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Sheet-fed offset printing at the current stage of development of the industry is at the peak of popularity and is in steadily high demand. This method makes it possible to obtain high quality halftone reproduction and solid tone at a low cost of equipment and consumables.

The business plan of a printing company allows you to carry out economic evaluation enterprises and calculate the payback period of investments.

Analysis of trends in the development of the printing market

When analyzing the market, it is worth considering that this moment more than half of the companies have equipment designed for printing in one way. Another 31% of companies perform work by offset printing and another non-dominant method.

Printing as a type of business has a number of risks that have become clearly visible during the crisis. Companies that specialize in the manufacture of promotional products are facing a decrease in production volumes. During the crisis, the decline ranged from 65 to 93%. Magazine producers have reduced their production turnover by 25-35%.

The largest players in the printing services market are such companies as Pushkinskaya Ploshchad, Almaz-Press, First Printing Plant, MDM-Pechat, AST, and Media-Press.

From the foregoing, we can conclude about the main activities of the printing company, which will have a stable demand:

  1. Production on newsprint, which has a low cost. However, it should be taken into account that services are provided by a large number of joint stock and state companies, which allows you to count on only a small rate of return. In addition, the high initial investment and the need for specialized manufacturing facilities are a constraint.
  2. On the territory of Russia, the market of full-color magazines is quite well developed, but a significant part of them is still printed abroad. The reasons for this situation lie in the insufficient number of Russian printing houses that offer high quality and have a favorable pricing policy, as well as the possibility of exporting capital from the country in the event that the account management plan is implemented by foreign companies.
  3. Book production is a promising direction, since the number of published books is increasing every year. The disadvantage of such a project is the need for significant capital investments with the possibility of their return only in the long term.
  4. Advertising and business products have a large range, stable demand, low requirements for investment capital.
  5. Screen printing is a technology that has hardly been affected by changes in the segment. The high cost of production is determined by a large share of manual labor. Together with small runs, this leads to low efficiency. big investments funds.

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Investment plan

The investment requirement of the project is 4,538,000 rubles, which, in turn, includes the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment and replenishment of working capital.

To perform the specified list of services, it is necessary to install the following equipment:

  • hydraulic embossing press model HSH 70;
  • offset machine DH 47 L;
  • digital duplicator Riso CZ 100 A4;
  • plotter SignPal Puma P II;
  • electro-pneumatic dispenser model E36 KIT.

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Sales plan and pricing policy

The activity of the enterprise under consideration will be focused on the production of the following types of products:

  • envelopes;
  • business cards;
  • leaflets;
  • forms;
  • directories;
  • booklets;
  • calendars;
  • magazines;
  • postcards;
  • labels;
  • posters;
  • notebooks;
  • package;
  • POS materials (wobblers, dispensers, shelf talkers, labels, danglers, price tags).

The determining factor in competition is price policy enterprises. It is often possible to come across the opinion that at the initial stages of development, the benchmark should be taken to the low-price sector of the market, but this development path is not a promising strategy. Therefore, from the moment of launch, the company should be positioned as a participant in the medium and expensive sectors of the market, combining activities with a policy of special prices for a number of regular customers, which may include advertising agencies, design studios and corporate customers.

Through long-term contracts with big companies which provide a full range of services High Quality at attractive prices, it is possible to find a stable source of income.

No less promising is working with advertising agencies and design bureaus that do not have their own printing base. It should be noted that this category of customers is the most demanding, since it is an intermediary between the consumer and the printing house.

The logical continuation of cooperation with design bureaus and advertising agencies is the creation of a design studio that does not require large investments, but is able to provide 10-20% of orders for initial stage production development.

The last three months of the year, services for the production of product calendars are in high demand. The emphasis in such orders should be on the efficiency of execution. The production of label products, for example, for soft drinks, also has a seasonal character. Targeted advertising for this group of customers, combined with an acceptable pricing policy, can give good results.

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The production cycle depends on the type of product and can range from 0 to 7 days. The duration of the execution is determined technological processes through which the product passes. Packages, postcards and other types of souvenirs can be produced in unlimited quantities, their boom falls on 7 days. Envelope production also has no limits and is completed in one day. Booklets printing by offset method in A8-A4 format takes 3 days, catalogs, calendars and magazines - 7 days, business cards - 1 day.

Variable costs:

Name Losses Consumption Price
Packages, postcards, souvenirs
Typographic paint 0 0,004 3,20
Paper 0 0,050 4,00
Foil 0 0,030 3,60
Resin 0 0,001 0,12
Total 10,92
Paper 0 0,001 0,08
Total 0,08
A8-A4 booklets
Typographic paint 0 0,003 2,40
Paper 0 0,050 4,00
Total 6,40
Production of catalogues, calendars and magazines
Typographic paint 0 0,020 16,00
Paper 0 0,500 40,00
Total 56,00
business cards
Typographic paint 0 0,300 240,00
Paper 0 0,200 16,00
Total 256,00

Fixed costs:

  1. Utilities - 2,000 rubles.
  2. Room rental - 35,000 rubles.
  3. Communication - 1,000 rubles.
  4. Delivery of products - 2,000 rubles.
  5. Maintenance and repair of products - 2,500 rubles.
  6. Advertising - 5,000 rubles.

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The basis of any printing house, even the smallest one, is high-quality equipment. But how to choose it - this question first arises before an entrepreneur, thinking about where to start a business like a printing house. This choice should be guided primarily by the expected volume of orders. If they can ensure that the existing equipment is optimally loaded, this will be the most profitable for the owner of the printing house.

If you purchase overly powerful equipment, then due to a shortage of orders, it will be idle for a long time, which will entail serious losses. On the other hand, the purchase of insufficiently productive equipment can cause delays in order fulfillment. Both of these options are unacceptable, which must be taken into account by the competent organization of the printing house.

When opening your printing house, at first do not try to buy the most expensive equipment. Only as you accumulate the necessary experience and knowledge, you can replace the existing equipment with more expensive ones, while acquiring the missing devices.

The specific equipment of the printing house depends on what types of printing will be carried out in it. If you intend to specialize in black and white printing, then the most necessary equipment for your printing house will be a risograph. Judging by the reviews of the printing business, it is best to buy a new unit. The average cost of such equipment is about 300 thousand rubles. The advantage of risogaf lies in its cost-effectiveness, low cost of the final product and speed of operation. In addition, working with this device is extremely simple, which allows you to form the optimal staff of the printing house without sending employees for additional training.

Businessmen who expect to organize a printing house specializing in more complex work need to allocate funds for the purchase of a full-fledged offset press. This technique allows you to carry out bulk orders using high-quality colors. Its cost is much higher compared to a risograph, and operation will cost more. In addition, for the maintenance of such a machine, you will need to hire an experienced specialist. But the quality of the final product and the higher cost of orders allows you to forget about these shortcomings.

Problems will be left behind if, when creating a business, you rely on a professional example of a business plan for opening a printing house with ready-made calculations. This document contains step-by-step instruction, following which you will easily overcome any obstacles, choosing the shortest path to business success.

The services of mini-printing houses are in demand at all times. They are resorted to mainly by the owners of private firms - advertising agencies, trading companies, restaurants, as well as educational and state organizations. Small batches of leaflets, flyers, business cards, labels, menus and price tags - such orders allow the owners of small printing houses to live quite comfortably, counting on a brighter future.

The opening of a new mini-printing house does not imply significant initial costs. Equipment for this business is purchased in minimal quantities, in those that qualitatively allow you to fulfill small orders. At the same time, it is very problematic to clearly name the payback period for the investments made. It depends, first of all, on how quickly the entrepreneur will be able to acquire customers. Competent marketing strategy plays an important role here.

Much in such a business as a mini-printing house also depends on right choice equipment. According to experienced players, the purchase of new offset equipment will allow reaching the break-even point no earlier than in 3 years. Using used equipment for a mini-printing house, you can recoup your investment faster. But at the same time, the risk is too great that used equipment can fail at any time.

When calculating the costs of opening a new mini-printing house, many businessmen seek to find a cost savings item. But, no matter how small the printing house is, excessive savings on space will not be advisable. Theoretically, you can open your own mini-printing house literally on 20 sq. m. But it would be much more practical to rent an area at least 2 times larger, so that it would be possible to allocate space for a warehouse for finished products and sources.

In the absence of sufficient financial resources equipment for photo printing in a mini-printing house can be leased. It's cheaper than buying used equipment. A mini-printing house will require not only printing presses, but also auxiliary equipment: paper cutting machines, copy frames, color printer. You should not buy too powerful devices if you are not sure that you can find a sufficient number of clients. Simple expensive equipment is usually very expensive.

A business in a printing house has specific features, which it will be easier for an entrepreneur to take into account using professional example business plan mini typography with calculations. With its help, you will be able to determine the optimal number of employees in your mini-printing house, calculate the payback of the printing house. Check out the description production process, after which you can open your own business - a mini-printing house - without making annoying mistakes.

The digital printing business has recently started to develop on Russian market. This suggests that domestic entrepreneurs planning to open own business- digital mini-printing house, there is every chance to find its niche. The sphere of activity of such enterprises includes the production of various printed products - letterheads, business cards, leaflets, booklets, calendars. At the same time, they are printed on compact and high-tech digital equipment, the cost of which is affordable for many novice businessmen.

Such a business can be called one of the most promising in terms of investment. Commercial interest in this area is determined by the high demand for the services of mini-printing houses. The owners of online digital printing salons note the high return on this business. High-tech equipment has a number of advantages, among which the ability to print on a wide variety of media, including plastic, stands out.

The popularity of digital printing is mainly due to the fact that this technology allows you to satisfy various whims of customers - from reducing lead times to improving the quality of finished printed products. And all this is true even if we are talking about the minimum amount, up to a dozen business cards. As a rule, even small orders received regularly can provide the owner of a printing house with a good profit.

In order for such a business project as a printing house to be successful, it is necessary to clearly segment customers, providing an appropriate package of services for any category of customers. The first category includes the so-called "random" people. They show up at print shops often and ask for small orders, like 20-30 business cards. By focusing mainly on such customers, you will avoid significant costs, but the return on investment in this case will be very low.

The second category of clients is more solid - regular customers: owners of advertising salons, presentation companies. Betting on this group of customers, the entrepreneur, as a rule, thinks through the options for purchasing powerful modern equipment in advance in order to be able to ensure the fulfillment of various categories of orders. With many regular customers, the owners of the printing house conclude contracts, which allows us to count on some stability.

If you don't know how to get started in this type of business, if you are desperately worried about lack of experience, then it's time to get acquainted with professional sample business plan for opening a printing house. Many articles talk about how to quickly understand the basics of business, but only the advice of professionals will be of real help to you. In this document, you will learn how effective a clear process organization can be and how you can benefit from it.

The material presented below is an example of opening a mini-printing house in Moscow. Based marketing research identified a lack of quality printing services in the capital. The metropolitan region is "overgrown" with a large number of small, handicraft firms, which clearly does not satisfy the demand for printing services among the population. The aim of the project is to show economic efficiency opening a printing house, justify the profitability and profitability of the business.

How much money do you need to start a business

The estimated investment for the purchase of equipment for the project is 110 thousand rubles. The whole set of purchased equipment is professional, highly functional and easy to maintain. Due to this, it does not require the involvement of highly qualified personnel. The equipment is purchased at the expense of the project organizer.

How much can you earn by opening a printing house

The project involves the creation of 4 new jobs. The annual revenue of the enterprise, according to the plan, will be a little more than 700 thousand rubles. Payback period initial investment is 12 months.

The printing house plans to provide the following services: color printing, scanning, binding, laminating and circulation printed publications both large and small quantities.

It is intended to provide services to both individuals and legal entities, including schools, universities for printing educational and methodical publications. The provision of services will be confirmed by relevant contracts.

The business plan assumes employment CEO, secretary, marketing analyst, marketing strategist, information marketer and accountant.

The sales volume for the first year of operation will be 72,400 rubles. The main costs of the project: rent of premises, communal payments and wage personnel.

For more information on the project, please download complete sample business plan at the link below.

*Attention! The business plan may contain somewhat outdated data, as the market is constantly changing, prices are rising (inflation), etc.


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