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Schedules are a way to control spending, because the state wants the organization's budget to depend on its needs, and not vice versa.

Customers under 44-FZ publish a plan for all purchases except those that are state secrets. Customers under 223-FZ may also not include in their plans purchases that are state secrets and purchases cheaper than 100/500 thousand rubles.

It is impossible to carry out purchases that are not included in the schedule, but changes can be made to it at any time. Customers under 44-FZ are required to do this no later than 10 days before the announcement of the purchase that has been changed.

The larger the organization, the more time it takes to plan expenses. For example, over the past year, Russian Railways announced and carried out 17199 purchases, and gymnasium No. 5 in Yekaterinburg - only 10. Schedules help customers control quotas for different types procedures, for example, for purchases from a single supplier or from SMP, and analyze how much money is left for other purchases.

What has changed since 2016?

Customers under 44-FZ will have to publish their schedules in a structured form (previously there were no strict requirements for the structure). The customer specifies:

  • name of the procurement, its description and number,
  • How will the purchase be made?
  • the initial cost of each contract,
  • additional requirements for procurement participants (if any),
  • the amount of security for the application and execution of the contract for each purchase,
  • month and year of the purchase announcement,
  • information about the banking support of the contract,
  • applying the cost criterion life cycle goods.

How will they be useful to the supplier?

Planned purchases contain less information than announced ones, but will help you not to miss interesting purchases and plan your bidding in advance.

  • You can analyze the customers of the planned purchases and potential competitors. Look at the purchase volumes and evaluate whether you can participate in it.
  • It is useful to see in which regions procurement will be carried out next year. This is how you plan your budget and think about opening branches, for example.
  • You can add a planned purchase to your favorites and monitor it. Prepare the application in advance, and when the documentation appears, just add details.
  • If you only want to participate in procurement, look in which area more purchases are planned and start from there.

23-08-2016 09:52

A company's purchasing plans are needed to control budget spending. Based on the organization's procurement plan, a schedule is formed. What does he represent? This is a table that lists all the organization's planned purchases for fiscal year. The plans of bidders under 44-FZ do not include purchases containing state secrets. For bidders under 223-FZ, the plan also does not include purchases, the price of which does not exceed 100 thousand rubles (for companies with an annual profit of more than 5 billion rubles - up to 500 thousand rubles).

In accordance with 44-FZ, the procurement schedule must have a regulated structure and contain the following information about future tenders:

  • procurement identification code;
  • name of the procurement, its description, including the initial maximum price, delivery procedure, volume of goods, works, services, advance payment, payment terms and other information;
  • additional requirements for participants (if any) and their justification;
  • method of bidding and its justification;
  • the date of the;
  • the amount of security for the application and execution of the contract;
  • information on the application of the criterion of the cost of the life cycle of a product or object;
  • information about the banking support of the contract.

The procurement schedule is drawn up for a period of at least 1 year and, at the discretion of the customer, is divided into stages. Plan - schedule is published in a single information system no later than 3 days from the date of its approval or amendment, if it does not contain information about state secrets.

According to paragraph 13 of Article 21 of 44-FZ, the revision of an already published schedule is possible if changes are made to the organization's procurement plan, as well as in the following cases:

  • increase or decrease in NMC;
  • changes in the term of the contract, the form of payment, the amount of the advance;
  • changing the term or method of bidding, canceling the purchase;
  • changes in procurement parameters after public hearings;
  • in other cases established by legal acts.

How is this useful for suppliers?

The procurement plan presents all future purchases of the organization in a visual form, and can be useful not only for customers. With it, suppliers can evaluate customers in their industry, weigh their chances of participating in planned tenders, analyze different areas of a particular industry for where more purchases will be made. Finally, the published plan gives suppliers a chance to be best prepared to participate in procurement.

* The function of searching for procurement plans for 223 - FZ

You can read more and watch video instructions on how exactly the function works.

Planning the purchase of goods is one of the most important stages in the activity of any modern institution, enterprise. It is intended for the formation of preparatory documentation if it is necessary to purchase a product, order works, services. Most topical area for municipalities, state companies. Several planning methods have been developed, which are considered within the framework of specialized educational courses. Of course, theoretical calculations are applicable in practice, the scope of their application is extremely wide. This is largely due to the requirements of the current legislation to justify the acquisitions of municipalities and government agencies.

Getting started without mistakes is the key to success

Currently, procurement planning is practiced according to Federal Law 44. This document at the federal level declares how important the procedure for drawing up a plan is. The requirements for drawing up an acquisition project first appeared in 2013, and since then the situation has certainly not become easier for individual institutions to implement. The legal regulations that are relevant today require that acquisitions be planned in strict accordance with the laws, carefully documenting every step, every operation.

Organization of procurement, drawing up a plan are tasks that, with the immutability of the law, are being solved in our time using more modern methods. This allows for increased economic efficiency result to adhere to the established norms. The procurement planning system is the key to a positive result of the entire event. It is important to analyze the needs, taking into account the amount of funds allocated to the enterprise. Of course, best option- this is the allocation of financial resources in those quantities that are required by a particular institution for the implementation of all planned transactions, but budget constraints rarely allow to realize all 100%.

Make it right

By the way, the relevance and complexity of the issue of planning procurement plans, drawing up projects is already visible from the abundance of specialized publications that have been published recently, revealing various subtle aspects and nuances of the issue. Much is due to the difficult economic situation in the state, on the basis of which the requirements of the law are being tightened, as well as control over their observance. There is also a positive side: it is possible to effectively prevent abuses, corruption, and inefficient waste of budget savings.

Annual procurement planning is the most common option. It will not be superfluous to draw up plans for a long period of time (five-year), but they are formed only in in general terms. There are also short-term plans (for example, for a month), but these reflect only the current needs of the enterprise. The annual plan is not just a list of what you need to purchase, but also a document demonstrating the prospects of the institution, its development strategy, and improving the workflow. Often attached to the plan explanatory note justifying the need for each of the above items. This allows you to prevent suspicions of abuse and prove the need for funds.

Key tasks: reviewing procurement examples

Planning, procurement may be an area of ​​responsibility that the company neglects. In such a situation, the quality of the service provided as a result of the work of the product institution will be quite low, and the terms will be lengthy. If it was not possible to work out the contract price correctly, plan the acquisition, there is a possibility of inefficient spending of funds, which can be regarded as an offense with the ensuing consequences.

Planning municipal purchases helps prevent unexpected cancellation of the operation. The initiator of the block of the transaction may be the controlling authority, the contractor or the institution itself, which suddenly discovered an error and, because of this, was forced to urgently stop cooperation by agreement. This leads to temporary losses, financial. A customer who has incorrectly executed the procurement process may face penalties. In particular, from existing laws it follows that an official who irresponsibly, incorrectly selected the method of procurement, is forced to answer: the punishment reaches 50,000 rubles.

One by one

On the modern enterprises procurement planning is carried out through a systematic approach to the issue using effective electronic, computing facilities, software systems. This minimizes the likelihood human error. The sequence of operations is the formation of a plan, its coordination with higher authorities, and the execution of the plan. Already at the preparation stage, it is necessary to justify all planned operations, check compliance with the goals set for the institution, and also standardize the purchase. The latter involves quality control of the purchased product, ordered service in relation to current requirements, expected consumer qualities. At the stage of the plan, the required amount of the product and the marginal price at which it can be purchased are analyzed.

Procurement planning management includes organizing public comment on the event. This is especially true for a number of transactions for which publicity is stipulated in the laws. There are such measures that it is simply impossible to implement without conducting a preliminary public study with an assessment of the results. Currently, to organize such a step, the most modern facilities and methods of communication, technical solutions, Information Technology.

Papers are endless!

Planning of state and municipal purchases involves the formation of a schedule, a procurement plan. The second type of documentation has been introduced since 2016. The first was practiced before, its form has remained unchanged for several years. The schedule is formed for a year. The procurement plan is drawn up for an average period and includes all the items of products needed by the institution and purchased from the supplier. Normally, such a document covers a three-year time period, since it is for this period that the budget is formed.

Planning the procurement of state employees is a particularly difficult issue. It is necessary to focus on the Federal Law adopted in 2011 at number 223. It declared the possibility of drawing up a flexible plan covering a twelve-month period. Some purchases do not need to be justified. This applies to the list that falls under the standards of the second part of the fifteenth article of the previously mentioned 44th Federal Law. State employees have the right to adjust plans in accordance with the need. There are no time limits or reasons.

All according to plan

Procurement in budget planning in the schedule format assumes as a foundation to use documentation developed over a three-year period and describing the main needs of the institution. Not every legal entity can successfully form such a procurement plan from the first time that can be translated into reality, therefore, the law stipulates the possibility of making adjustments to those documents that have already been published through a specialized information system.

Changes often need to be made as needs are identified for products that were not previously identified. Through the electronic budget, procurement planning is a fairly flexible process, new items can be added, especially if the financial possibilities for their implementation are due to savings on tenders that have already passed by the time of the adjustment. Changes may be made when prompted by the outcome of public comment, if such has been organized as a legal requirement.

Purchasing logistics

In order for procurement planning (electronic budget, driven by modern software products, provides significant assistance to specialists) was as efficient as possible, to organize events, taking into account the requirements of logistics. When drawing up a plan, you need to be guided by the needs of the enterprise, the costs associated with work processes, and storage spaces available for use. Play a role and the amount of material needed for production process the time frame in which it must be delivered. To succeed, you need to take into account the resources of suppliers, the ability to organize own production some Supplies applicable to the manufacture of the final product, the provision of services.

Formation, taking into account the entire specified procurement plan in budget planning in relation to public and private companies, allows you to establish a workflow without downtime and financial losses due to excess purchases, damage to consumables. To determine how many materials you need (namely, this indicator is the base for calculating most others), you need to master several typical calculation methods. To apply them to a specific company, you first need to collect the most complete information base on the use of similar raw materials in industry earlier.

How much do you need?

One of the procurement planning methods is to estimate the volume of products to be produced based on the customer's need for it. Knowing how significant the demand for goods is at the moment, it is possible to reasonably calculate how much raw materials will be needed. To simplify calculations, lists are formed with products, materials, take into account the time required for the supply of different items, the duration of storage. If a certain consumable can be made on your own, you need to calculate in advance how big the time costs are.

Knowing the time intervals, they estimate the gross demand for items received from the supplier, manufactured on their own. Based on it, the net requirement is determined by analyzing existing stocks, orders placed and planned production volumes. Among the orders may be those that were made earlier for the previous series of goods. When planning a new production cycle they do not need to be taken into account.

fluctuations in demand

This method of procurement planning is relevant when the consumer's interest can be described by a wave chart with repeating elements. In order to achieve smoothing, it is necessary to assess how large the actual consumption of the product for the past time period is, to identify the relationship with the indicators calculated in advance for it. For the new period, the forecast is an indicator calculated for the previous time period, to which a corrective value is added - the quantity of goods multiplied by the significance factor.

Alternative option

Another procurement planning method is deterministic. This is resorted to when it is known how long it takes to fulfill an incoming order, how much material is required for it, and in what time consumables will be delivered.

Sometimes the stochastic approach is most applicable in practice. The basis for the calculations are the methods of statistics, mathematics. By applying specialized formulas, you can estimate what demand for a product is expected, and based on this, plan the purchase of consumables.

Using the accumulated experience of the staff, you can implement a heuristic approach to procurement planning.

Everything has its time

Planning public procurement, private implies the presence of the most complete information base regarding the production process and the result of its application. It is necessary to provide analysts with access to accurate information about the movement of consumables, components, and spare parts. There should be data on all stages from the moment of researching the procurement market to the receipt of the purchased item at the warehouse.

For a logistics purchasing system to work well, you need to know what kind of materials are used in the production process. The formation of a procurement plan involves the coordinated interaction of different persons employed at the enterprise. Public procurement planning (and equally in private companies) makes it necessary to establish mutual relations between different departments, divisions, branches of a legal entity. Only carefully organized interaction makes it possible to guarantee the correctness of calculations, analysis, and the choice in favor of the optimal method of purchasing. Collaboration allows you to decide in favor of the best pricing policy, conclude a profitable contract with a supplier, track the amount of raw materials received, available, and consumed. Logistics includes control over the timing of deliveries, the placement of raw materials within the storage areas.

Nothing extra

Through the organization of procurement logistics, it is possible to achieve a minimum availability of stocks in the warehouse with an uninterrupted supply of consumable raw materials to the production process. In order for planning to be effective, it is necessary to formulate exactly which positions are required and in what volume, in what time period exactly they should be at the disposal of the workshops, how great are the possibilities of well-known suppliers. Logisticians assess the current capabilities of the warehouse, work out ways to organize the production process of consumable raw materials using their own facilities.

We buy wisely

In many ways, procurement planning is closely related to the choice of a specific format for cooperation with suppliers. Recently, the most widespread option is the design of a tender. It is equally applicable to state enterprises, institutions, and when looking for a supplier by a private trader. The concept of tender came into the economy quite a long time ago. Organization of bidding is the area of ​​responsibility of the customer, announcing the competitive conditions for the supply of a product, the provision of services. As part of the auction, those who wish can compete for the right to conclude an agreement with the customer on pre-announced conditions. The rules to which cooperation will be subject must be formulated and published in advance. To do this, complete the package tender documentation indicating the terms of all stages of mutual work. Names of products, services, prices that suit the customer are listed.

The classical tender is a procedure involving an abundance of competitors. Winning the right to conclude a contract is not easy, but the process itself is cost-effective and fair. Its organization is entrusted to the heads of the enterprise acting as a customer. The company collects a procurement commission, the composition of which is approved by the commanding staff. These specialists prepare a package of documents, draw up everything necessary for setting the conditions for public viewing. It is necessary to remember the current normative and legal acts regulating tenders and auctions.

Carefully and thoroughly

All applications received within the time frame limited by the competition must be analyzed by the participants of the procurement commission. For each of the options, a general decision is formulated: accept the proposal, appoint a potential person as a contractor, or reject the option. Deciding in favor of a specific outcome, you need to check the conditions of the competition, analyze the features of all the proposals received. The ideal outcome of the procedure is the conclusion of an agreement at the lowest possible price, subject to all the requirements and conditions of the customer. Impartiality, openness, transparency are the main advantages of such a procedure.

When formulating requirements for contractors, one should be guided not only by one's own interests, but also by average offers on the market. If the customer puts deliberately unfavorable conditions, it is unlikely that there will be those willing to sign up for such cooperation, as a result of the tender, not a single application will appear. In order not to find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, leading to a disruption in the timing of deliveries, it is necessary to formulate adequate proposals. One of the ways that have been resorted to more and more often lately is to set the conditions that are maximum possible for the customer. Each potential contractor offers his own options, corresponding in price or more affordable, and already on the basis of an analysis of all applications received, you can choose the most successful way of cooperation.

How do we do it?

When planning procurement in the form of a tender, you must first analyze price offers market, compile a consolidated base of quotations by comparing different suppliers, and then proceed directly to the organization of the competition. The accompanying documentation indicates the requirements for the price of the contract, the timing of its execution, qualification level and product quality. According to the results of the tender, each of the participants receives an individual number, the first is assigned to the winner. If he refuses to conclude an agreement, the second in the list will have priority, and so on. During the tender process, contact between the members of the commission and representatives of interested potential contractors is prohibited.

When an enterprise decides to start producing certain goods or providing services, care must be taken to ensure that the production process has all the necessary materials. Acquisition of materials can be problematic as it requires finding resources of appropriate quality at reasonable prices. Procurement logistics will help solve this problem.

The concept and main tasks of procurement logistics

Procurement logistics is a process aimed at meeting the needs of an enterprise in necessary materials. Such provision should be achieved with the maximum economic benefit.

Achieving the set goals through procurement logistics can be carried out subject to the following conditions:

  • Compliance with the terms of delivery of the necessary raw materials.
  • Control of the quantity of purchased materials and the rational need for them.
  • Ensuring the quality of production and the quality of goods.

Thus, procurement logistics is aimed at meeting the needs of the enterprise not only in resources. With its help, the correct selection of suppliers, price negotiation, control over concluded contracts, delivery times, stocks and other points are also carried out.

Ensuring production material resources can be divided into groups:

  1. Traditional supply. There is an organization of warehouses, divided into central and warehouses of supply enterprises. The disadvantage of such a system is a large amount of cash and labor costs, costs.
  2. Intermediate support. It is based on contracts concluded with intermediary firms. The advantage of this process is that there is no need to create your own warehouses, as well as organize urgent deliveries.
  3. Provision focused on the specific need of production. This process allows you to clearly control the procurement process as a whole and conclude long-term contracts.

Why do you need a procurement plan

In order for logistics to have results and efficiency, it is necessary to draw up a procurement plan that allows solving certain types of enterprise tasks:

  • calculation of needs for material resources;
  • development of a procurement method;
  • control over the price at the conclusion of the contract;
  • monitoring of quantity, quality and terms of deliveries;
  • organization of the process of correct placement of delivered materials in the warehouse.

Operating procedure

In order for the procedure for the supply of raw materials to be effective, it is necessary to follow the correct sequence of measures taken:

  • Setting the production needs for a particular raw material.
  • Preparation of the order by compiling a list of necessary materials.
  • Choosing a reliable supplier.
  • Organization of negotiations with the selected supplier.
  • Drafting and signing contracts.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of the terms of signed contracts.

The selection of a supplier may be carried out through competitive bidding or through the organization of written negotiations. Currently, the most common method for selecting a supplier is through competitive events, since most enterprises fall under the procurement law. This option is the most effective, because it allows you to control the process of choosing a supplier and further cooperation with him through open procurement. This enables the purchaser to avoid violating competition law and possible corrupt activities.

For the effectiveness of procurement operations, work must be entrusted to specialists with knowledge in economic activity, as well as versed in the procedure for concluding contracts and able to exercise control over the supply of goods and their payment.

Procurement Logistics: Video

Starting a conversation about planning the activities of a customer in the field of procurement to meet state and municipal needs, it should first be noted that the very process of planning the procurement of goods, works, services by state and municipal customers is determined by fundamental goals and principles Federal Law No. 44. Therefore, planning is aimed primarily at improving the efficiency of using financial resources and effectiveness of procurement, ensuring publicity and transparency of procurement, as well as preventing corruption and other abuses in the field of procurement to meet state and municipal needs.

From the beginning of the entry into force of Federal Law No. 44, that is, from January 1, 2014, to the present, when planning their procurement activities within the framework of the law on the contract system, customers are obliged to form a single document reflecting the customer's needs for goods, works, services, and also containing the expected timing of the procurement. It's about the schedule.

However, as is known, from January 1, 2016. order comes into effect two-stage planning, which is referred to in Part 1 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law No. 44. Two-stage planning is the formation, approval and maintenance by customers of two documents required for the implementation of procurement activities: in addition to the schedule, customers will have to form, approve and place one more document on time - the procurement plan.

Procurement plans

We remind you that Art. 16 "Procurement planning" and Art. 17 "Procurement Plans" of Federal Law No. 44 come into force from January 1, 2016. At the same time, procurement plans should be formed for a period corresponding to the validity period federal law(municipal legal act) on the relevant budget for the next financial year and planning period taking into account the provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation (part 4 of article 17 of the Federal Law No. 44). Let's look at this in more detail.

Work on the development of draft procurement plans by customers should be carried out as early as mid-2016. Due to the fact that the procurement plan, as already noted, according to the budget legislation, must be drawn up for a period of three years, it should reflect information on all purchases that the customer intends to make from 2017 to 2019 inclusive.

Thus, the first procurement plans for a three-year period should be developed and approved by customers already in 2016.

Many customers are concerned about the fact that it is quite difficult to objectively predict the needs for goods (works, services) to meet their needs for a period of 3 years. On the one hand, this is true. However, it should not be forgotten that if there is a reasonable need for an already approved and placed procurement plan, the customer has the right to make changes. At the same time, the grounds for making such changes are contained in the document determining the procedure for maintaining the procurement plan.

The requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2013 No. 1043 “On the requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans for goods, works, services to meet the needs of the subject Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as requirements for the form of procurement plans for goods, works, services ”(hereinafter - Resolution No. 1043).

So, paragraph "a" part 4 of the Requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans, approved by Decree No. 1043, it is established that state and municipal customers within the time limits established by the main managers of the budget funds of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budget), but no later than deadlines set by the highest executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation ( local administrations), form procurement plans and submit them no later than July 1 current year to the main managers of the budget funds of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (not later than August 1- to the main managers of local budget funds) to form on their basis, in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, justifications for budget allocations for procurement.

Similar, but somewhat different from the indicated deadlines, requirements are established for budgetary and autonomous institutions subjects of the Russian Federation (municipalities).

Besides, from January 1, 2016 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 552 “On approval of the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a plan for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a plan for the purchase of goods, works, services to meet federal needs” (hereinafter - Resolution No. 552).

Decree No. 552 approved:

- Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of the procurement plan goods, works, services to meet federal needs;

- requirements for the form of the procurement plan goods, works, services to meet federal needs.

In this way, from January 1, 2016 formation, approval and maintenance of the procurement plan - duty customer, as required by law.


With regard to the order of work of the customer on schedule, note the following.

The procedure for maintaining schedules is regulated by Article 21 of the Federal Law No. 44, which comes into force from January 1, 2016(with the exception of part 11, which comes into force on January 1, 2017).

So, first of all, the customer needs to know that the schedule contains a list of goods, works, services expected to be purchased to meet state and municipal needs, and is formed for the financial year in accordance with the procurement plans.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 112 of the Federal Law No. 44, the procedure and features of placement, as well as the form of schedules for 2015-2016, are defined:

1) by the joint Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Treasury No. 761 / 20n dated December 27, 2011 "On approval of the procedure for placing on the official website of schedules for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of customers and forms of plans - schedules for placing an order for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of customers”;

2) by the joint Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Treasury No. 182/7n dated March 31, 2015 “On the features of placement in a single information system or before commissioning specified system on the official website of the Russian Federation in the Internet information and telecommunications network to post information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services, schedules for placing orders for 2015 and 2016" (hereinafter - Order No. 182/7n), which entered into force May 23, 2015

Please note: Order No. 182/7n invalidated:

Joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury dated September 20, 2013 No. 544/18n “On the peculiarities of posting on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunication network Internet for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services plans - schedules for placing orders for 2014 and 2015”;

Joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury dated August 29, 2014 No. 528/11n “On Amendments to the Features of Placement on the Official Website of the Russian Federation in the Information and Telecommunication Network Internet for Posting Information on Placement of Orders for the Supply of Goods, Performance of Work, provision of services of schedules for placing orders for 2014 and 2015, approved by the joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury dated September 20, 2013 No. 544/18n.

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2015 No. 553 “On approval of the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 553).

Decree No. 553 approved:

Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs;

Requirements for the form of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs.


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