2019
All-Russian mass photo contest for schoolchildren "Pet"

Most people have pets. Four-legged friends help us feel happy. If you happy man and want to tell everyone about your pet, the All-Russian mass photo contest for schoolchildren "Pet" is waiting for you.

Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

All-Russian mass selfie contest for schoolchildren "Me and my native land"

Native land is the place where a person was born and raised. Of course, the native land is a particle of the soul of every person. If you are interested in the whole country to know about the sights of your native land, then surprise everyone in the selfie contest for schoolchildren "Me and my native land".

Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

November 8 to December 12, 2018
All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren "Favorite school subject"

Do you want to tell why you love physics or chemistry so much, or maybe you like social science or physical education? Now you can do this with the help of the All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren "Favorite school subject".
Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

September 23 to October 24, 2018
All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren

"My hobby, my hobby."

All of us spend our free time doing what we love. The hobby world is very diverse. Are you passionate about your hobby? Then you will certainly want to take part in the All-Russian mass competition for schoolchildren "My Hobby, My Passion".
Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

from August 12 to September 15, 2018
All-Russian Mass Selfie Contest for Schoolchildren

"Sport and me"

Of course, sport is healthy lifestyle life. As a rule, all sports fans are beautiful, successful young people. The All-Russian mass selfie competition for schoolchildren "Sport and I" will show all your advantages.

Each PARTICIPANT of the competition will be provided with his personal electronic account of the participant. Through the "electronic account of the participant" participants will be able to fill it with content.
The event is financed by the Education Development Department of the Inter-Republican Modernization Base Rosmodernizatsiya.RF. Participation is free of charge for students, teachers and educational institutions.

All-Russian Exhibition:
Russian education system in all its diversity

All-Russian Exhibition - an activator of mutually beneficial interaction

On June 12, our country celebrates an important public holiday - the Day of Russia. This holiday symbolizes freedom and justice, unites everyone who loves their homeland, is proud of its thousand-year history, the richest cultural and spiritual heritage of Russia.

Today we bring to your attention a drawing competition, dedicated to the holiday"Russia Day".

We will be glad if our competition will help its participants to open up and show their talents and creative abilities.

All participants of the Competition receive award documents FREE OF CHARGE.

The order of the Competition:

You can download the competition regulations here.


The competition is held for educational institutions of any type and kind Russian Federation.

Pupils of any preschool institutions Russian Federation.

Students of grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and any other educational institutions.

Categories of participants:

Competition nominations:

Nomination "Drawing"

Conditions of the competition:

One work on the declared topic of the competition is accepted from one participant for the competition.

The work must have a title and a short description.

All work is provided in in electronic format only in JPEG/JPG format.

Participation rules:

  1. Required (a teacher or a parent of the participant can register).
  2. Carefully read the distance competitions.
  3. Print the receipt and pay the registration fee for participation in any way convenient for you. The registration fee for participation is 90 rubles for each participant. Organizational fees for a group of participants are paid by the Curator in one receipt for the total amount.
  4. Prepare the work in accordance with the requirements for registration of competitive works
  5. Follow the link specified in the Regulations of the event you have chosen to download the competition work.
  6. Carefully fill in all columns of the competitive application. Be careful when filling out the form for uploading a competitive work. The data you enter will be used in the preparation of incentive documents.
  7. Upload the competition work, following the recommendations indicated in the section.

For preschoolers - help with filling out and submitting the form with competitive work provided by parents or educators.

Requirements for uploading competitive works:

  1. Acceptance of works for participation is carried out only by self-filling an electronic application on our website. Submissions sent to us email will not be published.
  2. All fields of the application must be filled in.
  3. The size of the file with the work should not exceed 10 MB.
  4. After successfully uploading the files, you will receive a notification to the email address specified in the application that the work has been accepted for consideration. Works are published on the site within 3 days from the date of acceptance of the work for consideration.
  5. The administration of the ART-Talent Academy reserves the right to refuse participation in the competition if the submitted materials do not meet these requirements. If the application is rejected or if it is necessary to make changes, the Authors of such works will be sent a message to the email address specified in the application.

Encouragement of the winners:

The jury determines the Winners of the competition, who took I, II, III places and the Laureates of the competition.

The winners are awarded with Diplomas of the Winner of the All-Russian remote creative competition.

Laureates are awarded with Diplomas of the Laureate of the All-Russian remote creative competition.

Teachers who have prepared the Winner or Laureate of the competition are awarded with Teacher Diplomas.


The history of Russia is our past and a bright future, because it is associated with many names of people who have contributed to the development of the country, its culture, economy, and science. Their life is an example for us. We propose to tell about those whom we call the pride of Russia in a new competition that starts for everyone who studies and teaches, who is proud of their country and its people.

There is a lot to be said about morality. More than any emotional words, a story about a specific person affects the consciousness of a student. Such examples can be used to educate patriots, to form their life ideal in children, to cultivate talents that will build the future of our country.

Regulations of the All-Russian competition "Pride of Russia"

The All-Russian distance competition "Pride of Russia" is held by the portal Presentations and drawings on the specified topic are accepted from the participants.

The purpose of the competition:

To contribute to the formation of the civic position of students through acquaintance with the biography of people who glorified their country and are its pride.

Competition objectives:

  1. To educate patriotism and citizenship among the participants of the competition and viewers of competitive works.
  2. Interested in studying biographies the best people Russia, who have made and are making their contribution to its development and prosperity today.
  3. To revive spiritual and moral values ​​in the younger generation.
  4. Support and identify talented children and educators.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian competition "Pride of Russia" on the portal

Categories of participants and nominations of the All-Russian competition "Pride of Russia"

Adults and children living in Russia, as well as foreign students and students studying in any Russian educational institutions are invited to participate in the Pride of Russia distance creative contest. Educators, librarians, teachers, methodologists, students, pupils, preschoolers, parents, psychologists, teachers can become participants in the all-Russian competition additional education, psychologists and other groups of people who wish to express themselves in the performance of creative work.

The works of participants are provided in the following age categories:

  1. preschoolers;
  2. pupils primary school(1 - 4 class);
  3. pupils high school(5 - 9 grade);
  4. high school students (grades 10-11, students);
  5. teachers (teachers of all specialties, class teachers, librarians, social educators, librarians, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, psychologists, parents and other groups of adults).

Types of works for the contest "Pride of Russia"

You can send works that are copyrighted to the competition. The work must necessarily reveal the stated topic and meet the requirements for design. Participants may submit:

  1. presentation
  2. picture

Subjects of competitive works

The subject of competition works is rather extensive. In multimedia presentations and drawings, you can talk about the great people of Russia:

  • about the heroes of Russia and Soviet Union;
  • about Russian scientists, writers, composers, artists and others famous people not only in the country, but also abroad;
  • about Nobel laureates;
  • about our president;
  • about great commanders;
  • about people living next to us who perform their feats in everyday life;
  • etc...

Competitive works by nominations and categories


Do you also know those people whom we consider the pride of Russia? Tell about them in your competitive presentations, which will make you famous, and someone will definitely bring a long-awaited victory.

  • Presentation Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) received works in total: 0
  • Presentation Pupils of grades 1 - 4 received total works: 7
  • Presentation Pupils in grades 5 - 9 total works received: 6
  • Presentation Pupils of grades 10 - 11 received works in total: 7
  • Teacher's presentation Received works total: 23

Received works in the category Presentation of all: 43


Children and adults love to draw portraits. Creative drawings by young artists are the most mysterious and unique, the creations of high school students are no less mysterious, the works of teachers and students are even more expressive. This large art gallery today represents those people whom we call the pride of the Russian Federation. Not only about the heroes, but also about their talent, every young or already established artist can declare to the whole country by submitting his work to the competition.

  • Drawing Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) received works in total: 0
  • Drawing Pupils of grades 1 - 4 received works in total: 1
  • Drawing Pupils in grades 5 - 9 total works received: 1
  • Drawing Pupils of the 10th - 11th grade total works received: 1
  • Teacher's Figure Received Works Total: 1

Received works in the nomination Drawing in total: 4

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In "Presentation" works that are completed by participants in PowerPoint(file extension .pps, .ppt, pptx). Together with the presentation, the archive can be accompanied by audio and video materials that are needed to disclose the topic, script class hour or lesson. The subject of the work can be very diverse and reveal about one of the great people of Russia.

The All-Russian competition "Pride of Russia" accepts works that are copyrighted material. There should be no errors in the texts of presentations, all texts are printed only in Russian. The first slide indicates the title of the work, last name, first name, patronymic of the author, place of work, study.

In the nomination "Drawing" works made in any technique (watercolor, pastel, oil, crayons, gouache, pencil drawing, mixed media) are provided. The format of the provided drawing is A3 - A4.

The participant provides a scanned drawing good quality in format. jpg, . jpegs. bmp, . tif, . gif up to 5MB.

Competitive drawings must be made carefully, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the subject will not be accepted. You can submit drawings of Russian heroes of the present or the past for the competition. The drawing must be made in such a way that it does not offend the dignity of the person depicted by the contestant.

In the lower right corner of the picture there should be a label that says: “The Pride of Russia contest on the Cool website” and the last name, first name of the participant, category.

Evaluation of competitive works

Evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When evaluating work, the following is taken into account:

  • relevance to the topic;
  • originality;
  • accuracy of execution.

Dates of the All-Russian competition "Pride of Russia"

  • The competition is held from 01/15/2016 to 03/15/2016.
  • Summing up the results of the competition from 16.03.2016 to 31.03.2016.
  • Awarding of the contest participants from 04/01/2016 to 04/15/2016.

Summing up the results of the contest "Pride of Russia"

In each nomination (age category) and type of work, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. The winners are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good work, but they were not among the winners. All others are considered to be participants in the competition.

Registration fee for participation in the contest "Pride of Russia"

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the site and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the Pride of Russia contest. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, the registration fee of 300 rubles (registered letter) is paid.

You can pay the fee in four ways:

You can pay the fee in four ways:

In any branch Sberbank or another bank on receipt (download receipt)

Yandex.Money to the wallet 41001171308826

webmoney to the wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is placed below

If you have paid the registration fee, you accept the terms of the offer agreement.

Free participation

Yes, free participation in the Pride of Russia contest is possible. We leave this option. For free participation, you need to place a banner of our site or an active hypertext link from your school site to our site. If you have posted such a link, then in the participant's profile you need to indicate the address of the page on your site on which this link (or banner) is placed. Ready-made banners can be taken. Placing one link (one banner) gives the right to participate in the contest free of charge to one participant (with one work).

If you decide to participate in the Pride of Russia contest, you need to:

  1. Make or select from your own collection of author's works a drawing or a multimedia presentation that will correspond to one of the indicated nominations.
  2. Correctly fill out the application form of the participant of the competition.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send in one letter to [email protected] :

  1. finished work (with all appendices, if necessary);
  2. a completed application form (only in .doc format - a Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through the online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with the indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs the participants about the receipt of the competitive work. If you haven't received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to check if the work has been received.

The works received for the contest by the administrators are not edited, reviewed and are not returned back to the participants.

Substitution of works will not be made during the competition, proofread them before sending and carefully check the work of embedded videos, music, flash videos.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with the contestants. Only in case of emergency, we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Correctly indicate the return address and timely pick up letters with diplomas at your post office. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

Awarding of winners and participants of the competition

All participants of the competition will receive electronic diplomas confirming their participation in the Pride of Russia competition and the placement of their work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas after summing up the results on the portal on the pages of the nominations, where the lists of participants of the competition are published.

Participants and laureates of the competition, who paid the registration fee of 300 rubles, will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses indicated in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the departure so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from the participants of the competition will be spent on the organization of the competition and the further development of the portal

Contact details of the organizing committee

E-mail address: [email protected]

"Let's change our world for the better!"
The project "Portal of the teacher" All-Russian competition for schoolchildren "Let's change our world for the better!". Students of all educational institutions. Text and graphic materials are accepted for publication in the competition: a story, a story, an essay, a drawing, a photograph or any other material on the topic of the competition (except for video). Tasks and goals: development of creative activity of students, self-improvement and self-development, motivation for social activities schoolchildren.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"World around us"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Pedagogue's Portal" is holding a competition for schoolchildren "The World Around Us". Children are allowed to participate in the competition school age with a curator - a teacher or a parent. The competition accepts materials in the following format: drawings, photographs, crafts, poems and stories. The purpose of the competition is to create conditions for the creative self-expression of the child.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"Three traffic lights"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds a competition for schoolchildren "Three traffic lights". Children of school age with a curator - a teacher or a parent are allowed to participate in the competition. Materials of the following format are accepted for the competition: photos of drawings and crafts on the topic of the rule traffic. The purpose of the competition is to master the rules of behavior on the road through the creative self-expression of the child.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"My Amazing Land"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds a competition for schoolchildren "My amazing land". Children of school age with a curator - a teacher or a parent are allowed to participate in the competition. The competition accepts materials in the following format: drawings, photographs, crafts, poems and stories. The purpose of the competition is to create conditions for the creative self-expression of the child and to consolidate knowledge about their native land.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"All about the Great Victory!"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Pedagogue's Portal" is holding a competition for schoolchildren "Everything about the Great Victory!". Children of school age with a curator - a teacher or a parent are allowed to participate in the competition. The competition accepts materials in the following format: drawings, photographs, crafts, essays, poems and stories. The purpose of the competition is to create conditions for the creative self-expression of the child, to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of students about the Great Patriotic War.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"The earth is our common home"
The Pedagogue's Portal edition is holding the All-Russian competition for schoolchildren "The Earth is our common home". Participants of the competition can be students of all educational institutions. Text and graphic materials are accepted for publication in the competition: a story, a story, an essay, a drawing, a photograph or any other material on the topic of the competition (except for video). Tasks and goals: development of creative activity of students, self-improvement and self-development, motivation for social activities of schoolchildren.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"School of Journalism"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Pedagogue's Portal" is holding a competition for schoolchildren "School of Journalism". Children of school age with a curator - a teacher or a parent are allowed to participate in the competition. Materials of the following format are accepted for the competition: essays, news (informational notes), sketches, portrait essays, interviews, educational and thematic reports, analytical articles, literary and theatrical reviews, author's columns.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"Great discoveries and inventions"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds a competition for schoolchildren "Great discoveries and inventions". Goals and objectives of the event: to increase interest in subjects on which great geographical discoveries, scientific inventions in various fields are studied; to promote the development of students' creative abilities; to form among the participants of the competition an active life position desire to discover and learn new things. Children of school age with a curator - a teacher or a parent are allowed to participate. Materials of the following format are accepted for the competition: projects, presentations, research and scientific works.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"Poetry's beautiful light"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds a competition for schoolchildren "Poetry is a beautiful light." Goals and objectives of the event: improving the system for identifying and developing the intellectual and creative abilities of schoolchildren. Author's poems of schoolchildren in Word or PDF format are accepted for participation in the competition.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
The All-Russian Internet edition "Pedagogue's Portal" is holding a "Freeze Frame" competition for schoolchildren. Goals and objectives of the event: promotion of photography as a type of creative activity and identification of creative and initiative children. Author's photographs of schoolchildren are accepted for participation in the competition.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"Magic Colors of Autumn"
All-Russian Internet edition "Pedagogue Portal" creative competition for schoolchildren "Colors of autumn". Autumn landscapes, crafts from natural material, leaves and vegetables.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"My favorite teacher"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds a competition for schoolchildren "My favorite teacher". Goal: increase social status teacher, respect for his work, raising prestige in society. The work must necessarily reveal the stated topic and meet the requirements for design. Participants may submit a presentation or research paper.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"Our grandparents"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds a competition for schoolchildren "Our beloved grandparents". Goals and objectives: Draw the attention of children to the problems of the elderly; Contribute to the development of attention respectful attitude to the elderly; To instill a desire to take care of older people who need our help; Schoolchildren's drawings are accepted for participation in the competition.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"In the world of professions"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds an intellectual competition for schoolchildren with a curator - a teacher or a parent. Purpose: to introduce students to the diverse world of professions. Tasks: to expand the knowledge of pupils about the types professional activity and increase the level of motivation for a conscious choice of profession. To participate in the competition are accepted research work, projects, presentations.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"Winged Fantasies"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Pedagogue's Portal" is holding a creative competition for schoolchildren "Winged Fantasies". The purpose of the event is to implement creativity children and teenagers. Materials published for the competition: drawings, presentations, exhibitions and other works of students on the theme of birds.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"My favorite foreign language"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds a competition for schoolchildren "My favorite foreign language". Purposes of carrying out: popularization of studying of a foreign language; development of the creative potential of students, education of a respectful attitude to a foreign culture. Research papers, projects, presentations are accepted for publication in the competition.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.
Materials published for the competition: drawings, presentations, exhibitions and other works of students on this topic. Purpose: creation of conditions for the development of students' individuality, their self-expression and self-realization.
Objectives: to develop and encourage student initiative and self-assessment skills; to form the need to improve their educational level; maintain and stimulate high educational and creative motivation. Text materials, photographs or any other material on the topic of the competition are accepted for publication in the competition.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"Sunny summer"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Pedagogue's Portal" is holding a competition for schoolchildren "Sunny Summer".
Goals and objectives of the event: to stimulate the development of children's imagination, imagination, artistic creativity.
Children of school age with a curator - a teacher or a parent are allowed to participate. Materials of the following format are accepted for the competition: photo crafts, drawings.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

All-Russian competition for schoolchildren
"Protect the forest from fire!"
The All-Russian Internet edition "Portal of the Teacher" holds a competition for schoolchildren "Protect the forest from fire!". Children of school age with a curator - a teacher or a parent are allowed to participate in the competition.
The event is held with the aim of educating children and young people about the dangers of forest fires and the main sources of ignition in the forest; drawing attention to the need to comply with fire safety rules in the forest; formation of an idea of ​​personal responsibility for the preservation of the nature of the native land.
The competition accepts children's drawings, posters, applications, crafts dedicated to fire safety in the forest.

Editorial fee for organizing and holding the event 140 rubles. Results within a day.
You can receive an award diploma the next day after posting the material.

On June 12, our country celebrates an important public holiday - the Day of Russia. This holiday symbolizes freedom and justice, unites everyone who loves their homeland, is proud of its thousand-year history, the richest cultural and spiritual heritage of Russia.

Today we bring to your attention a competition dedicated to the holiday "Day of Russia".

We will be glad if our competition will help its participants to open up and show their talents and creative abilities.

The order of the Competition:

You can download the competition regulations here.


The competition is held for educational institutions of any type and kind. Pupils of any preschool institutions. Students of grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and any other educational institutions.

Categories of participants:

Competition nominations:

Nomination "Drawing"

Nomination "Decorative and applied art"

Nomination "Poster"

Conditions of the competition:

Only one work per nomination is accepted per contestant. The work must have a title and a short description. The format of the attached photos is jpg. The size of the file with the work should not exceed 10 MB.

Participation rules:

  1. Required (a teacher or a parent of the participant can register).
  2. Carefully read the distance competitions.
  3. Print the receipt and pay the registration fee for participation in any way convenient for you. The registration fee for participation is 90 rubles for each participant. Organizational fees for a group of participants are paid by the Curator in one receipt for the total amount.
  4. IMPORTANT! A copy of the receipt must be attached to the application REGARDLESS OF THE METHOD OF PAYMENT. If you pay for participation with electronic money (Kiwi, Yandex-Money, etc.), YOU SHOULD HAVE A RECEIPT. In the section of our site you can find out where and how you can find a copy of the receipt when paying with electronic money.
  5. Prepare the work in accordance with the requirements for registration of competitive works
  6. Follow the link specified in the Regulations of the event you have chosen to download the competition work.
  7. Carefully fill in all columns of the competitive application. Be careful when filling out the form for uploading a competitive work. The data you enter will be used in the preparation of incentive documents.
  8. Upload the competition work, following the recommendations indicated in the section.

For preschoolers - help in filling out and sending the form with a competitive work is provided by parents or tutors.

Requirements for uploading competitive works:

  1. Acceptance of works for participation is carried out only by self-filling an electronic application on our website. Materials sent to us by e-mail will not be published.
  2. All fields of the application must be filled in.
  3. The size of the file with the work should not exceed 10 MB.
  4. After successfully uploading the files, you will receive a notification to the email address specified in the application that the work has been accepted for consideration. Works are published on the site within 3 days from the date of acceptance of the work for consideration.
  5. The administration of the ART-Talent Academy reserves the right to refuse participation in the competition if the submitted materials do not meet these requirements. If the application is rejected or if it is necessary to make changes, the Authors of such works will be sent a message to the email address specified in the application.

Encouragement of the winners:

The jury determines the Winners of the competition, who took I, II, III places and the Laureates of the competition.

The winners are awarded with Diplomas of the Winner of the All-Russian remote creative competition.

Laureates are awarded with Diplomas of the Laureate of the All-Russian remote creative competition.

Teachers who have prepared the Winner or Laureate of the competition are awarded with Teacher Diplomas.



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