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In just a few years, mobile technology has revolutionized the taxi niche, intensifying competition to the breaking point. This greatly facilitated the life of passengers: the time of car delivery was reduced several times, trips became much cheaper.

Taxi market size

The democratization of taxi prices led to the growth of the market, which by 2015 amounted to $ 9 billion (this is a November estimate of the analytical company Merku). Oksana Serebryakova, board member of the Taxi Dispatch Services Association, does not agree with this figure. According to her calculations, the market size is no more than $6 billion, or about 420 billion in rubles. Due to the crisis, the number of orders for different carriers has fallen by 40-50%, Serebryakova is convinced, and this year it will definitely not grow.

“The size of the market is very difficult to calculate,” admits Mikhail Vinogradov, founder of Taxilet. - In our calculations, we are guided by 1 trip per day for 10 residents of million-plus cities. That is, in Moscow we can talk about a million movements per day.”

None of the players wants to share data about their volumes. The market for the most part consists of illegal and unrecorded traffic and participants. From our experience in the regions, we have derived a formula: usually the daily traffic volume is 10% of the city's population. The average check depends on the standard of living and the presence of a chain operator in the city ( large network control rooms - ed.). In millionaires it is 100-150 rubles, in small towns - 60-80 rubles. Therefore, we take 15 million trips around the country per day, multiply them by 100 rubles of the average check and get 1.5 billion rubles of turnover per day. Approximately 20% of this amount is received by dispatchers, approximately 1% - by taxi software providers. These are very rough numbers, but they can serve as a basis for understanding a market that cannot be accurately estimated.

The founder of the Gett taxi service, Shahar Waiser, predicted that in the next 3-4 years the Russian taxi market will grow to $15-20 billion, and this will happen due to online services. Another market participant is convinced that this figure does not reflect the current realities and was announced by Gett specifically for investors to show the potential and attract the next round.

And the head of Cat Taxi, Gennady Kotov, considers it incorrect to evaluate the Russian taxi market in dollars due to exchange rate fluctuations and the fact that the cost of transportation is absolutely not tied to the currency. At the same time, he notes that for Gett and Uber, the fall of the ruble is extremely beneficial: external investments give them additional features for dumping price Russia |

Number of taxi drivers

In October 2015, more than 180,000 taxis were officially operating in Russia (Rusbase interlocutors suggest that this figure covers only legal drivers). In Moscow alone, according to the city's transport department, there are about 55,000 licensed taxi drivers. Moreover, many drivers cooperate with several services at once.

According to the founder of "Taxilet" Mikhail Vinogradov, about 100,000 more taxis operate in the capital without licenses, operating under charter agreements. this is when the aggregator instructs a private driver to transport a passenger for money (moreover, the contract can be oral)- and that's not counting those who come from the region. “The number of illegal taxis, depending on the situation in the country, may tend to the number of all cars,” says Vitaly Makhinov, founder of the Russian Taxi Exchange.

Aggregators vs. classic taxis

There are two groups of players in the taxi market: taxi companies with their own fleet and taxi service aggregators. The latter enter into contracts with taxi companies (Yandex.Taxi) or with private drivers registered as individual entrepreneurs (Uber, Gett, Maxim, Leader, Saturn). According to some estimates, taxi services account for more than half of taxi traffic in Moscow.

There are no more than a thousand full-fledged taxi companies with their own fleet and economic base per country. As for aggregators, they are divided into pure online (without an office and a dispatcher - Gett, Uber, Yandex Taxi, etc.) and traditional dispatchers that have their own mobile applications (Maxim and others).

Aggregators consider themselves IT companies that help the driver and passenger find each other. Formally, they do not fall under the law "On Taxi" - it simply does not contain the concepts of "dispatching taxi service" or "information service". Traditional carriers accuse them of unfair competition: aggregators are not responsible for accidents, passenger safety, late arrivals at the airport and the technical serviceability of the car. In addition, already hitting the base information service, the driver can close the IP in order not to pay taxes.

Yaroslav Shcherbinin,

Chairman of the Interregional Trade Union "Taxi Driver"

Applications create conditions for illegal activities by attracting illegal carriers. This is one of the main components of their success. There is no accounting and deduction of taxes for working drivers, there are no requirements for ensuring safety, responsibility to the passenger in case of emergency. Consumers are attracted by the price at the level of the cost of the trip. Most drivers do not understand the unprofitability of this type of activity and are drawn into this pyramid. It is difficult for traditional players to compete in such conditions.

Mikhail Vinogradov,

founder of taxi

Of course, the old taxi owners are offended. For decades they plowed, took risks, beat them, burned their cars, waited at the entrance, extorted money, choked them with taxes. They survived, endured it all, became leaders. And now their guys in sneakers are squeezing. But no matter how much the archers strike, they cannot oppose the submachine gunners.

Hidden Leaders

The media field is dominated by well-known metropolitan aggregators - Yandex.Taxi, Gett and Uber. But on a national scale, the top three federal control rooms are confidently leading - Rutaxi, Saturn and Maxim. They prefer to stay in the background, do not disclose indicators and practically do not communicate with journalists.

“These are the real market leaders, probably even the world ones,” says Mikhail Vinogradov. “In fact, these are Russian Ubers, moreover, they are efficient and live without third-party investments.” The real masters of the market so far remain the gray cardinals in the regions, agrees the head of Cat Taxi Gennady Kotov. According to him, there is an abyss between the federal troika and the rest of the market participants. According to rough estimates, in total Rutaxi, Saturn and Maxim make about 4 million transportations per day. Their shares in this volume are 40%, 35% and 25% respectively.

So they are not at all afraid of competition with well-known metropolitan services. Yandex.Taxi, Gett and Uber occupy an absolutely microscopic share of the Russian market, - a representative of one federal network shares on condition of anonymity. “Each of us makes more trips individually than all of us put together.”

Apps don't rule

According to experts, in Moscow the share of ordering a taxi through applications reaches 65-70% (including small players), in St. Petersburg - no more than 30%, in million-plus cities - no more than 8%, and in the outback - no more than 3%. The fact is that in the regions the population has much fewer smartphones than it seems from Moscow.

In addition, navigation is bad in the regions: Mobile Internet lame in settlements with a population of less than 200 thousand. This greatly complicates the work of applications - the driver simply cannot find the passenger. Taxi drivers in small towns work the old fashioned way, with walkie-talkies. And Maxim, Rutaxi and Saturn thrive thanks to well-developed dispatching and integration with telephony.

To create a full-fledged online service in the regions, you need to thoroughly invest in local cartography in order to refine maps countryside and improve navigation capabilities, says Oksana Serebryakova, member of the board of the Association of Taxi Dispatch Services. Now taxi services from the outback rely on local drivers who are well versed in their native lands. According to the head of Cat Taxi Gennady Kotov, online does not come to the outback not because of cartography, but because local taxis are in no hurry to make applications until a strong competitor (networker) comes along.

Player Portraits

And now it's time to talk a little about the leaders of the online taxi market. If you think that we have undeservedly forgotten someone, add to the list in the comments.

All-Russian leaders

Rutaxi- mobile app and a system for ordering a taxi service "Lucky" and "Leader". This federal network of dispatching offices operates in 90 cities of Russia and 3 cities of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Astana, Karaganda). According to experts, Rutaxi accounts for about 1.6 million transportations per day - this is the largest player in the Russian market. The network cooperates with both private taxi drivers and taxi companies, relieving them of the need to maintain their own dispatchers. The application for ordering a taxi from a Rutaxi smartphone, according to them, was launched in 2011. The percentage of the commission and the number of cars "Rutaxi" does not advertise.

In each city, the “Leader” has separate legal entities registered, their type of activity is formulated as “data processing”. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the founder of almost all divisions of the network (including Lider LLC and Vezet LLC) is Ufa businessman Vitaly Bezrukov (in some places together with partners). Apparently, it was he who founded the Leader taxi service in 2003. Bezrukov has not yet appeared in the field of view of the media. In 2012, he participated in the II All-Russian Congress of Taxi Drivers. His photo can be seen on the website of the Ufa Aviation Club:


Entrepreneur Evgeny Lvov launched the Saturn taxi service in the city of Timashevsk (Krasnodar Territory) in 1998. Today the company has grown into federal network taxi, which operates in 43 cities of the country. Interlocutors of Rusbase calculated that it makes about 1.4 million shipments per day. Like its competitors, Saturn has a legal entity registered in every city, and Evgeny Lvov himself owns almost all of them. In 2012, the network launched the TapTaxi mobile application for ordering a car without the participation of a dispatcher.

In 2015, Evgeny Lvov, together with partners, launched the Fasten taxi app in the United States, which will compete with Uber itself. In September, the project was launched in Boston, and this year it will appear in Russia. Knowledgeable people say that the founders of the project have very big plans that will significantly affect the taxi market.

The history of the company began in 2003 with a small taxi service in the city of Shadrinsk (Kurgan region). The service was launched by entrepreneur Maxim Belonogov.

Maxim Belonogov

Now the company operates in 114 cities of Russia and 11 more cities in Ukraine (Mariupol, Kharkov), Kazakhstan (Aktobe, Astana, Petropavlovsk, Uralsk), Georgia (Batumi, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Rustavi) and Bulgaria (Sofia). Infoservice LLC (legal entity Maxim) makes about one million shipments per day. Judging by the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in each city, Maxim has registered entity. The founders of the regional divisions are Maxim Belonogov and Oleg Shlepanov.

"Maxim" works with private drivers, from whom it takes a commission of 10%. They work with a proprietary application and a dispatch service (90% of orders are received by phone). The average check for a trip in the network is 100 rubles. The company earns 10 million rubles a day, Sekret Firmy calculated in April. In 2011, an additional direction stood out from the company - a service for dispatching taxi companies Taxsee.

"Maxim" is the leader in the number of cities, but in many of them it is present only nominally, clarifies a critical Rusbase source.

Capital Leaders

Taxi service from Yandex entered the market in 2011. It was the initiative of the son of the founder of the corporation, Lev Volozh. The service works only with taxi companies - now Yandex.Taxi has 450 partners, which unite 30 thousand cars. In April 2015, they were processing 60,000 orders per day. Current estimates range from 100,000 to 200,000 trips per day. Today the service is available in 14 cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Sochi, Vladikavkaz, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Samara, Tula and Voronezh. Since 2016, Yandex.Taxi has been a separate company within the holding. CEO Tigran Khudaverdyan became Yandex.Taxi, who has been in charge of the service since 2014, and before that he was in charge of Yandex's mobile products.

Tigran Khudaverdyan

You can pay for the trip in cash or bank card. The commission for taxi companies is 11% + VAT, the average check for a trip in Moscow is 533 rubles. The aggregator also offers the market a professional software package for taxi services "Yandex. Taximeter", which includes a program for taxi companies and a mobile application for drivers. As stated on the product website, 1,000 companies and 200,000 cars across the country are connected to it. In January 2015, Yandex bought the Ros.Taxi service, which allows taxi companies to take orders, coordinate the work of drivers and keep records.

Israeli entrepreneur Shahar Waiser came to Russia with his GetTaxi service in 2012. Now Gett taxi (updated name) can be ordered in 10 cities of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar. In Moscow, the average check is 400-500 rubles, the Gett commission is 15%. This is more than Yandex, but Gett's functionality is wider - in addition to aggregation and user support, the company is engaged in hiring and training taxi drivers.

The service works with taxi companies and private drivers who have a license for passenger transportation. In total, about 20 thousand machines are available in the Gett system. The Russian division of the company is headed by Vitaly Krylov.

The famous American startup entered the Russian market at the end of 2013. He works with private drivers whose cars do not have taxi identification marks. A license is required to connect to the Uber system. As a matter of principle, Uber does not disclose data on the number of drivers and the commission charged from them.

The service was launched in 7 cities - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don and Sochi. The Russian office of the scandalous unicorn is run by Dmitry Izmailov. “We are interested in all cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people,” he said in an interview with Rusbase.

City-Mobil LLC is one of the largest metropolitan carriers that works with private drivers. Entrepreneur Aram Arakelyan, together with partners, created the company in 2007. The Citymobil service was one of the first to introduce software for automated distribution of orders between the nearest cars, reducing the waiting time to 10 minutes. Now more than 20 thousand taxi drivers work with it, who pay a 15% commission to the service. Citymobil is a Yandex.Taxi partner, so service drivers accept orders from both systems. In 2014, Citymobil received 10% of Moscow's orders. The service also operates in Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don and Kazan, and plans to conquer the CIS countries in the future.

"Russian Taxi Exchange"

In 2008, partners Vitaly Makhinov and Vladimir Chirkov launched Russia's first b2b taxi order aggregator for taxi companies and dispatch services - the Russian Taxi Exchange (RBT). The story began with 15 partners who were offered to exchange "uncomfortable" orders among themselves. On the this moment more than a thousand taxi fleets and dispatch services, as well as more than 50 thousand drivers, are connected to the RBT system. More than 10,000 orders a day go through RBT every day. RBT General Director - Ruslan Kalinov.

What will happen next?

Where is the Russian taxi market going? The market participants we interviewed agree that fierce competition is being replaced by cooperation based on innovation. Moreover, these changes are based on cost reduction. New players bring fresh ideas to the industry and pull passengers not from other taxis, but from public transport(helping unload it). They transfer to taxis those who could not afford it before.

Outsourcing and separation of roles optimize the costs of companies. Taxi fleets will be responsible for cars and drivers, flexible technology companies - for marketing, sales and logistics. In the regions, this will be implemented when there are enough smartphones. Taxi technologies and ideas come from related markets: cargo transportation, navigation and monitoring traffic. Technological cooperation will help overcome the crisis in the taxi industry, experts emphasize.

Often insufficient attention is paid to taxi marketing, and this is an integral and important part of the business. Start improving your business right now - this will attract additional customers to your company and give you special competitive advantages. In order to tie customers to your company as much as possible, the SeDi system already has interesting and extraordinary opportunities.

Services that you can already use for your clients:

  • Client's personal account on the group's website, personal personal account, personal card with information about the client, his personal discounts, his order history.
  • The ability to maintain a white and black list of drivers up to the choice of a specific driver for each client.
  • More than 5 options for discounts and bonuses for customers - individuals and corporate clients.
  • Automatic notifications about the status of the order, the location and arrival of the car, etc. in personal account website or SMS.
  • Customer Opportunity different ways(by phone, via SMS, on the website in your personal account, etc.) to evaluate the quality of the services provided based on the results of the trip.
  • Preliminary calculation of the cost of the trip as a standard feature of the system.
  • Possibility of advance orders to other cities.
  • Ability to generate detailed travel reports.
  • ...and much more.

Our partners have the opportunity to create their own services based on our technologies, and we are always ready to help them with this. Using and creating modern marketing tools in the taxi business, you not only develop your business, but also improve the entire transportation industry as a whole, improve the quality and attractiveness of taxi rides for end users.

Employee management is a job that requires a special approach. SeDi provides you necessary tools to control the quality of work of employees. All actions of drivers, dispatchers, managers of the company for the head - as in the palm of your hand. The manager can at any time from any place where there is Internet, control the functioning of his company and have the most reliable information in real time. If necessary, right in the program it is possible to communicate with any employee via internal telephony or using the built-in messenger.

The following information is stored in the system:

About drivers:

  • The track passed by the car with all data about speed, stops, work breaks, route changes, etc.
  • The real location of the driver at any given moment, distance from the order, status, etc.
  • Information about orders (completed, failed, current, etc.).
  • Financial indicators driver and a complete history of payment transactions on his personal account.
  • Claims for work, assessment of the quality of services provided, etc.

about controllers:

  • Number of registered orders (completed, failed, ongoing, etc.)
  • The number of calls processed (how many received, how many of them with orders, how many missed, etc.)
  • Record all telephone conversations with the ability to listen and analyze.
  • Dispatcher motivation technologies are currently being introduced.
for all employees:
  • Tool" System event" allows you to find out what actions this or that employee performed for a particular period of time.

How to ensure the popularity of a taxi company, reach a sufficient number of customers and increase profits? Marketing is great for this!

The head of each taxi company is puzzled by how to increase the popularity and, accordingly, the profitability of his company, while obtaining real opportunities for development. Can disparate actions and decisions improve the situation in the organization? Of course, they can, but it is short-term and not effective enough. An integrated approach aimed at promoting the company in the passenger transportation market will be much more effective. Thus, to achieve the best result, it is necessary to turn to marketing, whose task is to develop strategies that help position the organization in a particular sector of this business.

The initial stage in the development of a marketing strategy is market research in order to identify niches within which it would be possible to create taxi services that are beneficial to the consumer. Moscow, which has more than one airport, for example, still needs to expand taxi offers in the field of delivering passengers to airport terminals that would satisfy the needs of various categories of citizens. If we take this aspect into account, then when drawing up a plan, it is necessary to study not only consumer preferences, but also a sound approach to assessing potential competitors. In short, you must answer the following question: why should a client choose your company?

Often, the owners of taxi organizations do not understand the importance of branding their services and neglect the development of symbols, slogans, logos and appropriate vehicle design. single color Vehicle and the logos with telephone numbers of the dispatch service located on them are a great way to gain recognition, which will only play into your hands, since this factor provokes the emergence of unconscious trust in the name of the organization. Wherever a taxi goes on a call - to Butovo or Arbat, the client will recognize him from afar.

Further, an effective pricing policy is developed, a line of activity, which, among other things, can be unique. So, for example, narrow specializations of taxi companies have gained their popularity: taxis for women, baby taxi, taxi for pregnant women, etc. Such services allow you to concentrate on a specific client base and work in this direction, developing it and making it more and more attractive for potential passengers of your taxi.

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