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Agro-industrial complex: composition, significance. Agriculture". In this lesson, we will learn what is included in the agro-industrial complex, what significance it has for the life of the country, and what are the main directions in agriculture. Find out what agriculture depends on and what is the share of villages agricultural lands in the land resources of Russia.

Agro-industrial complex (AIC)- a set of interconnected sectors of the economy that produce, process agricultural products and bring it to the consumer

The main task of the agro-industrial complex is to provide the population of the country with food. The basis of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture, but it alone cannot cope with such an important task, since it needs equipment, combines, tractors, potato harvesters, pesticides, fertilizers, new varieties of plants and best breeds livestock. Therefore, the agro-industrial complex consists of three links, or three stages of production.

Rice. 1. Links of the agro-industrial complex

1st link includes industries serving, for example, agricultural engineering (Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Ryazan, Omsk), basic chemistry, selection, melioration.

Rice. 2. Agricultural engineering centers

The 2nd link includes agriculture, namely: agriculture and animal husbandry. Examples of industries are crop production, viticulture, fishing, sheep breeding, and beekeeping.

The 3rd link includes industries that process agricultural products, for example, the food industry, the sugar industry, the light or textile industry, and trade.

The basis of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture, represented by crop production and animal husbandry. Agriculture has its own distinctive features:

  1. Agricultural production is seasonal;
  2. Land is the means and object of production;
  3. Agriculture depends on natural conditions;
  4. Agricultural enterprises occupy, as a rule, large areas.

Land used for agriculture is called agricultural land. In Russia, 13% of the land is agricultural land. Of these, 59% are arable land, about 10% are hayfields, 30% are pastures, and less than 1% are orchards and vineyards.

Rice. 3. The structure of agricultural land in Russia

Russia's land resources are limited. In addition, agricultural land is shrinking. About 20% of the agricultural area is waterlogged, 18% is saline and 23% is subject to erosion.

Agriculture is divided into crop production and animal husbandry. Cereal crops form the basis of crop production. These include rye, wheat, barley, corn, rice and others. There are industrial crops: sugar beet, sunflower, fiber flax. Vegetable crops: potatoes, onions, carrots and others. Sometimes, a group of gourds is distinguished: melons, watermelons. Second direction Agriculture represented by animal husbandry. Here, the diversity of animal species makes it possible to single out cattle breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming, horse breeding, fishing, beekeeping, and fur farming.

  1. V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. Geography of Russia: population and economy. Grade 9
  2. V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya. Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze. Geography of Russia: nature, population. 8th grade
  1. A single collection of digital educational resources (). Agro-industrial complex of Russia

Lesson 38 Agriculture and animal husbandry

20.08.2014 11466 0

Goals:To introduce the features of the agro-industrial complex. To study the features of agriculture in Russia. To study crop production and its zonal specialization. To teach how to analyze statistical data, the map "Agriculture", draw diagrams "Composition of the agro-industrial complex", "Sectors of agriculture".

Equipment:Map "Crop production", herbarium of cultivated plants.

During the classes

I.Organizing time

II.Learning new material

plan on the board:

1.What is APC and its main task.

2. Composition of the APK.

3.Agriculture and its features.


5.Agriculture (cereals, industrial crops).

- Agro-industrial complex(APC) is a set of interconnectedbranches of the economy involved in the production, processing of agricultural products and bringing it to the consumer.

The main task of the agro-industrial complex is to provide the population of the country with food.

The basis of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture, but it alone cannot cope with such an important task. Agriculture needs equipment (harvesters, tractors, potato diggers, etc.), fertilizers, pesticides, new varieties of plants and the best breeds of livestock, animal feed, etc. Therefore, the agro-industrial complex consists of 3 links (production stages).

The teacher is on the board, and the students in the notebook carry out the scheme of the composition of the agro-industrial complex.

The teacher proposes to distribute the branches of the economy into 3 links of the agro-industrial complex. The teacher can dictate the list, or he can write it down in advance on the board, or give out cards with a list of industries included in the agro-industrial complex. For the implementation of the scheme of the composition of the agro-industrial complex and the distribution of industries to links, students receive an assessment.

Branches of the agro-industrial complex: agricultural engineering, basic chemistry, breeding, food industry, fishing, sheep breeding, viticulture, land reclamation, field farming, beekeeping, trade, sugar industry:

1 link -agricultural engineering, basic chemistry, breeding,


2 link -fishing, sheep breeding, viticulture, field farming, beekeeping.

3 link -trade, sugar industry, food industry. The level of development of agriculture depends on the development of the first link of the agro-industrial complex,

branches of which provide mechanization and automation of the agro-industrial complex.


-Using the map "Engineering" of the atlas, find the centers of agricultural engineering. (Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Ryazan, Omsk, Rubtsovsk.)

-Using the atlas map Chemical industry"or a card in the account. A., s. 147, fig. 43, identify the centers for the production of mineral fertilizers: nitrogen, potash, phosphate.

-The basis of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture, which consists of crop production (agriculture) and animal husbandry.

Distinctive features of agriculture:

1)It depends on natural conditions.

2)Agricultural production is seasonal.

3)Land is both a means of labor and an object of labor.

4)An agricultural enterprise, as a rule, occupies a large area


Land that is used for agriculture is called agricultural land. In Russia, 13% of the land is agricultural land, and arable land is only 7%. 60% of agricultural land is arable land.


- Draw a diagram of the farmland.(Students complete the diagram in their notebooks.)

Possible answer:Russia has a large area of ​​arable land per capita, but a lower yield of cereals and sugar beets than in developed countries. Most of all, per capita, potatoes are grown in Russia - 3 times more than in the United States. Meat per capita in Russia is 3 times less than in the USA. Soil (arable land) is used less efficiently than in developed countries.

-The leading branch of crop production is grain farming. Crops include - rye, wheat, barley, oats, corn, millet, buckwheat, rice. For legumes - peas, beans, lentils, salt.

In the production of grain crops, Russia ranks first in the world. In terms of crop area, wheat occupies the 1st place, barley occupies the 2nd place.


Fill the table. Indicate with a “+” sign the culture’s requirements for this condition are high, and with a “-” sign the undemanding culture for this condition.


Fiber flax is grown in the forest zone, where summers are cooler and more humid.

Fiber flax provides both fiber and seeds. The people have a saying "we pay taxes with flax, we celebrate weddings and holidays." Many villages of the Non-Black Earth Region lived at the expense of him. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich kept a “linen yard” near Moscow, where flax fiber was processed and produced.

Peter I encouraged the development of flax growing, as flax was used to make sailcloth, ropes and edgings.

To get good seeds, the peasants took sheaves, cut off the tops of the longest plants, and it was these tops that were taken for seeds. So there was a selection of long-stemmed varieties of flax.

Linen thread is very strong: twice as strong as cotton and three times as strong as wool. Weaved openwork lace from it, made the finest fabric - batiste. Linen fabrics are beautiful, durable, absorb moisture well, and do not rot for a long time.

Most of all flax in the Tver and Smolensk regions. Flax is also grown in the Vologda, Novgorod and Pskov regions.

Flax loves cool, rainy summers.

Sugar beet

Sugar beet is used as a raw material for the production of sugar. They began to grow it in the 19th century. The government distributed land free of charge, encouraging the cultivation of sugar beets. Supported the construction of sugar factories. After 100 years, Russia took the 1st place in Europe in terms of sugar beet crops. The first sugar factory was opened in 1802 in the village of Alyabyevo, Voronezh province. Sugar beets love fertile, moist soils and lots of sun. The sugar content of beets depends on the sun. Beet culture is labor-intensive: crops must be thinned out, repeatedly weeded. The highest yield of 250 kg / ha is obtained in the Krasnodar Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia, Belgorod Region.

In Belgium and France they amount to more than 600 centners per hectare.

Leaves, upper parts of the root crop, pulp (pressed and crushed remains of root crops) are used for livestock feed. Acetic and citric acids, acetone are obtained from sugar production waste. Waste from sugar factories is used as lime fertilizer.

III. Anchoring

- Why is land reclamation important for improving agricultural production?(Melioration - measures to improve soil fertility, which will allow more efficient use of agricultural land and get large crop yields.)

-Name 3 links of the APC.

- What is the relationship between the links of the agro-industrial complex?(Industries of the 1st link provide agriculture with machinery, fertilizers, new varieties of plants. Industries of the 3rd link process agricultural products.)

-Name the branches of agriculture. (Crop and animal husbandry.)

-What crop occupies the 1st place in Russia in terms of collection among grain crops?

(Wheat - 50% harvest.)

-Name the industrial crops grown in Russia. (Sunflower, sugar beet, fiber flax.)

-Which grain crops are used as forage crops? (Barley, oats.)

-What grains and industrial crops are grown in your area?


According to accountBUT.:§34, questions, p. 167,

Make a table "Zonal specialization of agriculture."

Questions for self-assessment 1-5, 8-9;

According to account D.: §31-32, p. 161-162, questions on p. 160 (1-2); With. 164(1-3).

Additional material

-Crop production produces 55% of the value of all agricultural

products, and livestock - 45%. But in developed countries, livestock products, which are considered more valuable, predominate.

Students listen to a message about the livestock industries, their geography, livestock problems and briefly write down the plan and theses of the message in a notebook.

animal husbandry

Animal husbandry is represented by cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry breeding, horse breeding, and beekeeping.

Animal husbandry was based on pasture feeding in summer and hay feeding in winter. In the summer hay was harvested for the winter.

Cattle breeding

Cattle breeding (breeding of large cattle) has the largest number of livestock and gives the largest volume of production. The number of cattle in Russia has decreased by almost 2 times. Cattle breeding has two directions - dairy and meat. Dairy cattle need succulent grasses, silage, hay and compound feed. Dairy cattle breeding is widespread in the forest zone.

Beef cattle are bred on arid pastures in the steppe and dry steppe zones. In the steppe, livestock is fed with grain and waste obtained in the production of oil (cake, meal) and sugar (molasses, pulp).

Pig breeding

Pigs are kept in Russia in almost all regions, except for areas where Muslims live who do not eat pork.

The lead stock was halved and amounted to about 17 million tons.

At the beginning of the 19th century, on the land of the Don Cossacks (Rostov region), pigs were driven into the forest in early spring and left unattended until autumn. Pigs ate grass, acorns, roots, small animals. When frosts began, the owners caught their pigs and took them home. Acorns were considered good food, so they tried to breed pigs where oaks grew.

Now pigs live in barns and are kept where there are potatoes, corn, food industry waste.

Most pigs are bred in the Lower Don, in the Volga region and the Central Black Earth region. In addition to plant foods, pigs need animal proteins. The first Russian instruction on raising pigs said that “horse meat used for fattening pigs makes their fat tasty and somewhat hard. Ten one-year-old pigs ate four horses a week in autumn and became obese at six weeks. Now pigs are fed with fish, waste from meat processing plants.

Sheep breeding

Sheep graze all year round on pasture. They are bred in semi-empty and mountainous areas on wormwood, cereals, saltwort. Sheep are unpretentious, they eat low and dry grass. When the sheep eat all the grass in the pasture, they are driven to another. This way of farming is called transhumance. A herd can travel up to 300 km per year. In spring, the herds are driven on the plains to the north, from the foothills to the mountains, and in autumn, vice versa.

In Russia, coarse-haired sheep (Romanov breed) were bred. From their shs|»< ш делали валенки, ткали ковры, из шкур шили тулупы.

In the south, fine-fleeced sheep are bred, from which high-quality wool is obtained.

Lesson topic: Agro-industrial complex. Plant growing and animal husbandry.

Target: Formation of ideas about the agro-industrial complex of Russia.


Subject UUD:

Give definitions of terms, concepts on the subject of the lesson;

Identify and name the features of the agro-industrial complex;

Write a description of the APK;

Determine the factors of production location;

Apply geographic objects to the contour map;

Draw up a diagram of the "composition of the agro-industrial complex";

To teach to analyze statistical data, the map "Agriculture".

Metasubject UUD:


Find reliable information in sources of geographic information;

Analyze, highlight the main thing, summarize thematic material;

Formulate conclusions, define terms and concepts;

Find patterns based on the results of observations;

Compose a description based on reliable sources of information;

Identify features of objects, predict the state of an object or the development of a phenomenon.


Determine the goal, problem in educational activities;

put forward hypotheses;

Choose the means to achieve the goal in the group and individually;

To plan learning activities;

Predict the result of educational activity.


State your opinion;

Understand the position of the other;

Create written and oral texts to solve different tasks generalizations.

Personal UUD:

Formation of educational and cognitive interest in the study of geography;

Understanding the features of the agro-industrial complex;

Use of knowledge about AIC in everyday life and health;

Understanding and accepting the rules of conduct practical work;

Understanding emotional state other people;

Awareness and manifestation of oneself as a citizen of Russia.

Lesson type : the study new topic.

Equipment: textbook, atlas maps, contour maps, projector.

Concepts, terms, nomenclature:

Agro-industrial complex, plant growing, animal husbandry, agricultural land, grain farming, cultivated land, industrial crops, grain crops, sugar crops.

UMC: textbook by E.M. Domogatskikh, N.I. Alekseevsky.

During the classes

I . Organizing time: Greetings. Preparing for the lesson.

II . Exploring a new topic:

Knowledge update.


What are agro-climatic resources?

What types of soils are typical for the territory of Russia?

What is soil?

What is soil fertility?

Why are chernozem soils the most fertile?

From the above, think and try to formulate the topic of our lesson? (student answers).

The topic of the lesson today is “Agro-industrial complex. Crop and animal husbandry”.

Open your notebook and write down the topic of the lesson. What is the purpose of our lesson? What should you learn about in class? (guess answers). Yes, guys, in this lesson we will learn what the agro-industrial complex is, what sectors are part of the agro-industrial complex, what significance it has for the life of the country, and what are the main directions in agriculture. We will find out what agriculture depends on and what is the share of agricultural land in the land resources of Russia. Russia is traditionally an agricultural country.

At the end of our lesson, try to answer the question, what is the peculiarity of agriculture?

Try to say for yourself what is APC? (sample answers). Modocy.

And now open the textbook paragraph 27, page 171 and find in the text what is APC?

Write down in a notebook.

The agro-industrial complex is a combination of all sectors of the economy involved in the production of products from agricultural raw materials.

What is its main task?

The main task of the agro-industrial complex is to provide the population of the country with food.

The development of the agro-industrial complex affects the development of the country's welfare, as it provides the state with food.

The basis of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture, but it alone cannot cope with such an important task. Agriculture needs equipment (harvesters, tractors, potato diggers, etc.), fertilizers, pesticides, new varieties of plants and the best breeds of livestock, animal feed, etc. Therefore, the agro-industrial complex consists of 3 links. (Slide 1)

Complete this chart in your notebook.

Divide the industries into three links.

(slide 2)

Branches of the agro-industrial complex: agricultural engineering, basic chemistry, breeding, food industry, fishing, sheep breeding, viticulture, land reclamation, field farming, beekeeping, trade, sugar industry:



1st link - agricultural engineering, basic chemistry, selection, melioration.

2 link - fishing, sheep breeding, viticulture, field farming, beekeeping.

3rd link - trade, sugar industry, food industry.

What do you think, on what link does the level of agriculture depend?

(Depends on the development of the first link of the agro-industrial complex, the branches of which provide mechanization and automation of the agro-industrial complex). Centers for placement of agricultural engineering.

- The second and central link in the agro-industrial complex is agriculture, which consists of crop production (agriculture) and animal husbandry.(slide 4)

The area of ​​Russia is huge, but only 10% of its territory is suitable for agriculture. This area is called - the area of ​​agricultural land, is almost 1.7 million square kilometers. Of these, 60% is occupied by cultivated land, including arable land. The remaining 40% are pastures and hayfields.

Draw a diagram in your notebook. (slide 5)

A) plant growing.

Is it possible to grow any crops anywhere in Russia? (student answers)

Why not? What does it depend on? from agro-climatic conditions.
Work with the textbook. Open p.171 and read about crop production. (5 minutes).


What is the basis of the country's crop production? (grain farming)

What are the main crops in Russia? (wheat, rye, barley and oats)

What is needed to grow wheat?

Where, in what lane, in what areas is it grown?

What is the difference for rye, barley, corn, rice? Where are they grown?

What is the "second bread"?

What other cultures do you know?

What technical culture is rare for our country?


B) Livestock

Livestock industries. Turn to page 176. Write down a diagram of the livestock industry.

What are the branches of animal husbandry? (slide 6)

animal husbandry represented by cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry breeding, horse breeding, beekeeping.- these are the main industries.

Animal husbandry was based on pasture feeding in summer and hay feeding in winter. In the summer hay was harvested for the winter.

1 ) Cattle breeding (breeding of cattle) has the largest number of livestock and gives the largest volume of production. The number of cattle in Russia has decreased by almost 2 times. Cattle breeding has two directions - dairy and meat. Dairy cattle need succulent grasses, silage, hay and compound feed. Dairy cattle breeding is widespread in the forest zone. Significant areas here are occupied by meadows used for pastures. Forage crops are grown in the fields.

Beef cattle are bred on arid pastures in the steppe and dry steppe zones. In the steppe, livestock is fed with grain and waste obtained in the production of oil (cake, meal) and sugar (molasses, pulp).

2) Sheep breeding distributed in the dry steppe, foothills and mountainous regions of the country. Sheep are bred in the middle zone of the European part, in the Urals and in Siberia.

3) Pig breeding bred in areas where grain, potatoes and sugar beets are grown. The industry tends to big cities. The population is a consumer of products, and food waste is the basis of the food base of this industry. Pigs are kept in Russia in almost all regions, except for the areas where Muslims live who do not eat pork. At the beginning of the 19th century, on the land of the Don Cossacks (Rostov Region), pigs were driven into the forest in early spring and left unattended until autumn. Pigs ate grass, acorns, roots, small animals. When frosts began, the owners caught their pigs and took them home. Acorns were considered good food, so they tried to breed pigs where oaks grew. Now pigs live in barns and are kept where there are potatoes, corn, food industry waste. Most pigs are bred in the Lower Don, in the Volga region and the Central Black Earth region. Now, fish, waste from meat processing plants are used to feed pigs.

4) Sheep breeding

Sheep graze all year round on pasture. They are bred in semi-empty and mountainous areas on wormwood, cereals, saltwort. Sheep are unpretentious, they eat low and dry grass. When the sheep eat all the grass in the pasture, they are driven to another. This way of farming is called transhumance. A herd can travel up to 300 km per year. In spring, the herds are driven on the plains to the north, from the foothills to the mountains, and in autumn, vice versa.

In Russia, coarse-haired sheep (Romanov breed) were bred. Felt boots were made from their wool, carpets were woven, sheepskin coats were sewn from their skins.

In the south, fine-fleeced sheep are bred, from which high-quality wool is obtained.

5) Reindeer breeding is the only possible branch of specialization of the tundra and northern taiga. Moss-lichen pastures serve as food resources.

6) Camel breeding - it is typical for arid regions, semi-deserts of the south of European Russia.

7) Beekeeping - developed inR. Bashkiria. It is an area of ​​specialization.

III . Generalization.

1. What are the main branches of animal husbandry.

2. What areas of cattle breeding do you know?

3. In which natural area is reindeer herding the main type of animal husbandry?

At the beginning of the lesson, I asked you a question,what is the nature of agriculture? Try to answer this question.


Distinctive features of agriculture:

1) It depends on natural conditions.

2) Agricultural production is seasonal.

3) The land is both a means of labor and an object of labor.

4) An agricultural enterprise, as a rule, occupies a large area


IY . Reflection:

1. Was everything clear in the lesson?

2. What was difficult in the lesson?

3. Was the lesson informative for you?

4. Was the purpose of the lesson achieved?

Y . Grades for work in the classroom.

YI . . Homework . Paragraph 27-28, task No. 2 p. 179

Crop production is a branch of agriculture, the purpose of which is breeding cultivated plants used for human nutrition, human life support, as well as in animal husbandry. Cultivated plants are divided into several groups: 1) cereals and legumes; 2) fodder (they are used to feed livestock); 3) technical (this product is processed by the food and light industries); 4) perennial plantings.

Crop production provides 40% of all agricultural products in Russia. Animal husbandry has always depended on its development, since its forage base is largely provided by crop production.

It is possible to raise the volume of agricultural crop production by increasing the area under crops and increasing yields.

Natural and economic factors determined the bulk of the grain harvest in five economic regions of the country: the North Caucasus, the Volga region, the Urals, the Central Black Earth, and the West Siberian.

In Russia, the main and most common food crop is wheat - winter and spring, soft and hard varieties. The harvest of wheat is half total production grain in Russia, while crops under wheat exceed the total area under all other grain and leguminous crops. Winter wheat crops are available only in the European part of Russia, mainly in the steppe and forest-steppe regions, in the North Caucasus, the Volga region, the middle and lower right bank of the Volga region, and in the Central Black Earth regions. The main areas for growing spring wheat are located in the southern parts of the Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian, Volga (Trans-Volga) and North Caucasian (Rostov region) economic regions.

Barley - the second grain crop in Russia in terms of production, its crops are distributed almost everywhere in Russia. According to its crops, the boundaries of circumpolar agriculture on open ground are determined. Barley is the northernmost grain crop in Russia (followed by rye). In Russia, barley is primarily evaluated as a fodder (forage) crop, on the basis of which concentrated animal feed is produced, but barley is also used for the production of cereals, concentrates, beer, and some other products. In terms of barley production, Russia occupies the fifth place in the world.

Rye used as a food crop, as well as for livestock feed. Winter rye is one of the most important food crops in Russia. Rye requires less heat than winter wheat, but rye is inferior to it in terms of nutritional qualities. Now Russia ranks first in the world in the collection of rye. The main economic regions of its cultivation are the Volga region (Ulyanovsk and Samara regions, as well as the Republic of Tatarstan), Central, Volga-Vyatsky, Ural (Perm region and the Republic of Udmurtia).

oats used as a food and fodder crop. Oats are primarily a fodder crop. It was the feed unit of oats that was taken as the standard for evaluating the feed units of other crops. It is mainly grown in the forest zone of the European part of Russia and in the forest-steppe zone. The main economic regions for growing oats are: Volga, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian, Far East. Russia ranks first in the world in oat production.

Corn is a high-yielding, heat-loving and moisture-loving grain crop. In the southern regions of Russia, it is sown for grain, and in the northern regions - to obtain a large amount of juicy green mass for livestock feed, for making silage. Flour, cereals, corn flakes are obtained from corn grains, starch, oil, molasses, alcohol and cellulose are produced. The main areas for growing corn: North Caucasus and Central Chernozem.

Rice - the most productive grain crop (yield is up to 35 c/ha). This is a thermophilic and water-loving culture. It is grown in the lower reaches of the rivers: in the Volga delta, the lower reaches of the Kuban, as well as in the Primorsky Territory in the Khanka lowland. The main rice harvest is obtained in three economic regions: the Volga region - the Astrakhan region, in the North Caucasus - the Rostov region. and Krasnodar Territory, Dagestan, Far East-Primorsky Territory.

Millet, like rice, it belongs to cereal crops. It is a low-yielding crop (7-10 q/ha), heat-loving and soil-demanding crop, but it is the most drought-resistant grain crop in Russia. The main economic regions of millet cultivation are: North Caucasus, Volga (Lower Volga), Ural (southern part).

Buckwheat refers to cereal grain crops, also has a low yield (4-6 q/ha). The main zones of its cultivation are forest (zone of mixed forests) and forest-steppe.

Peas, lentils, beans, soybeans- the most common leguminous food crops in Russia, but their gross harvest is small. Pea crops are the most widespread - the main area of ​​its cultivation includes the Central, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka, Volga economic regions. A valuable oilseed crop is soybean (the second largest crop after sunflower). Soybeans are mainly grown in the Far East region - Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Primorye.

Sown grasses are of great importance in the feed ration of animal husbandry - clover, lupine, vetch, timothy. Like legumes, they enrich the soil with nitrogen in crop rotations, therefore they are effective predecessors in the fields for other crops.

From technical types cultivated plants produce food products: vegetable oil, sugar, molasses, as well as medicines and light industry products.

Now Russia occupies the seventh place in the world in the collection of sugar beets, in the collection of flax fiber it is in second place after Ukraine, in the collection of sunflower seeds it is among the leaders. However, at the expense of domestic producers, Russia does not satisfy its needs for sugar beet and sugar, sunflower seeds and vegetable oil, flax fiber and vegetable fibers for the textile industry. Industrial crops occupy a smaller area than grain crops.

Growing industrial crops is complicated by: 1) biological characteristics, expressed in more stringent requirements for heat, moisture, light, physical and chemical composition of soils; 2) the complexity of growing most industrial crops; 3) the capital intensity of most industrial crops.

In fact, every industrial culture requires the use of special tools, including harvesters. In addition, a number of industrial crops require special facilities (for example, special reservoirs or enterprises for soaking fiber flax, industrial enterprises for primary processing of grown raw materials, etc.).

Among industrial crops, sugar-bearing (sugar beet), fibrous (flax-fiber, cotton), oilseeds (sunflower blackberry, castor bean, mustard, flax-curly) and essential oils (mint, anise). Industrial crops occupy a small share in the acreage of Russia.

Sunflower - the most common industrial crop in Russia and the leading oilseed crop. 90% of Russian vegetable oil is produced from sunflower seeds, 10% of the oil is obtained from mustard, curly flax, castor oil, etc. It is obtained by processing sunflower seeds into oil and cake - a high-protein concentrated feed for livestock. Green mass and immature sunflower seeds are used for silage harvesting. Sunflower crops occupy more than 70% of all plantings of industrial crops. The main economic areas of sunflower cultivation: North Caucasian, Volga (Middle Volga), Central Black Earth, Ural (Orenburg region)

The cultivation of other oilseeds is less common in Russia. Curly flax or oilseed flax is sown mainly in the Volga, North Caucasus, West Siberian economic regions, mustard - in the Volga region - Volgograd and Saratov regions, North Caucasus - Rostov region, Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. Kleshchevin - mainly in the North Caucasus region.

Len-fibre - the most important fibrous culture of Russia. Linen fabrics are made from the resulting flax fiber, which are in high demand in our country and abroad, in addition, summer hats and caps are made from it, artistic products are woven to decorate interiors. Linen requires cool cloudy cloudy weather, it is very moisture-loving and does not tolerate heat. In the fields of flax predecessors, it is desirable to have crops that enrich the soil with nitrogen (usually clover and vetch-oat mixture), and well-cultivated soils are needed. Dolgun flax is susceptible to fungal diseases (which significantly reduces the quality of plant fibers); because of this, you can sow it in one field no more than once every 7-8 years. This, in turn, limits flax crops, which occupy only up to 12-15% of the cultivated area of ​​farms. Long flax is a rather labor-intensive crop, and in the Non-Black Earth Region, where the conditions for its cultivation are better, the population has declined sharply in recent decades, which greatly complicates the cultivation of this crop. The main economic regions of fiber flax cultivation are: Central, Northern, Volga-Vyatka, North-Western, as well as Ural and West Siberian.

Sugar beet - the only sugar-bearing crop in Russia (raw sugar is obtained from it, then refined sugar). Sugar beet is grown as a technical crop, as well as forage. Sugar beet is a rather capricious crop: it requires good cultivated soils (preferably black earth), a sufficiently humid climate (moisture-loving culture), moreover, a climate with a long thermal period. It grows best in the forest-steppe zone. Another feature of growing sugar beets is labor intensity. The main economic regions for growing sugar beet: Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, Volga, West Siberian (Altai Territory)

Potato and vegetable crops.Particularly large areas with potato plantings are located in the suburban areas of large cities and in the vicinity of industrial centers. Potato grows best on chernozem soils, but other soils are also acceptable for its cultivation, with the introduction of fertilizers.

Vegetable growing in Russia is developed everywhere. The largest sowings of vegetable crops are concentrated in the North Caucasian, Central, Ural, Central Black Earth, Volga regions (especially in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the Volga delta).

Fruit crops and grapes are successfully grown in the North Caucasus and the Lower Volga region, as well as in the Central Chernozem region. In the more northern regions, amateur and small-scale gardening is widespread. Tea and other subtropical crops (persimmons, figs, tangerines) grow only in the southern Black Sea zone of the Krasnodar Territory.


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