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Collegiate conclusion of the PMPK (it must be studied)

Individual program of rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled child (issued by the ITU, for a child with a disability).

Legal and regulatory framework for inclusive education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities. A list of the main legal documents governing the organization of education for children with disabilities Documentation of the Federal State Educational Standard for HIA and the Organization of Psychological and Pedagogical Support children with disabilities in the context of inclusive education 19-20.08.2015 Materials for the republican seminar

Social passport of a disabled child (for a child with a disability).

Local Acts:

“On the opening of a class / group with inclusive education” (or on the continuation of the functioning of a class / group with inclusive education);

"On the creation of a psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC) in an educational institution";

"About the distribution functional duties members of the council (PMPC) in an educational institution.

"On the distribution of the tutor's working time" (the time for accompanying students with disabilities, conducting individual classes, completing documentation, conducting individual consultations)


with parents (legal representatives) to provide educational services;

consent of parents to conduct diagnostic, corrective, rehabilitation and developmental services;

with the Territorial Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (TPMPK), with the State Budgetary Institution of Public Education KRC PPMSS.


about the psychological-medical-pedagogical council of the educational institution

(which prescribes the main tasks and areas of activity, the composition and organization of work, the duties of PMPK members, the responsibility of PMPK members, areas of interaction with TMPMK);

on inclusive education of children with disabilities in educational institutions (which prescribes the organization of inclusive education, the organization of the educational process, staffing and organization of the work of a team of specialists; creation special conditions necessary for the organization of UVP);

about adapted work programs of educational subjects(general provisions (basic concepts), the structure of the adapted work program, basic requirements, control of the level of training, requirements for the level of training);

on the assessment of students with disabilities according to an adapted educational program.


meetings of the PMPK, including on the organization of inclusive education(at least 3 times per academic year; September, December, May. If necessary, meetings can be held more often). Development outlook report (development outlook report (copy) on paper and electronic media should be provided to the TPMPC to a specialist in charge of inclusive education).

Observation diary (the first six months are mandatory, then according to the following parameters (achievements of a child with disabilities and emerging problems).

Individual study plan as needed.

The general schedule of lessons (in the classroom and individually), special and additional services for a child with disabilities.

(hereinafter - IML) (social data about the child, a description of the existing conditions: personnel, material and technical (including educational and methodological and information support) (in accordance with the recommendations of the PMPK) GBU OO KRC PMSSS (at the address Simferopol, Alexander Nevsky St., 15), a copy on paper and electronic media must be submitted to the IRTSGBU OO KRC PMSSS, at the address: [email protected]. from IML to without fail parents (legal representatives) must be informed.

Completed last sheet IML "Results and effectiveness of the work done" is sent to the IRCin May annually.

Form IML: Individual itinerary

Individual development program(compiled at the request of PMPk OO)

Detailed psychological and pedagogical characteristics is compiled after a comprehensive data collection (from 2 weeks to 1 month), as well as table of strengths and weaknesses of development child with special needs, and a table indicating priority areas, goals and responsible specialists).

Adapted educational program in subjects(work programs in subjects with calendar and thematic planning)

Correction and development programs(drawn up taking into account the recommendations of PMPK specialists, according to the staffing of specialists (social teacher, teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist) Correctional and developmental programs can be compiled independently or adapted by several author's programs (for teachers - psychologists, programs that have received the stamp of the Federation of Educational Psychologists can be used Russia "Recommended for use in educational institutions") All correctional and developmental programs are coordinated with the methodologists of the "Information and Methodological Center".

Plan for the development of inclusive education in an educational institution.

Child portfolio.

Progress Reports are provided twice a year (December, May) in the IRC (includes a detailed description of the child, a table with strong and weaknesses development by areas, a table with priority areas, goals and responsible specialists, a report of each specialist on the work done, in which the dynamics and progress in the development of the child over the reporting period should be visible, if there is no progress, then the reasons and solutions are indicated)

When submitting a report, be sure to include:

Full name of the child, educational organization, class / group, full name of the specialists who compiled the characteristics, programs and reports, documents must be signed by the head of the NGO.


list of local acts of the educational organization

according to GEF NOO HVD and GEF O UO:

About creation in educational institution working group on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOU HVD and the Federal State Educational Standard on the UO (order on the creation of a working group on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard on the NOU HVD and the Federal State Educational Standard on the UO and approval of the regulation on the working group);

Amendments to the Regulations on the assessment system, forms and procedure for conducting intermediate certification in terms of introducing an integrated approach to assessing the results of education: subject, meta-subject, personal in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of the IEO HIA and the Federal State Educational Standards of Educational Establishments (minutes (s) of the meeting (s) of the bodies, at which (s) the issues of amending the Regulations on the grading system, forms and procedures for conducting intermediate certification, the order to amend the regulation, the regulation indicating changes and additions were considered);

Orders for a general educational institution:

On the development of adapted core educational programs by levels of education if there are separate classes in the educational institution for students with disabilities (by category);

On the development of adapted educational programs and / or individual curricula for each student with disabilities in co-education (inclusive education);

On the approval of adapted basic educational programs by levels of education if there are separate classes in the educational institution for students with disabilities (by category);

On the approval of adapted educational programs and / or individual training classes for each student with disabilities in co-education (annually);

On approval of the program of extracurricular activities;

On the approval of the OO program to improve the level professional excellence teaching staff;

On approval of the list of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process, the list of teaching materials;

On the conduct of intra-school control over the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOU, the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, the Federal State Educational Standard of the SOO, the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOU HVD and the Federal State Educational Standard of the UO;

About changes to job descriptions teachers, the deputy director for water resources management, who oversees the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO HVD and the Federal State Educational Standard on the Educational Institution; teacher-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, social pedagogue, educator additional education working with students with disabilities;

About plan approval methodical work(section of the plan in terms of supporting the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOU HIA and the Federal State Educational Standard on the MA);

On the approval of the schedule for advanced training of members of the teaching staff on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO HVD and the Federal State Educational Standard of the Educational Institution;

on the calculations and mechanisms for the formation of expenses necessary for the implementation of the AOEP for students with disabilities (agreed with the founder).

Making changes and additions to the relevant sections of the Charter, the main regulatory local act of the NGO.

The Charter of the educational organization should contain, along with the information provided for by law Russian Federation, including the Federal Law "On non-profit organizations"(Art. 14), the following information:

1) type of educational organization;

2) the founder or founders of the educational organization;

3) types of implemented educational programs indicating the level of education and (or) focus, including adapted basic general education programs;

4) the structure and competence of the governing bodies of the educational organization, the procedure for their formation and terms of office.

The charter of the educational organization specifies:

the procedure for making decisions by the governing bodies and speaking on behalf of the educational organization,

the procedure for approving the regulation on structural divisions,

the procedure for participation in the management of the educational organization of students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students,

rights, duties and responsibilities of other employees of the educational organization and other provisions.

Correction of other local acts of an educational institution must be carried out in strict accordance with the changes made to the Charter. The list of local acts that need to be amended in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO HVZ and the Federal State Educational Standard on the UO is determined by the list of local acts that are reflected in the Charter of the educational organization.

An educational organization has the right to create new local acts, reflecting the specifics of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the IEO HVD and the Federal State Educational Standards of the Educational Establishment in a particular educational institution:

Regulations on information support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOU HIA and the Federal State Educational Standard on the UO.

Regulations on interaction with the parent community of the NGO in terms of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO HVD and the Federal State Educational Standard of the Educational Institution.

Regulations on the work programs of individual academic subjects, remedial courses, programs of extracurricular activities in the educational institution in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO HVD and the Federal State Educational Standard of the Educational Institution.

Agreement of an educational organization with parents (legal representatives) of students with disabilities.

Regulations on the distribution of the stimulating part of the wage fund for employees of an educational institution, reflecting the effectiveness of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO HIA and the Federal State Educational Standard of the Educational Institution and the quality of educational services provided to students with disabilities.

Regulations on the creation of a resource center for methodological and psychological and pedagogical support for students with disabilities from other educational organizations, including the provision of paid additional educational services.

A videoconference was held in Moscow on the problems and issues of inclusive education in Russia. During the conference, experts from different regions of the country shared their experience. The audience of the conference had the opportunity to ask their questions.

United Publishing Group"DROFA - VENTANA" invites teachers working with children with special educational needs to share their methodological developments to lessons in inclusive classes.

All entries will be posted on the site.

Do you think children with different diseases (Down syndrome, ASD, mental disorders, cerebral palsy) can study in the same class?

In any matter, it is necessary to rely on the reasonableness of its decision. Of course, it is not necessary to enroll children from different nosological groups in one class. All of the listed disorders can be combined with intellectual insufficiency, which may be the basis for their joint training. At the same time, if the severity of autism spectrum disorders is extremely high, then it is advisable to consider other training opportunities. The same recommendation applies to children with cerebral palsy. If a child's motor impairments are pronounced and sharply narrow the independence of movement and the formation of self-service skills, then the option of joint education of the above categories of children should not be considered.

Recall that there is a document - Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations engaged in educational activities on adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities" (approved .Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2015 No. 26), in the Appendix to which the recommended standards for completing classes are indicated.

Application No. 1

to SanPiN

Completion of classes (groups) for students with disabilities

Options for educational programs*

1 option

Option 2

3 option

4 option

maximum number of students

Deaf learners

No more than 2 deaf students in an inclusive class. General class occupancy: with 1 deaf student - no more than 20 students, with 2 deaf students - no more than 15 students

Hearing-impaired and late-deaf students

No more than 2 hearing-impaired or late-deaf students in an inclusive class. General class occupancy: with 1 hard of hearing or late deafness - no more than 25 students, with 2 hard of hearing or late deafness - no more than 20 students

I department: 8 II department: 6

Option not available

Blind learners

No more than 2 blind students in an inclusive class. General class occupancy: with 1 blind - no more than 20 students, with 2 blind - no more than 15 students

visually impaired students

No more than 2 visually impaired students in an inclusive class. General class occupancy: with 1 visually impaired - no more than 25 students, with 2 visually impaired - no more than 20 students

Option not available

Students with severe speech impairments (SNR)

No more than 5 students with TNR in a class under inclusive conditions. The total class size is no more than 25 students.

Option not available

Option not available

Students with musculoskeletal disorders (NODA)

No more than 2 students with NO YES in a class under inclusive conditions. The total class occupancy: with 1 student with NO YES - no more than 20 students, with 2 - no more than 15 students.

Students with mental retardation (MPD)

No more than 4 students with mental retardation in a class under inclusive conditions. Total class size - no more than 25 students

Option not available

Option not available

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

No more than 2 students with ASD in a class under inclusive conditions. General class occupancy: with 1 student with ASD - no more than 20 students, with 2 students with ASD - no more than 15 students

No more than 2 students with ASD in a class under inclusive conditions with a total class size of no more than 12 students

No more than 1 student with ASD in a class under inclusive conditions with a total class size of no more than 9 students

No more than 1 student with ASD in a class under inclusive conditions with a total class size of no more than 5 students (no more than 2 students with ASD in a class with students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Note:* program options:

Option 1 assumes that the student receives an education that is fully consistent with the final achievements by the time of completion of training, the education of peers, being in their environment and at the same time of study;

Option 2 assumes that the student receives education in a prolonged period of study;

The 3rd option assumes that the student receives an education that, in terms of content and final achievements, does not correlate with the content and final achievements of peers who do not have additional health limitations, in terms of content and final achievements at the time of completion of schooling (for students with hearing impairment, vision impairment , musculoskeletal system, autism spectrum disorder and mental retardation);

The 4th option assumes that the student receives an education that, in terms of content and final achievements, does not correlate with the content and final achievements of peers who do not have additional health limitations, in terms of content and final achievements at the time of completion of schooling (for students with mental retardation (moderate , severe, profound, severe and multiple developmental disorders).Based on this version of the program educational organization develops a special individual development program (SIPR).

Why does the Pedagogical Institute graduate a subject teacher, but not a defectologist, not a specialist in working with children with disabilities?

For each direction of training in higher education there is always a small course "Fundamentals of Special Pedagogy and Correctional Psychology", aimed at forming a certain range of ideas about children with disabilities, techniques and methods of working with them. Of course, such a course is not enough to properly organize the educational process for these children. However, the professional growth of a teacher involves mastering new competencies not only within the framework of self-education, but also within the framework of advanced training courses. Today, there are a large number of additional professional education programs that allow mastering the technologies for teaching children with disabilities in the context of inclusive education, in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards for HIA. An example is the Moscow register of additional professional education programs for teaching staff.

Please describe the experience of creating a correctional and developmental environment in teaching mentally retarded children.

Why should children with mental retardation and Down syndrome study in a regular classroom? How can a teacher be torn between such different students?

Children with mental retardation are very successful in an inclusive classroom in organizing the right approach and understanding the nature of mental retardation. In this case, we should also talk about successful socialization and the success of training. In the case of children with Down Syndrome, positive educational outcomes are also possible, but SOCIAL INCLUSION delivers unsurpassed results.

How can you organize work with children with stuttering?

Taking into account the traditional principles of working with children with stuttering, as well as involving a speech therapist to provide assistance.

What do doctors think about inclusive education?

Recall that there is a document from doctors - Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations engaged in educational activities on adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities" (approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2015 No. 26). Of course, each specific case of teaching a child with disabilities and disabilities is an individual educational history. Everyone has their own recommendations for training received from the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

Inclusion to us« lowered from above» ? Or is it the needs of everyday life?

Inclusion is a necessity of everyday life. Interesting fact- inclusion has always been, only had a spontaneous, ill-conceived character. The Law on Education in the Russian Federation (2012) helps us make the process of inclusion meaningful and thoughtful. We think that it will take time for inclusion to be accepted as a normal natural process.

Question from a school with distance learning for children with disabilities. There is a tutor. The accounting department has many questions about the introduction of the tutor's rate. What questions govern its introduction?

A professional tutor standard has now been adopted. If necessary, the leader, forming staffing, can introduce such a rate.

What to do if the school does not have conditions for teaching children with disabilities? How to conduct lessons?

Lessons should be conducted on the basis of an individual and differentiated approach to teaching children, based on knowledge of the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children with disabilities and disabilities.

How to improve relationships between children in such classes?

You should be very careful about the formation of a positive psychological climate in the school community, in the class community, taking into account the parental opinion. Trainings for children are very useful, where they can face the limitations and understand how children with special educational needs feel. It is necessary to look at yourself, at your attitude towards children with disabilities, since the teacher is a significant adult for the student. We think that you will be interested in watching the webinar of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center “History accessible to everyone!?”

It seems to me that socialization is one thing, but gaining knowledge is another. Sometimes you think that if you deal with a child with disabilities separately, then he will understand more

Working in the education system, every teacher must understand that the basis of education is not knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but knowledge for life! Therefore, socialization and education are two inseparable processes.

Please write, what diagnostic tools should a psychologist rely on when working with different categories of children?

I think the answer will be very common. I would like to advise you to turn to various diagnostic aids of such authors as E.A. Strebeleva, S.D. Zabramnaya, M.M. Semago, N.Ya. Semago, S.B. Lazurenko, A.R. Luria and others; teaching aids in special psychology.

And what programs to rely on when compiling a correctional and developmental program for different categories of children (ASD, cerebral palsy, mental retardation ...)

Adapted core educational programs should be written based on the exemplary AOOP located at the link

I would like to learn more about the positive experience of organizing inclusive education in vocational education(college)

You can see the positive experience of organizing inclusive training in vocational education on the example of the activities of the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "College of Small Business No. 4", the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Technological College No. 21". I think that it will be interesting for you to watch the recording of the interregional seminar "Development of an inclusive school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for HIA", which was held by the State Budgetary Institution GPPC DOgM on December 5-7, 2016. In the near future, a recording of the seminar will be posted on the website of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow in the section WEB-advice/

  • Section 4. Financial provision of inclusive education 78
  • Section 5. Participation of civil society structures in the promotion of inclusive education 85
  • Section 1. Inclusive education - principles and law. Section 1. Inclusive education - principles and law.
  • 1.1. What is inclusion in education
  • 1.2. Social Approach to Understanding Disability1
  • 1.3. barriers in education
  • 1.4. Integration and inclusion in education
  • 1.5. Inclusive education as a realization of the right
  • On September 24, 2008, Russia signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Section 2. Regional models for the development of inclusive education in the Russian Federation.
  • 2.1. Development of inclusive approaches in the Perm region
  • 2.2. Samara region experience: from integration to inclusion
  • 2.3. Development of inclusive education in the city of Tomsk.
  • 3. Changes in methods and organizational forms, teaching children with disabilities
  • 6. The results of the creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for inclusive education in the Moscow School No. 54:
  • 2.4. Republic of Karelia: necessity and reality of development of inclusive education.
  • 2.5. Experience in supporting the development of inclusive education in the municipality of the urban district "Ukhta" (Komi Republic)
  • I. Coordinating Council under the head of the administration of my "Ukhta"
  • II. Municipal long-term program "Social support for the disabled and ensuring their living environment" for 2011-2012.
  • III. Resource center for working with students with disabilities.
  • Section 3. Technologies for organizing and supporting an inclusive educational process
  • 3.1. Resource centers for inclusive education are examples of successful technologies for organizing and supporting an inclusive educational process.
  • 3.2. Interdisciplinary interaction of specialists in inclusive education is an important condition for effective practice of supporting the inclusive educational process.
  • 3.3. The Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (concilium) of the PMPK as a tool for interdisciplinary interaction for organizing and supporting an inclusive educational process.
  • 3.4. Technologies of project activity in the practice of organizing inclusive education (Moscow city)
  • Project for the development of inclusive education "Swifts" of the Central Administrative District of Moscow
  • The content of the activities of the project participants and the main strategies for working in an inclusive educational vertical.
  • 3.5. Issues of staffing in the organization and support of an inclusive educational process
  • Staffing of the system of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education
  • Creation of a professional community of teachers of inclusive educational institutions.
  • The specificity of the professional community of teachers of inclusive educational institutions.
  • Performance indicators of the professional community of specialists in inclusive educational institutions.
  • The main indicators of the effectiveness of the use of technologies for organizing and supporting the activities of an educational institution for the implementation of inclusive policies and practices
  • Section 4. Financial provision of inclusive education
  • 4.1. Development of new legislation on social services for children with disabilities in the education system of the Republic of Karelia.
  • 4.2. Financial support for the education of children with disabilities in general education schools and classes (of a general type). Experience of the Arkhangelsk region.
  • Section 5. Participation of civil society structures in the promotion of inclusive education
  • 5.2. The practice of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Perm Territory
  • 5.3. Republic of Karelia: initiatives of the Commissioner for Children's Rights
  • 5.4. The practice of activities of public organizations for the development of inclusive education
  • Conclusion
  • Glossary
  • Application List:
  • 3.5. Questions staffing in organizing and supporting an inclusive educational process

    Changing the needs of parents as a social customer of educational services, including Russian education into international processes, the development of integration processes in education form new requirements for qualifications, professional training, first of all, teachers and psychologists, other education specialists, including the management corps.All this expands and complicates the professional activities of pedagogical specialists, requires them to possess new competencies, knowledge of related branches of pedagogy, including special pedagogy and psychology, high competence in the field of pedagogy and general education, social pedagogy and psychology. Under these conditions, it becomes especially important to create a system of professional development for all participants in the inclusive educational process.

    Staffing of the system of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education

    The development of integration processes in education raises the requirements for the professional competence and plasticity of a teacher, psychologist, administrator in an inclusive practice, creates a need for skills in working in an interdisciplinary group (team) of specialists.

    All this requires new approaches and new content, first of all, advanced training programs for city specialists.

    In this regard, within the framework of the activities of the city resource center, the Institute for Problems of Integrated (Inclusive) Education - IPIO MSUPE - began the development and implementation of training programs for specialists to work in the conditions of integrated (inclusive) education of children with disabilities in various educational institutions of the city.

    Within the framework of the unified program "Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education", 4 areas of advanced training of specialists have been developed, organized according to a modular principle (72 hours):

    1st direction: Activities of a support specialist of the resource center for supporting inclusive education as part of the territorial resource center and the territorial PMPK;

    2nd direction: Features of management activities for the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive education;

    3rd direction: Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support in an inclusive educational institution;

    4th direction: Pedagogical technologies in working with children with disabilities in an inclusive educational institution.

    The composition of groups of students for each of the areas of advanced training programs is formed from the proposals of district resource centers. The direction to study is coordinated with the district department of education.

    Creation of a professional community of teachers of inclusive educational institutions.

    The purpose of the community.

    A decade of experience in the development of inclusive education in the Central Administrative District of Moscow proves that inclusive processes in education lead not only to the normalization of the lives of children with disabilities, but also to the greater success of their ordinary peers by improving the professional skills of teachers. The main change concerns a fundamentally different approach to education: it is not the child who is adjusted to the conditions and norms existing in an educational institution, but, on the contrary, the entire education system is adjusted to the needs and capabilities of a particular child.

    Participants in the promotion of inclusive practices note that the need for inclusive education in modern society is increasing every day. There has been a trend of transition from isolated pockets of successful experience in introducing an inclusive approach in education to the creation of territorial systems of inclusive educational verticals.

    At the same time, the contradiction between the ever-increasing need of educational institutions for specialists who are ready to accept the ideas and philosophy of inclusive education, who are able to quickly adapt to changing conditions of professional activity, who can work in a team, and the imperfection of the existing system of advanced training of teaching staff, has become aggravated.

    Unfortunately, by that time the academic school was ready to offer advanced training courses that introduced students to the typology of a defect, to traditional teaching methods designed to separate children by type of developmental disorders. At the same time, teachers of inclusive classes experienced the main difficulties precisely in the insufficiency of the skill of differentiation curricula, programs, lack of information about methodological approaches to the organization of inclusive education.

    It was necessary to take adequate organizational measures in an extremely short time.

    One of such organizational decisions was the creation of a professional community of teachers of inclusive educational institutions.

    The main purpose of the existence of such communities is professional communication with colleagues and like-minded people, during which, due to the constant exchange of knowledge between the participants, their personal and professional improvement is ensured.

    The professional community is distinguished by the presence of a common practice shared by the participants used in everyday professional activities. Members of the community are united by joint activities (from conversations at lunchtime to solving complex problems in specially allotted time) and the knowledge acquired as a result of participation in this activity.

    When describing the activities of professional communities, three key characteristics should be distinguished:

      The subject of the community is a joint initiative understood and shared by its members;

      Mode of functioning - numerous meetings that unite members in a social group;

      A community-generated output is a shared resource (vocabulary used, communication style, daily practice, etc.) shared by members.

    In this way, professional community of specialists of inclusive educational institutions – association of teachers of different specialties, with different work experience, with different levels of professional competence, who implement the ideas of inclusive education in their daily teaching practice.

    Goals communities include:

      assistance professional growth, the development of research activities of teachers;

      creating conditions for the inclusion of the maximum number of them in the discussion of the problems of inclusive education;

      implementation of professional exchange of pedagogical experience.

    Conditions for effective interaction of specialists of educational institutions of the district within the community.

    Organization of special events within the professional community on the basis of the district resource center for inclusive education helps teachers:

        adopt a philosophy of inclusion;

        learn to observe the child, noting changes in his behavior and learning;

        reveal fears and debunk prejudices associated with the education of children with disabilities;

        identify resources for organizing effective work;

        set goals for motivated filling of gaps in professional knowledge;

        to carry out real interdisciplinary cooperation both within their teaching staff and in all external structures.

    For the effective development of the professional community of teachers of inclusive education, the specialists of the district resource center:

      analyze the request, identifying the most acute problems and insufficiency of the professional and personal resource of the specialists of the educational institution;

      are the initiators of interaction between specialists of institutions both in the "educational vertical" and "horizontal", supporting the initiative of teachers in discussing various problems;

      coordinate the interaction of teachers, offering its various forms: group and individual;

      have sufficient methodological resources ready for use by colleagues (including both their own successful professional experience and the analyzed experience of inclusive education in foreign countries and regions of Russia);

      evaluate the effectiveness of interaction in the professional community and adjust its activities.

    Based on the results of activities within the professional community, we have identified the following terms necessary for its development:

      Unified educational space;

      Common professional interests;

      Atmosphere of acceptance and support of all community members;

      Support for the initiative of teachers in the search and testing of technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of inclusive educational institutions;

      Freedom in choosing forms of interaction;

      Constant study of the request, the search for "pain points".

    Organization of inclusive education in educational institutions

    Deputy Director for SD MOAU secondary school with. Tomichi Besedina N.N.

    The change in the perception of the state and society about the rights and opportunities of a disabled child has led to the formulation of the practical task of maximizing the coverage of education for all children with disabilities (HIA). Recognition of the right of any child to receive an education that meets his needs and fully uses the opportunities for development has led to the most important initiatives and guidelines for the new educational policy.

    Such a statement of the problem entails the need for structural, functional, content and technological modernization of the educational system.

    The recognition by the state of the value of the social and educational integration of children with disabilities necessitates the creation of an adequate educational process for them in a general educational institution, which is given a central place in providing the so-called "inclusive" (included) education.

    The main criterion for the effectiveness of inclusive education is the success of socialization, introduction to culture, development of the social experience of a child with disabilities along with the development of academic knowledge.

    Legal basis teaching children with disabilities are the following documents:

      1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights

      1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

      1990 World Declaration on Education for All

      1993 UN Standard Security Rules equal opportunity for invalids

      1994 Salamanca Declaration on Principles, Policies and practical actions in the field of education of persons with special needs

      2000 World Education Forum

      2001 Pilot project programs "Education for All"

      2005 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    The fundamental principle of "education for all" is that everyone should have the opportunity to learn.

    Fundamental Principleinclusive educationall people should be able to learn together, regardless of any difficulties along the way or differences in learning ability they may have.

      The recipients of inclusive education are people with disabilities, and people with disabilities are just one of them.

    Inclusion (inclusion) -the process by which something is included, that is, involved, embraced, or included as part of a whole. an education in which all children, despite their physical, intellectual and other characteristics, are included in common system education and study in general education schools along with their peers.

      Inclusionmeansdisclosure of each studentwith the help of an educational program that is quite complex, but suits his abilities.

      Inclusiontakes into accountneeds, as well asspecial conditions and supportnecessary for the student and teacher to succeed.

      Working on improvement educational structures, systems and methodologies to meet the needs of all children.

      It is part of a larger strategy to create a society that accepts all.

      It is a dynamic process that is constantly evolving.

    Recognizes that all children can learn

    Consider various forms education and teaching principles in these forms

    There are three aspects of the development of inclusion (they are presented on the next slide)

    1.Create an inclusive culture

      Building a school community

      Adoption of inclusive values

    2. Development of an inclusive policy

      Development of a school for all

      Diversity Support Organization

    3. Development of inclusive practice

      Learning process management

      Resource mobilization

    Inclusive educationbased on eight principles:

      The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements.

      Every person is capable of feeling and thinking.

      Everyone has the right to communicate and to be heard.

      All people need each other.

      Genuine education can only take place in the context of real relationships.

      All people need the support and friendship of their peers.

      For all learners, progress may be more about what they can do than what they cannot do.

      Diversity enhances all aspects of human life.

    There are various options for inclusive education:

    Full integration class (out of 20 students 3-4 children with disabilities) is used whenthe level of psychophysical and speech development of children with disabilities corresponds to or approaches the age norm, who are psychologically ready to study together with healthy peers Children during the day are with normally developing children

    Special (correctional) class of partial integration.It is effective for those who are capable of developing normally and, on an equal basis with their peers, to master only a small part of the necessary skills and abilities, to spend only part of their study and extracurricular time with them.Correctional hours, extracurricular activities.

      Home school

      Family education, external study

    In our school, a variant of inclusive education is used: a full integration class (1 disabled girl with cerebral palsy studies in a regular class) and 1 disabled child studies at home in 8 types.

    At this stage of the implementation of inclusive education, there are many barriers:

      • Children with special educational needs are often considered unteachable;

    • Most teachers and directors of mainstream schools do not know enough about the problems of disability and are not ready to include children with disabilities in the learning process in the classroom;

      Parents of children with disabilities do not know how to defend their children's rights to education and are afraid of the education and social support system;

      Architectural inaccessibility of schools, institutions

    A systematic approach is needed to overcome these barriers

      To introduce inclusion, it is also not enough to have only schools and preschool institutions, even if they are fully equipped, accessible and with trained staff.

      It is necessary to prepare a positive public opinion of all parents about the joint education of children.

      Along with these conditions, the living environment (including transport) must be adapted to the needs of disabled people.

      Adequate support for families with disabled children is also important.

    !!! Only with such a systematic approach can we expect a real significant reduction in the number of children studying in special educational institutions, and an increase in the pace of development of inclusive schools.

    What is needed:

      creation of a barrier-free environment in educational institutions;

      training of specialists and methods of joint education of children with disabilities in a public school;

      provide measures to disseminate effective models inclusive education in public schools;

      ensure allocation necessary resources for development, testing

    and introduction of models of inclusive education;

    To implement these tasks, it is necessary to create conditions for the organization for the successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities

      1. Creation of an adaptive environment that allows for full inclusion and personal self-realization in an educational institution.

    Creation in an educational institution general type appropriate material and technical conditions that provide an opportunity for unimpeded access of children to the building and premises of the educational institution and the organization of their stay and education in this institution (ramps, elevators, specially equipped training places, specialized, rehabilitation, medical equipment etc

    Every teacher and every professionalaccompanying a child with disabilities must:

    have an idea and understanding of what inclusive education is, how it differs from traditional forms of education

    have knowledge about the psychological patterns and characteristics of the age and personal development of children in an inclusive educational environment

    know the methods of psychological and didactic design of the educational process

    be able to implement various methods of pedagogical interaction between all subjects of the educational environment (with students individually and in a group, with parents, fellow teachers, specialists, management)

    Conditions for organizing successful education and upbringing of children with disabilities

      In order to ensure the development of educational programs by children with disabilities, it is advisable to introduce into the staffing table of educational institutions of a general type additional rates of pedagogical (teachers-defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists, social pedagogues, educators, etc.) and medical workers.

    Formation of a tolerant attitude in society towards children with disabilities and children with disabilities: in order to ensure the effective inclusion of children with disabilities in educational institutions of a general type, it is important to conduct awareness-raising, explanatory work on issues related to the peculiarities of the educational process for this categories of children, with all participants in the educational process - students, their parents, teachers.

    In order to maintain and strengthen the personnel potential of educational institutions that educate children with disabilities, it is necessary to develop measures financial incentives activities of employees of these institutions (determining the size and conditions of remuneration, establishing additional measures of social support and social assistance).

    So, creating conditions for inclusive education in school is as follows:

    1. development of local acts in the educational institution:

    regulation on the admission to educational institutions of children with disabilities

      regulation on certification of children with disabilities

      regulation on individual curricula and programs

      regulation on psychological and pedagogical support for the education of children with disabilities

    2. Organizational and methodological support consists in

      development of study plans and educational programs by types of HEIs

      correction of the plan of educational work of the school and class, taking into account children with OVE

      teacher training

    3.Psychological and pedagogical support should consist of

      Special psychological and pedagogical support (psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist)

      Tutor support

      Organization of the work of the psychological and pedagogical council of the school

      Development tolerant relations interactions

    And of course, the creation of an adaptive educational environment lies in the availability of classes, other school premises, technical means of ensuring comfortable access

    Creation of zones of rest, restoration of working capacity, improvement

    It is very important to understand:

    When creating inclusive schools, schools of a new type, children get used to the fact that the world is diverse, that the people in it are different, that every person has the right to life, upbringing, education, development.


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