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Imanalina Luseliya Kadyrbekovna
KGKP d / s "Thumbelina"
Teacher of Russian language

Program content: continue to develop in children the ability to stage fairy tales, consolidate the ability to act in accordance with the content of a fairy tale, develop creative abilities, the ability to transform, improvise.

  • Continue to work on the intonational expressiveness of speech - tempo, rhythm.
  • Continue to improve the dialogic and monologue forms of coherent speech.
  • Continue to teach children to express their thoughts in grammatically correct form.
  • Continue to learn to compose fairy tales on new way, based on Russian folk tales.
  • Fix the names of Russian folk tales.
  • Develop initiative and independence in inventing fairy tales in a new way.
  • Raise interest and love for Russian oral folk art - fairy tales.
  • Cultivate friendly relationships between children, the habit of working together.

Methodical methods.

  • Riddles about animals, proverbs about friendship
  • Dramatization of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".
  • Telling a fairy tale in a new way, based on the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut".

Preliminary work.

  • Reading Russian folk tales.
  • Memorization of poems, proverbs, songs
  • Dance learning


  • a model of spring flowers, the sun, a house - a model of a hut,
  • elements of a children's costume of a hare, fox, bear, wolf, rooster, dog
  • snowball, models of trees, stump, hare bag, chest, puddle
  • technical means (music by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers", song "From a Smile")


presenter– Luselia Kadyrbekovna, Irina Vladimirovna (teachers of Russian and English)

Storyteller - Baigarina Diana

Fox– Rakhimova Darina

Hare – Kayirly Diar

Dogs– Aldoshina Veronica

Wolf– Amir Molgazhdarov

Bear– Aldoshin Artem

Rooster– Algozhin Ayan

Dance spring Kanat Alua, Baisarina Madina, Marat Aisha, Konon Evelina, Shegibaeva Zarina

Music is playing, presenters with children enter.

Cәlemetsizderme, balalar! Guys, today we will make a trip to the land of fairy tales, and guests have come to visit us, let's say hello to them in three languages. Take your seats, guys, do you know fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know? I brought you a story. She's in my box.

Knock - knock, chok - chok, You open the chest. It does not open, let's all say the words together:

Knock - knock, chok - chok, You open the chest.

To find out what fairy tale is hidden in the chest, we need to solve riddles.

"I'll tell you riddles. Well, try to guess. If correct guesses. The fairy tale will come to you now!

A ball of fluff, I walk in a fluffy coat,

Long ear, I live in a dense forest,

Jumps deftly, I'm cunning and agile,

Loves carrots. (Hare) - koyang - hare I love bunnies. (Fox) - tulki - fox

Grey, toothy sleeps in winter,

It roams the field in the summer - stirs the beehives. (Bear) - ayu - bear

Looking for calves, lambs. (Wolf) - kaskyr - wolf

This watchman guards the house

Barks loudly at thieves. (Dog) - it - dog

Tail with patterns

Boots with spurs. (Rooster) - әtesh - cock

And let's play.

The rabbit was kicked out by the fox ...

The bunny is crying: "Here's the trouble"

Wolf, bear and cockerel

Helped the bunny. Here.

You guessed it friends

What is this fairy tale? Yes! (Zayushkina hut).

You and I will play the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", guys, but how should the actors behave on stage? I'll ask all the actors backstage.

Host: Hush, hush, don't make noise

Don't scare our fairy tale

Miracles happen here, where is she hiding?

We'll tell the story now

And we'll tell and show

This fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"


Like from our village
The trail freezes along the edge,
Blizzard ruffled,
All day the blizzard sweeps
Weaves good stories.
A blizzard wove into a braid -
The story will be about Lisa.


On the edge of the forest in an ice hut,

Lisonka-Fox lived, the beauty of the whole forest.

Fox appears from behind the trees on the left and starts to roll a snowball.


I dream of one
Sculpt a beautiful house
To be as strong as a stone
So that it is light in it at night,
To sparkle like a gem!
After all, there is no such thing anywhere!


And on the other edge, in a bast hut,

There lived a Bunny, long ears.


What a glorious hut!

Here paws, ears do not freeze,

I will live all year round

And without grief and worries.

Lisa boasts:

I have such a bright, clean hut

crystal palace

What about you? built himself a dark shack!


But now the spring has come - red,

The forest wakes up from sleep

The birds sang merrily

And the icicles chimed.

(Dance with the sun and flowers)

Alaqai - alaqai, köktem keldi,

Alaqai - alaqai, kuantyp bіzderdi

Spring, spring outside
Spring days!
Like birds are flooding
Tram calls.

Mine, keldi köktem

Kүn ұzara bastady

Ulap - shlap balalar

Aғashtardyn basyna ұya zhasa bastada

Poems in English

Fox :

Oh trouble, trouble, trouble

The snow has melted, the water is all around,

From the ice hut

Only puddles remained. (grabs head)


And the Fox went through the forest

Look for a new home.

And suddenly he sees on the edge

There is some kind of hut,

And the hut is not simple,

There was a bast hut.

Went to the hut

She pricked up her ears.

Fox knocks on the door.

Fox (ingratiatingly)

Bunny, you open the door for me,
I am homeless now.
Sun harmful beam
Destroyed my house.
Bunny, honey, let me go.
If there is something, I'm sorry!

The hare looks out of the window.


Since trouble happened to you,
I will save you from her!
Come on, do me a favor.


You are the kindest in the forest!


I have a simple hut
With a broken pipe.
But it doesn't melt in the spring.
We will live together with you.

Fox enters the house. The hare hides, and the fox looks out of the window.


Ah, thank you, dear bunny,
We will live together with you.
Your house is really ugly
But he is the whole house!
Bunny, I see, in the pantry
You don't have stock.
You go pick carrots
We have a festive dinner.

The hare leaves the house and heads to the right of the hut. The fox disappears through the window.


What am I going to get?
I will find now
Last year's boots.
You have to feed the fox.
Okay, I'm aspen bark
I'll bring it to us for lunch.
(to the audience)

The hare hides behind the trees on the right, after a while he reappears with a large bag and returns to the hut.


At the ready with a large bag,
stuffed with alder bark,
Hare returned home
It knocks and the door is closed.

A fox appears in the window.


Get out of here, Bunny,

I am now the hostess in the hut!


The Hare jumped out of the hut, sobs,

Where to go, does not know.

He walks, wanders, sheds tears ....

And towards him Dogs.

They run, bark, play happily.

Dog 1:

Hare :

Dog 2:

We help you. We turn out the fox:


Played on the lawn

Send Bunny to help

Dogs :

Woof! Woof! Woof!

The fox go away from here

Fox :

storyteller :

The dogs got scared and ran away.

One remained Bunny.

He goes, he suffers. Sobs bitterly.

And bears meet him.

Bear 1 :

Koyan - koyan, sagan not bold? Sen nege zhylap otyrsyn?


Kalay men zhylamaymyn? Tүlkі menі aldap өz үyimnen kuyp shykty

Bear 2:

Zhylama! Biz sagan komektesemiz, tulkini kuyp shygamyz.


And they both went

Free the bunnies from the house.


Ay, tulki, shyk kane! Koyannyn uyin bosat


Shykpaymyn, shyksam, sagan zhaman bolady


The bears got scared and ran away.

Again one remained Bunny.

And the wolves meet him.


Zainka, why are you crying? Who hurt you?


Wolf, how can I not cry?

The fox had an icy hut, and I have a bast one, spring came, the fox's house melted, she asked me, and kicked me out of her own house

Wolf :

Do not be sad, bunny, We will now go and drive the Fox out!

Hare :

Thank you Wolf! But you won't be able to do anything.

The dogs drove - they didn’t drive out, the bear drove - didn’t drive out, And you won’t drive out!


And here we go! Went!


And the Wolf went to help the Hare,

Drive the cunning Fox out of the hut.

Wolf :

U-U-U! Come on, Lisa, get out!

Free Bunnies house!

Fox :

How do I jump out! How do I jump out! Scraps will go along the back streets!

Get out of here, Wolf!

And then I'll bite your gray side!

storyteller :

The wolf got scared and ran away.

Again one remained Bunny.

He walks, suffers, weeps bitterly.

And towards him the Cockerel-Golden Scallop.

Rooster :

Why are you crying? The spring came to the forest. Why are you so sad?

Hare :

I haven't the house. The fox turned out of me.

Rooster :

I help you. I turn the fox out!

Rooster :


The fox go away from here

Fox :


Again one remained Bunny.

Sitting, crying bitterly

All the hare surrounded, what they should do in an instant decided, everyone ran to the house, they said in unison to the fox

“Fox - Fox, you are beautiful to everyone in the forest, you let the bunny into the house and live together in it (the bunny and the fox hug)

Storyteller: So they began to live together and live and make good.

Children in chorus:

Dostyk birlikte

A good deed is never lost

Friendship should be cherished, and friends should not be let down!

Song "From a smile"


A fairy tale is a lie - yes, there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows, kindness always wins evil and trouble.

Our theatrical performance included:

Storytellers - Baigarina Diana

  1. In the role of a fox - Rakhimova Darina
  2. bunnies - Kaiyrly Diar
  3. bear - Aldoshin Artem, Reshetov Daniil
  4. wolf - Amir Malgazhdarov
  5. dogs – Aldoshina Veronika
  6. rooster - Algozhin Ayan
  7. The dance of spring was performed by Kanat Alua, Baysarina Madina, Shigibaeva Zarina, Konon Evelina, Marat Aisha.

Children bow

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened and watched - well done!

Saying goodbye in three languages.

They leave to the music.

Theatrical performance in middle group according to the tale:

"Zayushkina's hut"

Target: Continue to develop the ability to act out familiar fairy tales, own a bibabo doll, act in accordance with the text, transform, improvise.

Characters: Host and Parsley (adults). Fox, Hare, Dogs, Wolf, Bear, Rooster (bibabo dolls, children).

Material: Screen, Bibabo dolls.


The children go to the group. The cashier sells tickets for the performance of a fairy tale.

Leading: To get a ticket, you must say the magic word.

(Children sit on chairs in front of the screen, clap their hands loudly. A bell rings behind the screen)

Leading: I wonder who came to us?

Parsley:(says without showing). It's me, Petrushka - a fun toy!

Leading: Where are you, Petrushka? Guys, let's call him together. Let's all say together: "Petrushka, show yourself." (Petrushka appears.) Do you know how to clap loudly with your hands? And even louder?

Parsley: Hello guys! Here I am! I am Petrushka cheerful, funny, funny. No toy in the world compares to me! (Rings a bell) Guys, what are you doing here? Why did they come?

Children: Watch the story.

Parsley: What fairy tale do you know?

Children: Not!

Parsley: Let's play.

The rabbit was kicked out by the fox ...

The bunny cries: "That's the trouble!".

Wolf, bear and cockerel

Helped the bunny. Here.

Guess what fairy tale this is?

Children:"Zayushkina hut".

Parsley: Well, it's time for me, friends, to amuse other guys. Goodbye!

Leading: Hush, hush, don't make noise

Don't scare our story.

There are miracles here.

Where is she hiding?

We'll tell the story now

We will tell and show.

This fairy tale ... Let's say it loudly ...

Children:"Zayushkina hut".

The show starts.

Leading: Once upon a time there was a Fox and a Hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the Bunny had a bast. Spring has come - the Fox's hut has melted, but the Bunny's is in the old way.

Fox: Zainka, let me warm up, my hut has melted.

Hare: Come in, Lisonka, get warm, it's completely cold.

Leading: Zainka let Lisa in, and she kicked him out of the hut. Bunny comes and cries, and Dogs meet him.

Dogs: What are you crying about, Bunny?


Dogs: Don't cry, bunny. We'll kick her out!

Leading: Went to the hut.

Dogs: Aw-wow-wow! Come on, Lisa. Out!

Leading: And the Fox to them from the oven ...

Fox: As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!

Leading: The dogs got scared and ran away. Bunny comes and cries, and the Wolf meets him.

Wolf: What are you crying about, Bunny?

Hare: How can I not cry! I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an icy one. Spring has come, her hut has melted. The fox asked me to warm up, and kicked me out.


Hare: No, Wolf, you will not expel. Dogs drove, they didn’t kick them out, and you won’t kick them out.

Wolf: No, I'll kick you out!

Leading: They went to the hut. The wolf howls...

Wolf: Rrr! Come on, Lisa, get out!

Leading: And the Fox to him from the oven ...


Leading: The wolf was frightened and ran into the forest, Bunny sat down under a bush and cries. The Bear is walking by.

Bear: What are you crying about, Zainka?

Hare: How can I not cry! I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an icy one. Spring has come, her hut has melted. The fox asked me to warm up, and kicked me out.

Bear: Don't cry, bunny. I'll kick her out!

Hare: No, Bear, you can't kick him out. The dogs were driven out - they didn’t kick out, the Wolf drove out, they didn’t kick out, and you won’t drive out.

Bear: No, I'll kick you out!

Leading: They went to the hut. The bear howls...

Bear: Go. Lisa, get out!

Leading: And the Fox to him from the oven ...

Fox: As I jump out, as I jump out - shreds will fly through the back streets!

Leading: The bear got scared and left. Bunny sits under a bush and cries. Goes past the Cockerel - a golden comb and carries a scythe on his shoulder. I saw a Bunny and asks ...

Rooster: What are you, Bunny. Are you crying?

Hare: How can I not cry! I had a bast hut, and Lisa had an icy one. Spring has come, her hut has melted. The fox asked me to warm up, and kicked me out.

Rooster: Come on, I'll kick her out.

Hare: No, you won't be kicked out. The dogs were driven - they didn’t kick out, the Wolf drove out, they didn’t drive out. The bear drove, didn’t kick him out, and you won’t kick him out.

Rooster: And I'll kick it out. Let's go to!

Leading: Let's go to the hut, the Rooster sang ..


Leading: The fox got scared and said...

Fox: Dressing...

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to flog Lisa! Go, Fox, Get out!

Fox: I wear a coat...

Leading: The rooster crows for the third time...

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to flog Lisa! Go, Fox, Get out!

Leading: The fox jumped out of the hut and ran into the forest. And the Bunny and the Cockerel began to live, live in a hut.

Did you guys like the story? Then clap your hands loudly. What was the name of the fairy tale? (answers) And what kind of Fox is in this fairy tale? (cunning) And the bunny (Poor, unfortunate) And who helped the Bunny? (Rooster) What was he like? (Brave) What always wins evil? (Good) Right!

Artists come out.

Leading: The guys were artists

And the guys showed you a fairy tale.

Artists. The audience was all good!

Let's clap each other heartily!

You guys tried

I believe the story is very happy.

It's time for her to go on her way

And say goodbye to the guys.

To us through the blizzard and blizzard

The new fairy tale is in a hurry

You will be given the joy of meeting.

She will amuse you!

Gridasova N.M

Senior group teacher

mixed age group

Mini-center "Firefly"

At Zagradovskaya high school

Esilky district

North-Kazakhstan region

Holiday "Visiting a fairy tale" Theatrical composition "Zayushkina hut"

Target: To develop the creative abilities of children through theatrical activities.

Tasks: To develop emotionality, intelligence, communication skills of the child by means of the theater.

To develop a steady interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, gestures.

Imitate the characteristic movements of fairy-tale characters.

Develop the musical and vocal abilities of the child.

Cultivate a love for oral folk art.

Preliminary work: Reading a fairy tale, "Zayushkina's hut."

Watching the cartoon Fox, Hare and Rooster.

Production of costumes of fox, wolf, dogs.

Making snowballs, flowers, grass, leaves.

Decoration of the hall, stage.

Equipment: Wooden and bast houses, snowballs, snow, spatula.

Spring costumes, hare, fox, rooster, dogs, bear, butterflies

Nets, flowers, braid, basket, audio recordings of sounds of nature.

Melodies according to the script, karaoke "Visiting a fairy tale".

Buffoon 1: Hey, have fun people get together,

Today the fairy tale is coming!

Buffoon 2: Tara-bars, rasta-bars.

Come out here everyone!

We will welcome spring

Let's start the story!

(The melody "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds).

1 child: One simple fairy tale,

2 child: Or maybe not a fairy tale,

3 child: Or maybe not simple,

4 child: We want to tell you

1 child: We remember her from childhood,

2 child: Or maybe not from childhood,

3 child: Or maybe we don’t remember

4 child: But we will remember!

Buffoon 1: Tara-ra, tara-ra,

There is a mountain in the yard.

And on that mountain there is an oak tree

And on the oak funnel!

Buffoon 2: He sits on a bitch,

And plays the trumpet

Labor chiselled, gilded!

Buffoon 1: it was a saying.

(A quiet, calm melody sounds.)

Storyteller: If you want - believe, if you want - do not believe,

In one magical forest there lived a fox and a hare.

(curtain opens).

He built himself a simple, bast hut.

And the fox is beauty, summer sang red.

I didn’t have time to look back, as winter rolls into my eyes,

Everything has come, with a cold winter, need, hunger comes

And the fox no longer sings.

Evil melancholy dejected, the ice house cost the beginning.

The melody "Winter" sounds and the curtain opens.

A fox appears and goes around the house, examines and dances.

A hare comes out of his hut, clears the snow with a shovel, the fox throws snow at him, and he at her.

Snowball game. Drop sounds. The curtain closes.

Storyteller: the snow is melting, the meadow came to life,

The day is coming

When does it happen?

Children: In the spring.

(The melody "Spring" sounds, spring comes out).

Spring: I am Spring! I wake the earth from sleep.

I bring you my warmth.

For the leaves to bloom

The birds were singing

To make people smile!

(Girls - "flowers" sit in a clearing).

Spring: Streams quietly ringing,

The snow is drifting away from me

The sun shines bright from above

Wake up trees, flowers!

(dance of "Snowdrops").

Storyteller: The grass is green, the sun is shining.

Here is the hut at the fox and melted,

And the hare stands in the old way.

She asked him...

(The curtain opens. Spring scenery and a bast hut)

Fox: Zainka is a neighbor, let me warm up, spend the night.

Bunny: Come in. Be guests!

(They enter the house. The fox pushes the hare out of the hut)

Lisa: Go away! And so that your spirit is not here!

Storyteller: The insidious fox drove the hare out of the hut.

There is a hare crying. And in the forest clearing

Flowers grow, butterflies sing.

(Dance of the Butterflies).

(Dogs run out with nets in their hands, catch butterflies. Butterflies fly. Dogs saw a hare).

Dogs: What are you crying about?

Zainka: How can I not cry, I had a bast hut, and the ice fox asked to spend the night and kicked me out.

Dogs: let's go! We'll kick her out!

(Go to the hut)

Dogs: Get out the fox!

Narrator: The dogs got scared and ran away.

The game "Bear in the forest." (Children perform movements according to the test. The bear is sleeping).

Let's hold hands together We'll go to the green forest We'll walk along the clearing We'll sing a song merrily

Bend over. Look. What blushes under the bush. Don't hide strawberry We'll find you anyway!

Mosquitoes ring above us, Mosquitoes bite on the forehead. We fight mosquitoes. We clap, clap, clap!

(the bear wakes up, slowly leaves the den. The children squat. The bear looks around).

Bear: Who is walking in the forest? Who's stopping me from sleeping?

(Children half-sitting, quietly leaving. The bear saw a hare)

Bear: That's who walked here, who prevented me from sleeping! (grabs a rabbit).

Hare: Bear, don't drag!

Bear, let go!

Bear: So be it, let me go!

What are you doing here anyway?

Hare: I had a bast hut, and the fox had an icy one, spring came, the fox's hut melted, she asked me to spend the night, and kicked me out.

Bear: Let's go! I'll kick you out!

Hare: No, bear, you won’t drive out! The dogs were chased, they weren't kicked out, and you won't be kicked out!

Bear: I'll kick you out!

(Go to the hut)

Bear: Get out the fox!

Fox: As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!

Storyteller: The bear got scared and ran away...

It's cold for him. Let's help the bunny warm up?

The game "The gray bunny is sitting."

(The melody “March of the Rooster” sounds, a rooster comes out, he saw a hare.)

Rooster: I am a cockerel, cockerel

golden scallop

butter head

Silk beard.

(Saw a hare)

Rooster: Why are you so sad?

Hare: I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. Spring came, the fox's hut melted, she asked me to spend the night and kicked me out

Rooster: Let's go, I'll kick her out!

Hare: No cockerels! The dogs were driven, not kicked out. The bear drove, did not drive out. And you won't get kicked out!

Rooster: No, I'll kick you out! (approaching the hut).

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!

I'm walking in red boots.

I carry a scythe on my shoulders.

I want to cut the forest

Get off the fox from the stove!

Get the fox out!

Fox: (looks out the window)

I put on my shoes!

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!

I'm walking in red boots.

I carry a scythe on my shoulders.

I want to cut the forest

Get off the fox from the stove!

Get the fox out!

Fox: I put on a fur coat!

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!

I'm walking in red boots.

I carry a scythe on my shoulders.

I want to cut the forest

Get off the fox from the stove!

Get the fox out!

(The fox comes out of the hut).

Lisa: I am Lisa! I am beautiful to the whole world!

I'll find myself another house, bye!

(A hare comes out, a rooster, dogs, a bear)

Storyteller: Here the animals rejoiced, danced and sang!

(A cheerful, dancing melody sounds, animals dance)

(All participants go out and become a semicircle).

Song: "Visiting a Fairy Tale"

Buffoon 1: Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!

We close the gate!

The story was shown

Lisa got punished!

Buffoon 2: She got-deservedly-

Let good not repay evil!

Let evil play tricks!

But still, good wins!

Storyteller: A fairy tale is a lie,

Yes, there is a hint

Good fellows lesson!

Target: the formation of children's interest in theatrical activities, the enrichment of the emotional sphere, the development of communication skills.


Develop coherent speech;

Enrich active vocabulary, develop memory;

Improve the ability to combine words and actions;

Contribute to the formation of a clear, bright, intonationally expressive speech;

Unleash the potential of speech pathologists in public speaking.






Target: the formation of children's interest in theatrical activities, the enrichment of the emotional sphere, the development of communication skills.


Develop coherent speech;

Enrich active vocabulary, develop memory;

Improve the ability to combine words and actions;

Contribute to the formation of a clear, vivid, intonation-expressive speech;

Unleash the potential of speech pathologists in public speaking.








1 Child:

At the edge of the forest, in a bast hut,

There lived a Bunny, long ears.

And on the other edge in an ice hut,

Lisonka lived - Fox, the beauty of the whole forest.

Spring has come - red, the forest has awakened from sleep,

The birds sang merrily and the icicles chimed.

Zaikin's hut stands as it stood,

And at the Fox's hut ran away like a stream.


Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble, the snow has melted, the water is all around,

From the ice hut, only puddles remained.

Where should I go now? Who will open the door for Lisa?

I'll run to the bunny, maybe he will let me in!

2 Child:

And the Fox went through the forest to look for a new home.

And suddenly he sees some kind of hut on the edge,

And the hut is not simple, it was a bast hut.

She approached the hut, pricked up her ears.

Fox: (approaches the bunny hut)

Oh, please let me dry, warm myself by the fire!

We'll drink a cup of tea with raspberries, we'll sing a merry song!


Well, Fox, come to me, there is enough space for us in the hut.

Don't worry, come with me!

(sit down at the table and drink tea)

3 Child:

The Fox dried up, warmed up, drank tea, ate sweetly.

And she began to oppress the Bunny, she began to expel the Bunny.

Yes, the oblique one was unlucky, the fox drove out of the house,

He does not want to live together - to share a crust of bread.


Get out of here, Bunny, now I'm the hostess in the hut! Now I will live here, I will live and not grieve!

(the fox remains to sit near the house, and the hare runs away to the chair)

4 Child: Poor Zainka is crying, gray and small!Tears are pouring to the ground - there is no going back to the house. Everything is gone - the table and the stove, nowhere to sit and nowhere to lie down! How not to cry, not to grieve if Bunny has nowhere to live! The new mistress scared the Bunny. There is no justice for the fox, there are no intercessors in the forest! And he decided to run away into the thicket, Hide under an old stump and cry all day!

Presenter: Bunny is walking, suffering, sobbing bitterly, and the Wolf is meeting him.

Wolf: What are you, Bunny, crying for?Why are you sad?Look, spring has comeflowers are blooming.What's with wet eyes? Did bad news come?

Hare :

Wolf: What, does not let, redhead? Let's drive, we, shameless! I'm happy to try to help, but let's go - let's fight!(comes to the house)Come on, Fox, get out, free the hare's house!


Wolf: (the hare and the wolf run to the chairs, the fox remains)

5 Child: Though toothy grey Wolf He did not help the Bunny:He was very frightened and rather rushed into the forest. Everyone says that the fox is cunning and do not expect good from her. Well, how could the Gray Bunny let the fox on the threshold? Indeed, in the thicket of the dark forest it is scary to be homeless. The bunny is crying, but the fox does not care about all those tears. Cry at least until dawn, she doesn’t care.

6 Child: The hare cries and grieves, then spends the night in the bushes, Sometimes in an abandoned hollow, or even on the ground. Here he is walking along the path, tears fall into blades of grass. Suddenly he sees: dogs, jumpers and bullies are running. They bark very loudly and play merrily.


1 dog: Hello oblique! How is your life?Why are you shedding tears in three streams?Something happened, I'll take a look, if necessary, I'll help.

2 Dog: Bunny, who hurt you? Why are you crying?Spring has come to the forest - red, and you sad jump?

Hare: Everyone in the forest will laugh - I let a fox into my house. She, not even a day later, kicked me out of the house!

3 Dog: Oh, unfortunate, Bunny,follow us, friend, goWipe your tears quickly, in we'll kick your fox.They know for sure everything aroundthat a dog is your best friend. And now come on - ka, play with us - ka!

Presenter: Guys, let's play with the dogs!


Presenter: Guys, while we were playing, it started to rain.


Presenter: Let's see if the dogs managed to drive the fox out of the bunny house!

4 Dog: Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof! I have a hot temper! I'm not afraid, no quarrels, no fights, show me where is your enemy? Hey fox, do you hear the barking? Woof, woof, woof, go away!

Fox: I will go out for you now, I will show my fangs. And ruthlessly claws tear you to pieces! Well, actually, leave before you eat!

5 Dog: Something has become scary, it's not safe here!Oh, we forgot, oblique, we urgently need to go home!(dogs run away, hare stays, cries)

7 Child: The hare is crying, sad, he is sitting on a stump. What to do? - he does not know, wipes tears with his paw. Who is not afraid to help a hare? Nautek will not rush away from the fox? Here is a bear walking in the forest, singing a loud song.

Bear I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights, show me where is your enemy?

Hare: Everyone in the forest will laugh - I let a fox into my house. She, not even a day later, kicked me out of the house!

Bear: I, brother, will make you happy, hold it higher than your ears! Lisa now I will show how to take away the hut! Hey, who's sitting there in the hut? Come out to me soon! Hare, you, do not offend! Open the doors quickly!

Fox: I will go out for you now, I will show my fangs. And ruthlessly claws tear you to pieces! Well, actually, leave before you eat!

Bear: Oh, I completely forgot, oblique, I need to go home to my wife! We must hurry so as not to worry her!(hare and bear run away)

Presenter: Guys, let's remember who in the fairy tale helped the bunny drive out the cunning fox?

Children: Rooster!

Presenter: Let's stand near the chairs and sing a song about him. He will hear and come!


Rooster: Hey, where are you running to? stop, pause!

Why are you trembling like that, little bunny?

Maybe someone offended suddenly? He will cry for us!

What happened, dear friend, what does it all mean?

Hare: Everyone in the forest will laugh - I let a fox into my house. She, not even a day later, kicked me out of the house! Everyone in the forest helped me - they drove the Fox out of the hut. But she snaps and refuses to leave.

Rooster: So why was it necessary to drive? I should have congratulated you! What do we all call Foxy? We call her sister. Let dreams come true, let everything be just class! These lovely flowers, Fox, are just for you.

Fox: Oh, please forgive me! I won't do that again! I will live very friendly with the animals, I will cherish your friendship very much!

8 Child: Our friendship is the best! Friendship must be treasured! But she must be honest, we must be friends correctly! What is there to think and guess? Everyone can become kind, We feared in vain - the fairy tale ended beautifully! It’s not fashionable to be evil and predatory, you can’t live alone! Let's be kind willingly, believe us, friends!

Materials :

1. Migunova E.V. Theatrical Pedagogy in Kindergarten.- M.: TC Sphere, 2009.- 128 p. - (Library of the magazine "Educator of the preschool educational institution") (11) 2. The musical theme "Visiting a fairy tale" music. V. Dashkevich -

3. The musical theme "Wolf" music. A.Rybnikova -

4. Musical theme "Fox" music. A. Dvoskin -

5. Musical theme "Bear" music. V.Bogatyrev -

6. The musical theme "Dogs" music. V.Komarov -

7. Song "Seeds" music. V.Temnov -

8. Song "The road of good" music. M. Minkov, lyrics by Y. Entin

9. Russian folk tale"Zayushkina hut" in arr. O. Kapitsa

10. Sound effect "Drops, spring"

Theatrical performance based on a fairy tale


Senior group

Program content: continue to develop in children the ability to play familiar fairy tales, the ability to own a “bee-ba-bo” doll, consolidate the ability to act in accordance with the text, develop creative abilities, the ability to transform, improvise.


Leading - educator I.S.

Petrushka - tutor T.F.

Lisa - Lisa B.

Hare - Ulya S.

Dogs – Danil S. and Kirill B.

Wolf - Denis G.

Bear - Sasha Ts.

Rooster - Savva K.

Attributes: screen, bi-ba-bo dolls (fox, hare, dogs, wolf, bear, rooster).

GCD progress

The children go to the group. The cashier is sitting "selling" tickets for the performance of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut". To get a ticket, you must say the "magic" word. Children sit on chairs in front of the screen, clap their hands loudly. (A bell rings behind the screen.) I wonder who came to us? (He says without showing himself.) It's me Petrushka - a fun toy! Where are you, Petrushka? Guys, let's call him together. Let's say all together "Petrushka, show yourself!" (Petrushka appears.) Do you know how to clap loudly with your hands? And even louder?

Hello guys! Here I am. I am Petrushka cheerful, funny, funny. No toy in the world can ever compare to me! (Rings a bell.) Guys, what are you doing here? Why did they come? Children: “See a fairy tale” What fairy tale do you know? (No.) Do you want to know? Can you guess my riddles? (Yes.)

"I'll tell you riddles. Well, try to guess. If correct guesses. The fairy tale will come to you now!


A ball of fluff, I walk in a fluffy coat,

Long ear, I live in a dense forest,

Jumps deftly, I'm cunning and agile,

Loves carrots. (Hare) I love bunnies. (Fox)

Grey, toothy sleeps in winter,

It roams the field in the summer - stirs the beehives. (Bear)

Looking for calves, lambs. (Wolf)

This watchman of the house guards the Tail with patterns,

Barks loudly at thieves. (Dog) Boots with spurs. (Rooster)

And let's play.

The rabbit was kicked out by the fox ...

The bunny is crying: "Here's the trouble"

Wolf, bear and cockerel

Helped the bunny. Here.

You guessed it friends

What is this fairy tale? Yes! (Zayushkina hut)

Well, it's time for me, friends, to amuse other guys. Goodbye!

Host: Hush, hush, don't make noise

Don't scare our fairy tale

Miracles happen here, where is she hiding?

We'll tell the story now

And we'll tell and show

This fairy tale, let's say it out loud

"Zayushkina's hut"

The show starts

Leading: Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an icy hut, and the bunny had a bast.

Spring has come - the fox's hut has melted, but the bunny's is in the old way.

Fox (Lisa): Zainka let me warm up, my hut has melted.

Hare (Ulya): Come in, little fox, warm yourself, it's completely frozen.

Leading: Zainka let the fox in, and she kicked him out of the hut.

A bunny comes and cries, and dogs meet him.

Dogs (Danil and Kirill): What are you crying about, bunny?

Dogs (Danil and Kirill): Don't cry, bunny, we'll kick her out.

Host: Let's go to the hut.

Dogs (Danil and Kirill): Av-av-av! Come on, fox, get out!

Leading: And the fox to them from the stove.

Host: The dogs got scared and ran away. A bunny comes and cries, and a wolf meets him.

Wolf (Denis): Why are you crying bunny?

Hare (Ulya): How can I not cry! I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut.

Spring has come, her hut has melted -

She asked me to warm up, and kicked me out.

Wolf (Denis): Don't cry, bunny, I'll kick her out.

Hare (Ulya): No, wolf, you won’t drive out. The dogs were driven out - they didn’t kick them out, and you won’t kick them out.

Wolf (Denis): No, I'll kick you out!

Leading: They went to the hut. The wolf howls.

Wolf (Denis): Rrr! Come on, fox, get out!

Leading: And she told him from the oven.

Fox (Lisa): As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!

Leading: The wolf got scared and ran into the forest.

The bunny sat under a bush and cries. A bear is walking by.

Bear (Sasha): What are you crying about?

Hare (Ulya): How can I not cry! I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut.

Spring has come, her hut has melted -

She asked me to warm up, and kicked me out.

Bear (Sasha): Don't cry, bunny, I'll kick her out.

Hare (Ulya): No, bear, you can’t drive it out. The dogs were driven out - they didn’t kick them out, and you won’t kick them out.

Bear (Sasha): No, I'll kick you out!

Host: Let's go to the hut. The bear howls.

Bear (Sasha): Go, fox, get out!

Leading: And she told him from the oven.

Fox (Lisa): As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!

Host: The bear got scared and left. A bunny sits under a bush and cries.

A cockerel passes by - a golden comb and a scythe on his shoulder carries.

I saw a bunny and asked.

Rooster (Savva): Why are you crying, bunny?

Hare (Ulya): How can I not cry! I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut.

Spring has come, her hut has melted -

She asked me to warm up, but she kicked me out of the hut.

Rooster (Sawa): Let's go, I'll kick her out.

Hare (Ulya): No, you won’t expel.

The dogs drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, the wolf drove - did not drive out,

And you won't get kicked out.

Rooster (Sawa): And I will kick you out. Let's go to!

Host: Let's go to the hut. The rooster crowed.

Leading: And the fox got scared and says.

Lisa (Lisa): I'm dressing ...

Leading: The rooster sang again.

Fox (Lisa): I put on a fur coat ...

Leading: The rooster will scream for the third time.

Rooster (Sawa): Ku-ka-re-ku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip a fox! Get out, fox, get out!

Leading: She jumped out of the hut, ran away into the forest.

And the bunny and the cockerel began to live and live in the hut.

Guys, did you like the story? Then clap your hands loudly. What was the name of the fairy tale?

What is the fox in this story? (Sly...)

And the bunny? (Poor, unfortunate...)

And who helped the bunny? (Rooster) What was he like? (Brave...)

Guys, what always wins evil? (Good) Right!

Artists come out

The guys were artists,

And they showed you guys a fairy tale

Artists, audience - everyone was good,

Let's clap each other heartily!

Host: You guys did your best, I believe the fairy tale is very happy.

On the way, it's time for her to pack up and say goodbye to the guys.

To us, through the blizzard and blizzard, a new fairy tale hurries,

It will give you joy, meetings, it will amuse you!


Theatrical performance of children of the middle group "Zayushkina hut"

Program content:

Form the representation of children preschool age about native land, culture;

Arouse interest and form a positive attitude towards movements;

Involve children in theatrical activities, in active imitation of the heroes of a fairy tale;

To cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, moral and aesthetic qualities of the personality of a preschooler.


Storyteller, Fox, Hare, Dog, Bear, Rooster, children of the middle group.

Fairy tale progress:

Storyteller: All girls and boys,

We know they love books

They love stories, they love songs.

And to make it more interesting

Let's show the old tales

But the guys will tell them

Is everyone seated?

Good time!

Let's start our story.

Storyteller: Guys, look at my magic book with fairy tales.

Storyteller: One and two, and five and eight, we transfer everyone to the fairy tale.

(Children are spinning)

Storyteller: So we got into a fairy tale called "Zayushkina's hut".

Storyteller: And it was like this ...

Storyteller: A fox and a bunny lived in the forest. (a fox and a bunny appear on the stage).

Storyteller: They lived together, but it began to get colder. The hare decided to build himself a hut so that it would be warm in winter. (the bunny goes to his house, finishes building it.)

Storyteller: A fox (a fox sits on a stump with a mirror, admires itself). And the fox was lazy and very cunning. She was sitting on a stump not far from the bunny's hut and was waiting for him to finish building the hut ...

Fox. - How clever I am!

And beautiful and smart! (looks in the mirror, stamps her foot)

Yes, what is it! When will the oblique hut finish building? Oh, my paws, how cold you are! (gets up and starts running around the stump).

Oh how cold! Ah ah ah! Well, what are you, oblique! Doesn't he understand that I'm going to freeze like that! (blowing on hands, warming).

The hare completed the hut.

Hare. - My house is ready.

And it's warm and cozy!

And the frost is not terrible for me,

Because I'm warm!

The hare puts down the samovar and prepares to drink tea with bagels.

There is a knock on the door.

Fox. - Neighbor, open the door, please. Let me warm up, I'm freezing!

The hare let the fox in, treats him with tea.

Fox - Well, oblique, get out of my hut! Warmed up, drank tea, that's enough, go away!

The hare cried and left. Sat on a stump, crying.

The dog is running.

Dog - Hello, rabbit!

Hare - (crying) Hello, dog!

Dog - Why are you crying? What happened?

Doggy - Don't cry, oblique! I will help you!

Hare - what are you! She is wicked, wicked. I'm afraid to get close.

Dog - I'm a dog, I can!

I will help everyone in need!

Once got into trouble with a scythe,

I will call my friends. Woof woof woof!

Doggy dance

Dogs approach the house to the music, bark together GAV!

The dogs run away.

A bear is coming.

Bear - Hello, hare!

Hare - (crying) Hello, grandfather Bear!

Bear - What are you crying about?

Hare - Yes, how can I not cry. I built myself a hut, a fox came, asked to get warm, and kicked me out of the hut. And now she lives in my hut.

Bear - Don't cry, oblique! I'll get her out quickly!

Hare - No, you won’t expel! She is wicked, wicked. I'm afraid to get close.

Bear - I am a bear. I can do everything.

I'll help someone!

Hey bastards! Everything is friendly

We will fight back the fox!

Bear dance.

At the end of the dance, they approach the house, growl loudly.

Fox - how I jump out, how I jump out! Shreds will fly through the back streets!

The bears run away.

Storyteller: and at that time a rooster was walking through the forest, carrying a scythe on his shoulders.

There is a rooster with a scythe on his shoulders.

Rooster - I am a rooster, brave, bold

I go where I want

And who will I see in trouble,

I will definitely help!

He sees a bunny sitting, crying.

Rooster - Hey, oblique! What are you crying?

Frozen on a stump from the cold?

Hare - Let it freeze, no one will help me anyway.

Rooster - how can it not help?

Hare - The dogs did not help, the bears did not help, and you will not help either.

Rooster - And we will help!

Hey! Over here, my friends!

Fighting cocks!

We flap our wings, we stomp our feet

Let's shout together and defeat the fox!

Cockerel dance.

At the end of the dance, the cockerels come up to the house and shout loudly “Ku-ka-re-ku! »

Fox - how I jump out, how I jump out! Shreds will fly through the back streets!

The cockerels run away, but one remains.

Storyteller: cockerels ran away, fighting buddies ...

Rooster - who is this? My buddies? Fighting cockerels? No, they turned out to be cowardly, but I'm brave, I'll help the bunny, drive the fox out of the house!

I took a scythe, went to the house.

Lisa - now, now ...

Rooster - I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox! Get out fox!

Fox - I collect things ...

Rooster - I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox! Get out fox!

Storyteller: The fox got scared and jumped out of the house.

And the bunny and the rooster began to live, live and make good!

That's the end of the tale, and who listened - well done!

Quiet music sounds, the Storyteller says goodbye to the children.


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