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According to statistics, almost every user of modern computer systems at least once in my life I faced the question of how to set up the Internet on a computer. It is not surprising, because recently the World Wide Web has gained insane popularity and has become available to absolutely everyone who has a computer, laptop or mobile gadget. Despite the complete automation of the process, not everyone knows how to set up an Internet connection.

Networking and Internet Connectivity Basics

The first rule: you need to clearly understand that in some cases you will have to use not automatic connection, but manual mode. In addition, two main conditions must be met here: the presence of a provider and appropriate equipment ( network cards, ADSL modems, routers, routers, etc.)

But now we will talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer with a wired connection, since private virtual networks (VPN) in most cases are automatically detected by computers, laptops or mobile devices and require a maximum login and password to enter (provided, of course, that the router is already configured).

What is the TCP/IP protocol?

On operating systems Windows connection to networks and the Internet is carried out using the TCP / IP protocol system, which is responsible for the correct transmission and reception of data. In fact, this is not even one, but several protocols. This group includes connections via UDP, FTP, SMTP, ICMP, TELNET, etc.

If we talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer, without going into technical details, it can be noted that the set of TCP / IP protocols is associated with a kind of bridge between computers located on a network with a single system of authentication and transmission of byte data streams separated at the beginning and combined at the end of the route. At the same time, it does not matter what operating systems are installed on the terminals connected to each other. This is what makes the TCP / IP system not only the most popular tool for connecting to networks and the Internet, but simply a universal tool.

Network cards and their properties

One of the main conditions is the presence of a network card in the computer terminal, into which the cable is included. Today, fiber optic lines are the most widely used.

To understand how to set up the Internet on Windows, you first need to determine the characteristics of the network card itself. The connection speed will depend on its main characteristics and parameters. The simplest example: a leased line supports a connection with a data transfer rate of about 100 Mbps, but the card does not. In this case, you will not have to rely on the speed declared from the provider. It is clear that a network card cannot transmit and receive more than its face value.

To view all its characteristics, you need to enter the "Control Panel" and select the "Device Manager" section, find the network card installed in the system and right-click the "Properties" option. On the tab field "General" and all indicators will be visible.

Internet Connection Methods

The most common methods of connecting to the Internet are leased lines, broadband DSL lines, LAN connections, satellite connections, TV network channels, and dial-up access. The latter, however, has already outlived its own.

In any case, the question of how to set up an Internet connection, with each connection option, has two standard solutions.

Automatic internet connection

Provided that an account has already been provided by the provider, you need to connect a network cable to the network card connector, designated LAN (if necessary, to the modem or router connector).

In the "Control Panel" you need to select the item "Network Connections" (for Windows 7 "Network and Sharing Center"), use the command "Create a new connection" ("Set up a new connection or network" for Windows 7), then go to the "Connecting to the Internet" section. Then it remains only to follow the instructions of the "Master". At the end of the process (after restarting the computer terminal), you can work.

Connecting to wired Internet in manual mode

As for how to set up the Internet on a computer in manual mode, you first need to perform the above steps, and then use the data provided by the provider.

In the case of automatic configuration, you do not have to enter data manually. Typically, on the TCP/IP Properties tab, the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Preferred and Alternate DNS Server settings will be grayed out because two commands are set in the settings: "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS address". server automatically. This, of course, saves the user from writing addresses manually. If you dig deeper, then on the "Advanced" tab you will not have to specify the addresses of WINS servers, proxy servers (if any), and even set up an alternative configuration.

However, it often happens that obtaining automatic addresses is either impossible or does not work. This is where the main problems begin.

As a rule, all values ​​specified in the protocol properties tab are unified. So, for example, the IP address is assigned the value, the subnet mask is, the default gateway and DNS server is In some cases, when creating a connection, the address parameters of the gateway and DNS server match the current IP address ( By the way, in most cases it is not necessary to prescribe WINS addresses or proxy servers.

How to set up the Internet? Windows XP

To configure an Internet connection in Windows XP, you need to use the standard method: in the Control Panel, use the "Network Connections" command and the "Properties" tab, find the line "Configuring the TCP / IP protocol", and then give preference to one of the proposed options for automatically obtaining addresses or specifying them manually, after going to the "Properties" tab (for PCP / IP).

How to set up the Internet? Windows 7

Creating an Internet connection in Windows 7 has no fundamental differences. The only difference is that some components have a different name, and TCP/IPv4 (fourth version) is used as the protocol.

To configure the connection, use the “Control Panel”, click on the line (or icon) “Network and Sharing Center”, and then apply the option “Set up a new connection or network”. Then it remains only to select the desired type of connection. After the connection is activated, it will again be possible to view all the data, and if necessary, change them using the tabs "Network connection / Properties / Network / Protocol version 4 (PCP / IPv4)", where all addresses will be shown. If these are provided automatically by the provider, the fields to fill will be inactive.

Other ways to connect to the Internet

In principle, there is another option, how to set up a computer via the Internet. True, for an ordinary user, this procedure may seem rather complicated, especially since in this case you need to have a remote connection to a computer terminal on which it is supposed to configure access to the network or the World Wide Web.

To do this, you can use the built-in standard tools of all versions of Windows operating systems located in the Start menu, Programs section. There is a folder "Standard" in which the command "Remote Desktop Connection" (for Windows 7) is located. In other versions of operating systems, the names may change. To create remote access, you can use software packages and applications from other manufacturers and developers, but, as practice shows, the easiest way to create a connection manually is on local computer with direct access.

Everyone Have a good mood! In this post, we will talk about how set up internet on computer via cable. Moreover, friends, that once upon a time, this topic was already discussed on this blog.

But with a lot of water under the bridge since then, and with new PCs ubiquitous with Windows 10, there's an urgent need to update the information. Although, to be honest, nothing much has changed in this matter.

So, since unlimited is going by leaps and bounds across the expanses of our vast homeland, within the framework of this publication, a connection via a modem that is configured in router mode will be considered.

Therefore, if someone else does not know where to plug in the network cable correctly or why you need the login and password that you were given at the subscriber station, be sure to read the following material:

After the computer is connected to an already correctly configured modem using a cable, the matter remains small. You just need to configure the network card. This is done very simply, there will be no problems.

In the future, everything will be shown using Win 10 as an example, although in previous versions of this operating system everything is done by analogy. So let's get started. Right-click on the "Start" button, and then select the "Network Connections" section:

A window will open in which you need to select a wired connection, because we are connected via a cable. Usually it is called "Ethernet" or "Connection via local network»:

Now right-click on it again and go to Properties. At the next stage, you need to select the "IP version 4" item and click the "Properties" button below:

  1. IP Address: When using dynamic IP, this is any value between and If there is a permanent IP address, you should specify it;
  2. Subnet mask: determined automatically, do not touch anything;
  3. Default gateway: specify the IP address of the modem that distributes the Internet to the computer via the cable.

After that, go to the item "Use the following DNS server addresses". Here you need to specify the values ​​\u200b\u200brecommended. In case you do not know them, you can use universal ones. Here they are:

At this point, it is important to understand the fact that it is thanks to these addresses that sites are opened in a computer browser. Therefore, with their help, you can block certain resources. Look at the third line of the table above.

In short, after all the manipulations, press the "OK" button and begin to enjoy the work of the Internet. If suddenly the sites still do not load, then it is strongly recommended to check the settings again, and then study this article:

And on this article on how to set up the Internet on a computer via a cable has come to an end. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And look at the end interesting video about Russian people on the web.

The Internet has become a constant companion in our lives. Read any book, watch any movie, listen to any music, play any game (if your computer meets the system requirements, of course) - all these opportunities are provided to you by the World Wide Web. And most importantly - you can communicate with a person who is at least on the other side of the planet, and your messages to each other will reach in a split second. And that's not to mention video communication, the possibility of which is provided by Skype, Discord and other similar programs. Once it seemed like a utopia and fantasy, but today it is a reality.

The Internet is indispensable in our life, but it must first be connected and configured. And it's not the best simple task especially for those who are doing it for the first time. For this reason, most Internet providers meet their customers halfway and provide Internet connection services for a few pennies. This process happens as follows: you enter into an agreement with the provider, then a master comes to you, connects everything and sets it up, and you just have to enjoy life with the Internet. But if you refused such a service or you had some problems, then you will have to connect and configure the Internet yourself. And this article will help you with this.

Before moving on to the connection and configuration process, you first need to make sure that you have the contract that you entered into with the provider. This agreement is provided to you after the conclusion of a contract with an Internet service provider. It must be kept at home, and its loss is undesirable.

In addition to listing your legal rights and obligations, the contract contains the following useful information for you:

  • contract number, which serves as a kind of identifier. In case of problems with the Internet, you can call the provider and tell him this number. Through it, he will be able to automatically reach the client to whom this number is assigned (that is, to you), and this will be faster than giving the address and last name.
  • provider address. At the specified address, you can come and discuss topics related to the Internet in person with a representative of the provider company.
  • phone number. An easy way to contact a company representative, or ask him to extend the Internet if you are unable to pay for it in this moment. Usually they agree to this, since they have nothing to lose, but they receive approval from customers.
  • type of internet connection.

The last point is especially important. You need to know the type of Internet connection for correct settings. Setting up the Internet does not depend on how you connected the Internet (through a cable directly or through a cable connection to a router), but on what type of connection you have. They are as follows:

  1. . The easiest type of connection in terms of configuration. You will receive all the data for a successful connection to the global network automatically (if the corresponding item is specified in the settings, but more on that later).
  2. Static IP. If you have this type of connection, you will have to configure the Internet manually.
  3. PPPoE(Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet). This type of Internet connection will require you to enter a username and password when connecting.

To find out what type you have, read the contract - it should be indicated there. If not, then check this issue with the provider by calling the number specified in the contract.
There are other connection types (for example, PPTP or L2TP), but they are almost never used among providers in the CIS. Priority is given to the three types described above.

Connecting directly

If you do not have a router, then you will need to connect the network cable directly to the system unit. To do this, follow the next step-by-step instructions:

If you have it, then you can already go online and comprehend its endless depths.
And if your icon is crossed out, as in the screenshot below, then you need additional setting the Internet. We will consider the configuration methods in the following parts of the article.

Many inexperienced users, when buying, believe that buying this device will save them from bothering with network cables and other wires. But no, you need a network cable here too. The only difference is that it needs to be connected to the router, and not to the system unit of your computer.

However, Wi-Fi does not lose its advantages from this. After setting it up correctly, you can use the Internet with the whole family. This is especially true if your family members have their own computers, laptops, netbooks, or relatively modern Wi-Fi-enabled phones. Without a router, you would have to use one computer (to which a network cable is connected), or constantly reconnect this cable to the device from which you want to access the Internet. Not only is it inconvenient, but also the network cable is quite fragile, and it can be damaged if you constantly pull and connect it.

So, to connect to the Internet using a router, follow the further step-by-step instructions:

Now you need to check if everything is in order with the connection. The following signs will tell you about it:

Note! If you have problems only with the last paragraph, then the Internet needs. And if with the previous ones, then the problem is already in your cable or router.

Internet setup

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Internet setup depends on what type of Internet connection you have. And the connection method (directly or through a router) in this case does not matter. So, you have probably already figured out what type of connection you have, which means that it's time to start setting up.

Dynamic IP

Do the following for proper setup:

  1. Launch the start menu.

  2. Left click on "Control Panel".

  3. Launch the "Network and Internet" menu.

  4. Open "Network Connections" by pressing the left key.

  5. Select "Local Area Connection" if you connected through a router, or "Ethernet" if you connected directly, and click on "Properties".

  6. Now click on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", then on "Properties".

  7. Select the items (automatic) as shown in the image below, and then confirm the changes by clicking on "OK".

Static IP

If you have, then you will have to use the information specified in the contract. Step by step instructions are given below:

Connection using PPPoE

In case of PPPoE type, you will need to create a new connection using settings. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Network and Internet" menu. The path to this menu is indicated in steps 1-3 of the first instruction.
  2. Open the "Network and Sharing Center" menu.

  3. Click on "Set up a new connection or network".

  4. Select "Internet connection".

  5. Click on "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)".

  6. Enter the name and password that are specified in the contract, then click "Connect".

Now you are familiar with the internet setup process. This knowledge will definitely come in handy for you, without it in our information age there is simply no way. However, if something didn’t work out for you or some problems arose, do not forget about the contract, which was repeatedly mentioned in the article. It contains the number of a representative of the provider company who can advise you in case of difficulties.

Video - How to set up wired internet

Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who does not use the Internet. Access to world wide web filled our lives both at work and at home, from children to the elderly, because many of them also try to keep up with the development of computer technology. Therefore, the problem of connecting to the Internet is relevant for a wide audience. After reading this article, you will understand that connecting a computer to the Internet is not difficult at all. Because many people prefer latest version software windows 8, the article describes the actions of the user of this particular system, but if you have a different edition of windows, you can also use this instruction, basically the connection system is the same.

First, decide on the source of access to the Internet: a fixed connection, a Wi-Fi router or mobile Internet (via a SIM card). Contract with a provider if necessary, and they will usually provide you with necessary equipment, starting with a cable and ending with a high-speed modem or even a router. In case of use mobile internet you need to purchase a special modem or use mobile phone that is connected to the computer via a USB port. But in this case, the speed of the Internet is much less.

As soon as an Internet connection is provided, start setting up the computer itself. To do this, enter the Start menu through an administrator account. In the window that opens, press the right mouse button and the heading "All applications" will appear in the lower right corner. Select it by pressing the left mouse button.

Among all applications, select "Control Panel". A new window will open different categories of options for setting up your computer, open the second one in the list - "Network and Internet".

Then go to "Network and Sharing Center", where in the upper left corner click on the option "Change adapter settings".

In the "Network Connections" window that opens, move the cursor to the "Local Area Connection" symbol and call the context menu with the right mouse button. Among the proposed functions, select "Properties".

Go to the "Network" tab, highlight the heading "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click on the "Properties" button.

In the next window, configure the final settings: check the boxes next to the functions “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically”.

If desired or necessary, in case of network failure to set the addresses automatically, you need to adjust the parameters manually. Contact your network provider for the necessary information.

Connecting a computer to a wireless WiFi networks, repeat steps 2 and 3 first. Next, open the "Network and Sharing Center" and click on the "Connect to a network" option.

A window will pop up on the right, showing the network connection settings. See if airplane mode is active - it should be off.

Below is a list of available connections. Left-click on the network of your choice and you will see an offer to connect - click on it. You can also check the box next to the "Connect automatically" line - and your computer will connect to this network itself, if it is available. Usually, when checking network requirements, you need to enter a password, but sometimes there is also “free” Wi-Fi, which is provided by some establishments.

If you have followed all the instructions exactly, then your computer is already connected to the Internet, and you can enjoy access to the global information network. Otherwise, contact the customer service center of your provider, and specialists will definitely help you solve all the problems. If you have any questions, watch the video, which also illustrates step-by-step instruction internet connection on windows 8.

How to connect your computer to the internet

Today, there are almost no people left in the world who would not use the possibilities of the Internet. Therefore, the relevance of the question of how to independently connect the Internet to a personal computer is growing every day. A PC that is not connected to the World Wide Web turns into an ordinary typewriter with calculator functions, that is, most of the advantages of owning such a computer are simply lost. Below is a guide on how to connect a computer to the Internet, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to set up the Internet without resorting to the services of specialists.

Preparatory activities

To connect to the Internet, first of all, you should choose the optimal one for specific conditions user's Internet source: direct connection (connect the Internet to the computer via cable), Wi-Fi router, SIM card mobile operator, satellite communication, automatic telephone exchange. Then, if necessary, sign an agreement with a communication service provider, which is called the "Provider".

He will provide his subscriber with the necessary means, for example, a modem or router, cable. If it is a cellular operator, then a special USB modem that is inserted into the computer's USB port.

Direct wire connection

The method has a number of significant advantages, but is not without major drawbacks, which can be decisive when choosing a connection method by the user. It is very easy to implement and requires the least cost. However, the Internet provider must extend the wire directly to the computer, which is not always possible and convenient. The cable must be connected to the network card of the PC.

After that, you need to configure the Internet in the computer. The input parameters differ depending on the communication service provider and the connection technology itself. The essence of the procedure is to create a connection with authorization. The following is an example step by step actions in a PC with windows 8 operating system. In other operating systems supported by Microsoft, the procedure is similar.

It is necessary to perform the following sequential steps:

For windows XP, you can briefly imagine a similar algorithm of actions in the form of the following chain:

  1. Start;
  2. Network connections;
  3. Create a new connection;
  4. New Connection Wizard;
  5. Connect to the Internet;
  6. Establish a connection manually;
  7. High speed connection;
  8. Entering parameters from the Internet provider.

For windows 7:

  1. Start;
  2. Control Panel;
  3. Network and Internet;
  4. Network and Sharing Center;
  5. Setting up a new connection or network;
  6. Internet connection;
  7. high speed;
  8. Entering parameters from the service provider.

Using a router connected by a cable connection to the Internet

This is a more convenient option for home or office, as it allows you to connect more than one PC to the global network, but several at the same time, thereby creating a local network. Today, it is rare for anyone to have only one computer in an apartment or office.

Insert the cable from the provider into the WAN port of the router. Connect computers via LAN connectors using patch cords. Enter the provider's settings through a web interface launched in a computer browser by entering the address written in the router's instruction manual (usually

Via WiFi router

When using a wireless router, the steps will be similar to the previous instructions, but you will also need to configure WiFi. If the computer does not have a Wi-Fi adapter, then you will need to purchase and install it.

Using Windows 8 as an example, to connect a computer via Wi-Fi, you need to do the following:

Using the network of a mobile operator

Despite the relatively slow data transfer, this option is very popular among users due to its high mobility. All you have to do is insert a USB modem into the appropriate port on your computer, and the setup will be done in almost no time. automatic mode, the client will only need to follow the instructions of the setup wizard.

How to connect the Internet from a router to a computer (laptop) via a network cable?

Many articles have already been written on the topic of connecting to the Internet via a wireless network. Instructions for connecting, solving various problems, errors, etc. And in this article we will consider connecting the router to a computer using a network cable, which usually comes with the router. With a cable connection, everything is much easier than with Wi-Fi. But despite this, sometimes there are issues with connecting to the router using a network cable (LAN).

Basically, of course, stationary computers that do not have a built-in Wi-Fi receiver are connected to the Internet using a cable. And if you buy a special Wi-Fi adapter for your computer, then here you can also refuse wires. I always advise you to connect the router via cable to configure it, and of course firmware updates. There are different cases, maybe Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop, but you need to connect to the Internet, or the speed over a wireless network is low, here we need a network cable. A cable connection is always more stable than an air connection.

All we need is the network cable itself, with which we will connect the computer to the router. This is a regular twisted pair cable with RJ-45 connectors on both sides. This cable should be included with your router. True, it is short there (depending on the manufacturer of the router). If you need a long cable, then you can make it in a computer store. You can do it yourself, but you need a special tool. There are plenty of instructions on the internet.

As a rule, 4 devices can be connected to the router via a network cable. It is 4 LAN connectors that you will most likely find on your router. In some cases, the LAN connector may be 1 or 8. It does not matter which version of windows is installed on your computer. The instruction is suitable for windows 7, windows 8, and windows 10. In windows XP, everything is connected in the same way, but the IP settings will be slightly different.

Connecting to a router using a network cable (LAN)

Everything is very simple. We take a network cable, connect one end to the router to one of the LAN connectors (they are signed LAN, or Home Network). And the other end of the cable is connected to the network card of the computer. It looks like this:

If you connect a laptop to the router, then we do everything in the same way. One end of the cable to the router, and the other to the network card of the laptop:

That's all the connection. If the router is turned on, then the computer should immediately respond to the connection to the router. The connection status in the tray will change (in the lower right corner).

If the Internet is connected to the router, and it is already configured, then most likely the connection icon will be like this:

This means that everything is fine, and the Internet is already working.

And if the router has not yet been configured (you are just going to configure it), or there are some problems in the computer settings, then the connection status will be with a yellow exclamation mark. And no internet access. The Internet will not work on the computer.

If the Internet from this router works fine on other devices, but on the computer that we connected without access to the Internet, then you need to check the IP and DNS settings for connecting via local network.

No internet access when connected via cable

It may be that after connecting the Internet will not work. The connection will be "no internet access", or "Limited" (in windows 8 and windows 10). If the problem is not in the router (it distributes the Internet), then you need to check the settings on the computer itself.

Right-click on the connection icon and select Network and Sharing Center. In the new window, select Change adapter settings.

A modern computer without a connection to the global network is almost a calculator. We live online: we watch videos online, play games, communicate, store documents and files, study and work. If you do not yet know how to connect a computer to the Internet, now is the time to learn - the relevance of the task is growing every day.

To connect a computer to the Internet, we first need a provider - an organization that provides services of this kind. Nothing will work without him. Access to the global network can be carried out using satellite communications, cable, mobile networks or PBX, depending on the technical feasibility and desire of the client.

The provider does not connect the computer itself to the Internet, but a kind of “entry point”, the role of which is played by a twisted pair cable, modem, smartphone. To be on the global network, you need to connect your computer to this point. This can be done through a wired or wireless network, directly or through an intermediary device - a router.

Direct high speed wired connection

This option is as simple as possible, as cheap as possible, but minimally convenient. The provider extends a cable into the apartment or office, which is connected to the computer's network card via the Ethernet connector. Most modern motherboards have it built-in, so the question “where to insert it?” does not get up: on the rear panel of the system unit there is the only suitable connector. If the computer is old, then this luxury may not exist. Also, the LAN port may be busy or physically broken. In these cases, a network card is purchased, which is installed either in the bowels of the system unit (PCI or PCI-E connectors) or in the USB port.

It remains to connect the cable, the end of which was handed to you by an employee of the provider organization, with a network card. In some cases, twisted pairs are connected only to sockets, as for wired landline telephones. Then you have to buy a cable yourself: any patch cord of the right length for this purpose will do, but if you have a choice, then category 6 and shielding will give some advantages during the operation of the equipment. In any case, there will be less interference and loss, and the data transfer rate will be more stable.

Further configuration depends on the specific provider and connection technology. In some cases, you need to call the support service and notify them about the connection of new equipment (in the event that you use a dedicated line), in others the computer will be on the network automatically. It is often necessary to create a connection with the possibility of authorization, that is, enter the login and password issued by the provider. This is done in a chain:

  • In Windows XP: Start - Network Connections - Create a new connection - New Connection Wizard - Connect to the Internet - Set up a manual connection - Through a high-speed connection that asks for a username and password - Enter provider data.
  • In Windows 7: Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Set up a new connection or network - Connect to the Internet - High-speed - Enter provider data.
  • In Windows 8: Settings - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - View network status and tasks - Change network settings - Create and configure a new connection or network - Connect to the Internet - High speed - Enter provider data.

The advantage of this method of accessing the Internet is perhaps the only one - high speed no line loss or interference. There are more disadvantages: the cable needs to be hidden somewhere, freedom of movement is limited, only one computer can be connected, in some cases, when changing the operating system or replacing equipment, you will have to contact the provider for re-authorization.

Wired connection via router

Connecting a computer to the Internet through a router and a network cable is the best solution for creating a local wired network limited to an apartment or office. In this way, you can link several stationary PCs, each of which can independently access the Internet, and file sharing and access to shared resources will be carried out as quickly as possible and without additional equipment. Naturally, the problem with pulling the cable remains.

This connection will look like this: the router connects to the Internet entry point, the PC network cards are connected to its network ports with a patch cord, authorization is performed only once in the router settings, and a permanent high-speed connection appears on each of the computers. Network and Internet access are controlled from the device settings, which can be entered at (the address of a specific model is indicated in the instructions). You can sign in in any browser by entering the address in the address bar.

In the router settings, if necessary, the provider's connection data is entered - login, password, authentication type, and others. In the same place, you can define and grant access to shared resources, create passwords for accessing files, allow or block specific devices from working on the Internet.

Wireless connection via router

Most modern router models distribute Wi-Fi and thus allow you to wirelessly connect to the Internet. The device itself is connected to the entry point (provider cable or mobile operator modem), and devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, set-top boxes, TVs and other gadgets) are connected via Wi-Fi. The network cable in this case can be quite short, there is no need to pull it around the apartment - the router can be placed next to the WAN socket. For many models, you can connect a USB modem from a mobile operator as an Internet access point.

If everything is clear with mobile gadgets - they have a built-in wireless connection module - then a stationary computer must be equipped with such a module. To do this, we need a Wi-Fi adapter - a device that provides wireless signal reception. The adapter can be internal (installed in a PCI or PCI-E slot) and external (for USB). It may have external antennas to improve reception quality, or it may make do with internal ones. Modern adapters must work with IEEE 802.11 b/g/n/ac standards and provide data transfer rates in the wireless network up to at least 150 Mbps. The higher the speed, the better.

For a computer to be one of the elements of a wireless network, it must be connected to it. Most often, the operating system will report the discovery of available wireless networks, and do not be surprised that there are several of them: neighbors also have routers, and the walls are almost not an obstacle to the signal. Choose yours from the list (by default, the one with the same name as the device model), connect it, enter the password if necessary (it is written in the instructions, but you can set your own in the router settings) - and you are online. You can go to the settings in the computer browser by entering the address of the router in the address bar (most often it is

To configure the router for Internet access, you need to enter data for authorization in its settings, if required by the connection type and provider. If the operation of the wireless network requires additional gestures, then you can set it up after gaining access to the parameters in the wired one. To do this, you need to temporarily connect the computer to the router using a patch cord.

Wireless connection via USB modem

USB modems from operators, popularly called “whistles”, are the most mobile way to connect to the Internet and the most independent. The telephone is working - the Internet is working, whether in the village, in the country, or on the outskirts of the city. Of course, the speed even with the advent of LTE leaves much to be desired, the tariffs are very expensive and limited, malfunctions can be caused by atmospheric phenomena, a weak signal is annoying, but often this is the only way to access the global network.

This option requires a modem with a connected SIM card of the selected operator and periodic replenishment of the account. The operator usually gives detailed instructions on activation and connection of equipment, but in most cases they can be reduced to “inserted into a USB port - installed the software that comes with the kit - launched the program - went to the Internet”.

If the signal is weak, you may need a USB extension cable to find the best reception area.

Almost exotic

Sometimes there is no technical or financial opportunity to connect to the Internet in the above ways and is not expected, so you have to invent something. So, in the absence of a router, you can provide access to the global network on one computer connected to a twisted pair cable, and combine others into a local network using patch cords. To do this, you need to properly configure the network cards of all PCs and keep the computer distributing the Internet turned on so that the rest can use a valuable resource. Correct setting includes assigning each of the computers its own IP address of the form,, creating a common working group and discovery public access over the local network to the WAN connection.

Where there is landline phone, but due to distances or technical limitations, the provider refuses to pull the cable, you can use DSL. The speed in this case will be small, but for unpretentious tasks it will be enough. You will have to purchase an already rare DSL modem, connect a switch to the telephone socket - a box that distributes telephone line to two devices, and to the switch - a telephone set and DSL equipment. They will work independently. To access the Internet, you will need to create an appropriate connection and specify a username and password.

A temporary solution may be to connect to the Internet through a smartphone or tablet with a 3G or LTE module. You only need a USB cable. Most modern models are capable of distributing access via USB. It is enough to select this option when the smartphone asks you what to do with the detected connection to the computer: whether to pretend to be a data store, a camera or a modem. To implement this option, you may need to install drivers, which are usually stored directly in the device's memory.


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