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Specialty 38.02.03 Operational activities in logistics

Those who graduated from 9th, 10th, 11th grades by transferring from another college can enter the College of Logistics in Moscow. For admission to the specialty of operational activities in logistics, a certificate of basic education is required. Education at the faculty "Operational activity in logistics" is conducted in three forms of education, full-time, part-time (weekend group), part-time (remote).

Admission to specialized institutes in the specialtyOperational activities in logistics

After receiving the diploma "operational logistician", graduates can enter institutes to continue their studies in an abbreviated form.

College practice

Starting from the second year, students of the College of Logistics undergo educational and industrial practice. The practice of college students takes place in specialized companies and organizations of the city of Moscow.

College Preparatory Courses

For those entering the college for the specialty Operations in Logistics after grades 9-11, in parallel with studying at school, preparatory courses are organized. The college also prepares students for passing the OGE and the Unified State Examination. Classes are held from October to May, once a week (weekend group).

Admission to the Moscow College of Logistics - the quality of education and a successful career!

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College of Logistics after 9 classes

The word "logistics" came to us from of English language and in translation means "providing material and technical values." Accordingly, the logistician is the supplier. But this does not mean at all that he simply transfers the object from point A to point B. On the contrary, the main task of the profession is to optimize the way the goods move.

What does a logistician do?

The modern logistician is engaged not only. The list of his duties also includes purchases, financial movements, distribution of information and even human flows.

The main functions of logistics are:

  • establishment of economic relations for the supply of goods;
  • distribution of material flows;
  • analysis of the needs of the enterprise;
  • organization of warehouse work;
  • control of goods transportation;
  • managing the work of people who are involved in the process.

From these functions come professional duties a logistician who must regularly communicate with partners, keep records of material resources. In addition, the logistician continuously studies the economic market, analyzes the demand for goods and organizes the work of all people involved in the transportation.

Of course, in large enterprises, all these functions cannot be performed by one person, so a whole team of specialists (logistics department) works there, each of which performs various functions within their area.

Where do you study logistics?

To become a logistician, you need. Most often, profiles related to logistics are found in the areas of "Management" and "Economics". Due to the fact that logistics is in demand in many professional fields, quite a few, and other universities teach students in this direction. Many, as well as other cities in Russia, are taught to be a logistician. In addition, there are courses that can be a more interesting option for those who already have higher education on a different profile.

Where to go to work as a logistician?

The logistician can work in transport and pharmaceutical companies(including international), in production, etc. Of course, the area in which the specialist will work must be chosen in advance. But even if a logistician ever wants to change the specifics of work, he will not necessarily re-learn. It is enough to take retraining courses for a specific position.

Trade turnover modern enterprises has reached such high volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so confusing and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves outlets can lead to multi-million dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a relatively "young" logistics profession, which today is becoming more and more popular among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so confusing and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of retail outlets can lead to multimillion-dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a profession whose representatives are responsible for developing the most optimal schemes for delivering the products of an enterprise to the end consumer with minimal time and material costs, and manage and control the movement of goods. We are talking about a relatively "young" profession logistician, which today is gaining more and more popularity among applicants, and no less in demand in the labor market.

By the way, despite the fact that just a few years ago most Russians had no idea what a logistician does, today no one can do without the services of this specialist. large enterprise. Thanks to this, the logistics sector seems to be very promising for many applicants in terms of career growth and the achievement of material well-being. And indeed it is. But only if the future specialist knows all the features of this profession and is ready to put up with its shortcomings, which we will discuss in this article.

Who is a logistician?

A highly qualified specialist who is responsible for organizing the supply, transportation and warehousing of goods and services. In other words, this is a professional, on whose qualification the turnover of the enterprise depends entirely and completely (including customs clearance goods and provision of information services).

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logistike (calculation, reflection). This suggests that the main task of the logistician is to develop, through careful calculations, the most rational process for delivering goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. The first logisticians appeared in ancient Greece, but they had little in common with modern specialists, since their main duty was to organize army supplies. Later, logistics switched to "civilian", and merchants and trading companies began to perform the function of logisticians. In Russia, these specialists, who replaced warehouse managers and storekeepers, first appeared only at the very end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.

Functional content of the work of modern logisticians ( logistics managers) is strikingly different from the usual duties of a storekeeper or supply manager of the USSR period. If warehouse workers in the Soviet Union worked exclusively within their own enterprise, then the logisticians of our time solve all issues related to the turnover.

The duties of a logistician today include: development and coordination of a delivery route, control over the storage and shipment of goods, preparation of primary documentation, its systematization and formation of a register, placement of a finished order, registration of permits (passing customs control, cargo insurance, supply of Russian-language documentation, etc.), control over the actions of the transport service, making a forecast for optimal purchases.

What personal qualities should a logistician have?

Because the logistic work includes, among other things, the purchase of goods and constant communication with a huge number of people, representatives of this profession must have such personal qualities, how:

In addition, it is impossible to imagine a successful logistician who would not have such professional knowledge and skills as knowledge of all types and methods of cargo transportation, features and nuances of warehouse and purchasing logistics, modern technologies and software tools, at least one, and even better several foreign languages.

Advantages of the logistics profession

Since logistics is still in the development stage in Russia, the main the advantage of the logistics profession is, of course, the absence of problems with employment. After all, all large companies today need logisticians (some of them even have entire logistics departments), and real professionals in this area are sorely lacking.

Another advantage is that in order to become a logistician, it is desirable, but not necessary, to receive a special education - it is enough to be proactive and know all the features of logistics. However, as practice has shown, in the process of work, such specialists still enter the university in order to receive the appropriate education.

It is also worth noting the optimal ratio of "desk" and field work. That is, the work of a logistician can hardly be called boring and monotonous, which is ideal for young people who are in constant motion and looking for new experiences.

Disadvantages of the Logistics Profession

If speak about disadvantages of the logistics profession, then, first of all, it is necessary to note the huge responsibility. The slightest mistake made by a specialist can turn into big problems for the company: from unforeseen cash expenses to the loss of regular customers.

In addition, the disadvantages of this profession include:

  • small salaries at the beginning of a career (however, as experience is gained, wages also increase, so after 2-3 years of work a young specialist can count on a quite decent level of payment);
  • career possible only in very large companies where there are logistics departments: here you can start working as an operator or dispatcher, and after 3-4 years take one of the leading positions;
  • it is rather problematic to get a special education of proper quality, since it is now only at the stage of formation.

Where can you get a job as a logistician?

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - conducts a set of students to receive

The name of the logistics profession comes from the English word "logistics". It means "providing material and technical values", "supply". Representatives of the direction are responsible for the passage of the goods through a difficult path from the manufacturer to the final consumer. The main goals of the logistics profession are the maximum simplification of this process, meeting deadlines, and increasing the benefits of the parties. The income of highly qualified employees in this field is high, but the difficult work requires a number of important skills and qualities.

Technology of transport and logistics processes

Experienced logisticians are required in different areas commodity turnover. When receiving a specialized education, it is advisable to decide in advance on the preferred course of further service. If the specifics of the logistics industries become clear only in the learning process, it is not necessary to change the chosen faculty. Often, it is enough to take special courses to obtain information about the nuances of a particular position.

The list of duties of a representative of the profession depends on the direction of logistics:

  • transport - is responsible for the implementation of the process of delivering goods from one point to another by all possible transport routes;
  • warehouse - organizes a rational process of promoting goods and storing them on the territory of warehouses, is responsible for the safety of names;
  • commodity - manages the acceptance of items at the warehouse and their shipment to counterparties, maintains the circulation of accompanying documents;
  • work of a logistician in the field of foreign economic activity ( foreign economic activity) is to control the implementation of contracts with foreign suppliers and the passage of products through the customs authorities;
  • the position of a customs declarant implies the fulfillment of obligations for declaring goods.

In each of these cases, the logistics process has its own nuances. Not only the amount of profit of a particular organization depends on the level of knowledge of a representative of the profession. In case of violation of the rules for the movement and storage of products, administrative and criminal liability may apply to logisticians.

History of the profession

In ancient times, the transportation of goods was simplified as much as possible. The birth of the first rules in order to control and optimize the process is associated with military operations in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Special positions were created there for officers who were in charge of the supply of weapons and food to military bases. They were responsible for the quantitative and financial accounting of resources, their correct distribution.

In the VIII-IX centuries. n. e. in Byzantium, logisticians were engaged in the collection and distribution of taxes in kind under the emperor. Further development of the direction was associated with military affairs. The need to keep a strict record of food forced emperors and kings to hire scientific logisticians who minimized the cost of conquest and defensive campaigns.

In Russia, the profession of a logistician in its modern sense originated at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1815, a special educational institution was opened in Moscow, which produced quartermasters. Representatives of the profession were in charge of household work and were responsible for replenishing supplies. After the Second World War, logistics began to develop in a peaceful direction. Its principles began to be used to systematize the transportation of goods between countries, and then within the same state.

What does a logistician do

In theory, all the basic information about the logistics profession can be fit in a couple of sentences. Its representative ensures the movement of goods between the specified points, its storage at intermediate and final points. The process takes into account all the little things that can affect the quality of the product and its cost. In practice, everything is much more complicated. Different areas of logistics require specific knowledge and skills. There are no guarantees that a professional who thoroughly knows the basics of foreign economic activity will be able to properly organize warehouse logistics.

Responsibilities of a logistician

The duties of a logistician may be as follows:

  • communication with suppliers and customers in order to optimize the process of moving cargo;
  • work with primary documentation, databases and registers;
  • formation of orders together with the purchasing department, tracking their implementation;
  • cooperation with customs, inspection and licensing authorities;
  • organization and optimization of the work of the warehouse, transport companies;
  • drawing up optimal routes for the movement of goods.

This is a list of basic responsibilities of a logistician. It can be increased several times or reduced to one point. Sometimes in job description representative of the profession make demands that do not correspond to his position or qualifications. This is usually done in order to save money on the staff of the enterprise.

Personal qualities

When planning to build a career in logistics, you should make sure that there are a number of important qualities. They will help to properly organize the workflow and achieve maximum heights in the profession.

According to experienced employees, logisticians should be sociable, active, observant and resistant to stress. The ability to analyze information and memorize large amounts of data is welcome.


The need for logisticians is constantly growing against the backdrop of the rapid development of commerce and the establishment of links between countries. Even young professionals without the necessary experience can easily find a promising job. Representatives of the profession with a high level of qualification are able to count on prestigious positions in large state and international companies.

Places of work

The profession of a logistician implies that an employee has skills that are in demand in various areas of government and commercial activities. Specialists with a large amount of knowledge can count on getting a position in a foreign company.

Depending on the specialization, a logistician can work at such enterprises:

  • companies that import and export goods;
  • warehouses;
  • transport companies and nodes;
  • customs authorities and terminals;
  • municipal institutions;
  • plants for the processing of raw materials, the production of goods, waste disposal.

A wide range of positions in the field of logistics at the listed enterprises allows you to count on early employment and various career development options. The opportunity to undergo additional training already in the process of work helps employees to constantly improve their qualifications and acquire new useful skills.

Logistics career and prospects

The rate of promotion of a representative of the profession career ladder directly depends on his education, qualifications and ambitions. An active worker in the field is able to climb a few steps up in just a couple of years and take a leadership position in his enterprise. For example, from an ordinary storekeeper there is a chance to grow into the head of a warehouse terminal.

A career as a logistics specialist who speaks foreign languages ​​promises even more prospects. Cooperation with foreign contractors or work for foreign company guarantees high and stable income. The presence of multidisciplinary experience allows logisticians with experience to count on posts in government structures.

Pros and cons of the logistics profession

The main advantages of the direction are considered to be high chances of employment in the profile. The lack of qualified specialists makes it possible to count on an abundance of offers even in the absence of experience. Another plus is the ability to work without higher education. True, for career growth a university diploma is still required.

The work of logisticians implies an even distribution of physical and mental stress. It cannot be called boring, routine or monotonous. The need to constantly solve some issues keeps the employee in good shape. Many representatives of the direction are attracted by the fact that the acquisition of experience and additional skills allows you to count on salary growth.

Considering the pros and cons of the profession, it is worth considering a number of negative points. These include the need to adapt to the requirements of customers, departments and services, which complicates the work. We must not forget about a high degree logistics responsibility. His mistake can cause losses, damage to goods, problems with inspection authorities.

Where to study

When deciding in which institution to get the profession of a logistician, it is necessary to decide on the direction of activity. good base in specialized specialties are given at Moscow State University, MGIMO, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, State University of Management and international center logistics GUVD. To become a logistician, it is enough to take specialized MBA courses. This option is best for people who have already completed their studies at the university, but in a different profile.

What subjects you need to take for admission to an educational institution depends on the specifics of the direction. Most often educational institutions pay attention to the USE scores in the Russian language, mathematics and social science. Applicants in a number of areas additionally take exams in computer science and English.

How much does a logistician earn

The salary of representatives of the profession starts from 20-25 thousand rubles per month in ordinary positions without work experience. In the regions, these figures are slightly lower, and, as experience is gained, they do not increase too much. AT major cities and in large enterprises there are significant prospects for salary increases. Today, the salary of a mid-level logistician reaches 45-60 thousand rubles. For managers, it is 80-120 thousand rubles.

The heads of regional centers can boast of the highest earnings in Russia logistics companies and employees of branches of foreign organizations. In their case, the salary is 120-160 thousand rubles and more. The profit of the owners and founders of warehouses amounts to tons of thousands and even millions of rubles.

Ambitious and active representatives of the profession are guaranteed rapid career growth, which will bring them good profits. If you constantly improve your skills, visit logistics forums and learn new skills, you can count on success in this professional area. According to scientists, logistics is one of the few areas that will only grow in demand in the next 10-20 years.

The meaning of the work of a logistician is to organize the process of delivering goods from one point to another with minimal transportation costs. At first glance, it may seem that the work is simple and understandable, but in fact this profession requires maximum effort, care and responsibility.


Science appeared relatively recently, and it explains the question of interest to us: "Logistician - what kind of profession is this?" The term "Logistics" until recently was known to a rather narrow circle of specialists, but today this concept is becoming more widespread. In general, the definition itself comes from the ancient Greek language and means "the art of calculating and reasoning." The Greeks understood logistics as a process of performing certain calculations, and state controllers were called logisticians. The Roman Empire also had servants who bore the title of "logisti", and their main duties included the distribution of food. Also in a number of countries, science had a close connection with military affairs: logisticians provided the armed forces material resources, monitored the content of stocks and food. In many ancient textbooks on military affairs, the term meant "rear, supply of troops."

Logistician - what is this profession?

The successful operation of many trading companies depends on the work of a logistician. It is they who are responsible for ensuring that the goods from the supplier are delivered to the buyer with minimal costs, in the right quantity, of a certain quality and just in time. This should also take into account the interests of all participants: the manufacturer, the customer and even the driver. So, a logistician - what kind of profession is this? Few sciences and scientists give the answer to this question. But one thing is known for sure - the work does not tolerate inattention, forgetfulness and carelessness.

Job Responsibilities

The responsibilities of a logistician are many and varied. Specialists of this profession are responsible for the interaction of sales, accounting, warehouse and purchasing departments. Develop regional and local routes for the delivery of goods. Choose the best transport for the transportation of products. Control the delivery time and timely payment of contracts concluded by the company. They prepare the necessary documentation, conduct an inventory of the warehouse and motivate employees to work more fruitfully. But their most important duty is to reduce the costs and expenses of the enterprise to a minimum when transporting goods and rationally allocating the company's resources.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

The profession of "logistician" is quite in demand today, the pros and cons of which are, as in any other job. The main advantage of logistics is that due to the rapid development of commodity relations between countries, competent and experienced specialists in this field will always be in demand. The disadvantage is that it is very difficult for a person without initial work experience to “enter” this area. But if this succeeds, workers receive not only successful career but also good wages. In Western countries, a good specialist can receive several thousand dollars for his work, in the capital of Russia a logistician can receive from 70 thousand rubles, in the regions this figure drops to 25-30 thousand rubles. But, as in any profession, a lot depends on the corporation itself, work experience, qualifications and knowledge.


Not everyone can work in this area. In connection with the demand for this work these days, the profession of "logistics" receives positive feedback from employers. Here we need sociable, mobile specialists who can analyze and work with a large amount of information. It is also necessary to be able to think creatively and work not at the behest of the boss, but independently. A logistician is not an office worker, here one must be prepared for frequent trips and business trips in order to solve problems on the spot. But you still have to sit in the office, looking through documents and looking for new ways to save the company's money. Also, the employee must be able to negotiate with employees. customs service, truck drivers, suppliers and customers. All international companies require applicants to have excellent knowledge of not only English, but also several other foreign languages.

Profession logistician: where do they teach?

In order to comprehend the basics of science in this area, you will need to pass the exam: mathematics, Russian language and social science. Some universities additionally require the passing of a foreign language, mainly English, since it is recognized as the global one and is used in negotiations in almost all countries of the world.

You can get the profession of a logistician today in almost any university in the country. Specialists in this field are trained:

  • Moscow State University V. M. Lomonosov.
  • Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov.
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
  • State University of Management.
  • Moscow State Technical University. Bauman.
  • Russian University of Chemical Technology Mendeleev.

And for those who do not want to return to the student bench again, is it possible to master this specialty? Where to get the profession of a logistician, consultants of special MBA courses will help you to answer. They train good specialists. Counselors will also help you apply for a job if you already have a university degree. You can also purchase "crusts" at the Institutes for Advanced Studies. As a rule, they are created for employees and employees of companies who came to lectures by order of the personnel departments. It is impossible to study from scratch at the Institutes for Advanced Studies, it is better to spend time and get a higher education. You can also study the profession in business schools. There is much less theory and much more practical classes and seminars. In such institutions there is a team of not just teachers, but also practitioners.

Foreign educational institutions

Foreign educational institutions also provide training in the specialty "logistics". What kind of profession, we have already found out. Studying abroad has always been identified with high-quality and prestigious education. But do not think that, having received a diploma from even the most prestigious university in the United States or Canada, you will find a job in big company. Still, abilities and work experience come to the fore, what you can do and how you adapt to the environment.

Today, a logistician is a profession in demand, the world is developing, and trade and economic relations are developing along with it. A competent logistics specialist is a person who knows how to manage inventory enterprises, organize the movement of goods, while reducing the company's costs to a minimum.


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