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A few years ago, a large-scale reconstruction of the historic building of the Central Department Store (TsUM) in the center of Moscow was carried out. One of the contractors of the project for the construction of a new phase of the department store was the Belgian company Decomo, which specializes in the production of architectural precast concrete (architectural precast concrete).

The history of the building, which now houses one of the largest European department stores - TSUM, began back in the distant 1880s, when trading house Muir and Marylies, founded by the Scots Archibald Marylies and Andrew Muir, purchased the building. It was the first in Russia shopping center for middle-class people, where you could buy almost everything except groceries.

The Muir and Maryliz store very quickly became known throughout Russia, since a catalog of goods was published 4 times a year, which was sent to everyone free of charge, just like fabric samples - any resident of the country could order goods by mail. In letters to A.P. Chekhov from Yalta, you can find the following lines: “... Dear Masha, tell Meriliz as soon as possible to send me a lambskin hat, which in his autumn catalog is called a bucket (N 216), black astrakhan; choose a soft one, size 59 centimeters ... If the American caps (N 213) are warm, then let Maryliz send a cap too ... "

The modern building of the Central Department Store, built in 1908, is an example of European Gothic with Art Nouveau elements. The famous architect R.I. worked on the project of the seven-story building. Klein, author of the Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin. For the first time in Russia, reinforced concrete was used during construction. New way made it possible to significantly increase retail space due to thinner walls, dispense with traditional wide columns and use iron and steel structures to significantly increase window space.

The TSUM building was repeatedly reconstructed and expanded, but in the style of architecture typical of those times and without much brilliance. And the last reconstruction and the next expansion of the department store was carried out from 2004 to 2007. Today we will tell about this period of the life of the famous building.

The building owner wanted to see a facade that could both compete and harmonize with the original one. The Moscow architectural bureau Andrey Meyerson & Partners designed for this a classical facade with a very pronounced relief, columns with large plinths and Ionian capitals, strongly protruding cornices, and prominent joints.

At first, natural stone from the Urals was going to be used for facade cladding, but then the choice fell on architectural prefabricated concrete - a durable and ultra-modern product that provides more opportunities for translating architectural ideas into reality. At the same time, the plastic capabilities of concrete remain unrivaled.

Since architectural concrete is practically not produced in Russia, the Belgian company Decomo, which has great experience use of prefabricated and polished concrete in architecture. About one of the projects implemented by Decomo - - we have already talked about on the pages of our online magazine.

All elements of the façade were produced in Mucron in Belgium - the total area of ​​the concrete surface was approximately 6300 sq.m. with a volume of about 860 cubic meters, and the number of finished parts was made no less than 1100 pieces.

Facade elements were of 2 types. The first type, "TsUM I", up to a large cornice at a height of 13.40 m was defined as a composite self-supporting facade. Details up to 15 cm thick were installed on a prepared foundation and connected to each other with pins, and on the reverse side they were attached to the main wall with stainless steel anchors.

The second part of the façade, "TsUM II", was mounted above the large cornice and is a hinged element. Details 12 cm thick were attached with special facade anchors in drilled holes in the unfinished building.

For the manufacture of forms, Decomo specialists use various materials - mainly wood, but also metal and hard plastic.

Decomo is famous for its quality, so a 13 m high 1:1 facade sample was created at the Mukron factory. First, all facade parts were precisely assembled, the quality standard was approved and the program for supplying elements to Russia was approved.

Only after that did production begin. All 1,100 finished parts for the construction site were produced in sequence. Transportation of finished parts to Moscow took 8-10 days.

A gray-greenish color was chosen for painting the architectural concrete facades. After the installation of the facades, a team of specialists in concrete cosmetics began work. Then the facades were treated with acid and protected from graffiti and hydrophobing.

As a result, a new building for the legendary department store appeared in the center of Moscow, which, on the one hand, is in perfect harmony with the historical building of the Central Department Store, and, on the other hand, is ultra-modern in terms of the materials and construction technologies used.

TSUM, located in the very center of Moscow, in close proximity to historical monuments of cultural and architectural significance (Bolshoi and Maly Theater, Moscow Operetta, Historical Museum, Red Square, Moscow Art Theater them. A.P. Chekhov, Youth Russian State Academic Theater RAMT), as well as exhibition halls (New Manege, the Ekaterina Cultural Foundation) and hotel complexes world famous (Metropol, Ararat Park Hyatt, The Ritz Carlton).
The history of TSUM began in 1857, when two Scottish merchants Andrew Muir and Archibald Merilize founded the Muir and Merilize trading company in a building on Theater Square. Here, on the site of today's Central Department Store, a very large department store was created, like London's Whiteley and Paris's Bon Marchais. It was a great option for building such a store: Red Square, the Bolshoi and Maly theaters are nearby. Nearby was a chic Passage and Kuznetsky most- a street of expensive, prestigious shops.
"Muir and Maryliz" became the first department store in Russia - a store for the middle class. Here you could buy almost everything: shoes, clothes, perfumes, jewelry, furniture, household items, children's toys. All goods of the Moscow department store were of excellent quality, the sellers were impeccably polite and tidy. The managers of the new department store are among the first in Russia to introduce European trading standards: fixed prices, the possibility of exchanging goods, periodic sales, daily delivery of goods to all parts of the city. Also, four times a year, Muir and Marylies published a catalog of goods, which was sent free of charge to everyone, as well as samples of fabrics. Any resident of the country from Warsaw to Vladivostok could write out the goods by mail, despite the fact that the store assumed the costs of delivery (within the European part). By the end of the century, the number of departments in the store of Muir and Marylis reached 44, and the number of employees approached a thousand.
In February 1892, there was a strong fire in the store, but its consequences were quickly eliminated. “The premises were fully equipped with automatic fire extinguishers,” wrote store owner Andrew Muir, “and the damage to the goods, it seems, stemmed more from them and from the water supplied by fire engines than from fire.” Insurance covered all losses, but two firefighters died in the blaze. This misfortune further increased the despondency of the owners caused by the decline of trade.
On the evening of November 24, 1900, a second fire broke out in the store. Moscow was flooded with bright red light for many miles around, and crowds of people gathered near the building to watch such an event.
The store building burned down and it was decided to build a new building on the site of the burnt one. The project of a new seven-story building was developed by the famous architect Roman Ivanovich Klein in the English Gothic style with modern elements. For the first time in Russia, reinforced concrete was used during construction. Metal structures and the steel frame of the building, designed by the famous engineer V. G. Shukhov, were also used. Although the store was not a skyscraper, one way or another, a seven-story building was considered tall at that time. The new method of construction made it possible to significantly increase retail space due to thinner walls.
With the opening of the new department store, Muir & Merilizes reached the pinnacle of its glory. By 1913, the store had 80 departments. New shop aroused great interest due to the novelty technical equipment, European comfort and beauty of the design of the halls. The innovations of the Muir and Marylies department store were a waiting room, an information desk, a Moscow information service and two high-speed electric elevators for customers, the appearance of which was very surprising and caused a real sensation.
In 1922, with the advent of Soviet power, the store was nationalized, and on March 10 of the same year, the largest department store in the capital, Mostorg, was opened. Some time later, the store was renamed TSUM. AT
period of the Great Patriotic War The Central Department Store provided workers with a card system, and barracks were located in the premises on the upper floors of the department store.
In 1995, it was decided to reconstruct the building in order to expand the retail space through a more rational layout and organization of the retail space. In 1996, the German company ReDesign Einrichtung GmbH (Germany), a fairly well-known design and construction organization that participated in the reconstruction of the largest European supermarkets and department stores, won the tender for the creation and implementation of a project for the modernization and improvement of the department store.
In 1997, work on a new, modern look for the central building of the Central Department Store was completed. The modernization carried out made it possible to increase the area of ​​the Central Department Store to 33,000 square meters and improve the quality of the store's infrastructure. Buy things in Central. Universal. Fashionable again became prestigious and convenient.
Continuing centuries-old traditions, TSUM is today the first and main department store in the country, offering the highest quality products.
Exhibitions and art projects are held under the auspices of the TSUM Art Foundation (the foundation specializes in contemporary art). In 2007, within the framework of the 2nd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, TSUM presented the American Video Art project. In 2009, Yoko Ono's monographic exhibition "Odyssey of a cockroach" was also held here, as well as an exhibition of Chinese art "China, go!" and an installation project by artist Oleg Kulik “Moscow. TSUM.
In September 2009, TSUM organized a fundraising campaign to help orphans, and in March 2010, a photo project was presented to the public in support of the fight against cancer.

Continuing centuries-old traditions, TSUM is still the country's first and main department store offering top quality products.

TSUM is located in the very center of Moscow, in close proximity to monuments of cultural and architectural significance (Bolshoi and Maly Theatre, Moscow Operetta, Historical Museum, Red Square, Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov, Youth Russian State Academic Theater RAMT), as well as exhibition halls (New Manege, Ekaterina Cultural Foundation) and world-class hotel complexes (Metropol, Ararat Park Hyatt, The Ritz Carlton).

TSUM customers can choose from more than 1,500 brands of clothing, footwear, perfumes, cosmetics, and accessories presented on an area of ​​60,000 sq.m.

The store features such brands as Alexander McQueen, Tom Ford, Lanvin, Chloe, Balenciaga, Givenchy, Valentino, Gucci, Dolce&Gabbana, Bottega Veneta, Roberto Cavalli, Celine, Yves Saint Laurent, Victoria Beckham, Michael Kors, Roland Mouret, Loro Piana , Versace, Jimmy Choo, Emilio Pucci, Marni, Missoni, Carolina Herrera, Blumarine and others.

On the ground floor there are collections of perfumes, cosmetics, accessories, jewelry, bijouterie; on the second floor, customers will find a wide selection of men's collections, and on the third floor - worldwide famous brands women's clothing. The largest denim zone in Moscow is open on the fourth floor, where collections of jeans brands, as well as democratic brands of men's, women's and children's clothing are presented.

The history of TSUM began in 1857, when two Scottish merchants Andrew Muir and Archibald Merilize founded the Muir and Merilize trading company. In the 1880s, the company moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where five years later it opened wholesale store ladies' hats and haberdashery at the corner of Kuznetsky Most and Petrovka in the "Khomyakov House". Soon the trading house bought a building for a large store on Theater Square, on the site of today's Central Department Store. It was decided to create here a large department store, like the London "Whiteley" or the Parisian "Bon Marche".

Muir and Merilize became the first and largest department store in Russia - you could buy almost everything here: clothes, shoes, jewelry, perfumes, furniture, household items, children's toys. The goods of the Moscow department store were of excellent quality, the sellers were impeccably polite. The managers of the new department store were the first in Russia to introduce European trading standards: fixed prices, the obligation to take back or change goods, periodic sales, daily delivery of goods to all parts of the city. Four times a year, Muir and Marylies published a catalog of goods, which was sent free of charge to everyone who wanted it, just like fabric samples. Any resident of the country from Warsaw to Vladivostok could write out the goods by mail, and the store assumed the costs of delivery within the European part. By the end of the century, the total number of departments in the store of Muir and Marylis reached 44, and the number of employees approached a thousand.

The modern building of the Central Department Store, built in 1908, is an example of European Gothic with Art Nouveau elements. The well-known architect R.I. Klein, the author of the project “Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin. For the first time in Russia, reinforced concrete was used during construction. The new method made it possible to significantly increase retail space due to thinner walls, dispense with traditional wide columns and use iron and steel structures to significantly increase window space.

With the opening of the new building, Muir & Marylies reached the pinnacle of its glory. By 1913, the store had 80 departments. The new store aroused great interest due to the novelty of technical equipment, European comfort and the beauty of the design of the halls. The innovations of the Muir & Marylies department store were an information desk, a waiting room, a Moscow information service and two high-speed electric elevators for customers, the appearance of which caused a real sensation. “In the eyes of Muscovites,” a contemporary wrote, “Muir and Merilize is, as it were, an exhibition of everything that the capital sells in relation to the tastes of both rich, high-society circles and the middle strata of the population.”

With the advent of Soviet power, the store was nationalized, and on March 10, 1922, the largest department store in the capital, Mostorg, was opened. Subsequently, the store was renamed TSUM.

In 1995, it was decided to reconstruct the building in order to expand the retail space through a more rational layout and organization of the retail space. Work on the new, modern look of the central building of the Central Department Store was completed in 1996. The modernization made it possible to increase trading area up to 32,900 thousand square meters with a qualitative improvement of the store's infrastructure. In 2004, the construction of a new TSUM building began, which was completed by 2007.

Today, TSUM is the only department store in Russia that fully corresponds to its world analogues, and the main point of fashion on the city map.

Today, TSUM presents collections of more than 1,500 well-known European and world brands of clothing, footwear, accessories, perfumes, and cosmetics on an area of ​​60,000 sq.m.

The store presents such brands as Alexander McQueen, Tom Ford, Lanvin, Chloe, Balenciaga, Givenchy, Valentino, Gucci, Dolce&Gabbana, Bottega Veneta, Roberto Cavalli, Prada, Celine, Yves Saint Laurent, Victoria Beckham, Michael Kors, Roland Mouret, Loro Piana, Versace, Jimmy Choo, Emilio Pucci, Marni, Missoni, Carolina Herrera, Blumarine and others.

Trading lines. After his death, the passage was bought by Golofteev. And in 1892, the store of the Scots Andrew Muir and Archibald Marylis opened here.

The ruble has fallen horribly due to low grain prices and poor harvests for two years. Both production and wholesale trade are in poor condition. Muir & Merilizes are phasing out their wholesaling business and are going to switch entirely to retail, which is far less risky.

Muir & Merilizes was the first middle-class store where you could buy everything but groceries. The goods were High Quality and the vendors are incredibly polite. The Moscow store Muir and Maryliz became known throughout Russia: it sent catalogs free of charge, and any resident of the country could order goods by mail with free shipping.

There was also a special room without windows. It was illuminated by gas lamps, and Moscow fashionistas could imagine how the chosen outfits would look in the evening in or on Tverskoy Boulevard.

On November 24, 1900, the Muir and Marylies store burned down. Only the walls remained of the building. The owners commissioned the design of the new building to Roman Klein.

Guide to Architectural Styles

We decided to build in the style of English Gothic. At the same time, reinforced concrete was used for the first time. And already in 1908 the store opened again. It was innovative in terms of equipment: an information desk, a waiting room and a restaurant worked for buyers. Electric elevators have become a sensation. True, at first this novelty frightened buyers.

The room, bright as light itself, easily, airy slides up and down, taking away and bringing in ladies, gentlemen, children, falling into the spans of floors with the fearlessness of sorcery, emerging from the abyss with the invulnerability of bewitchment ... When someone's hand firmly takes my hand and we are moving towards what is called the "elevator" - courage is leaving me, and I am already preparing for my "i-i-i" ...
But Musya's posture and face sober me: she's afraid, I can see it very well - she's as pale as when she's sick, but she smiles a little with the corners of her lips and steps forward to the elevator. Our feet step like a boat, resilient on the waves, and, enveloped in brilliance, like you are in a mirror, we slowly slide up past the floating ceilings (he is the ceiling and the floor at once) ... we were led once again to the elevator. He was driving down. The floor broke off under our foot, flew, as in a dream, with a terrible slip, weakness became in my body, my feet were scalded with fear, and I flooded, to the shame and contempt of Musya, for the whole "Mure and Merilize" "i-i-i .. .

Metal structures and steel frame of the building designed by V.G. Shukhov provided an abundance of light and interior space. And visitors were greeted by another engineering novelty - revolving doors. But buyers sometimes found themselves squeezed by the structure, which is why the doors were dubbed "traps". Those who gaped could get a savory crack or a kick with a sash. As a result, due to the large number of complaints, the revolving doors were removed.

Muir and Marylies remained a luxury store. They said that you can enter it naked and come out fully clothed. And not just get out, but ride a bike. Not surprisingly, the saleswomen were selected very carefully. The people called them murmerilizochki.

After the revolution, Muir and Merilize was nationalized. In the 1920s, it opened under the name "Mostorg". Soon this name was changed to the usual "TSUM" - the Central Department Store.

There you could buy anything - from paper clips to luxurious mink coats. Also in TSUM, for the first time in Russia, a self-service system was tested.

In the 1970s, a new building was added to the store. And a few years ago, another part appeared. Now the Central Department Store occupies a whole block.

The current advertisement considers the word "shop" dissonant and claims that TSUM stands for "Central. Universal. Fashionable". Now, more than 1,500 brands of clothing, footwear, perfumes, cosmetics and accessories are represented on five of the seven floors of the Central Department Store. And on the roof they plan to arrange summer terraces with cafes and restaurants.

They say that......Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was very fond of Muir and Maryliz and even named his dogs by these names.
... crooks-gorodushniks were operating in the Central Department Store. They hid in a secluded corner before the store closed. And at night they went fishing: they overate on delicacies, gained valuables. After the store opened, they disappeared.
There were even schoolchildren among the city dwellers. Once a couple of girlfriends "went out on business." First, they ate sweets, then doused themselves with expensive perfumes and put on new clothes. Finally, the girls drank some light wine. And in the morning they were found sleeping in luxurious beds in the furniture department.
...TSUM was famous for its ice cream. For crispy waffle cups with scoops of vanilla and chocolate ice cream, long queues lined up to the surprise of foreigners.

What do you know about the TSUM shopping center?

This year, one of the oldest stores in Moscow turns 110 years old. The neo-Gothic building with Art Nouveau elements, which now houses this store, was built in its present form in 1908 according to the design of the architect Roman Klein for the Muir and Marylies company.

1. After the revolution, "Muir and Maryliz" was nationalized, the building on Petrovka was occupied by Mostorg, and in 1922 - the Central Department Store (TSUM).

The Muir & Marylies Company was founded in 1857. Scots Andrew Muir and Archibald Merilize studied in St. Petersburg wholesale trade English lace, fabrics and other goods coming from the British Empire. They settled in Russia in the first half of the 19th century and moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow in the 1980s.

2. In Moscow, Muir and Merilize opened in 1888 a wholesale shop for ladies' hats and haberdashery on Kuznetsky Most. It was Russia's first shopping center for middle-class people, where you could buy almost everything except groceries.
The four-story building at Kuznetsky Most, 19 is known as tenement house with the shops of Prince Andrei Gagarin, built in two phases: designed by architects V. A. Kossov and R. I. Klein.

Soon the Muir and Maryliz trading house bought a building for a large store on Theater Square, on the site of today's Central Department Store. The store on this site opened on September 10, 1885 - in a three-story building converted into a store by Roman Klein.

Photo 1900. To the right of the Bolshoi Theater - the old building "Muir and Marylis".

In the same year, "Muir and Merilize" begins trading by mail. Four times a year, the store published a catalog of goods, which, along with fabric samples, was sent free of charge to everyone. The cost of delivery of ordered items (within the European part of Russia) the company took over.

Muir and Marylise. Catalog "Autumn-Winter 1913/1914"

In November 1900, a fire completely destroyed the store building on Petrovka. And already in December, "Muir and Maryliz" opened in a new place. For some time the company had a wholesale shop for ladies' hats and haberdashery at the corner of Kuznetsky Most and Petrovka (in the Khomyakov house).

Khomyakov Trading House (Kuznetsky Most, 6/13) Photo: User:Sigwald

3. In 1906, the construction of a new building began. Architect Roman Klein designed a seven-storey Neo-Gothic department store. This is the first building in Moscow where reinforced concrete structures were used, the same ones were used in the construction of skyscrapers in New York. The store was innovative in terms of equipment: an information desk, a waiting room, two elevators and a restaurant were equipped for customers. The widespread use of metal structures and the steel frame of the building, designed by the famous engineer V.G. Shukhov, provided an abundance of light and interior space.

4. The stylistic decision of the building caused controversy among contemporaries - for Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century it was to some extent an anachronism.

10. In August 1908, the General Store of the "Commercial and Industrial Association of Muir and Merilize" was opened. The building was completely built in two and a half years. 1.5 million rubles were spent on the construction - for that time a very large investment.

11. In December 1918, the store was nationalized. Under the name "Shop No. 1" entered the Moscow Commune. According to contemporaries, the department store was looted and closed in a short time.

12. In March 1922, Mostorg opened - the largest department store in the country. The main buyers were workers who purchased goods using the limit books issued to them.

13. In 1933, the department store gets a new name - TSUM, Central Department Store.

14. At the beginning of the war, barracks were equipped on the upper floors of the Central Department Store, and trading on cards continued on the lower floors.

15. In 1944, the Central Department Store was the first of the Moscow stores to be transferred to trade without cards at commercial prices. Factories were assigned to the Central Department Store, which produced goods only by order of the department store.

16. In 1955, the Central Department Store was the first of the Soviet stores to open access to goods for customers. The obstacle in the form of a counter and a seller disappeared. Buyers chose goods according to the presented samples and paid for it at the checkout.
In 1961, TSUM opened 12 branches. The most famous are Petrovsky Passage and the Svetlana store, which sold exclusively women's clothing. In 1965, the Central Department Store switched to self-supporting.

17. In 1976, a new building of the Central Department Store was built, strikingly different from the previous one. In 2004-2007, another building was built.

18. Now TSUM is a huge department store - collections of more than two thousand brands are located on an area of ​​​​70 thousand square meters. Among them are Dolce&Gabbana, Valentino, Celine, Ralph Lauren, Alexander McQueen, Brioni, Loro Piana, Chopard, Rolex, Graff, Garrard, Patek Philippe and others.

19. The department store has gone from being accessible to everyone to a luxury goods store - clothes, shoes, accessories and perfumes. On the TSUM website, they even report that since the beginning of 2016, prices in the department store have been equated to Milan.

20. Over the past 110 years, the Central Department Store has changed many times, and to much to my regret from the interior, in general, almost nothing remained.


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