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Most people believe that by writing a resume, they already have a good chance of being hired for the job of their dreams. However, few people know that one resume, or Curriculum Vitae (CV), is not enough. It is necessary to make sure that the employer of the many resumes sent to him is the first to consider yours. You can (and should) tell about your professional suitability and motivation with the help of a cover letter - Cover Letter (or Cover Letter for CV). An example in English will be discussed in this article.

How to Write a Cover Letter in English

You will learn what a cover letter should include and get a common algorithm for writing a cover letter for your resume. For some professions, how to write will be given separately.

The named letter includes words of greeting, the reason for the letter, a description of the skills and abilities of the candidate for the position, and words of farewell. In the following, we will consider each item in a similar way.

Greeting or address

As in any appeal to the addressee, it should also be present in the Cover letter. Example in English: "Dear Mr. Smith! Smith!) or Dear Ms. Adams!" (Dear Mrs. Adams) If possible, you should find out the name of the person you are going to contact. If this is not possible, then you can simply limit yourself to “Dear Hiring Manager!” (Dear Human Resources Manager). The greeting "Hello" or "Hi" (Hello) should be avoided, as it suggests more. Also, you should not write in a generalized way: "To whom it may concern" (To whom it may concern).

However, if you are writing a cover letter in English for Russian company, then it may be more familiar just “Good morning, Alexander Mikhailovich” ( Good morning, Alexander Mikhailovich) or "Hello, Marina Segreevna" (Hello, Marina Sergeevna).

After the greeting, leave one line blank and introduce yourself. "My name is Maria Pavlova" (My name is Maria Pavlova) or "My name is Sergei Kotov" (My name is Sergei Kotov). After this sentence, you also need to skip one line.

Reason for the letter

Next, you need to state the purpose and reason for the letter in your Cover Letter. An example in English: “I am writing to apply for the position of a manager…” (I am writing to you about a manager’s vacancy…) or « I saw your job vacancy on the ... website ”(I found your job vacancy on the ... website.” In the latter case, you can attach a link to the vacancy.

It may also be an option when your potential employer asks you to send him your resume. Even if he does not say anything about the cover letter, this does not mean at all that it does not need to be written. It's just that the employer takes it for granted that the candidate already knows that the resume must be supported by a cover letter. In this case, you can write the following phrase in the Cover Letter: “I "m now sending you my resume as you asked" (I am sending you my resume, as you asked). If your friend recommended this vacancy or company to you, you can write: “ Alex Jones, a colleague of mine, said that your company is looking for a lawyer” (My colleague Alex Jones told me that your company is looking for a lawyer).

Here are some more examples:

"I would like to learn about employment opportunities in the sales department mentioned on website of your company"

It's also worth mentioning that you attach your resume (and portfolio, if required) to your cover letter. “Please find my resume and portfolio attached to this email” (I am attaching an archive with my resume and portfolio to this letter).

Brief description of your skills

Before a potential employer opens your resume, they will probably read the cover letter to the end first. Therefore, it is very important to interest the employer in this part of the letter.

In this part, it is worth briefly talking about your education and specialty. Here you can also describe your achievements and skills that could relate to the position in question. In order not to be unfounded, you can support the above with examples. What specific skills did you acquire, how did you use them in your previous job, what results did it bring to the company. Here you can draw a parallel and try to describe how your experience and achievements can affect the company in which you would like to work. All this should be briefly described in your Cover Letter.

Example in English

A design engineer or a nurse, a teacher or a photographer - they all have in common that one of the main indicators when they are hired is experience. So you can start like this: “Having 5 years experience in the sales department and a strong educational background I strongly believe that can make a significant contribution to…” ... companies).

"Presently I am deputed as a senior software programmer, working at ... for the last six years"

"I have extensive experience in programming in C++, Java and .Net" (I have great experience in programming in C++, Java and .Net).

It is also worth "directing" a potential employer to continue the conversation. For example: “Hope it will help you to make a decision about future possible collaboration” (I hope this will help you decide on a possible future collaboration). Or “You may reach me at 8-999-999-99-99. I look forward to speaking with you ”(You can contact me at 8-999-999-99-99. I will wait for your call).


Such letters imply fairly simple and standard farewell phrases. For example: "Best regards, Maria Pavlova" (C Best wishes, Maria Pavlova). Leave a blank line between the last sentence of the letter and the phrase "Best regards". Your first and last name should be written on a new line.

Features of writing Cover Letter for different professions

Today, many students from Russian universities have the opportunity to go on an internship abroad during the summer holidays. Work and Travel programs are also popular. But in order to get a job abroad, as a rule, you need to send your resume (CV) with a cover letter (Cover Letter) to a potential employer.

Example for a student in English

In this case, the greeting can be standard. However, it will be much better if you know who to contact in the letter. This will give the employer a positive impression of you.

In the next section, indicate the reason for the letter. For example: “I am interested in applying for the scientific research summer internship position in your company that was listed through the … University Career Center.” Or “Through ... website, I learned about your bank"s present career opportunities" (On the website ... I learned about a job opportunity at your bank).

If you have already graduated from university or college and are looking for a long-term internship, you can start like this: “I have recently graduated from … University/College and I am currently looking for a job in in advertising” advertising work).

Next, you should talk about your work experience, previous internships, participation in conferences and similar events. Tell us where you study or studied: “I am currently in my second year at the … University and am concentrating in finance and accounting” accounting). Tell us about your internships: “Over the summer I completed an internship with …” (Last summer I completed an internship at …). It is worth describing the experience that you gained during the internship: “My experiences have provided me with a detailed knowledge of financial institutions and have enhanced my interest in pursuing a financial career” (In practice, I received detailed knowledge of financial institutions, which increased my interest development in the financial sector).

If you are writing to a potential employer in another country, then it is unlikely that it will be convenient for him to call you on the phone. Therefore, after parting, it is advisable to indicate, in addition to the phone number, several other contact details so that the employer can choose the most convenient one from them. For example, you can write the address Email(if you are not writing an email), Skype, Facebook account.

How to write a cover letter to a doctor

If you have just completed your graduate studies at a medical university, or if you are a medical practitioner and want to change jobs, you will need to write a Cover Letter. We will now consider an example in English for a doctor.

The greeting and the reason for the letter can be standard, as at the beginning of the article. In this case, it is worth focusing on the description of your education and work experience. Write what position you are applying for. Tell us about your education: "I am a student at ... University, pursuing bachelor's degree in Biology" (I am studying at ... university for a bachelor of biology) or

“My 9 years’ extensive experience, associate degree in medical assisting would enable me to contribute to … Clinic in the role of a Medical Assistant” science degree in the area of medical care allow me to contribute to the … clinic as a paramedic).

It doesn't matter what position you apply for. In any case, you must attach a cover letter to your resume. So, even waiters will benefit from writing a good cover letter, especially if you want to get a job in a prestigious restaurant.

How to write a cover letter in the service industry

Now another Cover Letter - an example in English for a waiter. In it, after a standard greeting and a description of the reason for the letter, proceed to describe your experience and education. Here you can specify any work related to customer service. Your summer job in a restaurant fast food or being a part-time bartender is also a work experience. For example: "I have previous waitressing experience and strong customer service skills, having worked as a waitress for over two years while studying at high school." waiter while studying at school). Or “I worked in four star hotel restaurant for 3 months last summer in Greece” (I worked in a restaurant at a four star hotel in Greece last summer for three months).

If you have little experience, then it is worth briefly describing your responsibilities and what you have learned during this time: “I am great at multi-tasking and can take on many guests at one time” (I am multitasking and can serve several guests simultaneously). Next, you should talk about your personal qualities: “I am personable and welcoming and have really enjoyed working as a waiter” (I am sociable and friendly, and I really enjoyed working as a waiter). At the end of the letter, you can indicate the desired type of communication, say goodbye and mention the attached resume.

As you can see, writing a cover letter is not that difficult. The main thing is to be sincere and not to write too long cover letters. Employers receive dozens and sometimes hundreds of applications that they must read. Your task as a candidate is to write a concise letter that will attract a potential employer the first time.


In Western countries and, in particular, in the USA, along with a resume, the applicant also sends the Cover Letter to the employer - a cover letter. Many do not quite imagine what it is, or do not know what exactly to write there. So: what is it, why is it needed and how to compose and use it correctly - today we’ll talk about this.

What is a cover letter?

Cover Letter - a cover letter. The letter that the applicant sends along with his resume. Many are unfamiliar with this: they just send a resume to email and that's it. However, the Cover Letter is one of the most important parts of how you present yourself.

Your presentation of yourself consists of three points that you need to pay close attention to:

  • Summary is a list of your skills, education, work experience and contacts
  • cover letter is the text that accompanies your resume. It should lead the reader to open your resume so that he is interested in you.
  • Your Internet Presence- this is what an employer will find about you by entering your name in Google. For example, drunk photos from the bath. I think this is a good topic for a separate article.

Why do you need a Cover Letter at all?

There can be two situations how your resume gets to the employer.

First: an employer or recruiter makes a separate folder in his mailbox for incoming resumes. He has 100 of them accumulated there, and he simply clicks “print all attachments”. Then he takes this bundle of paper and goes to read in a quiet, peaceful place. In this case, it is normal to send a naked letter with an attached resume: as they say, “neither hello, nor goodbye.” But most likely, recruiters will do this - not employers, but “dealers”, headhunters. To whom you yourself are not interested, you are one of hundreds, of thousands for them. They just need to add you to the database - and forget, quickly move on.

And the second situation: the employer - a real employer, not a headhunter - receives many different letters per day in his mailbox. I mean - except for the summary. How will your resume stand out there so that he notices it? Yes, and simultaneously with the vacancy for which you are applying, he has 3 more vacancies open in the company - and resumes come to him like this, then like that. With a high probability, if he is not interested in the text of the letter accompanying your resume, he will not open it at all. Because it works, because there is little time. Or, for example, the vacancy is closed, someone has already been hired. Then the employer will simply delete faceless letters with attached resumes, with one slight movement of the mouse. Because they don’t catch on, you don’t want to keep them in order to apply to them in the future, if, say, a vacancy opens up again.

The purpose of the Cover Letter is to encourage the employer to open your resume.

Instead of simply listing your merits and skills, you should also show the employer that you:

  • Smart. Not boring, not boring.
  • You are getting your way
  • You will fit into corporate culture companies

The concept of “Elevator Pitch”

Venture capitalists are investors who can put millions of dollars into someone's startup. During the boom of startups, a real hunt was conducted for them - if it was not possible to obtain official consent to a meeting, then they were waiting for them in parks, at lunch, they tried to catch them in the elevator in the end.
And in the elevator - when he has nowhere to go from you - you could have 30 seconds to present your idea.

And so the term was born - Elevator Pitch (Presentation for an elevator) - a brief presentation of your product, company, idea, yourself. So short to fit in just 20-30 seconds.

It is necessary to interest the investor during this time. And you will either get out of the elevator together, as friends, as partners - or you will be dragged out by the guards, so that you will never be allowed near it again :)

Elevator Pitch is rehearsed for a very long time - licked, trained on acquaintances, shortened and fit in 30 seconds. They put in a lot of work – because it's 30 seconds that can change everything!
And the second such case may not be presented.

Your Cover Letter is your "Elevator Pitch"!

Think about it

What should a cover letter look like?

Cover Letter is the text of the letter to which you attach your resume.
In other words, a resume is a file.
And Cover Letter is just plain text. Text of the letter.

Hence the conclusion: Cover Letter must be purely textual. In no case should formatting be used - if for Word on the employer's computer we can be practically sure which email client he uses - you will never guess. It could even be just a mobile phone!

Cover Letter - bare text, no formatting!
Naked text. Maximum - a breakdown into paragraphs, empty lines.

The font is only standard, the size is only standard, the color is only standard.
It is advisable - and if your email client has it - to disable visual formatting altogether.
Or write and complete a Cover Letter in Notepad, and then only copy it into the body of the letter.

So, what should be in a Cover Letter?

Some people think that in Cover Letter you can just copy the Objectives from your resume and that will be enough. Wrong! Imagine that scene in the elevator. You mutter "self-confident, first-class specialist with higher education“... Yes, they will kick you out!

So, a good Cover Letter consists of the following parts:

  • Greetings- Say hello to the reader. If you know the recipient's name, use it, for example: “Dear Mr. Jones” (do not write this to a woman, a woman should write “Ms. Jones”)
    If you don't know, limit yourself to something like “Dear Hiring Manager,” on the first line. Be sure to leave one blank line after the greeting.
    Don't write "Hi", "Hello", or even "Hey" - that's too familiar.

    Good examples:“Dear John Smith,” “Dear Human Resources Manager,”
    Bad examples:“Hi, John!”, “Good evening, Sir!”, “Hey,”

  • introduce yourself- just write something like "My name is Sergey Brin". And that's all. This is enough, but without it, your appeal will look boorish. You need to introduce yourself.
  • Your Elevator Pitch– the main text of the Cover Letter. What to write here?
    • First, explain why you are writing to this person. Did you find a job on the site? Which? What was the exact title of the job? Did someone recommend you? Who exactly? Write everything so that the employer has a clear picture of what specific vacancy you have in mind and why.
    • If you can, write something in plain language. Jokes here, of course, are not entirely appropriate, but try not to look like a robot. Writing about yourself in the third person is for a resume. Cover Letter is a living text, a direct appeal to the reader.
    • Show what you can offer the employer.
      Your experience, your knowledge and skills - briefly, preferably - close to the text of the vacancy.
      • If you know the exact requirements for this vacancy, bring them, show how well you fit this particular vacancy. The more information is tailored to a specific vacancy, the sooner they will pay attention to you. Like, you tried, found out, spent your time. It will definitely pay off!
      • Don't write long paragraphs here - break it down into several short paragraphs, like a list of paragraphs (starting with a dash and separated by a blank line - because we don't have any other formatting tools!)
      • And by the way: if you are looking for a sponsor for a work visa, be sure to indicate it here in the Cover Letter. For example: “Currently located in Russia, I seek H1b visa sponsorship”. Do not forget this, otherwise both the employer and you will lose extra time, and the result will disappoint both.
    • End with how much you want to connect, talk, or even get started as soon as possible.
      • If you have a preference for the method of communication, you can indicate it here. For example in the form “Looking forward for your call”.
      • Mention the attached CV file ( letters of recommendation, etc.)
      • You can thank the reader for your time.
  • Your signature- after the text Cover Letter you need to say goodbye. Start by leaving one blank line - the signature section should be separated from the body of the letter. Write on a separate line the appeal - "Regards," "Best regards," or "Sincerely yours," if you like.
    And on the second separate line - your full name like in a resume.
  • Your contacts- below the signature, leave some of your contacts. The best choice There will be a phone number and email. There is not enough space for an address or a website - this is exactly the “short” place for contacts. The most you can afford is a short URL for your LinkedIn page.

How long should a Cover Letter be?

The two most common mistakes are:

  • Too long cover letter text- may seem long and boring, and just fly into the trash. For long listings of your merits and experience, there is the resume itself. The same can be said about long paragraphs - they seem complicated and you don't want to read them.
  • Too short Cover Letter text- you will give the impression of a person who is not interested enough in this vacancy. Show your sincere enthusiasm, desire to work in this position, and no other!

The Cover Letter should be long enough to read in about 30 seconds.
This is approximately 3 to 5 paragraphs, with a maximum length of 3-6 lines each.

Cover letter examples

I will provide some sample Cover Letters for your reference.

I agree that these are not masterpieces - these are just acceptable options, far from ideal.
You will have to create your own masterpiece.

Just pay attention to the formatting, the order of the sections and their format:

The search for a decent and well-paid job is one of the pressing and intractable problems of modern society. The conditions of the labor market require applicants not only to have developed skills in their specialization. In some cases, candidates are subject to a number of additional requirements. In particular, one of the most common is the knowledge of foreign languages. As practice shows, employers give more preference to such specialists when hiring.

In addition, often when providing a job vacancy, the employer sets a condition for the applicants to draw up and send a special letter - cover letter, translated from English meaning "cover letter". In order to find high paying job Today it is no longer enough just to send a resume to an employer. It is better to add such an addition to it.

Transmittal letter is a type of business letter and is sent along with a resume and other documents.

Introduction to the letter

In order for a potential employer to become interested in a letter and, as a result, in your personal, it is necessary to attract his attention from the very first lines, that is, from the introduction.

  • If you have common acquaintances with a potential employer, it is recommended to casually mention them in order to win over and inspire confidence in your person:

Recently I met Ann Brown, who I know from my childhood, from your main company and she recommended me to write to you my resume-letter. She knows about my talents in programming area and considers me a good candidate for a IT-specialist vacancy”.

« I recently met Ann Brown, who I've known since childhood, one of your company's employees, and she recommended that I send you my resume. She knows about my achievements in the field of programming and thinks that I can apply for the position of a programmer in your company.».

  • Clearly and concisely describe your skills and accomplishments in professional activity, focusing on those points that may be of interest to the employer. It is worth describing such skills that will be useful in the position for which the applicant is applying.
  • You can start with an interesting question and gradually, in the process of writing a letter, gradually reveal the answer so that the employer, being intrigued, wants to read the letter received to the end.

How can an employer be interested in a question?

An intriguing question in cover letter and its example in English can be composed like this:

Are you looking for an expert of the sales-market area who has sales records for a few different companies and a highly developed professional talents?

« Are you looking for a sales professional who has broken records in this field in several companies at once and has excellent professional skills?»

At the same time, it is not at all worth spending too much time describing in detail in the introduction how the vacancy in question was found and how it interested the applicant, it is enough to simply mention its name in the subject line of the letter.

Main body of the letter

The second part of the cover letter is written with an explanation of why the applicant wants to work in this particular company and occupy the position in question. Without any flattery, you need to describe the real advantages, only carefully hinting at the professional talents of a potential candidate between the term. You can also express your good relationship to the products manufactured by the company, or to professionals working in this service sector. This information must be true.

English example for cover letter can take the following content:

“I would like to have a job in your company because…”

“I would like to get a job in your company because »

“While I worked in other firm, I always want to be a part of this company…”

“While I worked at another firm, I still wanted to be an employee of yours ..”

“I am very interested in this vacancy, as…”

“I was very interested in this position because »

“I see that your company is in a process of development and that you`re planning to lauch a few new projects. Will I become a part of them?”

“I see that your company is in the process of development and that you are planning several new projects. Can I participate too?”

They then describe their qualifications, detailing their work experience and their personal and professional qualities so that the employer can see in the applicant a potential employee for his company, who will bring benefits, profit and development. The more performance indicators a job seeker has, the more impressive he will be able to make.

Describing your personality traits in your cover letter

You can describe your positive qualities in cover letter, an example in English could be as follows:

“Even in a stressed situation I try to keep the balance.”

“Even in a stressful situation, I always remain calm.”

“I would be happy to have a chance to work with you.”

“I would love the opportunity to work with you.”

The cover letter should be motivational. It is necessary to compose the text in such a way that the employer immediately gets the first impression of the applicant as a responsible and experienced employee, aimed at achieving results, who wants to work and be useful.

How to draw up a cover letter?

The main rule of how to write cover letter, is a personal text. In no case should you copy or use someone else's version.

All letters must follow a certain structure:

  1. An introduction consisting of one paragraph of approximately 500-600 characters.
  2. Enumeration of the motivational focus (several paragraphs, preferably using a list, indicating why the applicant is applying for this position). The text is written no more than 1800 characters.
  3. Informing about the experience in the profession with bringing concrete examples. Application of own works and projects is allowed. About 3200 characters.
  4. The letter ends with the applicant's contact information. Approximately 400 characters.

The use of specialized vocabulary in the letter, corresponding to the position for which the applicant is applying, several times increases the chances of attracting the attention of a potential employer and getting the desired position.

The mention of recent events within the framework of the company's activities and the manifestation of genuine interest, there is a chance to win over the employer and motivate him to respond. The main thing is to do it sincerely. Otherwise the right job will be received by another candidate, not you.

Before sending, be sure to re-read the official letter in English several times and check it for grammatical errors. Alternatively, you can contact the services of a professional translator.

Cover letter example

Gotta stick to certain style, making up cover letter. Example on English language for sales manager software could be as follows:

4 Bayswater Road

City of Westminster

London W2 3BH

Sensai UK ltd

237 Walmer Road

London W11 4PQ

September 21, 2013

Dear Mr Hills,

I am looking for a position in your programming department where I may use my training in Internet Technology area to help and decide a few problems with it. I would like to be a part of your company and cowork with it. I hope your vacancy is currently open.

I expect to receive a Bachelor of Programming degree from the University of Salford in May next year, where by that period I will pass my exams.

Since October 2014 I have been participating in our University in the professional training project at Computer and Management System Development .

A few months ago I became a programmer in Program Department in our University and gained a great deal of experience in development of computer applications. All details about this experience I included in this letter.

If in Sensai UK ltd the vacancy is still open, please let me know whom I need to contact for take a further information. I look forward to keep in touch with you soon. Please call me or mail me.

With best regards, John Watkinson

Cover letter translation

Dear Mr Hills,

I am looking for a position in your programming department where I could show my internet technology skills. I would like to become an employee of your company and I hope that this vacancy is currently open.

In May next year, I will pass the exams and get a bachelor's degree in programming from the University of Salford.

Since October 2014, I have been actively involved in the project of our university for the professional training of developers and managers in the field of computer systems.

A few months ago, I got a position as a programmer in the programming department at our university and have a lot of experience in developing computer applications. I have included all the details about this in this letter.

If there is still an open position at Sensai UK ltd please let me know who I need to contact to get Additional information. Hope to get an immediate response. I can be contacted by phone or email.

Best regards, John Watkinson

How to address the addressee in a letter?

At the beginning of the cover letter, an appeal to the addressee in English must begin with the words Dear - « Dear».

When writing a letter to a man, it is written mr, a woman is spelled Ms(without specifying her marital status).

If the applicant knows the employer well, you can write Dear Mike if the acquaintance has not yet taken place, it is better to write more formally Dear Mr Berkley addressing him by his last name.

How to show your interest in the position?

You can show the degree of your interest in the vacancy by pointing to your professional skills and competence. Thus, the applicant talks about himself, as if in absentia, gets acquainted with the employer, reveals his qualities, skills and abilities.

« With my management skills and understanding of your business, I can immediately begin to work in this position…».

The fact that the applicant is waiting for an answer can also be indicated by the phrase “ I look forward to hear from you».

How to show your competence in the position?

Thank you for your attention. I "m waiting for a possibility to talk to you why I could to work in that vacancy. Please contact me… Thank you for reading my letter. I look forward to telling you in person why I am a suitable candidate for this position. Please contact me by phone or email ».

What to write at the end of the letter?

Everything is pretty simple here. In this situation, there is no need to invent anything. At the end of the letter, a short wish is usually written and, in fact, the name of the applicant. The completion of an example letter in English can be expressed in the following form: " Best regards, Annie Rousey Best regards, Ann Rosie»

Check spelling and punctuation

Encountered errors in the text can leave a negative impression on the head of a potential employee and discourage any desire to read the text to the end. It is advisable to check the text with the help of special grammar programs. It is necessary to check the correct arrangement of words in the text: in Russian, a sentence can be composed starting with any word, while in English there are special rules that establish a special order for arranging words in sentences.

This must be taken into account if the letter is compiled independently without the help of a translator. Don't be in a hurry when writing your cover letter. It's best to think over every sentence you write. Indeed, the impression of the compiler and his further chances for successful employment in the chosen company directly depend on how correctly, competently and concisely the text of the letter is composed.

In this article, we will learn how to compose a cover letter in English, consider the structure and features of writing a cover letter in English.

A well-written cover letter greatly increases a job seeker's chances of getting the job they want. This is a letter that can make the employer read your resume and see the personality of a valuable employee behind it.

The cover letter provides information that is not further explained in the resume. The cover letter of each candidate is different from each other, which cannot be said about the resume - this is a standard document and the information in it is presented very briefly. In the letter, you can answer the employer's favorite question, "Why should we hire you?"

Structure of a cover letter in English

Sticking to structure business letter in English (see "The structure of a business letter"), select a few paragraphs.

1. Clear intent

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement in ...

I would like to apply for the position of … in (name of company) recently advertised on “”

2. The next paragraph of the cover letter in English is the answer to the question "Why should we hire you." Here it is worth mentioning work experience and professional achievements.

As my work history shows, I have experience as … - As my work history shows labor activity, I have work experience...

I have dealt with\I was involved in - I worked with ….

As a result I developed good communication skills and became aware of... - As a result, I acquired communication skills and began to understand...

These skills were further strengthened in my work as

I would be very interested in working for a company where I would also have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and experience - in addition, I would be very interested in working in a company where I would have the opportunity to apply my knowledge and experience.

I feel that I have the necessary knowledge and experience required to fulfil the post successfully - I think I have all the necessary knowledge and experience to be successful in this position.

3. A well-written final part of a cover letter in English encourages the employer to invite the candidate for an interview. To this end, the letter should contain words of gratitude and express the hope of being invited for an interview.

I have enclosed my curriculum vitae and look forward to meeting you to discuss your requirements in detail. - I am attaching my resume and looking forward to meeting you to discuss all your requirements in detail.

I am available for interview at your convenience and can be contacted any time. - I will be able to come for an interview when it is convenient for you, you can contact me at any time.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my potential contributions to your company. - I would be happy to meet with you to discuss the possibility of contributing my potential to your company.

I look hearing back from you\ to your reply - I look forward to hearing from you.


    The optimal length of a cover letter is about half a page.

    The cover letter in English should be addressed to a specific person (phrases like "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To whom it may concern" should be avoided).

    When writing a cover letter, business style is used.

    The cover letter should repeat the information contained in the resume. It is worth mentioning only aspects directly related to the proposed position.

    Mistakes are not allowed in cover letters!


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