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As a rule, when registering an individual entrepreneur, he indicates one or two main types of activity in which he plans to engage. But business is unpredictable. And after a while, the individual entrepreneur understands that completely different operations can bring him income. Quickly and without errors add OKVED for IP in 2020 step-by-step instruction.

What is OKVED

The abbreviation OKVED stands for "All-Russian classifier of species economic activity". This classifier is approved by order of Rosstandart.

OKVED is intended for classification and coding of types of economic activity declared by business entities during registration. It is used for statistical purposes.

Everyone who plans to become an individual entrepreneur will have to study OKVED. In the application for registration, you must indicate the codes corresponding to the types of activities that the entrepreneur intends to engage in. From this application, the codes enter the EGRIP (Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs). An individual entrepreneur has the right to carry out only those types of activities that are included in this register.

Should an individual entrepreneur change OKVED when changing activities

If an individual entrepreneur has begun to engage in a new type of activity, then within three working days it is necessary to report this to the tax authority at the place of its registration (subparagraph “o”, paragraph 2 and paragraph 5 of Art. federal law dated 08.08.01 No. 129-FZ; hereinafter - Law No. 129-FZ). For violation this requirement a fine of 5 thousand rubles is possible (clause 3 of article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

From the literal interpretation of the norm of paragraph 5 of Article 129-FZ of Law, it follows that new code OKVED is entered in the register if the individual entrepreneur actually conducts business (and does not carry out one-time operations) by type of activity not specified in the USRIP.

The legislation does not contain criteria by which it is possible to distinguish one-time operations from systematic maintenance. entrepreneurial activity. Need to focus on common sense and the usual understanding of the term "systematic". Making one or two transactions during the year should not be regarded as a systematic activity aimed at generating income from the sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services (ie, as a type of entrepreneurial activity). Therefore, it is not necessary to formally enter an additional OKVED code into the register in this case.

But an important point should be taken into account. For tax purposes, income received from operations that do not correspond to the declared OKVED codes are considered "non-entrepreneurial" (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia). This means that when paying income, the counterparty (organization or other individual entrepreneur) must withhold personal income tax, even if the entrepreneur who received this income applies a special regime. If such income comes from an “ordinary” individual, then the individual entrepreneur himself is obliged to include this amount in the personal income tax declaration. Moreover, in full, without reduction for professional tax deductions.

ADVICE. An additional OKVED code must be entered into the USRIP even with a one-time transaction. It is better to do this in advance, before receiving income from such an operation. Otherwise, additional tax charges are possible.

Choosing new OKVED

To select the desired code, it is better to use OKVED in in electronic format searchable by keywords. It is necessary to indicate the words that correspond to the new type of activity (for example, “rent”, “welding”, “sidewalk”, etc.), and read the description of the groups where they were found.

The classifier is built on the principle: “from the general to the particular”. Therefore, you need to “climb” the grouping above to codes containing four, three, and then two digits, and study the explanations for them (for example, from code 01.11.31 go first to code 01.11, and then to codes 01.1 and 01). It is quite possible that after studying the "higher" codes, you will realize that the "lower" code does not suit you. Carefully read the explanations for all groupings that include the new code. Usually, the activities covered by the grouping are described first, and then the exceptions are given.

If a suitable code is found, then one more question needs to be solved: enter a “lower” code into the USRIP, or “climb” up the grouping and indicate a code that includes a larger number of possible operations?

IMPORTANT. Include "superior" codes containing four digits in the USRIP. This will expand the list of operations that an individual entrepreneur is entitled to engage in, which means it will reduce the risk of claims from the tax authorities.

If the search by keywords did not give a result, you will have to select a code based on the general logic of building a classifier. First you need to select a section (they are designated in Latin letters in OKVED), and inside it - the most appropriate grouping. And already in this grouping, find codes corresponding to “other, not included in other groupings” types of activity. Usually they are at the very end of the grouping.

For example, this is exactly what individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in mediation(agents, commissioners). There is no special code for them in OKVED. Therefore, when carrying out such activities, code 82.99 “Activities for the provision of other business support services, not included in other groups” is applied.

Before entering the found code into the USRIP, it is necessary to analyze how this will affect the amount of the individual entrepreneur's tax obligations. The fact is that the use of some OKVED codes entails the loss of the right to UTII, PSN, a reduced single tax rate for the simplified tax system or reduced rates of insurance premiums.

If the IP has wage-earners, you also need to check which class occupational risk includes activities under the new code. It is quite possible that new OKVED will lead to an increase in rates. insurance premium"for injury".

How to make changes to OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2020

In most cases, to enter new codes, you only need to submit an application in form No. P24001 (approved by order of the Federal Tax Service).

If the entrepreneur plans to carry out pedagogical, educational or educational activities (according to the list approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation), then it is advisable to attach to the application a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution. The certificate form is contained in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Having this certificate will expedite the application process.

If there is a criminal record or the fact of criminal prosecution, then the decision of the commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights must be attached to the application. This decision should state that the individual entrepreneur is allowed to carry out these types of activities (subparagraph “d”, paragraph 1, article of Law 129-FZ).

The total time for consideration of an application for adding OKVED codes is 5 business days (clause 1, article 8 and clause 3, article of Law No. 129-FZ).

IMPORTANT. The state duty for entering new OKVED codes is not paid. It is not necessary to attach a document confirming the transfer of the state duty to the application (subclauses 6-8, clause 1, article of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, article of Law No. 129-FZ).

Application for the addition of OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in the form R24001

When filling out an application, the following rules must be observed.

In section 1 of the title page (page 001), information about the entrepreneur (OGRNIP, TIN and full name) is entered in exactly the same way as they are reflected in the USRIP. Accordingly, before filling out the application, it makes sense to order an extract from this register so as not to make a mistake when entering information. In section 2, the number "1" is entered in the first field. It means that the application has been submitted to change the information in the USRIP.

New OKVED codes are indicated on sheet E of the application. Codes to be added to the registry appear on page 1 of this sheet. Each code must consist of at least four characters (that is, it is impossible to indicate "superior" codes that have two or three digits). Please note: if the main activity remains the same, you do not need to complete section 1.1 of page 1 of sheet E.

If any codes specified in the USRIP need to be excluded, they should be listed on page 2 of sheet E. Otherwise, page 2 is not filled out.

On sheet G of the application, you must indicate the name of the applicant (i.e. IP), contact details and the method of obtaining documents confirming the fact of making an entry in the EGRIP. In connection with the changes made in 2017 to Law No. 129-FZ, option number 3 “send by mail” is not working. Even if you choose it, the documents will still have to be picked up personally by the applicant or his representative (letter of the Federal Tax Service). Sections 2 and 3 of sheet G do not need to be completed.

REFERENCE. In 2020, to enter new OKVED codes, you must fill out title page(page 001), page 1 of sheet E and section 1 of sheet G of the application form No. P24001.

It is not necessary to sign the application (i.e., fill out section 2 of sheet G) immediately after it is drawn up on paper. An autograph should be affixed in the presence of employees of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate or the MFC, if an individual entrepreneur submits an application in person. Or in the presence of a notary, if the application will be submitted by a representative by proxy from the individual entrepreneur.

Instructions for adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs

You can apply for a change in OKVED directly to the registration authority, that is, to the tax office, which deals with the registration of individual entrepreneurs.

The entrepreneur himself can bring an application to the IFTS. He will have to put his signature on this document in the presence of the inspector.

Any other person can apply on the basis of a notarized power of attorney from the individual entrepreneur. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to notarize his signature on the application.

You can submit an application in form No. P24001 without visiting tax office. An individual entrepreneur has the right to submit this document through the Multifunctional Center for the provision of state and municipal services(MFC), or using electronic services.

How to add OKVED through the MFC

Submitting an application through the MFC is actually no different from submitting this document directly to the IFS.

If the entrepreneur himself came to the MFC, then he will have to sign the application in the presence of an employee of the center. Accordingly, this should be done after the operator checks the correctness of filling out the document.

We recommend that you include several copies of form No. P24001 in the package of documents for a visit to the MFC. They will come in handy if an employee of the center finds errors or inaccuracies in the completed form. The presence of blank forms will allow you to immediately make the necessary corrections.

If the application to the MFC is carried by the authorized representative of the entrepreneur, then the signature of the individual entrepreneur on this document will have to be certified in advance by a notary. The representative will also need a power of attorney certified by a notary. In this case, it will no longer be possible to quickly correct the errors detected during the receipt of the application.

REFERENCE. Not all multifunctional centers provide the same range of services. By using special service you can check if the MFC accepts an application for adding OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2020.

In the case of sending form No. P24001 through a multifunctional center, documents confirming the entry of a new OKVED code can also be obtained at the MFC (clause 3, article of Law No. 129-FZ).

How to add OKVED in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service

The tax service on its website offers a special service " State registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs ».

This service is connected to the taxpayer's personal account and allows, among other things, to fill out and submit an application in electronic form in the form No. Р24001. An application drawn up in electronic form must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature before sending. If an individual entrepreneur does not have such a signature, then he will not be able to send finished document through the FTS website.

How to add OKVED through the State Services

Currently, on the State Services portal, you can only make an application in the form No. P24001.

To do this, select the “Services” category on the main page and go to the “Business, Entrepreneurship, NPO” section. Next, click on the link “Register legal entities and IP. In the window that appears, go to the "Non-electronic services" section, where the link "Introducing changes to the information about an individual entrepreneur contained in the USRIP" will be available.

It will not be possible to send an application through the State Services portal, which is necessary in order to add OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2020.

How is the OKVED IP changed? Many entrepreneurs are interested in this question. Statistical accounting of everything that is within the boundaries of any state has been conducted for a long time. Data collection is necessary to build a balanced fiscal policy in order to ensure the activities of the state and setting goals and objectives based on potential financial opportunities. The data collection system is the more effective, the shorter the period for updating digital indicators. For maximum performance and truthfulness in the service of statistics, using the latest advances in electronics and mathematics, the best systems analysts are working to solve the problems of informing the government about the state of the economy.

How can I change OKVED IP

How to change OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs? In order to process data and avoid cumbersome names and decodings, a system of codes has been introduced, which has been in force in a new edition since 2014. This is OKVED - the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity. Codification consists in a set of numbers, the number of which is from 2 to 6, they indicate the depth of processing of products and are written in the following order: the first two are the class, the third is the subclass, the fourth is the group, the fifth is the subgroup, the sixth is the species.

Each subject of the economy, when registering and conducting activities, selects a set of codes that reflect the essence of his entrepreneurial activity. The number of codes is unlimited, they are only divided into main and additional ones, and the main code is the only one, the number of additional codes is unlimited.

Information about OKVED is available in the public domain, you can study it yourself or with the help of consultants choose the best set of codes to update the types of activities. These data from the moment of obtaining permission to start business activities are registered in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP).

Any entrepreneur is obliged to know and remember their codes in order to comply with registration documents when concluding transactions or lending. Formalism in activities is not welcome for business, here the word and following it are important, but it is mandatory to comply with when checking the conscientiousness and diligence of the counterparty. Correspondence of the data on the profile of the contract and those received from the classifier confirms the control on the part of the entrepreneur over the formal side of his activity, which indirectly gives hope for obligation in cooperation.

Changing the OKVED code for individual entrepreneurs: step by step instructions. The variety of changes in life sometimes amazes the layman, but this is nothing compared to the dynamics of changes in the business environment. Sometimes changes need to be made, and in this situation creative potential completely individual entrepreneur. If it is necessary to change the main code of activity, an individual entrepreneur needs to prepare certain documents.

You need to take the following actions:

  1. Fill out the application form of the prescribed form.
  2. To do this, it is necessary to determine the type of main activity, select its code and additional types with the selection of codes that may be needed for full-fledged work by an individual entrepreneur in the near future.
  3. Further, making changes to OKVED IP requires actually filling out an application with information about an individual entrepreneur and the types of activities defined by him and transferring it to the tax office.

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The procedure for changing the code for IP

It is necessary to choose the appropriate code in the current classifier. In order not to flip through dozens of pages, carefully reading the content, it is convenient to use the search engine for codes for individual entrepreneurs. The selected codes must contain at least 4 characters. After choosing the codes, you can proceed to filling out the application form.

  1. Changing OKVED IP requires the following action: download the application form on the website of the Federal Tax Service and fill it out. On pages one through six, enter information about the entrepreneur and the reason for applying. The seventh sheet of the application is intended for entering the activity codes that the entrepreneur intends to use: the main and additional ones.
  2. The eighth sheet contains codes that are subject to exclusion from the register. The final, ninth sheet is intended for the signatures of the parties, confirming the will and seriousness of the entrepreneur's intentions and the acceptance of the package of documents by an authorized employee of the tax service.
  3. Here is a simple numbering of application sheets; alphanumeric codification is used on the form. All entries on the lines reserved for them are filled in with a black ballpoint pen personally by the applicant and in the presence of an inspection specialist. If the application is provided by a third-party authorized person, then information about this fact and the TIN of the person who confirmed the authenticity of the applicant's signature are entered.
  4. Providing a package of documents to the territorial division of the tax inspectorate is possible in person, through a representative by a notarized power of attorney, through the Russian Post, in electronic form. The deadline for sending information to the IFTS is set at 3 working days from the date of their change.

If the applicant has followed all the recommendations on how to change the OKVED IP, and accurately and accurately filled out the documents, then after 5 working days you can receive the USRIP record sheet from the tax office in person or through an authorized representative.

In the event of an unfavorable outcome, the tax service unit will notify the applicant officially by mail.

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Deadlines and possible penalties

Each entrepreneur in the process of doing business should not forget about timely informing regulatory and supervisory authorities about all changes in their activities.

These provisions are fixed in the legislative documents of the federal level, and the responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements is getting tougher every year.

Since the beginning of 2016, it has been established that the repeated untimely provision of data or the provision of false information without an alternative provides for the disqualification of the entrepreneur for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Single untimely provision of data is punishable by a fine of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. The statute of limitations for bringing individual entrepreneurs to liability has been extended to 1 year.

Moreover, the verification to obtain grounds for punishment will be carried out on the basis of documents that exist at the time before the changes are made. This rule has been introduced by regulatory authorities since 2017.

If for registration individual entrepreneur documents can be submitted through MFC, then on change of OKVED codes you need to go to the tax office. You can also submit documents online.

Unfortunately the internet incorrect information that you can change OKVED through the MFC. I went to my MFC, but wasted my time. They refused, citing that they did not have such agreements. Even together with the general manager of the MFC, they read the contracts under which they have the right to work, but did not find anything.

The local tax office in the city was also useless, they refused to take the documents, because they could not check them, they did not have such authority. And the regional tax office was far away. So I decided to apply online. Here, too, there are pitfalls.

Key Features of Online Sending

I will immediately turn my attention to important points. Without electronic signature(EP) documents cannot be sent. . I tried to sign, I was able to send the documents, but they refused to accept them: TC error message for state registration of IP
"The application cannot be executed" EDS inconsistencies were found

Downloading the necessary programs

To generate documents for changing OKVED codes via the Internet, you need to install special programs. This should be done under Windows. On the MacOS Not all required programs are available.

We go to Personal Area Individual entrepreneur:

We are looking for a link on the page "Make changes to IP information"

Make changes to IP information


… because before this page there is a notification about the need to check the possibility of signing the document.

On this page, you can sign a document, but first, before filling out the form, you need to set up programs and test the possibility of signing documents on the verification page.

On this page there will be some nonsense about installing a browser plugin "CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in". To be honest, I still don't understand why. Only confusion arises. We turn off this page and return to the page "AMENDING INFORMATION ABOUT IP / TERMINATION OF ACTIVITIES AS IP" (two images above).

Program for preparing a package of electronic documents

The program for compiling documents (PPEDGR) is only available on Windows. For operating system Mac Os missing. Download, install and run the program. We fill.

Once completed, the documents must be printed and sign the last page with a pen. These documents are then scan.

For reference (it is not relevant in any way): PPEDGR saves the working file in the dgr extension (for further work with it). This extension was made on purpose so as not to confuse other files. And so, dgr is the same xml file.

Image scanning format for tax when sending via the Internet

The image must be black and white, resolution 300*300 DPI, color depth 1 bit. Images must be saved in a single .tif (.tiff) file.
Scanning Documents

Mandatory installation of the Crypto Pro program

For work of the above program (PPEDGR) you need to install another one, which is called Crypto Pro. She is means of cryptographic information protection (CIPF). The program is paid, but there is a trial period, which is quite enough for our tasks.

CryptoPRO official website:

Get the installation file of the program CryptoPRO CSP You can only after registering on the site. However, I managed to download it from other open sources, without any difficulties. It is indicated everywhere that it is for review. And for regular situations(i.e. provided for by the instructions) must be downloaded from the official site.

Formation of documents for sending through the tax website

When the documents are completed, printed and scanned into a tif file, click on mail icon and get into a new window "Formation of a package of documents for filing an application for state registration electronic". First choose scanned image file, then choose electronic signature.

Click "Generate" and specify the folder to save the document.

When generating documents, an error may occur:
Cryptography initialization error: The CIPF required for the operation is not installed: initialization

This means that the program is not installed on the computer CIPF (Crypto Pro)(see above).

Uploading documents on the tax website

Successfully sending documents when the file zip archive created the right way:

When documents are not created correctly, the following warning will appear:

Consumer demand for market novelties is always higher than for familiar goods and services. You must always be on the alert and change in accordance with the needs of the audience. Do not forget that if you decide to take steps in another area, you will have to formalize a change in the type of activity of the IP. How to legally change the scope of business and not make a mistake anywhere?

How to change the type of activity

If you decide to run new project, then first you need to find a suitable one for him. This cipher must be selected from the OKVED list (All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity). An individual entrepreneur who registered in 2017 should be guided by new edition OKVED.

OKVED code found. Information about a new type of activity must be reported to the tax service in order to make changes to legal documents (EGRIP). There is nothing difficult in this. Individual entrepreneurs must fill out an application in the form P24001. The form contains the OKVED codes of the new and old business.

An individual entrepreneur who registered in 2018 needs to be guided by the new edition of OKVED.

Making changes to the EGRIP

The step-by-step instructions for making changes to the (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs) are quite simple. The main attention here should be paid to filling out an application for changes:

  1. We go to the website of the Federal Tax Service in the section "Registration of individual entrepreneurs".
  2. Download form Р24001.
  3. If there are doubts about the correctness of filling out the form, you can find a sample of filling out the form Р24001to avoid mistakes.
  4. We fill in in a convenient way: by hand or on a computer.
  5. We print out an application for changing the type of activity of the IP.
  6. We complete the package of documents.
  7. We go to the tax office, in which we passed.

We fill out an application

Step-by-step instructions for filling out the P24001 form:

1. On the first page, information about the entrepreneur is entered, where it is indicated, full name. and . We write only in capital letters and black ink.

2. The following pages are labeled E:

I. On page E1, information about the new activities of the IP, which is entered into the USRIP, should be indicated. This is a code that corresponds to the current classifier of economic activity of an individual entrepreneur and contains 4 digits. These are the figures for the main group of economic activity. Subgroups are optional. This page indicates the change of the main activity. Remember, there can only be one.

II. On page E2, code marks are made on the types of activities that should be excluded from the general register. The codes of the main and additional view activities.

You only need to fill in the codes that are added or excluded. Active species do not need to be included in the application.

III. If the main type of entrepreneurship remains, then only the codes of new additional areas need to be added to the list. Their number can be any, but not more than 50 items that are allowed by law.

IV. The number of pages with codes is printed only in the completed form. Blank pages do not need to be printed and submitted to the tax office.

V. Application P24001 contains another sheet, which is designated "Sheet G". We print it out and fill it out only by hand with black ink.

VI. This completes the preparation of an application for changing the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur in the USRIP.

Documents for the tax office

The following documents are required to submit information about a change in the activity of an individual entrepreneur:

  • completed application Р24001;
  • the passport;

If an entrepreneur applies to the Federal Tax Service through a representative, the following must be added to the package of documents:

  • a power of attorney certified by a notary;
  • representative passport.

Data transfer methods

This saves a lot of time for the entrepreneur. Documents are filled out online. The main nuance electronic application is an electronic signature. It must be valid on the day the data is filled in and sent electronically.

2. Documents can be submitted by mail.

We fill out the application form and complete the documents according to the step-by-step instructions described above. We put it in an envelope with a description of the contents. The letter must be registered as registered, with declared value and acknowledgment of receipt.

3. Personal appeal.

When an individual entrepreneur applies personally or through a representative to the tax department, the inspector issues a receipt on receipt of documents. From this moment, the procedure for entering information about the change in the activities of the IP is launched. It takes 5 business days.

The procedure for changing information about the activities of the IP takes 5 working days.

After completing the procedure or refusing to satisfy the request, the inspector issues an appropriate document. You can get it in person, by mail or through a representative.

Submission deadlines

It is clear that for any changes in the activities of the IP there are strict time frames that should not be violated. Information on the choice of a new direction in business must be provided to the Federal Tax Service within 3 days from the moment the decision was approved or the activity began (according to paragraph 5 of article 5 of the Federal Law No. 129). In case of violation of the established deadlines, a fine in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles may be imposed on an individual entrepreneur (according to paragraph 3 of article 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

To change the type of activity of an individual entrepreneur, you do not need to pay a state duty. Change the field of activity as much as you like, but do not forget to report it to the tax office in time.

You can change your occupation at any time. Everything is quite simple if you follow our instructions. Knowing the rules for paperwork and the deadlines for applying to the tax office, you can search for your niche as much as you like. Moreover, it is not prohibited by state regulations.

You are already an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as IP), but you need to make changes to the IP, for example, add OKVED codes for renting real estate or your passport data has changed. What needs to be done to make these changes? Everything is not so difficult.

Step 1 "Filling out applications".

First you need to fill out and print out the application required to make changes to the IP:

Form P24001 is filled out depending on the changes made:

  1. To add OKVED codes: pages 1, 7_ListE_s.1 and 9_ListZh. (one copy - number the pages);
  2. To exclude OKVED codes: pages 1, 8_ListE_s.2 and 9_ListZh. (one copy - number the pages);
  3. To change the full name: pages 1, 2_SheetA and 9_SheetZh. (one copy - number the pages);
  4. To change the registration: pages 1, 4_ListB and 9_ListJ. (one copy - number the pages);
  5. To change passport data: pages 1, 5_ListG and 9_ListZh. (one copy - number the pages).

If you want to make several changes at once, then fill out one application in which you include all the necessary pages.

Note: Mrs. no change fee is charged.

You can download a complete set of documents with sample documents.

Step 2 "Selecting the method of filing documents."

After filling out an application for making changes to the IP, you need to decide how you will submit them: take them to the IFTS personally or send them by mail.

Step 3 "Signing documents at the notary"

(required only if you send documents by mail).

You decide to send the documents by mail, then you need to sign and flash form P24001 at the notary and notarize a photocopy of the passport (it is not required when adding / deleting OKVED codes).

Step 4.1 "Submission of documents to the IFTS in person."

After you have filled out and printed out an application for making changes to the IP, you need to take it to the IFTS. When visiting the IFTS, do not forget to take your passport and a photocopy of your passport (2.3 pages) with you (when adding / deleting OKVED codes, a photocopy of your passport is not required). After submitting the documents, the IFTS officer who receives the documents from you must issue you a receipt for receiving the documents.

Do not forget to check, there must be a date, signature and seal.

Step 4.2 "Submission of documents to the IFTS by mail."

If you decide to send documents to the IFTS by mail, then a stitched and signed application for making changes to the IP, as well as a notarized photocopy of the passport (when adding / deleting OKVED codes is not required) must be sent by registered mail with a list of attachments.

Step 5 "Obtaining registration documents".

5 working days after the submission of documents, your documents will be ready and you can pick them up. To do this, you need to take with you to the IFTS:

  1. The passport;
  2. A receipt for receiving documents, which was given to you by an employee of the Federal Tax Service when submitting documents.

Upon receipt of the documents, make sure that you have received all registration documents. You must issue:

  1. Recording sheet of the One state register individual entrepreneurs;
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP).


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