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The other day a client came to me who has his own dental clinic. He had no idea how to attract customers, scale the business and make big profits. Increasing the profits of dentistry is easy using a few tricks from this article. Read on.

Today I will tell you about the difficulties faced by “young” dentist entrepreneurs, as well as those who have been in this business for a long time, but for some reason are still stuck in a dead center.

In this article, using the example of private dentistry, we will consider the following questions:

  • Why is it hard to start a business?
  • 5 principles that will sink your business.
  • How to increase the flow of customers by 30%?
  • Businessman or self-employed, who are you?
  • What will help you create a “delicious” USP?
  • Increase the profits of dentistry. Where to begin?

Start over.

The collapse of the hopes of a novice businessman

What does a novice entrepreneur expect when he opens his own business, in our example, his dentistry.

The first, of course, is freedom. How much can you work for "uncle" when you have tremendous experience, professionalism and small capital. You can fulfill your dream and make a profit ...

Dream. Many aspire to it. Each to their own, based on their experience. And a professional in his field, takes and leaves a hired job, opens his own business and begins to do what he used to do, only for himself.

The problem is that he is often not ready for this, simply because there are no such skills. Yes, he is a professional, an excellent dentist, but not a businessman.

And those mistakes that he begins to make inevitably lead to problems in his business.

Let's take a look at some of the mistakes my client made in his field. I note that business processes are in many ways similar and differ only in the specifics of the field of activity, so not only dentists should be aware of these errors.

5 principles of "grandfather" marketing for dentistry or why you will not have 300 thousand customers)

What are the principles that many self-employed businessmen, as well as novice entrepreneurs, still work on, what mistakes they encounter and what this leads to, we will consider later in the article.

1. If you want it to be good, do it yourself.

Undoubtedly, an entrepreneur must understand many aspects of his business. However, doing everything on your own takes a colossal amount of time and effort to study and implement all those technologies, or at least a small part of them, that currently exist on the market.

“Do it yourself” is the principle of owning your own work. It is inherent in dentists, lawyers, lawyers, accountants and other professions involved in private practice.

This is what distinguishes a business from self-employment. This is the principle that does not allow these people to become the owner of a business and jump above their heads.

It is clear that there are 24 hours in a day. During this time, it is impossible for one person to serve an infinite number of patients, and even more so to manage, develop and scale his business.

Classics of the genre, Robert Kiyosaki, Quadrant cash flow". Businessmen value their time, they know that it cannot be returned. Therefore, they buy the time of others and then their day becomes no longer 24 hours. With the wrong hands, they can do much more.

The ability to delegate is one of the key skills that distinguishes a businessman from a self-employed worker. The owner of his business is not limited to one clinic, he is building a network of clinics.

2. Advertising is the engine of trade.

It is IMPORTANT for any entrepreneur, including the owner of a dental clinic, to understand that advertising does NOT increase your sales! As strange as it may sound, it is a fact.

Advertising only allows you to increase the number of visits to the clinic. But the administrator who received this call Yes! In many ways, it depends on him whether the client will reach us or go to someone else, more polite, for example.

3. The habit of paying twice.

There are some things you shouldn't skimp on. This is marketing and qualified personnel. I explain why.

First, marketing is a system that attracts and retains customers in our company. Without attracting customers, there will be no profit. Without customer retention, there will be no business stability.

According to statistics, attracting a new client is 5-7 times more energy-labor-money-costly than selling a product or service to an already “old one”. Yes! Many dentists make this mistake! They treat their client as a “disposable”, not knowing or forgetting that the customer base is the golden asset of any business.

Second, the generated stream potential clients must be translated into reality. I wrote about this above in the "advertisement". And for this, you need a competent manager or administrator who will be able not only to competently tell about the services, but also competently close the sale, so that the client does not even have a doubt about choosing which clinic to go to.

Thirdly, the dentist himself and his colleagues must be professionals. Otherwise, “good marketing” will simply “kill” the business of an incompetent doctor. Why?

Because the created good marketing"an army of customers, dissatisfied and embittered with the quality of services, will spread" the glory of the great feats of the dentist. And this is in the most favorable outcome. But there may also be courts, and compensation ...

Therefore, it is important to be a professional in your field and take the same professionals as you or better!

The desire to save money, where it is not worth it, can be very EXPENSIVE in the future.

4. Lack of understanding of your own business.

The lack of knowledge and skills does not allow you to create a viable business model, although it is with an understanding of the business processes that will take place in your clinic that everything should begin.

5. Disposable clients.

As practice shows, about 45% of dental clinics treat their clients as "disposable", that is, they served, made a profit and that's it.

This is one of the biggest mistakes. The customer base is your golden asset. Loyal customers are the people who make your business sustainable.

Repeat sales, according to statistics, are 5 times less expensive than finding new customers and building relationships with them.

What is important to know for a novice entrepreneur and will help those who are "treading water." We will talk about this further.

6 rules to increase the profit of dentistry

There are things painfully familiar, however, there are still a lot of those who do not use them, especially in offline business.

1. Determine who your target audience (target audience) is.

Of course. Where will we move if we do not understand who our client is? Who do we feed the bait, for whom we write lyrics, commercials we shoot, create banners, headlines, describe values, press on calluses…

Trite, but a clear understanding of one's own target audience allows you to accurately shoot at customers and hit right on target, rather than when we have a general blurry idea and fire from the tsar cannon at sparrows.

2. Create your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).

Knowing who our client is, you can create a unique selling proposition for him. Or for them, if there are several such groups. Again, the gray masses of an infinite number of clinics begin to get lost against the background of the number, no matter how good they are.

How do you choose where to go in this case? Help the client, do your own special offer, so that against the background of competitors it was the most delicious! And what is needed for this?

Yes, it is worth noting here that in many respects these 2 and subsequent points depend on what level your dentistry is: an economy cabinet, an average option or an elite clinic.

3. Use benchmarking.

Study your competitors, look at their features: how do they attract customers, generate leads, what features do they use offline and online? Analyze, maybe even use their service to know your friend from the inside. Take the best they have and apply it to your clinic or your business.

In addition, identify obvious shortcomings and weaknesses of competitors and make them yours. strengths. Then, when choosing between you and someone, they will stop at you.

Having analyzed your main competitors in this way, you will have a picture of their strengths and weaknesses. You will see what they offer, what is their USP, what are their pros and cons.

Take all the best, remove weaknesses and create your own beautiful, bright, "delicious" USP, which your client "eats" with pleasure. And you will be happy.))

After all, customers are becoming smarter and do not go to the first dentist or hairdresser with a bright picture in advertising. They analyze what is good and what is bad and where for the same money is even better.

By finding the weaknesses of your competitors and turning them into your strengths, you will compare favorably with your fellow drills.

4. Create trust - the source of sales.

What impression the client will have about your clinic depends on his further visit to you, and not to your competitors.

And here there are no trifles. In the literal sense, everything affects the client, from the sign above the entrance and the smile of the administrator, to the cleanliness of the toilet and the presence of soap next to the washbasin.

And of course, the main thing is the professionalism of the dentist himself. Because it is one thing when you are treated by a "soulless" uncle with a stone expression in his eyes, and quite another, an open, good-natured, calming person.

Going to the dentist is stressful, unpleasant, and often painful. That is why we go to him so “often”, usually when we are already unbearable. Scheduled preventive visits to the dentist have not yet become part of our culture.

In order for the client to feel comfortable and well, it is important to create trust from the moment the client crosses the threshold of your clinic.

A grateful client will come back to you again and again.

5. Use smart cross-sell.

One of the well-known methods of raising profits is cross-selling.
After high-quality work with the patient, his satisfied, grateful eyes, you can offer him to purchase related products.

Of course, it doesn't have to feel like a push-pull for a new super trendy floss that goes even where others can't.

Your clinic showcases may have good toothpastes, brushes, mouthwashes and other oral products that will really benefit the client and bring you additional profit.

Without this, neither customers, nor profits, nor businesses can be seen as their teeth. And vice versa, from practice, introducing these simple rules in your business, you can increase the number of customers by 30% in 1-2 months.

6. Money is nothing, REPUTATION is Everything!

One serious joint and your reputation will be completely crushed!

People choose a dentist once and for life. This is, of course, conditional, but in fact, I would rather go to the other end of the city to my trusted specialist than go down to the next entrance to the newly opened dental clinic.

Therefore, how quality or poor quality you serve your new patient depends on whether he will become yours for centuries!?) Thus, as a professional in your field, you personally influence your reputation.

word of mouth, as a result of your service, the word of the miracle dentist will spread throughout the area. And what this message will be and how it will affect your reputation depends on how satisfied your client is.

Yes, and of course, it is important to collect positive reviews patients of your clinic, because the principle of social proof has not yet been canceled. The best review is a video review!

Reputation marketing is about building and maintaining reputation. It is impossible to track everything on your own. And the bigger you get, the more and better you need to track everything that customers, competitors, media, blogs, social media say about you. networks, etc.

Often there are envious well-wishers who, for a number of reasons, from psychological to black PR, in one way or another are trying to move you off the podium of your impeccable reputation.

Reputation is a clean, transparent glass ball, once dropped, the pieces cannot be collected. And even if it is collected and glued together, the reputation will never be the same. Therefore, treat it with care and do not let anyone break it.

That's what reputation marketing is for.

Ask yourself questions:

  • Do you know your target audience?
  • Do you have a USP that sets you apart from the rest?
  • Do you know who your main competitors are and what marketing methods they use?
  • Are you building trusting relationships with your clients?
  • Do you sell related products?
  • Do you care about your reputation as a good specialist?

If there is at least one NO, it's time to think about your marketing!


Let me summarize.

What is dentistry? This is business. The same business as others, with the same laws, only with its own specifics.

Like any other business, in order to competently manage it, you need to have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience. Often, in small clinics and private offices, the dentist himself acts as a businessman.

Being a good specialist in dentistry and being a businessman are two big differences and, as a rule, one excludes the other.

Not for nothing, in the most successful network clinics, the owners are not dentists. They create this profitable business, open clinics, hire staff, build networks. The ability to manage one's own and other people's time, to delegate authority is one of the key skills that distinguish a business owner from the owner of his work.

And you have a choice. If you want to develop your business, you can start doing it yourself by implementing the rules that I wrote about. This will allow you to attract new clients to your clinic. However, remember that this stream will always be limited by your time.

Or hire experts in this field, let them do it, and you continue to do what you love.


Subbotin Ivan

Ivan Subbotin owner of internet marketing agency SaturDay and leading business consultant with a unique focus on social media. He came to this market with one goal, to raise Russian business from its knees. He uses in his arsenal 10 years of experience in digital, online marketing and promotion in social media. Stay in touch with me join my social media page on Facebook (

dental clinic(STS income minus expenses) purchases toothpaste and dental floss, etc. and distribute to visitors. How to register this operation in accounting? Does this count as tax expense?

This is not taken into account in taxation expenses, and a detailed procedure for recording transactions on a gratuitous transfer in accounting is contained in the materials of the Glavbukh System.

The property that the recipient is not obliged to pay or return back is considered to be transferred free of charge (clause 1 of article 572 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) *.


The legislation does not provide for a unified form for the gratuitous transfer of goods or materials. Compile it in any form, indicating the required details (clause 2, article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ). For example, in the form of an acceptance certificate or a consignment note in the form of TORG-12 *.


At the same time, do the wiring: *

Debit 91-2 Credit 41 (10)
- reflects the cost of donated goods (materials);

Debit 91-2 Credit 10 (60, 69, 70, 76...)
– costs associated with the gratuitous transfer of goods (materials), for example, for delivery, are taken into account.

In the event of a gratuitous transfer of goods (materials), the organization does not receive income on simplified taxation (Article 346.15,, Tax Code of the Russian Federation) *.

With regard to expenses, goods (materials) donated free of charge, as well as the costs associated with their transfer, are not taken into account when calculating income tax (

These services include dental services, including:

  • children's;
  • preventive;
  • orthopedic;
  • therapeutic;
  • surgical;
  • dentistry general practice;
  • hygiene in dentistry.

At the same time, medical dental services should be related to diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

Installation of dental jewelry does not apply to treatment, disease prevention and diagnosis. An example of dental services that relate to treatment and diagnosis can be the services indicated in materials No. 4. As such, there is no clear list of dental services that are exempt from VAT in the legislation. However, the organization has the right to determine for itself which services relate to treatment, prevention and diagnosis, and which have a cosmetic purpose.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System

1. Situation: is it necessary to pay VAT when selling dental services

Olga Tsibizova,

head of the department's indirect taxes

tax and customs tariff policy of the Ministry of Finance of Russia

2. Annex to the Regulations on Licensing Medical Activities (with the exception of the specified activities carried out by medical organizations and other organizations that are part of the private healthcare system, on the territory of the innovative
center "Skolkovo")


Children's dentistry

general practice dentistry

orthopedic dentistry

preventive dentistry

therapeutic dentistry

surgical dentistry*


Despite the fact that the law provides for exemption for medical services, its application is limited by the established List of these services and other regulations. The question arises: are dental services in private organizations subject to VAT? Let's figure it out together.

Features of taxation in dentistry

Paid services to the population in addition to the guaranteed volume of free medical care can be provided by medical institutions regardless of departmental subordination and form of ownership. This is stated in clause 1 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 13, 1996 N 27. This means that private enterprises also have the right to provide paid dental services, and at the same time, according to Art. 143 and 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in the general case, they are recognized as VAT payers. But this is in general, but there are also particulars in this matter.*

VAT relief

Thus, subject to certain conditions, the legislation provides for a preferential taxation regime for medical services. Let's take a look at the grounds for its use. This is the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the sale of medical services provided by medical organizations, including doctors engaged in private medical practice, is exempt from taxation (clause 2, clause 2, article 149).

What services are eligible for this benefit? They are listed in the List of medical services for diagnostics, prevention and treatment provided to the population, the implementation of which, regardless of the form and source of their payment, is not subject to VAT (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2001 N 132). Dental services are included in the specified List and are carried out within the framework of primary (pre-hospital) medical care, outpatient medical care and in day hospitals, and therefore are exempt from VAT. At the same time, an organization applying for a preferential regime, in without fail must have documents confirming this right.*

Note. official position

S.V. Sergeeva, Advisor to the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, III rank

Are dental services provided to the public subject to VAT?

According to paragraphs. 2, paragraph 2 and paragraph 6 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of Russia, the provision of services to the population by medical organizations and (or) institutions, doctors engaged in private medical practice is not subject to taxation (exempted from taxation), with the exception of cosmetic, veterinary and sanitary and epidemiological services. Medical services, in particular, include services provided to the population for diagnosis, prevention and treatment, regardless of the form and source of their payment, according to the List (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2001 N 132), if organizations have, carrying out these operations, the relevant licenses.*

Documents that confirm the right of an organization providing dental services are the relevant licenses. Their presence is provided for by law and other regulations. This is paragraph 6 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3 of Rules N 27, Regulations on the licensing of medical activities (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2002 N 499), Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of July 26, 2002 N 238. I would like to draw your attention on a number of important points:

If there are no relevant licenses or their validity period has expired, the tax authorities have the right to impose VAT on dental services, since the use of benefits is allowed only if there is a license;

Dental services provided specifically to the population are exempt from VAT. If the organization serves legal entities, VAT should be charged.

The inspectors can demand the submission of documentation confirming the right to use the preferential regime within the framework of a desk audit within three months from the date of filing the declaration. This right is enshrined in Art. 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

General Audit Specialist

LLC "Baker Tilly Rusaudit"


"Chief Accountant". Appendix "Accounting in medicine", 2006, N 1

4. A list of medical services provided during orthopedic dental procedures to certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow


Patient consultation when registering a patient for dental prosthetics

Council of specialists (at least 3)

Removal or cementation of the crown

Removal of a cast crown

Removal of an impression from a material other than plaster

Taking a double impression

Collapsible model

Diagnostic models (pair)

Bite guide for fixed bridge prosthesis

Grinding of one tooth

Anesthesia application

Anesthesia infiltration

Conductive anesthesia

Depulpation of one tooth in preparation for odontopreparation

X-ray of 2 adjacent teeth

Panoramic radiography, visiography

Removable dentures

Removable prosthesis with 1 tooth made of plastic

Removable prosthesis with 2 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 3 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 4 teeth made of plastic

Removable prosthesis with 5 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 6 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 7 teeth made of plastic

Removable prosthesis with 8 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 9 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 10 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 11 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 12 plastic teeth

Removable prosthesis with 13 teeth made of plastic

Removable prosthesis with 14 teeth made of plastic

Installation in a plastic prosthesis of 1 additional tooth made of plastic

Installation in a plastic prosthesis 1 additional tooth cast from steel

Support-holding clasp

Klammer bent, single-arm

springy clasp

Gingival and periodontal clasp according to Kemeny


Claw-shaped process (splinting foot)

Base cast from cobalt chromium alloy instead of arc

Soft lining to the base

individual spoon

Refractory model

cast tooth

Tooth cast with plastic facet

Fixed dentures

Restorative stamped steel crown

Stamped steel crown for support-holding clasp

Stamped crown, soldered with a pin, lined with plastic

Pressed steel crown with plastic lining

Stamped crown (or cast tooth), covered with micro pearls and lined with composite materials

Crown (cast tooth) lined with composite materials

Stamped crown welded into a removable prosthesis and used to fix the removable prosthesis on the caps

Stamped telescopic crown

Cast crown (or cast tooth) made of steel

Cast crown (or cast tooth) made of steel with plastic lining

Cast crown (or cast tooth) made of cobalt chromium alloy

Cast crown (or cast tooth) made of cobalt-chromium alloy with plastic lining in a one-piece bridge prosthesis

Cast crown (or cast tooth) made of cobalt-chromium alloy, covered with pearls, plasma and lined with composite materials, in a one-piece cast bridge prosthesis

Cast pin tooth made of cobalt chromium alloy

Cast cobalt chromium pin tooth with plastic veneer

Foot in a bridge prosthesis

Soldering parts in a bridge prosthesis

Stump tab with steel pin

Plastic crown

Plastic crown (or plastic tooth) with a pin

Kappa plastic from quick-hardening plastic (temporary prosthesis), 1 link

Restoration of dentures

Replacement or installation in the prosthesis of one additional tooth made of plastic

Replacement or installation of 2 additional plastic teeth

Replacement or installation of 3 additional plastic teeth

Replacement or installation of 4 additional plastic teeth

Correction of a prosthesis made outside of this medical organization

Restoration of plastic veneers of crowns and facets

Dovarka base in a removable prosthesis

Relining of the clasp prosthesis saddle

Installing or changing one clasp

Elimination of one fracture of the basis in the prosthesis*


Nadezhda Polyakova, expert of BSS System Glavbukh.

Answer approved by Varvara Abramova,

leading expert of BSS "System Glavbukh".

I think everyone here is progressive enough to shop online in China, but does everyone know that you can shop on Aliexpress much cheaper using cashback services? For those who do not know, I will briefly note that by ordering a product using the link issued by the cashback service, you can return up to 8% of the amount of your order. So on the birthday of AliExpress, I want to elaborate on the best services and compare the conditions they currently offer for shopping in China's largest online store. And for those who are not interested in details, but only the return percentage is important - at the end there is a data plate.

To begin with, let me remind you of the very mechanics of the process, thanks to which such an opportunity appeared in general.

That is, in this case, pays commissions to all these services for the fact that they are engaged in attracting buyers to them. The percentage paid depends on the turnover of the service: the more the online store is interested in the partner, the better conditions it gives, and when Aliexpress pays commission to the service, the service transfers some percentage to the buyer. This is cashback.

Over the past few years, many cashbackers have appeared, but it makes no sense to consider everything, since most of them are completely uncompetitive. I chose only those who, with the help of their turnover, are able to receive the maximum percentage from the store and after that they are not greedy, but give most of it to the buyer.

So here's who I chose:
4. Cashback Epn
5. Kopikot
6. Dronk Cashback

1. Cashback

Those who are not yet familiar with Letyshops sometimes think that this is a scam or just some kind of fraud, because you can’t give so much money back to people. I can confidently refute all these suspicions, since my personal experience with Letyshops and reviews on the network only cause positive emotions. And finally, the statistics of the growth of these guys in recent months, which is provided by Similarweb, helps to finally dispel doubts.

You can easily register in the service with a couple of clicks through social networks, after which the tips will tell you everything you need in a couple of minutes and even offer to make the first test order in a pseudo-shop. At the first stage, you will most likely find out that you need to add Letyshops to the exceptions or temporarily disable the adblock. Such a requirement is necessary, since the adblock can block the transfer of information to aliexpress that you came from here. That is, if you do not transfer this information, Ali simply will not pay commissions to the service, and you will not receive cashback.

2. Cashback

One more is enough famous service Among the cashbacks, you can name, and here again you will find only positive feedback about working with it. 689 stores are connected to the service, so you can shop in this way not only in China. A quarter of a million people use this every month, which is 6 times less than LetyShops, but still not bad. Aliexpress offers discounts from 2 to 25%, but usually range from 2 to 6%.

3. Cashback

The only foreign service on our list and may not be the most convenient, but it is very popular in the world, where 20 million people visit every month and more than 1800 stores are connected to it. For purchases on AliExpress, it provides a 5% discount.

4. Cashback ePN

This is a highly specialized cashback service that works with only one store - AliExpress, but offers to receive a cashback in the amount of 7% of your check. The interface here is as simple as possible and apparently simplicity captivates, because 700,000 people go to it a month, which makes it the second most visited and its growth is also gaining momentum.

5. Cashback

Another convenient service for getting cashback. A well-thought-out interface that will immediately introduce you to how everything is arranged in it. About 360 thousand. people visit it monthly, which indicates the level of trust, which, again, is much less than Letishops, but still worthy.

6. Cashback Dronk.Cashback

This service stands apart, as it offers not only to return the money, but also helps to choose the most suitable option. You can simply enter the name of the product in the search line and it will show in which stores you can buy it and how much money will be returned to you for this purchase.

And if you have already chosen what and where you want to buy, then simply insert the page address into the search line and you will be shown the exact amount that you can return.

The return percentage here is floating, but it is always higher than the market average, and for most products it is the best. Say, for most products on AliExpress, the return rate here is 8%.

Comparison plate

Min. withdrawal amount

AliExpress percentage

500 rub. 6.5 %

0 rub. 2-25 %

5.01 $ 5 %

500 rub. 5.5 %

0.2$ 7%


3$ 5-8%


I think conclusions should be drawn based on 3 parameters:
- user-friendly interface
- % of payments.
- Reliability

By interface I think let's compare the level of Letyshops and Dronk. Both companies have seriously thought over every step, made a learning mechanism, and in general it is very pleasant to be in their office.

The most favorable percentage AliExpress payouts on this moment at

The print business is currently in decline. Any publication pays off on average in 5-7 years, and the publisher has to work practically at a loss, investing huge funds to promote the newspaper or

The lion's share of our society prefer to study online projects rather than read printed materials. Therefore, it is logical that many publishers are switching to electronic form their newspapers and magazines.

Online newspaper is an electronic version periodicals that are published and developed on the Internet. Read such a newspaper directly online on its official website.

What are the benefits of running such a business?

Advantages of the online edition

All the advantages of an online newspaper can be divided into the following groups:

Own newspaper as a business idea - prospects, risks and pitfalls of business are discussed in this video:

Business plan for an online newspaper

The first step is to decide on the main theme of the publication and the audience for which the information will be calculated. It is worth carefully analyzing what type of publication will interest visitors to the resource.

You can write news articles on your own, or use the services of freelance journalists who work for a high-quality and interesting e-newspaper, you need exclusive content that will favorably emphasize the uniqueness of the site against the background of other news clones.

If freelancers have been found, you can safely create a staff that will work on a permanent basis. Be sure to discuss with them the terms of payment and requirements for the material.

Also worth getting technical support, an experienced webmaster, a qualified designer, a photographer and other specialists. They will significantly relieve your schedule, and freed up time can be spent on thinking about ways to develop the newspaper.

The next step is to decide on the frequency of publication. At first, one or two exits per month will suffice, provided that news feed will be updated regularly. During this time, you can identify and correct the mistakes made, and then increase the frequency of publication.

The main source of income for an online newspaper is the placement of advertising posts, banners and various affiliate programs on its site. You can also earn money by providing additional services.

These include:

  • publication of paid advertisements;
  • placement of a directory of commercial and state structures cities and more.

Online newspaper promotion

News aggregators are used to develop the resource and get additional traffic. This is a service that collects and structures news in automatic mode. To do this, you need to register your newspaper on large aggregators on the network, on traffic exchangers. You can also search for sites that share traffic yourself.

How to promote an online newspaper and make it popular?

Another powerful way to popularize an e-newspaper is to promote in and in social networks. How to create a group for the online newspaper VKontakte can be found

Now almost all serious electronic editions have their own Facebook and Twitter accounts. These two resources are considered the best in terms of increasing traffic and promoting the project.

Cost and return

Depending on how much work you do yourself, the starting capital of the project will depend. Option one: you yourself create, make up a newspaper, write articles or collaborate with freelancers - the starting capital will be a minimum of about 30-40 thousand rubles.

Option two: you hire a full-fledged staff, which includes designers, photographers, layout designers, journalists. In this case, you will have to spend:

  • 20 thousand rubles for design;
  • 25 thousand rubles for layout;
  • writing articles 20 thousand rubles per issue;
  • newspaper advertising 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment for the services of a photographer 20 thousand rubles.

Also in the list of expenses, you can make the rent for the office, which may be needed if a full-fledged staff of employees works for the newspaper. Thus, about 20-30 thousand rubles should be added to the initial amount of costs.

The total amount of capital will be more than 100 thousand rubles. The amount of this amount depends on the number of pages, content, frequency and much more.

The profitability of the project also depends on many factors - the number of paid services, the number of subscribers and so on. For example, if more than 1000 readers subscribed to an online newspaper, then you can count stable income in the amount of more than 90 thousand rubles a month.

Creating an online newspaper is a fairly profitable area. The secret of success in this case is a competent approach to and careful consideration of each item of this plan.

The topic should be in demand, the design should be interesting and attractive, the information should be updated regularly, and the use of the site should not be confusing and difficult for the reader. You need to take into account the interests of subscribers and constantly work on the development and promotion of your project.

How to work with an online newspaper can be found in the following video:


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