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Getting acquainted with candidates for the position, the personnel officer involuntarily notes their charm or, on the contrary, unattractiveness. This subjective assessment is sometimes decisive.

How to make a good impression on the person who can change your life for the better?

What is sympathy?

So, we begin preparations for winning the heart of a HR specialist (or recruiter). All the psychological tricks that are used in interpersonal communication can be used.

First, start with appearance. General Tips on the choice of clothing for the interview, we have already given. To the above, we add only one recommendation: be careful with the color. Avoid too bright, acidic, aggressive tones (poisonous scarlet, caustic orange, piercing yellow and light green), sharp eye contrasts (yellow with purple, red with black).

Second, before the interview, make sure you good mood. If you are really content and calm, your smile will not seem forced. Make yourself happy: for example, drink a cup of coffee with eclair half an hour before the meeting or buy yourself a beautiful diary for future work.

Third, be confident and calm during the interview. When you enter the room, be the first to say hello.

If you are a representative of the stronger sex, and the recruiter is also a man and about your age, give him a hand. Tactile contact promotes mutual understanding. However, one should not overdo it with him: it is contraindicated to invade personal space for a long time (120 cm around the body).

Speak slowly, clearly. If possible, tune your voice to a low tone rather than a "shrill" tone. Gesticulate, but in moderation. Keep your hands free; wrinkling in them some small thing or the edge of clothing should not be.

Call the recruiter by his first name.

Don't break the key rules.

Signs of professionalism

They are greeted by clothes and a smile, but they are escorted by the mind. To pass the interview without hesitation, you must first refresh your knowledge in the chosen profession (or acquire it from scratch).

Ask questions not only about salary and schedule, but also about the prospects of the company, about its commercial identity.

Often acquaintance with the employer begins with telephone conversation, which can end with an invitation to an interview, and a promise to call back ... someday.

How do you need to communicate on the phone so that the conversation continues? Refrain from excessive stormy emotions (“Hurrah! Finally!”), do not provide information about yourself that no one asked you about (“You know, I actually have three higher education and I am a native Muscovite”), give your voice friendliness and cheerfulness, even if you are tormented by fears (“They won’t take it again”).

When two people talk on the phone, each approximately imagines his interlocutor, and this happens immediately, within the first minute. Therefore, think in advance about the way in which the recruiter should “see” you. Of the two components of the conversation - semantic and emotional - in a telephone conversation, emotions determine about 90% of the result. Listen to your voice on the recorder to correct something in it. Suppose you know that your voice is "significantly older" and this is for new job minus. Well, learn to talk on the phone faster and more emotionally. Sometimes laugh or at least smile (emotions are also conveyed intonation). If, on the contrary, the position you dream of requires adulthood, then speak calmly, measuredly, building complex phrases. Refrain from exclamations: “Aha!”, “Exactly!”, “That's tough!”

Your voice should be confident and calm. Pay attention to the timbre - it can and should be corrected. The fact is that a low one enhances the impression of confidence, and an elevated one (shrill voice) indicates anxiety. A low timbre is also considered more attractive and can play a positive role, especially if there is a person of the opposite sex on the other end of the wire. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, but also do not delay the pauses.

The "heavy face" effect

What to do if you are worried and your voice is trembling? Imagine that you have already been refused, and the most indelicate refusal, and think about what the consequences will be for you. After you mentally come to terms with this failure, which is clearly not fatal, it will become easier for you to carry on a conversation. To stop the excitement and internal tremor, breathe deeply and slowly.

So, it's done! You have successfully passed the telephone test, and tomorrow you are expected in the office in person.

Work on your face in the mirror. For many Russians, the effect of a “heavy face” is characteristic, with a sluggish and indifferent expression (abroad, it is precisely by these features that Russians are recognized even when they speak a foreign language brilliantly). Since none of us likes negativity, give your face a friendly expression. A calm mood, self-confidence and goodwill (it would be nice to have a sense of humor as well) can win over a recruiter. Not a word about problems! Even if you are late for an interview (and this is a very gross mistake, as well as arriving half an hour early), you cannot report a negative reason. It's better to just apologize, say that you are generally punctual, but something out of the ordinary happened today. Often the employer is interested in the meantime, how are your children studying, are they sick ... Say that they have a nanny (grandmother), who is always on hand, and, thank God, everything is in order with their health - they go in for sports. No one is interested in employees with a problematic family life, who will constantly ask for time off and escalate the situation in the team by retelling the troubles.

Peace, only peace!

New employees are hired to perform certain tasks and must do this in accordance with employment contract. If there are any difficulties, it is better to keep silent about them at the interview, it makes no sense to lay out such information until the moment of employment. For example, in six months, your mother should fly to you from the Urals and undergo an operation. Apparently, you will need some time to go to the doctors with her. But that won't be until six months later! If you talk about your plans already at the interview, most likely you will be denied a job. As practice shows, if a candidate is really valuable, then the employer is most often ready to meet him halfway.

Ask questions about your responsibilities (adding, “If I fit you, what would so-and-so look like,” making it clear that you will calmly accept what may not be suitable).

Whatever happens during a face-to-face meeting with a recruiter, it's important to remain calm. Stressful interviews that have become fashionable lately can await any applicant. They allow you to determine the degree of adequacy of a person and evaluate his behavior in a difficult situation. Such a test is often given to line managers, sales managers and other potential candidates who will need to constantly interact with people or work with large amounts of cash. You should not be nervous and annoyed when a personnel officer with a straight face calls you someone else's name for the third time in a row. He remembers very well that you are Elina, not Lina, and certainly not Svetlana. But he makes you angry to see if you suffer from arrogance.

There are a few more important rules.

1. Introduce yourself when entering the recruiter's office, ask for his name. Be sure to remember the name!

2. Look directly at the interlocutor, only occasionally looking away (so that there is no hidden aggression), do not interrupt, even if you are asked too ornately.

3. If you do not understand the question, ask again: “Did I understand you correctly?”

4. Even if you are in poverty, do everything so that the recruiter does not know about it.

5. Be sure to ask about growth opportunities in this company. This shows that you are serious about choosing your future job.

It depends on what impressions the recruiter has during the interview with the candidate whether he will be invited to the second stage or not. Creating an impression about yourself begins even before the first meeting.

The first point of contact with the employer is your resume and application for a vacancy. How to get an employer interested summary and cover letter read here.

The second time you interact is when you make an appointment over the phone.

If you were invited, then the previous 2 times you have already made the right impression, now this impression must be consolidated.

Let's first understand what "like" means. Which candidate will be hired first?

So, the first thing you need to learn is that the recruiter is not looking for the best candidate, but the most suitable one. A person must meet the requirements of the company as much as possible in terms of:

  • my experience
  • company values ​​and principles
  • appearance (although everyone denies it)
  • expectations for compensation and social package

An experience should be as realistic as possible. If you indicated in your resume that you have optimized, updated, integrated something, be prepared to talk about it in detail.

In a word, every line in the resume for the last 5 years will be subjected to verification, discussion and detailed analysis, and you must be ready to answer all questions.

If everything is clear with experience, then this is how suitable the candidate is from the point of view view of principles and values companies are harder to understand.

In order to get to know you from this side, you may be asked a number of general questions.

  • talk about what matters to you
  • How would you react in a situation...
  • What comes first for you...

To correctly answer these questions, you need to prepare in advance for the interview. What information you need to study in detail, read.

An important coincidence is Candidate's expectations for compensation and social package and what the company has to offer.

  • If your resume does not include a salary, you will be asked to provide it. It's considered "normal" to want 30 percent more than you currently have.
  • If you came through an agency, then most likely the agent has already discussed this item with the employer, you can make several clarifications, for example, is it gross or net
  • It is quite possible that you will be asked what the social package and salary were at your last job. This is done if the manager has a suspicion that you are going for a lower salary level, which in itself is already suspicious, or you want much more than you are worth.

Most foreign and large Russian companies use methods to minimize the risk of subjective assessment during the interview. They conduct tests, group interviews, assessment centers. However, making a good first impression is essential.

How to make a good impression in an interview

  • do not be late, it is better to arrive 15 minutes early and wait than 5 minutes late
  • yours must match the situation, so for women it is a minimum of cosmetics, daytime makeup, a neat “business” manicure, clothes in business style(you should find out in advance if the company has a dress code), even if there is none, and the form of clothing remains at your discretion, exclude short skirts, necklines, shorts, and stilettos. How the employer sees you for the first time is very important, because that is how he will present you in his office with other employees; for men, a suit, a neat haircut, and a clean-shaven face are required.
  • find a place, office, floor on your own (see point 1 - come early), sometimes getting into the building where the company is located is something akin to a quest; in this case, ask the guards passing by people, just do not call the recruiter with the questions “Here I am already in the territory, should I go further to the left or to the right?” or “Did I forget the third floor or the fifth?” All these questions show you as someone who can't handle the simplest task, and this, you see, is not The best way to create a good impression
  • Bring your resume and all required documents with you.

How to recruit an HR manager

If you are thinking how to interest a person, how to win him over, use several simple rules to create an image of "your own".

  • your look, facial expressions, handshake - should exude confidence, look into your eyes, smile, show a good mood
  • often a recruiter starts a conversation with the so-called small talk, this is a short dialogue, the task of which is to establish contact, ice-breaking, support him in a positive way, you can use humor, for example:

How did you get there?

Great, they sent me a detailed description of the path and a map. (Even if the description was not very good, you arrived in an hour and wandered around the territory in search of 21/15 B, checkpoint 8, you should not throw out these details, the main thing here is positive)

How long did it take you to visit us?

What is “long” by the standards of Moscow J (Even if you drove for 2.5 hours, because suddenly it snowed and the whole city turned out to be, as usual, “not ready”.

Today the weather is fabulous, like New Year's Eve.

You (after spending an hour clearing the car of snow): -Yes, it feels like a holiday when it snows.

Usually, in the first few minutes of the meeting, emotions are read and perceptions are formed, which can later be confirmed or refuted.

How to establish yourself as "their":

  • create only a positive impression (smile, direct look, open face)
  • there are 2 types of people “agreers and non-agreers”, at first you need to be a “agreer”, that is, try to avoid contradictory statements, the use of the words “no”, “but”, this will allow the recruiter to “relax” and subconsciously he will perceive you as a friend .

Communication is the most important job skill. Its impact on a person's career cannot be underestimated. People prefer to work with those who are accommodating but incompetent than with those who are experts in the field but alienate their colleagues.

During the job search period, the applicant will have a series of interviews, starting with an HR specialist and ending with the company's management. And at every interview, you, as a candidate applying for a certain position, must charm everyone. Your task is to please everyone, without exception. This can only be achieved if you work on it. Few have the talent to quickly and easily win the love and respect of other people. This is not required of you for the interview. All you need is to leave the impression of a pleasant and easy-to-communicate person. You need to learn how to quickly connect with all your interviewers. Making contact plays big role when applying for a job. You can be a professional in your field, but if you lack communication skills, then it will be quite difficult to get a job.

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How to behave in an interview

  1. You must introduce yourself at the beginning of the interview. Ask about the name of the interlocutor.
  2. Look directly at the interlocutor.
  3. Listen carefully to questions, do not interrupt.
  4. If you do not understand the question, feel free to clarify: "I understood you correctly ..."
  5. Answer only to the point, avoid verbosity.
  6. Speak objectively and truthfully
  7. If you need to present negative information about yourself, do not deny the facts, but be sure to balance them with positive information about yourself.
  8. Carry yourself with dignity, (not to be confused with self-confidence), do not give the impression of a loser or a distressed person.
  9. Find out the essence of the proposed work, the conditions for its effective implementation.
  10. Be sure to discuss how you will find out about the result of the interview, specify the right to call yourself.
  11. When you're done with your interview, don't forget the ethics of courtesy.



  • Why did you pay attention to this vacancy?
  • What do you know about this job or our company?
  • What interests you about your position?
  • What will you do if... (gives an example of a critical situation)?
  • Please introduce yourself.
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What type of work do you like to do the most?
  • What do you do in your free time from work?
  • What type of work do you dislike doing?
  • What achievements or results of work give you the most satisfaction?
  • What did you like the most and what did you least like about your last job?
  • What are the reasons for looking for a new job?
  • Why did you leave former place work?
  • What does your education or experience have to do with labor activity to this job?
  • What changes in your professional career and life in general you count?
  • What are your goals in life?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
  • What are your salary expectations?


  • What will my working day be like?
  • To whom will I report directly?
  • Is it possible to meet with my immediate supervisor?
  • Will I have subordinates?
  • What are the opportunities for career or professional growth?
  • Was there a former employee at the proposed vacancy and why did he leave this place?
  • What is the main problem (task, goal) of this work?

Your personal beliefs - attitudes are good, but not all of them are useful and effective in hiring.


RESULT: If you are convinced that the goal is unattainable, then it is pointless to make efforts to achieve it. When you meet the most minimal obstacle, you do not try to do anything to get around it.


OUTCOME: If you act from this belief, you usually do not notice the obstacles in your path. Achieving the goal requires effort, consideration of circumstances, quick wits, quick reaction, but why all this if "I have no doubt that they will accept me."


RESULT: The employer, having announced a vacancy, receives a choice from several candidates. Therefore, I must prove that my candidacy is the most suitable.


  • Make a list of everything you might need for an interview, from your passport to a pen with a diary;
  • Place all documents and their copies in a decent folder on which you can write your last name and phone number by which you can be contacted;
  • Get a good night's sleep before the interview;
  • It is best to dress according to the dress code, i.e. your clothes should be formal enough, but not flashy, without extra-fashionable accessories;
  • For women, moderate makeup in pastel colors is used.
  • Be polite, patient, calm, attentive.



  1. Announcements about the same vacancies are published by the company regularly (frequency varies from 1 week to 6 months).
  2. The company does not indicate its name and contact persons.
  3. Meetings are held outside business hours, weekends and holidays.
  4. Selection criteria and basic requirements for candidates are not announced.
  5. After passing certain selection procedures, you do not receive your own results or you are charged for it.
  6. You are asked to complete homework which requires special knowledge, techniques, processing of large amounts of information, creative and intellectual efforts. Very often, such tasks are associated with the development of specific activities, procedures, activity planning, assessment of prospects, situation analysis, forecasts.
  7. Homework is risky. For example, you are offered to collect information about competitors, their services, etc.
  8. When asked about compensation for your expenses or about your salary, they answer evasively or promise to compensate them if they are hired.
  9. You are offered to work for some time without pay and registration of labor relations.
  10. You are offered 2-3 weeks to work for half the salary on the terms of a fixed-term employment contract.
  11. You have been told that you have strong competitors for the proposed vacancy in large numbers.
  12. You have been transparently hinted that it is easier to enter the company than to leave.
  13. You come across employees who leave with a "sour" expression and refuse to give reasons for leaving or talk about work.
  14. Working employees do not make contact and keep aloof.
  15. You experience inner discomfort and a desire to finish the interview as soon as possible.
  16. They promise to call you and they don't.
  17. More than two weeks have passed since the last contact and you yourself are trying to find out about the results.
  18. After you call with great difficulty, an employee of the company hardly remembers your person.


Professional quality:

  • High professional qualification
  • Accuracy and punctuality in work
  • Profile (including additional) education

Personal qualities:

  • Resourcefulness
  • Sociability
  • Friendliness
  • Patience
  • Persistence in achieving the goal
  • Politeness, delicacy
  • Equilibrium
  • Ambition
  • Neatness and cleanliness
  • Good health.


Professional quality:

  • Low, insufficient qualification
  • Inconsistency of previous work experience with the basic requirements of the Employer
  • Lack of interest in the job offer
  • Interested only in high wages
  • False modesty - fear of speaking out professional qualities and virtues

Personal qualities:

  • Conceit - I know everything
  • Heightened self-esteem
  • Impatience - the desire to get everything at once
  • Passivity - the absence of any action on your part to find a new job
  • Lack of courtesy, elementary ethics
  • indecisiveness
  • Bad sense of humor
  • Low morale
  • Narrow circle of interests
  • slovenliness
  • Physical disabilities that prevent the performance of the labor function.

AND REMEMBER: You won't get a second chance to make a first impression!


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