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The methodologist in kindergarten oversees educational work. His responsibilities include supervising the work and others ( music director, speech therapist, psychologist), checking plans for educational work, scheduling classes, necessary and mandatory. Preparing for classes. Also visiting these classes, their analysis.

The terms of reference of the kindergarten methodologist include work with young professionals who have arrived at the preschool institution. Methodist is obliged to provide assistance on initial stage work for a young teacher, help in organizing work with children.

Although it is worth saying that the main function of a modern kindergarten methodologist is by no means controlling, but primarily guiding. This should be manifested both in work with experienced educators and with young teachers. The methodologist is obliged to bring to the attention of teachers of a preschool institution all innovations in the field of education in general, and in particular preschool, to explain incomprehensible points, to conduct individual work with educators.

Who does the facilitator interact with?

A methodologist works in a kindergarten in close connection with a teacher-psychologist, for example, they jointly diagnose the knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils of different ages. In contact with the head nurse, the methodologist provides the necessary and sufficient psychological and pedagogical workload for each child individually.

Together with the head, the methodologist organizes teachers' councils in the institution, annually recruits groups of pupils, equips training groups with the necessary furniture and toys.

Methodist kindergarten not only visits and analyzes the classes conducted by educators with children, but also conducts them himself in terms of transferring experience. Often a kindergarten methodologist is involved in working with parents, for example, spends with them parent meetings with the manager or on your own.

During the absence of the leader, the duties of the kindergarten are assigned to the methodologist.

The working place of the methodologist is the methodical office, where teachers can apply for relevant literature and advice.

Thus, the range of duties of a methodologist is very extensive. Mostly experienced educators who have proven themselves from a professional point of view are appointed to this position.

It is in this institution that children understand that there are some rules, a daily routine, and so on. In kindergartens, there are quite large working groups, because this includes:

  • educators,
  • nannies,
  • music teachers,
  • choreography, etc.

On January 1, 2019, a number of changes in the methodological work of the preschool educational institution came into force, if they have not yet been made - it's time to do this in order to avoid trouble during inspections. Cards with ready-made assignments for employees will help you quickly adapt to innovations

However, not everyone knows that there is another responsible position - a methodologist. Due to the fact that the methodologist does not communicate with either children or parents, many do not understand what is included in.

Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail, especially since the quality and effectiveness of the entire learning process depends on what specialist takes this place.

The profession of a methodologist at the present moment is quite relevant. The organization of pedagogical work depends on the activity of this person. Thanks to the methodologist, an even distribution of teachers and children is made. This employee must think creatively and approach a particular task, he must be competent and cultured in communication.

Responsibilities of a methodologist

Almost any educational institution needs an employee who will be able to organize activities well, and will also be able to handle paperwork at a specialized level. That is why a methodologist operates in such institutions. He has no contact with the student body or parents. But at the same time, this person corrects organizational issues, which is so necessary for kindergarten.


  • organizes the activities of the teaching staff,
  • teaches educators some lessons,
  • by example is able to show the effectiveness of successful activities.

In order to work as a methodologist, one must overcome a rather difficult path of learning. As a rule, they prefer to “sit down” teachers in this place, who have great experience. The original appointee must be aware of and accept his/her responsibilities in the role of the position. But, usually, the administration takes into account other nuances. It all depends on how the teacher can navigate the plan and organization of study.

Where else can a methodologist work?

The presented specialists are needed in various educational institutions. This includes, of course, kindergartens and schools, as well as universities, cultural centers and so on. That is, this person will be able to find work wherever there are students and teachers.

It should be said right away that there is no specific training for this profession. Absolutely any citizen who has come a long way of development and work in education, understands the specifics of this type of activity and the responsibilities of the people with whom he will work.

Often, the administration does not observe the full employment of the employee and tries to unload on him also extra work. For example, organize a holiday, talk with parents and so on.

It must be understood that in a particular institution, the methodologist has responsibilities that are discussed when applying for a position. It is most reasonable to conclude a contract when setting up, so that in the future the administration of the institution does not add some more work for the same salary.

The specifics of the work of a methodologist in kindergarten

Usually, the senior teacher of a children's institution, after a certain time, becomes an assistant to the head. The methodologist undertakes the organization and management of activities. He checks various plans, goes to classes, controls the educational process, adds up the schedule.

AT duties of a kindergarten teacher includes:

  • counseling for educators
  • he must assist them and redirect them in the right direction,
  • he has literature for all teachers,
  • when the manager is not at work, the methodologist takes her duties into his own hands, and manages the kindergarten for children.

A person from the street will obviously not be accepted for this position. This is due to the fact that it must initially prove itself. The methodologist must have no small experience as a teacher - at least five years of experience. Often he calls educators and talks about methods or lessons. Among other things, it is he who is obliged to look after toys and components. All these questions (regarding resources) should be decided on the general council.

What a Methodist Should Possess

If we talk about some personal qualities that this person should have, then it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Attentiveness. This is a rather monotonous work that requires increased attention.
  2. perseverance.
  3. Self control. In practice, it turns out that it is quite difficult to control the work of this specialist, since it is almost impossible to document or formalize it. But responsibilities of a methodologist in kindergarten extensive. People who do not understand all the specifics of this position, for the most part, believe that the methodologist does not do anything. For this reason, everyone wants to give him an extra load. Therefore, one must have self-control in order to withstand such loads.
  4. Creation. This person must think creatively, since it is in kindergartens that circles, events and holidays also fall under the leadership of this employee.

Even if the methodologist has a simple pedagogical education, he still must have a good outlook and considerable knowledge. And this applies not only to educational activities:

Spheres of knowledge

Basic moments

Basic provisions of the Constitution, laws in the field of education, convention on the rights of the child, fundamentals labor code, rules of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

pedagogy and psychology

Fundamentals of pedagogy, developmental psychology, teaching technology, methods of providing a subject, the system of formation educational work in the institution and so on.

Documentation, video and audio recordings.

The procedure for the development of educational program documentation, curricula, programs and other papers. Systematization of materials. Requirements for audiovisual and interactive methods learning and so on.


Principles of maintaining the fund of student allowances. Features of interaction with publishing houses. Ability to allocate resources.

Thus, it becomes clear that the methodologist is enough responsible person, on the quality of work of which almost the entire work process in preschool. This profession is quite in demand and well paid, but there is no separate direction for study.

The methodologist has the right to work in an educational institution:

  • schools,
  • kindergartens,
  • cultural houses,
  • institutions,
  • universities and so on.

Job Responsibilities methodologist in kindergarten quite extensive, but so that there are no misunderstandings, many prefer to draw up an agreement in which all points are prescribed. Without this employee, not a single preschool institution will be able to fully and normally work, because it is the methodologist who organizes and establishes the educational process and the work of teachers. That is why the choice of this person is approached as responsibly and carefully as possible.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a methodologist (including a senior), a sample of 2019. should include the following sections: general position, duties of a methodologist (including a senior), rights of a methodologist (including a senior), responsibility of a methodologist (including a senior).

Job description methodologist (including senior) belongs to the section Qualification characteristics positions of educators".

The job description of the methodologist (including the senior) should reflect the following items:

Job responsibilities of a methodologist (including senior)

1) Job responsibilities. Carries out methodical work in educational institutions of all types and kinds, multimedia libraries, methodological, educational and methodological rooms (centers) (hereinafter referred to as institutions). Analyzes the state of educational-methodical (educational-training) and educational work in institutions and develops proposals to improve its effectiveness. Takes part in the development of methodological and information materials, diagnostics, forecasting and planning of training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of institutions. Provides assistance to teaching staff of institutions in determining the content curricula, forms, methods and means of training, in the organization of work on the scientific and methodological support of the educational activities of institutions, in the development of working educational (subject) programs (modules) in disciplines and training courses. Organizes the development, review and preparation for approval of educational and methodological documentation and manuals for academic disciplines, typical lists of equipment, didactic materials, etc. Analyzes and summarizes the results of the experimental work of institutions. Summarizes and takes measures to disseminate the most effective experience of teaching staff. Organize and coordinate work methodical associations teaching staff, provides them with advisory and practical assistance in relevant areas of activity. Participates in the organization of advanced training and retraining of employees in the relevant areas of their activities, on scientific and methodological support of the content of education, in the development long-term plans ordering textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials. Summarizes and disseminates information about advanced technologies training and education (including information), advanced domestic and world experience in the field of education. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for holding competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, rallies, competitions, etc. In institutions additional education participates in the acquisition of study groups, circles and associations of students. Makes proposals for improving the educational process in educational institution. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Ensures the protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of a senior methodologist, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position of a methodologist, he supervises subordinate executors. Participates in the development of long-term plans for the publication of textbooks, methodological materials.

Methodist (including senior) should know

2) The methodologist (including the senior) in the performance of his duties must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; principles of didactics; fundamentals of pedagogy and developmental psychology; general and private teaching technologies; principles of methodological support of an educational subject or area of ​​activity; a system for organizing the educational process in an educational institution; principles and procedure for the development of educational and program documentation, curricula for specialties, educational programs, standard lists of educational equipment and other educational and methodological documentation; methodology for identifying, generalizing and disseminating effective forms and methods of pedagogical work; principles of organization and content of the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of institutions; the basics of working with publishing houses; principles of systematization of methodological and informational materials; basic requirements for audiovisual and interactive teaching aids, organization of their rental; maintenance of the fund of teaching aids; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), pedagogical workers; cause diagnostic technologies conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; basics of working with a text editor, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal rules work schedule educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for the qualification of a methodologist (including senior)

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years. For a senior methodologist - higher professional education and work experience as a methodologist for at least 2 years.

The job description of the methodologist (including the senior one) is a sample of 2019. The duties of a methodologist (including a senior), the rights of a methodologist (including a senior), the responsibility of a methodologist (including a senior).

There are many types of methodologists, and each has its own characteristics and responsibilities.

University methodologist- a classic look, closely interacts with students and teachers, and also - if required by the educational process - with the parents of students. In addition, he, like all Methodists, is engaged in paperwork- manages paperwork, assists in drafting educational plans, replenishes information databases. But there is also an outlet - extracurricular activities, dedications, graduate balls, KVNs and more.

Methodist of the educational and methodological department develops educational and methodological materials, forms and forms of documents, regulations, etc., and also writes articles on educational activities, collects and studies legal documentation and consults on educational activities. Often present in the selection committee, and also helps students with certificates and statements. It looks like the work of a university methodologist, so often these different names mean the same thing.

Methodist of additional professional education- like everyone else, he works with educational and methodological complexes, controls the learning process, draws up curricula, work programs, checks the availability of the necessary documentation and technical means, forms study groups, controls the conduct of classes (their quality and systematicity) and keeps statistics and reporting. He has to deal with large amounts of data.

Psychologist-methodologist must be able to combine the work of both a methodologist and In addition to helping fellow psychologists in developing new programs, adapting old ones, designing psychological seminars and trainings, he also needs to provide them with professional support - to consult on the problems of emotional burnout, team relationships and creative crises.

Methodist in book publishing house advises teachers and professors about the products of his publishing house. However, it should not be confused with a sales manager. His duty is not to fulfill the plan for the sale of products, but to prepare the ground for this. To do this, he conducts lectures, seminars, presentations, webinars on the range of the publishing house; creates a database of contacts for methodologists of educational institutions, teachers, lecturers, heads of departments and is in touch with them; participates in thematic book fairs; helps in determining marketing policy etc.

Methodists of foreign languages- for those, who . They help to improve the skills of teachers of foreign languages, develop and test new teaching methods, cooperate with organizations that conduct tests for knowledge of foreign languages, and also take part in the preparation of thematic olympiads, conferences, competitions, seminars, draw up documentation and control quality.

Methodist-compiler of assignments replenishes the base of tasks for schoolchildren: comes up with tasks, paints the course of their solution, understandable to the child, analyzes the available tasks for quality. Often such work is remote, since everyone works in a single virtual database on the site.

Methodist doctor- a specialist in the medical field, additionally completed courses nursing or healthcare organization management. On his shoulders - the organization of thematic conferences, seminars, internships for the exchange of experience, conducting briefings on organizational work and monitoring the implementation of the plan.

Trainer-methodologist- man-guru. As a rule, he can be found in large companies, where he develops and conducts trainings, evaluates the quality of personnel, is engaged in individual management of employees and the adaptation of newcomers in all branches of the company, traveling around the country.

Methodist-organizer organizes and conducts events, circles and sections and bears full responsibility for them. In addition, he is engaged in the design of the relevant papers - without this in any way.

Sometimes, methodologists (for example, in housing and communal services) are understood as consultants and specialists in working with primary accounting documentation and correspondence.

Where Methodists Meet

  • universities;
  • colleges and technical schools;
  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • publishing houses;
  • advanced training institutes;
  • large companies- departments for personnel training, advanced training;
  • any other educational institution.

Requirements for Methodists

  • Higher education - pedagogical or related specialty with teaching practice. If there was no practice, you can complete specialized courses, but keep in mind that you will still lose to other candidates.
  • Experience in the education system - as a methodologist, teacher, lecturer, laboratory assistant of the department, deputy director or dean for educational work, etc.
  • Ability to use a computer and office applications, sometimes knowledge of "1C: Accounting" or quick learning to work in corporate electronic systems is required.
  • Knowledge of teaching methods and manuals, as well as new developments and trends, because it will not work to work all your life according to five or six memorized manuals.
  • For methodologists whose work is related to foreign languages, it is necessary to have the appropriate certificates. It is also desirable to live abroad for a long time.
  • Having a portfolio. Beginner without own developments take very reluctantly and not everywhere.

Required skills and abilities

  • Knowledge of psychology (school methodologists must have a good knowledge of child psychology, and practical skills are also necessary for methodologist psychologists).
  • Competent speech and the ability to convey their thoughts to others, as well as self-confidence. A mumbling methodologist who is shy when looking at a teacher, remembering school injuries, or cannot explain what he means - is pathetic and unsuitable for professional use.
  • Ability to independently refine educational and methodological programs.
  • Creativity.
  • Ability to work in a team: listen to the wishes or objections of colleagues.
  • Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is welcome, and for some organizations it is mandatory.
  • Business writing skills.
  • Fast learner.


Over time, in any profession, there comes a moment when a specialist is drawn into the routine and he changes dramatically. What changes lead to the unsuitability of a methodologist?

  • Bureaucratization. A Methodist should not bury himself headlong in papers without seeing anything around him. His work implies, among other things, a dialogue with people and creativity.
  • Edifying. The methodologist must understand the difference between "teaching" and "teaching". Especially edifying begin to suffer young methodologists of universities in relation to students or the elderly - "from the height of the past years."

How much do Methodists earn?

It is difficult to name a fixed figure, it depends not only on the skills and abilities of a specialist, but also on the status of the organization.

The spread here is from 20-35 thousand (school and university methodologist) to 80 thousand rubles or more (methodologist-trainer of a large company).

When using materials from the site, the author's indication and an active link to the site are required!

Lilia Fayzrakhmanova
The role of the methodologist in the organization management activities DOW

For a preschool educational institution modern conditions very responsible social tasks are assigned to the development of our society - to educate, educate and prepare for life that generation of people, labor and talent, whose initiative and creativity will determine the socio-economic, scientific-technical and moral progress of Russian society in the new century. In this regard, shortcomings and errors in the teaching and educational work of preschool educational institutions are becoming more and more intolerable. management education and in pedagogy itself.

AT methodical office collects normative and instructional materials published governing bodies education and other higher organizations. This material is printed in "Bulletin of education"- reference and information publication of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, magazines "Hoop", "Preschool education" etc., including local publications.

There must be documents that define the nature activities of teachers: "International Convention on the Rights of the Child", "Law of the Russian Federation on Education", "Model regulation on a preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation", - and others that everyone should be familiar with employees of preschool educational institution. Regulatory and instructional documents are mandatory.

Separately, they can be presented teaching materials. This includes various recommendations from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, educational authorities. Here you can see the experience of the best teachers, plans methodological measures, work with parents, etc. However, this is not only the printed material that comes from higher organizations. methodical recommendations are, first of all, the material that prepares Methodist to help their teachers.

The recommendation is one of the ways the manager makes a decision and brings it to the attention of the performers. It is used when it is necessary to emphasize respect for the independence in the work of the performer. The recommendation does not oblige, it serves as advice, a wish, emphasizing the right direction in work, in completing the task. Methodist examines recommendations developed by higher organizations, and on the basis of these provisions, as well as based on an analysis of the work of his team, he develops his own memos, tips, recommendations for preschool teachers. This is how the material appears headings: "Educator Tips", "It's interesting, read it", "Knots for memory"; problematic pages: "Your opinion", "Read, think, argue", "Very Short News"(WINDOW, "With a smile and seriously", "Learning Together", "Advice from the Masters"- etc. The design of the materials should be attractive, accompanied by explanatory drawings and diagrams that can also be used in individual consultations. After getting acquainted with these written materials, it is necessary to involve educators in discussing certain problems, followed by expressing their opinion in writing. You can tell about how teachers used the recommendations in their work in the section "Two Looks at the End of the Week" or "Looking through pink or dark glasses".

In order to break the existing mechanism of inhibition in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to find those levers with which to overcome such negative phenomena as formalism, the passivity of many teachers and pupils. Chief among these levers are the activation human factor in education, development creativity teachers and teaching staff of preschool institutions. Modern realities, the objective needs of improving education, upbringing and development of pupils determine the need for a sharp increase in the role and importance of methodical work in kindergarten, make scientific analysis and practical improvement of this work the most urgent problem.

Today the real level of staging methodical work in a preschool institution becomes one of the most important criteria for assessing its activities. Therefore, it is necessary to consider methodical work in a preschool as something paramount.

Vasilyeva A. I. believes that methodologist not only a good theoretical background is required, but also the ability to apply knowledge in practice. Without this, it is impossible to work in a modern preschool institution, where all work is built on a strictly scientific basis, designed for a deep knowledge of the child's psychology. He needs wide awareness in various fields of science, culture, art, and ethics.

Methodist must be persistent and firm, distinguishes A. I. Vasilyeva in making demands. These qualities, which characterize the emotional and volitional side of communication between the leader and subordinates, form the most important feature of the leadership style - exactingness. At the same time, it is necessary to combine high demands with sensitivity, warmth, and respect for people. The most important quality methodologist, she notes, is the ability to be flexible, to approach different types of people, taking into account their characteristics. The face of a preschool institution is determined by the team of educators. And it is created, united, turned into a workable creative force by the leaders - the head and Methodist.

managerial managerial functions and methodologist, Belaya K. Yu. divides into general and specific. So, the main general function of the leader, in her opinion, is organization educational - educational process in a preschool institution. To the number common functions relate organization team of educators, rallying, activating it activities, target orientation, development self-government, control. To specific ones - professional development of educators, organization of methodological work maintaining pedagogical documentation.

The performance of these functions should be clearly distributed and agreed between Methodist and head of the kindergarten. Coordinated actions help leaders overcome the difficulties encountered in solving certain problems. Practice shows, says Belaya K. Yu., that operational tasks are easily solved. More difficult for methodologist is the solution of socio-psychological problems, such as ensuring clear discipline and organization in the work of educators; formation of public opinion in the team; stimulation of labor activity and the need to work creatively.

The success of all these tasks depends on how Methodist knows his team, its psychology, individual characteristics every educator. It is a good knowledge of people, notes Belaya K. Yu., that creates the prerequisites for a successful organizations and team building. Each Methodist builds work in his own way. However, the leader who, in his activities relies on the help of the collective, he constantly improves his ideological, theoretical and professional level. From professional qualities skill comes first organize a methodologist the work of the teaching staff, to distribute responsibilities in the team, taking into account the personal qualities of each educator, to show exactingness, integrity in achieving the goal.

From personal qualities, according to Belaya K. Yu., methodologist Colleagues value benevolence, objectivity, the ability to understand, sort out the difficulties that have arisen, prevent the conflict that has arisen, support the employee in time, inspire him, if necessary, convince, as well as the ability to be flexible, approach different types of people, taking into account their culture, education, temperament , character, etc. “Life convinces us,” Belaya K. Yu. says, that only an authoritative leader can lead a team. True authority is based not on coercion, but on public recognition of the merits of the leader's personality. That is why pedagogical erudition, a high sense of responsibility, ideological and moral conviction are so necessary for a leader, in particular methodologist preschool institution at the present stage.

Job Responsibilities Methodist identified K. Yu Belaya in the guide for the head of the kindergarten.


Implements methodical management of teaching and educational work of a preschool institution;

Ensures and controls the implementation "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" is responsible for the correct organization educational work;

It studies, generalizes and disseminates advanced pedagogical experience, prepares necessary materials for consideration by the pedagogical council; organizes the work of the methodological an office in a preschool institution; carries out the selection of teaching aids and toys in accordance with the age of children;

Organizes work to promote pedagogical knowledge among parents, to ensure continuity in the work of educators of different age groups, as well as preschool institutions and schools.

Parshukova I.L. studies pedagogical aspects activities of a methodologist. The concept is introduced "professional conformity methodologist» to reveal the nature of the real methodological activity. The author identifies conditional levels in the model of real activities this specialist , reflecting his movement towards professional conformity.

AT organizing methodological work with teachers, notes Parshukova I. L., methodologist it is necessary to analyze the situation or the level of work, identify problems and their causes, evaluate the degree of effectiveness, select evaluation criteria, develop solutions, etc.

Therefore, at the heart of all these activities is an exploratory approach, so the leader, Methodist should form and develop research skills.

List of used literature:

1. Anshukova E. Yu. Analytical activity of a methodologist. // Preschool management. - 2004. - No. 3. With. 29 - 32.

2. Belaya K. Yu. methodical work in a preschool. - M. 1991. -S. -81.

3. Belaya K. Yu. Methodical work in preschool: Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 96 p.

4. Vasilyeva A. I. Senior kindergarten teacher. - M., Enlightenment. 1990. C - 143.

5. Ilyina T. A. Preschool pedagogy. -M.: Pedagogy, 2000

6. Pozdnyak L. V., Lyashchenko N. N. Control preschool education. - M.: Academy, 2009.


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