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1. Appearance of the manager

2. Personal and business qualities of a manager


List of sources used


In my work, I want to understand what a modern manager should be like. This topic is the most relevant for me, since my future specialty is a manager. In my opinion, on how fully I study this topic for myself, my professional success in future. Since I will have clear ideas about what a modern manager should be, and I will clearly understand what I will need to strive for and how to improve myself.

To reveal this topic, I need to study what should be appearance manager, as well as the personal and business qualities of the manager.

1. Manager's appearance

“They meet by clothes - they see off by the mind!” (folk saying)

In my opinion, first of all, when describing what a manager should be, it is necessary to describe what the appearance (image) of a manager should be. Since the appearance of a manager is the first step to success, since a suit serves as a kind of code for a potential partner or client, calling card indicating the degree of solidity and reliability.

Neat, tastefully dressed, smart - this is the outward appearance of a business person, benevolently perceived by others. And the point here is not only in the sophistication of taste, but in the fact that the appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for people.

The fundamental principle in the preparation of the wardrobe should be the versatility of clothing.

An equally important requirement for clothing is its neatness. Feeling untidy always causes an unpleasant feeling and indicates disrespect for others. Another elementary requirement for clothing is also very important - neatness. A poorly tied or shifted tie, uncleaned shoes, poorly ironed clothes suggest fussy haste or laziness, undemanding to oneself or indifference to others. All these shortcomings, small and large, in any case provoke a response of disapproval or squeamish condescension.

Functions business clothes.

Thinking about the design of appearance, it should be noted that clothing in communication performs at least three functions: presentation, regulatory, information.

Presentation function is that clothes represent their wearer to the world. More precisely, self-presentation, self-presentation of the personality takes place through clothes, since the person himself wanted, decided, or for some reason had to be dressed that way.

Regulatory function is that clothing can regulate the relationship between participants in business interaction.

For example, a see-through blouse and miniskirt of a woman working in a business environment (rather than a business suit, as it should be) can encourage male colleagues to courtship instead of a purely business relationship.

Information function clothing is manifested in the fact that clothing broadcasts a variety of information about its owner, sometimes even that which is better to hide. First of all, this is information about how a person imagines himself, how he would like to appear to others, what a person thinks about his attractiveness, that is, what is the “I-concept” of a person. Clothing also informs about the origin, taste, habits, mood, income of its owner. Interestingly, in literal translation from Latin, the word "costume" means "way of life."

Studies show that almost all adults can tell by clothes social status person and roughly indicate the type of occupation.

Manager rules.

In the business sphere, business style is socially approved. Attractive will be considered the person who adheres to the appearance of the business style.

business style for a business man, these are clothes and accessories that allow you to look professional, authoritative, self-confident, solid, inspiring confidence, but not without a claim to grace and elegance.

Business style for a business woman is an opportunity to declare herself as a worthy business partner. It turns out that if a woman is dressed in a business style, then other women and men who perceive her attribute the following qualities to her: critical, serious, confident, tactful, smart, hardworking, organized.

When choosing clothes, you need to choose the right color. The most winning colors for business attire are black, white, grey, blue, olive, brown and pastel colors. Bright and saturated colors are not suitable.

When choosing shoes, you must remember that shoes for a business image should be of strict classical forms, with a low, stable heel (no higher than 4-5 cm), in no case massive and fragile. Shoes with open toes or heels are also not recommended, as they give the impression of vulnerability and effeminacy.

A woman manager needs to remember the rules of business makeup. Make-up must be kept in natural soothing colors, unobtrusive, rather strict, not defiant. It is recommended to exclude bright trendy shades. The same applies to manicure.

2. Personal and business qualities of a manager

Much attention is now being paid to the issues of determining the complex of knowledge, abilities, personal and business qualities that managers should possess. Many scientists, representatives of various schools involved in the development of methods and forms of production management, have tried to formulate the basic requirements that an ideal manager must satisfy. But it turned out that it is almost impossible to identify such specific requirements, since the requirements for a manager cannot be the same under all conditions, but depend on the characteristics of the environment in which the manager has to work. But at the same time, the working conditions in the process of enterprise development can and should be transformed, and therefore it is important for a manager to have the ability to change the methods and style of leadership depending on the conditions that are created. This is, in particular, the ability of a manager to successfully manage a business under any conditions.

It is important for managers to understand the needs and demands of people, the ability to correctly assess the potential and individual characteristics employees, listen to the opinions, advice and recommendations of team members, promote the development of their initiatives and make optimal use of them in practical work.

Organizational skills help managers create and maintain a firm, conscious discipline in the team, without which the enterprise cannot work normally. Such discipline is created not by punishments, not by frequent replacement of subordinates, not by rudeness, but by fair exactingness, the ability to induce people to fruitful activity, proper education, good relations to people, a personal example of the leader. It is based on mutual respect between subordinates and managers.

The organizational abilities of a manager are determined by a whole range of his personal and business qualities, character traits, and the ability to perform managerial work. The main character traits that are so important for a manager include independence and creative thinking, initiative, purposefulness . Success in the field of managerial work is largely determined by analytical skills, flexibility in dealing with people, as well as a responsible attitude to work, business enterprise. The abilities of each manager are best revealed in practical work. Only here you can check how he is able to use the available opportunities, overcome difficulties and achieve success.

Such traits as tact, balance, self-control, etc. are very important for a leader. These typical qualities of a manager help him gain authority, both among his subordinates and among the entire team of the enterprise. The presence of authority is the most important condition for the successful management of an enterprise.

Delimiting the concepts - knowledge, skill, business and personal qualities of a manager, you can roughly define the difference between them: knowledge serves to represent what needs to be done; skills and abilities make it possible to realize how to do it; business and personal qualities provide the ability to analyze the situation, its correct assessment, confidence in making optimal decisions and energetic actions to implement decisions taken in life. In order to competently manage a company, a manager needs to have the appropriate knowledge in the field of technology, economics, organization of production and management.

This knowledge should be not only theoretical, but also practical, obtained in the process of work. The total volume of a complex of theoretical and practical information for implementation practical guide depends on the management functions that the manager performs.

Not all even the most highly qualified specialists with the relevant knowledge are able to successfully manage the organization. The manager must have the ability to manage people, the team of the enterprise or its divisions. Any most talented and efficient manager is not able to succeed if he does not know how to properly organize and plan his work and labor activity subordinates, to combine operational management of production with work on promising issues. It is important for a manager to be able to foresee the future, not to be satisfied with what has been achieved, to seek new opportunities and reserves, to constantly set new, intense, but real tasks for the team to develop and improve the organization's activities.

Operational management is the ability of a manager to quickly find and make a specific solution to the diverse tasks that constantly arise in the production process. A delay in solving current issues inevitably leads to a violation of its normal rhythm and course.


1. Appearance of the manager

2. Personal and business qualities of a manager


List of sources used


In my work, I want to understand what a modern manager should be like. This topic is the most relevant for me, since my future specialty is a manager. In my opinion, my professional success in the future depends on how fully I study this topic for myself. Since I will have clear ideas about what a modern manager should be, and I will clearly understand what I will need to strive for and how to improve myself.

To cover this topic, I will need to study what the appearance of a manager should be like, as well as the personal and business qualities of a manager.

1. Appearance of the manager

"Meet by clothes - see off by the mind!" (folk saying)

In my opinion, first of all, when describing what a manager should be, it is necessary to describe what the appearance (image) of a manager should be. Since the appearance of a manager is the first step towards success, since for a potential partner or client a suit serves as a kind of code, a business card, indicating the degree of solidity and reliability.

Neat, tastefully dressed, smart - this is the outward appearance of a business person, benevolently perceived by others. And the point here is not only in the sophistication of taste, but in the fact that the appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for people.

The fundamental principle in the preparation of the wardrobe should be the versatility of clothing.

An equally important requirement for clothing is its neatness. Feeling untidy always causes an unpleasant feeling and indicates disrespect for others. Another elementary requirement for clothing is also very important - neatness. A poorly tied or shifted tie, uncleaned shoes, poorly ironed clothes suggest fussy haste or laziness, undemanding to oneself or indifference to others. All these shortcomings, small and large, in any case provoke a response of disapproval or squeamish condescension.

Functions of business clothes.

Thinking about the design of appearance, it should be noted that clothing in communication performs at least three functions: presentation, regulatory, information.

Presentation function is that clothes represent their wearer to the world. More precisely, self-presentation, self-presentation of the personality takes place through clothes, since the person himself wanted, decided, or for some reason had to be dressed that way.

Regulatory function is that clothing can regulate the relationship between participants in business interaction.

For example, a see-through blouse and miniskirt of a woman working in a business environment (rather than a business suit, as it should be) can encourage male colleagues to courtship instead of a purely business relationship.

Information function clothing is manifested in the fact that clothing broadcasts a variety of information about its owner, sometimes even that which is better to hide. First of all, this is information about how a person presents himself, how he would like to appear to others, what a person thinks about his attractiveness, that is, what is the "I-concept" of the individual. Clothing also informs about the origin, taste, habits, mood, income of its owner. Interestingly, in literal translation from Latin, the word "costume" means "way of life."

Studies show that almost all adults can determine the social status of a person by clothing and roughly indicate the occupation.

Manager rules.

In the business sphere, business style is socially approved. Attractive will be considered the person who adheres to the appearance of the business style.

Business style for a business man is clothes and accessories that allow you to look professional, authoritative, self-confident, solid, inspiring confidence, but not without a claim to grace and elegance.

Business style for a business woman is an opportunity to declare herself as a worthy business partner. It turns out that if a woman is dressed in a business style, then other women and men who perceive her attribute the following qualities to her: critical, serious, confident, tactful, smart, hardworking, organized.

When choosing clothes, you need to choose the right color. The most winning colors for business attire are black, white, grey, blue, olive, brown and pastel colors. Bright and saturated colors are not suitable. When choosing shoes, you must remember that shoes for a business image should be of strict classical forms, with a low, stable heel (no higher than 4-5 cm), in no case massive and fragile. Shoes with open toes or heels are also not recommended, as they give the impression of vulnerability and effeminacy.

A woman manager needs to remember the rules of business makeup. Make-up must be kept in natural soothing colors, unobtrusive, rather strict, not defiant. It is recommended to exclude bright trendy shades. The same applies to manicure.

2. Personal and business qualities of a manager

Much attention is now being paid to the issues of determining the complex of knowledge, abilities, personal and business qualities that managers should possess. Many scientists, representatives of various schools involved in the development of methods and forms of production management, have tried to formulate the basic requirements that an ideal manager must satisfy. But it turned out that it is almost impossible to identify such specific requirements, since the requirements for a manager cannot be the same under all conditions, but depend on the characteristics of the environment in which the manager has to work. But at the same time, the working conditions in the process of enterprise development can and should be transformed, and therefore it is important for a manager to have the ability to change the methods and style of leadership depending on the conditions that are created. This is, in particular, the ability of a manager to successfully manage a business under any conditions.

It is important for managers to understand the needs and demands of people, the ability to correctly assess the potential and individual characteristics of employees, listen to the opinions, advice and recommendations of team members, promote the development of their initiatives and use them optimally in practical work.

Organizational skills help managers create and maintain a firm, conscious discipline in the team, without which the enterprise cannot work normally. Such discipline is created not by punishments, not by frequent replacement of subordinates, not by rudeness, but by fair exactingness, the ability to encourage people to fruitful activities, proper education, good relations with people, and the personal example of a leader. It is based on mutual respect between subordinates and managers. The organizational abilities of a manager are determined by a whole range of his personal and business qualities, character traits, and the ability to perform managerial work.

The main character traits that are so important for a manager include independence and creative thinking, initiative, purposefulness . Success in the field of managerial work is largely determined by analytical skills, flexibility in dealing with people, as well as a responsible attitude to work, business enterprise.

The abilities of each manager are best revealed in practical work. Only here you can check how he is able to use the available opportunities, overcome difficulties and achieve success. Such traits as tact, balance, self-control, etc. are very important for a leader. These typical qualities of a manager help him gain authority, both among his subordinates and among the entire team of the enterprise.

Delimiting the concepts - knowledge, skill, business and personal qualities of a manager, you can roughly define the difference between them: knowledge serves to represent what needs to be done; skills and abilities make it possible to realize how to do it; business and personal qualities provide the ability to analyze the situation, its correct assessment, confidence in making optimal decisions and energetic actions to implement the decisions made. In order to competently manage a company, a manager needs to have the appropriate knowledge in the field of technology, economics, organization of production and management.

This knowledge should be not only theoretical, but also practical, obtained in the process of work. The total volume of the complex of theoretical and practical information for the implementation of practical guidance depends on the management functions that the manager performs.

Not all even the most highly qualified specialists with the relevant knowledge are able to successfully manage the organization. The manager must have the ability to manage people, the team of the enterprise or its divisions. Any most talented and hardworking manager is not able to succeed if he cannot properly organize and plan his work and the work of his subordinates, combine operational management of production with work on promising issues. It is important for a manager to be able to foresee the future, not to be satisfied with what has been achieved, to seek new opportunities and reserves, to constantly set new, intense, but real tasks for the team to develop and improve the organization's activities. Operational management is the ability of a manager to quickly find and make a specific solution to the diverse tasks that constantly arise in the production process. A delay in solving current issues inevitably leads to a violation of its normal rhythm and course.


Let's sum up some results. What are the requirements for a modern manager? business quality clothing manager

First, the modern manager must develop his own style. Its appearance should become a hallmark in the business world. Since our appearance carries information about our business and personal qualities to our partners and employers.

Secondly, in order for subordinates to follow their leader, he must understand his followers, and they must understand the world and the situation in which they find themselves. Because both people and situations are constantly changing, a manager must be flexible enough to accommodate the ongoing change. Understanding the situation and knowing how to manage by human resourses, are essential components of effective leadership. All this indicates that managerial work is one of those human activities that require specific personal qualities that make a particular person professionally suitable for management activities.

List of sources used

1. Basovsky L.E. Management. Tutorial. - M.: Infra - M, 2003 - 216 p.

2. Kabushkin N.I. Textbook. - Minsk: CJSC "Econompress", NPZh "FUA", 1998. - 284 p.

3. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management: Per. from English - M.: "Delo", 1993 - 702 p.

4. Utkin E.A. Management course. Textbook for high schools. - M.: Publishing house "Zertsalo", 1998. - 448 p.

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The sales manager is the key person in the department. It depends on how the client perceives the company's products. The seller is responsible for phone calls, participates in presentations, conducts meetings with clients, prepares commercial offers. Thus, the sales manager interacts with the client at all stages of work.

Characteristics of a Successful Salesperson - Survey Results

In March 2017, we conducted a survey among the readers of our Facebook page. We were interested in the opinion of our readers, how they see the ideal sales manager. 31 people took part in the survey.

We analyzed the responses and grouped them into 7 key groups of seller characteristics that customers consider important. We list them in descending order of importance, from most important to least:

  1. Customer focus
  2. good business qualities
  3. Good personal qualities
  4. An expert in his field
  5. Nice appearance
  6. Good communication skills
  7. persistence

Below are quotes from survey participants:

  • One who knows how to listen the right questions, "reveal" true needs and satisfy them (Egor)
  • Solves my problems for me. Protects me from bureaucrats from his company: I will not write an application if it is a “requirement of the company”, a good “sale” gives me what has already been written for signature. Able to show that the client did not bargain and did not overpay. Greed is the main quality of the seller. You have to be so greedy to be able to let go of a small profit right away for the sake of a big tomorrow (Sergey)
  • Expert. Hears me, solves (or pretends to do) my task (Stanislav)
  • Interest, first of all to help the client. Partnership, not sale - this should be in the head, good seller. Reliable, tidy, punctual, collected, confident, knowing his product and the products of his competitors (Artem)

Customer focus in the work of a sales manager

Customer-centricity ranked first in our survey. Readers of the page described it with the following characteristics:

  1. Builds a long-term relationship of trust with the client
  2. Listens to the buyer
  3. "Licks" the client
  4. Responds to the first signal
  5. Solves the client's problem
  6. observant, attentive
  7. Identifies a need
  8. Customers respond well to it
  9. Wants to help the client
  10. Client Partner

To demonstrate what customer-centricity can be, I will give an example from my life.

In 2009, I visited New York for the first time. Among the purposes of the trip was the purchase of equipment in the American Apple store.

At that time I worked as a sales manager, and I was wondering how the sellers would behave with us, Russian tourists. I wanted to buy something, some kind of Apple computer, but there was no clear idea of ​​what exactly. But when I went inside with a group of friends, I realized that we would not leave without a purchase.

I'll explain why.

It was not only about the interior, adjusted to the millimeter, tables with beautiful iPads, iPhones and Macbooks. It certainly made an impression. Glass stairs, seating areas, shelves with books and modern gadgets, excitement among store visitors, everything set in the right mood, I wanted to make a purchase.

The main thing was the seller, who, as soon as we stepped over the threshold of the store, approached us with a smile and joy and greeted us. He did not offer anything, did not ask, he only indicated that he was glad to see us. And for some reason it was very pleasant. There was a feeling that in this anthill of the store we are now not alone, we will not get lost, we will not get lost, but we will get everything we need. This seller became our guide. He was dressed quite simply in a T-shirt and jeans, but he looked good, was neat, with a healthy complexion. It was a pleasure to communicate with him.

We saw from the side while walking around the store how he also greeted dozens of other visitors.

At some point, when we had a question, he was nearby, and we checked with him on several models of MacBooks. His promptness, attentiveness and courtesy in answering our questions was amazing. There were hundreds of clients around, and everyone needed attention, but at the moment of communication with us, he was one hundred percent focused on our issue.

He volunteered to clarify information on our other requests. He quickly left somewhere, then two minutes later reappeared with a small bundle of documents in his hands, and then led us down the stairs to the cashier.

There, behind the computer counter, he began to show us possible options and then, when we were interested in one of them, he asked for two more minutes and disappeared. Two minutes later, he was already carrying a box with our computer, plus a gift backpack and all the documents, from the leading door, apparently to the back office or warehouse. And everything for us. All with a smile, all for us to buy and we were pleased.

Even when we started talking about the difficulties that may arise during the purchase, he did not lose his head, but, continuing to smile sincerely, began to solve problems one by one. It felt like it gave him pleasure. And it seemed important to him not whether we would buy in the end or not, but how satisfied we would be at the end of each of the stages of working with us. Like a game in which he went through level after level, and when it was the turn of the main boss in the form of a problem with our Russian bank card and the question of how to pay for the purchase (what with taxes, with conversion, etc.), he did not quit the game, did not turn away. He went on and won.

He gave us several options. Here are two:

  1. Go outside, and walk to the nearest ATM, withdraw cash there and come to the store with cash and make a payment. At the same time, voicing this option, he led us to the exit of the store, took out a brand new iPhone from his pocket, launched the Maps application on it, and indicated where the ATM was located. And he didn’t just point out, but showed us the function of a photo-review of streets on the map that impressed us then and was not yet mastered in Russia. It was an unforgettable experience. When he, like a magician, turned the map into a real picture of the street indicating the route, where exactly to go. Then he compared the picture on the screen with what we actually saw in front of us. It was the same street as in the app. At that moment, it seemed to us that the future had come. And this nice smiling guy in a T-shirt is his guide.
  2. The second option was to wait a little while he himself solves all the issues in their office, agrees something with the management and arranges the possibility of paying directly with them, and so that we can count on good tax conditions. All for us.

We were amazed at how this seller performed. Fast, precise, knowledgeable and completely client-oriented.

As a result, after the payment, he carried the boxes with the equipment that we had purchased up the stairs behind us, a gift backpack, and at the same time continued to talk with us on some topics. He didn't stop talking. He walked with us to the exit and went out into the street and at the end he said goodbye to us cordially.

In those 30 minutes, we made a friend in New York. Truth. Communication with him was so easy that it seemed that we had known him since childhood. In parting, he said that his grandmother was from Russia, and he was very pleased that he was able to talk with us.

We were also very pleased to meet him, shop at the Apple store, and then walk for a long time and discuss the excellent service and approach to working with customers, his personal charisma, Apple, New York City.

With this purchase, we acquired not only the thing we wanted, but also the emotions that we were pleased to receive, about which we later talked a lot and told relatives and friends.

It was a whole adventure that left a mark on the memories of every buyer. At least in New York's 14th Street Apple Store in 2009, that was the case.


Few people like pushy salespeople. The audience we surveyed is no exception. Persistence for survey participants is manifested in the following characteristics:

  1. Even when he is sent, he still wins
  2. Intrusive
  3. Just getting his way like a robot with indicators

Not surprisingly, in an era of high competition, sales managers behave this way. They often want to sell. But they don't know how to do it right. And they are active without the proper quality of work. As a result, this leads to a feedback from the client. Instead of buying something sooner, he thinks about how to choose another product and start talking to another manager.

A salesperson who knows when to be firm in a negotiation and when to let go of a customer is a more efficient use of their company's valuable time.

Our time is not only an era of high competition, but also high awareness of buyers. Greater awareness means, in turn, not only knowledge, but also large flows of information that "fall" on the buyer from many sources. Therefore, when the seller imposes his offer, persistently and thoughtlessly looking for contact with the client, this makes the client feel that someone is encroaching on his already overloaded personal information space.

Business and personal qualities of a sales manager

Among some of the most important characteristics sellers are business and personal qualities. The interviewed audience described them as follows.

Business qualities:

  1. Independence
  2. Efficiency
  3. Initiative
  4. A responsibility
  5. Interest and motivation
  6. Reliability
  7. Punctuality
  8. composure
  9. Ability to arrange delivery of goods
  10. Ability to close a deal, sell well
  11. Ability to collect money from a client
  12. Who chose sales as a profession
  13. Personal qualities:

  14. Confident
  15. gambling
  16. Greedy
  17. No need for eyes
  18. Adult
  19. With less ambition
  20. Honest

Some of the characteristics can be discussed in more detail.

We see that clients do not like managers who are incompetent in terms of conducting a transaction. Buyers want clear management from the seller.

It is not enough just to sell well, it is important to manage the process well.

The one that listens to the buyer, takes into account all his wishes and tries to choose the product that he is asked for, while being unobtrusive (Elena)

In order for a sales manager to be effective, he must be a serious personality, a reliable partner, an expert in his field, a professional.

The image of a sales manager in Russia and in the world

I will probably judge for myself. He knows what he sells from and to, understands to whom he sells and closes the need or pain. The sale must be treated with respect, the reward is margin. Well, how relations develop with the employer, this is already a matter of technology and joint negotiations. There are sellers who will always be on a fix, there are those who are on a percentage. The seller is a rarity, as is the builder (Sergey Minaev)

In Russia, the position of a sales manager is often perceived by both the environment and the employees themselves as a temporary position, which they get to quickly earn money, wait out something and then set off on their own interests and goals.

In Europe and America, the situation is completely different. There, a person who has chosen the profession of a salesman can do this until old age.

Think of the managers you met on foreign trips - many of them are already gray at the temples and continue to sell, because this is their life's work.

Just as with businessmen, in general, and with salespeople, in particular, we have an ambiguous attitude in our country - on the one hand, indeed successful businessmen- these are those who are usually envied, but also talk about those tricks and dishonest tricks that they used in order to get rich. And not immediately in the conversation begins to mention the work, the efforts that were made by the businessman to develop and grow his business and achieve the heights at which he found himself. There is an attitude in the minds of the population that it is impossible for us to earn big money in an honest way. The situation is similar with the sales manager. Those salespeople who achieve high results are always suspicious. “Something strange that everyone’s sales are decreasing, but his is growing.” “It is strange that the manager does not produce anything, does not invent, but only connects production and the consumer and earns a lot of money on this.” Even today such stereotypes are found.

But those who see how a good sales manager behaves at work immediately understand why he gets such money and why customers are drawn to him. The success of a good seller can be explained by the quality of his work as a person who connects the client and the company's product.

“Put together a nice seller and a product at the right price, and you have a sale”

"The job of a salesperson is a Broadway show done by a psychologist"

In both of these quotes from bestselling authors about sales, one simple truth is heard - to be successful, the seller must be a professional. He must have a good life experience, a clear life position, the right attitudes towards business and customers.

Such professionals are expensive. But the result they bring is worth the same. When a firm is associated with a successful and reliable sales manager, the likelihood of a sale and further cooperation increases dramatically.

Yefim Markovetsky, Mikhail Grafsky

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Modern Manager

What is meant by the concept of a modern manager? The answer to this question is not as clear-cut as it might seem at first glance. As it turned out in the course of the study, not everyone who is involved in management and makes decisions considers themselves managers.

However, today Russian society is changing rapidly - the stages that Western countries took decades to complete, Russia goes through in years. According to the majority of respondents, Russia is rapidly narrowing the gap with the Western community and in the near future will be able to compete with it in terms of the number of qualified specialists in the field of management.

Leadership qualities of a manager

The manager must be a leader worthy of emulation. The main task of the manager is to do business with the help of other people, to achieve collective work. It means cooperation, not intimidation. A good manager always cares about the interests of the whole company. He seeks to balance the interests of the group, the interests of the "boss" and other managers, the need to get the job done with the need to find time for learning, the interests of production with the human needs of subordinates.

Managers are leaders, i.e., employees of the organization who have employees directly subordinate to them.

Table 1.1

Types of managers by management levels

Management level

Who applies

Main goals

Head of the organization and his deputies

Formation of the goals of the organization, development long term plans, the interaction of the organization with the external environment

All other leaders of the organization, not assigned to the highest and grassroots levels

Coordinating the work of subordinate managers, managing individual departments

Managers who have no subordinates

Direct organization by employees engaged in core activities, control over the use of raw materials and equipment

General tasks of managers

1. Definition of long-term and current goals and objectives, planning.

2. Distribution of functions, tasks, setting standards, instructing subordinates, creating necessary conditions, motivation.

3. Establishment and maintenance of communication links between subordinates, between themselves and subordinates.

4. Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of the activities of the group as a whole and each subordinate separately.

5. Studying subordinate personnel, improving their professional level.

6. Holding meetings of meetings.

7. Business conversation, conversations and negotiations with managers of the organization, customers, suppliers.

8. Work with documents.

9. Self-management: establishing personal values, planning, developing communication skills, analyzing personal results.

The manager, his personal qualities strongly influence the management process, its effectiveness, which is ensured, first of all, by combining five factors of production: capital, information, materials, people and organization, the most important of which is a person.

In this regard, it is necessary to develop a general model of a modern manager.

1. Knowledge and skills of a manager. A modern manager is perceived all over the world as an effective, innovative leader = leader + power + work style + career. The manager must have a broad outlook and systematic non-standard thinking on the issues of internal interconnection, factors of the corporation and the interaction of the latter with the external environment. He must have high human qualities and psychological abilities, have the ability to take reasonable and measured risks, be able to carry out business design, develop, adjust and implement a business plan. be able to implement marketing research, to predict the development of the organization, taking into account the needs and the occupation of new innovative niches in it.

2. Personal qualities of a manager. The manager must have:

Thirst for knowledge, professionalism, innovation and creativity to work;

Perseverance, self-confidence and dedication;

Out-of-the-box thinking, ingenuity, initiative and the ability to generate ideas;

Psychological ability to influence people;

Communication skills and a sense of success;

Emotional balance and stress resistance;

Openness, flexibility and easy adaptability to ongoing changes;

Situational leadership and personality energy in corporate structures;

Internal need for self-development and self-organization;

Energy and vitality;

Tendency to successful defense and equally effective attack;

Responsibility for activities and decisions made;

The need to work in a team and with a team.

3. Ethics manager. The manager in his activities with colleagues and partners is guided by generally accepted moral rules and norms: follow the methods of fair competition; do not use "dirty money" in their activities; “play openly”, if the partner does the same, try to fulfill the promise given to him under any conditions, use only honest methods when trying to influence subordinates, be demanding, but not offend dignity, be attentive and precautionary.

4. Personal resources of the manager. The main resources of a manager are: information and information potential, time and people, skillfully using which the manager ensures high results, constantly increasing the competitiveness of the organization he leads.

5. Skills and abilities of the manager to manage effectively. Management effectiveness can be affected by:

The ability to manage oneself;

Reasonable personal values;

clear personal goals;

Stubborn constant personal growth;

Problem solving skills and perseverance;

Resourcefulness and ability to innovate;

High ability to influence others;

Knowledge of modern management approaches;

Ability to form and develop effective working groups;

Ability to train and develop subordinates;

6. Limitation of manager's self-development.

These disadvantages include:

Inability to manage oneself;

Blurred personal values;

Vague personal goals;

Stopped self-development;

Lack of problem solving skills;

Lack of creativity;

Inability to influence people and advise them;

Misunderstanding of features, management processes;

Weak people and resource management skills;

Inability to teach and set requirements for self-development;

Low ability to form a team.

On the effective management operational information, communications, i.e. the ability to share information. The manager must understand the importance of communication, constantly improve communication.

The term "manager" is quite widespread and is used in relation to:

The organizer of specific types of work within individual departments or program target groups;

The head of the enterprise as a whole or its divisions (departments, divisions, departments);

Leader in relation to subordinates;

An administrator of any level of management who organizes work, guided by modern methods and etc.

In relation to the economy, managers are called specialists who, using various methods and tactics of management, contribute to the achievement of certain goals by an organization or enterprise. Methods for achieving goals may be different.

A modern manager, based on a systematic approach, deals with the problems of integrating the entire complex, which ensures the transformation of the resources that mankind has to meet the economic and social needs of society.

Sets of interacting areas are integrated into:

Areas of personal interaction with an organization or several organizations;

Areas of processes occurring in a separate organization, in several business entities (for example, suppliers-consumers, customers-contractors, holding) and society as a whole;

Areas of integration of subsystems and elements of the organization:

Areas of interaction between the organization and consumers;

Areas of interaction between the organization and society;

Areas of interaction between the organization and nature;

Areas of integration of management functions and functional aspects of activity;

Areas of integration of management levels;

Areas of integration of management systems (quality management, environmental management, Industrial Safety, health protection - in accordance with ISO standards) ;

Stage Integration Areas life cycle products;

It should also be taken into account that the integration method is implemented on the basis of a situational approach, that is, taking into account the synergistic interaction (at every moment) of all factors of the external and internal environment of the organization.

Process managers must rely on self-organizing principles. To do this, the employees of the organization implementing the process are delegated powers, according to which they independently control the progress of this process and take corrective actions (within their competence) if the process parameters go beyond the established boundaries. Thus, the employees of the organization self-organize the process.

In the case when they are not able to keep the processes within the established boundaries for a long time, when their powers and resources are insufficient to carry out the transformation of the process, due to which the entire system of processes in the organization changes, they turn to the subject of management - the manager who manages the process.

The manager, having studied the problem, if necessary, changes the parameters of this process and integrates it in a different way with other processes of the organization in such a way that the whole system reaches a new, better and higher quality level of functioning. Thus, effective process management is a combination of cybernetic and synergistic approaches.

The lower the level of management, the more important the cybernetic component is in the system (when it is important for the process to proceed within the established boundaries), the higher, the more important the self-organizing component (when it is important for the organization to adapt to changes in the external environment and development).


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