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MOTHER'S DAY for elementary students. Scenario

Lesson Objectives:
- development and demonstration of creative abilities of students, development of speech, self-confidence;
- expanding the horizons of students.
- education of love and respect for the mother, a sense of gratitude for her care and love.

Equipment: tape recorder, computer.

The song sounds.
"Mom is the first word."

Mom is the first word
main word
In every destiny
Mom gave life
The world gave
Me and you.

It happens at night
mom on the sly
Will cry
How is the daughter
How is her son?
Only in the morning
Mom falls asleep.

Mom is the first word
main word
In every destiny
Mom gave life
The world gave
Me and you.

It happens,
If it happens suddenly
In your house, grief is trouble,
Mom is the best
Trusted friend,
will be with you
Near always.

Mom is the first word
main word
In every destiny
Mom gave life
The world gave
Me and you.

You will become more mature
And like a bird
You will fly up.
Whoever you are, you know
What are you to mom?
As before,
Cute baby.

Mom is the first word
main word
In every destiny
Mom gave life
The world gave
Me and you.

1. In the world kind words a lot
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
From two syllables, a simple word "mother"
And there are no words more precious than it.

2. This word is our happiness
Our life and beauty.
Mother, dear mother -
This is what is sacred forever.

3. How we want to say a lot of words
To all the women of our beloved land
Wish them health and happiness
Hope, patience, joy, good luck.

4. We live in the world for a few years
And many more, friends, we do not know.
But I believe in victory and success,
When your mom is next to you!

5. Our friendly class is happy to congratulate
To all mothers on the whole planet
thank you mom say
Both adults and children!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear mothers, grandmothers. Hello lovely women! Let me congratulate you on a tender family holiday, Mother's Day. We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, tearing you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how your children love you, how much your attention is dear to them.

Happy holiday!

And also prepared interesting contests for you.

1 competition. "Our Favorite Tales"
1. What is the name of two brothers who became famous for their fairy tales?
Brothers Grimm.

2. Who did the hero of the fairy tale turn into? Ugly duck»?
Into a swan.

3. The bear in the fairy tales "Mowgli" was called ...

4. What flower was Thumbelina born from?
From a tulip.

5. What metal was the resistant soldier made of?
From tin.

6. From whom did the dishes leave?
From Fedora.

7. What was the name of the Italian storyteller who wrote the fairy tale "Cipolino"?
Gianni Rodari.

8. How many heroes were there in the fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess"?
7 heroes.

9. What is the real name of the Princess - frogs?
Vasilisa the Wise.

10. Who was the fairy tale Cinderella good sorceress?

Dance "Cucumbers".

Host: There is no one better than moms in the world.
A wife, a mother is a cheerful gentle sun in the sky of a home hostel, it is a source of affection, compassion and comfort. All of you, dear mothers, daily fulfill the role of a big mistress of a small state. You are a teacher, a psychologist, an economist, a diplomat, a doctor and a baker, an actress and a playwright, and a director of family scenes, a leader and a subordinate at the same time.

6. In the house she is busy with good deeds,
Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us, good afternoon and good hour.
good evening, good night
It was good yesterday.
And where do you ask
There is so much kindness in the house.
That flowers take root from this kindness,
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks!
I will answer you directly
It's mom, mom, mom!

7. Help your mom,
And you will see for yourself:
Her smile will bloom
Like the sun in spring.
The day will be bright and bright.
Your help is like a gift
And priceless and beautiful

Your mother dear.

8. Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,
We know that she is often tired.
And my beloved mother
We give the word
What will we do to help her?
Always and in everything.

9.If something happens,
If suddenly trouble
Mom will come to the rescue
Will always help out.

10. On the cheeks of mommy -
Two magical dimples.
And when she laughs
Light so radiant pours,
That snowdrops are blooming!
Mom is my sunshine!
I am her sunflower
It's good to be happy
Love your mommy.

Leading: And now let's play the game "Mommy". I will ask questions, and you answer in chorus: “Mommy.”

- Who came to me in the morning?
Who said it's time to get up?
- Who managed to cook the porridge?
- Did you pour me a cup of tea?
- Who braided my pigtails?
- Who kissed me?
Who is a child who loves laughter?
- Who is the best in the world?

3 competition. "Hear and dance."
1. Aram-zam-zam.
2. Tatar dance.
3. Eastern.
4. Dance of little ducklings.
5. Rock and roll.
6. Gypsy.
7. Kaz ropes.
8. Labmada.
9. Elbow dance.
10. Macarena.
11. Ku-ka-river.
12. Juice - juice.

The song sounds.
A song about a mammoth.

Across the blue sea to the green land
I'm sailing on my white ship
On your white ship
On your white ship.

I'm not afraid of the waves or the wind
I swim to the only mother in the world,
I swim through the waves and the wind
I swim through the waves and the wind
To the only mother in the world.

I want to get to the ground as soon as possible
"I'm here, I've arrived!" - I will shout to her.
I will scream to my mother
I will scream to my mother.

Let mom hear
Let mom come
May my mother find me.
For children to be lost.
After all, it does not happen in the world,
For children to be lost.

Leading: Of course, mom, she will certainly find it.

4 competition. "Affectionate".
Mothers call their children affectionate words.

Dance "Gentlemen".

Who loves you children?
Who loves you so tenderly?
Without closing your eyes at night,
Who is taking care of you?

Mom dear!

And if mom is at work,
Dad is busy as usual
Who will take care of you?

My grandmother!

11. Together with my grandmother
We live very friendly!
Together we go for a walk
Together we go to sleep
Together we wash the dishes -
True true! I will not lie!
We don't like to be sad
We can sing and dance
Grandma will clap for me
Well, and I - spin, stomp!
I try not to be capricious
I do not shed tears, but smile -
We are great friends with her.

12. There is no more wonderful grandmother,
It's good to be with you.
And laugh and play
Read a story at night.
Maybe you yourself are from a fairy tale?
You give peace, warmth and affection
Be always - always cheerful
Both happy and healthy!

13. My grandmother is with me,
And that means that I am the main one in the house,
I can open cupboards
Watering flowers with kefir
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands
Slam the door on purpose!
And it won't work with mom.
I already checked.

14. Grandma, you too
Was it small?
And she loved to run
And plucked flowers?
And played with dolls
You, grandma, right?
What hair color was
Do you have then?
So I will be the same
Grandma and me -
Is to stay
Can't be small?

The song sounds.
"I don't have a brother..."

I live with my grandmother
I live with my grandfather
Mom and dad visit us.
Became fashionable one
Baby have everything
Yes, and then throw the old people.

I don't have a sister
I don't have a brother.
They say kids are a lot of trouble.
What will happen on earth
In the next hundred years,
If the fashion for children completely disappears?

Chocolate full house
Marmalade full house,
There is nowhere to put toys.
So that I grow up happy
A real dog was bought
Of course, he is very nice, but ...

Chorus: repeated

Grandma wants to knit
Grandpa wants to sleep
I'm alone wandering around the yard ...
It's a pity that without dads and moms
Man himself cannot
Get a brother or sister.

Chorus: repeated.

5 competition. "Culinary Competition"
Host: Grandma spends a lot of time in the kitchen. Trying to cook something tasty. I want to offer our grandmothers a competition. I will list the main ingredients of well-known dishes. You have to guess what it is!
1 recipe. Water, meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cabbage, salt, pepper.

2 recipe. Herring, carrots, hard-boiled eggs, beets, mayonnaise.
Under a fur coat.

3 recipe. Water, herbs, salt, vermicelli, mushrooms.
Mushroom soup.

4 recipe. Ice cream, juice.

5 recipe. Minced meat, onion, eggs, bread, salt, pepper.

6 recipe. Water, potatoes, salt, bay leaf, fish.

7 recipe. Water, pickles, onions, carrots, potatoes, pearl barley, kidneys or sausages, salt, pepper.

8 recipe. Green peas, pickles, meat, salt, hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise.
Russian salad.

9 recipe. Waffle cakes, condensed milk, chocolate, berries.

10 recipe. Potatoes, salt, butter, milk.
Mashed potatoes.

Host: Well done, our grandmothers.

Well, what kind of holiday is complete without ditties? Listen to them.
Our dear mothers!

Mom in the morning our Dasha
Gave two candies
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

"I will help my mother"
Our Zlata says
But how do you wash dishes?
Her stomach hurts.

Mom asked Nastya
Wash dirty dishes
For some reason, Nastya became
Just as dirty as dishes.

We picture our mom
Drawing with my brother
And for the brightness of lipstick,
Her shadows have been taken.

A very difficult task
I was asked yesterday
The whole family decided together
Cat, mom, dad, me.

On a beauty scarf
Yana embroidered flowers,
And the calf looked
And almost ate the flowers.

Oh thank you mom
What gave birth to:
Mischievous, combative
And she called me Nikita.

We finish singing ditties
And we give this advice:
Help more moms
They will live a hundred years!

6 competition. "Dance and show."
Rhythmic dance music is turned on, during which moms dance and perform various tasks, for example:

1. as if you are washing the floors.
2. as if you are ironing.
3. as if you are braiding your hair.
4. as if you are baking pancakes.
5. as if you are erasing.
6. as if you are dressing a child.
7. as if you are making pies.
8. as if you are in a hurry somewhere.

7 competition. "Anagrams".
1. nikdnev (diary)
2. diaper (diaper)
3. kosolnysh (sun)
4. nemlade (baby)
5. skyrikmapaher (hairdresser's)

Host: Every second 3 people are born in the world. It is the mother who gives them life. Love for a baby is as natural to her as lilac blossoms in the spring, as the sun sends its rays, warming all living things, and the love of a mother warms the whole life of a child. Mother is the window Big world. Mother is our support and protection. . Mother and child are two inextricable threads in trouble and in joy.

15. Girls and boys
Let's go with you
thank you grandma
Thank you mom.

16. For songs, for fairy tales,
For trouble and kindness,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys.

Together: C p a s i b o!

17. For books and counting rhymes,
For skis and jump ropes,
For sweet jam
For long patience.

Together: C p a s i b o!

Dance "We're just little stars."

Leading: For you, dear mothers and grandmothers, our gift.
ICT (presentation with photos of mothers and grandmothers). Gifts made by children.

No matter how far humanity has stepped in progress, no matter what era has come, the care of women's hands and the wise mother's word will never depreciate. And the greatest value in the world will always be your love - a jewel that no amount of money can buy. Let the sun shine brighter for you, and there will always be a strong male shoulder nearby.



Prepared and hosted:

teacher primary school

Gracheva Nina Ivanovna


always be by my side!"

Purpose: the formation in children of a sense of love and respect for the mother, as the closest, dearest and dearest person in the life of a child.


1. Promote joint communication between children and mothers, help children feel that they are loved. Create a happy mood.

2. To develop in children a sense of rhythm, the ability to expressively sing songs, convey emotional condition in dramatizations.

3. Involve mothers to participate in all competitions, competitions, games.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear mothers, hello, dear women! Let me congratulate you on a tender family holiday, Mother's Day. We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, tearing you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how much children love you.

Vedas: What is happiness? Such a simple question

Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.

In fact, happiness is simple!

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts. Booties and bib

A brand new described mother's sarafan.

Torn tights ... Knocked down knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor ...

Happiness is soft warm palms,

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa ...

It's a whole bunch of broken toys

It's a constant rattle of rattles...

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...

Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on forehead...

It's a constant "What" and "Why? "...

Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...

A small candle on a huge cake...

This endless "Read me a story"

These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka ...

This is a warm nose from under the blanket ...

Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas ...

Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden…

What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;

Everyone who has children has it! Meet your adorable kids!

Children to the music of "Mom" enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

    There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a baby in her arms!

    From any misfortune conjuring,

She doesn't do any good.

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

Proud exalted mother

    The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,

And so it stands for centuries,

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a baby in her arms!

    Everything in the world is marked with traces,

No matter how many paths you walk,

The apple tree is decorated with fruits,

A woman is the fate of her children.

    May the sun applaud her forever,

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a baby in her arms!

    Happy Mother's Day,

Happy autumn holiday, congratulations!

Leading: Mother! What a great word! She gives life to her child. Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most gentle, caring hands that everyone can do. Love never goes out in her heart!

And today, our dear guests, we have prepared a surprise for you with your children - this is a magic flower. (Picks up a vase with a paper flower.) Tearing off one of the petals, you will receive one of the numbers of our holiday program as a gift, but before touching the flower, you need to say the magic words, the guys and I will tell you.

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand

Gift our mother!

The host approaches one of the mothers, the chosen mother tears off the petal.

1 petal

Presenter 1. One mother had three daughters, and one day they decided to dream.


Three girls under the window

Dreaming in the evening.

The first sister says:

Girl 1.

Here in the actress I would break through,

Then in our village just

I would give a concert that hour!

Girl 2.

If only I were a singer...

Boy. Her sister says.

Girl 2.

I would sing great

Like Larisa Dolina.

Girl 3.

Looks like a cute nose

I would do well

I would say to everyone boldly:

I wanted to be a director!


Be your way, sisters!

We will give a concert now

And we will have fun for all of you.

Song - Mother's Day.

The holiday of our mothers is coming,

A whole day for mom dear!

We wake up early, smile at mom.

The native will be happy!

Congratulations to our grandmothers.

After all, they are the mothers of our mothers!

We hug tightly, we sing a song.

We are so glad, very glad to see you!

Chorus: Holiday, holiday, holiday we give you!

All flowers are for our mothers.

Let the sun smile in the morning

And disperse all the sadness and sadness!

Grandma and Mom are the best!

Mom will always help us!

Grandmother regrets and warms with warmth,

Even if it scolds us sometimes!

Well, we'll clean everything at home,

Let's make a cake, make some tea.

Let's hide all the pillows, we're three girlfriends!

There is no time to be bored on Mother's Day!

We promise not to upset you!

And learn from your kindness.

Do not worry, mothers, we are stubborn in moderation,

We can always be "on top"!

We want to congratulate you on the holiday!

Wish you good luck and warmth.

We give you flowers, but do not put an end to ...

This is how we do things!

2 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand

Gift our mother!

    A merry holiday has come to us,

A wonderful holiday - the holiday of mothers.

It's called Mother's Day

And at the end of November is celebrated.

    Today is our favorite holiday

Cheerful, kind, gentle, sweet.

We will sing songs for mothers,

Let's dance and read poetry.


Morning begins,

Mom wakes up

And mother's smile

The morning is filling up.

warm palms

Mom will keep you warm

kind words

Sadness dispels.

Why so often

Harm in us kicks?

"I do not want and I will not!"

It is called.

We know, mommy

You are always right.

And "I'm sorry"

The words reappear.

Like the sun in the sky

Like leaves in a garden

Like living water

Mom is important to us

The game "Winders" (2 mothers, 2 children participate. The goal is to quickly wind the ribbon on a stick to the middle, give each other a kiss when they meet)

Dance "Freckles"

3 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand

Gift our mother!

Song "Mother's Smile"

Every day and every hour

Mom loves us very much

Surrounding us with care and affection.

Childhood golden ray,

Flashing into the sky as a star,

Kindness carries her from a fairy tale.

Mom will smile

The sun will laugh

Spilling bright light everywhere.

Mom's smile

Leaves in the heart

Most kind

Light trail in life.

My dear mother,

I love you very much!

You will always be by my side.

You scold sometimes

Say kind words

And warm your soul with your eyes.

In a difficult hour, when trouble

Mom will always help

After all, there is no better friend in the world.

And everyone, yes, yes,

Mommy is alone.

Adults and children love her.

    I will definitely be a mom.

What should I name my daughter?

I know there will be many difficulties.

You need nipples, a stroller, a bed.

I need to wash my daughter's panties,

shake, lull, sing,

Kiss her scratches, bumps.

How much does mommy need to do.

Feed and wash dishes

And in winter, ride on a sleigh,

Be patient and kind.

Can I do all this?

How tired I must be!

Who will take pity on me, warm me?

Yes, of course, my mother!

Blitz Poll

The guys take out the chamomile. Moms take turns picking off the petals and answering the questions written behind the petals.

What did your child look like when you saw him for the first time?

What songs did you sing while putting your baby to sleep? Drink a couplet.

What is the first word of your son or daughter.

Name the very first poem you learned together.

The first gift given to you by your child.

Where did your child's first teeth appear: at the top or at the bottom?

At what age did your child take the first step?

What was the first word: mom or dad?

What color was your baby's hair at birth?

4 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand

Gift our mother!

Presenter: Mom calls her child the kindest and most tender words: sun, kitten, bunny ...... is that what you call your children? And now I would like the guys to say the warmest, most tender words to their mothers.Guys, my heart is in my hands. The heart is a symbol of love. Whoever gets it at the end of the music will tell us from the bottom of his heart about his mother. The game "Sweet words"

(children stand in a circle and pass the heart to each other to the music)

    The day is special, bright and clear,

Autumn found a golden day.

"Mom's Day" - it sounds so beautiful

Dear guests brought to us!

Mom is warm and tender!

Mom, I feel your hands.

Mom is the wind of hope and freshness,

Like the tread of spring in autumn!

Remember this is the most kind person!

Be grateful mom

Cherish and take care of her

Give her a festive gift with tenderness!( give gifts)

Miniature 1 - "The color of happiness."

Daughter: Mom, why are you wearing all white in this photo?

Mom: Because it's mine and dad wedding photography. I was in this

The day is very happy, and white is the color of happiness.

Daughter: Yes, yes! Then it is clear why dad is dressed in all black!

Miniature 2 - "Two brothers".

1 brother: They will take me to the cinema. My dad told me!

2 brother: And my mother herself told me that they would not take you.

1 brother: But dad is more than mom ... Dad is much more ...

Miniature 3 - "Fairy Tale".

Mom: Well, we read The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.

Daughter: That stupid old man! I asked the fish for a new house, then a new one

trough, I would immediately ask for a new old woman!


There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

From two syllables, a simple word "mother"

And there are no words more precious than it.

5 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand

Gift our mother!

SCENES "Because of you..."

Mom: (looks at diary)

Well, he was silent again, son,

And staring at the ceiling?

I just answered three.

Got a couple today!

I stood and swallowed the words

Teaching? This is torture!

Lazy lazy, you are Aziz,

Get two points for reading!

No, this is my shame, not my son ...

This is not how I studied...

What to do? I'll go crazy …

But mom, it's my fault

To tell the truth, you yourself!

(turning to the side) You'll have a sip with adults hassle!

And who said and repeated

To be at the desk in the lesson

Didn't I say a word?

I did not deviate from the rules,

I stood and swallowed the words

Until the teacher put

Because of you

In my diary "Two!"

The song "That daughter is not sleeping"

When the lights outside the window are lit,

And I was strictly told: "Sleep!"

I hear my mother sigh softly

And I think: apparently, I'm tired again.

Chorus: “What, daughter, are you not sleeping?” -

You sighed so sadly

I know you won't sleep for a long time.

But don't be angry

After all, I got up from the bed,

So that "How I love you, mom!" to tell.

She stays up late from work

I'm used to getting things done.

And so that worries recede for a moment,

I touch my own face with my palm.

Someday, too, after returning from work,

“I really missed you, sit down next to me, mom!

Let's keep quiet about ours for at least an hour ...

The game "Smilies" (two couples - mother and child draw a face in a balloon for a while)

6 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand

Gift our mother!

Who's in the kitchen with the ladle

Always standing by the stove

Who mends our clothes

Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?

Who in the world is the tastiest

She always bakes pies

Even dads who are more important

And who in the family is honored?

Who will sing us a song at night,

To sweetly we fell asleep?

Who is the kindest and most wonderful?

Well, of course, grandmothers!

Of course it's grandma! Almost every person has warm childhood memories associated with their grandmother, with her care and kindness. On this day, we also congratulate them, because grandmother is a mother for your mothers.

Song "Chamomile"

7 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand

Gift our mother!

SCENES "Bad thing..."

And I'm a good student

Check out my diary

Mathematics - "five",

Drawing - "five" ...

But hold on, hold on

And what's the double for?

And for the behavior!

Not an object - torment.

Sit like a stump all day

Don't fight all day

Don't make noise, don't shout

And don't kick your feet.

That "no" and that "no" -

What a bad thing!

"Pram Dance"

T Lyrics of Song "Mom, Be Always By My Side"

I kiss your hands, my dear

You are more tender than anyone in the world, I know for sure

You are not dearer in the world, you are in my heart

Hold me tight, I want to warm up!

Mom, always be with me!

Mom, don't be sad!

Do you hear, mother, always be with me!

Mom, I don't need more!

Mom, don't be sad!

And me for everything, Mommy, I'm sorry!

Only you will always support and reassure

And you will hide me from envy and anger.

I love you, you are an angel, I live with you.

With gratitude, I kiss your hands.

(verses 12 measures):

Light in the window, we are together

It's light in my heart.

Mommy dear, how warm it is with you!

I pray at night that you live

So that you are healthy, mommy!

My mother gave me life!

More than anything in the world, I love you!

Well, our holiday is coming to an end. Thank you for participating in our celebration.I wish youpeace, kindness, happiness, confidence in the future and the fulfillment of all cherished desires. Let your children often delight you with their successes. Happy holiday, dear women!!!


Take care of your children

Don't scold them for being stupid.

The evil of your bad days

Never rip on them.

Don't be really angry with them.

Even if they are guilty

Nothing is more precious than tears

That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.

If fatigue falls from the legs

There is no urine to cope with her,

Well, your son will come to you

Or the daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

This happiness is a short moment

Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

These golden days will fly by

And leave the hearth of the native

Your grown up children.

Flipping through the album

With photographs of childhood

Sadly remember the past

About the days we were together.

How will you want

Back at this time again

To sing a song to them,

Touch the cheeks with tender lips.

And while children's laughter is in the house,

Nowhere to go from toys

You are the happiest in the world

Please take care of your childhood!

Gracheva Nina Ivanovna


  • Cultivate a sense of respect and love for loved ones.
  • To promote the development of the abilities of each child, the formation of a children's team.
  • Involve parents in class activities.

Equipment, decoration, props

  • Costumes for the scene "Three mothers": a grandmother's costume, mother's, a doll, three cheesecakes.
  • To decorate the class: Balloons, posters.
  • Children's drawings on the theme "My beloved mother"
  • Gifts for mothers prepared by children.
  • Songs (see Attachment 1 )


And we have a special day today,
The best holiday is the holiday of mothers!
The holiday is the most tender, the kindest!
He is, of course, very dear to us!

Today is a holiday, a holiday,
Holiday of our lovely mothers!
This holiday is the most tender,
Comes to us in November!


I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,
But in the soul the word born
Gets his own music.
This word will never deceive,
In it is hidden a being of life,
It is the source of everything. He has no end.
I pronounce it:

Our dear mothers! Today, on Mother's Day, we greet you and want to please you with our performances and surprises.
The words “mother”, “mother” are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples. This suggests that all people revere and love mothers. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers, give gifts, arrange holidays for them. We also decided to make a holiday for you to show how much we love and appreciate our mothers!

MOTHER! MOMMY! How much warmth is concealed by this magic word, which is called the closest, dearest, only person. Maternal love warms us until old age.

(The song “Mom is the best friend” is performed, see. Attachment 1 )

It's easy to be a mom

1. It's very easy to be a mother,
Only from morning to night
Dad needs to say:
"I am very tired!"

2. No, it's not difficult to be a mother:
Once, dinner is ready.
Well, take the dishes to wash -
There are no more cases.

3. By the way, wash
Sew something.
If you take a broom in your hands,
You can rest.



Often, children, you are stubborn,
Everyone knows this.
Your mothers tell you
But you do not hear moms.
Ksyusha came from a walk in the evening
And she asked for a doll.


How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?

Go to dinner, spinner.
Cheesecake for lunch today!


Ksyushina's mother came home from work
And Ksyusha asked.


How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden
I managed to forget about food again.
“Dine,” Grandma shouted more than once, “
And you answered: “Now, yes now!”
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Go to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

(Daughter sits at the table)


Grandma is here
Mom's mom came
And she asked her mother:


How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again, there was not a moment for food.
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich ?!
You can't sit all day without eating!
She has become a doctor, but everything is a fidget.
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Go to dinner, spinner!
(Mom and grandmother sit down at the table)


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?


Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

(The song "About Mom" ​​is performed, see. Attachment 1 )

Leading: Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Let's play game "Mommy". I will ask you a question. And you answer in unison: “MOMOM!”

  • Who came to me in the morning?
  • Who said: "It's time to get up?"
  • Who managed to cook the porridge?
  • Who poured the tea into the cup?
  • Who braided my hair?
  • Whole house swept one?
  • Who kissed me?
  • Who childish loves laughter?
  • Who is the best in the world?

1. Mom's hair is golden,
And my mother has a good laugh.
Ministers also have mothers,
But mine is the best!

2. I put forward an idea
Support me all
In a seven day week
Three days off for moms!

Leading: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands. They can do everything and succeed everywhere. Any pain goes away when mom caresses us with her hands. These hands lulled us to sleep as children. Taking the first step, we held on to my mother's hand.

1. My mother's hands -
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
How much love and strength they have!

2. All day they fly,
It's like they don't know.
Bring comfort to the house
A new dress will be sewn,
Caress, warm -
Mom's hands can do everything!

(The song "Mama" is performed, see. Attachment 1 )

Leading: And now, guys, we will praise our mother, repeating this word all together:

(Children take turns pronouncing the beginning of the line, the word "MOM" is spoken in chorus)

  • The sun is brighter for me - MOM!
  • Peace and happiness for me - MOM!
  • The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - MOM!
  • The call of the flying cranes - MOM!
  • The water in the spring is clean - MOM!
  • There is a bright star in the sky - MOM!

Leading: And now, dear guests, listen to our ditties.

1. We are funny girlfriends,
We dance and sing
And now we will tell you
How we live with moms

3. Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math.
We then decided with mom
That he couldn't decide.

5. We sang to you as best we could,
We are only children.
But we know our mothers
The best in the world.”

7. Not knowing fatigue
No rest every hour.
Day and night mother
Everything worries about us.

9. How much torment she had with us,
And she doesn't need awards.
Moms dream about one thing -
About the love of your children.

2. Dasha washed the floors,
Katya helped
It's just a pity - mom again
Washed everything.

4. Sooty pan
Yana was cleaning with sand
Two hours in Yanu's trough
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

6. Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say: "Thank you!"

8. Who spins when we
Saddened at times.
How much joy mom has
If someone praises us!

10. We wish you fun,
If necessary, housewarming.
A hat full of goodness
Head without silver.
Grandchildren, so as not to be bored,
And the absence of sadness!

Leading: And so our holiday came to an end. I think you liked it, because it was dedicated to the dearest person - mom!
Love your mothers, help, take care of them, speak kind words more often, do not offend with a rude word or deed. Please mom not only on holidays, but every day!

Children give pre-prepared gifts to their mothers, invite them to tea.

Mother's Day in elementary school. Scenario of an extracurricular event

Author: Chuchadeeva Lyudmila Petrovna, teacher of the GPA, MBOU "Bolsheignatovskaya secondary school".
Description: This material will be useful to educators, class teachers, primary school teachers.

Script for Mother's Day in elementary school.

1) to cultivate love and respect for the mother, a sense of gratitude for her care and love;
2) contribute to the unity of the class team and parents;
3) create conditions for the disclosure of creative abilities of students; help students develop their communication skills

Equipment: a festive issue of a class newspaper, drawings of children with portraits of mothers, statements about mother.

Holiday progress:

The song sounds: "Hello, hello, all the mothers of the planet Earth."Teacher. Good afternoon, dear mothers! It is no coincidence that we have gathered today, on this November day, in our cozy classroom. After all, in November we celebrate Mother's Day. We welcome everyone who came to our holiday, which we dedicate to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking and, of course, our most beautiful mothers.
We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, tearing you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how your children love you, how much your attention is dear to them.

1 presenter. "Mom" is the most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.
2 leading. Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything.
3 leading. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, she does not remain indifferent to anything.
4 leading. And no matter how old a person is, 5 or 50, he always needs a mother.

Teacher. Mother's Day is an international holiday. Unlike the International women's day when all the fair sex accepts congratulations, it is customary to congratulate mothers on this day. This day falls on different dates in different countries. In many countries, Mother's Day is celebrated every Sunday in May. In Russia, Mother's Day is a rather young holiday. It was established in 1998 by the Decree of the President of Russia. Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in November. The holiday is slowly taking root, and why not, because mom is the most important person. Becoming a mother, a woman discovers in herself many new, hidden qualities until that moment. Tenderness, kindness, love for your child is an integral part of a mother. In the name of the child, the mother makes huge sacrifices, the work of mothers is hard, but very pleasant work.

1 presenter. The history of this holiday is quite rich and has its roots in antiquity. In ancient Greece, there was a holiday dedicated to the goddess Gaia, the mother of all gods.
2 leading. In the UK from the 17th to the 19th century, "Mother's Sunday" was celebrated.
3 leading.In the United States, Julia Ward first proposed the establishment of Mother's Day in 1872. In her opinion, this day was supposed to be the day of uniting all mothers to fight for peace.
4 leading. In 1914, following the United States, 23 more countries declared Mother's Day an official holiday. Nowadays, almost all countries have a similar holiday in their calendars.
1 presenter.. Mother's Day in Russia is a great occasion to show your mothers that they are the best.
2 leader. Today we will say words of gratitude to our mothers who give us love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
3 leading. Accept an unusual bouquet from us on a holiday, which consists of words of congratulations and songs!

The song sounds: "Mom is the first word."
1 student. Mom is heaven
Mom is the light
Mom is happiness
Mom is better.
Mom is a fairy tale
Mom is laughter
Mom is a sweetheart
Moms love everyone
2 student. Mom means tenderness
This is kindness, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom - a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer
This is snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!
3 student.
Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.
I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!
4 student. How many stars are in the sky!
Do not count everyone.
These stars to mom
I will give again.
And one morning
Looking at me
Mom will smile
"My little star!"
5 student.
Mom's dresses are innumerable.
There is blue and there is green
There is blue with large flowers -
In this she goes to the factory,
In this he goes to the theater and visits,
Sitting in this, busy drawing...
Each serves its mother in its own way.
Thrown carelessly on the headboard
Old, tattered mother's dressing gown.
I serve it carefully to my mother,
And why - guess for yourself:
If you put on a colored robe,
So, the whole evening will stay with me.
6 student. Mother! Which good word!
Mom is always ready to be there
In a moment of misfortune, she is always there,
Support with a smile, and a word, and a look.
Share hopes, console, understand.
It will surely go along in life.
7 student.
Mom can be without shame
Give a medal: "Hero of Labor."
All her deeds cannot be counted,
Not even time to sit down.
And cooks and cleans
Reading a fairy tale at night.
And in the morning with great desire
Mom goes to work.
And then shopping
No, we can't live without mom!
8 student. We love you very, very, very,
Infinite is no secret;
However, in short:
You have never been more loved!
And you will not find more beautiful, too,
And you won't find anything sweeter...
We can say this wholeheartedly.
without hiding his joy.
9 student. Who opened this world to me
Not sparing your strength?
And always protected?
The best MOM in the world. (in chorus)

Who is the cutest in the world
And warm with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?
This is my MOM

Reading books in the evening
And always understands everything
Even if I'm stubborn
I know my mom loves me.

Never get discouraged
He knows exactly what I need.
If, suddenly, a drama happens,
Who will support? My mom.

Teacher. Children are the most precious thing for a mother.
Happy is he who from childhood knows maternal love, affection and care.
And children should answer her the same: love, attention, care.
"My dear mother, my mother" this is the name of the song that your children will now perform for you.
The song sounds. Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile
The one who is called my mother.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,
The wind will howl, a thunderstorm outside the window,

Mommy in the house - no fear.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,
It's good that I have you!
Business is arguing, fun is a mountain -
Mommy is right next to me.
I love my dear mother very much
I will give this song to her.

Teacher. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Let's play Mommy. I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison with one word - "mommy"
Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up?"
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Who poured the tea into the cup?
Who braided my hair?
Whole house swept one?
Who kissed me?
Who childish loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?

Teacher. The people live a lot of good and affectionate words about the mother. Guys, let's call these magic words. ( Children name the words: affectionate, gentle, caring, beloved, etc.).
Children sing the song "My Mom" ​​(Song to the tune of "About Murzik") I got up today
From early morning.
I told mom
Good words.
Both affectionate and polite
My mommy.
Caring, welcoming
Mom's favorite.
I love mommy
I am the strongest.
And always we will
We will be with her together.
Better than my mom
Not found anywhere.
And I won't leave
Mommy is in trouble.

Teacher. There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother. We will now check whether our mothers know them. Mom needs to finish the proverb. (Children read the beginning).
1. When the sun is warm ... (when the mother is good)
2. Maternal care does not burn in fire ... (does not sink in water)
3. The bird is happy for spring ... (and the baby - mothers)
4. Motherly caress ... (does not know the end)
5. For a mother, a child ... (a child up to a hundred years old)
6. Mother's heart warms ... (better than the sun)
7. Mother feeds children ... (like the land of people)
8. There is no such friend as ... (dear mother)
9. Maternal prayer ... (get it from the bottom of the sea).

Teacher. Guys, our mothers are not only smart, beautiful, but also diligent, hardworking. Where can we most often meet our mother at home?

Guys: in the kitchen.

Teacher. Now we will find out what items in the household help mom.
I will begin the poems, and you will finish.

1. I will help my mother
With her I will wash ... (dishes).

2. And pancakes, and scrambled eggs,
And potatoes for lunch
And pancakes - wow!
Fries everything ... (frying pan)

3. He has water in his belly
She churned with warmth.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly ... (teapot)

4. This food is for everyone
Mom cooks for dinner
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls ... (soup)

5. I eat table soup for lunch,
I try tea dessert
Give me some more
Where is my big ... (spoon)

6.On one wide leg
She has 4 horns
But she is not a saw at all,
For cutlets and meat ... (fork)

7. Everyone likes her very much,
Beauty on a platter
With one hand, cutie
Pigeon ... (cup)

8. Who has no answer -
What do you cook your lunch in?
There is a cleaner on the stove.
Cook soup - you need ... (pan)

Teacher. Well done boys. You are good at guessing riddles .. And what is a holiday without ditties? (Students perform ditties about mom). 1. Put your ears on top,
listen carefully.
Let's sing about mom we ditties
Very good!
2. My mom is the best
She is a super mom.
And dance and sing
I don't need another.
3. You don't know my mother,
She is good too.
Delicious to feed all the children,
Mom is a kind soul!
4. And my mother is an athlete,
He loves running and volleyball.
And she won't work
You score a beautiful goal!
5. My mother is a craftswoman
Embroider, knit.
If you want to learn
Come and show!
6. And my accountant mom,
My mom loves counting.
And responsibly, seriously
Doing important things!
7. And my mother is a cook,
I am proud of my mom.
What mom cooks
There is nothing tastier!
8. We sang about moms today,
how good they are.
And believe that ditties
Ours were from the heart!

Teacher. I see a lot in the classroom happy moms You can see it in the kind eyes and smiles. And listen, mothers, how children talk about the role of the mother in the family.
Scene: "What kind of children are these days, right?"
Boy. I'm thinking, I'm guessing
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!
Girl1: Why are you doing all this?
Boy: For a concrete answer!
To adulthood preparation...
Girl 2: You came up with this cleverly!
Boy: Yes, I feel sorry for my mother,
From the problems of life is not visible.
Girl 1: Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
Not an easy position - mom.
How would it be easier for her
Without children like us,
Girl 2: Ugh! What nonsense!
She'll be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring in a glass?
Imagine now
Mom without kids!

Boy: At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!
Girl 2: And emptiness! The house is cozy but empty!
Without children, he is not alive!
Boy: But on the other hand, I will say frankly, my mother is having a nice rest.
She will not have to check all the lessons again,
Solve problems for children, write an essay.
For various tricks, then scold, then punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry, collecting toys again.
Not sparing nerve cells, to drive children into bed!
Girl 1: And to hear, falling asleep ...
You are so beautiful
I honestly say
Mom, I love you so much!
Boy: Yes... it sounds nice...
And what is the prospect?
Just raised kids...
Got married soon...
Do you want to rest now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!
Girl 2: So what? Play again.
Respond to grandma
Sit down, get up, run
Collected the toys again
stove workout,
Carriage of household vanity.
Boy: Why do they need such a life?
Girl 1: Aerobics solid!
Hurry up to get it all done.
No time to even get old.
Boy: Not! I, nevertheless, doubt, so many nerves and worries!
I am more and more convinced: Children are troublesome people.
It is necessary to raise them for a long time, and educate, teach,
Do not sleep at night, worry day and night,
Sick - to treat, guilty - to beat,
And in the study to help, and feed and dress up ...
Girl 2: What is the difficulty? I do not understand! I dress up dolls!
Boy: Well, compared! In - gives!
Girl 1: Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
most important, I'll tell you straight.
To mothers - in children continuation.
And honor and respect!
And great love
Boy: And care again and again ...
Girl2: So, my friend, calm down! Caring is fun!
As long as you raise children, you will not get bored for a moment.

Boy: Yes - ah - ah, I got the answer - the meaning of life can be seen in this.
Girl1: The meaning of life is seen in the fact that the kids have a full house!
Every mother has a child!
All: Well, better than two!
So that mommy does not have a headache from boredom!

Teacher: Who loves you children more
Who loves you so tenderly
And takes care of you
Without closing your eyes at night? (Mother)
Scene "Disputants"
1 student. I have such a mother -
Everyone is jealous, I know!
2 student. From what? Why?
Mom is better than me.
3 student. Who said you have?
My mom is the best.
4 student. It's not worth arguing. Each of us has the best mother, the most beautiful! Here you are, Maxim, why do you love your mother?
5 student. For the fact that without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our heart
And just for
That she is our mother
We love her deeply and dearly.

Teacher: Guys, do our mothers like flowers? Of course they love. After all, flowers bring joy to people. And today the guys will sing a song for moms and give them flowers made by their own hands.
The song sounds, and during the loss, the guys give flowers to their mothers.
Song to the motive "Seven Notes"
Frost outside the window and faith is buzzing,
Winter is coming fast.
But we are not sad while mom is sleeping,
We want to surprise her.
Today we dream with you, me and you
Give a bouquet to your mothers.
And let the flowers not grow in winter,
We will make them out of paper.
We will make them out of colored paper
And give to mothers with love.
And let our gift be so small,
After all, we congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts.

May our flowers always be about summer
You, dear, are reminded.
And let there be spring in your soul,
And the snow melts instantly.

1 student
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, dear,
We say: "Thank you!"
2 student
We are ending our holiday
We wish dear mothers
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, better.
3 student
May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you.
4 student
We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.
Teacher: A lot of good words live in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
Of two syllables, a simple word "mother",
And there are no words in the world more precious than it.
For kindness, for golden hands,
For your maternal advice
With all our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long years!
Many nights have passed without sleep
Worries, worries can not be counted.
Earth bow to you all, dear mothers,
For the fact that you are in the world!
Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all participants for the pleasure and festive mood. Thank you for your kind heart, for the desire to be close to the children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers, the happy eyes of their children.
At the end of the holiday, the song "Solar Circle" sounds.

Natalya Viktorovna Braylyan
The script of the holiday "Mother's Day" for elementary school students

Mother's Day Scenario

Target: evoke feelings of love and respect for mothers, the desire to take care of her; To develop children's creative abilities, artistry, sense of rhythm, expressiveness of speech; Create with the participants of the evening and the audience good mood and positive emotions.

Dance "Tenderness"


Mother's Day is a great holiday!

There are so many poems about my mother.

And still, there are not enough words to express

Our gratitude and love to her!

Thank you, mom, we tell you

And we only ask the heavens

May our mothers live long, long lives.

To make our father's house happy!

Leading: Mothers Day- this is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the dearest and closest person, to pay tribute to love, for generous maternal hearts for caring and gentle hands.

Mom is our first teacher, a wise mentor, she takes care of us. It is from the mother's lips that the child hears the first songs and fairy tales in his life.

Our mothers are not in this hall today, but we believe that being far away in the villages, in the tundra, they will definitely feel our warmth, hear our kind words!

Touch your palm

And breathe softly.

Even the wind won't catch up

Your air kiss!

Let it fly and lie down smoothly

On the face of my beloved mother!

All today's performances - songs, poems - sound only for them - our dear mothers and for all mothers in the world! We dedicate our evening to those mothers who work in our school. They generously give their love and warmth to children at home and at work! Good luck, dear ones!

Music sounds

Little Red Riding Hood Appears

red Riding Hood:

I go all I think, I look,

What am I on give mom a holiday?

Maybe candy, but I don't have any.

There may be a bouquet, but there is no bouquet either!

A melody sounds, a Bear cub appears.

red Riding Hood: Mishutka, hello! Where are you in such a hurry?

bear cub: hurry mommy with holiday congratulate and give her a gift.

red Riding Hood: And what did you prepare for her as a gift?

bear cub: Honey barrel and poem.

Red Riding Hood: What poem?

bear cub:

Let the wind know, and the stars and the sea,

What is the best in the world, my mommy!

red Riding Hood: Wow! What a nice gift! I also want to give my mother a poem, but I don’t know a single one ...

bear cub: And you ask the guys, they will tell you. You listen, and I'll go, my mother has probably been waiting for me.

Children read poetry

1. Many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mommy.

2. Mom can do anything:

Sing, write a picture,

And me and my mom

We love to dream together.

How do we go to visit in the summer,

Read new books.

It's good for us together with mom

Travel together.

3. Mom only has two hands

Like two white wings

How many things did she do

Do it early in the morning.

I ironed the shirts

She made us soup.

We are surprised with dad

How mom had enough hands!

4. My mother has golden hands.

My mother's hands are not easy.

Mom will cook delicious pies,

Will knit mittens, scarves and socks.

5. Mom also knows how to console

And the puzzles are hard to solve.

I just got lucky with my mom.

Do not grow old mother for all the years out of spite.

red Riding Hood: What are you guys good fellows!

A Bunny appears with a carrot.

Bunny: Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! What are you doing here?

red Riding Hood: Yes, I’m listening to what good poems the guys tell about their mothers.

Bunny: I will also tell my mother a poem. What gift have you prepared?

red Riding Hood: I don't have a present for my mom yet.

Bunny: If you love your mother, then you will definitely do something nice for her this day. Here's how I would say, for example mommy:

I'm not even afraid of lightning, the rain is pouring - so be it.

I only remember my mother’s smile, and I’m not a bit afraid!

I will hug my mother joyfully, my dear mother,

I will give her a sweet carrot and quietly sing.

red Riding Hood: Great, but why quietly?

Bunny A: Well, because I'm alone.

red Riding Hood: And you sing along with the guys and then it will turn out loud and fun.

Children sing the song "Mammoth"

Music sounds. Fox appears

red Riding Hood: Hello, fox! Are you also running to congratulate your mother?

Fox: Of course, why?

Red Riding Hood: I'm just wondering what you'll give your mom?

Fox: I'll dance for her!

red Riding Hood: What a fine fellow you are! I would also dance, but I don’t know any dance ...

Fox: And you dance any other dance and she will be delighted.

red Riding Hood: What's the other one?

Fox: And you look how the guys will dance for their mothers, and remember, and I will run to my mother.

Dance "Magic Flower"

Red Riding Hood: Oh, the Hedgehog is running!

Hedgehog: Hello, Little Red Riding Hood!

red Riding Hood: Hello, hedgehog! Have you prepared a poem or a dance for your mother?

Hedgehog: Well, what kind of dancer am I? I have short legs. Yes, and I quietly recite poetry.

red Riding Hood: Well then, listen to poems about how children love their mothers.

First-graders will tell us about love for their mothers now.

1. I help my mother:

I'll cook soup in the sandbox

I'll wash the cat in a puddle ...

How, mother, I love you!

2. And I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway

Mommy draw a portrait

My brother will help me too...

Mommy, similar or not?

3. I will put on my mother's dress,

Just cut the length

All at once suddenly become clear:

I love only my mother!

4. And I am your new hat

I will immediately turn into a hare:

I will sew on his ears and paws ...

I want to make a present!

5. But I had a fight with Vanyusha -

There is a huge bruise under the eye.

Said his mom is better

I don't agree with him at all!

6. We will not argue in vain,

We will tell our mothers

That their children are simply beautiful ...

TOGETHER: After all, we never play pranks!

red Riding Hood: Today we dance and sing for our mothers!

red Riding Hood:

Moms read fairy tales to us in the evenings,

Our mothers know many different songs.

In that let's say holiday: "Sit down and rest.

And today look at our fairy tale!

dramatization Russian folk tale"Mitten"

red Riding Hood: I think I know what to give mom!

Song "The happiest" (performed by Little Red Riding Hood and leaves)

Leading: What a caring daughter Little Red Riding Hood. kind and attentive! And now we will tell you a completely different story, and maybe someone will recognize themselves in it!

scene"Home composition"

Characters: presenter, mother, Vitya.

Leading: Vitek leaned over the sheet

And squeezed the temples with his hands.

He writes an essay:

"How can I help my mother?"

Then Vitek will gnaw the pen,

That will fall asleep, gloomy

Try it, come up with it!

But then from the kitchen mom suddenly

Silently calls his son:

Mother: Vityunchik!

Run to the store

I would like salt and matches.

Vitya: Idea!

Leading: Vitek jumped up

And shouted to my mother:

Vitya: What you!

After all, I'm struggling with the essay,

Still a lot of work!

Leading: Silent mother

I wrote out the phrase in my notebook:

Vitya: Buy something for mom

I always run right away.

Leading: Mom opened it Door:

Mother: Vityunya, I need you!

I'm going to the shop

Clean for now

Potatoes for dinner!

Vitya: What more!

Leading: Vitek cried, -

Vitya: I'm even sick of listening!

Here is an essay, and you

With some potatoes:

Leading: Mom disappeared

And the son summed up in a notebook:

Vitya: "I cook breakfast for my mother myself,

Lunch and dinner too.

Five plus!


Let's be to moms attentive,

Not only on Holiday - Mother's Day!

Let's prove love to them

Actions, not just stories.

Let's take care of mothers -

They really want attention!

"What to give mom?"

The host lists what you can give mom; if the children agree, then shout "Yes" if you don't agree - "No".

What will we give our mother?

Guess yourself kids.

Give me urgent advice

What item does she need?

Useful thing - then

Shout the word out loud "Yes!"

If mommy is an object

Not suitable - shout "Not!"

Police pistol...

What about a box of chocolates?

Eau de Toilette…

New frying pan...

Theater ticket for ballet...

Leather body armor…

A set of threads for sewing…

Well, what about shaving foam?

And a nice postcard...

Good smile in the morning...

Two kilo apples...

Book "Tasty food"

New stool in the kitchen...

Hello from daddy?

Leading: Well done boys! And now we will be transported to an ordinary courtyard, where the most ordinary children play. Let's hear what they're arguing about!

scene"My mom is the best"

AT skit involved:

adult storyteller,

children - Petya, Vladislav, Yulia, Olya, Natasha.


Once upon a time, children gathered in the yard.

Years 6, 7, 8 girls and boys.

They ran and jumped, played tag

And now they are completely tired of their amusements.

Friendly on the bench they all sat down

And the conversation about mothers quietly started

Petya: - My mother is the best in the world!

Narrator: The boy Petya says to everyone.

Vladislav: - And where did you get it?

Narrator: Vladislav told him.

Petya: - Mom always helps me in everything.

Narrator: Petya answers Vladislav.


She cooks breakfast for me, dresses me in the garden

And then he takes it back home from the kindergarten.

Julia: - Not! my mommy is the best!

Narrator: Little Julia is talking here.

She gives me every hair combing day

And at night my mother tells me stories.

She always buys beautiful dresses for me

And my mother never scolds me.

Vladislav: - No, none of you are right.

Narrator: Vladislav says to everyone.


I want to tell you all now

That I consider my mother best of all!

She cooks, she cleans, she does laundry,

And he knows everything in the world!

Olya and Natasha (together):

No, no, no, Vladislav!

You are just wrong!

Narrator: Olya and Natasha were indignant.

Olya and Natasha (together): Our mother is the best in the world.

We have two mothers, and we have one.

And yet she manages both of us.


She has to wash twice as many clothes

And twice as many rooms need to be cleaned.

Cooking and ironing too

She needs twice as much.


So don't argue with us

Olya and Natasha (together): And then we'll tell mom everything!

Narrator: Wait, do not swear, friends!

I want to reveal one secret to you.

All mothers are different

And for each of you, mom is the best!

There are a lot of mothers in the world

And for every child

His mom is the best in the world

And for every mother, happiness is her children!

But different mothers are important,

After all, everyone needs moms!

So, dear children,

All girls and boys!

You take care of your mothers

And always appreciate your mothers!

And you love your mom

And for everything, everything, everything Thank her!

Together: Thank you mom!


kind words

Lives a lot

But all the best

And more tender one -

Of two syllables

simple word "mother",

And there are no words

Kinder than it!

Song "Mom, always be by my side"

presenter: And at the end of our evening - a fun dance performed by our little artists! Meet!

Dance "Far From Mom" ("Barbariki")


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