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How to get a job in the police and be responsible for maintaining order in the country.
This position means that not necessarily district police officers, investigators, operatives, but also specialists in such activities as accountants should be required. Therefore, this opportunity is not only for lawyers, but also for citizens of other specialties.

To the police

To be a police officer, you must go to the personnel department. Then provide a full package of special papers and pass the relevant tests, medical commission.

There are special requirements for the position of work in the police:

  1. Age limit up to 35 years. According to the law, it is allowed to get a job only up to this age.
  2. Good biography. A prerequisite is the absence of a criminal record of the candidate and his family members.
  3. Military service for men is the main condition. This does not apply to women.
  4. Health. It is necessary to pass the VVK (military medical commission). It includes an examination of the psychological and physical well-being of a person.
  5. The conditions for the education of a citizen must correspond to the level of the position for which he wants to get a job. They take with secondary and vocational education. But for a senior position, you must have a higher education, preferably with a legal specialty.
  6. You should not get a job with such people who have their own business or those who cannot keep state secrets.


How to get a job in the police for a girl? The girl should:

  1. You can go to the nearest branch and find out what vacancies and positions are available in the police for girls, if they are not available, go to the official website of the Ministry of the Interior and submit your resume there.
  2. Choose in which branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the woman wants to work. In most cases, they prefer working with documents, document management, accounting and public relations. And for this it will not be necessary to complete the profile institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the necessary order, you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis specialty.
  3. What kind of education does a girl need to work in the police? If a girl wants to work in law enforcement, then for this she needs to get training at the academy or university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These educational institutions are in all major cities in Russia. Teaching takes place on different specialties mainly in jurisprudence, forensics and forensics.
  4. There are the same standards for hiring as for everyone. Restrictions between the ages of 18 and 35 and, of course, good health.
  5. It is imperative to pass the physical and psychological standards to find out if the girl is ready for such a difficult position. To do this, you will need to go through the military medical checkup at the place of residence.
  6. There is a difference in the passages between a man and a woman for admission positions. Girls are arranged for a less energy-intensive specialty.
  7. At admission, not only the level of knowledge and work experience is taken into account, but also the information in the questionnaire. You need to fill out the paperwork in detail, and then the information is processed in detail.

List of required papers

For employment to work in the police, you must have the appropriate package of documents:

  • application for a specialty;
  • test questionnaire;
  • biography of the candidate;
  • regulatory papers regulating the field of education;
  • military ID;
  • data on income and property;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • if there is - a work book.

The rest of all the papers depend on the service that the person wants to go to.

In addition to the papers, you must definitely go through a medical commission in order to accurately prove your readiness for the position. It includes examination by doctors and passing the necessary tests.

It passes control not only on physical standards, but also on the psychological state of a person. When all conditions are met, you need to go to practice.

After an excellent pass, an employee can get this job and be certified according to all the rules of a special rank.


How much time can you spend

To be accepted for a position in the police, you must first sign up for an interview with the chief representative of the department. If available vacancies, then the candidate's application is considered and the appropriate forms are issued, which he must fill out. Then you need to undergo a medical examination and check the psychological state. Then they are sent to the military medical commission.

As soon as everything is ready and the personnel department will consider the biography of the person in detail, and if no serious diseases are revealed, then the candidate can be accepted for the position. The final terms of the results become known from 3 months to six months. You need to have a strong character, be patient and decisive in your choice, show enough diligence to definitely get into this area.

Service in the internal affairs bodies in our country is considered one of the most prestigious. stable and high salary, seniority bonuses, a decent pension after 25 years of service, a good social package and state benefits are the main distinguishing characteristics of police work. But, in accordance with federal law"On the Police", which began to operate in early 2011, not everyone can get into the ranks of the peacekeepers. There are special requirements for all candidates wishing to become police officers. This article will tell you how to get a job in the police.

Basic constitutional requirements

Anyone can join the police force, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or nationality. social status fully capable citizen Russian Federation. In this case, the candidate must be of legal age and not older than 35 years. He must be well prepared physically and emotionally. For such work, it is necessary to know the Russian language well and permanently reside in the Russian Federation. An initial level of knowledge is also required - a completed secondary education. How to get a job in the police if you do not meet any of these requirements? No way, because the candidate will not be able to fulfill his duties, namely:

Due to certain religious views, it will not be able to harm a living person, even if it is a particularly dangerous armed criminal;

Will not be able to detain suspects if he is physically weak.

In addition, a person under the age of 18 cannot be fully responsible for violations and misconduct. If he does not permanently reside on the territory of Russia, his ideological values ​​will not always encourage him to serve for the good of the country.

Specific features of the selection in the ranks of the police. Service in the Russian police

These restrictions minimize the risk of using your position for personal gain and allow you to choose a candidate with no bad habits. For example, how can a person with a previous conviction get a job in the police? No way. If a citizen of the Russian Federation has ever been prosecuted, was a suspect or accused in such a case, he will never be able to become a police officer. It is worth noting here that we are talking specifically about criminal liability, administrative fines and arrests do not carry a high danger and cannot negatively characterize a candidate for the position of a police officer. A specific feature of the service in the ranks of the police is the requirement for the absence of any dependence: narcological, toxicological or neuropsychiatric. By definition, such people will not be able to work impartially in this system. Service in our police is fraught with a number of prohibitions and restrictions of an economic nature. Like any other state or municipal employee, a police officer cannot engage in commercial activities or be directly subordinate to close relatives. Medical restrictions should be considered separately. The list of diseases with which they are not hired by the police is established by the Government of the Russian Federation: tuberculosis various forms; chronic hepatitis; mycosis of any internal organs; malignant or benign tumors; cancer of 3-4 degrees; psychological disorders; diseases of the endocrine or nervous system, circulatory system or gastrointestinal tract; severe thrombophlebitis. This is an incomplete list of diseases in which a person will not be able to perform their duties. To submit your candidacy for any position to the police, you must submit a certificate in the prescribed form with the conclusion of medical specialists about the absence of the above diseases.

Tests and interviews

If the main documents are collected, and the candidate meets all the stated requirements in a large list of restrictions and prohibitions, one more question remains. How to get a job in the police and pass all kinds of psychological tests? It should be noted that all tasks for establishing the psychological, emotional or intellectual level of development of a police candidate are divided into 2 groups: written tests and oral interviews. Written tests help to recognize the true intentions of a person, to choose the right position in accordance with professional skills and intelligence level. Oral communication will help to see the person's reaction to stressful situations and show the degree of readiness to make situational decisions. At the stage of psychological testing, 30% of those who want to become policemen are eliminated. Work in the Russian police provides for full dedication and unquestioning fulfillment official duties. For comparison, let's answer the question of how to get a job in Germany: it's much easier there - you just need to write an application and collect a standard package of documents. This suggests that anyone can become a policeman in this country, but in Russia policemen must be born.

Most of the guys get into the army immediately after graduation. Having matured in a year, they think about where to go to work. One of the successful options for life is to get a job in the police after the army. How to do it right, who has the advantages for work, everyone needs to know.

Is everyone taken to the police

After the army, one who has:

  • health fitness category A;
  • positive characteristics from the command of the unit;
  • secondary education;
  • good physical shape.

For conscripts who have served for a year, and contract servicemen with 2 years of military experience, the road to the police is open. But it is better if, after serving in the Armed Forces, you get a special legal education. A police officer must be not only physically strong, psychologically stable, but also legally savvy. And this can only be given by studying at an appropriate educational institution.

How to select for service

The selection process for the police is very thorough. Those who were once judged will not be taken there, even conditionally. The decision for acceptance into the police service after the army is made positive when the candidate does not:

  • abuse alcohol and drugs;
  • takes part in illegal circulation of psychotropic and narcotic substances;
  • contacts with criminal elements;
  • hides his past, deceiving the leadership;
  • suicidal.

They check the candidate for the ability to think logically, evaluate his emotional stability, the degree of self-control. The future employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs unit must regulate his actions, will, be purposeful and efficient.

It is not for nothing that a candidate is tested for 3 months from the date of his application for a job. All submitted information is checked, and the citizen undergoes a medical commission and psychological testing.

Stages of employment in the police

If, after military service, you decide to go to the police, then you need to:

  • Write a statement, giving it to the representative of the territorial police department.
  • Provide documents: passport, characteristics from the place of service in the army, awards and diplomas, document on education.
  • Get tested.
  • The submitted documents are studied by making requests for special accounting services. This is how they determine whether the candidate had a criminal record, how he served in the army.
  • Pass the standards of physical fitness if a citizen wants to get into special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Prepare an order for admission to the service after the inspections.

It is easier to go to the police after the army than after graduating from a specialized university

For those who got into the police, a month of work will be probationary period. They hire faster if the candidate has a guarantee of an experienced employee with 3 years of experience. A citizen who came immediately after the army, who does not have a special education, undergoes coursework.

The candidate is contracted to certain period or he may work full-time until retirement.

Where to go to study

Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs accept citizens of the Russian Federation up to 25 years old for training. They must meet all the requirements for future police officers. Cadets educational institutions provided with uniforms and food. They are given holidays in the winter and summer holidays. After graduating from an educational institution, they receive a diploma and distribution to a certain place of work.

Most often they are sent to study at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of such cities:

  • Krasnodar;
  • Rostov;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Eagle;
  • Moscow.

In the direction they enter the correspondence or full-time department of the university. After graduation, a promotion, an officer rank awaits.

Who will not be taken

If a citizen has served in the army, then he can try to get a job in the police. It is even easier for contractors to enter the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since they have already passed tests for compliance with the military profession.

Persons who have:

  • age over 35 years;
  • education at the level of 9 grades;
  • foreign citizenship;
  • psychical deviations;
  • a criminal record or relatives serving a criminal sentence.

You can not work in the internal organs of persons with an unbalanced psyche, alcohol or drug addiction.

What positions are taken

You can get a position in the police in accordance with education. If before the army there was only a secondary complete general education, 11 classes, then they will be accepted to work as a private and in a junior commanding staff. Positions of the middle commanding staff require graduation from the institution of the middle vocational education. After graduating from the university, they can achieve the rank of officer.

Girls can also go to work in the police. Education, age and health requirements are the same as for men. Physical fitness standards are similar, as for contract military service. Strength is tested by performing push-ups and pull-ups, speed and agility by shuttle running.

The girls are also waiting for the police

Is it possible to get a job for those who have not served?

Many are interested in whether those citizens who have not served are taken to the police. Here priority is given to young people with higher education who have undergone military training at a special department at the university. Benefits for citizens with legal education. Having entered the service, university graduates immediately receive the rank of officer, take special courses.

With a secondary specialized education, they can enter the correspondence department of the university, continuing to carry out patrol service.

Among the documents that are provided when applying for a job, we can distinguish:

  • the passport;
  • TIN and SNILS;
  • a copy of the diploma of education;
  • military ID;
  • a medical certificate of the appropriate form;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • Photo;
  • autobiography.

If the candidate has already worked, they will require a reference from the place of work.

What attracts you to work in the police

They go to serve in the police because the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have many social benefits, namely:

  • get a good salary;
  • retire early;
  • have the right to an apartment on a preferential list;
  • can rest annually with their family on vacation;
  • are provided free of charge in medical institutions.

Upon retirement, workers can get a prestigious job even in Moscow, since their age does not reach 50 years. There are downsides to being a police officer. To achieve wealth, promotion, you need to study, take the service seriously. Not always during the holidays and weekends, the police have a rest.

They have to be on guard of public order, to patrol. Only those who give themselves completely to the work of the police achieve a high rank. After all, often the police risk their lives to save another person. You also need to think about this before you go to serve in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If there is any doubt about where exactly to go to work after the army, then it is better to choose the police service. This is a worthy profession for a real man. With the skills of military service, it is easy to join the public order guards.

Preservation public order is one of the foundations on which modern society is built. Society in this case is identical to the country. And in every state there are authorities responsible for maintaining public order.

Information about positions in the police

The police are called a whole range of state structures. Each is responsible for maintaining order. So they will be in demand all professions:

  1. HR department employees.
  2. Accountant.
  3. Operatives.
  4. Investigators.
  5. Precinct.

The list will be about the same as in the case of others government agencies. Pedagogical education will help those who plan to deal with minors in the police.

To get a job of interest, just contact representatives of the personnel service of the unit where it is planned to gain a foothold. It remains to submit the documents, take care of the tests and examinations.

Requirements for candidates: how to be girls

First, a citizen checks whether he meets the requirements set by the institution. Investigators and accountants are accepted on different conditions, but there are always common points.

For example, the main requirement remains the presence of official Russian citizenship. At the same time, the floor irrelevant. If there are no contraindications for health reasons, then both girls and young people can enter the service. As for the age requirements, they will be as follows:

  1. Not younger than 18 years old.
  2. After 35 are not allowed.
  3. An exception is the adoption of a citizen who has previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For them, the age bar rises to 50 years.

Education must comply positions for which the prospective employee is applying. In some cases, secondary or vocational education is enough. The higher profile is necessary for those who apply for the senior commanding staff of the organization.

Obstacles to obtaining a position may be:

  1. Presence of convicted relatives.
  2. Own business.
  3. Unwillingness to work with state secrets.

The way to the authorities is also closed in the event that the Administrative or Criminal Code has been repeatedly applied to the candidate.

List of documents for employment

The set of documents consists of the following items:

  • work book if available;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • information on income and property;
  • a military ID, if we are talking about a person liable for military service;
  • education documents;
  • autobiography;
  • questionnaire;
  • statement.

The list may increase depending on the position for which the candidate enters.

Not only entrance exams are important, it will also be required kit personal qualities . Among them:

  1. Maintaining composure and calmness in all situations.
  2. Quick decision making, even in emergency situations.
  3. Responsibility, punctuality in the performance of tasks.
  4. A sense of duty to the country, the people.
  5. The ability to convince others of your position.
  6. Courage, selflessness.
  7. Willingness to cope with difficult conditions.
  8. Decency, honesty.
  9. Willingness to follow orders from superiors.
  10. Strict discipline.

Can't do without a good physical fitness, good biography. Young men must definitely serve military service before entering the position.

Advantages, disadvantages, salary level

Police work is different. high level difficulties but there are also certain advantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • social guarantees;
  • fringe benefits;
  • building a career in public service.

If desired, any employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can to retire before other categories of citizens.
The main disadvantage is dangers and risks that service representatives face every day. It is worth being prepared for the fact that citizens do not always treat representatives of these structures with due respect. Therefore, patience and endurance are indispensable.

Exists several factors that affect the level of wages of police officers. For example, in large cities the level of provision is higher than in the regions. On the territory of megacities, you can count on a salary in the amount of from 45,000 to 100,000 rubles. This amount already includes allowances along with surcharges.

We can list only a few institutions that provide high-quality training for highly qualified employees:

  1. Tambov technical institute.
  2. Moscow Financial Law Institute.
  3. North Caucasian University of Federal Importance.
  4. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main thing is to remember that this work is associated not only with daily risks, but with stress. Irregular working days - the smallest possible. But for society, this service is still in demand and relevant. You just need to keep the desire to move forward, to improve yourself.

Features of the district police profession

Precinct refers to employees who can and should accept complaints, appeals from citizens at any time of the day. The main thing is to be aware of everything that happens on the site that is entrusted to the employee. Here you have to work a whole range of tasks:

  • look for criminals;
  • conduct preventive conversations;
  • keep the peace of the citizens.

The requirements for the position are quite high. Of course, stable physical health is required. You can't do without education in the field of jurisprudence. Many are weeded out while the interviews are still going on. Others are transferred due to too high a workload that is difficult to cope with.

The response to citizens' appeals should be timely. To communicate with the authorities, office phones are issued, their number is created separately.

The district police officers go around to get acquainted with those whose activities and lives they must protect and control.

Is it possible to get a job without serving in the army

Many citizens are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get into the police service if the regular military service has not been completed. Regulations do not contain specific instructions that military service is compulsory for all. But the probability of refusal increases if there is no mark in the documents.

This is due to the presentation of certain requirements or non-compliance with them:

  1. Security measures when using special means of self-defense.
  2. Availability of special combat preliminary training.
  3. Familiarization with the statute.
  4. Ability to handle weapons.

If these skills are absent, then the higher authorities simply do not see the point in hiring a person.

Some positions require that the state of health be at a certain level. Even those who have served in the past and completed it successfully can have problems when applying to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For example, if there were health problems due to which his category was lowered.


Having a criminal record and being stateless can become reason for refusing the request. The same applies to situations where a person has been declared incompetent. Finally, it is dangerous to provide any fake, false information.

With regard to retirement, the minimum length of service for obtaining this right is 20 years. The specific division does not matter.

PPP - important service which performs tasks that ensure order and stability in society. It is she who is recognized as one of the most effective. Therefore, the modernization and development of the department should not stop. And this can be achieved only if the influx of new personnel is constant.

The requirements are quite strict, but still the result is worth their implementation. It is only necessary to decide in advance whether the character and personal inclinations correspond to the service. And after that already choose the direction of activity that interests you the most.

Features of work in the police are presented in the video.

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is associated with great risk, frequent physical exertion and stress, and this will sooner or later affect health. Many realize the complexity of this profession only after working for several years, after which, unable to withstand the stress, they leave it. Therefore, before you get a job in the police, you should think carefully about the question: “Do I really want this?” And only after all the pros and cons are well weighed, preparations for entering the service should begin. Who can apply for the position of a policeman Based on the laws of the Russian Federation, only a citizen of Russia aged 18 to 35 can become a policeman. He must be fluent in Russian and have completed secondary education. It should be noted right away that candidates with higher education are more likely to get a place in the police.

How to get a job in the police: requirements and restrictions

Employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without serving in the army On the Internet, the question is often asked how to get a job in the police without serving in the army. The regulations concerning police officers do not state that all young people are required to serve before working in law enforcement agencies.

However, many who wish to wear a police uniform are denied employment if they do not have a military ID with a mark of service. The refusal is motivated by the fact that from the first day of service, police officers must be able to handle weapons, know the regulations, have special combat training, and observe security measures when handling weapons. by special means self defense.

A person who is not familiar with such skills will not be taken to law enforcement agencies. In most positions, a person will be required not only to serve in a military unit, but also to have a health category of the highest category of level A.

The essence of police work. how to get a job in the police?


Despite all the difficulties, service in law enforcement agencies remains in great demand and necessary for society. Having received the necessary skills in the learning process, as well as a desire for self-improvement, you can achieve success in this field, becoming a real professional crime fighter.

Profession of a district police officer The work of a district police officer is not an easy job, because at any time of the day citizens can turn to him with questions and requests for help. The main task that such a police officer faces is to be aware of everything that happens in the administrative area entrusted to him.

How to get a girl a job in the police

Police work for women How to get a job in the police for a girl? Just like young man or a man. Until how many years you can get a job in the police, we wrote above - these requirements are the same for both sexes.


Who is closed to the authorities? Work as an investigator in the police or in any other position does not shine:

  • businessmen;
  • people who are not ready to work with state secrets;
  • persons with a criminal record, repeated arrests and convicted relatives.

Is it possible to get into the police without the army? You can, but without the right to delay the call. In a number of cases, applicants liable for military service are denied employment, although there is no such clause in law.

How to get into the police | work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Hello, friends. The reforms carried out by the government have given their sprouts. Getting into the police force was not easy. And while others are thinking about how to get a job in the police, I propose to study right here and now what is needed for this.
And what, in fact, does work in law enforcement agencies give and is the game worth the candle? Take a look yourself! ? Here are the bonuses that the current police officer receives:

  • Free medical care.
  • Compulsory life and health insurance.
  • 20 years of service (currently being discussed to increase the service life to 25 years), after which you can go to a seniority pension.
  • Cheap travel to public transport(reduced ticket).
  • Vacation - basic 30 days + 7 (9) days with irregular working hours + leave for length of service (from 5 to 15 days).

Is it possible to get a job in the police without special education

In addition, you are eligible for a one-time financial assistance to purchase a home.

  • Police officers rest more than civilians. On average, a police officer's vacation lasts 7 working days longer.
    With seniority number vacation days increases. This is compensation for irregular working hours.
  • Modern reforms in the state improve the work and life of police officers. They get decent wages So, for example, a young officer has a salary of about 30 thousand rubles.
  • These and other advantages in the work of the police force many to think about linking their lives with this department. Who Can Become a Police Officer So, let's say you are a young girl who dreams of joining the police force.

Is it possible for a girl without higher education to work in the police?

I have served in the army, I have a secondary education, can I get a job in the police? answers (1) Topic: Get a job in the police without educationWhat do you need all the details for this and is it possible to get a job through their website without visiting the personnel department. read answers (1) Topic: To the police without an army answers (3) Topic: Get a job in the policeCan I get a job in the police with a part-time education?!read answers (2) Topic: EducationCan a girl without special education get a job in the police? And if possible, then by whom?read answers (2) Subject: Amendments to certain legislative I am 26 years old, I want to get a job in the police in the PPP, but I have 9 grades of education.

Get a job with the police

Features of the examination in the hospital To get a job in the police, you need to have excellent health. Therefore, the first thing candidates are sent to the hospital to undergo a medical examination.

One thing should be understood - the internal organs are closely monitoring future employees, so you should not look for workarounds and try to bribe doctors in order to speed up this process or hide congenital diseases. In general, with an average accumulation of patients, the passage of a medical commission takes no more than 2-3 days.

As for those health problems that can block the path to the desired profession, their list can be viewed on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also in the hospital you will need to take a blood test for the presence of alcohol or drugs.

Psychological fitness When talking about how to get a job in the police, one cannot fail to mention the psychological test.

How to get a job in the police without education

24-hour legal advice by phone GET A FREE LAWYER'S ADVICE BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: SAINT PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: Police work seems promising and attractive to many young people. In addition, it provides good benefits (we will also talk about them in this article).
How to get a job in the police? First, decide on the position (and there are no less of them in the police structure than in any other state) and understand how you meet the requirements for applicants. After that, it will be possible to prepare a package of documents and submit it for consideration to the personnel department. Work in the police: the main positions The police of the Russian Federation is a complex of state structures responsible for order in the country.

How to get a job in the police without education

You can also go to the website of the Ministry of the Interior and view vacancies online. At the same time, do not forget to find out about the work schedule, it is unlikely that the authorities will then enter into your position when you need to pick up your child from kindergarten.

A girl who dreams of working in the police needs to decide in which field of activity she would like to realize herself. Usually girls choose work with document management. A lot of girls dream of working in the passport office. If any position seemed attractive to you, make a competent resume and send it to the specified address. You can try to talk to your future boss - perhaps you can prove to him in a personal conversation that you are determined and definitely want to work in his department. The military value perseverance and confident action. Police work is hard work.

How to get a job in the police without higher education

Is it possible for a girl to get a job in the police (requirements for candidates)? Before you get a job in the police, you need to check whether you meet the requirements that apply to people trying to find a job in this structure. Of course, the list of requirements for an investigator and an accountant will differ, but there are also a number of mandatory compliance points. So, citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of gender, can become police officers, which means both girls and young people who are fit for health reasons to serve and who pass the age limit established by law. Citizens not younger than 18, but not older than 35 are allowed to enter the service in the internal affairs bodies. An exception is the case when a citizen who previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs begins the service - then the age bar rises to 50 years.

How easy it is to get a job in the police without education

How to Become an Officer leadership position, it is necessary to determine educational institution where you need to get a proper specialized education. As a rule, a higher legal education is required to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We list the most famous institutions in Russia for the training of highly qualified employees:

  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • North Caucasian University of Federal Importance.
  • Moscow Financial Law Institute.
  • Tambov technical institute.

Before linking your life with police work, remember that for a successful career development and receiving decent salary you will have to be exposed to everyday stress, also be prepared to work on an irregular work schedule.


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