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In this article, we will talk about what is comfort zone. Surely, you have repeatedly heard this term, and perhaps you have read publications and books on this topic. If so, then you probably know that you definitely need to get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve some results. We'll tell how to make it easy for yourself, and also expand the essence of the concept of "personal comfort zone".

In fact, the concept discussed in the article has very little to do with everyday comfort (an apartment, a car, delicious food, good clothes, and so on). In psychology, the term “comfort zone” does not mean everyday life. This is a personal comfort zone, that is, internal boundaries in which a person feels stable, comfortable and safe. That is, the psychological comfort zone is not the one where it is comfortable, but the one where it is familiar and where we feel safe. This is its main paradox. Let's show how it works with a couple of examples.

Uncomfortable, but familiar, or How the comfort zone works

  • For some, the comfort zone is suffering (especially often this phenomenon occurs among women). Therefore, they subconsciously choose such partners and such relationships in which they have to suffer, endure humiliation, neglect, and sometimes physical violence. From the point of view of logic, it is difficult to imagine that someone voluntarily went for this. However, in practice, such situations occur all the time.

    Here the script laid down in childhood works: to get happiness, you need to earn it and suffer. Such women, although they feel deeply unhappy, are in their usual state of suffering. They perceive this state as comfortable and safe., although in principle there is no question of comfort (and sometimes safety). But the feeling of happiness is uncomfortable for them, so they in every possible way avoid relationships and men with whom they can inadvertently become happy.

  • For representatives of the strong half of humanity, war can be a comfort zone. It is not uncommon for a person who has gone through hostilities to be out of work in civilian life, but once again in a hot spot, he again feels like a fish in water, that is, comfortable.
  • It also happens that people experience discomfort if they suddenly start making good money (themselves or their significant other) or, for example, receive an inheritance. The fact is that since childhood they have been
    instilled the habit of poverty. Let's say that the parents were convinced that the only way to earn big money was dishonestly. This point of view is fixed in the child at a subconscious level. and poverty becomes his comfort zone.
  • Another very common example is an unloved job that brings neither moral nor material satisfaction. But it can also be a comfort zone. Therefore, a person has been working for decades in the same place for a penny, so long as there is no need to change anything and take any action.

    As you can see, the areas that our internal zone of personal comfort extends to may be completely different, but often this comfort is illusory, preventing us from developing and being happy.

    Escape from the zone, or why you don’t want to leave the comfort zone, but you have to

    Albert Einstein wrote: “It is foolish to do the same things and hope to get a new result.” In other words, to achieve something and reach a new level, you need to do something that you have not done before and therefore leave your comfort zone. This is what most psychologists think. Otherwise, life can turn into a stagnant swamp (albeit cozy and familiar), and this is a direct path to degradation. Moreover, unresolved problems will only get worse over the years, and you will have less and less resources to solve them.

    A moment of humor, or related jokes:

    • For many, the comfort zone is so wide that it extends to the entire sofa.
    • People advising to get out of the comfort zone, please explain first how to get there!
    • What is psychology? This is when a person living in California advises a person living in Magadan to get out of their comfort zone.

    However everything new scares us because it inevitably involves risk. A person is seized with anxiety: “What if what was planned does not work out and becomes even worse than it was? What if I fail, and I will be considered a loser? It is these doubts and fears that stop so many. People begin to come up with all sorts of reasons because of which they allegedly cannot decide to change their lives - there is no time, no money, the children are small. But these are all just excuses. (For more on this topic, see Paul McLean's Three Brain Model article.)

    In such situations, there two modes of behavior - proactive and reactive. In the first case, we take responsibility for what happens to us. In the second, we shift it to external circumstances. The second path is often chosen by those who are prone to victim syndrome or, for example, delayed life syndrome. At the same time, in words, such people often say that everything will change soon: tomorrow, from Monday, from the New Year, etc., but in reality everything remains the same.

    Of course, each of us has our own character, situations and the comfort zone itself. However, one can bring some universal tips on how to get out of your comfort zone. Let's consider them in more detail.

    Decide on a goal

    First of all, you need to clearly understand what exactly do you want to achieve and why do you need it. People rarely step out of their comfort zone at all - in most cases it is done for the sake of something. Moreover, such “something” can be both significant and not very significant. The degree of significance
    that is, the moral, material and temporal efforts expended to achieve the goal are evaluated only by the person himself, because what is easy enough for one may be a big problem for another.

    In any case, when planning to get out of your comfort zone, decide how can the goal be achieved. Try to make a plan for exactly how you want to do it, and the more similar it is, the better. It is very important to understand which of the above is not within your usual framework and meets the greatest resistance on your part. This will need to be worked on in the future.

    Find enough motivation

    In order for the exit from the comfort zone to be, as they say, comfortable, you need clear motivation. For example, you want to learn a foreign language, go in for sports or dance, get new profession. First, honestly answer yourself the question “Why?”. For some, this is a desire for
    recognition and increase in authority, for someone the realization of one's abilities or the opportunity to help people, for someone a way to win love and respect, for someone - to earn money or become famous.

    Everyone has their own motivation, but it should be. And the more serious the changes, the greater the motivation should be. It helps to "push" the fear of change, gives strength and desire to move on to action, even if they seem quite difficult or unusual. That is why sufficient motivation will allow you to leave the familiar, comfortable zone with minimal fluctuations.

    If you do not have a clear answer why you are doing this, but your actions literally force you to transgress through yourself, then most likely you will quickly get tired of it. So, there is a high probability that in the end you will quit this occupation.

    Of course, there are times when people begin to learn new knowledge and skills just for fun, without any apparent purpose or reason - but for them, getting such pleasure is motivation. In addition, they no longer leave their comfort zone by signing up for regular courses - this is a completely familiar environment for them. Similarly with those who change jobs, partners, etc. too often.

    Graduality is important

    More important point: you need to understand that one jerk to leave the comfort zone, most likely, will not succeed, especially if you have not made any attempts to exit it before. And if you succeed, it will be the strongest stress that can drive you back and discourage further attempts. It's better to move gradually, step by step by gaining some experience. So you can slowly reach a new level: master new knowledge, change jobs, etc. Therefore, many psychologists prefer to speak not so much about getting out of your comfort zone, but about expanding it. The effectiveness of this process depends on how clearly you plan your steps at each stage and follow the planned plan, which we talked about above.

    To make it easier to leave the comfort zone in the desired “direction”, you can start by gently expanding it in other aspects. For example, change basic daily activities- do them differently than you are used to. For example, you can take a different route home or go to a store you have never been to before, cook a new dish or visit an unfamiliar place, buy clothes in an unusual style for you, or foods that you have never eaten before. In a word, constantly try new and unusual things. This will allow you to feel the "taste" of novelty, to understand that it does not always bring something bad, and most importantly, it will give you pleasure from something that you have not done before.

    As a next step, we can suggest courses, circles and clubs on topics that interest you for which you have not signed up before, because ... (insert as appropriate). For example, because you do not like to communicate with strangers, do not like to do anything in public, are afraid that you will not cope with the program, etc. At the same time, good courses / clubs are able to dispel these fears and - again - give you the joy of gaining new knowledge, solving difficult problems, and most importantly, that you have finally signed up for them. Not to mention that the acquired knowledge and skills can become a path to gaining new work and other positive developments.

    Some experts advise not to stop expanding your comfort zone and constantly work in this direction: to study and try something new. According to them, this will give flexibility, help to use more opportunities, including random ones, and in general will make life brighter.

    Don't go to extremes

    There is an opinion: "If a person is afraid of something, he must definitely do it." Perhaps in some cases it is, but, of course, you should not rush to extremes. If you are afraid to walk alone through the city at night, especially if the area in which you live is, to put it mildly, dysfunctional, then there is no need to tempt fate. But if, for example, you are embarrassed to speak in front of an audience or ask strangers, but at the same time want to work with people, then you need to train this particular skill until it becomes comfortable for you. In a word, don't forget about common sense and calculate the risks.

    Age is not a hindrance

    It is believed that in youth, when a person is more receptive to everything new, leaving the comfort zone is less painful. Of course, in general, this is often the case, but not always and not for everyone. The fact is that the rigidity or flexibility of our internal boundaries and the degree of adaptation to reality is largely due to the type of nervous system, and it does not depend on age.

    Therefore, some people are quite conservative even in their youth, while others continue to learn something, develop new areas of activity, enjoy changes, have an interest in life and gain experience until old age, despite their age. If you are not one of those lucky people by nature, you don't care it is worth constantly expanding the boundaries of your comfort zone, no matter how old you are. Because real life begins where the comfort zone ends.

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    Taking any course on efficiency, self-realization, planning, achieving goals, you will absolutely hear an offer to leave the comfort zone, which, like a swamp, has dragged you in and keeps you in its sticky paws, preventing you from moving forward and fulfilling your dreams. But is everything so clear?

    AT website figured out what is so toxic in the comfort zone that you must definitely get out of it.

    What is a comfort zone?

    The comfort zone is a state of psychological security, when stability and confidence in the future allow you not to make extra efforts to achieve your goals.

    The comfort zone is NOT:

    • a comfortable home (a super-comfortable expensive sofa can cause stress for people with low self-esteem who consider themselves unworthy of such a quality thing);
    • decent salary in the desired position (subordination to two leaders, blurry official duties can keep a person in constant stress);
    • peace in the family (often peace is silence or avoidance of problems that destroy the family).

    It is rather a measured life with clear rules and expected results. That is, the comfort zone may well be on unloved job with a low salary and a grumpy wife at home, if all this suits a particular person.

    According to coaches and all kinds of motivational speakers, the comfort zone is an extremely negative state that interferes with obtaining new experiences necessary for development. But is it? Let's look at this statement using the example of great people.

    Who hasn't stepped out of their comfort zone?

    Immanuel Kant. Lived measuredly for 80 years, taking daily walks through the streets hometown. The inhabitants of Koenigsberg even checked their watches on it, his days were so verified. And what a scale of personality! I wonder what humanity would lose if Kant once decided to move to Australia, for example.

    Vasily Belov. A Russian writer who rarely left his native village Timonikhu and worked happily, so much so that people from other countries came to him!

    Richard Proennek. An American hermit naturalist who did not leave his cabin built high in the mountains of Alaska for 30 years. Due to the fact that he shot all his research on film, a multi-part documentary film, a series of books and several important articles in the field of meteorology and biology appeared.

    It turns out that it is quite possible to live productively in one place, doing the usual things? Those. smoothly climb Maslow's pyramid without changing anything?

    It's all about the pyramid

    Let us briefly recall the main point: a person cannot experience needs high level while in need of more primitive things. A hungry artist will paint, earning food, the physiological need for which will occupy all his thoughts, and this is not about talent. A homeless musician will play mediocre music to find a roof to sleep in (need for security), etc. As much as a person wants to skip a step without having met all their basic needs, their thoughts will return to simpler things again and again.

    The pyramid of needs is often taken too literally. Did not eat - did not create a masterpiece. This is not entirely true. Here, rather, more about human efficiency. You can write brilliant works, but doing it slowly, long and tedious, if you have to work in a factory for days and days and earn your living. And you can write bestsellers in whole series if this is your only job and task.

    Let's look at an example of the usual scenario of an ardent follower of the advice to get out of the comfort zone.

    A man lived for himself, worked as an accountant, in the evenings he wrote children's stories that he dreamed of publishing someday. And suddenly he decided to step out of his comfort zone after watching a video with another motivational speaker. Following the example of a large number of people on Instagram, he quit his job, sold his apartment and moved to Bali to create and realize himself as a person. That is, he nullified the pyramid. But in Bali, too, you need to find a job that supports your pants, pay bills, rent a house. It turns out that again we cannot devote all of ourselves to such a coveted work, because again we need to create a comfort zone, build a pyramid, and this time from scratch! We have destroyed a valuable resource that kept our peace of mind and put ourselves in a lot more stress. Stocks of dopamine from the excitement of moving will soon run out, and getting a new one is postponed indefinitely. Doubtful happiness, right?

    It turns out that the comfort zone is an important component of our success, which is worth expanding, not leaving. Where we are comfortable and we can be ourselves, dreams turn into step-by-step goals. Yes, you can live in a one-room apartment with five of you, and this will be your uncomfortable comfort zone. But it is there that you can sit down and think about how and where to go further, because you have a rear, and these are the closed two lower steps of the pyramid.

    Outright harm

    Few people know that his dull everyday life and lack of energy can be not only the result of low motivation, but also manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome, which affects only about 2% of the population, but nonetheless. If you are “lucky” and are in the 2%, then the generally accepted concept of “getting out of your comfort zone” will not only not help, but will also greatly aggravate your condition. Therefore, if you do not feel well and your goal is not to achieve something extremely difficult, but simply to feel a taste for life, you should first consult a doctor and understand if the syndrome rules your life for an hour, and only then, when the diagnosis is excluded, think about how to do it right.

    But how is it right?

    That's right - to realize the reason for the need to exit by asking yourself a few simple questions:

    • Are you ready for the money earned by your new calling to be spent on doctors?
    • Are you ready for the fact that your works will either not be recognized by society at all, or will be, but posthumously?
    • Are you ready for the fact that your “exit” will not be supported by your family and you will have to become a lonely pioneer without a rear?

    You can’t answer such questions quickly, you need time and an internal dialogue in external silence.

    But if your plans are not so grandiose and you just want to diversify your life, then this is not a way out of your comfort zone, but a healthy desire for positive emotions and impressions, which has nothing to do with a global exit.

    Psychiatrist Abigail Brenner argues that the generally accepted concept of “getting out of the comfort zone” means nothing more than a banal expansion of this very zone. Changing jobs is not a way out of the comfort zone, it is a change in the source of income. You do not quit your job, you are looking for another, more comfortable job that meets your expectations in parallel with yours. The cardinal change of the profession of a welder to a florist is not a way out of the comfort zone, but an entry into it, because as soon as you realize yourself fully there.

    The fears that arise in the process of all these changes are our constant companions. They are inherent in us by nature to protect the psyche. You can be afraid of new obligations and six days at work as an accountant, or you can be afraid of the opinions of others on your desire to become a children's writer. But that's why we are reasonable people, to be flexible and consistent. You don’t need to rush off to a new country to get an “emotional stroke” there, you can go there on vacation and at the same time find out what and how. Where is the exit from the comfort zone? You are on vacation.

    How do you feel about small changes in your life? Do you add drama to them or do you step onto a new level with a light heart?

    The comfort zone is a certain area of ​​the psychological and living space of a person, characterized by feelings of familiarity and security, the preservation of cause-and-effect relationships and stable confidence in the future. The zone of personal comfort may have a rigid framework or rather mobile boundaries, which is determined by the type of nervous system and the peculiarities of human interaction with reality.

    The personal comfort zone has no connection with the external comfort provided by the material world, it is an internal concept, a kind of framework for where a person feels safe. For some, gilding on the walls and a salad for a hundred euros can be a necessary part of everyday life, while for another person it will be emotionally more comfortable to eat a hot dog in a park on a bench and live in a tent - these are two different material comfort zones and if their representatives are swapped , then they will experience the same level of stress and unusual sensations.

    Comfort zone in psychology

    This space is a significant value for most people and reflects the desire for stability and strengthening the situation of satisfaction. Despite this, the comfort zone is a positive concept, only when a person strives for it, having fallen into such a state of predictable and reliable satisfaction, the incentive for development and striving forward disappears, since the need to change anything disappears. In addition to his capable personality, a person who has fallen into a comfort zone for a long time may experience certain infringements and harassment, sacrificing, for example, his own emotional state for the sake of preserving the family, or the quality of recreation and standard of living for the sake of a stable, but low-paid job.

    People continue to be in not quite suitable, but familiar and stable conditions, because immediately outside the comfort zone, the risk zone begins, which means danger, uncertainty, trials, the need to turn on the brain, learn new things, cope with unfamiliar situations, and also experience defeat. The reluctance to lose a little, even if not very valuable for many, outweighs the new opportunities that come with it.

    Leaving the comfort zone is always associated with development, and not always with losses and uncomfortable self-awareness. Personal development, as a process, is natural and, accordingly, comfortable; only the person himself can make it unbearable by being stuck in a pleasant environment for a long time or taking on a task beyond his strength. The whole system is built on the correct assessment of one’s level and the feeling of the amount of internal resources. personal development, where you periodically need to leave the comfort zone or return to it to replenish resources.

    The comfort zone is used as psychological concept precisely because it reflects the psychological comfort of a person. This zone is determined by conditional boundaries, but by a state of mental relaxation and peace, in which habitual stereotypical actions, stereotyped judgments are usually performed (how to reach the refrigerator in your apartment at night or close the door automatically). Experts note that a sense of security and stability are the only positive characteristics of such situations and events, and in the future there is a deterioration in the human condition, since the desire for active action completely atrophies. Such relaxation leads to stagnation and inevitable degradation, aggravation of existing problems.

    The most frequent companions of a person who has reached a comfortable state and is not going to look for a way out of the comfort zone is the absence and work on own development. If for a long time the situation does not develop in such a way that there will be a forced need to leave the greenhouse conditions, then conscious activity is gradually turned off, the person begins to live on autopilot, which leads to a strong regression. Usually, for someone who has been in a comfort zone for a long time, even the slightest step outside of it becomes a serious stress. So, a person is able to fall into a serious stress disorder due to a change in office, where everything has become unusual (one can imagine what a state of practical and helplessness a job change can drive such a person into).

    The ability to expand or contract your comfortable environment(it is not a stable established structure) important role takes the presence of interest or who meets a person at the border. If acquaintance with the unknown is supported by interest, then there are chances for a rapid expansion of former boundaries and mastery of new life strategies. Fear, on the other hand, paralyzes or forces a person to further narrow his circle of comfort. Advances in one direction or the other are reasonable while maintaining smoothness and gradualness, since with a sharp fall into a completely unfamiliar situation, a person remains disoriented and helpless - this leads to a violation and.

    Leaving the comfort zone as a desire for new experience and verification of the world around is directly related to the growing up of the personality, and for the child the boundaries of his comfort are translucent, he easily tries new things, contacts with the unfamiliar. The experience gained is stored and remembered, things appear that are recognizable as good and dangerous, a set of rules is developed to ensure one's survival and development.

    By the middle of life, most people cease to experience irrepressible interest in the surrounding reality, believing that they have known all the laws of this world and stop developing, remain in the chosen pleasant conditions, it is from this moment that aging and degradation begin. But this is not so much related to age, but to psychological characteristics, those people who grow up in a psychological sense all their lives and do not stop in their development, leave the boundaries of their own comfort quite mobile (the Internet is replete with examples of pensioners who give odds to young people in their travels and experiments). ).

    There is also a narrowing of the comfort zone, especially in people with addictions (chemical or religious, working or relational), when almost all life comes down to one thing, and there is no opportunity to change (due to fear, inability to mature actions). hide from real life for faith and its dictation, for one's own security or other things, but whatever the reason, this leads to a departure from real life and a collision with one's own.

    Brian Tracy - comfort zone

    Brian Tracy is the most popular specialist (among readers for sure) on the introduction into practice of methods leading to. He spent considerable time (about several decades) to determine the leading factors in and wrote a book on motivation, with various methods of managing time resources with increasing one's efficiency, where he determined the ability to get out of the comfort zone as the leading development factor.

    Brian Tracy has twenty-one ways to improve your performance to help you focus on your chosen activity and immerse yourself in self-development, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. The first rule, which is reflected in all the rules of Brian Tracy's theory, is to focus on the one most important task and complete it completely, despite the lack of interest or the presence of many ongoing minor needs. Such an approach forces a person to face the limitations of their own comfort - those who are used to developing and working will easily overcome the lack of concentration, while those who are accustomed to indulgences and self-pity can experience overload comparable to a beginner in the gym.

    A theory about the need to determine the most significant tasks and fulfill them is derived. Avoiding the expansion of the comfort zone can manifest itself in the constant loading of unimportant, but constant routine activities, from which changes do not occur, but time is wasted. A person chooses a similar strategy so as not to embark on unfamiliar activities or out of fear of finding himself in a new reality, after completing the main tasks is an individual matter, but the systematization of affairs and awareness of the results of inactivity can outline a picture of the immediate development of the situation.

    The book helps to distribute one's energy in such a way that setting unknown tasks in one's performance does not lead to stress and rapid depletion of personal resources, and accordingly helps to authentically and effectively engage in the process of one's personal development, avoiding alarming overloads when leaving comfortable conditions (which is inevitable for changing the situation). ).

    How to get out of your comfort zone

    The normal state of the human psyche is the desire for comfort and development, but these concepts are not compatible in one time period, since any development involves stress and attention, acting in unusual conditions. But the meaning of development always lies in applying the experience gained to stabilize the situation. Thus, it turns out that a person has an inherent desire to enter the comfort zone, stay in it to accumulate resources and consider the situation for improvement, and then exit it to develop and gain new experience that improves the comfort zone, and return to it.

    Leaving the comfort zone for the sake of new fashion trends is useless and destructive, this phenomenon in itself is quite natural and does not require extra efforts and the creation of an artificial situation. Each person has been faced with a similar state since childhood - we learn to walk, speak, write, in principle, any acquired skills contain an element of a temporary exit from a comfortable state in order to improve its quality. Such a process is called development, but the preservation of the existing order of things for the sake of stability and ease of existence is degradation. Development has nothing to do with breaking oneself or violence, this process originates from an internal craving for change and knowledge. Therefore, behind any exit from the comfort zone there should be an inner personal meaning of a person in this event, as well as in leaving the house (the reason is not so important - a vital operation or a desire to breathe autumn leaves- the main thing is that a person sees his own meaning of what is being done).

    Thus, if there is an inner meaning, then fear is replaced by interest or anxiety, and knowledge of needs helps not to completely plunge into the risk zone, but to leave yourself comfortable islands that you can rely on and get a place to replenish the resource. For example, if it is important for a person to change jobs, then it is worth leaving old friends and not changing the situation in the apartment at the stage of adaptation - this tactic helps not to fly into a disorienting environment, but gradually expands the boundaries of one's comfort, which contributes to their longer fixing. If you change everything radically, then the level of anxiety can go off scale so much that it will return you to its original state, if it does not throw you back in terms of what you have achieved.

    Excessive workload can reduce motivation, and the presence of prolonged discomfort will force you to abandon your plan. Therefore, get out of comfortable conditions gradually, let it happen a little longer, but with a feeling of lightness. Dose the discomfort, periodically returning to a pleasant state, perhaps gradually increasing the time.

    Thus, the main direction of your activity should not be aimed at leaving your comfortable state of mind, but at the smooth expansion of those areas where you can feel familiar, and the best assistant here is not fear or compulsion, but interest. It may not be direct, play with your motivation - because if it is impossible to learn a language, then you need to find why you personally need it (for example, fall in love with some foreigner).

    Hi all! Want to learn how to get out of your comfort zone? Then keep reading. Below I will talk about 100 ways to get out of balance and start developing.


    Then let's go!

    No. 1. Speak in front of an audience

    Are you afraid to speak when dozens or even hundreds of eyes are directed in your direction?

    According to psychiatrists, 95% of the world's population has a fear of public speaking. Your goal is to overcome it and get out of your comfort zone.

    You don't have to speak in front of a crowd. You can speak during a meeting in front of colleagues or in front of a group of friends.

    No. 2. Start running in the morning

    When I went for a run for the first time, I was a little scared because I thought what other people would say about me. Suddenly my acquaintances will see me and think that I'm crazy, since I'm running so early.

    Over time, I overcame this fear and stopped paying attention to passers-by.

    If you start running in the morning, you will kill two birds with one stone:

    1. Fight laziness.
    2. Overcome the fear of judgment.

    You are provided with a way out of your comfort zone.

    Number 3. Meet a new person

    Better yet, make it a habit to meet a new person every day.

    How to do it:

    • start a conversation with the person sitting next to you on the bus;
    • say hello to the cashier and ask for his name.

    Stop doubting and start doing.

    No. 4. travel

    No money or time to start traveling?

    No problem. Set aside 2-3 hours on the weekend and go to a nearby town or nearby forest.

    No. 5. Go in for sports

    Start pumping the press or push-ups, buy a subscription to the gym.

    No. 6. Read a book

    If you already read, then change the genre of books.

    Do the same with movies.

    No. 8. Start blogging

    Share your thoughts with Internet users. Don't be afraid to be judged or misunderstood. Just write at least a couple of lines every day.

    No. 9. Change your daily routine

    If you are a night owl, try getting up early. If it's a lark, it's too late.

    No. 10. Ride a bike without hands

    Find a flat surface without cars. Accelerate to 15-20 kilometers per hour, put your hands down and that's it - you're off.

    Don't look around until you get used to riding with no hands. Be ready to grab the steering wheel.

    No. 11. Try a new dish

    If you're used to eating french fries, order a salad next time.

    If you cook at home, then try to make dishes of foreign cuisine.

    No. 12. Smile at people

    Smile at passers-by, colleagues, friends and family members. It will be difficult at first if you previously wore a mask of indifference.

    I myself can not get rid of the habit of walking with a pout.

    No. 13. Change the music in the playlist

    Try a new style of music.

    If you usually listen to pop music, turn on rock for an experiment.

    No. 14. Have a Good Deeds Day

    During the day, do only good deeds.

    Make way for the elderly, move grandmothers across the street, share and smile. No sarcasm or show off.

    No. 16. Arrange a challenge - a day without the Internet

    Turn off all gadgets and try to do without them. Find activities that don't require internet access.

    No. 17. Choose a different route

    To school or to work. To the university or to the store.

    If you are driving public transport, take another bus.

    No. 18. Get to work by bike

    Instead of driving, try cycling to work. Breathe in fresh air and cheer up before the work day.

    No. 19. Don't argue

    If you often argue and bring disputes to a conflict, show restraint next time.

    Do not respond with rudeness to obscenities and insults. Just stand still and wait until the other person calms down.

    No. 20. Throw out unnecessary things

    Do you have things that you don't use and don't want to throw away?

    I have. For example, old success diaries, a broken quadcopter, unnecessary pieces of paper, notes, etc.

    I do not want to throw them away, but I need to make room for new acquisitions and get out of my comfort zone.

    No. 21. Have a picnic at night

    In nature, on the banks of the river or the sea. Or in the yard.

    Lay out the tablecloth, put the products. Eat and enjoy the beauty of the night sky.

    Don't worry about what the neighbors will say. In this world, your opinion is important and no one else's.

    No. 22. Go hiking

    Buy a tent and go camping. It is not necessary to go into the forest or travel 100 kilometers from home. The main thing is that from the place where you will spend the night, it would be difficult to get to the nearest settlement.

    No. 23. Buy some chalk and make a drawing on the road

    Write: “Dear drivers, have a safe journey. Your…” And draw a smiley face.

    No. 24. Approach an unpleasant person and give him a compliment

    Do you have friends with whom it is unpleasant to communicate? Well, go up to one of them and say: "Hi, you look good today."

    No. 25. Dance on the roof

    Or anywhere else. For example, near a monument or near a fountain, in front of passers-by.

    No. 26. Host a Chili or Onion Eating Contest

    Who will eat more? You or your friends? Check.

    No. 27. Embrace a stranger

    And tell him something nice.

    No. 28. Rent a tandem

    Bicycle for two, three or even four people. Try to ride it and call your friends.

    No. 29. Go dine alone

    Don't take anyone with you.

    I remember I went to pancake sushi alone. I ordered a pancake and sat down to wait. It was unusual to see that everyone was sitting with someone, and I was alone.

    No. 30. Call your parents and tell them you love them

    I still don't dare to do this. I'm not used to telling my mother: "I love you."

    No. 31. Have lunch in a new place

    If you go to drink coffee and have a bite to eat in the same cafe, then next time go to a restaurant where you have never been.

    No. 32. send flowers

    For no reason. Place a bouquet of flowers on someone's doorstep.

    No. 33. Ask your boss for a raise

    Enter his office and start talking about why he should promote you. Be firm and give good reasons. For example, you the best worker or make more colleagues.

    No. 34. Send 5 postcards to friends

    Write on the cards why they mean so much to you. And then mail it in an envelope.

    No. 35. Stay up all night

    In order not to fall asleep, go to the city center and find entertainment there.

    No. 36. Try on all the clothes in the store and go home

    Don't care what the sellers think.

    No. 37. Arrange a photo session and post a photo on Instagram

    Do not hide interesting events that have happened to you. Millions of bloggers post something worse.

    No. 38. Drive a car without clothes

    I disclaim responsibility for what may come out of this.

    No. 39. Jump into the water dressed

    Dry it off anyway.

    No. 40. Sleep outside

    Take the couch outside or spread out a blanket. Fall asleep admiring the stars and the moon.

    No. 41. Go where you can't be

    Get into the abandoned house. Enter the door that says No Entry.

    No. 42. Do something extreme

    Jump from a parachute. Climb up the tree. Rope jump off the bridge.

    No. 43. Put on strange clothes

    For example, shorts when it is +15°C outside.

    No. 44. Rent a Porsche

    Or another expensive car. Ride around the city and brag to your friends.

    No. 45. Go out for a walk at night

    Go to the city center or just walk under the streetlights.

    No. 46. Go to a restaurant and convince the chef to cook a special meal for you

    If the restaurant serves baked potatoes with chicken, order fried potatoes.

    No. 47. Attend a course or seminar

    For example, for making money on the Internet, writing skills or public speaking.

    No. 48. Post video on Youtube

    No. 49. Eat a bug

    The Chinese eat insects! Why are you worse? Getting out of your comfort zone is not that hard.☺


    No. 51. Grow your stubble

    Don't shave for a few days.

    No. 52. Draw a pattern on your nails

    And be like that all day long.

    No. 53. Sing karaoke

    Turn on your favorite song and sing it loudly.

    No. 54. Feed the homeless

    Take to the cafe and listen to its story.

    No. 55. Go on a tour of the cave

    Don't be afraid - it won't collapse.

    No. 56. Dine in the dark

    Prepare dinner and turn off the lights. Now you can start eating.

    No. 57. Run a marathon

    Ask if there are marathons in your city, and take part in one of them. The minimum distance is 5 kilometers, so get ready.

    No. 58. Raise money for charity

    Get up in mall or on a busy street and raise money for charity.

    No. 59. Ask to be criticized

    Ask someone to point out all your shortcomings. You may hear something you didn't expect.

    I heard that I have a strange gait.

    No. 60. Become a child

    What are the children doing? They draw, go to the zoo, play, watch cartoons.

    Come back and you for one day in childhood.

    No. 61. Skip work, school or university

    Do what you love during this time.

    No. 62. Be alone

    If you are an extrovert.

    No. 63. Stay in company

    If you are an introvert.

    No. 64. Answer honestly

    If you are asked to rate something, say what you think. Do not be afraid to offend a person, because he himself suggested it.

    No. 65. Congratulate Veterans

    Come to their house and help with business. Chop wood, clean up, help cook dinner.

    No. 66. Order a drink and tell the bartender to surprise you

    No. 67. State your purpose out loud

    Preferably in the presence of friends. This will help you get out of your comfort zone.

    No. 68. Have a hell of a week

    • Get up at 5 am;
    • Run in the morning;
    • Eat right;
    • Read books;
    • Work towards achieving your goals.

    No. 69. Say "Yes" all day

    Watch the movie Always Say Yes for inspiration.

    No. 70. Fly on a hang glider

    The flight will cost about 2000-3000 rubles.

    No. 71. Fly in a hot air balloon

    Flight to hot-air balloon will be more expensive - about 15 thousand.

    No. 72. Hitchhike

    It doesn't matter if you drive to the nearest city or go on a trip abroad.

    No. 73. Become a blood donor

    You will not only help those in need of a blood transfusion, but also earn money.

    No. 74. Spend all your money at once

    And then try to survive.

    No. 75. Get a pet

    Cat, dog, hamster, rat or guinea pig.

    You can choose something more exotic and get a lizard or a turtle.

    No. 76. Shoot your weapon

    Go to the shooting range or ask your friends to shoot.

    No. 77. Do an experiment

    Find interesting experiments on the Internet that you can do at home. Make a volcano, grow crystals, etc.

    No. 78. Start learning a foreign language

    I teach English language. You can try Chinese - it's more difficult.

    No. 79. Walk with your eyes closed

    Start in your room. When you get used to it, walk around the house with your eyes closed.

    No. 80. Do something stupid and funny

    The best way to get out of your comfort zone is to do something stupid in front of other people. For example, dance, shout, offer passers-by to buy an elephant.

    No. 81. Climb up the mountain

    Test your willpower and endurance.

    No. 82. Change your look

    Change your hair, put on different clothes and shoes.

    No. 83. Do the usual things with the other hand

    If you are right-handed, try writing with your left hand. If left handed, then right handed.

    No. 84. Brush your teeth on one leg

    This way you can develop a sense of balance. Just don't fall and stain yourself with toothpaste.

    No. 85. get lost

    If you live in small town, then you are unlikely to get lost. But if you live in major city, then proceed as follows:

    1. Think about which part of the city you haven't been to.
    2. Go there.
    3. Try to go back without the help of a GPS navigator.

    No. 86. Quit bad habit

    If you smoke, stop smoking. If you like to overeat, then limit your portion sizes.

    No. 87. Take on the role of a teacher

    Create an online course. Record instructional videos on Youtube. Teach your child to ride a bike.

    No. 88. Sell ​​your TV

    To get out of your comfort zone, find ways to do without the "zomboy".

    No. 89. Invite a girl or a guy on a date

    If he or she refuses, nothing bad will happen.

    No. 90. Walk in the rain

    Are you afraid to get wet? Don't be afraid to dry.

    No. 91. Get on a bus with an unfamiliar route

    And get to the last stop.

    No. 92. Rearrange the furniture in the room

    No. 93. Start praising yourself

    If you are addicted to thinking negatively, then you just need to leave your comfort zone and change the way you think. Say: “I am the best. I can do that. They don't even fit me." Set yourself up in a positive way.

    No. 94. Get up early

    Benjamin Franklin got up at 5 o'clock in the morning. Warren Buffett gets up at 6:45. Donald Trump has been up since 8 o'clock. Elon Musk sleeps until 7:00.

    Note that almost all successful people do not sleep until noon, but get up early.

    No. 95. Meet the sunset

    To get out of your comfort zone, watch the sun until it sets below the horizon.

    No. 96. Ride a horse

    In city parks, horseback riding is often offered. Don't miss the chance.

    No. 97. Start Meditating

    Stop racing at the speed of thought. Learn to concentrate your mind by starting to meditate.

    No. 98. Become a volunteer

    Now every city has volunteer organizations. And if not, then you can easily create your own.

    No. 99. Find a mentor

    This is a person who will share knowledge in certain area and force you to develop in it.

    Everyone has successful people was a mentor. Warren Buffett has Benjamin Graham. Bill Gates has Warren Buffett. Steve Jobs has his father.

    No. 100. start drawing

    Even if you can't draw. Find online drawing tutorials. Anyone can learn to draw. This, like learning any skill, requires willpower and time.

    The easiest way to leave your comfort zone is to do something that is scary and unusual.

    If you follow this advice, you will constantly reach new heights.

    There is such an old and very correct saying: "The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man is looking for where it is better." And this is absolutely correct and natural. Everyone strives to make their life as convenient and enjoyable as possible. More living space, faster car, softer bed, more powerful computer. It would be complete idiocy to refuse these benefits of civilization.

    It would seem, well, what's wrong with a calm comfortable existence? You feel relaxed, there are no risks in your life, you are satisfied with the way things are going and you do not feel any need to change anything. Maybe you don't feel incredibly happy, or 100% satisfied, but at least you feel comfortable right?

    Almost always, your comfort zone is the product of self-deception. You tell yourself that there is no better alternative to your current position, that you have spent too much effort to build it, that it is already too difficult to change anything in life. You stop at one albeit quite convenient place and with your own hands nullify all the magnificent prospects of your life. The comfort zone becomes the end point of your journey for you. Why is this happening?

    you get soft

    What happens to a person who is immersed in a bath of warm water for a while? He relaxes, softens. And if such a stay is extended for quite a long time? That's right, it's deteriorating. His muscles lose their tone and very soon he will not only be able to run, but even just stand still.

    But it's not just about the body. The same thing happens with our brain.

    The lack of the need to solve complex problems leads to a dilution in the head and a loss of clarity of thought, the ability to learn and make decisions.

    You become a vegetable that moves on the same trajectory every day and performs the same tasks every day.

    Meanwhile, remember what period of your life was the most fruitful and creative for you? I am sure that these were not the most well-fed and comfortable times. Some will remember sleepless student nights, others life-threatening travels and situations, others will remember the crisis periods of their lives, when everything had to be started all over again.

    You are giving up on life goals

    Everyone, well, almost everyone, a person has somewhere deep in his subcortex that very cherished goal of his life. Yes, something from the "see Paris and die" series. The most interesting thing is that very often these goals are not so sky-high and unattainable. But something always gets in our way.

    You may never recognize yourself

    There is an opinion, and it is quite justified, that only in difficulties is the true face of a person revealed. You can live your whole life in greenhouse conditions and never know what you are really capable of. Can you really be bold and inventive? Are you really able to show patience and perseverance, or do you just think it is?

    It's time to get out of your comfort zone and understand, if only for yourself, what kind of person you really are and where lies the limit of your capabilities. I assure you that the result will surely surprise you.

    Sooner or later, the comfort zone for any person turns into a factor that hinders its development and deprives life of the thrill of sensations. Recall the most interesting moments of your life. Surely most of them are connected precisely with those moments when you did something unusual, extreme, going beyond the usual routine. Get out of your comfort zone.

    So why not do it again?


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