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In this article I will tell you how to write a resume in 2019 on concrete examples. Resume templates can be downloaded in Word and easily edited.

Hello dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

As you already understood from the title, today we will talk about getting a job, namely well-written resume. There is a lot of literature on the Internet on this subject, but I did not find a clear and understandable instruction. Therefore, I offer my instructions, compiled according to an accessible and simple algorithm.

Be sure to read the article to the end - in the final you are waiting for download!

1. What is a resume and what is it for?

If you still do not quite understand what a resume is, I propose to give it a definition:

Summary- this is brief self-presentation in writing of your professional skills, achievements and personal qualities that you plan to successfully implement in your future job in order to receive compensation for them (for example, in the form of money or other type of compensation)

I myself in the past had to write a resume when applying for a job. Indeed, without this, no employer will even know about you and your professional skills.

I remember when I sat down to write my resume for the first time, it took me a lot of time to competently compose it and arrange it according to all standards. And since I like to understand everything thoroughly, I also studied the issue of its correct spelling very deeply. For this, I spoke with professional specialists on personnel and studied a large number of articles on the topic.

Now I know how to write a resume correctly and I will gladly share it with you.

I share with you samples of my resumes, which I wrote personally for myself:

(you can download them for free)

Thanks to my ability to write professional resumes I have never had difficulty getting a job. So my knowledge is reinforced practical experience and are not dry academic theory.

So what's the secret to writing good resume? Read about it below.

2. How to write a resume - 10 easy steps

Before moving on to the steps, I want you to remember 3 main rules for successful resume writing:

Rule number 1. Write the truth, but not the whole

Focus on your strengths and don't talk too much about your weaknesses. You will be asked about them at the interview, be prepared for this.

Rule number 2. Stick to a clear structure

The summary is written on 1-2 sheets, no more. Therefore, try to briefly and succinctly state in it all the necessary information, even if there is a lot of it.

Take care of the accurate formatting of the resume text, its structured presentation. Since no one is pleased to read abracadabra.

Rule number 3. Be optimistic and cheerful

Positive people attract success. In your case, a new job.

So, let's move on to the structure of the resume.

Step 1. Resume Title

Here you must write the word "Summary" itself and indicate to whom it is drawn up.

All this is written in one line.

For example: CV Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Then your potential employer will immediately understand who owns the resume. For example, you have previously called a company you are interested in in order to find out if they still have this vacancy open. You were given a positive response and offered to send a resume.

At the end of the first step, your resume will look like this:

Step 2. Purpose of the resume

It must be remembered that your resume must have a purpose. Correctly formulate it as follows (phrase):

The purpose of the resume is to apply for the position of an accountant

Since at this moment you are called that - an applicant, that is, a person, job seeker, potentially claiming it.

At the end of the second step, your resume will look like this:

Step 3. Applicant and his data

At this point, you must write the following:

  • date of birth;
  • address;
  • contact number;
  • e-mail;
  • marital status.

At the end of the third step, your resume should look like this:

Step 4. Education

If you have several formations, then write them in order.

For example:

Moscow State University, 2005-2010,

Speciality: accountant (bachelor)

Moscow State University, 2007-2013,

Speciality: translator in the field of professional communication (bachelor)

At this stage, your resume should look like this:

Step 5. Experience

Please note that the “work experience” column is written in the resume starting from the most recent place of your work, if it is not the only one, and starting from the period spent in this position.

For example:

Job title: chief accountant's assistant;

Job title: accountant

So we have already written half of the resume, it should look like this:

Step 6. Job Responsibilities

This item in the resume is not always required if the vacancy you are applying for is quite common, and you held a similar position at a previous job.

Sometimes this item can be included in the previous one by writing your own official duties immediately after the post.

Step 7. Achievements in previous jobs

The item "Achievements" is one of the most important in the resume! It is much more important than education and even work experience.

Your potential employer wants to know what exactly he will pay you wages for. Therefore, it is very important to mention when writing a resume about all significant achievements in previous jobs. At the same time, please note that it is correct to write in words that are the so-called "markers" for employees personnel services reviewing your resume.

For example, it is correct to write:

  • increased sales volumes by 30 percent in 6 months;
  • developed and implemented new technology into production;
  • shortened equipment maintenance costs by 40%.

Wrong to write:

  • worked to increase sales;
  • took part in a project to create a new technology;
  • reduced equipment costs.

As you can see, it is also important to write specific numbers, as they very clearly reflect the essence of your achievements.

Now your resume looks like this:

Step 8. Additional Information

Here you need to describe your strengths, professional knowledge and skills that will directly help you to better and better perform the tasks assigned to you at a new job.

Usually they write the following:

  1. Knowledge of computers and specialized software. This is true for office workers and employees whose direct work is connected with a PC. For example, for designers, accountants, programmers, office managers.
  2. Proficiency in foreign languages. If your future job involves reading, translating or communicating in a foreign language and you speak it to a certain extent, be sure to write about it. For example: English spoken.
  3. Having a car and driving skills. If your work involves business trips and you often have to drive a car, for example, while working sales representative, then you should indicate the presence of your car, as well as the category of driver's license and experience.

Thus, in additional information along with computer proficiency and a foreign language, write: there is a personal car, category B, 5 years of experience.

Step 9. Personal qualities

There is no need to describe too many qualities here, especially if they do not apply to your future work. You can be a kind and sympathetic person who loves children and respects your friends, but a potential employer will not be interested in reading about your “cordiality” and rich inner world.

For example, if you are applying for the position of an accountant, then it would be good to write here: composure, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency, mathematical mindset, ability to analyze.

If you are applying for more creative profession, let's say a designer or creator, then it should be indicated here: developed creative imagination, sense of style, non-standard view of the problem, healthy perfectionism.

It will be great if you mention your full name at the end of your resume. and positions of your former managers, as well as indicate their contact numbers so that your potential employer or his representative can verify your professionalism by receiving feedback about you from your former direct supervisors.

Even if your potential employer does not call your former supervisors, the mere fact of having contacts for recommendations will significantly increase his confidence in you.

At the very end of the resume, you must indicate when you are ready to start working, here you can also indicate the desired level of remuneration.

The final look of your resume:

Congratulations! Your resume is 100% ready!

To find the job of your dreams, you need to post your resumes on Internet portals. A very convenient and simple site for job search is JOB.RU. Here you can very quickly and today receive the first call from the employer.

Finally, here are a few resume samples that can be slightly adjusted and immediately used to send to your potential employer.

3. 2019 resume samples for all occasions - 50 ready-made resumes!

Friends, I have a big present for you - 50 ready-made resumes for the most common professions! All resume samples are very competently and professionally compiled by me personally and you can download them in Word for free. This is very convenient, now you do not need to search for them on the Internet on different sites, since everything is in one place.

Use on health! :)

And also you can use online service Simpledoc to . This service allows you to immediately send a resume to an employer or print it on a printer.

Ready resume templates for download (.doc):

TOP 3 most downloaded resumes:

List of ready-made resumes for download:

  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 43 Kb)
  • (doc, 47 Kb)
  • (doc, 44 Kb)
  • (doc, 46 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)
  • (doc, 45 Kb)

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers, on the pages of my blog. Today we continue to solve problems related to employment and talk about how to send your resume to an employer by e-mail. For some, this may seem like a completely banal operation that does not deserve special attention, but do not underestimate this point, because even here you can miss and lose your chances to get a dream job.

From this article you will learn:

At present, the Internet has firmly entered our lives, more and more of our compatriots, from preschool children to pensioners, are happy to master the computer, playing online games, using online stores, ordering meals and watching movies. Therefore, it is quite logical that the first, in absentia, acquaintance of the employer with the candidacy of a potential employee now also increasingly takes place via the Internet - via e-mail.

This is a great way to save precious time, because now everyone who wants to get a job in the company does not need to be interviewed - just select a few of the most suitable resumes. Despite the fact that such a practice is very convenient, not everyone can appreciate its positive aspects, because someone is used to having people at their disposal precisely in person, but it’s not at all possible for the employer to be “hooked” by this.

Sending a resume letter to an employer e-mail, it is important to somehow attract his attention. But how can this be done if the message can simply be lost among spam and letters from other applicants? There are certain tricks that will increase the likelihood that the resume will get to its addressee and be read by them, and we will talk about this below. In fact, all this is not at all difficult, the main thing is to follow simple rules and do not try to hope for a lucky coincidence. In such an important issue as job search, with this, alas, not everyone is lucky.

Why send a resume by email?

As mentioned above, there is a certain business etiquette in the field of employment today. It means that before you appear for an interview in person, a potential employer will receive your resume by e-mail and decide if you are a good fit for him, based on the information received from this document. To come to the office and demand that they immediately talk to you about employment is at least incorrect, because the manager who is responsible for this issue may simply not have time for this.

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, and in some cases this works - bosses may like your confidence and you will get a job. However, I repeat, this is just an exception to the rule, because, with a greater degree of probability, they will think of you that you are not a very well-mannered person, and simply do not want to do business with you. So with business etiquette we figured it out.

The second point is that the resume should be sent by e-mail - it can be the mail of the head of the organization, the head of the personnel department, the manager responsible for recruiting, or a corporate mailbox.

In any case, the subject of the letter should indicate that this is a response to a specific vacancy. Is it possible to give the document to the secretary or send it by regular mail? It is possible, but not the fact that it will not get lost among other business papers and correspondence.

By the way, sometimes it is great to simplify the task on a site specially designed for this, sending only a link to employers. This is not always a good decision, as someone may take your letter for a viral mailing list and refuse to follow the link. It is better to duplicate the resume with a text document, formatting it according to the model.

What should be in the letter and what should not be there?

Even if you figured it out correctly, this is not a guarantee of success. When sending an email to an employer, you must without fail take care of the following things:

  • a readable format of a text document (resume) that you attach to the body of the letter;
  • transmittal letter, short and concise, written in accordance with the requirements that formal business style(you can specify more detailed information in it - experience, preferences, motivation);
  • the subject of the letter - this item is mandatory, otherwise your message may easily end up in the spam folder.

If you have taken these points into account, your letter is sustained in the best traditions of business correspondence and, at least, will not cause a subconscious negative assessment in the addressee. By the way, this is a little strange, but sometimes even the mailbox address can play a role. Perhaps you registered your email in high school or while studying at the university, and used a name for this that you found funny, interesting, or meaningful. Now put yourself in the shoes of an employer who received an email from a person with the email address "homyak_ubiytca" who is applying for the position of Deputy General Manager.

So, if the address of your mailbox is original, it’s better to get yourself another one for official correspondence, and use the surname and initials for its name.

Don't get carried away with smilies. An exception is if the vacancy was presented in an informal style, and the overall corporate image involves communication in this format. Now this is no longer a rarity, but still, if you get a job in a company that adheres to the traditional style of communication between employees, it is better to refrain from emoticons. Slang and profanity are also unacceptable.

Step-by-step algorithm for sending a letter to the employer's email

You may not be familiar with modern technologies, and even such an ordinary operation as sending a letter can cause difficulties. Especially for you - a step-by-step list of actions that you need to take.

  • log in to the mail by entering your username and password;
  • select the column "write a message" in the menu and click on it with the left mouse button;
  • specify the subject of the letter;
  • type text (or copy prepared in advance) in the dialog box that appears;
  • find the “attach” icon at the bottom, click on it and select the desired file in the window that appears;
  • specify the recipient;
  • press the "send" button.

Now take a look at a few useful tips, which may come in handy when you send a letter to a company where you want to work.

  • Try to send a letter in the morning or in the evening. As a rule, this is the time when most people check their mailbox, and your message will be much more likely to be noticed. If the resume is sent to the post office during the day, after it you may receive several notifications about promotions and letters from competitors, the addressee may not reach your message.
  • Report your letter. Mail by mail, and no one canceled the phone. After submitting your resume, simply call the HR department, tell them you are interested in working for this company, and you can check your resume by checking your mailbox. If you are confident enough, ask the department to call you back and tell you when you can come for an interview.
  • When writing a resume, first type the text of the cover letter, check if you did it correctly, then attach the document (of course, also carefully checked). Only after that you should write the address of the employer, because one wrong mouse movement - and you run the risk of sending him an indistinct piece of text, in which, perhaps, there will also be errors. The first impression is very easy to spoil, so it will be safer to play it safe.
  • If the employer asks you to send some other files in addition to your resume, for example, a photo, a copy of work book or a document on education, it is highly desirable if all this is placed in one file. This helps organize information about you and speeds up decision making.
  • If you plan to submit a resume to several companies at once, it is better to do this not by mailing, but by sending individual messages to everyone. Why? Yes, because a potential employer will not at all enter into a struggle with “competitors” for the opportunity to employ you in their own company. Most likely, he will consider that you are a “random guest” who does not seriously consider his vacancy and sent a resume “for show”, and will not answer you with a positive verdict.

Today it is simply impossible to find a job without a well-written resume. In the 21st century, a resume is a modern tool that helps many citizens find a job for themselves online. Such a document will immediately tell the employer about all your strengths and weaknesses, so he should pay attention and approach the issue as seriously as possible. Now it is possible to create and download a competent resume with a photo online using an online designer in just three steps.

How to write a good resume

In the labor market in our country, this format of the applicant's presentation is quite popular. But, unfortunately, most people now cannot competently write their own resume. Everyone should be able to do this, since your employment, respectively, and your future fate depend on it.

Success will depend directly on the literacy of the document. Here it is necessary to demonstrate to the future employer your positive aspects. Such a simple paper, which can be compiled even in the standard word program, is able to form the first impression of the employee with the boss.

The basic rule for constructing a resume is to attract the attention of a manager. The purpose of this document is to ensure that in a few minutes of reviewing the paper, the manager is 100% sure that he has found the right person.

Remember! The resume should not be written by hand. Drawing up such a document will immediately demonstrate your ability to work at a computer, so submit the paper in print, or give preference to online distribution.

In addition, it is worth paying attention when creating a resume:

  • literacy;
  • readability.

How to create a resume

We present to your attention our online resume constructor, consisting of a ready-made template with a photo, in which you can easily create and download your document in doc (word) format.

How to create our CV online? And everything is very easy and simple, consisting of only three steps:

First step

You will need to fill in the following information:

  • indicate your purpose (the position you are applying for);
  • check the box if you are ready for business trips;
  • indicate the employment that is suitable (full-time, part-time, project, internship or volunteering);
  • work schedule (full-time, shift or flexible schedule, distant work, on a rotational basis);
  • level is also required. wages(we recommend that you look on the Internet about earnings for the position in your region that you indicated, or even better, leave this moment already at the second stage of getting a job);
  • provide contact details (phone number and email address);
  • personal information about the applicant (city of residence; indicate whether you are ready to move or not; citizenship; date of birth; education; gender; marital status; presence of children);
  • work experience (work experience and professional skills). If this is the first job, then you can disable this item;
  • education ( educational institution, graduation date, faculty, specialty, form of education);
  • courses and trainings (name of the course, educational institution, duration of training, graduation date);
  • language skills and computer skills;
  • Additional Information;
  • attach a photo.

If you are having trouble completing the form, please click "how it works?", and for a great example, we recommend that you look at ready samples summary, where you can borrow information about what you can write additionally.

Second step

Third step

Your resume has been compiled and verified, all that remains is to buy a subscription that will give you the opportunity to use the service for a week, download it in doc (word) format, print it or immediately send it to your future employer.

Why choose our service for creating a resume

  1. Simple document creation process. It consists of only three steps.
  2. Throughout the creation, you have before your eyes many clues taken from our database.
  3. If you find that you made a mistake somewhere, you can always go back and correct it.
  4. Using our service to create a CV, you will get the desired result that meets all the requirements and design standards.
  5. A properly created document will have a positive impact on the manager's impression of you. And it will also help increase the chances of getting a position in the company.
  6. The best option is with a place for an image, since the employer may ask for a photo, you paste it yourself.

We wish you good luck in your job search!

Most job seekers find vacancies on specialized sites on the Internet. Many of the employers in the ad immediately indicate the email address to which the resume should be sent. But not everyone knows how to do it right. Can help step-by-step instruction how to send a resume to an employer by mail.

Preparatory stage

First of all, it is important to correctly compose the specified document in in electronic format. If you do not know how best to arrange it, then you can use the templates offered by our site and recommendations for filling out. In them you will find the main sections that you need to fill out when compiling a resume. Do not deviate too much from the set standard. It is convenient for recruiters to view a clear structured document in which all the information is arranged in the usual order for them. Such a resume is more likely to be read and appreciated.

Please note that when sending the specified document by e-mail, it is necessary to make a cover letter. It is best to send your resume as an attachment. This will allow the recruiter to view the document, download and print it if necessary. in the body itself email you can write a cover letter directly. According to the established rules, it should contain an appeal to a potential employer and a request to consider your resume for the proposed vacancy.

Important nuances

In addition to preparing a competent resume and compiling a cover letter, there are a number of points to consider. Please note that the recruiter will see the name of the document under which you saved the resume. Therefore, it must be neutral. It would be better if you can immediately see who sent it. So it will not get lost among the mass of similar downloaded documents. For example, you can call it "Resume_Starchenko_economist".

But that's not all. Look at the name of your email box. It is unlikely that the employer will be able to seriously evaluate the document sent with [email protected] or [email protected] It's not hard to start a new mailbox from which you can email your resume. Its name can be, for example, your first name-surname or a combination of last name and date of birth. Almost all mail systems, when registering a new mailbox, offer several options for its name, based on the data you specified.

After sending the letter, you can call back the company whose vacancy you are interested in and find out if they received your message. Better to do it the next day. Do not think that you can seem intrusive. On the contrary, it will only emphasize that you are still interested in the proposed vacancy. In addition, after phone call you will be sure that the potential employer received your letter, and it did not go unnoticed, falling into the spam folder.

In the subject of the message, it is desirable to indicate the name of the vacancy that interests you. But you can do it in the body of the document. Please note that in large firms Several vacancies can be open at the same time, and following this rule will greatly facilitate the recruiter's task of sorting correspondence and increase your chances.

Step-by-step instruction

Having dealt with the main nuances of preparing documents and their execution, you can proceed directly to sending them.

  1. Go to your mailbox from which you will send your resume. Find the "Write a letter" button and click on it.
  2. In the "to" column, indicate the employer's e-mail, it can be copied directly from the vacancy announcement.
  3. In the subject line, enter the title of the position you are interested in. You can do this in the following way: Resume of assistant chief accountant.
  4. In the body of the email, write a short cover letter. In it, you can contact a potential employer and offer to consider your candidacy for the presented vacancy. You can also express your willingness to provide additional information at the interview.
  5. The resume itself can be sent as an attached (attached) file. Pay attention to its name. Please note that in some companies the MS Word format is considered obsolete, in addition, *.doc documents may contain viruses, so some may simply ignore them. Even if you decide to create a document in Word, it is better to save it in *.txt or *.rtf format.
  6. Check the size of the attached file before sending. According to the established rules, it should not be more than 250 Kb.

Knowing the basic nuances does not guarantee you employment. But it will help improve your chances. A competent approach to preparing a resume and sending it allows the recruiter to understand that you are interested in the proposed vacancy and you have the skills business communication. Therefore, it is better not to rush, but to see an example of how to correctly write the specified document and a cover letter to it, as well as take into account all the nuances of sending a resume.

In the life of almost every person, it may be necessary to find or change jobs, which may require a well-written resume. At the same time, many applicants often have a vague idea of ​​how a resume is written, what is its structure and features of filling. In this case, various network services come to our aid, which will semi-automatically help you compose your resume, and then save it to your PC for free. In this article, I will tell you how to create a high-quality resume online and save it for free, and what services will help us with this.

Most network services for creating resumes online work in a semi-automatic mode, requiring the user to enter the necessary information in windows specially designed for this. You go to one of these resources, choose a resume template (short, professional, extended, etc.). And then you begin to consistently fill in the information in special windows, starting from your full name and date of birth, and ending with a list of professional skills.

After the process is completed, you will be able to view appearance your resume, and then download it to your PC (usually in pdf, doc and other formats).

At the same time, remember that despite the automatic nature of creating such a resume, you need to adhere to the basic requirements for a resume, namely:

  • A clear indication of the desired position and the desired salary;
  • Conciseness in writing a resume;
  • Reasonableness and balance when adding information (thoroughly consider whether to include a link to your profiles in your resume in in social networks and etc.);
  • General literacy and lack of spelling errors;
  • The presence of a recent photo.

The best online resume writing services

Let's move on to listing the list of services that will help you write a resume online, and then save it to your computer for free. will allow you to create the right resume

The service is an excellent Russian-language service for creating a resume on the Internet online. The resource boasts a figure of half a million resumes created with its help, and the process of creating such documents is very convenient, free, and fast. At each stage of compiling a summary, you will find the necessary explanations that will help facilitate the process of creating a document.

  1. To get started, go to the resource and click on the button " Create resume».
  2. You will find the sequence of filling in all elements of the resume, starting from the elements of your biography, and ending with the specifics of work skills and certificates received.
  3. The process is divided into several stages, after filling in the information at one stage, you need to click on the button " The next step” and continue the document creation process.
  4. At the end, you will need to upload your photo, and then download your resume in PDF format by clicking on the appropriate button above. service with templates

The second service for collecting information about myself, which I want to talk about, is The service has 20 resume templates to choose from, has a Russian-language character, while for free saving the received resume in pdf format, you must post a post about the service on social networks.

Thus, you will consistently fill in the fields of personal information, education, work experience, achievements and other important elements of the resume. To save the received resume for free, click on the "Save to PDF" button, select the option to repost on social networks (this will give you the opportunity to download your resume for free), and save your resume to your PC. - resume generator

Another Russian-language resource for creating a resume is The specifics of working with it does not differ significantly from other services of a similar plan, while recently the resource may be unstable.

  1. To apply for a resume online, go to this service, and click on the "Create resume" button.
  2. The resource will offer you to go through 4 steps in creating a resume, sequentially filling in all the required fields at the bottom of the page.
  3. After going through all 4 steps and filling in the required data, click on the “Done” button below, and then on “View resume”.
  4. If everything suits you in your resume, click on the "Save in doc format" button (saving in document format is not active at the time of writing this material, only in ).


The functionality of the service in compiling a resume is no different from the sites I have already mentioned and, while its functionality is intended primarily for residents of Ukraine (the desired salary level is indicated in hryvnias). Otherwise, this is a typical resource with functionality that allows you to create a resume online.

  1. Go to this site, and then click on the "Create resume" button.
  2. After that, the resource will prompt you to upload your photo, as well as fill in other data.
  3. After filling in all the required data, click on "Download resume in pdf".


For users who want to create a resume online at English language, I recommend Unlike other English-language resume writing services (mostly paid), this service is free, does not require registration, you can save your result in doc (preferred), pdf and other formats

  1. Make the transition to this resource and click on the "Start" button.
  2. Choose your preferred style for your resume, and click on the "Next" button.
  3. After that, start filling in the lines of your resume sequentially, then click on "Next" and move on to the next line.
  4. After filling in all the data, click on "Save", save the resulting html file, open it with any browser, and then click on the "Edit My Resume" button.
  5. To save your resume to PC, select the "word" export format below, then click "Export resume" to save it to PC.


In this article, I have described online tools to help create a resume, which then allow you to save it for free to your computer. All these services have a simple and accessible interface, offering a consistent input of the necessary information, which is accompanied by the necessary explanations of the resource. Use the functionality of these services to create your resume online, and then print it on a printer for greater convenience.

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