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Centers for additional children's education play important role in modern system education. Additional classes are required for personal growth and development of mental abilities of children. SmartyKids invites you to become part of a team whose goal is to improve the level of children's education with the help of modern teaching methods.
The classes at the SmartyKids centers focus on the development of the child's higher mental functions, namely, memory, concentration, thinking, imagination, and logic.

SmartyKids methodologists have developed original methods in four areas:

mental arithmetic

Preparing for mental arithmetic (Tutorial for children who do not yet know numbers)


speed reading

The advantage of teaching children at the SmartyKids center is the gamification of the learning process. From the first lesson, children are immersed in fascinating journey on Mental Disneyland with the main characters of SmartyKids. Classes are not perceived by children as school lesson, because they pass in the format of a quest.

Just write to us! You will receive: a detailed business plan, offer and a video presentation of the center.

Franchising package with full business details, includes:
instructions for the selection and design of premises;
memo for opening a legal entity;
necessary templates of documents for the work of the center;
recruitment and personnel management system;
a comprehensive methodology for conducting lessons;
materials for the work of the sales department;
all elements for launching advertising;
support of your business at start-up and development.

* 12 experts of various specializations developed this business for scaling on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS. Thanks to this professional approach, in less than a year we have become market leaders additional education in Russia and neighboring countries.

What can make a “humanities child” friends with mathematics, and teach “mathematics” think creatively? Is there an effective way to adapt the child to environment per century rapid development science and technology? As an answer to these questions, Smart School offers a course "Mental arithmetic". This is not just a method of quick mental counting, it is a program for the harmonious development of the intellect of children and adults. mental arithmetic has ancient roots, but it is now gaining worldwide popularity.

How is it set up and how does it work?

  • Classes are held according to the author's program using accounts " abacus".
  • While working with accounts, fine motor skills are actively developed.
  • During class both hemispheres of the brain actively involved in the work, due to this, attention, memory, logic and creative thinking are activated.
  • Qualified teachers work with groups no more than 6 people. This builds effective work with every student.
  • Classes are held in Moscow 2-3 times a week. Duration from 50 minutes to 2 hours depending on the age of the students.
  • Every 8th lesson is open: parents see how things work.

What are the results?

  • Solving a math problem faster than typing an example on a calculator? Easily!
  • Starting with simple counting methods, the student masters all mathematical operations.
  • Development of hand-eye coordination = improvement in writing and drawing skills.
  • Development of independence, excellent academic performance.
  • Ability to solve problems in non-standard ways.
  • Opportunity to participate in all-Russian math competitions.

BUT free time can be spent on pleasant and interesting activities together with the child!


Natalia Zaitseva, Yulia's mother, 7 years old

I brought my daughter to mental arithmetic classes at "Smart School" at the age of 6 in the hope of captivating her with knowledge, since I have her like a dragonfly, but soon she will go to school. From the very first lesson, the child was very interested. She began to carry the abacus with her to the kindergarten, and she told and showed all the guests at home how to count. After 4 months of classes, I began to count +/- up to three-digit numbers. Oddly enough, but mental arithmetic classes had a positive effect on reading, although earlier it was given with great difficulty. And most importantly, she asked to go to chess, where she was immediately noticed. And 2 months ago, my daughter already participated in the republican chess competitions. I'm sure it's thanks to mental arithmetic!

Svetlana Kruglova, mother of Denis, 11 years old

For two years now, my son has been homeschooled, he used to go to school, but then he chose a different format and my husband and I supported him. Therefore, now the son has a great opportunity to study according to the most interesting methods that cannot be found in a regular school. We heard a lot of good, even, it seemed to me, fantastic things about mental arithmetic and decided to enroll Denis in classes at the Smart School. After a couple of months, my son proved to me that fantastic reviews are a reality. He is so enthusiastic that he is already preparing for the Olympiad in mental arithmetic!

This is a real breakthrough in the field of children's education for children from 4 to 12 years old. The main principle of mental arithmetic is the enhanced work of both hemispheres of the brain.

What mental arithmetic teaches:

Instant counting of multi-digit numbers in the mind,

Perseverance and self-discipline

concentration, photographic memory training,

Saving time and effort when studying and preparing homework,

Improving academic performance in all subjects,

Confidence in your strength,

Creative thinking,

Training the skill of solving several problems at the same time.

An exciting test drive in mental arithmetic took place on our website. We invited 11 families with children aged 4 to 12 to evaluate the quality of the show lesson, which took place at two addresses in the city of Yekaterinburg - st. Vikulova, 33/1 and st. March 8, 194.

Location/accessibility of transportation and ease of parking

All mothers noted that both SmartyKids centers are conveniently located, close to public transport stops. Without a car, you can easily get there from any part of the city. If you go by car, then it was easy to find a parking place.

"The SMARTY KIDS center is conveniently located in the very center of the VIZ microdistrict. There is a convenient transport interchange, public transport stops are very close, my son and I walked from the bus stop for 4 minutes."

"The center is located near the Yuzhnaya stop, in close proximity to the Yug Center microdistrict, the Bus Station area, Botaniki ... it is also very convenient to get from the nearest areas (Vtorchermet, SW, Center). The center itself is located on the 1st floor of a residential at home, the parking lot is large enough and on Saturday we found a place without difficulty right in front of the entrance."

"We live on Sortirovka, on almost 7 keys, and VIZ (Vikulova) is closer to us. We covered a distance of about 9 km in 20 minutes, so the location of the office is not so far away, you can drive. Especially only once a week. Parking The place was easy to find, right in front of the entrance to the school."

"For the entrance by car, the place, in my opinion, is quite good, however, right at the entrance at that time there was only one free parking space, but there were places on the other side of the street, and in extreme cases you can always park at the store a little further."

"My son and I decided to go by tram - transport for all times. The journey by transport took us no more than 15-20 minutes. The Smarty Kids Center is close to the tram stop, which made me happy as a mother of a teenager. On the ground floor of house 33 /1 along Vikulova street there are a lot of shops and offices, so the Smarty Kids porch did not stand out from the mass of the same porches. Maybe if there was a bright sign, it would be more noticeable."

"We arrived in just 40 minutes, despite the beginning of the rush hour, probably just lucky. It turned out that we arrived a little early, which is good, because from the road the Smarty Kids center in evening time not visible, at first we slipped through it, drove into the yard, and found it only later, when, having parked, we went along the house purposefully to look for it.

"The SMARTY KIDS center is quite conveniently located, not far from the Yuzhnaya stop. We got to public transport. It took 40 minutes by tram from Pionersky District. Not far from the stop. The house where the training center is located is very large, there are many offices and shops, I had to go around it before finding the right door. The lesson was held on a day off, there were enough places for cars in the parking lot. How with places on a weekday is unknown.

"We were by car - the check-in is convenient, there are a lot of parking spaces. On a weekday, it is also quite easy to park, because the house is large, long, and the parking is dispersed around the whole house (every day I drive past this house twice). who will get there by public transport is also quite convenient and not far from the tram and bus stops (bus stop "Botanical Garden"). The sign is quite noticeable, the entrance is by intercom."

Comfort and coziness in the classroom for classes and equipment

Cozy, spacious and bright classrooms immediately attracted the attention of mothers and children. There is nothing niche in the classroom - only desks, teaching equipment and a large TV. The space is well organized. Part of the training exercises was presented to the children through TV.

“While I was undressing, Timur had already passed and started classes. He was immediately given a piece of paper and tasks to develop coordination and work of the two hemispheres. We are waiting for the rest of the participants.

In the process of waiting, I also scouted the toilet, in an institution with children this is important. Everything is clean and tidy."

"There are desks, a TV set, blackboards in the classroom itself. Different materials. Some remark about the desks. Children, of course, come at different ages, and their height is different, but the height of the desks was not enough for three boys. They had to bend / bend down. Can make desks different heights? Let it not look so beautiful, but physiological."

"There is nothing superfluous in the classroom to distract children from the educational process."

"I was more impressed by the simulator, where it was necessary to solve two examples at the same time."

Teacher's work

Teachers found an individual approach to each student - through the game, through acquaintance or the consequence of an individual task. The different ages and levels of knowledge of students were taken into account.

"At the lesson, the children learned the rules of use and began to practice. At first, the children thought, and then they began to answer quickly and without errors. Those children who did not immediately turn on were helped and explained again by the teachers."

"The groups are not larger, 6 people each, often smaller, that is, the training is almost individual, textbooks and your own abacus are issued. I liked the teachers, they are attentive to the children."

"Teachers Olga and Inga started the lesson in the form of a game for attention. The guys at the beginning of the show lesson were a little shy, but Inga and Olga encouraged them. The teachers are wonderful, kind and attentive, they approached each child, taught them to fold their fingers correctly, how to fold them when abacus account."

"I will only say one thing, the little guys got tired very quickly and lost interest. In my opinion, this technique would be more useful and interesting for children 6-8 years old."

“We were met by a friendly receptionist Julia, and although Igor was not at first set to communicate in a new place, she somehow immediately and easily endeared him to her, and he undressed without objection, hung his clothes in a locker and went into the classroom. There were about 10 minutes before the start of the lesson, and although Igor wanted to be a little shy and look around, he did not succeed, because he was immediately included in the communication process, offering to solve the maze, and then paint something."

"The lesson itself lasted 45 minutes, for my preschooler, this duration of the lesson turned out to be tedious, he endured about 25 minutes, then turned off, he got bored and began to invent activities for himself like going to the toilet (he had nothing else to switch to)."

“They definitely found a common language with my child, and completely involved in the educational process, interested in what is happening, since the son, in principle, the child is very sociable and inquisitive (I had to periodically calm down my son’s excessive activity).

“There were 5 children in the class of approximately the same age category, two older boys and one younger. The youngest boy refused to study. They didn’t try to involve him in the process. I can’t say that the child was fully involved in the activity. I hope that the lessons are still an individual approach. Someone can imagine an abacus in their head and move the bones in 10 minutes, but someone needs more than one lesson ."

"Teachers with children perfectly found a common language - they saw their capabilities, worked with them individually. It seemed to me that the teachers were not very ready to communicate with parents, there was some kind of confusion sometimes and the lack of elaboration of the methodology of the test lesson. But perhaps this is due to the fact that the group was very large, beyond the possibilities of the method. individual work at your own pace."

"The children were introduced to the abacus, they showed the principle of operation and worked out with each how to add and subtract correctly. Then they gave independent tasks. The children coped with everything. Who is faster, who is slower."

Understanding of the program by the child and opinion about the lesson

"The child is subdued. He said that he also wants that. He really liked the counting and the atmosphere. He is a fidget, so games during the lesson and a fairly free atmosphere are for him." My children really liked it in the center, especially Slava, because He basically likes abstract things.

"I also liked everything. Except for the price. 5000 per calendar month. Considering that this is a long-term process, the amount is tangible. Although the technique is interesting, and it seems effective to me."

"My son was very interested in the abacus, he liked to count on it. It seemed to me that the lesson passed in one breath, you know, as if you watch a very interesting film and get fully involved."

"My son was pleased with SUCH an unusual lesson! Understandable, interesting, individual approach - that's the main thing in teaching our children!"

"Impressions of the child: "Very! I liked it very much. But why did they show how to count only up to 9? I want to go here all the time."

“I quickly got tired, I practically didn’t get back into the process, and said that he didn’t want to come here anymore. From which I conclude that it’s too early for active children of 4-5 years old. Or we need to build classes for them differently.”

"The child said that it was interesting. But for what and why it was, the child did not understand. The son was tired and could not wait for the end of the lesson. The son liked the abacus and remembered it."

"Understood - yes, interesting? Definitely! The son, without leaving the classroom, said that he would go to classes, he really liked it. Since the child is addicted and mobile, he liked everything. It was interesting to play, get to know each other, learn to count and solve examples, counting knuckles in a task with numbers.Therefore, she looks forward to when she goes to class, taking a business card with her (in case mom forgets her phone number)"

“My child, despite his smallness (4 years old) and the fact that by the end of the lesson he completely stopped keeping up with the general course of the lesson, was delighted. He remembered almost everything, understood, and today he walks and flaunts the grip of the abacus with two fingers.

I ask now, a day later:

- Slavik, what did you understand and remember from yesterday's math class?

- I realized that the robots are in trouble, that they cannot communicate with each other, and in order to help them, you need to learn how to count numbers. And that numbers are very important and interesting. And in order to count numbers faster, this must be done on an abacus.

"About the program: After the lesson, the director of the center, Sergey Mikhailovich, tried to answer all the questions of interest. This technique does not accept omissions, the training should be constant. The training is designed for 3 years: the first year of training is solving addition-subtraction problems, the second year of training is tasks for multiplication-division and the third year - honing skills. For each course, a set of textbooks and notebooks is issued. I have a friend who takes her son to the same classes, only to a different center, so their program is designed for two years. "


This is a new course from, aimed at setting and correcting handwriting in children!

Why do you need beautiful handwriting? In the computer age, beautiful and legible handwriting is a rare phenomenon. If earlier in school curriculum a separate subject devoted to calligraphy was assigned, today parents pay less and less attention to how the child writes.

Ugly handwriting threatens the child not only with low academic performance and lower grades at school, but also significantly affects the child's self-esteem.

Calligraphy in is a course consisting of 20 lessons (3 months) for children from 5 to 10 years old, junior and senior students. After completing the course, the child will learn how to hold a pen correctly and write accurately and quickly.

The course is fully packaged: workbooks, textbooks, handouts.

The calligraphy course will help:
- Development of fine motor skills.
- The emergence and development of leadership qualities.
- Ability to learn foreign languages.
- Increasing self-confidence and independence.
- Improving school performance.

We invite everyone to the show-lessons!
They take place every Thursday 19.00-20.30 and Saturday 14.00-15.30

For kids of all ages!
Pre-registration is required!

SmartyKids was founded in 2015 in Novosibirsk. The idea of ​​developing mental mathematics centers was borrowed by the founders of the company from the countries of Southeast Asia.

The start of the franchise program - 2016. A team of 12 business experts prepared successful business for scaling on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS. Over 100 documents, manuals and manuals are packaged in a franchise package.

Franchise Information

Description of the franchise

In 2017, mental arithmetic courses are at the peak of popularity among the areas of children's developmental and educational courses. Using this technique, children count phenomenally quickly, which actually demonstrates their harmonious development of both hemispheres of the brain.

In the mental arithmetic classes at the SmartyKids centers, we focus on the development of the higher mental functions of each child (memory, attention, thinking, imagination, representation). Such abilities are equally important in any direction, whichever the child chooses in the future for his realization.

Mental arithmetic centers have become a "magnet" for parents. Indeed, in such classes for their children, they lay the foundation for further success in life, strengthen creative potential develop concentration and analytical thinking. Demand for the center's services now exceeds supply. Per a short time in Novosibirsk, three SmartyKids mental arithmetic centers were opened, which became profitable in the first month of operation.

But the main thing is that children like classes at Smartykids centers. This is "Disneyland" in the field of mental arithmetic. The lessons are based on the process of gamification to involve children in the learning process.

You can open a mental arithmetic training center in any city in the Russian Federation or the CIS.

Franchising package with full business details, includes:

  • instructions for the selection and design of premises;
  • memo for opening a legal entity;
  • necessary templates of documents for the work of the center;
  • recruitment and personnel management system;
  • a comprehensive methodology for conducting lessons;
  • materials for the work of the sales department;
  • all elements for launching advertising;
  • support of your business at start-up and development.

* 12 experts of various specializations developed this business for scaling on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS. Thanks to this professional approach, in less than a year we have become leaders in the mental arithmetic market in Russia and neighboring countries.

* It is based on Chinese methodologies, which our methodologists adapted to the Russian mentality and organically added to the author's methodology.

Training and support

  • The best teachers of mental arithmetic and qualified psychologists train new franchisees and teachers for SmartyKids centers based on the author's methodology.
  • At a special business training on managing entrepreneurs, they will be provided with a set of step by step instructions Smart Launch for running your own business.
  • Designers are constantly updating and improving promotional materials to promote SmartyKids centers.
  • Specialists systematically conduct additional courses and webinars for entrepreneurs and advise on business promotion throughout the franchise.
  • The partner receives a step-by-step model for launching a business using the German Smart Launch system
  • Detailed instructions for the selection of personnel of the center and templates required documents staffed in HR-book
  • Brand book, advertising materials for work, constant development of new advertising materials and layouts. Conducting instructions advertising campaign and building a sales funnel
  • Teacher training: two-day intensive for SmartyKids methodologists; two-week independent practice on the methodology certification on the methodology and testing the knowledge of your teachers
  • Training for starting and running a business: a two-day intensive from SmartyKids experts of various specializations, expert support for your business on emerging issues in the course of work, systematic webinars on various business topics

Requirements for the franchisee

  • The room is at least 30 square meters. It is also important that the room meets the safety standards for the children who will be in it.


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