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Tasks: Introduce the ritual of caroling; to form children's knowledge about the calendar and ritual holiday; cultivate love for Russian folk art, good feelings; contribute to the development of positive emotions.

Lesson progress:
The children enter the room. They sing a song in a round dance.
Song to the music “Like ours at the gates” (between verses, a loss to musical instruments)
It has come Christmas We have been waiting for him for a long time.

Christmas time is celebrated by the people: have fun and sing.
Guys, it's Christmas time. Come on, guys!
And Ovsen and Kolyada will be with us? Yes?

Children: Yes!

M.R: What is Kolyada?

Haven't you guys heard? Well, you have to tell and, of course, show.
Days from Christmas before baptism are called holy days - holy days. These days it is customary to joke, sing funny songs, play, give gifts, go to visit.
What is Christmas time?

This holiday is the longest,

It's funny and old fashioned.

Our ancestors drank, ate,

We had fun for two weeks.

Dressed up and joked.

So let's meet him now!

M.R: We invite everyone to our holidays!
Games and puzzles are waiting for you.
Waiting for fortune-telling, dancing, laughter!
Enough jokes here for everyone!
You don't want to play with the goat.
The game "The goat went through the forest" Holding hands, the children stand in a circle and walk counterclockwise. The goat moves clockwise inside the round dance, choosing a princess for herself. Then, together with the princess, they perform movements according to the lyrics of the song:
The goat went through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Look for a princess, princess, princess.
Come on, goat, let's jump, jump, jump.
And kicking legs, kicking, kicking.
And clap, clap, clap.
And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp.
Shake our head and start again.

M.R: What have you played? Why don't you ask riddles?
1. The old man at the gate dragged away all the heat. (Freezing)
2. Flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (The river is frozen)
3. A cheerful horse runs around our village. (Winter storm)
4. The tablecloth is white dressed the whole world. (Snow)
5. Old basket, new tire. (frozen lake)
6. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (hole in the river)
Children stand in a circle and sing the song "Sanochki"
M.R: Tay, tay, fly into the game with me, you, play.
Folk game "Burners"

Children go in a circle in one direction, leading a circle in another, pronounce the words:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing

The driver with a handkerchief touches two players standing nearby, after

One, two, three run! - they run around the circle in opposite directions, their task is to take the handkerchief first.
M.R: Without fortune-telling, what kind of Christmas time, let's tell fortunes, guys (a bag with an object)

You should be a cheerful singer (microphone)
2. Be beautiful for you (mirror)
3. Learn to read (book)
4. You will draw well (felt-tip pens)
5. You will be an athlete (ball)
6. You will be beautiful (comb)
7. There will be a good appetite (spoon)
8. You will be a master (instrument)
9. You will be fast (car)
10. Be slim (dumbbells)
11. You will be a musician (pipe)
12. You will be rich (cabbage)
M.R: Oh boy, it's Christmas time!
Shall we start caroling? (children come out to sing a song)
Song "Kolyadka" Russian folk song
1 child:
Geese - swans flew!
We are little ones, carolers,
We've come to glorify
Praise the owners!

2 child: Give the kids a snout
And we have a bag of happiness for you!

3 child: Give us a kilo of candy
For a whole year you live without trouble
4 child: For any meal
There will be joy and fun!

Carols, carols, the children have gathered!
They went through the village, they found a grandmother carol,
Our grandmother Kolyada called all the guys.
She called all the guys, gave everyone gifts.
Happy holiday everyone
FROM Merry Christmas!
And now it's time to distribute the Christmas treats to the guys!

Entertainment for children middle group"Christmas Carols"

Holiday progress:

The hosts of the holiday Arina and Zimushka come to visitgroup

Arina and Zimushka together : (with bow)

Hello hostess!

We sow, we sow, we sow.

Happy New Year!

Mistress. Thank you, happy New Year too.

Arina and Zimushka together :

Allow me, hostess, to stand under the window,

Carol to tell.

"Aunty, good,

Give me something nice

Donut and cake,

Yes, pork leg"

Mistress.Kolyada is young, you want a pie?

Now I'll feed everyone

I'll cut each piece.

Arina and Zimushka together :

Kolyada is youngwe want pie!

Don't cut, don't break, serve the whole pie!

Mistress. All, so all

Substitute the bag

I'll get you a pie.

(The hostess puts a pie in a bag.)

Arina : Guys, today we are celebrating Christmas time - this is a Russian folk holiday. Do you want to know how it is celebrated? come with uscaroling!

(Childrenmiddle group"Cornflowers" go to visit"Fidget" singcarols, then go together to"To dreamers" also singcarols, (in each group leaders repeat their words) then they all go together to the music hall to continue the celebration.)

To the music hall"Good evening people" children are included"mummers" . A boy walks ahead of everyone and carries« Christmas star » .

Children : Camecarolopen the gate!

Open the gates and receive guests!

As we entered, yes, in a good house.

Hello hosts!

Good day, good day(bow)

Arina : good afternoon good people(with bow)

Let it be a happy holiday

Happy holiday to all

I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

Arina : So the first month of winter has begun - January. A week passed after the meeting of the New Year and in Russia they began to celebrate the merry time of Christmas time, every day people walked in the evenings near their villages, sang songs, dressed up in outlandish costumes. And even these days it was customary to beg under the windows, performing special songs, which were calledcarols. And now you guys and I went to visit andcaroling. Guys, do you knowcarols? Come out and tell me.

1 child :

Just like ourcarol

Neither small nor great.

She comes to your door

Yes, bow to everyone!

2 child :

I am a little boy

I play the pipe

I amuse you all.

And you people know

Give me candy.

3 child :

Shchedryki - buckets, give me dumplings!

There are few dumplings, give fat,

Ham, sausages, a spoonful of porridge.

If you don't give me a pie, we'll take the cow by the horns!

4child :

Kolyad, carols, kolyadin,

I am alone with my father.

short jacket,

Give, hostess, a pie!

5 child :

I am a little boy

Climb up the closet

Put on a red cap

Please, piglet.

Arina :

Thank you, dear friendscarolerswho came to us with congratulations(Puts a treat for the children in the basket) . Now try to solve some riddles.

1. The old man at the gate dragged away all the heat.(Freezing)

2. The girl Belyan came, the whole glade turned white.(Snow)

3. The tablecloth is white dressed the whole world.(Snow)

4. Flowed, flowed and lay under the glass.(River)

5. An old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, built a bridge across the river, without hands, without an ax, without a wedge.(Freezing)

Winter : Guys, the riddles are all about me, about Zimushka! I Zimushka-winter came to visit you to celebrate the holiday with you. In the traditional folk calendar winter is not only the richest in holidays, but also the longest season. When the harvest is already harvested, there comes a periodentertainment. "Summer is for trying, and winter is for walking" . Guys! What holiday is the most magical, winter, fun?

Children : New Year!

Winter : and after this holiday, Christmas time begins "fromChristmasChrist on January 7 and continue until baptism on January 19 ”and today they gathered for Christmas celebrations.

Do you know poems about winter?

educators : We will sing a song about you"On a visit to the winter-winter" .

Winter : Do you guys want me to tell you interesting nursery rhymes?

Children :


The game"Pretend!"

Winter :

The cat was warming at the gate,

I washed my mouth with my paw,

Hairdresser cockerel

Gave her a comb

He brushed the cat...

Educator and children :

Winter :

The bear hovered in the clouds

He drank tea with crows.

Suddenly, towards the crocodile,

Once - and swallowed the bear,

Swallowed like a midge...

Educator and children :

No, this does not happen - it's pretend.

Winter :

In the morning, grandmother Barbara,

Mosquito carried from the market,

Sees : near wattle

Pig with piglets

Dancing to the harmonica...

Educator and children :

No, this does not happen - it's pretend.

Arina : Our winter is winter, although it is frosty and cheerful. We will continue the holiday, we will play games!

The game“We will buy a grandmother for ourselves a chicken ...”

We will buy, grandmother, a chicken for ourselves

We will buy, grandmother, a duck for ourselves

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a turkey for ourselves

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a kitty for ourselves

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a dog for ourselves

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a pig for ourselves

Piglet grunts-grunts

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a cow for ourselves

Flour-Flour Cow

Piglet grunts-grunts

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a horse for ourselves

Horse yoke-go-ki

Flour-Flour Cow

Piglet grunts-grunts

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a TV for ourselves

Announcer la-la-la-la

Horse yoke-go-ki

Flour-Flour Cow

Piglet grunts-grunts

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

Arina : Children, let's start this with yougame :

The game"Golden Gate"

Two drivers receive names -"moon" and"sun" . They become facing each other and, joining their hands, raise them up, forming a collar. The rest of the players, holding hands, pass through this gate. Players depicting these gatessing :

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

The first time - sorry.

The second time is forbidden

Well, for the third time

We won't miss you! -(Lower hands.)

The one who was outside the gate remains at"moons" and"sun" . He is asked where he would like tostay : U"moons" or at"sun" . The detainee answers and becomes the player he chose. Thus everythingdistributed : who - to"sun" , and who to -"moon" .

When everyone is distributed, the team"sun" and team"moons" arrange a tug-of-war. Who will pull. That team won.

Arina : That's how fun our Christmas holiday turned out to be!

Winter : Yes, it turned out to be a fun walk, songs, dances, and competitions. This is where the holiday ends. Goodbye, guys.

(Under the soundtrack of the song"If there was no winter" , the children leave the room.)

Municipal government preschool educational institution No. 28-2 "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the physical direction of the development of children" Ryabinka "

Compiled by: Schipacheva Tatyana Alexandrovna,

educator of the highest category,

Nabokova Ludmila Nikolaevna,

music director of the 1st quarter category.

Revda, 2017


Project characteristics:

According to the dominant method: game, information and creative.

By the nature of the content: child, society and culture.

By the nature of the child's participation in the project: a participant from the inception of an idea to obtaining a result.

By the nature of contacts: in contact with the same age group.

By the number of participants: group.

Duration: short term.

Purpose: To introduce children to Russian traditional culture, to introduce them to the rite of caroling in Russia.

To acquaint children with the ritual holiday "Carols";

Learn musical folklore material, use it in everyday life;

Encourage children to joint cognitive and creative activities;

To instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of their country, to cultivate a sense of patriotism.

Project participants:


Musical director.

Expected Result:

For kids:

Introducing children to the tradition of holding a national holiday - Carols through empathy and their direct participation in the common action.

Creating an atmosphere of joy of joining the traditional folk holiday.

Increasing children's cognitive interest in their native history.

For teachers:

Organization of pedagogical search through the implementation of innovative programs.

Raising the theoretical level and professionalism of teachers.


1. Goal setting - to arouse interest in cognitive activity.

A task. Introductory conversation about the meaning, customs of the holiday "Svyatki".

2. Project development:

Tasks: Make a plan to familiarize yourself with the customs of celebrating Christmas time

Educational area: music.

Types of musical activity: listening, singing, musical and rhythmic movements.

3. Project execution

Purpose: active participation in the project.

Implementation period: January 2017.

Working with children: The song "Crystal Winter", a song-call

“A carol came on the eve of Christmas!”, “Chatushki for carols”,

round dance "Zimushka-zimushka, how good you are!",

round dance games: “A goat was walking through the forest”, “Grandma Ezhka, a bone leg”,

games with singing: “Gilded chest”, “Dawn-lightning”,

“Already I walked along the lane, walked along the lane”, “Club”, “Shuttle”, “Cook soup”,

"Girdle", "Dough", "Blind Man's Buff".

General impromptu dance "Lady".

Working with educators:

Purpose: to direct joint activities by project.

Talk about the customs and traditions of the holiday.

Consultation on the topic "Christmas".

Listening and learning carols.

Selection of folk riddles, proverbs, sayings, carols, children's fortune-telling.

Making the "Christmas Star", hats "Goat", "Wolf", "Bear", "Hare", elements of the costumes of Baba Yaga and brownie Kuzi.

Application No. 1.

Municipal state preschool educational institution No. 28-2 "Kindergarten

of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for physical

direction of development of children "Ryabinka"

FORM: entertainment


PURPOSE: Formation of the desire to actively participate in entertainment, communicate, be friendly and responsive.


    To acquaint with traditional Russian folk holidays, their origin and purpose; customs and traditions associated with their organization and conduct;

    Develop an understanding of the names of holidays;

    To instill love for Russian folk holidays.


    Expand children's ideas preschool age about Russian folk traditions, introduce rituals, carols;

    Maintain children's interest in the origins of Russian national culture;


    To instill love for folk calendar and ritual holidays;

    To introduce to the world of folk culture, folklore;

    To cultivate love and respect for the traditions and culture of their country.

Preliminary work: conversations about the celebration of Christmas, the New Year, memorizing carols, folk games, riddles, signs, wishes for the new year.

Characters: Hostess - host, educator, Goat, Wolf, Fox, Bear, Hare - adults.

Entertainment progress:

1 Presenter: Christmas has come - We have been waiting for it for a long time.

Christmas time is celebrated by the people: they have fun and sing.

Rejoicing old and young

Who got to the gatherings with us!

1 child:

On this winter evening, smoke curls over the chimney,

The moon is shining over her, and the hut is full of guests.

2 child:

Here are the red girls, the beautiful sisters,

Good fellows around, and the hostess at the table.

3 child:

We invited you here to play, have fun,

Indulge in Russian dance with soul.

We will while away the evening, sing a song together.

song "Crystal Winter" - music by Oliferova

4. Sow, sow, sow, Happy New Year!

For calves, for foals and for little guys,

To be healthy, live for many years!

Presenter: Kolyada, carol, We open all the houses,

All windows, chests, We give sweets, pies.

5. A carol came, On the eve of Christmas!

Carol, carol, open the gate!

6. Frost is not great, but does not order to stand,

The stove is heating up, I want a pie!

7. Carols, carols, carols - pancakes are good with honey!

And without honey - not like that, give, aunt, pies!

8. Shchedrik-Petrik, give me a dumpling!

A spoonful of porridge, sausages on top.

9. This is not enough, give me a piece of lard.

Take it out quickly, do not freeze the children!

Presenter: To whom we sing songs, it will be good,

To an ear - from a log, and grain - from a bucket!

The song will come true, will not pass


The carol came on the eve of Christmas! Carol, carol, open the gate!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing, sons and daughters have come to you,

You meet carolers, welcome us with a smile!

Presenter: Kolyada, Kolyada On the Eve of Christmas

Damn yes cake, owner Alyoshka

Give us a nickel, we won't leave the house like that!!

10. A little boy sat down on a glass,

And the glass is fragile, give the hostess a rub!!!

11. As everyone knows, girlfriends

Masters of singing ditties.

And you guys don't yawn!

Help sing ditties!

12. We will sing ditties for merry carols,

You treat us sweeter, otherwise we will be offended - we will leave!

1. Hey, Vanyusha, play the harmonica, hurry up!

It will be more fun for us to sing ditties under it!

2. I have roosters and roosters on my sundress,

I myself am not a clubfoot, clubfoot suitors!

3. I was at the market, I saw Miron,

Myron has a crow croaking on his nose1

4. I will go out, I will go out to dance in brand new shoes,

All the guys say I'm like a picture!

5. There are clouds in the blue sky, it will rain or hail.

Olya asks for hands on the way to kindergarten!

6. Alla was sitting at the table, thinking at the plate,

Pinocchio sat down with her, ate all the compote and porridge.

7. Polina tried to eat half of the porridge.

The porridge got bad. Laughed at Polina.

8. Everyone is making a snowman, mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son? Where is he? Rolled into a snowball.

9. The chicken went to the pharmacy and said “Crow!

Give soap and perfume so that the roosters love!

10 Here, an overdressed rooster rushed off at full speed:

Soul warmer on fur - know it screams: “Crow!”

11. A bear came out of the snow den, not himself.

He won’t understand in any way from sleep - is it winter, or spring?

12. I will put on a new dress, I will be beautiful in it,

Let the lazy people do not come until they are corrected!

Presenter: A goat is visiting, a dereza goat is visiting us.

There is a horned goat, there is a butted goat.

Goat (adult, singing). Where the goat walks, there the wheat will give birth,

Where a goat has a tail, there is a life of a bush, Where a goat has a foot, there is a life of a shock,

Where a goat is with a horn, there is a haystack of life.

2 Host: Where did you, goat, go, where did you, white, wander?

Goat. I walked along dark woods, On wet pine forests, tired. (Goat falls)

Host: What does a goat need? What does she love?

And our goat needs a little:

A bucket of buckwheat for baking

Yes, a pot of oats at the end of the tail.

Sieve of oats, on top of it - sausage.

Yes, three pieces of bacon so that the goat gets up!

The owners present the Goat with a bag of sweets. She jumps to her feet and starts dancing. Children surround the Goat and begin to dance.

The game "The goat was walking through the forest."

WOLF and FOX appear from both sides (adults)

Grey Wolf met a red fox in a dense forest. - Hello, Lizaveta! -How are you, Toothy? -Nothing is going on, the head is still intact. - Where have you been? - On the market. - What did you buy? - Pigs. - How much did you take? - Wool shreds, skinned right side, tail gnawed off in a fight ... - Who gnawed off? - Dogs. - Are you alive, dear kumanek? - BARBLE LEGS dragged away

Okay, honey, you won't get tired if you play with us!

1. Host: One - two, one - two, the game begins!

The game "Already I walked along the street, walked along the lane"

Already I walked along the lane, walked along the lane,

I already found a thread, the ball stretches, does not end,

I took the thread, only the thread broke!

Children start a snail, then the needle finds a hole, crawls out and unwinds the threads - a ball.

A Little Bear appears, a Hare meets him:

Hare: Hello, Little Bear! Want,

I'll give you a very tasty carrot. Shows.

Teddy bear: Well, I'm fragrant honey for you, this whole barrel is showing.

Hare: But the carrot is tastier, and sweeter, and more satisfying.

Teddy bear: There is no better honey in the world, even children will tell you.

Hare: No, a carrot is better.

Bear cub: No, honey.

Hare: No, carrot. They argue.

Teddy bear: Honey is more fragrant, juicier.

Oh so sweet, yum yum. Eating

Hare: Well, the carrot is tastier,

Yes, and sweeter, and more satisfying.

Oh, what a delicious, sweet Eats carrots.

Hare. Mish, let me try honey.

Bear cub. And I'll have your carrot.

Hare: (looks into the keg) Ah, but where is Mishka honey?

Teddy bear (also looks into his barrel and speaks in bewilderment).

And my mouth ate it all. Where is your carrot?

Hare: Teeth gnawed.

Both: That's right! What are we friends to do?

Hare: Oh, guys, help, What should we do, tell me!

The game "Clutch"

Children stand in pairs with a "train" boy-girl in front of each other in a circle. Music sounds, the girls dance, and at the end they take a place in pairs, one remains. Everyone says in unison: "One - two - three - you are a muddler!" »

Leading: Kolyada, carol, carol, cheerful and rich.

Sow, be born, live and wheat,

Barley, oats, buckwheat, peas, lentils.

Be healthy, be happy.

Live without trouble for many, many years!

Host: Well, our gatherings are over. We say to you: goodbye, peace to those who are in this house. Until we meet again, until new holidays.

The children leave the room.

Application number 2.

FORM OF CARRYING OUT: entertainment.

TOPIC: "Christmas time"

PURPOSE: To introduce children to the origins of Russian traditional culture, to acquaint them with the rituals that existed in Russia.


    To acquaint children with the concept of Christmas time, with the traditions, customs and rituals associated with their organization and conduct: fortune-telling, folk festivals, caroling, decorating the Christmas tree.

    Broaden your horizons through familiarization with art and national culture.

    To educate in children a steady interest and responsiveness to the works of musical folklore.

    Learn to play children's musical instruments in an ensemble.


    To enrich the memory of children, intellectual abilities, their creative activity, fantasy, imagination, initiative, arbitrariness.

    Build artistic taste.


    Contribute to the development of the child, instilling in him love, respect for his nation, spiritual sensitivity and receptivity to others.

    To develop the need to do good deeds and deeds, to form a moral sense.

    To instill love for folk holidays and traditions.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, music, fiction, health, Physical Culture, socialization.

Preliminary work: a conversation with children about the traditional celebration of Christmas and Christmas time; learning the ritual repertoire with children (carols, songs, games, riddles, sayings about the table, tablecloth, towel, bread, samovar, tea).

Materials and equipment: household items for the “hut”: a table, a folk-style towel, a samovar, a fake house, folk costumes for the hostess, a hoop for playing with Baba Yaga, a chest, a “snowball”, a CD with audio recordings, a Christmas star , Russian folk costumes for children, for "mummers".

Characters: leading - educators, Baba Yaga, brownie Kuzya.

Event progress:

1 Presenter: Hello guys, hello dear guests!

All for Christmas! All for Christmas! Come on guys!

What are the holidays? Haven't you guys heard?!

Well, you have to tell and, of course, show.

2 Presenter: This holiday is the longest

It's funny and old fashioned.

Our great-grandparents,

Had fun for two weeks

From Christmas to Baptism

Having prepared a meal.

1 Presenter: They sang different carols,

We went around the yards to Christmas time,

Dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved!

2 Presenter: Guys, Holy days have come - Christmas time!

Christmas time is celebrated by the people: they have fun and sing.

"Dance with scarves"

1 Presenter: In the evening, the peasant family gathered in the hut and sat around the table. The table was interpreted as a “throne”, “God's palm”, giving daily bread, therefore it is not supposed to knock on the table at which they eat. Let's listen to the proverbs and sayings of the Russian people about the table.

"Proverbs about the table"

It is filled with plates, deep and shallow,

There are spoons, forks and knives ... What do they stand on, tell me? .. (Table)

Behind him - we sit, Behind him - we eat,

He is necessary for the whole family ... (Table)

He has a big back, and on it he allows

And write, and draw, And sculpt, and cut ... (Table)

He holds the dishes on himself, He rested his legs on the floor.

The tablecloth was covered with white Strong and reliable ... (Table)

2 Presenter: The table was always covered with a tablecloth. Tablecloths were different in color, pattern and manufacturing technique. Festive tablecloths were different best quality canvases and

had a lace seam, tassels or fringe. And who knows the riddles about the tablecloth?

"Mysteries about the tablecloth"

Tablecloth from the table - and friendship swam

They beat me, beat me, And they put me at the table with the king. Answer: tablecloth

Who is standing in our dining room, Propping up a bowl of porridge?

Lace embroidered hem. Who is on the table now? Answer: tablecloth

1 Presenter: There was always bread wrapped in a towel and a salt shaker with salt on the table. Guests were greeted with bread and salt on an embroidered towel. The owner sat at the head of the table, looking around at the family, the father took a knife in his hands, pressed a bread roll to his chest, cut off slice after slice and distributed it to the family sitting at the table. The Russian people used to say proverbs, sayings, and riddles about bread. The children will tell us.

"Riddles, proverbs about a towel and bread"

Soft, fluffy White, clean.

I'll take it with me to the shower. I'll be clean and dry. (towel)

And terry, and smooth happens. Who washed himself, he does not forget about him:

Wipe the adult, the baby ... (towel)

Soft mohair, brand new,

After the bath, After the bath, On Vanya-Tani's shoulders. (Towel.)

Everyone has in the apartment, And more, And wider.

After the bath, after the shower, you will be hugged and dried. (Towel.)

If in the bathroom you were going to splash, splash,

Wash in the shower, wash your hands, wash your face noisily,

Lie down in the soapy foam and warm yourself in the water

Don't forget to take a Large (Towel) with you

Bread father, water mother.

Bread on the table, so is the table throne; and not a piece of bread - and a board table.

Death without bread, laughter without salt.

Bread is the head of everything.

2. Presenter: But there was one secret - the mummers came only to those houses on the window of which a candle was placed. (Put a candle), set the table with an embroidered tablecloth, put a samovar, various treats. The carolers were invited to the table, to treat themselves to sweets, to drink tea.

"Proverbs about tea drinking"

We do not miss tea - we drink six cups each.

Have a cup of tea - you will forget longing.

The samovar boils, does not order to leave

Come to tea - I treat you with pies.

1 Presenter: It was customary to guess at Christmas time. Everyone guessed - both adults and children. People loved this fun very much, the girls wondered what awaits them in the new year, and the guys measured their strength. In order to drive away the evil spirits that interfere with the holiday, in the old days they made a lot of noise, laughed, sang loudly. And we will drive away all the evil spirits with a noise orchestra.

Noise Orchestra "Lady"

There is a knock on the door, Baba Yaga comes in.

B.Ya. See how they have fun! Have drunk tea! Eat pies! And Baba Yaga hasn't had a crumb in her mouth since last Christmas.

2 leading. Hello B.Ya. stay on our holiday, play with us.

The game "Grandma Yozhka", the game "Log" (boys pre-gr.)

1 Presenter: B.Ya. they also guessed at Christmas time. The girls threw the felt boots out of the gate - in which direction the "nose" looks at him, the groom will come from there. Do you want to tell fortunes and find out your fate?

Fortune telling "Boots": "Brides" (girls) - throw boots, "Grooms" (boys) - catch.

Baba Yaga: And tell me! I also want happiness! (B.Ya. throws, and Kuzya the Brownie catches).

2 Presenter: Here is your fiance! Who is this, come in, dear guest, introduce yourself, please!

Brownie Kuzya: In appearance, maybe inconspicuous, not large in sprout,

The chest in the hands of a secret, shoes - lapotochki,

They call the brownie Kuzey, I sleep behind the stove, where it's warm.

Yes, I play with the cat Muska, at night, when it is already dark.

Hello, hello, respectable audience!

What's that noise? What kind of laugh? There is no rest!

2 Presenter: Gatherings here with us, we called you here

Play, have fun, dance fun spinning!

Let's stand together in a circle

We will roll a lump.

Whose lump freezes

He will dance for us.

One-two, one-two, the game begins!

"Game with a lump in a circle."

1 Presenter: Brownie Kuzya, what is this secret, gilded chest? And you know how to guess, teach us.

Brownie Kuzya: I have a chest, and we will tell fortunes with it.

Gilded chest

Tell us friend.

What will come true, what will become

Let the bad stay.

Girl's fortune-telling "Gilded chest"

The girls stand in a circle around the casket, sing a song,

they take out an object, Brownie reads what it means.

Ribbon - a long road awaits you.

Mirror - you will be beautiful

Money - to wealth

Button is a big, friendly family

Towel - go on a trip

Bun - you will always eat sweets

Ring - guests will come, grooms

Doll - will give a new doll.

Comb - long, lush hair.

Slipper - dance at the ball

Beads - the first beauty

Bracelet - wait for a gift

Lipstick - prom queen

Dress - wait for new clothes

Heart - family happiness,

The key is a new house,

Wheel - to buy a car,

Flower - for a gift,

Apple - to good health.

2 Presenter: Good luck!

1 Presenter: After such fun games

Let's dance now.

Invite each other.

The legs themselves are torn to dance.

Cheerful dance under R.N. music

2 Host: We can’t sing glorious songs for everyone.

kind words don't tell everyone.

Our holiday was a success.

It's fun to play Christmas time.

The children leave the room.

Entertainment in the "Mini Museum" preschool educational institution for children of the middle group

Entertainment in the preschool "Christmas carols"

Author: Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior educator of the MDOU "Kindergarten" Kolokolchik "r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov Region
Conducted by: educators of the 1st quarter of the category Baltaeva E.N., Puzakova O.E.

This methodical development can be useful to educators, specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Target: introducing preschool children to Russian folk culture and traditions.

1. Develop interest in Russian folk art.
2. To instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of their country.
3. Cultivate a sense of patriotism.
4. Introduce musical folklore into everyday life. The Mini-Museum of the preschool educational institution "Russian Hut" to the music "Good evening, people" includes children with a teacher - "mummers". The children have noise instruments in their hands, the boy has a "Christmas star"
They are met by the hostess and several children (family)

Educator:- Are the owners at home? Permit me to glorify the carol?
Hostess:- Come on in, guests are always welcome!
The carol has come, open the gate!
Open the gates and receive guests!
As we entered, yes, in a good house.
Hello hosts!
Good day, good day!

good day good people
Let it be a happy holiday
Happy holiday to all
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

Educator: The first month of the new year, January, has ended. When the first week passed after the New Year's Eve in Russia, they began to celebrate the merry time of Christmas time, every day people walked around the village, sang songs, rode sleigh rides, dressed up in outlandish costumes. And even these days it was customary to beg under the windows, performing special songs, which were called carols. And no one was angry with the mummers, because the mummers brought a lot of good things to the owners the next year.

Children sing carols:
carol, carol
open the gate
Serve the pie
piece of bread,
sour cream pot,
Don't serve pies
Let's release bedbugs
mustachioed cockroaches
striped animals

Masha J: Just like our carol
Neither small nor great.
She comes to your door
Yes, bow to everyone!

Dima F: I am a little boy
I play the pipe
I amuse you all.
And you people know
Give me candy.

Masha M: Shchedryki - buckets, give me dumplings!
There are few dumplings, give fat,
Ham, sausages, a spoonful of porridge.
If you don't give me a pie, we'll take the cow by the horns!

Sasha K: carols, carols, carols,
I am alone with my father.
short jacket,
Give, hostess, a pie!

Anton M: I am a little boy
Climb up the closet
Put on a red cap
Please, piglet.

Educator: Guys, would you like to listen to how they used to sing carols?

(Listening to the audio recording "Izmailovskaya Sloboda" song "The arrival of carolers")

Mistress: Thank you, dear carolers, for coming to us with congratulations and carols (puts treats in the children's basket). Now try to guess my tricky riddles.

1. The forest is covered with a white blanket,
And the bear is sleeping in the den.
Snow, like a white border.
Who was in charge? (winter)

2. What is a miracle coverlet?
At night everything suddenly became white.
Do not see roads and rivers -
They were covered by fluffy ... (snow)

3. Our windows are like pictures.
Who is the invisible artist?
Bouquets of roses on the glass
We drew... (freezing)

4. Who all night long
Does he sing snow songs?
Wind - winter friend,
Snowdrifts will sweep... (winter storm)

5. Frozen sorcerer
Both lakes and streams.
I breathed cold, and now -
Not water in a stream, but... (ice)

6. They snake on the ground like a snake,
Howling pitifully in the pipe,
Fir trees are covered with snow.
This is winter... (blizzards)

Presenter: Our winter - winter, though frosty and cheerful

Children take out a goat (a child in a goat mask).

All: We do not go ourselves, we lead a goat!

Sasha M: Where the goat walks, there the wheat will give birth!
Anton M: Where a goat has a tail, there is a bush!
Masha J: Where a goat is with a horn, there is a haystack of life!

The goat first bows, then dances to dance music, and then suddenly pretends to stumble and fall.

Mistress: And what happened? Why did the goat fall?

Masha M: Our Goat asks for treats. Then she gets up and dances some more.
Lera B: Our Goat needs a little: a bucket of buckwheat for baking.
Sasha K: A sieve of oats, sausage on top, and three pieces of bacon so that the Goat gets up.

The goat is given a treat, after which she continues her dance, and then bows.

Fortune-telling game "Professions".

Educator:- Look, there are pots on the bench in which millet is poured. Let's come and guess who you will become when you grow up.

Children walk around the bench and say the words:
Pot with tops,
Tell us friend
What will happen, what will happen?
Bad, let it stay!

Children take out a card with the image of a profession from the pots and tell what they will become.

Presenter: We will continue the holiday, we will play games!

The game "Tambourine" is being played.

Children stand in a circle and pass the tambourine to each other to the music. When the music stops, the one with the tambourine goes to the center of the circle and dances.

The game "Brook" is being played.

Children become pairs one after another, raising their joined hands. Each pair must pass under this "bridge", gradually lining up ahead of the other pair.

Presenter: That's how fun our Christmas holiday turned out to be!
And now the guys will go to the group to drink tea with treats, we invite you, the hostess, to visit.

Video entertainment

Target: to arouse interest in the traditions and art of the Russian people.

The progress of the matinee

A choral melody sounds. The mummers come out, shower the audience with grain and sing a song.


I sow, I sow, I sow

Happy New Year,

For the New Year, for a new happiness.

Go away, bad weather.

Freak out, wheat,

Lentil ear,

On the field - shocks,

On the table - pies.

Let me come in.

The carol has a year on its way?!

Bear. Is the master of the house at home, at home?

Master. I'm at home, at home.


We wish happiness and health to the owner of the house.

And the lady of the house?

hostess. I am at home, at home, dear guests.


We wish the hostess of the house happiness and health.

And we wish your children great happiness.


Thank you, guests,

What came to the holiday to us!

Mummers (sing).

Carol, carol!

On the eve of Christmas.

The carol came

brought Christmas

Carol, carol -

Joy is not a problem.

And sometimes carols

On the eve of Christmas.


Well you sang

Perhaps you want to?

Baba Yaga.

What, master, give us,

What will you give us now?


They didn't dance, they sang a little,

Did you want treats?

Wait, wait

Dance and sing.

mummers(chastushkas sing, dance).

carol, carol,

There is food on the table

oatmeal porridge,

Pig's head.

carol, carol,

The star rolled

To us here at Christmas time,

Burnt heels.

carol, carol,

We have delicious food

It's a joy, it's not a problem

Submit it here!

carol, carol,

Very young too.

Give candy boxes

Or put the pitchfork to the side.

Hostess (serves sweets, pies).

Here are the candy boxes

Yes, a pie tray.

Winter holidays begin

Come closer guys.

hostess(shows a bag of money).

Here's the money bag

I will cry with you now.

mummers(in reply).

Who gave pies -

That is why the rye is thick, threshing.

From half-grain - a pie,

From the top - wide.

Who gave the meat -

Therefore, the yard of the abdomen.

And the owner with the hostess

Our earthly bow. (Bow.)


We have paths ahead

We're caroling again

Kolyada, take a spoon,

Let's play the Lady.

The accordion player plays "Lady", and the children play along with him on spoons. Then everyone leaves with a song and a round dance.


The carol came

There was a star with the carol.

Where did you go again

Carol, carol?


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