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What is a standard service agreement? An agreement is a legally executed formalized agreement between the parties to perform and pay for various services. With the help of our research, you can get a clear picture for yourself of what nuances must be taken into account when drawing up a contract for the provision of services, which rules can be taken more lightly, and on the basis of which legislative framework standard contracts are drawn up.

We will consider the following points: the form standard contract what is it and how do the official parties concluding an agreement behave, for what purpose is an additional Agreement to the contract and what should be the standard form of the contract.

What is a Standard Service Agreement?

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates contractual obligations, clarifies the question of what it is and how it differs service agreement from contracts.

Briefly, the essence of the contract is as follows: two parties participate in the contract, they agree that one party undertakes to perform the service in the form of any actions, and the second party undertakes to pay for the work performed in time in the volume of services provided. What is important in this type of contracts is its personal nature, which gives this type of contracts a resemblance to, that is, the person who is registered in the contract as the contractor, and must provide these services. If we were dealing with a work contract, then the contractor, on the contrary, has the right to hire another contractor to fulfill contractual obligations. Relations with this contractor will be regulated by a subcontract.

Apart from employment contract, service agreement has a lot common features and with a contract. However, the essential difference between these contracts is the result: if in the work contract the result of the execution of the contract is the material value, for example, a bridge or a house built by the contractor, then this is not necessary in the service contract. For example, the search and registration of the purchase of this house by a real estate agency is regulated precisely by a service agreement.

It should be noted that in addition to ordinary services, the performance of which is regulated by a service contract in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are many complex services, the performance of which is also controlled by special legislation. Such services include medical, advertising and legal services, to determine all the nuances of which the usual agreement of the parties will be clearly not enough.

Form of a model contract for the provision of services, parties to the contract and a model agreement form

In a service agreement, as the name implies, two parties must participate:

  • The customer of the service is a party that undertakes to accept the work and pay for it.
  • Contractor - that is, a person who undertakes to perform an ordered service or a set of services.

In this type of contract, both the customer and the contractor can be both an individual and a legal entity. There are no special requirements for the parties to the contract in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In a situation where the customer is a person, and the contractor is an entrepreneur without legal education. person or organization, services are called household. In this case, the regulation of relations between the parties to this agreement includes the rules of consumer services for the population and

For agreements, the amount of which does not exceed 10 thousand rubles, writing the contract is not necessary, although in most cases of the provision of services, the contract is still drawn up.

For household services performed in the presence of the customer, the formalization of relations is carried out by transferring the paid cash receipt, in other cases, registration can take place both in the form of a signed contract, and in the form of a completed receipt. The receipt must list all important and the necessary conditions.

Essential conditions and additional requirements of the contract for the provision of services

Each contract for the provision of services for a fee must contain the following necessary conditions (they are also called essential):

  • The first is the subject of the contract, that is, a description of the essence of the service, up to the listing of the necessary and quite specific actions that must be performed by the contractor in order for the service to be considered completed. The service must be spelled out in the contract with all clarity, excluding any ambiguous interpretations.
  • The second essential condition is the timing of the start of the provision of services and their completion, when the service must be performed.

These are the necessary conditions. In addition to them, the contract may reflect additional conditions that it is advisable to include there to avoid various interpretations. Additional conditions include:

  1. Place of performance of the agreed service
  2. Service quality requirements
  3. The cost of the services provided. In the absence of such a clause in the contract, it is usually assumed that the price of the service for the customer is equal to the average amount that is usually charged for a similar service.
  4. Responsibility of the parties for failure to comply with the terms of the contract. For example, paying a fine for inadequate work quality.
  5. Other conditions included in the text of the contract at the request of the parties, depending on the type of work.

In addition to these conditions, you can add to your fee-for-service contract also extra. the condition of prepayment, both full and partial, and, if necessary, formalize the right of the contractor to involve any third parties in the performance of work on the performance of the service.

Additional agreement when concluding a standard contract for the provision of services

A common practice is the execution of additional agreements to the contract already in the course of work.

This condition is implemented when, in the course of work to fulfill the terms of the contract, previously not obvious conditions arise that are important for the implementation of the transaction, or when there is an obvious need for both parties to make changes to the already executed terms of the transaction.

An additional agreement is drawn up as an annex to the main agreement and its integral part.

The parties resort to such additional agreement most often in the case of a long term of the contract, during the execution of which conditions arise for price adjustments. For example: if educational agreement is for the entire period of study, which is several years, then the annual increase in the price of education is made out precisely in such an additional. agreement to the contract. The second example is add. an agreement is drawn up to change the procedure for considering disagreements between the parties, to extend the term of the contract, to introduce new conditions for prepayment, etc.

Under the contract for the provision of services, the contractor undertakes to perform certain actions on the instructions of the customer. And the customer undertakes to pay for the services rendered (clause 1 of article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The list of services forms the subject of the contract, so they should be spelled out in it as specifically as possible.

In addition, in the contract for the provision of services it makes sense to indicate (if possible):

  • the volume of services provided, for example, the number of teaching hours that the teacher will have to conduct;
  • place of provision of services, if the contractor will have to clean the territory, provide security for the premises, etc.;
  • other characteristics, including the result of services. It is clear that when providing, for example, consulting services, there may not be a materialized result. At the same time, the work of an appraiser or auditor, as a rule, ends with a written conclusion, which can be considered a certain result.

If the subject matter of the contract is not agreed, then general rule the contract is considered void. This means that none of the parties has the right to demand the fulfillment of obligations under it from the other party (clause 1 of article 432, clause 1 of article 425 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Contract for the provision of services

In the contract for the provision of services in without fail the price is indicated - the monetary value of the cost of services, as well as the obligation of the customer to pay for the services (Articles 779, 781 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The price in the contract is set in a fixed amount, or it prescribes the procedure for its calculation, if the cost of services (before they are provided) cannot be determined in advance. It also specifies the condition for the inclusion of VAT in the price.

With regard to payment for services by the customer, the contract for the provision of services between legal entities should contain:

  • payment order ( prepayment or after the provision of services) and the payment term (calendar date, the expiration of a certain number of days, calculated from due date or events, etc.);
  • form of payment - non-cash, in cash, through counter agreements (clause 2, article 861, article 862 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Remember that when making cash payments between organizations and / or individual entrepreneurs, you cannot transfer more than 100 thousand rubles. under one agreement (clause 6 of the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated 07.10.2013 N 3073-U).

Paid service agreement: sample

Below is an example of a service agreement. And in the legal reference system Consultant + you can find standard contracts for the provision of services various kinds e.g. a contract for the provision of legal services

Contract for the free provision of services

The possibility of concluding a contract for the provision of services free of charge is a debatable issue. Some experts believe that such an agreement, in principle, cannot be concluded, since, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the agreement is supposed to be paid (

The form of the document "Sample contract for the provision of services" refers to the heading "Agreement for the provision of services, outstaffing". Save a link to the document in in social networks or download it to your computer.

for the provision of services

Moscow "___" __________ ___

Society with limited liability"______________", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by the Director _________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and _____________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this Agreement on the following .


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with services on __________________________.
1.2. The Customer undertakes to pay for the Contractor's services in the manner, on time and on the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement.
1.3. The types of services provided, the procedure and other conditions for the provision are determined by the Parties in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, which is its integral part.


2.1. The contractor is obliged:
2.1.1. To provide the services specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement in full and within the terms agreed by the Parties.
2.1.2. Provide the Customer with information on the progress of the execution of this Agreement at the relevant requests of the Customer.
2.1.3. Respect the confidentiality of the information provided by the Customer in accordance with Section 5 of this Agreement.
2.2. The performer has the right:
2.2.1. Require the Customer to provide the necessary information and documents, make copies of the documents provided by the Customer in order to fulfill obligations under this Agreement.
2.2.2. Require the Customer to provide the necessary conditions for the provision of services under this Agreement.
2.2.3. Suspend the provision of services under this Agreement in case of violation by the Customer of the terms of payment for services until the receipt of funds to the settlement account of the Contractor, as well as in case of failure by the Customer to fulfill the obligation to ensure conditions for the provision of services.
2.3. The customer is obliged:
2.3.1. Provide the Contractor with the necessary conditions for the provision of services.
2.3.2. Provide the Contractor with the information, documents, powers necessary to fulfill his obligations under this Agreement, in accordance with written and oral requests of authorized representatives of the Contractor.
2.3.3. Pay for the services of the Contractor in the manner, on time and in the amount established by this Agreement.
2.4. The customer has the right:
2.4.1. Require the Contractor to provide information on the progress of the execution of the Agreement.


3.1. The price of services provided by the Contractor under this Agreement is _______________________
3.2. Payment for the cost of the Contractor's services is made by the Customer within ____________ days from the date of signing by the Parties of this Agreement.
3.3. Payment is made by the Customer by transferring funds to the account of the Contractor using the details specified in Section 10 of this Agreement or by depositing funds into the cash desk of the Contractor.


4.1. The Contractor starts rendering services under this Agreement no later than __________ days from the date of signing this Agreement.
4.2. If by the time specified in clause 4.1 of this Agreement, the Customer does not provide all the necessary conditions for the Contractor to provide services under this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of services until the Customer fulfills this obligation.
4.3. Not later than ___________ days from the end of the calendar month, the Contractor draws up and submits to the Customer the Certificate of Services Rendered in two copies.
Within _____________ days from the date of receipt of the Certificate of Services Rendered, the Customer is obliged to consider it and, in the absence of comments on the services provided, sign it.
4.4. If the services under this Agreement are provided by the Contractor with deviations from the terms of this Agreement or with other shortcomings, the Customer has the right, at his choice, to demand from the Contractor:
4.4.1. Free of charge elimination of deficiencies within a reasonable time.
4.4.2. Reducing the price of services established by this Agreement.


5.1. The Parties hereby confirm that the information that they exchange during the preparation, as well as in the process of execution of this Agreement, is confidential, being valuable to the Parties and not subject to disclosure.
5.2. Since the entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties undertake to keep secret any information and data received by each of the Parties in the framework of the implementation of this Agreement.
5.3. The obligation to maintain confidentiality does not affect the provision of information to authorities in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation.


6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of signing and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations under the Agreement.
6.2. The term of this Agreement may be extended by agreement of the Parties, drawn up in writing and signed by both Parties to this Agreement.
6.3. The provisions of this Agreement may be amended or supplemented only on the basis of an agreement drawn up in writing and signed by both Parties.
6.4. Early termination of this Agreement is allowed by mutual written agreement of the Parties or in other cases established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.
6.5. The Customer has the right to refuse to perform the Agreement by notifying the Contractor at least _______ days before the date of termination and paying the Contractor the cost of services in proportion to the period and volume of services provided by the Contractor.
6.6. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under this Agreement by notifying the Customer about this at least ______ days before the date of termination, subject to full compensation to the Customer for losses.


7.1. If the Customer violates the deadline for payment for the Contractor's services, established by clause 3.2 of this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to require the Customer to pay a penalty in the amount of ___% of the amount not paid on time.
7.2. The Contractor is not responsible for decisions made on the basis of the services provided by the Customer and their economic consequences (including possible losses).
7.3. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures.
7.4. Force majeure circumstances include events on which the Parties cannot influence and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, such as natural disasters, fires, emergency social events (war, riots, etc.), government decisions or orders government agencies making it impossible to fulfill the obligations of the Parties under this Agreement.


8.1. All disputes and disagreements arising in the process of execution of this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.
8.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement on controversial issues, disputes are referred to the court in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


9.1. In matters not provided for by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.2. This Agreement is concluded in two copies, one for each of the Parties.

Annex N 1. List of services provided under this Agreement.


Artist: ________________________________________________

Customer: _________________________________________________


Performer: Customer:

Appendix No. 1
to the Service Agreement
N ____ from "___" ______ ____



Performer: Customer:

________________________ __________________________

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Essential terms of the service agreement

By contract for the provision of services the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to provide services (perform certain actions or carry out certain activities), and the customer undertakes to pay for these services(Clause 1 of Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The contract for the provision of services is concluded for:

This list is not exhaustive.

The relations of the parties under the contract for the provision of services for a fee are regulated by Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to Article 783 of the Civil Code, the contract for the provision of paid services is subject to general provisions on the contract (Articles 702 - 729 of the Civil Code) and the provisions on domestic contracting (Articles 730 - 739 of the Civil Code), if this does not contradict the special rules on this contract (Articles 779 - 782 of the Civil Code), as well as the features of the subject of the contract for the provision of services for compensation.

When providing certain types of services, the parties to the contract, in addition to the Civil Code, are also required to be guided by the norms of special legislation. For example, the provision of communication services is regulated by the Law "On Communications" and the Rules for the Provision of Communication Services, which define both the essential conditions for the provision of mobile communication services, and other mandatory conditions for the provision of this type of service to be included in the contract.

In some cases, the contract for the provision of services is public, therefore, the Law of the Russian Federation "" applies to the relations of the parties under such an agreement.

Below is type form service contracts. Of course, one must understand that each contract is unique and its terms depend on the characteristics of a number of conditions and the will of the parties. Nevertheless, there are conditions (they are called) that any service agreement must contain and without which the agreement is considered not concluded. To essential conditions service agreements include conditions that determine the specific type of service provided (clause 1, article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), i.e.:

    General provisions on (Article 702 - 729 of the Civil Code) and provisions on domestic contracting (Article 730 - 739 of the Civil Code) apply to the contract, if this does not contradict the norms of Ch. 39 of the Civil Code, as well as the features of the subject of the contract for the provision of services for compensation (Article 783 of the Civil Code).

    Because the:

    • the result obtained from the service cannot be seen and felt;

      the service itself is consumed at the time of rendering to the customer;

      the service is considered rendered after the signing of the certificate of acceptance of services rendered services;

      for accounting and tax accounting it is necessary to prove the fact of the provision of services,

    Therefore, the execution of primary documents is important for both the customer and the contractor.

    To reflect the services, the main documents are:

    Service agreement;

    Account (invoice) of the service provider;

Standard form of a service agreement

G. ____________________ "__" ________ 201__

Romashka LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by General Director ____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and Odnodnevka LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director ____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

What mistakes are made most often in the preamble of the contract

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with the services (hereinafter referred to as the Services) named in the List of Services Provided, which is an integral part of the Agreement (Appendix No. 1), and the Customer undertakes to pay for these Services.

1.2. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Services personally.

1.3. The terms for the provision of the Services are determined in the List of Services Provided (Appendix No. 1).

What mistakes are made most often in the subject of the contract

2. Order of delivery and acceptance of services

2.1. Upon the provision of the Services, the Contractor submits to the Customer for signing (Appendix No. 2) in two copies.

2.2. Within 7 days after receiving the Acceptance and Delivery Certificate for the services rendered, the Customer is obliged to sign it and send one copy to the Contractor, or, if there are deficiencies, provide the Contractor with a reasoned refusal to sign it.

2.3. If there are deficiencies, the Contractor undertakes to eliminate them within 14 days from the date of receipt of the relevant claims of the Customer.

2.4. Services are considered rendered from the moment the Parties sign the Certificate of Acceptance and Delivery of Services Rendered.

3. Contract price and settlement procedure

3.1. The total cost of the Services is ____ (___________________) rubles, including VAT _____ (__________) rubles.

3.2. The Customer pays for the Services in the following order (select the required one / it is possible to establish a different payment procedure): part of the cost of the Services in the amount of _____ (__________) rubles, including VAT _____ (__________) rubles, the Customer pays before the start of the provision of services by the Contractor (prepayment ), the remaining part of the cost of the Services in the amount of _____ (__________) rubles, including VAT _____ (__________) rubles, the Customer pays within _____ days after the Parties sign the Certificate of Acceptance and Delivery of the Services Rendered.

6.4. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties. Annexes to this agreement form its integral part.

6.5. This Agreement is made in two copies in Russian. Both copies are identical and have the same power. Each party has one copy of this agreement.

6.6. Attached to the agreement:

6.6.1. List of rendered services

6.6.2. Service Acceptance Certificate


current account No. __________________________ in the Bank _______________

Contractor: _______________________________ (location address)

current account No. __________________________ in the Bank _______________


How to draw up an act of acceptance of services rendered

Application No. 2
to the Compensation Agreement
provision of services No. ____ dated "___" ___________ _____

Certificate of acceptance of services rendered

G. ____________________ "__" ________ 201__

Romashka LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by General Director ____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and Odnodnevka LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director ____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, they have drawn up this Certificate of acceptance and delivery of services rendered (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate) under the Contract for the Provision of Services for Compensation No. ___ dated "___" ___________ _____ (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) as follows.

    In pursuance of clause 1.1 of the Agreement, the Contractor, in the period from "__" _______ ___ to "__" _______ ___, fulfilled its obligations to provide services, namely, provided the following services to the Customer:

    • ________________________________________


    The above services were completed in full and on time. The customer has no claims regarding the volume, quality and timing of the provision of services.

    According to the contract total cost services rendered is ______ (__________) rubles, including VAT __% in the amount of _______ (__________) rubles.

    The total amount of the transferred advance amounted to _____ (__________) rubles, including VAT __% in the amount of _______ (__________) rubles.
    Under this Act, _____ (__________) rubles are due to be received, including VAT ___% in the amount of _____ (__________) rubles.

    This Act is made in two copies, one for the Contractor and the Customer.

By customer:
LLC "Romashka"

Surname I.O.

From the Artist:
Odnodnevka LLC

Relationships between any economic entities are regulated by certain documents. One of the types of such agreements is a contract for the provision of services. What kind of document it is, the features of its preparation, as well as the procedure for filling it out, we will consider in our article.

What is a contract?

It is not uncommon for individuals or companies to require the assistance of professionals who are not available on their own staff. The process of obtaining certain assistance from outside firms or individuals must be documented. In order for both parties to comply with the terms of the transaction, an agreement is drawn up that regulates their rights and obligations.

Such a document regulates each stage of the relationship between the parties. The contractor is obliged to provide certain services at the request of the customer. The customer guarantees their payment. Other documents may be attached to the agreement - estimates, specifications and other calculations. Acceptance of work is documented by issuing an act of acceptance and delivery of work performed.

When is a contract necessary?

There is no clear legal separation between works and services in the law. In practice, a standard contract for the provision of services is drawn up when it comes to intangible activities. That is, when performing actions that do not have a final material expression.

Directions of the service sector are characterized by such qualities as intangibility, inseparability and perishability. Intangibility implies that the result of the performer's activity cannot be touched or tasted. Inseparability implies simultaneous giving and consumption. Non-persistence means that the result of the performer's activity cannot be saved for further implementation.

The works in which the agreement under consideration is used can conditionally be divided into several types. Turning to law enforcement practice, one can notice that the following are more common in Russia:

  • Legal;
  • medical;
  • Advertising;
  • Consulting;
  • Accounting;
  • security;
  • Educational.

Paid provision of services involves the receipt of remuneration by the contractor. The law allows such agreements to be drawn up between individuals and legal entities. However, in reality, the customer is more often small company, and the executor is a large organization.

At the same time, it is an individual who is the most economically profitable option for cooperation. Businesses have many costs. The individual is wasting only his time, knowledge and energy.

It is noteworthy that the execution construction works done through a contract. In addition, the agreement in question is not used when providing a service for the transportation of goods or passengers.

Some of the listed activities require a license. Cooperation with a counterparty that does not have the required qualifications may be invalidated.

Features of a standard contract for the provision of services

Its main features in 2018 include the following:

  • The parties are any economic entities;
  • The contractor performs everything independently, unless otherwise agreed in advance;
  • The customer may refuse to cooperate by paying the costs incurred by the counterparty;
  • The Contractor may waive its obligations, fully indemnifying the customer for losses.

Considering the various needs of private and legal entities, there are quite a few types of such documents. Their conditions are reflected in model rules particular industry or organization. Each type is detailed based on the needs of the parties.

The procedure for filling out a standard contract for the provision of services

If the customer is an individual and the contractor is a company, then the agreement is governed by the Consumer Rights Protection Law. When concluding a transaction with a legal entity, it is necessary to check the authority of the person signing the papers.

Agreements are made in writing with the following points:

  • Place and date;
  • data from both sides. An individual indicates passport and contact details. The legal entity specifies the details. It is important to indicate who exactly and on what basis acts on behalf of the company;
  • Subject. The type of work that the contractor undertakes to perform is indicated;
  • Information about the price of work and the option of making calculations;
  • Term;
  • Responsibility for non-compliance with obligations or their improper performance;
  • Dispute resolution method;
  • Requisites, signatures (seals).

A sample contract for the provision of services may contain other information directly related to the transaction.

Common Mistakes

The most common errors in the conclusion of this type of document include the following:

  • The text is not based on law. That is, it does not use ready-made definitions and formulations from legislative acts;
  • When compiling, words and phrases are used that have an ambiguous interpretation;
  • The subject of cooperation is not clearly defined;
  • The final requirements that the result must meet are not defined.

Many business entities tend to reduce the workflow. At the same time, oral interaction can lead to the appearance of more more errors. In some cases, it is basically impossible.

Responsibility of the parties under the contract for the provision of services

Each party to the transaction has certain rights but at the same time bears responsibility for the undertaken obligations. The responsibility of the parties under the contract is negotiated before its conclusion and is a fundamental point. In the form of liability for improper performance or non-performance of obligations, the following is usually determined:

  • Compensation for damages;
  • payment of a penalty;
  • Interest payment.

If the contractor has not fulfilled his obligations in full, he must compensate the customer for the losses caused through his fault. In this case, damages do not only include the damage caused. It also includes lost profits.

The concept of price and guarantee of the contractor

One of the mandatory items included in a sample contract for the provision of services is its cost. The rules for determining the price are regulated by law. The document itself indicates the price of the required work or the method of its calculation. If the volume of the latter is too large, then the total cost can be calculated by drawing up an estimate.

The contract price can be:

  • Definite, i.e. set in absolute value;
  • Definable. This means dependent on some factor. In this case, the price is fixed not in a fixed form, but as certain conditions that allow it to be determined later.
  • open. This price is not immediately known. It is determined in the future based on preconditions, outside opinion or market conditions.

An important part of the agreement is its duration. The initial and final period for the fulfillment of obligations must be documented. In some cases, specific deadlines are also determined for individual, that is, intermediate stages.

Any service must be of proper quality. This means that the end result of the contractor's activity must comply with the terms of the agreement. If these conditions were not taken into account in the contract for the provision of services, then the quality is determined by other requirements. Usually those that are standardly presented to works of one kind or another.

Quality assurance is divided into legal and contractual. The first are guarantees provided by law. The second are those accepted by the contractor in accordance with the contract and prescribed in it.

Completion and acceptance of works

The final result of high-quality and timely performance of work is usually documented by an act of acceptance. When providing a large amount of work, it is inconvenient to draw up an act in each case, but this issue cannot be ignored.

The act is not always drawn up in the form of a document signed by the parties. Sometimes it is necessary to define in writing the rule on acceptance of services in the absence of objections from the customer. Such acceptance is formalized by drawing up a unilateral act.

Competent compilation of any legal document requires detailed study. To take into account all the possible nuances, you need to review each clause of the agreement several times. This will help to avoid moral and material costs in the future in case of disputes.

You can download a sample contract for the provision of services 2018 on our website


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