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The Chebarkul region of blue lakes is an ecologically clean area with fertile agricultural land and rich pastures for livestock.
In 1929, having a surplus of milk in a private farmstead, a purchase was organized, the development of dairy products in Chebarkul and in the villages of the region. With heavy manual labor, a small assortment of dairy products (milk, cream, cottage cheese) was produced. Delivered to industrial new buildings (Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, etc.).

The dairy industry in the region has been developed due to the rich dairy farming. We began to build separator offices in the villages.
In 1965, a new dairy plant was launched in Chebarkul. Having rich historical traditions, experience in dairy production, constantly engaged in technical re-equipment, the Chebarkul Dairy Plant, as part of the Chelyabinsk Dairy Plant, currently occupies a leading position in the dairy industry of the region.

Over the past three years, according to the results of the work of the regional Administration, the 1st place in the nomination "The best dairy plant in the region" was awarded to Chebarkul Dairy Plant OJSC. in Moscow for All-Russian Exhibition achievements of the agro-industrial complex " gold autumn"Products received medals: in 2001 "Peasant" oil - a silver medal, in 2002 sour cream - a gold medal, in 2003 kefir - a gold medal.

The awards of the main range of dairy products speak of a high technical and technological level. In 2004, a cold milk separator of the German company "Westfalia Separator" was introduced, which works directly at the reception of milk. Therefore, all milk goes to the technology for the production of high-grade products with a total microbial number an order of magnitude lower than milk at other dairy plants in the region. Milk pasteurizers are equipped with deodorizers, which eliminates foreign fodder odors from winter milk. Tanks are being replaced with the introduction of mechanical washing. Thanks to high quality products and good technical equipment, the plant is attractive for investments, which increase from year to year.

The history of the current Chebarkul Dairy Plant dates back to 1959, when on June 15 the Chelyabinsk Regional Committee of the CPSU adopted decision No. 331 on the construction of a new dairy plant in Chebarkul. On Sunday, August 1, 1965, the plant received the first milk in the amount of 6.8 tons. The entire volume of commissioning work was carried out by the fitters, fitters, electricians of the newly created team.

On September 8, 1965, milk from the entire region was taken to the new plant - 75 tons, the old dairy plant was closed, and the date of September 8, 1965 is considered the birth of the current dairy plant.

The range of manufactured products was small: flask milk, weight sour cream, cottage cheese, butter. In 1967 they mastered the production of cheese, in 1968 - the production of hard cheese. In 1967, due to the growth in production, the plant was transferred from the 5th group of milk processing enterprises to the 4th group, and in 1983 - to the 3rd group.

In subsequent years, they mastered the production of homemade cheese, fermented baked milk, baked milk, Vologda butter, which in 1978 was certified for the state quality mark.

By 1989, the capacity of the plant was already 150 tons of milk per day and the number of employees increased from 113 people in 1965 to 185 people. In 1992, the plant staff applied for the privatization of their enterprise and in 1993 from state enterprise the factory was transformed into Chebarkul Dairy Plant OJSC.

Time passed, new types of products were mastered, technology was improved, the team gained experience. The new market policy in the economy did not turn into a crisis for the plant. Reorganizing on the go, the plant staff carried out systematic work to develop sales markets in Chelyabinsk, Miass, Zlatoust, because it became almost impossible to sell everything in the city of Chebarkul, as it was before, due to the low purchasing power of the inhabitants of Chebarkul. For this, a lot of work had to be done to improve the packaging. Gone are the glass milk bottle and jar, they were replaced by polyethylene film, Pure Pak and Tetra Pak packaging, polystyrene cup. If before 1993 the plant did not have imported equipment for filling and packaging, today equipment from Germany is working, Israel, Sweden In 1995 organized Sales Department, which included merchandisers and forwarders, whose responsibilities included: delivery of dairy products to trading network, study of consumer demand, expansion of the sales market, timely return of funds for sold dairy products. The staff currently exceeds 300 people. Today the plant supplies products to 774 outlets the cities of Chelyabinsk, Miass, Zlatoust, Kopeysk. And this is not a chapel, the loading of packing and packaging lines is only 50% of their capacity.

Delivery of products to the distribution network is carried out by our own transport. To do this, the plant has its own transport workshop, and in 2001 a warm parking lot for cars for 20 cars was put into operation.

In addition, the plant has its own sales network: two company stores, two stationary kiosks, and four mobile trade trailers.

In them you can always buy fresh dairy products in the assortment, which includes more than 40 items:

1. Whole - dairy products.

Milk is baked.

Milk 2.5% fat.

Milk 3.2% fat

Milk "Umnitsa" iodine supplement.

SOM (Powdered skimmed milk).

For the production of drinking milk of all kinds, the main raw material is natural cow's milk with a fat content of 3.2%. Depending on the produced milk, it is normalized in terms of fat content and kept at a certain temperature. Milk production technology (whole milk products) consists of several stages: Acceptance - Cleaning - Normalization - Pasteurization - Realization.

2. Dairy products.

Kefir 2.5% fat.

Kefir 3.2% fat.

Kefir with lactulose.

Dairy products are produced using the following technology:

Milk acceptance - Cleaning - Normalization - Pasteurization - Starter culture (kefir bifido starter cultures) - Fermentation - Cooling - Bottling - Cooling and maturation - Realization.

3. Curd.

Cottage cheese 5% fat.

The cheese is fat free.

Cottage cheese "Delicacy".

Fruit curd.

In the production of cottage cheese, the sour-rennet method of protein coagulation is used. The starter of pure cultures, lactic acid bacteria, calcium chloride, and rennet are added to milk. Curd products are made from cottage cheese with the addition of butter, granulated sugar, raisins, vanillin and other substances.

4. Sour cream 15 - 20% fat.

Sour cream is produced mainly in two ways using cream homogenization or using low-temperature processing.

5. Butter - butter.

Butter is produced by churning cream using modern high-performance equipment and high-quality raw materials.

Chebarkul Cheese.

Cheese "Home".

Cheeses are produced from pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria and spicy enzymes.

All products are distinguished by excellent taste and freshness. Every year it is certified at the Chelyabinsk Center for Standardization and Metrology. Engineering - technical service the plant has developed its own, meeting the internal content of environmentally friendly products, trademark. It can be seen on almost every package of the entire range of dairy products manufactured by the Chebarkul Dairy Plant.

OJSC "Chebarkul Dairy Plant" is a typical medium-sized enterprise in Russia. The industry in which the company operates (food industry/dairy industry) differs from others in the following qualities:

speed of turnover of funds;

low business profitability (5 - 10%);

high dependence of activities on incoming raw materials;

seasonality of receipts of raw materials and sales: and mirror opposite;

perishable goods;

high competition at the level of brands.

Thus, the attractiveness of making a quick profit is balanced by the venture (risk) nature of the business.

JSC "Chebarkul Dairy Plant" is one of the leading Chelyabinsk region dairy products manufacturer. The location of the Company is determined by the location of its management bodies located at: Russian Federation, 456440 Chelyabinsk region, city of Chebarkul, st. Dzerzhinsky 1.

Nature of activity: purchase of raw milk and processing into dairy products, wholesale and retail trade.

Form of ownership: the property of shareholders.

Goals of OJSC "Chebarkul Dairy Plant":

Increasing profit and profitability,

Growth in production and sales of competitive dairy products.

Cost reduction per 1 ruble of marketable products.

Growth in labor productivity.

Implementation of the interests of owners, shareholders, employees of the organization and the state.

Growth corporate culture and company image.

Expanding the geography of sales.

When transporting products by road, the time for delivery to major cities of the Chelyabinsk region will be from 1 to 7 hours, which will make it possible, provided that products are loaded on the night shift, to deliver products in the morning to the opening of stores.

Profitable at all times

JSC "Chebarkul Dairy Plant"
Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region.

      Among the enterprises of the dairy industry of the Chelyabinsk region 0A0 "Chebarkul Dairy Plant" is the undisputed leader. Its products have long been known to customers and are in deserved demand. 27 farms of the Ural region, rich in agricultural land, supply milk to the plant, including 13 farms from the Chebarkul region, 10 from Bashkortostan, 4 from other districts of the region. The plant is constantly increasing production volumes, annually processing about 30 thousand tons of milk. In 2002, the enterprise processed 30,712 tons of milk, produced 339 tons of animal butter, 338 tons of dry dairy products, 189 tons of cheese, and 25,556 tons of whole milk products. In 2003, output volumes increased by 24.8 percent.

The Chebarkul dairy plant was established more than forty years ago, has successfully survived all times: the era of stagnation, perestroika, the crisis of economic reforms and, despite the difficulties, has always continued to work steadily, developed and mastered new types of products. For thirty-four years it has been led by Alexander Petrovich Gritsenko.

Alexander Petrovich was born on December 19, 1935 in Novosibirsk region. My father was the director of a state farm, so the choice of profession was decided easily. In 1957, Alexander graduated from the Altai College of Meat and Dairy Industry. Whole seniority was held at the Chebarkul Dairy Plant. In 1960, he came to an enterprise under construction, was appointed chief mechanic, a few years later - chief engineer, and since 1970 he has been heading this enterprise.

Alexander Petrovich also met his wife at the factory. Now four grandchildren are growing up - the eldest is 21 years old, the youngest granddaughter is in the 4th grade.

He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Red Banner of Labor, and has many other awards. He was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of the Food Industry of Russia", an honorary citizen of the city of Chebarkul.

- Alexander Petrovich, for 34 years of your leadership, you have seen a lot, times have changed, power has changed, and the country itself has become different. When was it hardest to work?

– You can work in any conditions. Economic crises are an excuse for the lazy. As we worked in the 1970s, so we work now. True, the goals at that time were different: we cared about improving the technological process, about educating personnel. Now the main concern is to timely issue salaries to the employees of the enterprise, we are still coping with this task, and according to the good old tradition, money is paid twice a month: advance payment and salary.

Another task is to promote the product to the market. AT market conditions Gaining customer trust is not easy. It helps that for many years the quality of products has been worked out. And we are constantly updating production, making a lot of efforts to stay ahead of competitors.

For example, since 2001, the plant has been preparing dried milk and butter for processing in winter. AT summer time these products are not in demand, as a result, butter was sold at a loss, and powdered milk was practically at cost. At the same time, there is a lot of raw milk in summer, sometimes suppliers bring up to 180 tons every day. And in winter, we always lacked raw materials, and we lost the market won in the summer. We came to the conclusion that in winter it is necessary to have our own raw materials in order to maintain a stable market throughout the year. We built a freezer with a temperature of minus 25 degrees, where we store oil reserves. We bought new installations for the production of powdered milk.

As a result of the competent use of raw materials, the plant produces daily 90-110 tons of whole milk products all year round, depending on the requests of trading organizations and does not depend on whether cows are milked at this time of the year or not.

- Probably, you have to change or upgrade equipment, as production is growing, and the old one will no longer be able to cope with the volumes?

- Yes, we have purchased a lot of modern equipment, including a homogenizer - a device that allows you to break fat balls in milk to almost molecular size. As a result, milk is not settled, its quality is significantly improved. Many years ago, we were among the first to abandon glass bottles and began filling products in Tetra-Pak packages, and now we have additionally installed three filling machines for products in polyethylene film. We also bought a new separator, an emulsifier, three pasteurization and cooling units, machines for packing sour cream into plastic jars, refrigeration units for vehicles supplying products to retail outlets. We built our own well, which made it possible to reduce the cost of water consumed. We have equipped a warm parking lot for transport, this allowed us to expand the fleet and deliver products to trade on our own. organized wholesale store, since the existing expedition could no longer cope with the increased volume of sales.

In the near future, the plant will have a new modern line for packaging products into plastic bottles. Similar equipment is already in operation Sverdlovsk region, and in our region the "pioneer" of such a line will be the Chebarkul Dairy Plant.

– Who are the main buyers of your products? Are there many competitors in the dairy market today?

– We sell products to 958 retail outlets. Most of them are our regular customers. There are many competitors, so you have to constantly be “on the alert”. Over the years, the quality of products has been worked out, and its range is expanding. We try to keep the brand.

In the city of Chebarkul and the sanatorium and resort area, where there are many recreation centers, sanatoriums, children's health camps, we are the main supplier of dairy products. In addition, our products are in great demand in Chelyabinsk, Kopeysk, Zlatoust, Miass. Every day we send up to 80 tons of dairy products to these cities with our transport.

- Tell us about the range: 42 items and all of them from milk?

- In addition to traditional products - milk, kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese - we mastered the production of bifidokefir, yogurt, curd cream, cottage cheese with fruit, powdered milk and Chebarkulsky cheese.

Not only whole milk products are in great demand, but also butter, despite the rather high price. They started making it back in the 70s. The main advantage of Chebarkulsky sweet cream is that it is produced only from fresh cream, and now popular herbal additives and dyes are not used. Our butter is called "sweet cream" because it is made only from whole cream. This is the most authentic and pure oil.

The Chebarkul dairy plant also has its own cheese shop. It was put into operation more than ten years ago. Today, a branded cheese called "Chebarkulsky" is made here. Making good cheese is not easy - you need a lot of strength, patience and knowledge. The cheese makers have a 12-hour shift, and all this time they “conjure” over the vats. Cheese arrives on store shelves quite “young” - it ripens in only 15 days.

Went on sale a few years ago New Product- bifidok, which, in addition to a pleasant taste, also has healing and preventive properties. In the manufacture of bifidok, bifidobacteria are used - microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract. They restore the intestinal flora.

Among the "non-traditional" dairy products produced at the Chebarkul Dairy Plant are whey powder, condensed milk, and milk powder. Condensed milk is bought by confectionery factories, and whey powder is used in baking and in the manufacture of mayonnaise.

- Recently, “Homemade Cheese” appeared on sale. This is the same cottage cheese with sour cream, elastic lumps, as the hostess in the village does, very tasty. Perhaps there are special flavors in there?

- No additives! All products of the Chebarkul Dairy Plant are only natural. No dyes, no flavors or preservatives. Based on natural milk. In sweet products, we do not use substitutes - only real sugar. Curds with fruits contain natural fruits and syrups. We would like to expand the range of curds with fruits, but there were problems with natural raw materials. There are many synthetic flavors on the market, and real berries are hard to find.

- Who supplies you with raw materials?

– Thanks to well-established ties, mutual assistance, we have a stable raw material base in recent years. Milk is supplied to the plant by 27 farms in the Ural region. In summer, from 120 to 180 tons of milk is supplied, in winter - from 50 to 70 tons.

In recent years, the number of livestock has decreased, many dairy plants, in turn, were left without raw materials, could not withstand competition and closed. We had to help our donors with loans, because without such help they would not be able to produce milk. They understand that for stable operation the plant needs a stable supply of good quality milk, and we are meeting them halfway. In addition, we undertook to provide them with detergents, laboratory glassware, chemical reagents, gauze, lavsan, overalls, ammonia, so that they could deliver milk to the factory good quality.

- Alexander Petrovich, one gets the impression that there are no unsolvable problems at your plant, everything is working out for you!

- The solution of all problems largely depends on the administrative apparatus. In recent years, many young professionals have joined the team. Basically, these are our employees who were adjusters, electricians, drivers, studied at institutes, and now they have headed workshops and divisions. They are not newcomers to the plant, they know the production, and now they are gaining managerial experience. They make leaders who can ensure a good future for the enterprise and the team. We also pay great attention to the social sphere.

Assessing the work of our enterprise, we believe that we have achieved a lot, but we must continue to develop production technology, improve quality, expand the range. Ultimately, our work is evaluated by the consumer, and we agree only to five points and will do everything for this. If an ordinary customer is satisfied with our products, the Chebarkul Dairy Plant will be profitable at all times.

Total photos: 6

The undisputed leader among the enterprises of the dairy industry of the Chelyabinsk region. More than 60,000 tons of milk are processed annually in the workshops of the plant. The range of manufactured products is more than 50 items.

Every day, the plant supplies more than 150 tons of dairy products to retail outlets in the cities of the Chelyabinsk region - Chelyabinsk, Miass, Zlatoust, Troitsk, Kyshtym, Korkino, Trekhgorny, Yuzhnouralsk, Uysk, Ust-Katava, Kusy, Ashi, Kasley, V. Ufaley, Snezhinsk, Ozersk , Kunashak, Yemanzhelinsk and others.

Production performance indicators for 2011:

Milk preparations (tons) - 67028

Investments (thousand rubles) - 105749


whole milk products (tons) - 62594

Number (persons) - 539

Open Joint Stock Company "Chebarkul Dairy Plant" is a permanent participant of exhibitions, competitions of various levels.

The products of the plant, its quality is appreciated by both buyers and tasting commissions within the framework of ongoing events.

Thus, since 1996 Open Joint-Stock Company Chebarkul Dairy Plant has been participating in the regional universal agricultural fairs "Agro" every year, consistently winning the highest awards. Recognized as the winner of the competition of social achievements of leading enterprises "Changing the World" in the nomination "Food Production". He is a laureate of the competition "20 best goods of the Chelyabinsk region", a laureate of the All-Russian program of the competition "100 best goods of Russia", a prize-winner of the Russian Agro-industrial exhibition "Golden Autumn", Moscow.

In 2006, the Chebarkul Dairy Plant was awarded the medal of the international competition "Ecologically Clean and Safe Products" for products: pasteurized drinking milk "Rossiyskoe", kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cottage cheese "Lakomstvo", cow butter "Krestyanskoye" sweet cream unsalted.

In the regional competition agro-industrial complex Chelyabinsk region, organized by the Day of agricultural workers and processing industry, Open Joint Stock Company "Chebarkul Dairy Plant" six years in a row - in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 was recognized as the winner in the nomination "The Best Enterprise of the Dairy Industry".

Open joint-stock company"Chebarkul dairy plant" constantly increases and updates the range of products, improves quality.

There is continuous improvement technological processes, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, allowing the team to work stably, produce high quality products.


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