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This is a Soviet transport apparatus, which was developed from 1961 to 1964. It belongs to the category of military transporters, designed on the earlier Mi-6 base. It was put into operation in 1963. The maximum load capacity of the machine is 15 tons. The weight of the empty apparatus is almost twice as high, the maximum speed is 235 kilometers per hour.

Critical takeoff weight - 43.7 tons. Its second name is "Flying Crane". On board, it accommodates twenty-eight passengers and is intended primarily for the transport of ballistic projectiles.

"Sikorsky CH-53E"

This modification is a heavy transport aircraft, which is considered the largest rotorcraft built in America. Its original purpose is to perform special operations in the Marine Corps. However, later the Sikorsky CH-53E cargo helicopter began to be used in other areas. During the operation proved to be a reliable high-speed and spectacular device.

The unit is in service with several countries, including Germany, the United States, Mexico and Israel. In total, more than 520 machines of this series were produced. The maximum takeoff weight is 19 tons, the maximum speed is 315 kilometers per hour, the weight of an empty object is 10.7 tons.

Boeing MH-47E Chinook and Bell AH-1 Super Cobra

The MH model is one of the variations of the American military transport helicopter based on the CH-47C. It has been in operation since 1991. It weighs over 10 tons, has a top speed of over 310 km/h and is considered one of the fastest rotorcraft in the world. It continues to be used in some countries at the present time.

"Super Cobra" is a type of twin-engine American combat helicopters, which were based on the predecessor of the AH-1W series. The modification in question is the main strike force of the United States Marines. The speed threshold of the car is 350 kilometers per hour, and its weight is almost 5 tons when empty, and a third more when fully equipped.

Hughes XH-17 cargo helicopter

This unit was built back in 1952. At that time, it was considered colossally heavy (19.7 tons). This flying crane was used to lift and transport super-heavy loads by means of an external suspension. The unit was produced in only one copy, its test flight took place in the city of Culver (California). The maximum speed is 145 kilometers per hour. Until now, this machine holds the record for the size of the main rotor, the diameter of which is 36.9 meters.

"Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe"

The heavy transport helicopter of this series is designed specifically for the US Army. He performed a number of operations during the Vietnam campaign. For all the time, 105 cars of this modification were produced. The unit holds the record for maximum height in horizontal movement (11 kilometers) and for the fastest climb up to three and nine kilometers. Its weight is 9 tons, maximum speed is 240 km/h. The critical takeoff weight is 21 tons. It is actively used by the armies of different states.


Russian cargo helicopters of this modification are designed to support ground forces with the ability to transport heavy loads. On board, he can take up to eight passengers, not counting a couple of pilots. The machine is considered the first in Europe and the second in the world, related to specialized combat rotorcraft. The Mi-24 helicopter is in service with almost thirty countries.

The device received its unofficial names (“Galya”, “Crocodile”, “Glass”) during the Afghan campaign. The last nickname was given to him thanks to the flat glass inserts that are equipped with the outer part of the cabin. The maximum flight weight is 11.1 tons, the speed threshold is 335 kilometers per hour. The weight of the empty unit is 7.5 tons.


This aircraft has more modest characteristics than the Mi-10, and is designed for use in civil and military purposes. A test flight of the helicopter took place in the summer of 1957. Until 1972, more than five hundred copies were produced. The maximum load capacity is 12 tons. For that time, it was considered one of the most enduring and fastest rotorcraft, with a maximum speed of 300 kilometers per hour. The maximum takeoff weight is 42.5 tons, and the empty weight is 27.2 tons.

V-12 (Mi-12)

The experimental twin-rotor helicopter is the largest machine among analogues in the world. It was assumed that it would transport cargo weighing at least 30 tons, including components for intercontinental strategic ballistic missiles. In total, two such machines were built, one of which lifted a load weighing 44.2 tons to a height of 2.2 thousand meters. The weight of the empty vehicle is 69 tons, the maximum takeoff weight is 105 tons, and the speed threshold is 260 km / h. One copy has now become a museum exhibit, and the second serves as exhibition complex on the subject of the Air Force.

record holder

The largest cargo helicopter put into serial production is the Mi-26. Consider its characteristics and features in more detail. The machine was designed back in the seventies of the last century. The first flight was carried out in 1977. The main purpose of this device is the possibility of military use and use for civilian purposes.

Modern Mi-26s are designed primarily for the military industry, they can transport a huge number of passengers and heavy cargo. It should be noted that the flight range is relatively small. Without refueling and cargo with full fuel tanks, the helicopter can cover about eight hundred kilometers. Its dimensions testify to the impressiveness of this car. The length of the aircraft is 40 meters, the diameter of the propeller is 32 meters, and the width of the cargo compartment is 3.2 meters.

Features of the Mi-26

The cargo helicopter in question has a number of advantages and has several records set even before its serial production. In 1982, the machine was able to overpower a load weighing 25 tons, lifting it to a height of four kilometers. At the same time, the entire weight of the apparatus amounted to more than 56.5 tons. Nine world records were set by pilot Irina Kopets. In addition, the crew of the flying rotorcraft was able to overcome a vicious circle 2,000 kilometers long when passing through a strong meteorological front at a cruising speed of about 280 km/h.

The Mi-26 helicopter is capable of transporting various military equipment, the weight of which does not exceed 20 tons. Loading of cars is carried out under its own power through the rear hatch, which has a pair of swinging doors. In addition, the helicopter can accommodate more than 80 soldiers or 68 paratroopers. If necessary, the device is reconstructed for the transportation of the wounded with the possibility of placing a stretcher and three accompanying persons. medical workers. The flight range can be increased by installing additional fuel tanks directly in the cargo compartment.

Mi-26 technical plan parameters

Below are the main technical characteristics of this helicopter:

  • the size of the main / tail rotor - 32 / 7.6 meters in diameter;
  • the number of blades on the main propeller - eight pieces;
  • machine length - 40 meters;
  • chassis (track / base) - 8.95 / 5 meters;
  • weight (minimum / maximum / recommended) - 28 / 49.5 / 56 tons;
  • load capacity indicator (in the cabin / on the external suspension) - 20/20 t;
  • compartment - 12 / 3.2 / 3.1 m;
  • crew - two or six people (when controlling the external suspension);
  • maximum passenger capacity - 80 people;
  • power unit - a pair of turbine engines with a capacity of 11,400 horsepower each;
  • speed (limiting / cruising) - 300/265 kilometers per hour;
  • fuel consumption - 3.1 t / h;
  • cruising range at maximum load is 475 km.

The practical ceiling of this helicopter varies within 4.6 kilometers with an average takeoff weight of 49.6 tons.


When developing the Mi-26 military cargo helicopter, the designers took into account the shortcomings and problem areas of previous models. Mostly the changes affected the air intakes. Before these elements, a dust protection was installed, making it possible to clean the flow by seventy percent. This solution made it possible to take off from dusty areas without reducing engine power.

In addition, repair sites have been transformed that do not require additional equipment when servicing the machine by mechanics. The convenience of loading and unloading operations is provided by a pair of winches with a lifting capacity of 5000 kilograms. It is also possible to adjust the loading ramp using a hydraulic drive, which can be controlled from the cockpit, cargo hold or from the outside of the helicopter. The developers have equipped the aircraft with a number of devices that facilitate loading from cars or directly from the ground.

The equipment of the Mi-26 was made using the latest technologies and technical advances. The helicopter is equipped with a meteorological radar that allows you to fly, regardless of weather conditions and time of day. This device is highly accurate, and setting it up takes a few minutes. Also in the cockpit there is a three-channel autopilot, an upgraded system for recording messages and flight data.


The Mi-26 cargo helicopter is still in production, and all thanks to its excellent performance and high level security. However, production volumes are quite modest, usually cars are made by special orders. The device is constantly modernized, equipped with modern devices and meets all international standards in its class.

1st place.

In all respects, the helicopter is considered the leader among rotorcraft. Mi-12. Its official name - AT 12. NATO countries have included it in a list called Homer. The device is equipped with four engines, and the propellers are located on the side.

More than 44 tons managed to lift this unique device to a height of 2255m. By the way, this record has not yet been broken. The rotorcraft was developed back in the sixties of the twentieth century, and only 2 copies were produced. They are still “alive” to this day and are exhibits of specialized museums, having served people faithfully for a very long time.

2nd place.

Mi-26 The legendary "flying cow". Of course, this is a more modest rotorcraft both in terms of dimensions and payload, but no less functional. On the this moment, this is the largest helicopter that is mass-produced all over the world. Equipped with one screw and two power units. Can easily lift and move a load of 50 tons.

This is a fairly high-speed helicopter, reaching speeds of up to three hundred km / h. It is used in a variety of areas: in air ambulance, for the transportation of airborne troops (it can carry a company of soldiers), is actively used by the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and is used to transport various cargoes. It can easily transport another aircraft - a helicopter or an airplane. He has proven himself as a submarine destroyer and air tanker.

3rd place.

Mi-6. It was born much earlier than the Mi-12 and Mi-26. This is a high-speed helicopter capable of speeds up to 305 km/h. can carry cargo weighing 12 tons in the cab and 8 tons on the suspension. Crew - five people. It has one propeller and two engines, with a capacity of 5.5 thousand "horses" each.

This is perhaps the most demanded helicopter, and over the entire period of operation, about a thousand of such machines were created, which cut through the skies with the blades of their propellers to this day.

4th place.

Mi-10. "Brother" of all the above helicopters. Junior. Appeared after the release of the Mi-6 helicopter. It is a simplified version of it, with more modest dimensions and technical characteristics. Its main purpose is the transportation of ballistic missiles, but in case of emergency, it can take on board 30 passengers.

Max speed is 190 km / h, and the weight of the machine is 38 tons. The helicopter still bears the unofficial name "Flying Crane". It can lift a maximum of 15 tons of cargo.

5th place.

Sikorsky CH-53E. This helicopter model was designed and built in the USA. At the moment, this is the largest rotorcraft in the history of the American helicopter industry. Its weight is 34 tons, the number of engines is 3, the crew members are 5. It is capable of transporting 55 marines or 19 tons of cargo at a time.

It develops a maximum speed of 315 km / h. is in service in many armies of the world. Armed with machine guns and equipped with night vision devices.

6th place.

Boeing MH-47E Chinook. This helicopter began to be used relatively recently - since 1991. But during this time he managed to establish himself as a reliable, sufficiently load-lifting and high-speed "rotorcraft".

Used to perform the most different tasks. Naturally, this is more of a military helicopter, capable of transporting 25 wounded soldiers or two platoons of soldiers. Equipped with two engines with a capacity of 5000 "horses" each and two propellers. Load capacity - 25 tons.

7th place.

Also "Flying Crane", only American. It is used for transportation of cargoes on a suspension. Released in a single copy back in 1952. Slug. Develops a speed of 145 km / h.

8th place.

Heavy military transport. It has a load capacity of 9 tons and a maximum speed of 240 km/h. can climb to a height of 11000 m.

9 -th place.

Bell AH-1 Super Cobra. Twin-engine combat helicopter. This is the main attack helicopter of the US Marines. Fairly fast (352 km/h) and light (5 tons).

10th place.

Mi-24. A Russian attack helicopter capable of transporting a squad of soldiers. Actively used in Afghanistan by Soviet troops. It develops a speed of 355 km / h and weighs 7.5 tons.

I ran through the history of my blog and found ... or rather, did not find that we were discussing the largest helicopter in the world. But this is an interesting and still very relevant car, and even more so there is a section on the blog. We had a story of such a huge helicopter - it was very small and even But the largest helicopter was not visible. Let's fix this situation.

This story of the creation of the most lifting helicopter, its modifications, experience of use and possibilities for further development...

Photo 2.

Forming the appearance of a new heavy helicopter for transport needs, the Mil design bureau tried to take into account all the data received from the design of previous models. In particular, the Mi-6 helicopter, which has already earned a reputation as a reliable hard worker, inherited the general concept. However, with the Mi-6 there was an impressive heap of problems, which, when designing the Mi-26, it was decided to leave behind. This concerned, first of all, the main problem of the Mi-6: high degree engine clogging.

The ingress of large soil particles, or simply foreign objects, a large amount of dust into the engine adversely affected both the engine life and the reliability of the entire helicopter as a whole. The Mi-26 was deprived of these shortcomings almost immediately - so-called PZUs were installed in front of the massive air intakes of the engines - dust-proof devices, with the help of which the air flow entering the engines was deprived of approximately 75% of all foreign substances and practically pure natural air entered the combustion chamber of the engine.

Photo 3.

However, the designers of the Mil Design Bureau did not dare to take the Mi-6 platform entirely as a basis: the analysis showed that the characteristics laid down in the Mi-6 would not be enough for the new helicopter. The original name of the project from the "modernization" Mi-6M was changed to: "Project-90". Work boiled over.

Photo 4.

With an eye on the Americans?

Despite the commitment of KB Mil to the so-called "classical" scheme, along the way, with the decision to start work on the "Project-90", another very unusual and even controversial decision was made. In those years, Soviet intelligence had data that a helicopter with a carrying capacity of up to 20 tons was being developed in the United States. A characteristic difference between the American machine and the classical scheme for the design and construction of rotorcraft was the presence of two rotors at once, spaced on opposite sides of the machine - the first was located above the cockpit, the second - almost at the very edge of the stern. According to such an unusual scheme, the Americans subsequently built the famous American Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter, which our aviation specialists received the insulting nickname "Hunchback".

Photo 5.

Not wanting to be left behind in development, and at the same time to test the viability of this scheme in the realities of Soviet design bureaus, a separate group of engineers was instructed to develop a machine similar to the design of the Americans. It should also be noted that all work on the "Project-90" was carried out in parallel, and none of the schemes was worked out to the detriment of others.

Photo 6.

Uniqueness as a concept

Specialists of the Moscow Helicopter Plant for a long time argued about the layout new car- make it similar to the American one, or use the classic one. Tests, studies, studies - one after another, everything superfluous was swept aside, which would complicate the design and make it less reliable. However, among the routine work there has always been a place for fundamentally new, more effective solutions. In the Mi-26, the word "unique" can be found almost everywhere: engines, chassis, cargo compartment ... and enough other, smaller parts that, like large units, can be called the best in terms of reliability and efficiency.

Photo 7.

Expert in the field of avionics, deputy chief designer for aviation equipment of OAO NPO OKB im. M.P.Simonov "Ilya Matveev in an interview with Zvezda spoke about one of the main design features Mi-26 helicopter: “Along with monstrous power engines, the Mi-26 has design elements that are no less interesting. The helicopter blades, which create a colossal lifting force, are made using metal-plastic - a heavy-duty and reliable material that allows, with less weight, to significantly increase the efficiency of the main rotor.

Photo 8.

If compared with the design of the main rotor of the Mi-6, because it is with it that the “twenty-sixth” is often compared, then the screw turned out to be 40% lighter in weight and smaller in size - 28 meters for the Mi-26 against the 35-meter mastodon Mi-6 . In terms of traction characteristics, the situation is the same - the developers were able to make a virtually unprecedented leap forward - the Mi-26 propeller provided 30% more thrust than the propeller installed on the Mi-6.

Photo 9.

Regarding the design of the Mi-26 helicopter, serious disputes and work are still going on among Western helicopter manufacturers.

“Attempts to copy, as I know, have been and have been repeatedly. First, the Americans managed to build the CH-53 Sea Stallion, a heavy transport helicopter according to their classification. But when it became clear what characteristics the Mi-26, which came out a few years later, had, the Americans immediately began to experiment. Either with engines, then with the design and materials of the blades, then with avionics, then with something else.

As a result, they did not reach the set targets and only partially improved the car. Then came the turn of the Chinook - the famous "humped" helicopter, which, according to the Americans themselves, "was the best that could be created." However, if we compare it as a military transport helicopter with the Mi-26, then it is inferior in all respects: the Mi-26 with a maximum take-off weight of 56 tons is generally out of competition, because the Chinook has a maximum speed half as much - 25 tons " , - Viktor Sverdlov, a specialist in control and communication systems, an employee of the Kazan Helicopter Plant, said in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel.

Photo 10.

Mi-26 is a truly unique machine. However, the military transport mission of the Soviet giant turned out to be especially necessary when it was not expected at all. accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant“threw” for the Mi-26 the most real male work. The giant gas turbine engines D-136 raised a special reagent more than one hundred times, which reduces the proportion of radiation from the explosion site at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It was during the Chernobyl "campaign" that all the positive qualities of the Soviet air tractor came to light: carrying capacity and capacity. Having honorably completed the assigned tasks, the Mi-26 at the same time showed that it was possible to use a unique machine not only for the elimination of accidents.

In Chernobyl, several complex operations were performed with the help of the Mi-26. Since combat helicopter pilots did not yet have the necessary experience, such tasks were entrusted to crews led by test pilots G.R. Karapetyan and A.D. Grishchenko, who had the skills to transport goods on an unusually long external sling.

Photo 11.

The Mi-26 power plant consists of D-136 gas turbine two-stage three-shaft engines with a power of 11,400 hp each. The engine has a modular design, five of its ten modules are interchangeable with similar modules of the D-36 turbojet engine installed on the Yak-42. For maintenance of the power plant and transmission on the engine fairings there are large folding panels used as work platforms, and in the tail boom there is a passage for servicing the tail rotor transmission without special ground equipment.

The transmission consists of a main gearbox, two freewheels, tail rotor drive shafts, an intermediate gearbox and a tail rotor gearbox. The main gearbox VR-26 of a modular design, three-stage, has drives for the cooling fan of the gearbox and oil systems, installed above the air intakes of the engines, tail rotor transmission and helicopter units. The gearbox has a length of 2.5 m, a width of 1.95 m and a height of 3.02 m, dry weight 3640 kg. In the amphibious version, the helicopter is capable of carrying 82 fully equipped paratroopers over distances of up to 800 km.

Photo 12.

The eight-bladed main rotor with articulated blades and hydraulic dampers has a diameter of 32 meters and covers an area of ​​804.2477 sq.m. Rectangular propeller blades have improved airfoils with a relative thickness of 12% at the root and 9% at the end of the blade and moderate aerodynamic twist. Mixed design blades with a tubular steel spar to which are attached 26 sections with ribs, fiberglass skin and honeycomb core. The tip of the blade is protected by a titanium alloy anti-corrosion lining. The blade chord is 835 mm. The peripheral speed of the ends of the blades reaches 220 m/s.
The rectangular blades of the 7.67-meter five-bladed tail rotor are made of fiberglass from the plan view.

Photo 13.

The first flight of the Mi-26 took place on December 14, 1977, and on October 4, 1980, at 21:10, the first serial Mi-26 was rolled out of the assembly shop of the Rostov plant.

Even before the massive arrival of the Mi-26 in the Air Force and Aeroflot, a number of world records were set on it. So, on February 4, 1982, the crew of test pilot G.V. Alferov performed a flight in which they managed to lift 25 tons of cargo to a height of 4060 m, while the helicopter climbed to 2000 m with a flight weight of 56,768.8 kg, which was also the highest world achievement. In the same year, the Mi-26 crew led by Irina Kopets set 9 women's world records.

The first demonstration of the helicopter to the general public took place in June 1981 at the aerospace show in Le Bourget, where the Mi-26 became the star of the exhibition.

Photo 14.

Army in the transport bay

Among the many modifications that prove another quality of the Soviet helicopter - versatility, there were also very special versions. Military historian and aviation expert, former employee Kazan Helicopter Plant Ruslan Galiullin, in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, spoke about one of the most unusual modifications of the Mi-26:

“First - Mi-26 NEF-M - an option for combating enemy submarines. Complex computing equipment was installed in it, and a special submarine detector was attached to the external suspension. The prospect of such a helicopter was simply crazy, because the size and capacity of the Mi-26 made it possible to install very powerful equipment there. And the area over which the "NEF" could work increased several times, compared with the range of conventional "submarine hunters". The second option - Mi-27 - is generally from the realm of fantasy.

AT war time The Mi-27 could compete in terms of functionality with the president's aircraft number one, because it was equipped with equipment to control the battle of an entire army. Structurally, it looked simple: the cargo compartment of the helicopter was divided into work areas, control areas, and even a briefing room. Everything was mounted there in such a way that there was even own system filtration and purification of water and air conditioning. All this was subordinated to only one goal - the operational and precise control of a single army.

Photo 15.

The Mi-26 could become the basis for a new heavy helicopter that Russia and China have recently announced their intention to create. The joint project involves the creation of a new, even more capacious, load-lifting machine, which, in the short term, has no analogues in any other foreign country not expected.

Photo 16.

Be sure to ask in the comments about the engine of the Ukrainian Motor Sich. What news is there about this:

Back in the summer of 2016, the Russian Helicopters holding clarified the characteristics of the promising PD-12V turboshaft engine for the Mi-26T heavy helicopter. In particular, it is expected that the engine power will be 11.5 thousand liters. With. It will be ensured when the aircraft is operated at an altitude of up to 2000 m and at a temperature of +40°C. About this with reference to the Deputy CEO"Helicopters of Russia" on production and innovation of Andrey Shibitov, according to Aviation International News.

The maximum engine power will be 14.5 thousand liters. s., however, it will be adapted to the existing gearbox, the Russian holding specified. The new engine will be 100 kg heavier than the Ukrainian D-136 power plants that the Mi-26 is equipped with today (the power of each engine is 10,000 hp). Despite the greater weight, the PD-12V will be 18% more economical, according to Russian Helicopters.

Preliminary studies conducted by the United Engine Corporation (UEC) have shown that the remotorization of the Mi-26 helicopter will increase the flight range with a payload, as well as reduce operating costs. This is planned to be achieved through improved technical specifications and lower maintenance costs.

It is expected that the prototype of the remotorized Mi-26 will fly in 2017, the mass production of the machine will begin in 2018-2019.

The PD-12V engine is being developed on the basis of the gas generator of the PD-14 turbofan engine for the MS-21, which is currently being tested at the Il-76LL flying laboratory. In the future, based on the PD-12V, it is planned to develop a separate family power plants, said Shibitov.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Photo 23.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

Photo 26.

Photo 27.

Photo 28.

Photo 29.

Photo 30.

Here are interesting photos of the blogger

Created in KB Mile mighty Mi-26 has a size and power incomparable with other mass-produced machines around the world and still maintains this superiority, continuing to work in both military and civilian fields.

The history of the creation of the largest helicopter in the world Mi 26

At the end of 1971, the USSR aviation industry approved a task for the development of a helicopter Mi-26, and by December 1972, the Mil Design Bureau prepared preliminary design. In order to technically correctly place the equipment and power plants, a model of the future helicopter was made at the plant in Moscow. After the final completion of the design of the structure and systems of the machine in 1974, a holistic view of the helicopter was formed. In the same year, they began assembling the first prototype for flight tests.

On a frosty December day in 1977, the leading test pilot of the Design Bureau G.R. Karapetyan and his crew lifted a huge car off the ground and hovered for several minutes. Soon state tests began, which lasted until the end of the summer of 1980, after which government commission granted permission for the release of the first series.

The lead machine of the series was built in Rostov at the flight production association and on October 25, 1980, this gigantic Mi-26 hovered and flew in a circle. In 1983, new helicopters began to enter service with the Air Force. Soviet Union, and three years later they began to operate the new machine in the divisions of Aeroflot.

Design features of the Mi-26

The lead designer was faced with the difficult task of creating a helicopter with a carrying capacity twice as large as it can lift Mi-6 and equal in magnitude to the load of the transport An-12. Solution M.L. The mile was unambiguous - a classic single-rotor scheme with an eight-bladed main rotor and a tail rotor with five blades made of composite materials.

Specially for Mi-26 an innovative eight-blade main rotor was created, consisting of a steel spar and fiberglass forming the shape of the blade. Along the entire length of the blade, a system was built in that detects the appearance of microcracks at an early stage. Both on the carrier and on the tail rotor, the blades were equipped with electric heating.

Another innovation that has found application in Mi-26, became the main gearbox of the machine, made according to an unusual scheme, previously unknown and developing power twice as large as that of a helicopter gearbox Mi-6, with output torque increased by 50%.

The helicopter is equipped with two D-136 turboshaft engines with a power of 11,400 hp. The fuel consumption of these mighty power plants is 3100 liters per hour, which makes it possible to fly at a distance of 800 km with a full refueling of 12 tons.

The cockpit, spacious and ergonomic, comfortably accommodated four people: two pilots, an onboard technician and a navigator in a glazed nose, an onboard mechanic was behind the partition, in the next cabin. Dimensions cargo cabin for a helicopter, they were unusually large: the length stretched for almost twelve meters, the width remained unchanged - 3.2 m, the height in the center section area was 2.95 m, and at the end of the cockpit - 3.17 m.

Mi-26 could accommodate 82 soldiers or 68 paratroopers with parachutes in a spacious cockpit, 60 wounded and three medical staff in a sanitary version. One of the characteristics Mi-26, oversized cargo weighing up to 20 tons was delivered on an external sling.

Mi 26 helicopter cabin

The landing gear of the helicopter is not retractable and consists of three legs with reinforced shock absorbers and adjustable clearance for ease of loading and unloading. The support placed below on the beam is retractable.

The performance characteristics and carrying capacity of the Mi 26


  • Rotor diameter - 32 m.
  • The length of the largest helicopter with rotating propellers is 40.03 m.
  • Helicopter height - 8.15 m.

Power point

  • Engines - 2 x D-136.
  • Power - 2 x 11400 hp

Weight data

  • Empty car weight - 28150 kg.
  • Maximum takeoff weight - 56 tons.
  • Normal takeoff weight - 49.5 tons.
  • The maximum weight of the cargo is 20 tons.
  • The maximum weight of cargo on an external sling is 20 tons.

flight data

  • The maximum speed is 295 km / h.
  • Cruising speed - 255 km / h.
  • Static ceiling - 2900 m.
  • Dynamic ceiling - 4600 m.
  • Flight range - 490 km.
  • Ferry range - 1800 km.

Mi-26 crashes

In total, from the beginning of operation to July 2014, 32 disasters were recorded. Circumstances leading to flight accidents:

  • Failure and destruction of the tail rotor - 5.
  • Control failure - 3
  • Engine and gearbox failure - 5.
  • Hard landing - 4.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of flights with cargo on an external sling - 4.
  • Shot down as a result of hostilities - 6.
  • Bad weather conditions, overload, training flights, etc. - 5.

217 people died as a result of these disasters, a particularly severe disaster occurred near Khankala in Chechnya, where 127 of our compatriots died. On August 19, 2002, he flew from Mozdok to Khankala Mi-26 152 servicemen were on board, some were returning from vacation, others were flying to a new duty station.

When approaching Khankala, the helicopter commander, Major O. Botanov, heard a bang and the systems immediately went off to warn of a fire on the right engine. In order to prevent the spread of the fire, the commander began an intensive decline. The approach to the ground at high vertical speed led to the impact of the tail boom on the ground.

The helicopter began to collapse, the servicemen who were near the windows and doors quickly left the burning car. The cockpit of the helicopter was not damaged and the crew rushed to save the burning people, trying to quickly pull them out. By chance, the car landed on a minefield, it was impossible to put out the fire and there was nowhere to evacuate the victims. When the passages among the mines were cleared, the helicopter finally burned down.

It was later determined that the helicopter caught fire due to a missile hitting it. MANPADS "Igla", and many dead are the result of the car being overloaded twice, as a result of which the emergency landing was hard.

Unique Features Mi-26 for the transportation of oversized cargo on an external sling raised the prestige of this machine and gained wide popularity throughout the world.

For the first time in the winter of 1986, a delivery was made on an external airframe sling. Tu-124 to the town of Shchelkovo-2, the mass of this colossus was eighteen tons, pilot S. Sugushkin controlled the helicopter.

In 1988, the crew, led by commander O. Marikov, Mi-26T took it, which fell in a mountainous area at an altitude of more than three thousand meters and transferred it by air to Tbilisi.

In the same way, the plane was delivered to Taganrog Be-12, forced to sit down due to engine failure in the northern part of the Rostov region.

Almost everyone knows that planes are large and simply huge, however, few people know that they made their first flight more than 35 years ago. Mi-26 helicopterthe largest helicopter currently all over the world.

Helicopter Mi-26 was designed back in the mid-70s of the last century, and the rotorcraft made its first flight in 1977. The main goal of creating the largest helicopter in the world was the task assigned to aircraft designers to develop a large transport vehicle that is suitable for both civilian purposes and military use. The first field trials Mi-26 helicopter took place in 1988, when a unique military operation took place related to the transportation on an external sling of another Mi-8 helicopter shot down in Afghanistan. It is worth noting that the official Guinness record was set behind the largest helicopter in the world, due to the fact that in September 1996, the Mi-26 lifted 224 paratroopers on its board to a height of 6.5 kilometers.

To date, the helicopter is designed to perform a variety of tasks, but primarily related to military use. A combat rotorcraft can transport a huge number of passengers on its board, comparable only to an airplane. Nonetheless, the largest helicopter in the world has a short flight range - with the most filled tanks, but without cargo, it can fly only about 800 kilometers, after which the Mi-26 needs refueling.

In order to better understand how big it really is the largest helicopter in the world, imagine that the length of a helicopter is 40 meters, the diameter of its main rotor is 32 meters, and the width of the cargo compartment is 3.2 meters. Really, Mi-26 helicopter represents the largest helicopter in the world, and when considering it, it seems that the designers simply attached a lifting screw to the fuselage of the aircraft, thereby obtaining a giant air machine.

The main types of application of the Mi-26 helicopter:

  1. Military aviation - transportation and landing of combat units, as well as military equipment, including armored ones.
  2. Civil aviation is the transportation of passengers and goods over short distances.

To date, the production of Mi-26 helicopters continues, as the need for really large helicopters is growing every day.

The largest helicopter in the world, which not only flies, but can also carry quite heavy loads, is the Mi-26. This machine can operate in fairly harsh arctic conditions and at the same time lift a load that no other helicopter can handle. The air flow from the blades of this machine is so powerful that it is able to break branches on trees and knock people down.

The history of the creation of the helicopter

This helicopter model was completely ready by the end of 1960. Every year, dozens of such giants entered the army, and he also came to civilian organizations, where he worked for the good of his homeland. An even heavier B-12 helicopter was created on the basis of such an air vehicle. The Mi-26 itself was developed on the basis of the equally famous Mi-6 helicopter.

The development of the country made great demands on air vehicles. For this reason, the designers came up with the idea to improve the existing Mi-6 and create a newer Mi-26. The new machine must lift even larger loads, up to 20 tons, and transport them over a distance of 500 kilometers. Also for both military operations and for civilian use, the new device must rise to a height of one kilometer or more. The heavy helicopter was a new generation machine, its working name for the designers was “product 90”. The project of product 90, or Mi-26, was approved at the end of 1971. The construction of the first model began in 72, and after three years the helicopter was accepted by the State Commission. The heavy Mi-26 helicopter made its first flight only in December 1977, and it lasted only three minutes. The first working models were completed for military use, and only after a few more years, civilian organizations began to supply this machine.

Features of the cargo helicopter Mi-26

The civilian model of the helicopter was put into production only in 85. The civilian version differed from the military vehicle mainly only in navigation equipment. The suspension system was also different, with the help of which it was possible to ensure better transportation of sea containers. A specially designed platform made it possible to increase the speed of cargo transportation up to 200 km/h. To use the machine in mountainous conditions, a gripper was developed for it, with which it was possible to transport firewood.

This helicopter has a number of advantages and records that it set even before entering mass production. Back in 1982, he was able to take a load of 25 tons and climb with it to a height of 4 thousand meters, and the entire mass of the helicopter at that moment was a little more than 56.7 tons. On this machine, Irina Kopets set nine world records when a woman was at the helm. In August 1988, the record was also that the crew of the Mi-26 was able to fly in a vicious circle 2,000 kilometers long at an average speed of 279 km/h. During this flight, the pilots had to go through a strong weather front.

Mi-26 is capable of transporting any military equipment, the mass of which does not exceed 20 tons. All military equipment can be loaded under its own power through the rear hatch of the helicopter, which opens with two wings. As for manpower, such a cargo helicopter can easily accommodate 82 soldiers or 68 paratroopers in all equipment. In the event of hostilities, such a helicopter can be quickly equipped to transport the wounded, who can be placed on a stretcher, in which case 60 soldiers and three accompanying doctors can fit. During long flights it is possible to install additional fuel tanks directly in the cargo compartment.

Description of the Mi-26

The greatest contribution to the development and production of a new generation helicopter was made directly by the designers G.P. Smirnov and his colleague A.G. Samusenko, O.P. was appointed chief designer. Bach. The customer set very high requirements for the new machine, which have not yet been embodied in any helicopter model. To solve the problem of large payload, the designers had to resort to using a new engine with a capacity of 20 thousand horsepower.

When designing the machine, much attention was paid to the choice of the main rotor and its quality parameters. After many experiments, special metal-plastic blades were made, which gave a significant increase in efficiency. The main rotor was designed and assembled with 8 blades and was 28 meters in diameter. The use of new materials made it possible to reduce the weight by 40%, it turned out to be even lighter than the five-bladed Mi-6. Bushing HB such big size decided to make it from a titanium alloy, which allowed to reduce its total weight, and at the same time the strength did not decrease. Compared to the Mi-6, the tail propeller of the Mi-26 was a very revolutionary design move, since it was made of fiberglass, while the Mi-6 had a wooden propeller.

A big problem for the designers was the task of connecting two engines into one with the help of a gearbox, for this they used a specially designed gearbox of the brand BP-26. The main feature of the gearbox was that it was not designed and manufactured by engine specialists, but, as it was before, at the Mil company. Innovations in the manufactured gearbox made it possible to transmit twice as much power to the main propeller as it was in the Mi-6.

Like it or not, weight for all air units is the main problem. The designers were also able to apply new materials here, which made it possible to reduce the weight of the vehicle to the weight of the Mi-6, but at the same time, the cargo compartment and cabin were almost doubled. It should be noted that the increase in dimensions and reduction in the weight of the unit did not reduce the strength and rigidity of the helicopter fuselage.

Experienced designers took into account the shortcomings and vulnerabilities of all previous helicopter models. Major changes also affected the air intakes. A dustproof device was installed in front of them, which allows you to clean the air by 70%. This innovation made it possible to take off from dusty areas with little to no reduction in engine power. In the Mi-26, the maintenance of the machine was well thought out. In order to do without airfield services, a new APU cleaning system was installed on the helicopter. They also thought about the comfort of the mechanics, since they always had to resort to using a stepladder, and now all the hoods are made in the form of working platforms.

For more convenient loading and unloading, the helicopter is equipped with two winches with a lifting capacity of 5 tons. It also became possible to raise and lower the loading ramp using hydraulics, and this device can be controlled from the cockpit, from the loading compartment and even from outside the machine itself. As for loading, it can be noted here that the designers did a really great job. great job, because there are many features for more convenient loading both from vehicles and from the ground.

The helicopter was equipped according to the latest achievements of science and technology. A meteorological radar was installed on the Mi-26, which allows flights in all weather conditions and at any time of the day or night. This device is very accurate and allows you to calculate the flight area of ​​​​1900 km, and the time for preparing this device is only 10 minutes. This helicopter was equipped with a three-channel autopilot, the latest flight data recording system and message recording, which allows you to notify the crew of dangers and malfunctions.

The Mi-26 cargo helicopter can rightly be considered the star of air shows around the world, as well as the owner of many world awards and records. However, in recent years, namely after the collapse of the USSR, the cost of armament and production of this legendary machine has significantly decreased. But the history of this unit is far from over. Recently, this type of helicopter has been widely used for commercial purposes in the territories of many states. The first models of this helicopter could fly without repair for six hundred hours, and today civilian models can fly up to 1200 hours without repair. Total time Mi-26 operation is 20 years or 8 thousand hours.

To date, the production of Mi-26 helicopters continues, but in small batches and on special orders.

Mi-26 modifications

    B-29- prototype

    Mi-26- military transport option

    Mi-26A- improved version

    Mi-26M- Designed for increased performance and equipped with new navigation equipment and a new propeller.

    Mi-26MS- medical option

    Mi-26NEF-M- anti-submarine option; on an external sling carried a hydroacoustic station for detecting submarines, there is a side removable cockpit of the pilot-operator, is currently in a flight museum in a semi-disassembled state. Rostov-on-Don at OJSC Rostvertol.

    Mi-26P- civilian version for 63 passengers

    Mi-26PK- "flying crane"

    Mi-26T- civil transport option

    Mi-26T2- updated base model round-the-clock use with a reduced number of crew members and new avionics. Serial production of the modernized helicopter is scheduled to begin in 2012.

    Mi-26TC- cargo option

    Mi-26TM- "flying crane"

    Mi-26TP- fire variant

    Mi-26PP- jammer

    Mi-26TS- export version of the Mi-26T

    Mi-26TZ- tanker

    Mi-27- air control center

The design of the fuselage also featured a number of innovations that made it possible to surpass the Mi-6 in terms of the characteristics of the cargo compartment by almost two times.

The normal takeoff weight of the helicopter is 49600 kg. The maximum speed is 295 km/h. Flight range 800 km. Practical ceiling 4600 m.


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