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Description of the profession. In a broad sense, a lawyer is a specialist in public legal matters. Jurisprudence includes a set of specific specializations, therefore, each lawyer has a profile: civil, land, tax, criminal law, etc.

Activities. consulting on legal issues within the framework of specialization; assisting in the preparation of various legal documentation; control over compliance with the legality of the implementation of certain actions; protective activity at trials; participation in the drafting of laws

Additional features. legal education available today both in the system of secondary vocational and in the system higher education. A lawyer can realize himself in political science, and in scientific and teaching activities. These professionals often occupy high government positions. Professional lawyers also find application in sociology and journalism.

Why I chose the profession of a lawyer. The specialty "jurisprudence" combines several legal professions. Thus, the professional capabilities of a lawyer extend to specialized structures, i.e. judicial, law enforcement agencies, structures legal services, as well as general managerial and economic structures.

Why I chose the profession of a lawyer. At the same time, many lawyers, while retaining the title of a lawyer by education, are engaged in activities that formally may not be considered legal. But the very training of lawyers, the range of their knowledge and skills, connections, the manner of solving problems are very useful here.

Why I chose the profession of a lawyer. The profession of a lawyer is quite in demand on the labor market, especially when it comes to graduates of leading Russian law schools and faculties. At present, indeed, one can speak of some (but only quantitative) overproduction of lawyers. However, civil society, the state and various organizations still lack highly qualified specialists in the field of law, with work experience in their specialty, who have proven themselves to be conscientious and knowledgeable workers.

Why I chose the profession of a lawyer. So, I chose the profession of a lawyer. When asked why I chose her, it is unambiguously difficult to answer. Maybe because the demand for such specialists in the future is obvious. In addition, I want to feel armed with the most, probably, strongest knowledge - the knowledge of the law. Of course, one cannot fail to mention the material factor. The search, first of all, for a promising and decently paid job, is for me one of the primary goals, although I realize that with existing market work force it will not be easy to do so.

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The presentation on the topic "Profession of a lawyer" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide(s).

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Dominant activities of the legal profession:

counseling for people in need legal assistance study of laws, by-laws drafting legal documents, contracts, acts implementation of the methodological guidance of legal work in the enterprise; creation of an archive of court and arbitration cases; participation in the legislative process ensuring legal protection citizens, organizations, states; studying the legal practice of foreign colleagues; legal propaganda; participation in litigation (defending cases in court or supporting charges)

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Qualities that ensure success professional activity lawyer:

logical, analytical thinking; high level development of conceptual thinking good development concentration and stability of attention (and long-term memory; verbal abilities (the ability to speak correctly and clearly); the ability to persuade; communication skills (skills to communicate with people); propensity for research activities; good knowledge in various fields of science; a high level of development of deductive thinking (the ability to think from the general to the particular); the ability to comprehensively, adequately perceive the situation; the ability to negotiate.

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Personal qualities, interests and inclinations

organization; accuracy; self confidence; erudition; honesty and decency; business acumen; a responsibility; objectivity; sociability; good intuition; emotional and mental stability; energy; perseverance, integrity; desire for self-improvement; ability to quickly recover.

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Qualities that impede the effectiveness of professional activity:

lack of interest in the work performed; indecision; inability to make decisions quickly; inability to resist external factors (persons, situations); dishonesty; unscrupulousness; inability to deeply comprehend what is happening; carelessness; outstanding conviction; bad diction.

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Areas of application of professional knowledge:

state and non-state organizations, enterprises, institutions, societies various forms property that are legal entities; advocacy, prosecutor's office; courts; private or individual entrepreneurship; bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry; notary offices; lawyer consulting; government bodies ensuring the protection of order and security (ATS, security agencies, tax authorities and tax police, Customs, justice authorities (Ministry of Justice, bailiff service); educational institutions; private detective services.

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Pros of the profession:

The profession of a lawyer is considered one of the most noble and responsible. He protects the offended and ensures the punishment of the criminals. Working as a lawyer brings great moral satisfaction.

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Higher legal education.

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Career and salary:

Today, more and more people use the services of a lawyer. However, competition among specialists is very high. To be successful in your profession, you need to work hard. Lawyer is a promising profession. He has a huge selection of specializations. The level of wages largely depends on where he stops.

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You can get a profession:

Seabags Siberian Academy Public Service Novosibirsk, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 6 Sibupk Siberian University Consumer Cooperation Novosibirsk, ave. Karl Marx, 26 Novosibirsk State Technical University Novosibirsk, prosp. Karl Marx Ngau Novosibirsk State Agricultural University Novosibirsk, st. Dobrolyubova, 160 Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, st. Pirogova, 2

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • My future profession Objective of the project:
    Tell me about your future profession.
    Project objectives:
    Tell what is
    Explain the requirements for
    Talk about working conditions.

    My future profession

    As you know, choosing a profession is enough
    serious question to be addressed
    First, you need to consider your personal
    Secondly, evaluate your own abilities.
    Thirdly, analyze the compliance of their
    personal qualities with those qualities, the presence
    required by the chosen profession.
    Fourth, explore possible life
    the prospects that this or that profession will give.

    My future profession


    My future profession

    Lawyer - a specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences;
    practical worker in the field of law.
    The legal profession binds the servants of the law:
    legal adviser with a notary,
    international lawyer
    All of them are considered experts in one of the areas of law.

    Place of work

    A lawyer can work:
    in various legal instances, for example,
    Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, organizations
    the judicial system of the Russian Federation;
    in the structures of both the central government and
    local government;
    in various government departments;
    in any commercial organizations;
    in specialized companies or independently
    in the field of science and education.

    Required Qualities

    The professional activity of a lawyer inevitably affects
    interests and affects the rights not only of individual members, but of the whole
    of the whole society, sometimes, in one way or another, influencing even the fate
    states. Therefore, the specifics of the profession requires a person:
    compliance with a certain Code,
    heightened responsibility, heightened sense of duty,
    integrity and high moral principles.
    In addition, a lawyer must strive to constantly
    improve their skills (for which there are
    professional courses for lawyers)
    And, of course, to have considerable self-control and
    stress resistance.

    My future profession

    I want to be a lawyer



    Lawyer - a lawyer whose job is to provide legally
    competent and full protection in court or other authorities
    interests and rights of citizens. A lawyer who has experience can become a lawyer
    work from 2 years, at least a year of internship in law,
    successfully passed the qualifying examination and received the status
    lawyer from the commission of the Chamber of Lawyers.
    income instability (especially
    undoubted career
    for novice lawyers)
    heightened responsibility,
    possibility of high
    moral pressure from
    society and moral autonomy, independence psychological problems in
    from any authorities and opinions. the need to protect the offender,
    accused of committing
    disgusting, wearing especially heavy
    the nature of the crimes.

    Required Qualities

    The main qualities of a lawyer:
    a responsibility,
    the ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor and
    ask precise questions
    to articulate and express ideas as clearly as possible,
    defend your opinion by citing justified
    proof of,
    ability to debate and influence
    endurance and composure.



    Investigator - an employee of the prosecutor's office and the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in
    responsible for investigating political, economic,
    criminal offenses. The investigator initiates the appropriate
    criminal case, manages the course of the investigation, deals with the identification
    both evidence and mitigating circumstances under investigation,
    reveals the crime, establishes the circle of persons involved in it,
    motives, conditions and reasons for the commission of a criminal act and provides
    prosecutor's indictment.
    fascinating and distant
    monotonous office routine
    investigator status, giving
    certain benefits and opportunities
    visit many "closed"
    irregular (sometimes
    rolling into the night) worker
    low salary,
    holidays and
    dangerous, risky job.

    Required Qualities

    Required for an investigator
    analytical and at the same time creative thinking,
    vast erudition,
    certain acting abilities,
    the ability to reasoned and consistently defend
    control yourself even in difficult situations.
    He needs to be
    proactive, persistent and consistent in
    achieving results and ready to be responsible for the outcome of their

    Lawyer salary

    The highest paid lawyers work in financial sector. So, for example, in
    in the banking sector, the monthly salary of a mid-level employee is 1500–
    2000$, and in trade and production - 800-1000$.
    The income of a private practice lawyer directly depends on the profitability of his
    practices. People with work experience, as well as excellent knowledge of foreign languages
    have a month up to $ 4000 and above.
    A novice lawyer, on average, can count on an amount from $ 400 to $ 1000, which
    gradually increases as the popularity of the lawyer and the number of won
    them affairs. The cost of a consultation with this specialist reaches 500-1000 rubles. Per
    good lawyers charge anywhere from $1000 to $5000 to handle a case. Fees of a few
    well-known lawyers are expressed in tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
    A paralegal starts at $300-400 per month. The legal adviser already receives from $500 and
    above. An experienced specialist may well count on a high remuneration (in 3–
    5 times more).
    The investigator receives up to $1000 per month.

    your title



    Training period
    Based on grade 11:
    1. Russian language
    Full-time - 4 years
    2. Social studies (pro
    Correspondence - 5 years
    3. Foreign language
    Evening - 5 years
    or History
    Mixed - 5 years
    Average USE score in Russia: from 35 to 96
    Future qualification Bachelor in the field of study
    Future Professions
    Lawyer | Interrogator | Criminologist | Notary | Policeman | Rights
    units | Prosecutor | Investigator | Forensic expert | Judicial
    bailiff | Forensic expert | Judge | Precinct | Legal Counsel | Lawyer


    Total 1022 educational institutions all around Russia
    in the direction of jurisprudence.
    Top 5 Law Schools:
    1. Moscow State University named after M.V.
    2. St. Petersburg State University
    3. Moscow State Law Academy
    4. Moscow State Institute of International
    Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    5. Ural State Law Academy


    Although the legal profession
    considered unclaimed, I want
    receive such an education.

    Scales - an ancient symbol of measure and justice Sword - a symbol of spiritual strength, retribution; in the hands of Themis, he is a symbol of retribution. A mantle is a solemn, ritual attire designed to perform a certain ceremony in it, an action, in this case, justice. The bandage on the eyes of the goddess symbolizes impartiality. THEMIS Ancient Greek goddess of law and order

    Lawyers protect the interests of the individual, his rights, freedoms, property, the interests of society, the state from criminal and other unlawful encroachments. Lawyers protect the interests of the individual, his rights, freedoms, property, the interests of society, the state from criminal and other unlawful encroachments. They are called upon to fight for justice, humanity, law and order. They are called upon to fight for justice, humanity, law and order.

    Professionally important qualities LAWYER high sense of responsibility; high sense of responsibility; developed logical thinking; developed logical thinking; initiative; initiative; persistence; persistence; painstaking; painstaking; concentration and shifting of attention; concentration and shifting of attention; emotional stability; emotional stability; good memory. good memory.

    Judge - an official who is a member of the court and administers justice; in the modern theory of the separation of powers, a person endowed with judicial power. Judge - an official who is a member of the court and administers justice; in the modern theory of the separation of powers, a person endowed with judicial power.

    Prosecutor (lat. procurare to manage, manage something, take care of) the main legal representative of the prosecution in civil law countries with an investigation system or in common law countries that have adopted an adversarial system. Prosecutor (lat. procurare to manage, manage something, take care of) the main legal representative of the prosecution in civil law countries with an investigation system or in common law countries that have adopted an adversarial

    Lawyer (lat. advocatus from advoco invite) a person whose profession is to provide legal assistance individuals(citizens, stateless persons) and legal entities(organizations), including the protection of their interests and rights in court. Advocacy as a profession has been known since ancient times. Lawyer (lat. advocatus from advoco invite) a person whose profession is to provide legal assistance to individuals (citizens, stateless persons) and legal entities (organizations), including the protection of their interests and rights in court. Advocacy as a profession has been known since ancient times.

    Legal adviser (lat. juris- consultus jurist) is a full-time employee of an organization (legal entity) who ensures compliance with the law, both by the organization and in relation to the organization by other participants in legal relations. Legal adviser (lat. juris- consultus jurist) is a full-time employee of an organization (legal entity) who ensures compliance with the law, both by the organization and in relation to the organization by other participants in legal

    Federal customs Service The Federal Customs Service (FTS of Russia) (FTS of Russia) is a federal executive body that performs the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs. federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs.

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    Profession - lawyer Completed by: Shirinova Dilara and Shirinova Ainura Teacher: Milovanova Tatyana Petrovna MBOU secondary school No. 10, Novoaltaysk, Altai Territory 10 "B" class

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    Lawyer (lat. advocatus - from advoco - invite) - a person whose profession is to provide qualified legal assistance to individuals (citizens, stateless persons) and legal entities (organizations), including the protection of their interests and rights in court. Meaning of the word.

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    History of the lawyer profession Lawyers first appeared in Ancient Rome. Already in the III century BC. e. the first plebeian pontiff, Tiberius Coruncanius, was the first to provide legal assistance to all citizens without distinction. Many famous Roman citizens followed him, and after that jurisprudence becomes secular, which has a beneficial effect on the theory and practice of law. In Russia, the legal profession arose after the reforms of Alexander II in 1881. It was from this moment that lawyers began to be admitted to trials, and the institution of the bar was born. Currently, there are many lawyers. All colleges, guilds, unions of lawyers are public organizations which unite people according to their professional interests.

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    Professional skills: knowledge of laws, the ability to interpret and apply them in practice, the ability to draw up documents in accordance with the norms established by law; knowledge of legal proceedings; competent Russian; possession of oratory skills.

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    Activities: 1.Study of laws, by-laws, regulations, international treaties and their application in practice. 2.Consulting a client on issues of legislation on his rights and opportunities. 3. Provision of legal assistance through consultations, provision of oral and written references. 4. Consideration of the details of the case under investigation, restoration of the picture of events in favor of the client. 5. Participation in litigation in order to represent the interests of the client in court.

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    Necessary personal qualities, interests and inclinations: honesty and decency; organization; erudition, broad outlook (good knowledge in various fields of science); punctuality, responsibility; high moral qualities (principality, conviction, sensitivity and attentiveness to people, etc.); tact (the ability to show a sense of proportion); flexibility, the presence of developed intuition; business acumen, perseverance, objectivity; self-control, composure; communication skills, energy; the ability to quickly restore performance; desire for self-improvement.

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    Pros of the profession: one of the most interesting professions in the field of jurisprudence, high prospects careers and salaries, independence and independence from any authorities, other people's opinions. Disadvantages of the profession: you have to protect both innocent and guilty clients, it is difficult psychologically, increased responsibility; unstable income, especially at the beginning of a lawyer's career.

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    How is a lawyer different from a lawyer? A lawyer is directly dependent on the organization that provided him with a job, and represents the interests of his employer directly. A lawyer, on the other hand, depends only on the laws by which he is guided in his labor activity.

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    Places of work: state courts; law firms; organizations specializing in legal advice; private practice.

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    Famous lawyers of Russia. Deryuzhinsky Alexander Fedorovich (1859-1919) Bramson Leonty Moiseevich (1869-1941)


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