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Someone's house is clean and tidy: everything is in its place and every little thing has its place. But there are houses where they only dream of it, and all attempts to polish it end the same way: there is chaos among things, and nothing reminds of the recent cleaning. So what's the reason?

What does science say about order in your home?

Of course, those who are very interested in our glorious past say with confidence that the maintenance of cleanliness in the house was laid down in the subcortex of women in the subcortex of the brain by distant ancestors. Based on these arguments, it turns out that from time immemorial, women have only been engaged in storing in the corners everything that their valiant miners dragged into the house. Whence then the unwillingness of some women to observe purity? It turns out that the ancestors of these lovely women were also not very thrifty. Otherwise, there is simply no logic in this approach.

However, there is another approach that is more suitable for those who are more busy with a career and work than. Women who are forced to stay at home for some reason begin to realize themselves there. For them, a neatly hung towel or cleanly ironed linen on a hanger in the closet is the ultimate dream. They always smell of delicious dishes, the carpets are cleaned, the parquet is shiny, and the cat has a small bow on its head.

At the same time, lovely women who are immersed in work devote a minimum of time and effort to the house. Why do something you don't get paid for? Perhaps the mess in your house is explained precisely by this. Although after all in any chaos always there is its order. Perhaps this helps to find exactly what you need in a heap of unknown things.

Mess in the closet and porridge in the head

Tired of clutter at home? And you want to get rid of it? Then you have to start with yourself. Oddly enough, but what is around you directly reflects the world that is inside you. Therefore, the desire to end the mess in your life is best done consistently.

Of course, in a pile of papers on the table there is a sacred meaning. But is everything that lies there really necessary? The same applies to . Why are there those from which you "grew" a long time ago? But there are more than half of them, and they occupy a place that could be given to something else. Which, by the way, for some reason has not found its place in your house, and therefore is lying in heaps.

So, the first step towards order in the house is the elimination of everything superfluous and unnecessary. And do not think that cleaning is a simple matter, and you can easily cope with it in a day. Only you will disassemble the closet for more than one hour. What if he's not alone in the house? That is why, first of all, deal with the contents of chests of drawers, cabinets and mezzanines. Get ready to be ruthless and callous here. Because the blouse that you put on on the first date can cause a storm of emotions. And putting it in a box labeled "throw away" will be very difficult.

Speaking of boxes. For those who are not familiar with the film "Sex in big city", should be said, and the rest should be reminded that The best way sorting out your closets is to take three boxes and sign them as follows: store, throw away and leave. In the first place, you put something that for some reason does not suit you now, but will definitely be needed in the near future. The second group needs no explanation, however, like the last one. After such sorting, only those things that fell into the “leave” and “storage” boxes should get back into the closet. Just lay them out in such a way that they do not mix. The second point of cleaning will be things that lie outside the cabinets. It is they who should be sorted in a certain order into the vacant seats. After the space in your apartment has become larger, it's time to deal with dust and dirt.

After such cleaning, as well as after a successful diet, the most important thing is again, that is, again, do not overgrow with heaps of dirt, dust and all kinds of things. And for this, try to put everything in its place. But if habit is above all, then equip your home with special decorative baskets where you will put all your things. Then such baskets are much easier to disassemble.

And most importantly - accustom yourself to order. Although this is the most difficult of all that is described above.

Few people remain indifferent at the sight of a clean, tastefully decorated home. Such a house evokes thoughts of comfort and harmony. However, among us there are many who find it difficult or even impossible to maintain order in the house. Living with such a reality every day, the owners experience a spectrum of all sorts of feelings - from shame to complete apathy. But there are those who, without losing hope, are trying to figure out the mysteries of their own or someone else's behavior.

So, a few years ago, I was seriously puzzled by this question. In total, I counted 12 reasons why a mess can firmly sit in your home, and most of them are really related to psychological problems. So let's get started!

1. Just you not taught to keep the house in order. This is not psychology, but quite a household skill that parents had to instill in science to their children. Most likely, in most of our families, cleaning was carried out according to the “hands-on” method, that is, “Guests are coming!”, “I will finally throw this rubbish away!” or "Aren't you ashamed to be overgrown with mud?!" This is a destructive presentation of putting things in order, and only a few know about the existence of a technique of order and cleanliness. And even fewer are able to methodically pass this technique on to their descendants.

2. emotional immaturity. This is closer to psychological problems. Many people know what is needed for full physical development. These are nutrition, sports, sun and other physical factors. What does it take for a child to develop emotionally? The question is harder! Meanwhile, with early childhood the child must be taught to think that he is a full-fledged member of society who is able to take care of himself and others. In practice, however, often everyday duties, such as washing dishes, for example, are used for the purpose of punishment, which forms a negative attitude towards work. Or, on the contrary, the child is protected from any household duties in favor of studying or, even worse, entertainment: "He will still have time to work out." This is a sure way to raise an overgrown child who, at any opportunity, will shirk from work.

3. Attention to your person- the first full-fledged sign of psychological inferiority! Or another childish way of manipulation. “I can’t put on socks!”, “I can’t warm up dinner!”, “I can’t find mittens!” - “Oh, you are mine, good - let me put it on, warm it up, find it!”. And in adulthood, this goes on a large scale: money is lost, bills are not paid, the soup on the stove turns sour. In general, in any way you need to show that I am helpless, and therefore I need a “nanny” who will clean, find, serve for me.

4. Protest- this is another "hello" from childhood. Destructive ways of accustoming to order, in which rigidity, inconsistency or aggression prevailed, can result in teenage rebellion. Often this rebellion migrates into adulthood under the slogan: "I'm already an adult, I live as I want." And “I want” in defiance of the parent, that is, in disarray. Thus, a person of such a warehouse with his chaos continues to prove that he has the right to disobey his parents. Of course, there is also emotional immaturity involved here.

5. family stereotype can also interfere with a person to deal with his home. If people lived in disorder from generation to generation, while maintaining a favorable emotional climate, a person needs the same mess to feel at home.

6. Lack of ownership(toys, clothes, books) in childhood contributes to hoarding during adulthood. A person experiences a subconscious fear of returning to a state of lack of everything again, therefore he does not part with the accumulated, although unnecessary.

7. Attachment to the past also prevents a person from parting with blockages in the house. Every thing in their life is like a good friend that hurts to part with. Afraid of losing touch with the past, such people often experience fear of the future.

8.Dislike for housing blocks all attempts to start a clean life. Often the condition of a rented apartment or the life of a spouse’s parents is very depressing. No wonder, few people want to invest in someone else's property or adapt to the old man's customs.

9. If you did not learn to respect themselves- this is another way not only to trash, but also to slovenliness in appearance. The main argument of a person who does not respect himself: “Yes, it will do for me!” If you use this phrase at least occasionally, you should probably learn a little more about self-esteem, then order will come to the house faster.

10. emotional experiences do not allow a person to live in cleanliness and comfort. “I throw things around like I'm under hypnosis,” admits 30-year-old Anya. "I don't understand how this works!" In a state of emotional crisis, a person experiences a shift in priorities. Negative thoughts and feelings should have their place - like any object in the house - used, and then removed from sight. If you forgot to remove it or didn’t want to, then both negative experiences and clutter in the house begin to fill our lives. Thus, when we stop “tidying up our heads,” we stop tidying up the house.

11. Depression- This is a disease characterized by a decrease in mental and physical activity. With depression, a person loses motivation, which leads to clutter at home, and clutter at home, in turn, plunges into depression even more.

12. mental problems a frequent companion of a neglected home. For example, the so-called "Plyushkin's syndrome" is considered incurable. A person drags, mainly, all rubbish from the garbage heap, up to the complete filling of his housing. This is the most extreme and perhaps hopeless case.

The best part is that most of the causes of chronic home clutter are manageable! Each case requires an individual approach and decent motivation, but it is possible to accustom yourself to order.

If you are one of those who find it difficult to maintain order in the house, you must have wondered at least once how those who are remarkably neat do it. Well, more cleanliness in such apartments will not cause you bewilderment. People who always manage to keep order shared their secrets.

Learn to find a place

Even if you don't think you're hoarding a lot of stuff, you probably have plenty of variety on every surface. Start following the rule - one new item in the house, it's time to throw out the old one. Whenever you bring something new, make room for it by getting rid of the old and unnecessary. This will help you not to accumulate useless things.

Keep surfaces clean

Often there is not enough space in the drawer for small items, and the mess begins to spread to other surfaces that should be kept clean. Envelopes, checks and other little things instantly accumulate on the table. People who have perfect order in the house immediately begin to solve the problem. If you maintain a space in perfect order, it is not only more aesthetically pleasing, it is also easier to clean. Just don't leave anything extra on the surfaces.

Plan your cleaning schedule

A clean house doesn't just happen by magic - tidy people have a set schedule to keep everything in perfect order. They are distinguished by thoughtful rituals that allow not to accumulate dust and dirt. For example, such a person probably has a habit of vacuuming or doing laundry every Monday. As a result, the most important tasks are never left unattended.

Think about the order right away

Sometimes it’s enough to pay attention to the little things to make your home shine. Start by taking your shoes off right away. Leaving your shoes right at your doorstep prevents toxins, soil, leaves, and other contaminants from staining your floor and spreading throughout the space.

Keep things in their place

If you have too many things that don't have their place, the clutter will simply be impossible to beat. Try to come up with a special corner for each item and always send it there.

Organize step by step

People who keep their house always clean don't wait for clutter to reach a critical limit. They take a holistic approach. For example, before leaving the living room, they straighten the pillows and fold the blanket. They teach children to put toys in a box before going to bed, hang things on hangers, fold dried clothes as soon as they remove them from the dryer.

Think of interesting storage solutions

Neat people are smart about using products that help them stay organized. For example, they use a variety of organizers and containers. The transparent organizer allows you to immediately see where everything is, and makes it much easier to find the right item.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Of course, not everyone has the budget to hire professional cleaners on a regular basis. Those who still have such means have a higher motivation to maintain cleanliness - the cleaning lady will not put all things in their places, she will simply put things in order around. If you clean everything, the house will be much cleaner.

Learn to Delegate

If you do not live alone, you should understand that clutter is the result of a collective effort. Cleaning should also be a team effort. Everyone should have responsibilities, and this applies not only to adults, but also to children.

Make cleaning fun

If you don't like cleaning, you might think that it just can't be fun. However, there are always ways to get things done without focusing on them. Make cleaning more enjoyable by listening to an interesting podcast or your favorite music.

Make storage aesthetic

If you consider organization and storage as part of your interior design, you'll want to make sure everything is aesthetically pleasing. For example, you can organize a closet so that the dresses are together, jeans, sweaters, tops lie separately. Each category can be sorted by color. It looks nice, and it's much more convenient to search for things.

Wash dishes right away

If you wake up and your sink is full of dishes, your mood immediately spoils. Try to immediately wash the dishes or load dishwasher. This will make you feel more productive, and the plates will not dry out on greasy deposits, which are so difficult to wash off afterwards.

Use household items for cleaning

Don't Put Off Cleaning Just Because You Don't Have Everyone necessary items. You can clean the windows with a regular coffee filter. Remove lint from clothes or remove dust with an old T-shirt. There are many similar convenient solutions that will help you.

The house should be a place of maximum security and comfort. Yes, we have heard the opinion of scientists that "creative disorder" stimulates creativity. But, nevertheless, we believe that nothing provides comfort and relaxation more than cleanliness and order. The only pity is that you can’t clean up once and keep it that way all the time. But these 10 golden rules will definitely help you maintain order from cleaning to cleaning. Even in a house with small children.

Few people like cleaning. But there is no getting away from her. Unless, of course, you dream of living in a mountain of dust, garbage and cat hair. But it’s quite possible to stretch the time between each “general” a little. Especially if you make these 10 rules of a clean house your daily habit.

Rule 1: everything has its place

Keys, jewelry, underwear, chargers, cups, and a collection of 90s CDs - everything in the house should have its own clearly marked place. Whether it's a shelf, a box in a rack or cardboard box. This is the basic rule of any clean house. And it also greatly facilitates any search for "lost", because you always know what and where you put it.

Rule 2: put it back

The logical conclusion from the previous rule: after you use something, put it back. Wearing jewelry all day? In the evening, carefully return it to the box (even if you are going to wear it tomorrow). Combed? The brush returns to its glass. The same rule applies to children's toys. Teach your kids to put them back in the box after playing. And you yourself will not notice how this very simple habit will make your home clean.

Rule 3: Never leave dishes in the sink

As in the case of “put it back”, the dishes after eating must be returned to their place. Preferably clean. And it's easy to do: just wash it immediately after dinner or a cup of coffee, without putting it off indefinitely. It will be difficult at first, but it will become a healthy habit very quickly. And it will get rid of this unpleasant feeling “I still have to do something later”.

Rule 4: Leave nothing in the morning

It's all about household chores. Perhaps you will really solve this difficult work task much more efficiently with a clear mind, but it’s better to wash the dishes in the evening. Just like preparing yourself lunch, and at the same time clean clothes for tomorrow. These simple things will relieve unnecessary stress before work and make every morning really good.

Rule 5: Always make your bed

Yes, it's that simple. But this basic thing surprisingly sets an organized mood for the whole day. So when you get out of bed, make it up right away. And teach the same children from an early age.

Rule 6: "Is the iron turned off?"

Everyone knows this anxiety (closely bordering on paranoia), but did you forget anything when you left the house. But it will never happen if you learn to always do a basic check before going out: go through all the rooms and check all the sockets. And unpleasant doubts will disappear by themselves.

Rule 7: on the shelves

Most of us are faced with the fact that a huge amount of all kinds of pieces of paper quietly accumulates at home. Sometimes really needed. In order not to drown in this sea of ​​waste paper, get into the habit of sorting all papers into special (signed!) folders or boxes: one for working papers, another for checks and warranty cards, a separate one for children's report cards or drawings, and so on. Such sorting will save you a lot of time, nerves and space in the apartment.

Rule 8: Write down

What needs to be removed, purchased or repaired - be sure to write it down and hang the list in a conspicuous place. So you definitely won't forget. And the probability of fulfilling the plan will increase significantly.

Rule 9: Plan Your Menu

How will this affect the order in the house? Take a look in your refrigerator and you will understand! You will be surprised how much money you save and how little food goes to waste if you start planning your family menu for a few days or a week in advance. After all, now you will buy only the necessary products, and not random sweets “just in case”. An extremely useful habit that is worth acquiring right now.

Rule 10: Throw away more often

Sooner or later, even the cleanest house is filled with things. Therefore, at least once every two or three months, arrange a “disposal procedure”: review your (and children's) wardrobe, selecting things that you will no longer wear and put them up for sale or donate to charity. The same applies to the many bottles in the bathroom, cosmetics, old magazines and flyers. Believe me, breathing will become much easier. And a place in the house will appear.

And in order to put things in order not only in the house, but also in everyday life, we advise you to find out. They'll fit right in.


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