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The only profession, in which they start immediately from the very top, is digging holes.
Unknown author

Thousands of career books have been written around the world - non-fiction, motivational and fiction. And how many films have been made about the success stories of great people! Our article will not overshadow all this world heritage, but will talk about the proven rules of career growth that successful people adhere to.

In the mind of a post-Soviet person, the word "career" has a negative and sometimes even ironic connotation. A careerist is a person who, moving along career ladder, stops at nothing. He builds a career for the sake of a career. But you and I know that the word "career" can be not only status in society or financial gain. Leadership position together with a new level of responsibility, it gives more interesting creative tasks, the opportunity to influence the future of the company and develop it, a new quality of life for yourself and your loved ones.

So building a career is great! Where to start?

1. Select suitable profession
Of course, you need to start by choosing the direction in which you want to move. All paths are open to a teenager, he can choose almost any direction for self-realization. But after he chooses education and graduates from college or university, there will be 100 times fewer options for self-realization. Having received an education, he has already climbed one rung on the career ladder, and in order to go in another direction, he will have to start over.

4. Communicate and collaborate
Choose the right people to communicate with. It's not a simple benefit, but the fact that your social circle influences your actions and thoughts. A wise mentor in one company stands high salary in another.

A word known to every Western businessman networking- building a network of business contacts - can be translated into Russian as a proverb "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends". In the 1960s, an American psychologist Stanley Milgram proposed the theory of 6 handshakes. The psychologist claimed that each of the inhabitants of the planet is familiar with any person through a chain of 6 acquaintances. This theory was confirmed by Microsoft employees in the early 2000s by conducting a statistical study. This means that our world is really small and it is quite possible to meet the current director of development at Facebook, you just need to choose the right 6 friends.

The concept of networking includes not only a business acquaintance with a person, but, what is more difficult, maintaining a long-term relationship with him. In time to congratulate you on your birthday, on the promotion, or on the fact that the child went to first grade. Maintaining friendships can be hard work. This will help you social network, a modern career development tool.

5. Follow business ethics
In order to grow up the career ladder, it is important that everyone around you, and not only the authorities, see you as a reliable and active person. The well-known writer and business consultant Richard Templar in his book "Career Rules" described the personal qualities of a person who moves through the service. No, no, it’s not necessary to go over the heads, just work on your own image.

What should be a "careerist" (psychology of communication at work)

Be Active- never "sit out" working time, work for the result.
Always tell the truth- you will form an attitude towards yourself as an absolutely honest person.
Always smile- it irritates everyone; it energizes everyone and in a good mood.
dress well Don't let yourself look unattractive.
Be attentive to people- they like sincere compliments.
Don't gossip You can listen to gossip, but you shouldn't spread it further.
Don't whine- it attracts other whiners.
Be a diplomat- always be calm and settle the conflicts of colleagues.
be careful- if you feel that something illegal is going on, leave the company.
Ask the right questions - it helps to understand the essence of the problem and will show you as a thinking person.

6. Keep learning
Training and continuous development is yours competitive advantage. A rare top manager in Russia has only one diploma of higher education, usually 2-3 diplomas in different scientific fields. The fact is that it is very important for a leader to understand professional field, and in economics, and in jurisprudence, and in the psychology of personnel management, so they go to study whenever possible.

Where can I learn to apply this in my work:
Self-learning (at home, in libraries, using online courses and applications on the phone).
University studies (first, second higher education, advanced training courses, "free students" at university courses). We have
Communication in professional groups(Internet communities, co-working spaces).
Trainings (social, volitional, intellectual competencies; individually and in groups).
Physical development and sports.

Warren Buffett, the American billionaire, Igor Mann, the famous Russian marketer, Oleg Tinkov, the Russian banker and many other businessmen unanimously speak about the benefits of books, and especially business books, for career growth.

7. Promise less, deliver more
You know that it will take you 3 days to complete the task, tell your boss that it takes 5. First, you will anticipate possible difficulties. Secondly, doing later than the deadline is much worse than before. Even if someone accuses you of delaying the deadlines, honestly say that you always lay a reserve for unforeseen circumstances.

Use the resulting time reserve to do better and better than what is expected of you. Promised to design a company logo for the next meeting? Draw the layout corporate identity with examples of documents and pages of the site. Do you need to submit a monthly financial statement? Make a complete presentation. Let this be a pleasant surprise for the authorities and a plus in your career piggy bank.

How to make a career for a man

Our advice is suitable for "careerists" of any age and any gender. But all over the world, the word "career" applies more to men. It is easier for a man to get a top manager position than for a woman. In no country do women lead in leadership positions. This has a downside as well.

The point is that from young man Since childhood, society has been waiting for him to build a career and get up the career ladder to the very top. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov put it very aptly: "A real man consists of a husband and a rank". When choosing a profession, the stereotype about career success prevents young people from choosing specialties with horizontal careers. Unfortunately, many parents still send young men to military, technical, economic or managerial specialties with the words: "First you get a normal profession, and then you will strum on your guitar".

In what area can a man build a career, read the article The best male professions >>

How to make a career for a woman

What are the features in women's career? Climbing the career ladder is more difficult for a woman in our country than for a man. Although not as difficult as, for example, in Arab countries. Let's take the State Duma of Russia as an example. In the last convocation among officials, only 1/6 of the seats are occupied by women, although out of 100% of the working population in Russia, 49% are women.
Gender stereotypes about the excessive emotionality of women as leaders and the focus of women on the family prevent women from rising above the mid-level specialist. Therefore, in order for a woman to climb the career ladder to the top manager of a corporation, she needs to make more efforts than a man. Arthur Bloch in his book Murphy's Law described the law of career for women: " 1) think like a man; 2) behave like a lady; 3) work like a horse".

How to be in demand in the labor market

What qualities do you need to develop in yourself, regardless of the industry in which you work? To move up the career ladder, you will need not so much professional skills as personal soft skills competencies that employers value. soft skills- these are competencies laid down from birth or acquired with experience, but not amenable to quantitative calculation. For example, self-confidence, communication skills, leadership skills, attention to detail, perseverance, time management and others.

In professional, as in everyday life, there are only two types of people: those who go to their goal, and those who always pass by. Tactics may change, principles remain. To decide how to build a career, remember that the main keys to success are your attitude towards yourself, other people and the world in general.

“Life is unfair, and this will have to be reconciled.” “Do you think your teacher is too harsh? It's nothing compared to what your boss will turn out to be." “Real life is not shown on the screens. In life, people take coffee to go and go to work.” Microsoft founder Bill Gates shared these instructions on how to build a career with the students of Mount Whitney High School, a famous university in California, in his lecture. Generation Y did not remain in debt: on the popular American online platform Elite Daily, millennials expanded on the topic and formulated their own credo. How to build a career today?

1. Trust yourself

This can be called "inner voice", "intuition" or "sixth sense" - the essence does not change. When making important decisions that will determine your life and career, remember that not all turns of fate obey logic. When arguments are not enough, only your instinct will come to your rescue. And for this, first of all, you need to learn to listen to yourself and, most importantly, to hear well.

2. Open up to the unknown

If it were possible, almost all of us would prefer to stay in our own comfort zone. It's much nicer and easier to always follow your habits. However, in this era of global and rapid change, it is especially important to be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. Don't force your beliefs on other people. What works for you won't necessarily work for someone else. And listen to the opinions of others: your method of work will not always be the best.

3. Catch new technologies

Every time they appear, try to learn as much as possible about them. We must live in resonance with our time. This doesn't mean you have to chase every new gadget, but even a minimal level of involvement can work wonders. "Be in good relations with geeks, - by the way, advises Bill Gates. “Because chances are high that your future boss will just be one of them.”

4. Keep learning

Even with a prestigious diploma in your pocket, continue to gain knowledge - this will be the surest strategy leading to success. Your life experience will be the best store of knowledge for you. At the beginning of your career, you get an idea of ​​what awaits you in the future, but nothing beats the lessons of practice. Constantly go to courses, trainings, seminars, take programs online - and immediately apply the acquired competencies.

5. Collaborate and help others

Career success always comes in one "package" with great responsibility. Don't take your big or small accomplishments for granted. Be aware that you are (perhaps) in a position of strength right now - which means you can use it to help other people. It's not about giving everything to others: just reach out your hand - this gesture in their eyes will mean a lot.

6. Life is as important as books

Do not neglect any - even the most "non-prestigious" experience. “You won’t make $60,000 a year right out of college and become a VP of a company with a company car at the front door and the latest smartphone in hand,” warns Bill Gates. - Selling fried potatoes in fast food is not a shame - on the contrary. In the era of your parents' parents, it was called a "chance."

7. Take care of yourself

Building a career is about the same as running a marathon. If you're aiming for success rather than burnout, try to "hold your breath" and stay 100% fit. Cigarettes and liters of coffee, processing at night, on holidays and weekends - all this can add a few points to your service rating, but in the long run will deprive you of the opportunity to truly enjoy the victory. And what's the point of it then?

9. Analyze mistakes

Introspection should become your habit. We all make mistakes, every now and then we stumble upon obstacles that hinder progress upward. Without evaluating this, without drawing conclusions, you will endlessly perform the only exercise - running in place. And do not forget to analyze the mistakes of others - this will save you a lot of energy.

10. Find your passion

What you want to achieve requires an investment of time and effort. It is your most valuable resource. Therefore, choose a goal in which you are ready to invest it entirely - because only it inspires and brings you pleasure. If along the way you feel like you're losing interest, it might be time to reprioritize. Defining your dream isn't always easy, but you won't get anywhere if you don't see the meaning of what you're doing. Follow your passion - perhaps this is the most The best way to build a career.

A successful career is made up of a number of factors - talent, hard work, the ability to negotiate with people and make bold decisions, good luck and much more.

Nevertheless, Superjob decided to highlight the five main rules for career success. Follow them and be sure - the most important thing for professional growth you do.

Rule #1: mind your own business
Ideally, it is necessary to decide what kind of work gives you pleasure, even in your youth. However, in life there are many examples when a specialist changed his profession at a fairly mature age and achieved considerable success in a new field.

Having chosen a specialty, already in the first years of work, a person usually understands what is more interesting for him within this direction. For example, a doctor may see patients or perform administrative work in a hospital. Journalist - write articles or organize the work of a reporter service. Manager - to negotiate specific deals or determine the general direction of the company.

To avoid bitter disappointments and professional burnout, think: are you doing your job? Do you need to strive to rise through the ranks, or is it more interesting to build a horizontal career, becoming a recognized guru in the profession? After all, the joy of a high salary and a loud job title will not last long if the business you are doing is not a pleasure.

Rule two: do your job perfectly
Although psychologists say that perfectionism is not a very good character trait, this quality is very useful for a career. Whatever you do, make the most of it high quality his work. No matter how trite it may sound, but good job- pledge of promotion.

Do you organize marketing events? Your budget should be thought out to the nuances, and ongoing promotions should be held without a hitch. Are you an assistant manager and organize his day? Think about everything to the smallest detail - from the schedule of meetings to the opportunity to take a break and drink coffee during the break.

It is the results of the work that will be the main driving force your career. Get ready for an objective competition - in the vast majority of cases, the one who works more efficiently and faster rises through the ranks. And although there are exceptions, to reassure yourself with the fact that “in our country, a career is made only by pull,” means deliberately depriving oneself of the chances of success.

Rule Three: Prioritize
Sometimes it happens that you can’t do all the work “perfectly” - there just isn’t enough time. A situation familiar to many: a small child was left at home with his grandmother, and the boss is waiting for a report at work. How to be?

Calmly think about what is more important to you in this moment. Get extra points in a career race by staying in the office for the evening? Or spend time with your child? There is no single answer and cannot be. If, for example, the report is only an intermediate link in the work, then it is quite possible to leave it for the morning. If the manager is waiting for numbers from you right now, most likely, he has good reasons for this and it is better for you to linger.

Rule Four: Learn to Negotiate and Make Unpopular Decisions
A career is always relationships, the ability to negotiate with a variety of people. It is especially difficult to build relationships with subordinates who were equal colleagues yesterday. The young leader may be confused: he does not want to look like a despot, but at the same time he knows very well that Ivanov spends a lot of his working time on social networks. How to proceed?

Of course, there are many options for resolving such situations. You can have a conversation with Ivanov, explaining to him that working hours are for work, and rely on his decency and responsibility. You can set Ivanov such tasks that would not leave him time for Odnoklassniki. In any case, you must be aware that the leader does not only distribute gingerbread and sets interesting tasks. Sometimes he has to threaten with a whip.

Making unpopular decisions in the interests of the company is something without which it is impossible to achieve a really high position. However, in doing so, you must be guided by the law, simple rules justice and ethics. Only then will you be known not as a tyrant, but as an adequate leader.

Rule Five: Be proud of what you do
This rule is a direct consequence of our first commandment. Your business should captivate you, make you feel proud of the results - your own and the company as a whole. A young receptionist who confidently declares, “I answer calls, I enjoy talking to people, I am proud to be of service to such a reputable company,” is much more likely to make a career than one who languidly says, “Nothing is better yet.” I couldn’t find it, I have to answer the phone and make coffee for the boss ... "

Successfully completed a major project? Tell your colleagues about it. Was your firm featured in a respected magazine? Feel free to repost the article on your social network page so that this information becomes available to your friends.

Superjob wishes you professional growth and the conquest of career heights!

Conflicts can arise everywhere, regardless of the people around you and the circumstances. An evil boss or unscrupulous subordinates, demanding parents or dishonest teachers, grandmothers at bus stops or angry people in public places. Even a conscientious neighbor and a dandelion grandmother can cause a big conflict. About how to get out of the conflict without suffering damage - moral and physical - and will be discussed in this article.

Can not imagine modern man that is not subject to stress. Accordingly, each of us is in such situations every day at work, at home, on the road, some sufferers even experience stress several times a day. And there are people who constantly live in a stressful state and do not even suspect it.

Life is a strange and complicated thing that can throw up dozens of troubles in one day. However, it is worth remembering: any trouble is a lesson that will definitely come in handy sometime in the future. If a person is an honest student, then he will remember the lecture the first time. In the event that the lesson was incomprehensible, life will confront him again and again. And many people take this literally, complicating their lives! But sometimes you should not endure some things, looking for life lessons in them! What specific situations should be stopped?

Everything seems dull and gray, close people annoy, work infuriates and there are thoughts that all life is heading downhill somewhere. In order to change your own life, it is not necessary to do something supernatural and complex. Sometimes the simplest and most accessible actions for everyone can significantly increase the level of energy and make you feel much better. Try to introduce 7 effective practices into your life that will dramatically change your life for the better.

Everyone who is engaged in self-development knows that he cannot do without a feeling of discomfort. Quite often, people confuse discomfort with a black streak in life and begin to complain, or even worse, try to avoid change. But as experience shows, only by going beyond the comfort, you can find and acquire all the benefits that we need.

Many people cannot imagine their day without one or more cups. And it turns out that drinking coffee is not only tasty, but also healthy! If you do not complain about serious health problems, then you can drink a few cups of this delicious drink without remorse and enjoy its benefits.


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