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Good afternoon dear friends! I'm glad to meet you again. As you may have guessed, I want to invite you today to the magical world of goodness and beauty.
Look how many lovely faces are in the hall and they are all different - blondes, brunettes, with fiery hair; blue-eyed and black-eyed. But all, of course, beauties and the first applause to all the girls, mothers, grandmothers gathered in this class.

1st leader. Start...
2nd leader. No you better...
1st leader. Why? We agreed that you would be the first to congratulate, and I would agree ..
2nd leader. Start, please, you, I forgot all the words.
1st leader. Well, you always fail. Did not learn, as always.
Congratulations, everyone is waiting.
2nd leader. Well, okay (clears throat, straightens shoulders)
dear, respected, respected representatives..
Oh, how many beauties Gathered today! There is a Western taste And the manner of the East,

1st leader. Are you saying something very clever?

2nd leader. And what? Bad, right? Yes, I spent three days choosing words from the Dahl dictionary!
Listen further. On the day of your celebration, we greet you with great gratitude.
Beautiful ladies of Shakespeare and Blok... Madonnas, ballerinas, Stranger portraits. Where is the ideal? Yes, there is no standard!

1st leader. Wait. Isn't it better like this: no matter how March turns out,
he is always for us - the expectation of happiness and the gentle spring sun.
2nd leader. You can forget your birthday, but you never know what we are talking about
forget sometimes in the turmoil! But the fact that March 8 is a women's holiday
it is simply impossible to forget!
1st leader. And, congratulating our dear women, girls on the holiday, giving them smiles, we will always remember the kind, sensitive and careful attitude towards them.
Leading. Our dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today is the very first spring holiday. I would like to wish everyone happiness, spring, holiday.
And today we have prepared a congratulation to our most beloved and close people - grandmothers and mothers, girls. Children perform.
On this sunny and festive day, On this bright solemn hour, Dear, beloved mothers, We have come to congratulate you.
The winter cold is still angry, The eighth is just a day of spring, But golden flowers All the streets are already full.
This figure eight Beloved of all others! We congratulate all dear women on the holiday.
To our mothers on spring day
Spring itself sends greetings:
Sound of streams and birdsong
She gives for the holiday.
The sun shines brighter for us
All in Holy holiday our moms!

We invited grandmothers and mothers to visit us, We promise, we promise: You will not be bored here.
Everything is ready for the holiday - So what are we waiting for? We will start our holiday with a cheerful song.

The song sounds. Children perform.
O! How beautiful is this word - mother! Everything on earth is from mother's hands. She taught us - disobedient and stubborn - Kindness - the highest of torments!

Spring day, frosty day. Happy and mimosaic day - It's mother's day!
The day is cloudless, not snowy - The day is excited and tender - It's mother's day!
Who loves you, children, Who loves you so tenderly, Without closing his eyes at night, Everything takes care of you? All. Mom dear!
Who shakes the cradle for you? Who amuses you with a song Or tells a fairy tale, Who gives you toys? All. Mom dear!
If, children, you are lazy, Naughty, playful, As happens sometimes, Who is shedding tears then? All. Mom dear!

The song is being played.
Leading. Today grandmothers came to our holiday, and these verses, our dear grandmothers, guys dedicate to you.

If grandchildren are cheerful, Grandmother is even more so:
- Look, sang like goldfinches, - How nice it is!
If the grandchildren want to eat, Grandmother is a joy:
- Let them sit, let them eat - They need to grow up!
If the grandchildren went out into the garden,
Grandmother in alarm: - Well, like rain or hail - After all, your feet will get wet!
If the grandchildren went to bed, Grandmother does not breathe:
- Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, whether, Hush, hush, hush!
Cleanliness, silence, Warmth, drowsiness. That's what she is Grandma - care!

Gifts are given to mothers.

It smelled of March and spring, But winter is holding fast. The number eight is not simple - A holiday is coming to our homes.
We congratulate the most beloved, relatives on Women's Day, on a joyful day! We wish you all health and happiness on this beautiful sunny day!
I really want to please us today all the guests And for them we have prepared a lot of holiday ideas.
So we start. Surely everyone sitting in the hall read the fairy tale "Cinderella", but who is its author? (Charles Perrault) Remember how one respectable gentleman's wife died,
and he married a second time to an arrogant and quarrelsome woman who had 2 daughters, very similar to her mother: both in face, and mind, and character.
My husband also had a daughter, kind and friendly, sweet, all in her late mother. What happened next, remember everything. But in the yard of the 21st century and today we spend
competitive gaming program"Super-Cinderella 2016".
Listen everyone! Listen everyone! Ladies and gentlemen, madam and monsieur!
And most importantly, all, and friends, and girlfriends! This has never been heard in our area!
Attention! Attention! Now Charisma Plus Youth, Attractiveness, Fun and Skill, Wit, Optimism are entering the scene.
Let it be with you
They go all their lives!
I invite our participants to the stage!
(Solemn music sounds and audience applause)

1. COMPETITION "Performance" Participants need to introduce themselves and tell what fairy tale they are from.
Drawing lots with the name of the team. Distribution of girls in teams.

2. COMPETITION "Princess and the Pea"
_ Let's check if you are real princesses.

It is necessary to put chairs without upholstery in a row, according to the number of expected participants. A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool.
For example, on the first stool - 3 sweets, on the second - 2, on the third - 4 ... From above, the stools are covered with opaque plastic bags.
The preparations are finished. Those who wish are called. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. And so, dancing, sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how much
under them candy. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

3. COMPETITION "Hostesses"

Everyone knows that Cinderella was an excellent hostess. Let's check how often our girls help their mothers. To do this, the participants must solve riddles.
about the items used by the hostess.
1. Now back, then forward Walks, wanders the steamer. If you stop - grief: You will make a hole in the sea.
2. I am short, thin and sharp. I'm looking for a way with my nose, I'm dragging my tail behind me.
(Needle, thread)
3. Sometimes kitchen, but sometimes pirate, cutting, sharp ...
4. A large piece of cloth that is laid on the table. (Tablecloth)
5. A flat stand, on which a lot of dishes are placed at once. (Tray)
6. Container for boiling water. There is an electric, an old relative of the kettle, found in the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha".


4. COMPETITION "The task of the stepmother"

Participants are given a cup in which cereals are mixed. Girls should sort it out and put it on different plates.

5. COMPETITION "Culinary duel"
How do you know if a cake is baked?
- How to peel an onion so that tears do not flow?
What should be done to prevent the egg from bursting during cooking?
- What needs to be done without adding water so that the oversalted soup becomes normal? (Drop in a few raw potatoes.)

6. Competition "Purity"
2 girls participate in the competition. 5 inflated balloons for each of them are laid out on the floor. Girls using brooms must sweep all their balls over the line.
Whoever quickly sweeps away all the balls is the winner.

7. Competition "Hostesses"
The girls are in 2 teams and line up one after the other. The first participants are given a tablespoon and a potato. On command, the girls should put the potato in the spoon,
run, holding a spoon in an outstretched hand, to a chair, return and pass the spoon to the next participant. The team that runs the fastest without dropping the potato wins.

8. Competition "Young Artists" (competition of captains)

Girls are blindfolded and allowed to draw from dictation.
Let's draw a big circle, Small one on top. There are two ears on the top of the head - This will be the head.
Let's draw for beauty Lush his mustache. Here is a fluffy tail ready - You are more beautiful than all cats!

9.Competition "Black box".
Leading. Determine from the text which item is in the black box.
(Read the text on "5")
Probably even primitive man was interested in how he looks, and for this he used a puddle of water. Then they came up with a small bronze circle,
which was polished on one side. Modern look this item was invented by the masters of ancient Venice. The method of its manufacture was kept in the strictest confidence,
even the masters lived on an island where no outsider could enter. Anyone who left the island was threatened with death. Rich palaces and houses were decorated with this item,
and the poor could not afford it, as it was very expensive. Now this item is in every home. What is this about? (Mirror)

10. Competition "Oh, how beautiful I am!" (1 person each, drawing lots).

Leading. Remember A.S. Pushkin: "Am I the sweetest in the world ...?"
Each participant is given a mirror in turn. It is necessary, looking at yourself in the mirror, without laughing, to say: "Am I the sweetest in the world ...?"
Whoever does it best is the winner.

Leading. The concept of femininity is associated not only with the physical data of the girl. Of course, appearance is the starting point of this concept.
They associate with him a certain manner of behavior, and the moral character of a person. It is appropriate to mention the gait, grace.
Along with femininity, girls appreciate both intelligence and quick wits.

11.Competition "Compositor". The word "femininity" is given.

Compose as many other words as possible from the letters of the given word in the given time. Each word must be made up of only the letters that make up the chosen word.
Summing up After completing the task, you hand over your notes to the jury.

I have one game called "He - She".
He is an elephant - she is ... an elephant. He is an elk - she is ... an elk. He is a cat - she ... Well, of course, she is a cat! Well, you made a mistake.
So let's play again, I want to beat you! He is a walrus - she is ... a walrus, He is a hare - she is ... a hare, He is a bull - she is. .. Everyone knows this word? Yes! Yes! She is a cow!

12. COMPETITION "Very skillful hands"

Before you - an inflatable ball, a spool of thread, a marker, a bow. Try to create a doll. Ready? Dare!

13 COMPETITION "Understand me"
Each of the participants must guess the name of the song by the content.
1) A song about using a smile as electricity. (Smile.)
2) A song about an animal that every mongrel knows. (Cheburashka.)
3) A song about the daily activities of children for 11 years. (What is taught in school.)
4) A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (If long, long.)
5) A song about the maintenance of the head, which is of little value to a little bear cub. (Winnie the Pooh song.)
6) A song about the most joyful holiday that happens once a year. (Birthday.)
7) A song in syllables about a wooden man. (Pinocchio.)
8) A song about a boy who did not like to dig potatoes, but loved to eat. (Antoshka.)


Ball, ball, ball ... We begin preparations for the ball

14. Competition "Stylist"

For this competition, we need one stylist and a boy from the audience from each team. Colored rubber bands are at your disposal. Who will tie the most elastic bands in 1 minute.

And now let's get down to business! We invite fashion designers! So that you dressed us for the ball, The competition is new - "Model Show".
Participants invent and make an outfit from newspaper sheets.
Girls! You are offered sheets of newspaper and a stapler. You must create a festive outfit.
And one of the girls will act as a model and demonstrate this outfit, and the other will comment.
The music is playing and the girls are on stage. Show and comment on costumes (2 people each).
Leading. I ask you to make two circles around the hall to the music and show your models. Music!

1) As a model.
2) Like Baba Dusya after 12 hours of work.
Leading. Cinderella will go to the ball as a model, despite 12 hours of work.
Congratulations boys.

Dear girls, congratulations on Women's Day! And now we will sing ditties to you very loudly!
In the class of girls we have - Clever, beauties! And to be honest, we boys like it very much!
You are always beautiful: “tails”, pigtails. We sometimes pull for them, Only out of habit!
As the break comes We love to play with you: We run away with all our strength, So that they can catch up with us!
You dance, sing, Love to read books. Don't forget to give us some hints during the lessons!
We promise you compliments today. And grow up a little, We will give you flowers!
We sang ditties to you, But we also want to say: We will boldly protect you always, everywhere and everywhere!

Giving gifts to girls.
Leading. (Kolya rings the bell and then says) - Well, what would a ball be without refreshments? I ask everyone to the table.

Members: 5th grade students and their mothers.

Class leader: Petrushenko N.N.


  • introduce the history of the holiday;
  • continue to work on rallying the class team;
  • to strengthen friendships within the class;
  • to contribute to the formation in children of the importance of the word mother, family, to cultivate love for the mother, to form a sense of pride in their mother, to instill in children and adults the ability to give the joy of communication in a team;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • raise the intellectual level.

Location: office of Russian language and literature

Event progress:

Cl. hand: Guys, we gathered for a cool event on the eve of the holiday on March 8. This holiday, like many others, has its own history. Already in Ancient Rome there was a women's day. A lot of time has passed. And in 1910, Clara Zetkin proposed to celebrate this holiday. This holiday is also called the Day of International Solidarity of Women in the Struggle for Economic, Social and Political Equality. Women wanted to have equal rights with men. Now on this day we congratulate our women on March 8. On no other day will you see so many men with flowers on the streets as on this one. Without such a holiday, the life of mankind would become much more boring. So let's say thank you to our women, our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, girlfriends, classmates for the fact that we have them, we will try to always be attentive to them.

Cl. hand: Dear mothers! Now accept congratulations from your children.


From the heart, in simple words,
Let's friends, we congratulate mom,
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything together with her,
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder.

We love her and for the fact that sometimes,
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles,
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head,

Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.

We love because we always without concealment and directly
We can assure her our heart
And just because she is our mother
We love her deeply and dearly.

Mom can be without shame,
Give the medal "Hero of Labor"
All her deeds - do not count,

Even once to sit down,
And cooks and cleans

Reading a fairy tale at night
And in the morning with great desire,
Mom goes to work
And then shopping
No, we can't live without mom!

Happy to arrange a holiday for us
Nothing to be sorry about.

Only one reward for everything

And one seal for all.

So that we are willing to learn

Do not shame the class.

To make people honest of us.
So that we don't live in vain

On my own land

And we haven't forgotten yet

Never about her.

Mom dear, dear,

I hug, kiss.

I want to congratulate her

And wish you good health

Behavior fix

I want to promise her.

I promise to be obedient

And less upset

Do only what needs to be done
And help around the house.

Happy spring holiday

congratulations mom!

Long life, love, fun
I sincerely wish!

Let all misfortunes melt away
And adversity will be dispelled.

I wish only happiness

Don't let the years age you.

So that strength does not leave,

For business to be successful
Be always so beautiful
Smiling, tender

We give you the arrival of spring,

Good luck, happiness for the whole year,

We give you a ray of sunshine

And the sky is clear of clouds.

May this day be a spring ray

Because of the sky

The key to happiness will bring you

Gives joy and health.

We wish you peace and love.

We wish you eternal youth!

May the joys be long

And grief is fleeting

We wish you sun, light,

More joy, less tears:

Happy life and bright stars!

And let this beautiful day

Sorrow will go away and sad shadow!

Together: We are simple girls

We are simple boys

We declare to the whole world

What's more precious than mom

There is no man in the world

2).Song 2 Mommy dear, my mommy ”(girls)

Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile
The one who is called my mother.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,
It's good that I have you!
The wind will howl, a thunderstorm outside the window,
Mommy in the house - no fear.
Mommy, my dear mother,

It's good that I have you!
3. Business is arguing, fun is a mountain -

Mommy is right next to me.
I love my dear mother very much

I will give this song to her.

3). And now we will find out how boys help their mothers?

Our mothers carry a heavy load of household chores!

And our task is to lighten this burden!

For example, I never refuse to go to the store for ice cream.

And I never interfere with my mother to wash the dishes!

And during the cleaning, I try to go outside so as not to get under my mother's feet.

And I always help my mother watch TV shows.

And I always hide my dirty jeans away after football so that my mother has less washing.

And I always remind my mother when to take out the trash can.

And I always dust off my mom's cell phone.

Class hand : This is all a joke, of course. Don't trust your mom that she doesn't need your help. All our students, I think, are happy to help their mothers and not only help, but delight them with their talents.

4). Scene "Boys"

On the stage is a disheveled, sleepless and grimy guy in pajamas.

He goes to a chair, removes something crumpled and dirty from it.

SERGEI. Ma-am! We congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?
MOTHER. Good morning, son. Stroked.
SERGEI. Hello! Which one?
MOTHER. White.
SERGEI. White?
MOTHER. White, white.

SERGEI. What about me, was it white?

MOTHER. Of course it was. Bought last year. Don't you remember?
SERGEI. I do not remember…
MOTHER. You still have her on New Year dressed, remember?
SERGEI. New Year's Eve, I remember. And after that, I don't remember. Ah... Is she white?
MOTHER. Of course, I washed it. She was lying under your bed - she found her by force! Have you brushed your teeth?
SERGEI. Ah, so that's where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws a dirty shirt under the bed, puts on a clean one). Well, wait, now you'll get it from me! Barsik! Barsik! Kitty Kitty Kitty! Come here!.. Eating something in the kitchen again.
Fat Barsik enters. Chews.

SERGEI. Get out of here!!!
BARSIK. Ah-ah-ah ... So I would have said right away. (Leaves).
SERGEI. A pig, not a cat ... Ma-am!
MOTHER. What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?
SERGEI. Yeah. And Barsik too.
MOTHER. Good girl! Did you wash your neck?
SERGEI. Shcha, I'll wash it! (Takes stick). Badger!!! Go here!
Fat Barsik enters. Chews.

BARSIK. So what?
SERGEI. Cho-cho! .. Nothing!
BARSIK. Ah-ah-ah ... So I would have said right away. (Leaves).
The boy takes off his trousers from the chair - also dirty and full of holes.

SERGEI. Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?
MOTHER. Stroked. And a jacket.
SERGEI. Do I have a jacket?
MOTHER. Of course have.
The guy tosses his pants under the bed and grabs his jacket with the sleeve torn off.

SERGEI. Well, then it will be a vest. (Pulls off second sleeve.)
MOTHER. What's cracking there?
SERGEI. I'm doing exercises, mom!
MOTHER. Ah, well done, well done!
SERGEI. Girls have todayMarch 8, I prepared poems for them, now I will read it, do you hear? (Combing her hair).
MOTHER. I hear! Good verses!
SERGEI. What verses?
MOTHER. which you have prepared.
SERGEI. Ma, what are you doing there?
MOTHER. I'm making a pie, son. You will come to congratulate the girls not empty-handed.
SERGEI. Why a pie? I need flowers!
MOTHER. Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.
SERGEI. And the portfolio?
MOTHER. Right there, nearby. They call, open the door!
SERGEI. These are probably the guys from the class ...
Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands.

SERGEI. Ouch! Who do you want?
NIKOLAY. We need Sergey from the 5th grade.
SERGEI. I'm listening to.
ALL. Seryoga! Are you?
SERGEI. Well, yes, I am. What do you want?
DENIS. What, don't you know?
SERGEI. Wait, wait! I know!!! We seem to have rested with you in the summer ... Exactly - in the camp! ..
DENIS. What summer? We are your classmates. Kolyukha, Denis and Ilya.
SERGEI. Very nice ... oh, that is ... Guys, is that you? Well, you've been fluffed up! Did not recognize…
ILYA. You look at yourself!
Sergei rushes to the mirror, sees himself - combed and neatly dressed and faints.

MOTHER. And here is the pie! Oh, Seryozhenka, you are so smart - you won't be recognized! Did you forget the flowers?
ILYA. No, I didn't forget. Only I'm not Serezhenka, I'm Ilya. Serezhenka is lying around.
MOTHER. Serezhenka, I beg you, please don't wallow in the hallway in clean clothes. Hang on to school.
SERGEI. Mommy, I didn't recognize myself! What will happen now?
MOTHER. Nothing, nothing, nothing... You'll get used to it!

Class hands And nowparent's response.

1 . Hand game with parents. (answer: our children)

Who is smarter than everyone in the world?

Who is the sweetest in the world?

Who heals our hearts with love?

Who so longs to meet with us?

Of course, these are your children! So tell your kids the answer!


2. We love you for no particular reason.

Because you are a daughter

Because you are a son

For being a kid.

For growing up

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support!

Cl. hand: We have women: scientists and weavers, engineers and teachers, machine operators and doctors, artists and cooks, lawyers and saleswomen. But all women have one more position - to be a mother!

Many responsibilities go into this important position. Mom is a good sun for the family, light and warmth for her children. A mother carries a great motherly love in her heart. Mom will always understand and forgive her child, she will always become a true friend to her children, give them the right advice, show them the right path in life.

Music video for all moms

But our mothers have another profession - the mistress of the house. The house is supported by mom. Who doesn't know this? Here's what respected science says about it - statistics:

Our mothers caring for two children and a husband during the year: wash

18,000 knives, forks, spoons,

13,000 plates

8,000 cups.

But, as you know, mothers are not born, they become mothers. Once upon a time, our mothers were restless, cheerful girls who loved to play different games. Therefore, today we invite mothers to remember their childhood and feel like little girls again and take part in our funcompetitive game program "Come on, Mommy"!

First competition "Warm-up"

Guys, did your mother read fairy tales to you in childhood?

And now we will check if mothers have not forgotten fairy tales, because the children have grown up (children help their mothers).

So, you need to guess the fairy tale. For example, a fairy tale about the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money?

The answer is the fairy tale "Golden Keys", and the victim is Pinocchio.

A fairy tale about how love turns a beast into a man ("The Scarlet Flower").

Tale of farming for growing vegetables("Turnip").

A fairy tale about a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage 3 times, but then still found her prince.("Thumbelina").

A tale of overpopulation of the living area, which led to the destruction of the building("Teremok").

Tale of how a large animal used child labor in the household("Mashenka and the Bear").

Well done moms! Remember fairy tales well.

Competition of the second "Winder"

Girls are welcome. It is proposed to rewind the threads from one ball to another and guess the riddle written on a piece of paper folded into a ball. The length of the threads in all balls is the same. Threads roll on command. Whoever rewinds the threads first, takes out a riddle, passes it to their mother and guesses it together.

1.Steel nose,

flax tail,

Passes through the canvas

He finds his end.(needle and thread)

2. On the river back and forth

Walks, wanderssteamer.

Stop - woe!

Pierce the sea!(iron)

3.Two ends, two rings,
Carnations in the middle.(scissors)

4. All full of holes and evil,

And such a bite.

Only her grandmother gets along with her,

Her sides and rubs and strokes.(grater)

5. Walks from edge to edge,

Cuts loaf.(knife)

6. From a hot well

Water flows through the nose.(kettle)

7. Two people are swimming

The third is lying

Two went out

hung on the third.(buckets with yoke)

9. There are a lot of holes, but nowhere to jump out.(colander)

10. Duck in the sea, tail on the fence.(ladle)

Competition the third "Button"

It is necessary to sew a button to the fabric quickly and efficiently. (all mothers participate at once)

Fourth contest "Cinderella"

All mothers with children participate in this competition at once. Each has a mixture of 1st on a plate. beans and 1 tbsp. peas, you need to divide this mixture into 2 groups.

Whoever separates the mixture faster, he raises his hand. So - to the start, attention, MARCH!

Competition " very tasty"

We answer the test questions (mothers participate):

Rassolnik is




Schnitzel is

Whipped cream cake

Pilaf with raisins

meat dish

Morse is

refreshing drink



Jelly is

Cold soup

sweet dish

Pancakes with honey

pigeons are

Minced meat dish with cabbage leaves

Grilled meat


Botv and nya is


canned food

- cold soup with boiled fish

T e fteli is

fish dish

Meat dish

Braised cabbage

Bestrogonov is

beef meat product

Pasta with cheese

Vegetable soup

hedgehogs are

fish cakes

Roll with poppy seeds

Minced meat with rice

Cardamom is



Lamb rendered fat

Anchovy is-

Japanese soup


southern fruit

The gherkins are



Small pickled cucumbers.

Contest 5 "I heard it somewhere"

(for moms)

A phrase from famous domestic films is read out. The task is to name the film.

1. "Slipped, fell, lost consciousness, woke up - plaster"("The Diamond Arm")

2. “Maybe not necessary?” - “It is necessary, Fedya, it is necessary”("Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik")

3. "Money in the morning - chairs in the evening, money in the evening - chairs in the morning"("12 chairs")

4. "Gyulchatay, open your face"("White sun of desert")

5. “Why did you offend the noblewoman, smerd?”( "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession")

6. “Well, you have a face, Sharapov!" ("Meeting place can not be Changed")

7. “I’ll tear my mouth, I’ll gouge my blinkers ... - Guard, hooligans deprive of sight !!!”

("Gentlemen of Fortune")

8. “We have such a tradition. December 31 go to the bath".(Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath")

9. « Ludko, and Lyudko, look at how beautiful she is! “Well, why is it dyed, this is my natural color!”("Love and pigeons")

10. “Komsomol member, athlete and just a beauty("Prisoner of the Caucasus")

11. “Grish, and Grish, and why am I so in love with you, huh ?!”("Wedding in Malinovka")

Sixth contest “Do you know the qualities inherent in a mother?”

(for kids)

Competition questions:

1. Every mother who loves a child possesses this quality.(Kindness).

2. So awesome word marked this quality! It is always in my mother's soul.(Care).

3. This property of the soul can be seen in the look of the mother, heard in her voice.(Tenderness).

4. The ability to intelligently solve various complex issues, give wise advice.(Wisdom).

5. And this quality is manifested when mom jokes, makes everyone happy.(Humor).

Class hands A survey was conducted among your children “For what qualities would you give your mother a medal?” And here are the results:

For kindness - 4.

For love - 4.

For honesty - 1.

For tenderness - 1.

For patience - 1.

For all qualities at once - 1

Class hands Who warms with love

Everything in the world succeeds

Even play a bit?

Who will always comfort you

And wash and comb,

Kiss on the cheek - smack?

That's how she always is

My (mommy) dear!

What can you tell about your mother. Now we will play. The game is called "My mother is the most ..."

The game "My mother is the most ..."

The most affectionate, kindest and very first word for many kids is MOM.

Every mother wants only the best for her children, and it is she, more than anyone else in the world, who speaks to her child many of the most tender, most forest and kind words. But what words? This secret will be revealed to us by their children. Now, dear guys, your task is to utter as many kind and kind words as possible without straying. (Kind, beautiful, mysterious, charming, attractive, friendly, hardworking, pleasant, sympathetic, charming, etc.)

(Children pass the balloon in a circle to the music and say the sentence “My mother is the most ...”. Then the mothers repeat the game: “My son is the most ... my daughter is the most ... ..”)

Class leader : Yes, indeed, all these qualities are inherent in every mother. But we love our mother simply because she is our mother.

Competition seventh "Difficult"

One mother and one girl are invited. The girl receives a tablet with

"Heart", "Kidneys", "Liver", "Stomach" The girl's task is to attach these plates to her mother correctly.

Cl. hands And now we announce the most "delicious» competition "Favorite fruits"

On the plates are pieces of fruit: kiwi, banana, apple, pear, orange, lemon. Children taste the name of the fruit that their mother offers them to taste. Blindfolded mothers also determine the name of the fruit, but not by taste, but by smell.

Cl. hand: And nowlet's talk about flowers.After allflowers are always given to women on this spring holiday.

Competition of the eighth "Verbal duel" (Riddles about flowers)

Children tell their parents

1. They are visible-invisible

Can't count everyone

And who only invented them -

Merry, blue?

Must have been torn off

A piece from the sky

Slightly conjured

And they made a flower!(forget-me-not)

2. A flower looked out in the half-darkness of the forest -

Little scout sent in the spring

Let snow reign over the forest,

Once the scout has come, spring will come!(snowdrop)

3. This flower can be called the queen of the garden.

However, breaking it is not so easy.(rose flower)

4. Wears that flower yellow sarafan;

Grow up - dressed up in a little white dress -

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze.(dandelion)

5. The golden mean and the rays go around, -

Maybe this is a picture: the sun in the blue sky?

No, not the sun on a piece of paper, -

Flower in the meadow...(chamomile)

6. This yellow flower bearing the name of a prince from

Greek mythology, who died of self-love.(narcissus)

7. Gently smelling, having lush, rich inflorescences

white, pink, burgundy.(peony)

8. Elegant flower red, white, yellow, one

the bulb of which in the 18th century. cost a fortune.(tulip)

9. Look, look, what kind of light is this?

He is fluffy and beautiful - the new one is celebrating a day.(carnation)

Parents tell children

1. There is a curl in the field -

White shirt,

Golden heart.

What it is?


2. Rye is earing in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.

Bright blue and fluffy


3. On a long fragile leg

A ball has grown by the track,

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball.


On a green cord

White bells.

(Lily of the valley)

Grows on bushes in the garden

The smell is sweet, like honey.

But tears often fall

Those who tear with their hands ...


pink, white,

Raspberry, red

I am in May

Fragrant, wonderful.


Everyone knows us

Bright as a flame.

We are namesakes

With small nails

Admire the wild



yellow chicks

In the green garden

spring appear

Southern beauties.


On the garden path

White bell on a leg.

The aroma intoxicates everyone

It beckons bees and butterflies.


Little boy growing in the garden

In a red shirt.

Red, white, golden,

Just a shame it's not fragrant.


Lush, terry head,

Petals-needles stick out,

Little sun on a leg

Delicate color decorates the garden.(Chrysanthemum)

Class leader : Guys, the time has come to give moms gifts made by yourself at technology lessons. Children also give you flowers, but only made with their own hands. And some have other gifts.

What a beautiful bouquet for mom!

It has a white flower and a red one.

And there are no verses yet

For her beautiful holiday.

I will compose poems for my mother,

I'll come up with good lines.

I will approach her

And quietly say:

Mom is from her daughter - girls talk and give gifts

Mommy is from my son - the boys say and give gifts

Competition 9 "Collect a proverb about mom"

(Children receive cards - cut proverbs)

1) When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

2) There is no better friend than a dear mother.

3) A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

4) Every mother loves her children.

5) Maternal affection knows no end.

6) The bird is happy for spring, and the baby is happy for its mother.

7) To live with your mother - no boredom, no grief, no knowing.

8) The most valuable and dear thing in the world is a mother

9) Mom's love- it is a garden in which the sun always shines and the season is always spring.

10) Mother's first gift- life, second- love and third- understanding.

11) Maternal blessing does not sink on water, does not burn on fire

Class leader : Well, now let's see what kind of erudite mothers we have. Next competition for moms.

I will ask questions, and you answer them (children help their mothers)

1. Which river has a female name.(Lena)

2. Name the first female taster.(Eve)

3. Name the flower of lovers.(Chamomile)

4. Which fairy-tale heroine had blue hair?( Malvina)

5. What is the name of a woman who knows how to sew, knit and embroider?(Needlewoman)

6. Which of the planets in the solar system has a female name?(Venus)

7. Which children's book heroine ended up in Wonderland?(Alice)

8. What is the name of one of the forms of social organization where women rule?(matriarchy)

9. Earth's closest satellite?(Moon)

10. What is the name of Shrek's girlfriend.(Theona)

11. The first woman astronaut.(V. Tereshkova)

Class hand : So mothers showed their erudite abilities, but now we will check how erudite their children are.

Competition "Clever and clever" (mothers help children)

Which of the notes is not needed for compote?(Salt)

Which composer's last name is similar to a hunter's shot?(Bach)

Can I bring water in a sieve?(Ice)

Which wheel in a car does not spin while driving?


Who speaks all languages?(Polyglot)

Night bird of prey.(Owl)

The largest country in South America?(Brazil)

What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters?

(ABC, alphabet)

Which city is flying?(Eagle)

Tropical palm fruit.(Coconut)

Birch basket.(Lukoshko)

Hidden treasures.(Treasure)

Smooth, shiny surface that reflects.(Mirror)

Women's sleeveless dress.(Sundress)

What part of the word can be found on earth?(Root)

Water in a gaseous state.(Steam)

Equilateral rectangle.(Square)

Hero of Russian folk performances.(Parsley)

Place of performance in the circus.(Manege)

A break between acts of the performance, sections of the concert.(Intermission)

Cl. hand: It's time to have some fun together. Next contest -

« Fun quiz »

I will ask smart questions. The first to raise their hand will answer. Be careful!

Under which tree does the hare sit when it rains?(under wet)

In which month does the chatty girl talk the least?(in February)

Why does a hunter have a gun?(behind the back)

How many pies can you eat on an empty stomach?(one, the second will not be on an empty stomach)

A turkey weighs 5 kg standing on one leg. How much will he weigh on two legs?(5 kg)

Which door cannot be opened?(open)

What is lighter than a kilo of down or a kilo of nails?(same)

How does day and night end?(soft sign)

What does half an apple look like?(for the second half)

When is it easier for a black cat to enter a house?(when the door is open)

Imagine that you are a train driver. The train consists of 5 cars, three passenger and two goods. How old is the driver? (as many as you)

Cl. hand: Now let's play a game"Magic words" (children):

Task: continue the sentence:

Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ...(Thanks)

The old stump will turn green when it hears ...(Good afternoon)

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ...(Thanks)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say ...(forgive me please)

A polite and developed boy says, meeting, ...(hello!)

Both in France and in Denmark they say goodbye ...(goodbye).

Cl. hand: You tried so hard today, participating in competitions, to bring great joy to your mothers and me, that you did not notice that our holiday, alas, is coming to an end.In conclusion of our holiday, I would like to say.

Love your moms today and always.

Please them with your successes, be worthy of everything that they do for you, their children.

And so that you do not forget to do this, I give you a reminder.

Five great rules

Never hurt your mom.

Never upset your mother.

Always say to your mother in the morning: “Good morning, Mommy”, and in the evening: “Good night”.

Always help mom.

Always come on time.

If you stick to these rules, you will grow up to be wonderful people. And your moms will be happy and proud of you.

Guys, I see how much you love your moms! And of course you are pleased when the smile does not leave her face. So try to upset as little as possible

their mothers, so that they are always beautiful and happy, like today on this holiday.
Dear mothers!

I also want to congratulate you on the holiday (I give cards) and tell you thank you very much that you came and took part in our event today.

May there be no sadness in your life

May there be no longing in your life,

Let time let go for you

Lots of affection, care and love.

May peace enter your heart,

May love live in your heart

Long, long, let it all last

Faith in happiness, let it not die.

And anger, betrayal will be forgotten,

And hard days will be forgotten.

They won't leave a trace

They are in your bright soul.

And in conclusion, the song of Elena Vaenga "I wish ...". Listen, please!

The program is designed for students in grades 9-11. If you time it to coincide with the holiday of March 8, it will be fun and relaxed, without unnecessary officialdom. Competitive tasks are aimed at the manifestation of any of the six senses (smell, touch, taste, sight, hearing, intuition).

The host welcomes the guests, congratulates the girls present on the upcoming holiday, invites them to take part in competitions and explains the rules of the game.

Competitions are best held between two or three teams of girls (the number of participants does not matter). One of the representatives of the team takes part in each next task. The winners of the game and the holder of the title of "Lady Perfection" will be those who win the most competitions in the program.

Mysterious scents

Participants are offered numbered jars filled with some fragrant spices. The task is for the girls to smell the contents of each jar. The participants write down their findings on sheets of paper and pass them on to the jury, which determines who did the best job. The jury records its conclusions in a summary table.

Jar content options:

  • coffee;
  • allspice - peas;
  • mint;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation.

Jewelry fingers

A large box is brought onto the stage containing 5 sets of hats, scarves and gloves. Things are mixed up. The girls are blindfolded, they are offered to touch a set of accessories from the box and put them on. In this case, it is necessary to observe the condition: a scarf, a hat and gloves must be from one set. Those girls who most accurately complete the tasks receive a point for their team.

Perfect Pitch

Participants of the competition are invited to perform a verse of a famous song with the help of rhythmic beats. The girls take turns doing the task. Points in favor of their teams are received by those whose songs the jury members managed to understand.

Song options:

  • "In the grass Grasshopper sat";
  • "Oh, frost, frost!";
  • "Smile";
  • "Blue carriage";
  • "Let run clumsily".

They argue about tastes!

Participants are offered juice boxes. Each box is numbered, but other information is sealed on it. The jury knows under which number this or that drink is recorded. The host hands the tubes to the contestants and offers to drink juice at speed. The girl who completes the task the fastest gets a point in the piggy bank of her team.

At the end of the first stage of the task, the girls are invited to name the ingredients of the juice that was in their bottle for additional points.

Juice options:

  • "Pumpkin - apple";
  • "Carrot - banana";
  • "Carrot - orange";
  • "Plum - apple";
  • "Carrot - raspberry."

Hold me straw, hold me!

Contestants are invited to choose to participate in the competition young man from among his classmates. Couples are given newspaper sheets. They must, standing on the newspaper, perform a slow dance. At the same time, every 30 seconds the music stops and the newspaper folds in half. Those couples that keep the balance the longest will win a point for their team.

Seems like something like this

A bag of kegs from the Lotto game is brought onto the stage. The participants must guess the barrel with what number the presenter will take out of the bag. Those girls who are the most accurate in their guesses earn points.

I sit high, I look far

A fairy tale is played out on the stage (the plot is at the choice of schoolchildren and the teacher). Roles in it can be played by those who wish from the audience. Teams are invited to carefully watch the tale. At the end, the host asks questions regarding the clothes of the characters. Those teams that give more correct answers will earn a point in their piggy bank.

Love does not love

Each of the participants is offered some famous phrase about love ( Application). Their task is to portray this phrase with the help of pantomime. Those girls who are the most understandable and expressive get points for their team.

At the end of the jury sums up the entire program. While the jury is working, the song from the movie "Mary Poppins, goodbye!" sounds. The host invites the teams to take a group photo. The winning team is awarded a sweet prize, and all its participants are awarded the title of “Lady Perfection”.


Phrase options:

  • “I am writing to you - what more?
    What more can I say?"
  • “I remember a wonderful moment:
    You appeared before me...
  • "Love for all ages;
    But to young, virgin hearts
    Her impulses are beneficial ... "
  • "I love you, love still, perhaps
    In my soul, it has not completely died out ... "
  • "I love you, - even though I'm mad,
    Although it is labor and shame in vain ... "

Elena Andreeva,
MBOU secondary school No. 5, Udomlya, Tver region

Competitive game program, dedicated to the International women's day March 8 in the parallel of the 4th grade "Spring Laughter"

Target: creating a joyful, festive mood.
- to form in children the need to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for life;
- develop thinking, memory, imagination, dexterity, self-confidence;
- to cultivate purposefulness, the ability to work in a team.
- Congratulate the girls on the holiday of March 8.
Equipment: prefabricated pictures of princesses (puzzles), prefabricated proverbs (cards), fabulous crossword grids, two clotheslines, 6 clothespins, 6 cut-out pictures of dresses, culinary riddles, musical accompaniment, pens.
Location: school office.
Members: 4th grade students.

Holiday progress:
Today is a spring day
On the street drops
Meets the holiday with a ringing -
Happy mother's day.
We are from the heart of all women
Congratulations today
And beautiful girls
We invite you to the competition.
We will give you today:
Fun, jokes, laughter,
Don't hide, don't be sad
Great success awaits you.
Hurry - let's start
Fanfares let them roar.
We invite you to the stage
Worthy guys.
(Bagrova E.V.)
Literary and musical congratulations on the International Women's Day on March 8 from the guys of 4 "A" class

1. A beauty walks on the Planet - spring,
It brings dawn and awakening to the earth.
Lily of the valley and lilacs bloom in spring,
Girls bloom on Women's Day in spring.
2. We are on March 8
Spring - we meet red,
And all the girls in the class
Congratulations today!
3. In our class, all the boys
We tried very hard
To the girls today
Just smiled!
4. So that with a spring smile
You were able to make friends
And in a good mood
Spent the day today.
5. The sun is beautiful in the sky,
The birds are singing merrily.
They wish you joy
And hello spring send!
6. Today we are all smart,
Cheeks are on fire.
Congratulate you on Women's Day
Gathered for a parade!
7. All shirts are ironed,
All pants are ironed.
We walked around the puddles today
And they didn't fight.
8. We did not go upside down,
Didn't roll on the floor
We did not sit on each other
And do not get dirty in chalk.
9. We congratulate the girls
Happy brightest day in the world.
With the first flower under the snow
With the first joyful stream!
10. Let illness and adversity
You are bypassed
Let in any bad weather
Birds sing like spring.
11. May the sun shine on you
Let the lilac bloom in your soul!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
On the brightest day in the world.
12. Happy day of smiles and fun!
With a clear, warm spring day!
Happy holiday to you
Happy International Women's Day!
13. We congratulate you on Women's Day!
We wish you happiness, success, health!
We give flowers and sing songs.
Chorus: Happy International Women's Day!
Sounds "Merry Song" by Alexander Yermolov

The sun came out
Because of the gray clouds
golden seed
Jumped the first beam.

He sings a cheerful song to us.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,

And from this song
The silence melts
And with streams fun
Spring is jumping.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.

Woke up a song
warm rays,
And on the branches it's fun
The rooks are jumping.

They sing a cheerful song to us.
Jumping through the fields, with the sky in half,
They sing a cheerful song to us.

Into a fervent song
Just in love
Huge jumping
Children's country.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.
Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.

Rides through the fields, with the sky in half,
He sings a cheerful song to us.
La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la.
And under this song the earth is spinning.

"School suffering" from boys 4 "B" class

1. We will ask you now
A little bit of attention
We will perform about girls
school suffering.
2. We are remote guys,
We all go to the fourth grade,
And business girls study with us.
3. The girls have a mind chamber,
Everyone grabs on the fly
And we are poor guys -
We are unable to teach.
4. Girls have pigtails -
What a temptation!
If you pull out of habit -
You ask for an apology!
5. Girls have curiosity -
It's just mania
You can't hide anything from them.
What a punishment!
6. Jokes are very bad with them -
Tongue too long:
You just have to grab them
Get hooked!
7. All girls are cute,
All like roses bloom.
It's worth just looking
They laugh instantly!
8. All homework
The girls are always on the "five",
And we have one concern -
Like kicking a ball.
9. We suffer from girls,
Why not get hurt?
But we can always
Write something down from them!
10. A secret to the whole world
Let's say goodbye:
There is no life without girls!
That's all suffering!
Competitive game program for students
(the audience is divided into two teams - by class, the main characters are girls, boys take part in competitions for fans)
1. Contest "Collect the princess"
Each team is given a cut picture with the image of a fairy-tale princess, it is necessary to put the princess out of the puzzle pieces and name her. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins. The maximum number of points is 2.

2. Competition "Collect a proverb"

Each team is given parts of proverbs (beginning and end), it is necessary to restore the proverb, find the correct beginning and end. The team that completes the task correctly wins. The maximum number of points is 5 (one proverb - one point).

3. Competition "Journey to a fairy tale"
Each team is given a crossword puzzle, you need to solve the crossword puzzle, remembering the characters literary works. The task is given for a while, the team that answers the most questions correctly in the allotted time wins. The maximum number of points is 7 (according to the number of questions).

1. The name of the prince, beloved by Odette,
From Swan Lake.
2. From the bottle our hero,
An old man with a magical beard.
3. He is a cheerful little man,
Raised in Italy
Where oranges ripen
Both lemons and olives
Figs and so on.
4. Girl is cute
The consolation of the old was
Yes melted
In the hot flame of a fire.
5. A very simple question -
Ellie girls favorite dog.
6. This girl is so small
What could hide in a bowl of a flower.
7. Goose is a traveler and a good friend,
Taking the boy Nils with him.
Vertically: name of an extraordinary girl,
dropping a crystal slipper.
Answers: 1. Siegfried. 2. Hottabych. 3. Cipollino.
4. Snow Maiden. 5. Totoshka. 6. Thumbelina. 7. Martin.
4. Musical pause
All attendees participate. It is necessary to “prepare for participation in the International Music Festival” and perform a song in an unfamiliar language to the motive of a well-known song, replacing all the vowels in the words with the same one:

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese -
One is grey, the other is white
Two cheerful geese.
let's sing on the letter - E -
Jele e babyse
Two veseleh gese -
Eden sray, dragey beley -
Two veseleh gese.
let's sing on the letter - U-
Zhulu at bubusu
Two vusulukh gusu -
Udun surui, another bool -
Two vusulukh goose.
let's sing on the letter - A -
It's a pity and a woman
Two vasalakh gas -
Adan shed, drag balai -
Two vasalakh gasas.

5. Competition "Cheerful culinary specialist"
A culinary riddle is read to each team in turn, the team that correctly solves all the riddles wins. The maximum number of points is 12.

1. What is poured into the pan,
do they bend it four times?
2. Small, rich,
The wheel is edible.
I won't eat you alone
I will share with all the guys.
3. Uncle laughs
His fur coat is shaking.
4. The lady is sitting in a spoon,
Dangling legs.
5.Very fond of children
Cold pack.
Cold, cold
Let me lick you once!
(Ice cream)
6. White as snow, in honor of all.
In the mouth got - there and disappeared.
7. Will be born in water,
and afraid of water.
8. This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for dinner.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls...
9. I bubble and puff,
I don't want to live in a bowl
I'm tired of kneading
Put me in the oven.
10. Grew up first in the wild in the field.
In the summer it bloomed and spiked,
And when they threshed
He suddenly turned into grain.
From grain to flour and dough,
Took a seat in the store.
11. May break
Maybe boil!
And he wants - in a bird
Can turn.
12. Soft piece of bread,
Top with sausage and garlic.
He himself asks for us in the mouth,
13. The bees worked hard in the summer,
So that we can eat in the winter.
Open your mouth wide
Eat fragrant, sweet...
14. They boiled it from cereals,
Salted, sweetened.
Hey, where's our spoon?!
So delicious for breakfast...
15. Onions, cabbage and potatoes,
A few different vegetables.
You look for them in a saucepan.
This soup is called...
16. Prepare a place
Let's roll out the dough.
Here is jam, here is cottage cheese.
We want to bake...
17. Sugar shirt,
Above - a bright piece of paper.
Sweet tooths love it.
What's a delicacy?
18. It is made of milk,
But his sides are firm.
It has so many different holes.
Guessed? It...
19. Not okroshka and not soup.
Beets in it, carrots, cucumber.
Served us for lunch
With vegetable oil...
(the vinaigrette)
20. What are the white grains?
Not grain and not snowflakes.
Sour milk - and on time
We received...
(cottage cheese)
21. Guess who she is?
White, thick.
The cream was whipped early in the morning,
For us to have...
(sour cream)
22. Grandma will cook from berries
Something delicious for the year.
Oh what a meal
23. What kind of white water
Rushing from the farm to us in cans?
We found the answer easily -
It's simple...
24. Wrapped this tile
Into a silver sheet.
Everyone is happy to eat tiles.
What is this?
6. Competition "Big wash"

Two fans from each team pull on a clothesline, three fans hold a clothespin, dresses (pictures) are laid out on the tables. Team members must run to the table, take a dress, run to the fan, take a clothespin. Return to the rope and hang the dress on it. The team that finishes the laundry the fastest wins. The maximum number of points is 3.

Summing up the results of competitions.
Presentation of gifts.

All the guys are great
They rejoiced heartily.
Showed the mind, dexterity,
They acted boldly, deftly,
Friendship brought us together
Because unity is our strength.
Goodbye, don't be sad
Wait for a new meeting with us!

In March 2017, in the city library No. 14 of the MBUK "CBS of Vologda", a competitive program for girls of the 1st grade "For mischievous, kind, sweet, dear girls!", Dedicated to International Women's Day - March 8, was held. At the event, the girls, divided into two teams, participated in competitions related to cooking, needlework and housekeeping.

Description: this competition program can be used by teachers primary school, teachers additional education, librarians for holding events dedicated to International Women's Day (March 8).

- creating a festive mood;
- promotion of public holidays;
- fostering a value attitude to motherhood and the role of women in society.

Decor: colorful event header, Balloons to decorate the hall, beautiful illustrations depicting girls and women.

Equipment: see contests.

Event progress

Hello dear guys! We meet today on the eve of a wonderful holiday - March 8.
March 8 is Mother's Day.
Knock-knock - knocking on the door to us.
He only comes to that house
Where they help mom.
We will sweep the floor for mom,
We'll set the table ourselves.
Help her cook dinner
We will sing and dance with her.
We paint her portrait
We will draw as a gift.
"They are unrecognizable, wow!" -
Then mom will tell people.
And we always, and we always,
We will always be like this. (A. Berestov "March 8")

Today we will hold a competition program “For mischievous, sweet, kind, dear girls!”. All girls in your class will participate in the program. Our competitions will not be easy, but women's competitions will be related to needlework, cooking, housekeeping.

(All girls of the class participate in the competitions. They are divided into 2 teams).
So let's start the competition.
First, you girls need to guess the name of your team.

Team 1.
I must warn you:
I'm so fragile, I'm so tender
What through a thousand featherbeds
one pea
I will feel all night
And I won't sleep! (Princess and the Pea --- Princess Team)

Team 2.
I'm from the royal ball
Once ran away
And a crystal shoe
Accidentally lost. (Cinderella --- Cinderella Team)

1 competition "Little hostesses"
(2 handkerchiefs; 2 plates; rice and beans)
Children listen to the poem "Little hostess" (N.A. Mayer):

I got up early today
I have a lot of worries:
Need to comb the doll
Tie a bow beautifully

Sweep the kitchen floor
Bring dad a book
Water the flower on the window
Grandmother to wind a ball,

Put on shoes for Seryozhka,
Pour milk for the cat
Help mom cook soup
Have tea with grandpa.

Oh, I'm really tired.
I'll sit and eat candy.
I'll take four more
For comfort throughout the apartment!

Yes, this hostess has a lot to do. You, too, have to work hard now.
Exercise: There is rice on the plate, and there are 10 grains of beans in it. You need to blindfold to select all the beans. Whoever does it faster will win.

2 competition "Mother's portrait" (one girl per team)
(2 scarves; board, 2 crayons)
Guys, probably all of you are familiar with the poem "Mother's Portrait":
I will wipe the glass and the frame
Because in the frame is mom.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I really love my mom! (G. Vieru)
Now you also have to draw a portrait of your mother.
Exercise: Blindfolded with chalk on the board, you need to draw a portrait of your mother. The one who draws faster and more accurately wins.

3 contest "When I will be a mother ..." (one girl per team)
(2 baby dolls; 2 diapers; 2 nylon ribbons)
All girls are future mothers. Playing with dolls, they learn to take care of future babies: dress and undress them, feed them, put them to bed.
When I am a mother
I will be kind myself:
Let the daughter get dirty
And the little son
painting on wallpaper...
And let them be two. (V. Lisina)
Exercise: You need to swaddle the doll in a diaper and tie it with a ribbon. Whoever does it faster and more correctly, he will win.

4 competition "Grow, braid, to the waist ..." (Two girls per team)
(2 hair ties)
Beautiful hair is an adornment of any girl. But they need to be looked after: washed, cut, combed and braided. Previously, when weaving a braid, they said these words:
Grow, braid, to the waist,
Don't pull out a hair.
Grow, braid, to toe -
All hairs in a row.
Grow, braid, don't get confused -
Mother, daughter, listen.
Exercise: One of the contestants lets her hair down. The other girl should braid her hair and secure it with an elastic band. The one who braids the braid faster and more accurately wins.

5 competition "Big wash" (one girl per team)
(Rope; 20 handkerchiefs, 20 clothespins)
Now, guys, we're going to have a big laundry.
We wash in the bath
Annochka's shirt
Dress for Olechka,
Panties for Rings,
Marinochka's blouse,
Handkerchief for Irina. (G. Lagzdyn)
Our scarves are already washed. You need to hang them up to dry.
Exercise: A rope is stretched across the hall. Each participant is given 10 clothespins and 10 handkerchiefs. Whoever hangs all the handkerchiefs on a rope faster and more accurately wins.

6 contest "Fashionistas" (one girl per team)
(2 handkerchiefs; 2 cosmetic bags, each of which contains lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder, nail polish, cotton swab, mirror, etc.)
All girls want to be beautiful and fashionable like their mothers. To do this, sometimes they take their mother's cosmetics without asking.

Mom is the most beautiful in the world -
It's important for me.
Without make-up assistant
Doesn't take a day.
I'll try my mom
Be a little like
And I will become that cosmetics
Apply make-up.

Draw eyebrow arrows
Eye contour and lip contour.
Red shadows on the eyelids
And blush purple circle.
Found my mom in the bathroom
-Look what I am!
Mom didn't recognize
In this guise of me.
<…>(Yu. Belyakova "Mom's cosmetics")

Let's now check whether you know well what is in your mother's cosmetic bag.
Exercise: Each girl is given a cosmetic bag containing lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, nail polish, powder, cotton swab, mirror, etc. The host takes turns calling one of the items in the cosmetic bag. The blindfolded girls are looking for them. Whoever finds everything quickly and correctly wins.

7 competition "Craftswomen" (one girl per team)
(2 balls of thread, inside the balls is a riddle)
In addition to cooking, cleaning and washing, all girls, as future housewives, should be able to embroider, sew, knit, that is, be craftswomen and needlewomen.
Very important activity
Sew the canvas on the dress
Ruffles are on the move
From grandma's curtain.
Grandma is arguing
But still he smiles.
It has to happen like this
Craftsman granddaughter! (N. Hilton "The Craftswoman")
Exercise: Each participant is given a ball of thread, their task is to rewind the ball, at the end of the ball there is a note, there is a riddle in it that needs to be guessed. The winner is the one who rewinds the ball faster and correctly guesses the riddle.
Riddle for 1 team:
I'm an artist in your hands
I love to embroider and sew!
But be careful with me
How offended I prick. (Needle)
Riddle for 2 teams:
Two slender sisters
In the hands of a craftswoman.
All day diving into the loops ...
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka. (Spokes)

8 contest "Flowers for Mom" (All team)
All gifts are good. But it is best to give flowers to mom on March 8. You probably all know the words from the famous children's song:
Today is mother's day
Today is mother's day.
I know mom loves
Carnation and lilac.

Do you know the flowers that your mothers love? Let's check it out.

In a green cape -
beauty ballerina,
Jumping on one leg
In a yellow top
Yes, a white pack. (Chamomile)

Behind the barbed fence
princess sitting,
Sad, sad.
Everyone aspires to her
Yes, they are afraid of thorns. (Rose)

funny girl
in a red skirt
Walks across the field
Hassle-worries does not know.
The skirt flutters
The girl smiles. (Poppy)

Vasily stands,
Young and strong
In a green coat
In a bright blue wig
Everyone is looking at him
Yes, they admire. (Cornflower)

The kids came out
white strong men,
under a green umbrella
Standing on the bridge
Holding on to the handles
They bask under the May sun. (Lily of the valley)

simple dresses,
blue eyes,
Look clearly and openly:
Nothing is forgotten! (forget-me-not)

The sun was shining
Until it's white
And how it turned white -
Feathers white
It flew across the sky. (Dandelion)

perky bangs,
green girl,
Sitting in the woods
She folded her arms across her chest
purple suit -
Yes, a bright ray in the heart. (Violet)

White under white
The cover has melted -
The feather has blossomed. (Snowdrop)

Stepan was proud:
He is wearing an al caftan,
On a green boat
Goes to the youth.
Al caftan opened -
The black shirt is visible. (Tulip)

This concludes our competition program. (The jury sums up and announces the winners).
Girls, I congratulate you on a wonderful spring holiday - March 8! You are all so different - kind, beautiful, charming, and sometimes funny and mischievous. Be always so beautiful, kind, sweet! And most importantly, be the happiest! Happiness to you and spring mood!


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