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It is possible and even necessary to study at any age, get higher education, take refresher courses and trainings. It is the ability to learn all your life and apply knowledge in practice that is characteristic of successful and wealthy people. But many people neglect this and stop at getting one higher education, although there are those who do otherwise.

Why is it never too late to learn?

Learning new things and adapting to changing conditions is natural to human nature. It is thanks to this property that people do not live in the Stone Age, but in a modern high-tech society, they drive cars, fly airplanes, have Cell phones and computers. The ability to learn always and everywhere brought man to the first place among the living organisms of the planet Earth. Even if you are thirty, forty or fifty, getting a higher or secondary education is very worth it!

In the modern world, thanks to study, a person masters new skills that allow him to earn more, which makes it possible to eat delicious food, live in a comfortable home, travel and much more. Someone may object: after forty, memory and learning abilities are no longer the same as at eighteen, it is difficult to get a higher education, it is impossible to find a job in a new specialty. Yes, the memory that has lost the habit of learning is a little weaker, but training can raise it to good level, and claims that the brain of a forty-year-old cannot assimilate information as successfully as a young one is just a public myth. With desire and perseverance, the brain is able to overtake the minds of young students, due to the acquired life experience and the ability to analyze.

For some people, the desire to learn is discouraged by school teachers, this happens with capable children who differ from the average students. Such teachers take advantage of the weakness of children, not understanding their differences. Because of their uniqueness, they find it difficult to study, they are considered backward. For example, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein were considered retarded, but in fact they just thought differently. As adults, you can get any education, no longer be afraid of the negative statements of teachers, because they will not be able to offend you, and realize your unique talent.

How has the learning situation changed?

Thirty years ago, people lived in the USSR according to a clear plan: school, college, marriage and work, they had to finish the university before twenty-five, and work for the rest of their lives. At that time, millions of people worked all their lives in one factory or institution. Now is a wonderful time, allowing you to change your specialty even at the age of fifty and earn, for example, through the Internet in the field of marketing, copywriting, translation of texts, and much more. Moreover, in Russia, in every city there is a social labor exchange for the unemployed, which offers free training in new professions, including those that allow you to work via the Internet. Currently, there are many forms of education for people of thirty or more years of age - these are weekend groups, evening groups and distance learning via the Internet. All of them allow you to study without interfering with the main work that people do on weekdays.

History of late students

There are elderly people in Russia who have proven that they are capable of studying and acquiring a higher education. For example, at the age of sixty-four, Natalya Chernova, who decided to get a theological education, defended her master's degree in theology at Kazan Federal University in 2017. Natalya said that retirement is a great time to study, a lot of free time for herself, because the children have grown up. This was her second education in her life, the first she received back in 1975. Another example is 89-year-old Kirill Patrakhin, who entered the natural science faculty of the Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University. He will receive his diploma at the age of ninety-four. As he said, he was inspired to this act by the example of a 100-year-old English woman who entered the university. He also admitted that he had been preparing for the entrance exams for two whole years, because after all, a lot had been forgotten since school. These stories are examples that proved that you can study at any age, there are dozens of such pensioners all over Russia. And people in their thirties and forties who have decided to get a higher education are graduating from universities in dozens every year, there are thousands of them all over the country. They, with diplomas in their hands and the experience of the past years, find new job or open their own business, earn money on the acquired knowledge and at the same time show others that they are the masters of life.

Benefits of studying

When a person learns, he constantly uses the processes of thinking and memory, his brain develops, forming new connections between neurons. All this allows the brain not to degrade, which inevitably happens if a person lives monotonously and does not learn anything. The memory of people engaged in learning is strong, and thinking is flexible and diverse. In addition, learning, if it takes place in a group, includes discussions and social contacts, and these are important because they give a feeling of fullness of life.

Lifelong learning is one of the keys to longevity. Specialists of the University of Geneva Hospital (Switzerland), based on a ten-year observation of older people, came to the conclusion that people who have been engaged in mental work all their lives live longer. They believe that intensive brain activity prolongs the life of neurons and provides protection against senile dementia. Intensive work of the brain and memory, communication with teachers and disputes with classmates, acquired new skills that allow you to earn good money, an abundance of new information that filled the mind - each of these aspects becomes a brick in the foundation of a long and active life.

Igor Kobylyatsky

One of the most valuable things in our life is experience. We all want to be self-confident, independent and wise, forgetting that wisdom comes with age and experience. And for this experience you have to go through a lot.

That is why the experience of older people is very important. Those life lessons that they give are one of the most valuable knowledge. We bring to your attention 50 life lessons shared by Barry Davenport, a world-wise author of a foreign blog.

Life Lessons from Barry Davenport

Life is what it is now. We are constantly looking forward to incredible things that will happen in the future, but we forget that life is happening right now. Learn to live in the moment and stop relying on illusions in the future.

Fear is an illusion. Most of the things we fear will never happen. But even if they do happen, they often turn out to be not as bad as we thought. For many of us, fear is the worst thing that can happen. Reality is not so scary.

Relationship rule. The most important thing in your life is your loved ones. Always put them first. They are more important than your work, hobby, computer. Appreciate them as if they are your whole life. Because that's the way it is.

The debt isn't worth it. Spend money according to your ability. Live freely. Debts won't let you do that.

Your children are not you. You are the vessel that brings children into this world and takes care of them until they can do it themselves. Train them, love them, support them, but don't change them. Every child is unique and must live their own life.

Things collect dust. The time and money you spend on things will one day ruin you. The less things you have, the more free you are. Buy smart.

Fun is underrated. How often do you have fun? Life is short and you should enjoy it. And stop thinking about what others think when you feel good. Just enjoy it.

Mistakes are good. We often try to avoid mistakes, forgetting that they are what lead us to success. Be prepared to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.

Friendship needs attention. Cherish friendship like an ornamental plant. It will pay off.

Experience first. If you can't decide whether to buy a sofa or go on a trip, always choose the latter. Joy and positive memories are much cooler than material things.

Forget about anger. The satisfaction from anger goes away after a few minutes. And the consequences can last much longer. Listen to your emotions and when anger comes, take a step in the opposite direction.

And remember kindness. A little bit of kindness can do wonders for the people around you. And it requires little effort from you. Practice this daily.

Age is a number. When you're 20, you think 50 is a nightmare. But when you are 50, you feel like you are 30. Our age should not determine our attitude towards life. Don't let the numbers change the real you.

Vulnerability heals. Being open, real and vulnerable is great. This allows people around you to trust you and share their emotions with you, and you can share them in return.

Posturing builds walls. Creating an image of another person in order to impress someone will play a cruel joke on you. Very often people see the real you through the image, and it repels them.

Sport is power. Doing sports on an ongoing basis should be part of your lifestyle. It makes you stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. It also improves health and appearance. Sport is the cure for all diseases.

Resentment hurts. Let her go. Another the right way simply no.

Passion improves life. When you find any activity you're crazy about, every day becomes a gift. If you haven't found your passion yet, set yourself a goal to do so.

Traveling gives experience and expands consciousness. Traveling makes you more interesting, wiser and better. They teach you how to interact with people, their habits and cultures.

You are not always right. We think we know the answer to every question, but we don't. There is always someone smarter than you, and your answers are not always correct. Remember this.

It will pass. Whatever happens in life, it will pass. Time heals, but things change.

You define your purpose. Life is boring without a purpose. Decide what is important to you and build your life around it.

Often risk is good. To change your life, you have to take risks. Making smart and risky decisions helps you grow.

Change is always for the better. Life is changing and don't resist it. Don't be afraid of change, go with the flow and take life as an adventure.

Thoughts are not real. Thousands of thoughts go through my head every day. Many of them are negative and frightening. Don't trust them. These are just thoughts and they won't become reality unless you help them.

You cannot control others. We want the people around us to behave the way we want. But the reality is that we cannot change other people. Respect the uniqueness and independence of each individual.

Your body is a temple. Each of us has something that we hate in our body. But our body is the only thing that belongs only to us. Treat him with respect and take care of him.

Touch heals. Touch has many positive properties. They normalize the heartbeat, improve well-being and relieve stress. This is a gift to be shared.

You can do it. It doesn't matter what situation is in your head. The reality is that you can handle it. You are much stronger and wiser than you think. You will get through it and survive.

Gratitude makes a person happier. And not only the one to whom gratitude is addressed, but also the one who says it. Don't forget to thank people for everything they do for you.

Listen to your intuition. Your reasoning is very important, but intuition is your superpower. She uses your experience and life model to find the answer to any question. Sometimes it arises spontaneously, and it is better to listen to it.

Remember yourself first. Don't be narcissistic, but remember that the most important person to you is yourself.

Being honest with yourself is freedom. Be honest with yourself. Self-deception is blinding yourself.

Ideals are boring. Perfectionism will make your life boring. Our differences, features, phobias and shortcomings are what makes us unique. Remember this.

Take action to find purpose in life. She won't find herself. Help her in this and do your best to find the target.

Small things are important too. We all expect great victories and achievements, forgetting that they consist of small and sometimes even imperceptible steps. Appreciate these steps.

Learn. Is always. If you think you know at least 1% of everything that is in our world, then you have never been so mistaken. Learn every day, learn something new about different things. Studying keeps our brain in good shape, even in adulthood.

Aging is inevitable. Our bodies get old and we can't stop them. The best way slow down aging - enjoy life and live every day to the fullest.

Marriage changes people. The person with whom you have connected your life will change over time. But so are you! Don't let these changes take you by surprise.

Worry is meaningless. You should only worry if it leads you to a solution to the problem. But the nature of anxiety is such that it will never happen. Worry turns off your brain, and you are simply not able to solve the current situation. Therefore, learn to cope with anxiety and try to get rid of it.

Heal your wounds. Don't let the wounds from your past affect your present life. Don't pretend they don't mean anything. Find support from loved ones or from those who are professionally involved in the treatment of emotional trauma.

Easier is better. Life is full of complexities, confusions and obligations that only make it worse. Simple life gives space for joy and favorite activities.

Do your job perfectly. If you want to achieve something in life, you have to work. Of course, there are rare exceptions, but don't rely on them. Rely on yourself.

It's never too late. Being late is just an excuse for not trying. You can achieve your goals at any age.

Action heals sadness. Any action is a cure for anxiety, procrastination, longing and anxiety. Stop thinking and do something.

Do what you want. Be proactive. Don't wait for life to throw you a bone. You may not like its taste.

Let go of prejudice. Don't be attached to the opinions or beliefs of society. Be open to any opportunity or idea. You will be surprised how many opportunities life gives if you do not reject them.

Words matter. Think before you speak. Do not use words to offend a person. Once you do this, there will be no going back.

Live every day. When you are 90, how many days will you have left? Live and appreciate each of them.

Love is the answer to every question. Love is why we are here. It is the force that moves the world. Share it and express it every day. Make the world a better place.published .

Alexander Murakhovsky

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Some say it's never too late to learn. Others believe that the retirement age and, for example, courses of English language- things are incompatible. But it's great when there are people who prove that it's never too late to gain new knowledge and start from scratch. Just look at this Japanese retiree: at 81, she's learning to code and making smartphone games!

More and more young people are looking to build a career in the IT field. The prospect of high earnings and foreign contracts beckons. But at the same time the industry information technologies considered the prerogative of youth. The sooner you start coding, the more likely you are to succeed. But it seems like it's time for 20- and 30-year-old programmers to move over and hold on tight to their seats. After all, IT is being stormed by ... pensioners!

In a matter of weeks, a simple Japanese pensioner Masako Wakamiya turned into an Internet star, gave out more than a dozen interviews and became an object to follow. And all because in his full 81 years old Masako retained a young mind and thirst for knowledge. Despite her respectful age, the lady signed up for a programming course “for dummies”. And after six months from the beginning of training created her first smartphone game.

The application created by the pensioner is called Hindu. This is a game of attention and knowledge of Japanese traditions. It is dedicated to the Girls' Day, which is celebrated on March 3 in the land of the rising sun. The essence of the game is to place 12 traditional dolls on the virtual shelves in the correct order. If the player remembers the order incorrectly and fails to repeat it, the application will make a very frightening sound. So be careful. But the simplicity of the gameplay and the stylish design of Hindan were appreciated by users Apple Store even professional developers.

So the next time your grandma or mom gives up on your offer to teach them how to use Skype or Smartphone, show them this article. After all, age is not a hindrance to new knowledge. As well as bright style. What they prove.

When I received my engineering degree back in 2001, I did not even imagine that years later I would sit down at my desk again. No, I allowed the possibility of attending some hobby courses, such as knitting or photography, but I did not think about the second higher education.

If only there was a crust

My grandmother used to say: “Linda, if only there was a crust about higher education, and you may not go to work at all in your specialty. And she cited herself as an example: with her specialty “metal cutting”, she worked everywhere, in various industries.

Now I strongly disagree with this opinion. After all, a diploma in itself without knowledge has no value. And when with your engineering knowledge you come, for example, to the field of translation, it turns out that you don’t know a lot. Even if there was a stable five in English at school and university, even if for several years in a row there was first place in the city Olympiads.

Psychologist or teacher

It took me a long time to decide whether to go to the second higher education. I was drawn to the profession of psychologist. I considered her very noble and dreamed of how I would help people get out of the web of depression and begin to enjoy life.

I not only dreamed, I also saved money to get the coveted “crust”. Several years have passed. And then one day I was talking with my friend Vika about studying. It was Vika who expressed a valuable thought: “Linda, this is a very difficult profession, taking on the entire burden of human pain. I'm not sure you can handle it."

Dangerous profession

Further, Vika continued: “In one of the films, a psychologist talked with a teenage boy who did not see the point in living. They talked, and the next day he committed suicide. She then did not sleep at night for a long time, blaming herself for not finding the right words.

And then Vika came up with the idea to go to study as a teacher, like her, only her specialty is Russian literature, and I went to become an English teacher. Now I think that the advice was very correct. If it is not so easy for a teacher to find a job because of competition, then it is much more difficult for a psychologist.

University of the Third Age

When people retrain at the age of 30 or 40, I think it's natural. Nowadays, we need constant updating of knowledge. But it turns out that 60-70-year-old grandparents also sit at their desks. We have a so-called "University of the Third Age" in Kyiv.

Of course, people study in this educational institution rather for the soul. And they also acquire such important communication with like-minded people in old age. This is a vivid example of the fact that it is not too late to learn at any age.

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Live a century - learn a century (c)

Ask yourself another question: why is this necessary? People get a shovel to dig the ground, a hammer to hammer in nails, and so, programming is the same tool that is needed to solve certain problems.

Think about it, the question is much more important than "where to go to study."

If you have a specific goal (for example, you want to create some kind of web resource), then consider whether it is worth taking on the implementation yourself: it is quite possible that the training costs (both temporary and financial) will not justify themselves, it is not better whether to trust the professionals?

If there is no specific goal, that is, you are simply interested in this area, then there is no need to go to study in any educational institution: you can learn how to program on your own, since there are all kinds of resources a la codeacademy, coursera and others. Plus, besides, now there are no problems with literature and computers (as it was before, which distinguished programmers into a special "caste").

It is better to get acquainted with the principles of programming in this order: elementary constructions (branching, loops, function calls), algorithms and data structures (here, by the way, you will have to sweat with mathematics - no one has canceled the analysis of the complexity of algorithms), learning a specific language (I would advise Python ).

A few personal observations: a lot of familiar programmers did not initially learn from them. There were many people of different ages, people from different professions: from pharmacists and dog handlers, to military men and teachers.

A bit of my experience: I studied to be a programmer, although initially there was no such goal - I'm rather just a person passionate about science. At the time of admission, he knew how to program, from the experience of teaching students I can say that everyone can learn, if there is a desire.

I agree with you when it comes to men. If a woman enters this path without any technical background, which an ordinary boy's childhood abounds, and without acquaintances among fellow programmers or IT people, then write wasted ... She will learn the basics, and then what? Who will take her on the team? Where can an adult find company? And even if she finds it, what chance does a girl have that someone without experience and without prejudice will take her into her project instead of another guy, for example? Or would anyone recommend her at work? But if a guy can’t cope, it’s written off, if a girl, they can immediately put a stigma. And at the university you take it and do it, get to know each other and communicate, you get the whole base with the possibility of practice and in the question-answer mode head-on, and then they will definitely take you for an internship, and you can even go to get a master's degree abroad, and stay there ... Plus, well, women don’t have the opportunity to sit at the computer around the clock if they don’t provide it absolutely completely, including a maid, a cook, a nanny and a personal masseur ... This is all from my observation experience. It’s stupidly easier for guys, because as a rule they are fed, washed and someone else cleans up (mother, wife or hires, or eats not at home). Even after work, a man comes, and if he is married, then that's it! He is studying! All on chicks at home! Children, do not interfere! Eat - on! Nobody pulls him. Respect, you know! And now the woman ... Mom, give it! Wife, where is it? Wash, iron, clean, cook, read, talk, help... And then sit down to work on programming for an hour or two? Went through it. I do not advise anyone. If there is an opportunity to go to school, let him go.


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