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Greenhouses not only allow you to get a crop before the onset of the season, but also provide the necessary conditions for growing crops that are unstable to environmental factors. With this design, you can afford to experiment with planting even the most capricious fruits and plants. Modern technologies allow the use of comfortable, and at the same time durable materials for its construction. Recently, gardeners have been paying particular attention to information on how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse.

A person who is faced with the issue of choosing polycarbonate for the first time will most likely need a couple of tips. First of all, the prices for polycarbonate greenhouses from the manufacturer are also of interest.


Polycarbonate is a modern solution that has replaced such traditional materials as glass and polyethylene. In stores you can find three types of it:

  • Monolithic. Represents solid sheets, with a thickness of 2 millimeters and above. He possesses high level light transmission and strength. At the same time, this type is easy to process and install, and is also absolutely safe for humans. But there is a significant disadvantage - the high price. For this reason, it is extremely rare that the choice is made in favor of monolithic polycarbonate;
  • Cellular. It is produced in the form of sheets, 6 or 12 meters in size. Your name this species received due to the presence of partitions, between which there is air. Their structure resembles honeycombs. The strength of this type is not inferior to monolithic. The level of light transmission is slightly worse, but at the same time, the existing air channels enhance the heat-shielding properties. The price of such material is much lower, and the thickness can be from 4 millimeters and above.
  • profiled. It is not as popular as the previous two, but it also deserves attention. It has a wavy structure and looks similar to ordinary slate. Most often you can meet it as a greenhouse roof. Prices for this material are in the middle segment between monolithic and honeycomb types.

Each type can be used to create a greenhouse. But the thickness of the material will depend on the criteria that the finished structure will have to have. The choice could be:

  • 4 millimeters. This is the thinnest, but at the same time affordable option. It is usually used for structures of the spring-summer period. The design must have a sufficiently large number of supporting arches, so this material is more often used for the construction of compact greenhouses. If the area is characterized by aggressive weather conditions, such as gusty winds or frequent showers, then it is better to give preference to a thicker material;
  • 6 millimeters. This thickness does not provide much difference from the first view. But this species can withstand more severe external influences. For example, hail medium size will no longer cause serious damage;
  • 8 and 10 millimeters. Many consider this thickness to be the most optimal for building a greenhouse. It is suitable for a winter type of construction, but not suitable for small structures. The advantage is that you can increase the distance between the supports, due to this, more light is supplied.

When choosing a quality greenhouse, it is better to focus on a structure with a polycarbonate thickness of 6 millimeters or more.

If it is difficult to make the final choice of material, you can read the reviews of summer residents living in the area.


The stability of the structure directly depends on the material of the frame and its installation. The best choice becomes a metal frame. It can be made from the following materials:

  • Steel pipe. It is characterized by high strength and stability. You can install directly on the ground without a foundation. The disadvantages may be the high price and heavy weight, which makes transportation difficult;
  • Metallic profile. Its price is much more affordable. It is convenient to transport it, since the length of individual parts can be adjusted independently. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the design will require additional reinforcement, for example, a wooden frame around the perimeter of the future greenhouse.

Alternatively, plastic or wood can be used. But don't expect stability from them. Additional reinforcement of the foundation will be required. There is also a high risk of damage from external influences.

The form

Variants of greenhouse forms can surprise you with their variety. To do right choice well worth checking them out. The most popular varieties:

The choice of a suitable form should be based on the needs of the owner, the approximate amount of planting, land area, and financial possibilities.

How to choose the right size for a polycarbonate greenhouse

If we talk about ready-made options for sale, then they, as a rule, have a standard width and height, while the length varies depending on the required area. If you make the design yourself, then you can choose the indicators for your convenience.

In order to become the owner of a comfortable good greenhouse, you should pay attention to the following points in size:

  • Width. Standard for finished structures, it is 3 meters. The minimum allowable value in this case is 2.4 meters. This figure is not invented just like that, its calculation is influenced by the width of the door, racks, as well as the distance between them. With a width of 3 meters in the greenhouse, you can arrange two longitudinal beds of sufficient size. But if more space is needed, this figure can always be increased;
  • Length. It is this factor that most often distinguishes the size of the greenhouse from each other. If we talk about the options for sale, then most often they have a length of 1.2 meters. Depending on the required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse, you can purchase the right number of structures. The most optimal length is from 4 to 6 meters. In such a space, you can place a fairly large number of beds and seedlings, and at the same time not disturb the internal microclimate. With a length of more than 6 meters, maintaining temperature and humidity levels may require additional efforts, and the ventilation process is difficult, which requires a significant amount of time;
  • Height. This is the most unpretentious indicator, which can be almost anything: from 1.8 meters and above. If the cultivation of tall trees and bushes is not implied, then an indicator of 2 meters will be quite convenient. And do not forget that the higher the greenhouse, the more consumption materials and hence the cost.

It is very important to realistically assess the situation when choosing the size of the structure. If you need to grow large volumes of products, it is better to opt for several standard greenhouses than one very large one.

Internal equipment

The internal equipment is equipped to the taste and capabilities of the owner. It must include the following elements:

  • Irrigation system. You can also water manually, but automated devices make this process much easier. You can choose a drip option, which involves the flow of water in small portions into the soil, or a jet, which is a process of spraying water at a certain height from the surface of the earth;
  • Ventilation system. The easiest way is to equip the greenhouse with vents, the opening and closing of which is regulated by a person. But if opportunities allow, it is possible to equip the structure with automated ventilation, which is able to maintain the desired temperature regime;
  • Additional inventory. It can be racks, boxes, shelves, etc. Materials such as wood or metal are best suited for them. Paths between beds can be created using bricks, tiles or gravel.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to purchase a ready-made polycarbonate greenhouse, then in order to avoid buying low-quality goods, you should make sure that there are no cracks and damages on the frame and polycarbonate, the quality of the welds, uniform painting, and the presence of a set of necessary parts for assembly. Purchase goods only from official manufacturers.

In order for growing in a greenhouse to bring more pleasure than trouble, you need to choose the right greenhouse. Particular attention should be paid to the material of the frame and cover for greenhouses, decide on the foundation, deal with the types and types of greenhouses and find a suitable place to locate the greenhouse.

When choosing a greenhouse, many summer residents, first of all, are guided by the cost - they are looking for simpler and cheaper greenhouses. However, in order to choose a quality greenhouse, the issue of price should be considered last. Initially, you should pay attention to the material of the greenhouse, the reliability of the design, the convenience and practicality of use, and suitability for a particular region.

Which greenhouse to choose
When choosing greenhouses for your summer cottage, you must first decide why you need a greenhouse. What vegetables are you going to grow in it, in what volumes of planting are you planning? The answers to these questions will primarily affect the size of the greenhouse, its length, width and height, and the total area. For example, for tall indeterminate varieties of tomatoes and peppers, for which it is necessary to build and tie up supports, a high rectangular greenhouse "house" is best suited.

Greenhouse size
Of course, the size of the greenhouse will largely depend on the size of your yard and the plants you intend to plant in it. If there is no reason to limit yourself, then you can focus on the standardized length, height and width of the greenhouse.

Choose a greenhouse with a height of 2.5 m, while the height of the low wall should be at least 1.5 m. A greenhouse with a width of 3.5 m and a length of no more than 6 m is convenient.
When installing a greenhouse, it is important to take into account the dimensions of the door - they should be such that you can easily pass with a garden wheelbarrow and other equipment. Therefore, if possible, make the entrance to the greenhouse approx. 1m.

How to choose a place for a greenhouse
In order to choose the right greenhouse, you need to know where you will put it. It is necessary to take into account the ratio of the size of the greenhouse and the area of ​​​​the site, so that in addition to the greenhouse, there is enough space in the garden for fruit and berry and flower crops - in pursuit of productivity, one should not forget about the aesthetics and attractive appearance of the site. Ideally, the greenhouse is not placed in the most visible place, they try to install it in an inconspicuous place, so before buying a greenhouse, you should choose a place for the greenhouse.

When deciding where and how to position your greenhouse, find the sunniest spot, in an open, unshaded area. At the same time, the area under the greenhouse should be closed from wind and drafts.
When locating a greenhouse, its orientation to the cardinal points also matters. In length, it will be most effective to install a greenhouse from north to south.

Greenhouse: collapsible or stationary
Also, you should immediately decide whether you need a collapsible or stationary greenhouse.
Stationary greenhouses are a traditional option, they have been in operation for a long time and successfully. However, the installation of a stationary greenhouse does not negate the fact that it needs supervision and care, especially with regard to snow removal in winter.

A collapsible one will be more expensive, there will be more trouble with its collection and installation, but it will help out gardeners who appear in the country only in the season and cannot ensure the safety of the greenhouse during the cold period. The prefabricated structure is based on a light frame made of galvanized profile, steel reinforcement or metal-plastic pipes, and it is more convenient to use polycarbonate or film as a sheathing. The foundation of a collapsible greenhouse should also be quickly and easily installed and dismantled, so a wooden foundation made of timber and reinforcement is suitable.

To choose the right greenhouse, you need to pay special attention to the frame and cover for the greenhouse.

Greenhouse cover
Polycarbonate, polyethylene and reinforced film, glass are used to cover greenhouses. The material that is used to make greenhouses affects many characteristics: price, strength, durability and, of course, appearance.

The best coating for greenhouses
To determine which greenhouse cover is best, you need to consider all the pros and cons of different greenhouses and determine the priority factors for yourself. In any case, choosing best option something will have to be sacrificed.

Polycarbonate greenhouses
The most popular are polycarbonate greenhouses. They are made from a relatively new material - cellular polycarbonate, which is characterized by increased strength, ten times greater than the strength of traditional glass.

Thanks to this, polycarbonate greenhouses are considered durable and strong enough to withstand heavy rainfall, strong winds and even hail. The service life of polycarbonate is approx. 15 years, during this time it does not lose its properties - it remains reliable and transparent.

Many consider polycarbonate as a greenhouse cover the best choice. Cellular polycarbonate is made in the form of panels with a cellular structure. Polymer sheets have dimensions: up to 12 m in length, 1-2 m wide, 4 to 32 mm thick. The thickness of the sheets should be selected based on the operating conditions of the greenhouse. If you need a building only in the summer warm season, and no heating is expected, then sheets of 5-10 mm are enough. Otherwise, for a heated winter greenhouse, thicker panels will be needed - at least 15 mm.

There are many advantages of a polycarbonate greenhouse. Greenhouse polycarbonate perfectly transmits and scatters sunlight, while not transmitting harmful ultraviolet radiation, withstands temperature extremes from -30 to +100 ° C, has good thermal insulation properties, surpasses other coatings in strength and lightness (12 times lighter and 50 times stronger glass).

Even a beginner can handle the assembly of a polycarbonate greenhouse: the panels are fastened to each other by means of special connecting strips, and due to its high plasticity, it can be drilled and cut, and a greenhouse of any shape and design can be assembled.

In order for a polycarbonate greenhouse to serve for a long time and efficiently, a number of features must be taken into account when installing it. Give up colored polycarbonate, in fact it is not as attractive as it seems, and it transmits much less light than transparent. When assembling, position the polycarbonate so that the UV protection layer is facing out. It is necessary to lay sheets in one direction so that the stiffeners are located vertically.

However, in order to install a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate with your own hands, you need to take into account other factors: the coefficient of thermal expansion of the panels, the features of the fasteners, the nuances of connecting the sheets to each other, the choice of components for installation. So specialists (for example, from will install the greenhouse faster and more reliably.

How to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse
Having decided to install a polycarbonate greenhouse and purchase all necessary materials independently, pay attention to the quality of polycarbonate sheets.

1. High-quality cellular polycarbonate cannot be cheap, do not chase the most tempting offers. It is better to choose a reliable manufacturer.

2. Carefully inspect the surface of the sheet upon purchase - it should not have mechanical damage (chips, scratches, dents, bumps).

3. Stiffeners cannot be wavy, they are located exclusively at right angles.

4. Give preference to panels with UV protection - so they will last longer without changing color and without being destroyed by the aggressive influence of direct sunlight.

5. Pay attention to how the sheets are stored - they should be stored horizontally on a perfectly flat surface (usually shelving). If the polycarbonate is on edge or rolled up, its service life will be much less.

6. Do not be too lazy to check the thickness and weight of the sheet. Polycarbonate thinner than 4 mm is not worth buying, it is short-lived, best of all - a 6 mm sheet with a density above 0.7 kg / sq.m. A sheet of standard sizes (600 by 210 cm) must have a mass of at least 10 kg, otherwise refuse to purchase such polycarbonate - cheap lightweight material is not of high quality.

Advantages of polycarbonate greenhouses
1. High strength to weather conditions and light mechanical damage
2. Keep warm for a long time.
3. They transmit light well.
4. Durability, long service life.

Cons of polycarbonate greenhouses
1. At high temperatures outside the window, the plants in the polycarbonate greenhouse literally suffocate. Therefore, it is necessary to provide vents and doors for ventilation.

Film greenhouses
Film greenhouses have long been known, for the assembly of which polyethylene film is used - a widespread economical covering material.

It is convenient to install film greenhouses with your own hands, while UV radiation will enter the greenhouse and protection from small (up to -3 degrees) frosts. Of course, you will have to replace such a greenhouse, if not every season, then quite often. Film greenhouses are not capable of resisting winds, heavy rains and hail, but they will be a good solution if you do not need a stationary greenhouse.

Of the advantages of the film as a cover for greenhouses, perhaps, only cheapness and ease of assembly. The material is fragile, requiring replacement every 2 years. In addition, every season the film must first be “put on” and then removed from the greenhouse.

Film greenhouses are most often taken to build with their own hands on a frame made of timber or PVC pipes. It is recommended to assemble a film greenhouse in dry, calm weather, otherwise it will not work to stretch the film with high quality.

Advantages of film greenhouses
1. The cheapest coverage option.
2. Very easy to assemble - even a fragile novice summer resident can handle it.
3. Protects plants from light frosts and bad weather.
4. Good sunlight transmission, incl. plants need ultraviolet light.

Cons of film greenhouses
1. Fragile material - easily torn from wind, rain and hail, requires frequent replacement.
2. Contributes to the accumulation of condensate on the inner surface, which can lead to the spread of fungal diseases.

Reinforced greenhouses
For more durable film structures, it is better to choose a reinforced greenhouse polyethylene film. Such greenhouses will already be more durable than ordinary film ones: due to a special reinforced mesh, the film will be able to withstand both gusts of wind and precipitation in the form of showers and hailstones. In addition, reinforced polyethylene can be used longer - several seasons in a row.

Reinforced film, of course, is stronger than ordinary polyethylene, but at the same time it transmits several times less light, which is undesirable, because sunlight is the main source of plant growth and development.

Glass greenhouses
Glass is undoubtedly a more durable material than film, and light transmits well. But there are also enough disadvantages: glass greenhouses are very fragile, and therefore often need to be repaired and replaced, the material itself is expensive, and its thermal insulation properties are not up to par. In addition, here you will be limited in the choice of form - only rectangular greenhouses "house" can be made of glass, no other glass structure can be realized.

However, glass greenhouses are considered the most productive, because it creates an optimal microclimate for growing various vegetable, green and flower crops.

Photo: greenhouse made of glass window frames

What should be a glass greenhouse
If you want glass greenhouses to last longer, it is important to follow the recommendations for their operation and maintenance.

1. Take care of a stable frame, provide a rigid structure. A frame made of solid steel or timber is best suited.

2. The glass greenhouse should only be installed on a solid foundation. The base should be as even, dense, durable as possible - choose brick or concrete for the foundation.

3. In glass greenhouses, it is necessary to provide ventilation, because. in the heat, the glass becomes very hot and inside the building the temperature rises to critical values. Some summer residents use polycarbonate as a material for the roof, so it is possible to avoid overheating during a particularly hot period.

4. Consider the dimensions of the glass - they will depend on the type of frame, and the thickness should be no more than 4 mm.

5. If you are making a glass greenhouse based on a wooden structure, choose a beam measuring 50 by 50 mm.

Advantages of glass greenhouses
1. Glass greenhouses are easy to maintain.
2. They transmit sunlight well.
3. Heat up quickly.

Cons of glass greenhouses
1. The glass cover is quite heavy and requires a reinforced frame.
2. Lose heat quickly.
3. Do not let in ultraviolet rays, which are needed for better growth and development of plants.
4. Handling Disadvantages: Fragile glass breaks easily, it can cause serious harm to health, and it is difficult to replace them.

Greenhouse frame
The material for the manufacture of the frame of the greenhouse can also be different. The most commonly used metal, wood or plastic. We will not consider home-made greenhouses from improvised materials, which means not the most reliable and aesthetically pleasing.

The frame is the basis of any greenhouse, the strength of the structure, ease of use, and service life depend on it. If you are interested in a high-quality, durable and reliable greenhouse, when choosing a frame, you must take into account all the possible loads that it must withstand: the weight of the cover itself, and the wind, and precipitation, and, most importantly, snow lying on the roof with a large heavy hat all winter .

Metal greenhouses
Metal greenhouses are considered durable and reliable. The cost will depend on various factors - the chosen metal, the type of profile, and the manufacturer. Such greenhouses are mounted easily, if necessary, they can be disassembled and placed in another place.

Aluminum greenhouses have a well-known strength and resistance to corrosion damage, but they are very expensive. Greenhouses on an aluminum frame are durable, easy to install, look elegant. But due to the ease of construction, a very solid foundation is needed, but, unfortunately, it does not guarantee that under the influence of gusty winds and generous snowfalls, the aluminum structure will not flatten like a house of cards.

By themselves, steel greenhouses are already an advantage. They are simple and straightforward to install, easy to maintain, cost-effective. Galvanized greenhouses are even better. They are strong and durable, do not corrode, are easily and quickly mounted. A high-quality galvanized profile has a perfectly smooth surface without cracks, foreign inclusions and peeling of the zinc layer should not be.

Photo: greenhouse on a metal profile

The tree is highly susceptible to decay, does not tolerate the aggressive influence of an alkaline and organic environment, and is sensitive to changes in humidity. Therefore, it is constantly necessary to treat a wooden greenhouse with protective and antiseptic agents, chemical fungicidal and insecticidal preparations. But even with proper care, the service life of a greenhouse made of timber will be much shorter than that of metal structures.

The wooden frame is eco-friendly and cheap, but at the same time it is not very practical. The beam will rot, and the whole structure will begin to sag sooner or later.

Pipe greenhouse
A greenhouse on a frame made of plastic pipes will last a long time and will not cause unnecessary trouble - it is easy to assemble it, you do not need to additionally process, paint and impregnate it. However, flexible PVC pipes can bend from high temperatures in the sun or deform from the weight of snow. For the winter, such structures are dismantled. It is possible that plastic tubes will have to be changed frequently.

The frame tube can also be metal - then the greenhouse will be many times stronger and more reliable. A metal pipe measuring 20 by 40 by 2 mm is usually used.

Greenhouse forms
Given the variety of designs on the market, the question rightly arises which form of greenhouse to choose.

A greenhouse of a suitable shape must be chosen not only for a pleasant appearance, but based on the needs and capabilities of gardeners. After all, greenhouses of different designs have their pros and cons.

The shape distinguishes single-slope and gable, vertical greenhouses (with vertical walls), round, square, arched greenhouses, greenhouses "house", pyramids, etc.

Rectangular, vertical, gable, greenhouses "house"
Rectangular greenhouses with vertical walls and a gable roof are common in shape. With this design, greenhouse inhabitants receive the best lighting, the greenhouse is convenient to use, and it is easy to provide ventilation in it. Drops of rain roll off the sharp-angled roof, the snow does not linger for a long time.

Arched greenhouses
A round or arched greenhouse is another very popular type of greenhouse. It is inexpensive, convenient, easy to install and use. Due to the absence of corners, the consumption of covering material is significantly saved, the durability of the greenhouse is extended - after all, in many cases, the test of time and weather conditions do not endure exactly the joints of the profile (as in rectangular or square greenhouses).

Assembling an arched greenhouse is not difficult, but it will not be very convenient to take care of the plants - in order to reach the vegetables near the wall, you will have to bend down and get on your knees.

Due to the ease of use and the fact that the light in round greenhouses is scattered evenly and efficiently, many people call arched greenhouses the most successful choice. In addition, snow does not accumulate on the arcuate surface in winter, so it is less prone to deformation. Yes, and heat in a spherical greenhouse is retained better.

With an arched structure, the optimal distance between the arcs must be taken into account. The more arches, the better: a frame with a small distance between the arches will withstand maximum loads. In addition, it is better to dwell on solid structures. Collapsible arcs are very vulnerable at the joints.

Shed greenhouses
Shed greenhouses are attached to the walls of other buildings (houses, baths, verandas, barns, etc.), so they are also called wall-mounted. This option should be chosen only in terms of saving money or space. At the same time, the roof slope should be located on the south side, so that even such an economical greenhouse works as efficiently as possible. Working and caring for plants in such a greenhouse is quite comfortable.

Unlike an arched greenhouse, snow will not roll off a shed roof, so it will have to be cleaned off and ensure that the greenhouse does not drift.

Pyramid greenhouses
If you see a pyramid greenhouse, know that the site belongs to an experimental gardener. This is of course a joke, but greenhouses are such a rarity and are found mostly in the gardens of true experienced amateurs. Most likely, the shape of such a design is due to the effective appearance and the belief that a special microclimate is created inside the pyramids (following the example of the Egyptian ones). Scientists have not yet found any other objective reasons to install a greenhouse of precisely a pyramidal shape.

Greenhouse in the ground
To build an underground greenhouse is quite difficult and costly. Most often they are used as year-round greenhouses where you can grow vegetables in winter. Still such greenhouses are called "thermos". To build them, you need to dig a pit-pit with a depth of approx. 2 m, strengthen the base, insulate. It is laborious to make such a structure with your own hands, but in winter it covers it from above with a warm snow blanket, and due to heating it becomes an ideal place for cultivating crops all year round.

How to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse? Gardeners' advice, are they justified? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. The goal of any summer resident is to grow appetizing, healthy and environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits. To do this, you need to create a suitable environment for the growing process and make a lot of effort.

And in this case, a greenhouse comes to the aid of the gardener, the presence of which on the land will allow you to harvest throughout the year. Find out how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse. We will also consider the advice of gardeners.

Benefits of polycarbonate

Few people know how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse. Tips and reviews of gardeners will help us in this matter. Today, such material for creating greenhouse structures as polycarbonate is gaining more and more popularity. Probably everyone knows that good greenhouse must be reliable, durable, perfectly save heat and at the same time let in sunlight.

With proper care, polycarbonate can last for many years. The strength of the frame of the greenhouse guarantees that the building will delight with amazing fruits for decades. The most important thing here is that polycarbonate perfectly retains heat. It performs this function due to its cellular structure.

Air is placed in the honeycombs, which allows the material to slow down the air exchange between the greenhouse and environment. Also, polycarbonate is treated with a special varnish, thanks to which ultraviolet radiation cannot enter the room. Its plasticity and flexibility ensures easy installation of the greenhouse.

The advantages of polycarbonate are as follows:

  • Lets light through. Allows the sun's rays to penetrate the building to the maximum.
  • Durability. Raw materials can serve faithfully for more than 20 years.
  • Sustainability. Varies depending on the density of the material. But at the same time, each version is resistant to mechanical damage. Also, the raw material perfectly protects against moisture penetration.
  • Variability. The cost of a greenhouse is determined by the properties of the raw materials from which it is made.

You can choose the right greenhouse when the selection criteria are known. An impeccable greenhouse is distinguished from a bad one by the density of raw materials, the ability to transmit light, and water resistance. Today, the market offers an impressive range of polycarbonate greenhouses, which differ in price category and characteristics.

What is the best greenhouse?

Many people ask: "What are the best polycarbonate greenhouses?". There is no single answer to this question, since they can be of various shapes and sizes, they are made from various materials. It is important to know which design to choose. It can be cold-rolled galvanized steel. It can be in the form of a carrier pipe or a profile.

The most best greenhouse, as a solid housing, must have exemplary walls, a roof and a base, that is, a coating, a frame, a foundation. The most uncomplicated variation of the greenhouse is considered unheated. It is used for growing early crops in order to harvest before the onset of cold weather.

A variety of versions of greenhouses allows you to choose an affordable and suitable option. The most common types combine an affordable price and good quality. What form of greenhouse is best? The following versions exist:

  • Pointed arch. The greenhouse has an impressive area, but a relatively low ceiling. The installation of such a greenhouse is usually done by masters.
  • with vertical walls. Known version of greenhouses. The design is convenient and allows the use of additional shelves. Such greenhouses are characterized by gable roofs. The height and width of the building determines the convenience of its use. The disadvantage is the probable heat loss from the north side.
  • The walls are sloping. The greenhouse combines the properties of the two previous greenhouses. It is quite convenient if the space is not cluttered with additional racks and shelves.
  • Arch type. The robust design is easy to install and use.
  • The roof is mansard. Comfortable greenhouse with a high roof. It is convenient to place additional devices for growing plants in it.

So how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse? Gardeners give the following tips:

  • Before purchasing and installing a greenhouse, make a rating among those variations that you liked the most.
  • Consider the price of the greenhouse and the option of its installation. Some structures can only be installed by a professional.

Inexpensive polycarbonate greenhouses

We continue to find out how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse. The advice of summer residents will help us in this matter. Everyone knows that polycarbonate has an affordable price. There is a huge number of original designs of various sizes and shapes of their own and industrial production.

Polycarbonate of any type is characterized by flexibility, strength, durability, impact resistance and low thermal conductivity. Gardeners know that the price of a greenhouse depends on the quality of the polycarbonate from which the greenhouse is made. Its cost is affected, for example, by the presence of a protective layer from the sun. The price also depends on the color of the coating: it can be red or yellow. It is believed that these colors have a good effect on plant growth.

Material priorities:

  • impressive choice;
  • wear resistance;
  • affordable price;
  • high quality;
  • thermal insulation;
  • plastic;
  • flexibility.

The smaller the greenhouse area, the lower its price will be. But you do not need to purchase greenhouses that are too small, as you will not be able to grow a full-fledged and high-quality crop in them.

Greenhouse Reviews

Do not know how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse? Reviews and advice from experienced gardeners, in order to decide, should be studied first. Quality material is always popular. Polycarbonate greenhouses do not lose their recognition among customers. They are the most famous type of greenhouses, which are successfully implemented on the lands of the whole country.

Such structures are a convenient means for obtaining a crop on the land. Per last year polycarbonate greenhouses took first place in sales. This means that their owners are satisfied with their purchases. After all, the durability of such greenhouses far exceeds, for example, the service life of film greenhouses.

Owners love the following:

  • moisture resistance;
  • acceptable price;
  • ease of installation;
  • strength;
  • Sun protection;
  • reliability;
  • durability.

The positive qualities of a greenhouse can be indicated for a long time. Each owner knows that its service life depends on the correct handling of the product. Gardeners are advised to thoroughly clean the greenhouse after harvesting and prepare for future crops.

Reviews about the service life of polycarbonate

Many people wonder how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse. Feedback on the service life of this material is presented below. The long service life of a greenhouse is affected by which company manufactured it, as well as what quality guarantees it gave to it. And, of course, who uses it and how. Different options have different service life, it all depends on the properties of the material.

Many manufacturers indicate a warranty period for polycarbonate up to 10 years.

Important! Greenhouses for the Urals, "Kinovskaya" and "Severnaya" are designed for use in their latitudes.

It is necessary to choose a greenhouse responsibly. No need to save on cheap raw materials, as over time any investment will pay off. A good greenhouse can last more than 20 years.

Experienced summer residents are advised to take care of the greenhouse as follows:

  1. It is good to clean the cavities of the panels.
  2. Promptly replace damaged parts.
  3. Wash surfaces often.
  4. Correctly adjust the pressure of the thermowells.

The structure must be looked after all year round, but especially after harvesting the fruits (in autumn) and when planting (in spring). Gardeners note that any detergent can be used to wash the greenhouse. To implement the process, it is necessary to use only soft sponges, as hard brushes will damage the surface.

Beginning summer residents do not know how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse. They try to study the advice and feedback of experienced gardeners as best as possible. When choosing a design for a greenhouse, it is imperative to pay attention to the quality factor of the material from which it is created. It is important to be able to correctly identify its disadvantages and advantages. To do this, you need to learn how to compare various designs.

Summer residents argue that a quality greenhouse must be strong enough to withstand an impressive amount of snow. If it is made from low-quality and thin raw materials, snow may well deform and even break through the roof. You will have to spend a lot of money to replace the old coating, so it is better to immediately buy a quality construction. Of course, it won't be cheap.

How to choose a greenhouse? Be sure to decide which properties will be optimal for applying and installing it in a particular area.

Which greenhouses are better to buy:

  • waterproof;
  • durable;
  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • easy to install;
  • wear-resistant;
  • UV resistant.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are considered the best for summer cottages. These are durable structures that will serve you for a long period of time. The best polycarbonate greenhouses should be made by a reputable manufacturer who is willing to provide a lifetime product warranty and a certificate of quality you can trust. Summer residents themselves extend the life of the greenhouse by careful care for it and proper operation.

When purchasing a greenhouse, it is important to take its quality and delivery very seriously. After all, before the start of the operational period, materials cannot be damaged.

Today, there are a huge number of firms and companies on the market that want to sell polycarbonate greenhouses. When choosing and buying, be sure to pay attention to the name of the manufacturer, his reputation, as well as the legality of his activities. Demand a certificate of quality and a guarantee for this type of product.

The best polycarbonate greenhouses in 2018

Which greenhouses are better to buy in 2018? Everyone knows that a great greenhouse is the key to a chic harvest. Despite the high cost and difficulties with installation, more and more gardeners prefer not to build greenhouses with their own hands, but to buy already finished versions, taking into account all the features of the Russian climate and designed by craftsmen.

The best arched polycarbonate greenhouses in 2018 are:

  • The first place was taken by the Dachnaya-Optima greenhouse (Volya enterprise).
  • In second place is the greenhouse "PC Harvest".

The best equal-walled greenhouses:

  • 1st place - "Dubrava" (from Glass House);
  • 2nd place - "Royal Farm".

The best cone-shaped greenhouses:

  • 1st place - "Dachnaya - Strelka" (from the enterprise "Volya");
  • 2nd place - "Droplet" (from the company "Orange").

Top Producers

Thinking about the question of which polycarbonate greenhouse to choose? We invite you to study the rating of the best manufacturers in Russia and foreign powers, compiled on the basis of real buyers:

  1. Volya is a Russian company headquartered in the city of Dubna. The quality of the greenhouses of this trading group is extremely suitable for the natural conditions of the central zone of the Russian Federation.
  2. Trading house"Harvest" - the company has grown greatly since 2004 and has more than 200 commercial premises on the lands of the Russian Federation. Knowledgeable workers will tell you which greenhouse is better to buy and will make changes to the drawings based on the personal needs of the client.
  3. Plant of finished greenhouses "Osnova" - the company owns a large number branches in Russia, which can be found by a resident of any big city. ZGT "Osnova" not only creates and designs greenhouses, but also performs assembly and delivery.
  4. Glass House - since 2001, the greenhouses of this company have set the tone for innovative developments in the field of summer cottages. Known variations from Glass House have no analogues, and the affordable price allows people with any wallet size to buy them.

Choosing a greenhouse frame

The frame is a kind of foundation that helps the whole structure to hold on. No need to save on materials, otherwise the greenhouse will not last long. Basic materials, their pros and cons are shown in the table.

Summing up, we can say that cheap raw materials turn out to be such only at first glance: a plastic or aluminum structure will eventually cost much more than a steel one. Incessant repair work replacement of failed parts will be needed every season, which is unlikely to benefit the family budget.

In addition to raw frame arcs, you need to look at the number of arches, the more there are, the longer the greenhouse will last.

What kind of polycarbonate to cover the greenhouse

Still not sure how to choose the right polycarbonate greenhouse? The advice of gardeners will always help you, do not forget about it. Also study the types of polycarbonate. And they are as follows:

  • Cellular polycarbonate is the most well-known product for summer cottages on the market, as it has a low cost and excellent thermal insulation qualities, ideal for covering greenhouses. The most popular sheet thickness is 4mm, 6mm sheet will be more durable.
  • Monolithic - it is difficult to find it on the store counter, although the quality of the material is much higher than that of a cellular one. The almost transparent canvas transmits up to 90% of the light, has high flexibility, easy installation and higher strength. The owner can choose the color of polycarbonate. An important advantage of raw materials is safety for health and environmental friendliness.
  • Profiled - a novelty in the Russian market, which has not yet won great popularity. The price of this sheet is identical to the cost of cellular polycarbonate, but the density indicators are close to monolithic. This type of greenhouse cover has a wavy structure and is used for greenhouse roofs.

The choice of polycarbonate to cover the greenhouse depends only on the financial capabilities of the client. If there is enough money, it is better to stop your choice on a monolithic coating.

The best arched greenhouses

What is the best polycarbonate greenhouse? Consider arched structures. They resemble hemispheres in outline: the popularity of variations of these devices is due to their high resistance to the cruel natural elements. The absence of corners allows snow to easily slide off the roof, and the spherical shape guarantees wind resistance.

Based on the above rating, the Dachnaya-Optima greenhouse from the Volya company won a special place in the hearts of Russian summer residents. It has high strength: the snow rolls off the domed roof without difficulty, which can withstand up to 280 kg per m². The frame base is made of galvanized iron profile, the width of each side is 60 mm.

There is a door at each end - no need to go round the greenhouse to get into it. Can't open the doors because of the weather? For ventilation of the building, vents are thought out. The width of the building is typical 3 m, and the length can be chosen - versions of length 6 and 4 m are available. Such a greenhouse with parameters 4 X 3 m costs 19,900 rubles.


  • keeps heat well;
  • durable construction;
  • if desired, the structure can be extended;
  • anti-corrosion profile coating;
  • the building can withstand a layer of snow up to 1.5 m;
  • does not require a foundation.


  • No sealing tape included
  • intricate assembly;
  • the kit often lacks bolts and self-tapping screws.

Let's consider the "PC Harvest" greenhouse. This is an excellent solution. Despite the low price, the greenhouse has a wide functionality and has good parameters. Arched parts are placed at a distance of 65 cm from each other. They provide sufficient rigidity to the entire greenhouse.

Polycarbonate sheets are fastened with ties that do not violate the integrity of the material. The length of the structure can be different - 4.6 and 8 m. If desired, you can buy an additional section and easily fix it near any element you like. The average cost of such a greenhouse is 9,000 rubles.


  • lasting;
  • cheap;
  • easy to assemble;
  • polycarbonate is not damaged during fastening;
  • tall doors.


  • the body is light, strong wind can not withstand;
  • in winter, the structure can break down without props.

The best equal-walled greenhouse

Such structures are good for growing an impressive number of tall crops, as they allow you to adjust the height depending on the needs of the owner. These are large greenhouses that require a lot of space on the site. They are difficult to assemble, but the result of labor will exceed all expectations.

The Dubrava greenhouse from Glass House is aimed at skilled gardeners. The width of the device is 4 m, while the standard summer cottage has parameters of 3 X 3 m. You can choose the length to your liking, but the smallest indicator is also 4 m.

Despite the large volume, greenhouses of this type are very compact. The height of the structure is only 2.8 m, triangular windows for ventilation are installed on the roof.

The frame is equipped with additional ties, they not only give it rigidity, but are also suitable for installing auxiliary ventilation, heating elements and lighting wiring. The frame can withstand up to 180 kg of snow per 1 m², even when it is covered with cellular polycarbonate. The average cost of a 4 X 4 m structure is 47,000 rubles.


  • strength;
  • compactness;
  • the ability to grow very tall plants;
  • up to 30 years manufacturer's warranty (applies to the frame);
  • galvanized doors, corners and handles.


  • Price.

best cone greenhouse

This form of greenhouse allows you to grow very tall plants: it is very convenient to place climbing sprouts in the buildings. In addition, the streamlined shape makes it easy to slide the snow. As a result, it does not accumulate on the slopes of the roof.

Greenhouse "Dachnaya-Strelka" from the enterprise "Volya" took first place in this category of greenhouses. Its drop-shaped form allows you to grow plants up to 2.5 m high. But the advantages of this miracle of engineering do not end there.

The greenhouse has high strength. The frame is made of galvanized thick iron and is able to withstand weight up to 420 kg! Snowy winters are not terrible for the owner of such a structure. The average price of a greenhouse 2.6 m wide and 4 m long is 23,000 rubles.


  • attractive design;
  • high strength;
  • simple assembly;
  • the ability to choose the size (width 3 or 2.6 m);
  • reliable manufacturer.


  • High price.

You do not look at the cottage during the winter? Remember that the denser and thicker the polycarbonate is, the lower the likelihood of breakdowns of the vegetable "housing". A solid greenhouse will please the owner not only with an elegant appearance, but also with a significant increase in yield, so you should not save on it.

Most gardeners understand the need for a greenhouse in a suburban area. And they perfectly represent what they will do in it. But almost everyone is tormented by the question: how not to miscalculate when choosing a greenhouse?
In this article we will try to answer the questions: what should be the greenhouse? What greenhouse to choose? How to choose a durable greenhouse? Which are better and which are worse? Which polycarbonate to choose? Etc. Let's make a reservation right away that we will not advertise any specific brands here, but will try to give general idea about the principles of choosing a greenhouse made of polycarbonate.
Depending on the material from which the frame is made, all greenhouses can be divided into 2 large groups:
1) Greenhouses made of galvanized profile
2) Greenhouses made of painted prof. pipes
Let's look at them in more detail.
Greenhouses from a galvanized profile, as a rule, consist of many elements that need to be joined to each other during assembly, and the profile is not closed. If we are talking about high-quality galvanizing, then it is very little susceptible to corrosion. That is, it will not rust. But at the same time, such structures have very low strength. This is especially true for inexpensive greenhouses. The arcs there consist of many parts, the thickness of the metal is often 0.5-0.8 mm, which does not withstand any criticism and snow loads. Such greenhouses become loose even from the influence of the wind. And the assembly of such a greenhouse is a rather long and laborious process, sometimes stretching for weeks.
Greenhouses from prof. pipes are generally stronger, but more prone to corrosion. The arcs of such greenhouses often consist of 1-2 elements, which is much more reliable than the arcs of galvanized greenhouses. Assembly takes much less time (2 people without experience can really assemble such a greenhouse in 5-8 hours).
What you need to pay attention to when choosing a greenhouse so that it does not collapse in winter:
1) How many elements do arcs and pediments consist of. Less is better. Ideally, so that the arcs are solid-bent, the gables are welded (that is, that all elements of the gable - doors and vents - are already welded at the factory). This design will provide maximum strength.
2) Profile section - the best is 20x40 mm (more simply does not happen yet)
3) Metal thickness - from 1.2 mm (more is possible, less is impossible)
4) The distance between the arcs is optimal from 0.67 m. (And God forbid you buy greenhouses with a distance between the arcs of 2 m)
5) The section of the base is at least 20x40 - only in this case can we say that the greenhouse has a base. From the base of 20x20 there will be little sense.
What you need to pay attention to when choosing cellular polycarbonate:
1) Thickness from 4 mm. Directly ask sellers about the thickness of polycarbonate! No 3.5 mm and 3.8 mm. This is a low quality polycarbonate that will last you a very short time.
2) The presence of a protective layer against ultraviolet radiation. The layer must be applied. Some sellers say that there are UV additives "in bulk" - that is, in the raw materials from which polycarbonate is made. This is all from the evil one, such polycarbonate is guaranteed to collapse in 2-3 years.
And the last wish: do not buy into the assurances of sellers that the greenhouse is excellent, albeit cheap. It doesn't happen! And then you will lose much more by buying a new greenhouse next year to replace the destroyed old one.
And as one of the greats said: "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things."
V. Petrov

The current owners of suburban areas or country houses it is not difficult to purchase a greenhouse, because on the modern market for these structures there is a fairly wide range of various options made of metal, wooden beams or polycarbonate. They also differ in shape: pyramids, square and rectangular. Thanks to the use in production the latest technologies greenhouses are of high quality, reliable and durable, easy to use, functional and cost-effective.


The main factors and aspects of choice

Before choosing a greenhouse for a summer residence, it is necessary to clearly define the parameters by which you need to navigate during the purchase:

  • design configuration - most often preference is given to single and gable, Dutch and arched;
  • parameters - height and width are one of the important criteria;
  • frame, as well as covering material of the structure;
  • way of organizing the internal space: more functional and practical options will be shelves, racks and fairly wide internal aisles.

At the same time, great attention should be paid to the area, as well as to the features of the layout of the backyard plot on which the structure will be located. In addition, it is worth considering the types of crops that will be grown according to the plan.

Recently, the so-called Dutch greenhouses have been quite popular, which attract with increased stability and the ability to keep warm air inside well. Their characteristic difference lies in the fact that the walls are installed at a slight slope - very good illumination is provided not only in the upper part of the structure, but also at its base. This allows the use of greenhouses for growing low-growing crops.


No less practical are shed structures, which are more affordable. They are the most suitable option for installation in small areas. And for very small areas, it is recommended to choose polygonal greenhouses with a multi-pitched roof.


Frame - the basis of the foundations

For the design to work for a long time, before choosing a greenhouse, you need to carefully evaluate its frame.

The material from which the frame is made

For polycarbonate greenhouses, frames are made of metal: pipes or a profile are used.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal pipe construction

When choosing this option, pay attention to its advantages:

  1. High strength that does not require additional reinforcement.
  2. Good stability regardless of the method of installation: on the foundation or on the ground.


The disadvantages include the high price and possible difficulties with installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal profile structures

The main benefits include:

  1. Affordable price, which in no way affects the characteristics of the structure.
  2. Ease of transportation and installation is ensured by compactness and lightness of materials.
On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer the service of installation of metal structures. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Greenhouse frame metal profile Source

However, it must be taken into account that there is also a significant drawback - a mandatory strengthening of the structure is required.

Greenhouse shape

To date, greenhouse manufacturers offer consumers a not very wide selection of greenhouses in shape:

  1. Arched structures with a semicircular vault top the greenhouse rankings of 2018.
  2. Designs in the form of a dome or a drop, in which the vault is extended upwards and slightly pointed, are much less common despite the fact that they are more practical - there is nowhere for snow to accumulate.
  3. Pyramid greenhouses are an easy-to-use option that allows you to grow both undersized and tall plants at the same time - the main thing is to place them correctly. Due to the slope of the walls at a large angle, the entire surface from the base to the top is heated by the sun, and the plants receive a sufficient amount of light.


Even less often, the choice of a polycarbonate greenhouse occurs in favor of traditional “house” structures.

How to choose the right sizes?

The standard width of the greenhouse for a summer cottage is 3 meters, and the height is 2 meters. But the length of the structure can be different - 4, 6, 8, 10 meters. However, arched buildings have a different height - 2.4-2.5 meters.


Such dimensions are optimal if the infield allows: you can make enough free passages. In a more limited space, structures with a width of 2 meters are usually installed.

Equipment features

The standard equipment of greenhouses has not only arches and transverse connecting elements, but also end elements, vents, doors. It is best to choose the option in which the doors are on both sides, and there are side windows - this is convenient and very practical. In most cases, the side window is an addition to the main structure.


In addition, you should take care of another nuance: the distance between the arcs. Reliability and strength depend on this indicator. So, for example, at a distance of 0.65 meters (reinforced version), the stability is much higher than at a distance of 1 meter.

Installation and installation of greenhouses

Greenhouses are assembled by different methods, depending on the frame manufacturing technology and materials. In addition, many modern models of structures have a welded structure that cannot be installed without the help of experienced professionals.

Such a greenhouse is easy to bring and assemble source

Covering for greenhouses

A wide range of facilities for growing flowers, herbs and vegetables allows you to choose the most suitable option for each individual case. One of the important selection factors is the covering material. The most commonly used coatings are:

  • cellular polycarbonate;
  • polyethylene film;
  • reinforced polyethylene film;
  • spunbond;
  • glass.

Each of these options has certain pros and cons.

Cellular polycarbonate

This material has been used in this area for a relatively short time. Its popularity is due to its increased strength, which is about two hundred times higher than glass. Therefore, structures can easily withstand heavy rains, hail, and increased gusts of wind. Another advantage is the long service life, during which the transparency of polycarbonate does not deteriorate.


Polyethylene film

The most affordable coating is polyethylene film, which is also used very often. It has several significant advantages:

  1. Easy to mount on any greenhouse, regardless of its shape.
  2. It transmits well ultraviolet rays, which are required for the full development of all plants.
  3. Provides reliable protection against small frosts.
  4. Good density.

Greenhouse made of polyethylene film Source

Of the shortcomings, fragility should be noted, because, for example, a large hail can break the film, especially in a place where it is strongly stretched.

Reinforced polyethylene film

The advantages of the material are exactly the same as those of ordinary polyethylene film, but it has a special reinforced mesh that increases strength - the product can withstand both hail and strong gusts of wind. This option will cost more, but precipitation will no longer be so dangerous.



In recent years, greenhouse manufacturers are increasingly using spunbond covering material to cover structures. It is a durable non-woven fabric that has a white color. It is characterized by resistance to rain, wind, hail and birds. With it, you can protect plants from frosts reaching -7 0 C. In addition, you can use spunbond for five seasons - during this period of time it does not lose its original properties.



Quite widely in the production of greenhouses for suburban areas, glass is used as a covering material - a traditional option, which is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties, as well as light transmission.


But, choosing it, you should not neglect the fact that it has a number of disadvantages:

  1. When constructing a structure, a lot of time and effort is required, because glass is quite heavy in weight and increased fragility. Its installation and fastening must be carried out carefully and in several pairs of hands.
  2. Reliability requires the preliminary creation of a solid frame, the construction of which requires a large amount of money.
  3. Inside the greenhouse, covered with glass sheets, the air warms up in a short period of time, which negatively affects the development of plants.
  4. As a result of one awkward movement, you can break the sheet or severely damage its integrity, after which it will become unsuitable for arranging the structure.

Video description

For those for whom aesthetics is important, it is worth thinking about the design of the structure. You can see a selection of inspiring greenhouses in this video:


When choosing a coating, experts recommend taking into account the climatic conditions of the region, the crops of plants that will be grown, and individual preferences. You need to weigh the pros and cons, take into account the available footage and outline the budget framework in order to choose the best option.



A greenhouse is a mandatory building for a summer cottage if the owners of the territory intend to grow flowers, herbs or vegetables. There is a huge selection of designs, so finding the most suitable one will not be difficult.


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