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When someone sets a goal of becoming an expert in a particular skill, the first phrase that comes to mind is “excellence in practice”: the more time you devote to the task, the more mastery you can achieve. However, you need to devote time not only to quantity, but also to quality. Entrepreneur and financial expert Elle Kaplan spoke about the principles of the so-called “selective practice”, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by scientists.

Anders Ericsson, professor of psychology and author of Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise, spent 30 years studying people who have become the best in this or that field - from chess grandmasters to the best virtuoso musicians of the world. His observations run counter to conventional wisdom. Ericsson discovered that if you want to be incredibly successful at something, it's not just the number of hours you put into practice that matters, but the quality of those hours.

The rule that the masters use is called "selective practice" - a proven method that will help you become the best at what you want.

But what is this "selectivity"? For most skills and abilities, not all types of practice are equally useful. Simple repetition (doing the same things over and over again) will help you develop a habit, but it won't always make you better.

Behavioral psychologist James Clear agrees with this view: “We often think we get better at something just because we gain experience. In fact, in this way we simply strengthen our habits, and do not develop.

Now let's explain: the essence electoral practice lies in its name, that is, you need to approach the matter with certain intentions, goals and calculation. Every step you take must have a clear meaning, you must know exactly what to do on a given day, as well as how and when you will achieve your goal.

Here are some ways to incorporate voting practice into your daily life.

Don't be afraid of failure

“Failure has allowed me to learn things about myself that I could not have known in any other way.”

Joanne Rowling

Once you have internalized the idea that failure will help you achieve greatness, you can move on to selective practice. Instead of repeating the things you have learned over and over again, you will be able to improve in what you are least good at.

Grow Gradually

"Be patient. Self-development is a very subtle matter, it is a holy land. There is no way to take a shortcut and cut."

Don't try to learn everything at once. Better practice one skill at a time, so you can gradually get to something more (and it will definitely be worth it).

Break your new goal into segments - where do you need to start to continue on your way? Can you read music so you can play the guitar you just bought? Have you learned how to properly warm up for the marathon you just signed up for? Master the business little by little, and the end result will be much more solid than if you grabbed everything at once.

Many do not like their work, they work for the sake of a salary and dream of another job, another life. But there are those who really love what they do and strive to become even better, to become a true professional in their field. After all, they try to turn to professionals, it is professionals who achieve the desired heights in their careers and financial well-being. How to become a professional?

    You must have a genuine passion for what you do. You do not have to wait until the end of the working day, but stay with pleasure to work longer. Moreover, you must sincerely desire to do the work of your life, even at night and on weekends. Remember the slogan of the Soviet era: "Hurry up in the morning - hurry up to work"? Of course, in today's youth, he does not cause anything but a smile, but a person who sincerely loves what he does really cannot wait for the morning to do what he loves.

    You must believe that you are creating something outstanding, that your work is really valuable and necessary for people.

    Difficult tasks should make you want to deal with them quickly, as well as inspiration and genuine interest, and not irritation and disappointment.

    You need to learn to focus on the essentials. Try not to be distracted by checking mail and chatting with friends in in social networks. Remember that after that it will take a lot of time to get to the bottom of the issue again and remember where you left off.

    Learn from successful people who are real professionals in your business, read books on the profession. There is an opinion that in order to finally understand all the nuances of the profession and become a truly intelligent specialist, you need to read at least 200 books on professional topics.

    Give yourself time. You can't become a real pro in a week. Psychologists say that only the ability to work on automatism, without thinking about your actions, indicates that you have truly learned your craft. Usually, it takes at least 10,000 hours to develop such a skill. It was from here that a widespread desire arose to hire specialists who had worked for at least 3 years in a certain field.

    Improve yourself and compare your successes only with yourself. Make yourself a good habit - do not compare yourself with those people who started working before you, of course, the spirit of competition is strong, but do not try at all costs to catch up with them and become better. Most likely, you will not succeed, but you will definitely lose faith in your own strength during an unnecessary competition. It’s better to start a tradition for yourself - every December 31, summing up, ask yourself how much you managed to achieve, whether you began to work more professionally than a year ago.

    Be diligent and hardworking - these qualities are most appreciated by employers at all times. A diligent employee is often ready to forgive even gaps in knowledge and lack of necessary experience.

    Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Remember that there is no mistake that cannot be corrected, and if you make a mistake, it means that you are doing something really worthwhile.

    Most likely, for a long time you will not succeed, and you will consider yourself a loser. In fact, all successful people have failed at once. The main thing is not to lose faith in yourself and go forward without looking back.

In our society, to become successful person, you need to have professional knowledge and be able to use it.

Those who are engaged in any area are divided into:

  • beginners;
  • professionals;
  • masters.

A beginner is just beginning to acquire knowledge and skills in a certain type of activity. He does not know anything or has minimal skills. Most people would like to have a teacher who helps the student develop in this direction.
A professional is a person who has achieved excellent results and is able to work fruitfully and successfully in a particular industry.

Not every professional strives to become a master. He can be satisfied with the solution of mastered tasks. But every newcomer strives to become a professional in his field.

The master has phenomenal abilities in the implementation of the skills and abilities acquired during training and carried out professionally. To become a professional, it is enough to accumulate knowledge and work in the same direction. To become a master, you need to learn to go beyond the limits and boundaries, to see the emerging problems wider than a simple layman and even a professional.

There is a huge difference between a professional approach and a beginner approach. There are a few differences that a beginner should pay special attention to if he thinks it's time to turn pro. .

  1. First, it is not common for the latter to look for the easiest way to solve a problem. A professional is not inclined to expect a miracle or run after "sparkles". He understands that decisions do not lie in ready-made. They must be taken based on analysis, comparison, research. Of course, in any field there are certain rules and trends. In life, situations are so unique that recommendations are not enough, and you need to take into account many related factors to make a decision.
  1. The professional understands this. But the newcomer has a different approach. He is eager to study the mechanisms and get ready-made algorithms for work, so that everything happens as if by itself. But that doesn't happen. You will have to constantly improve your knowledge and skills. Otherwise, even having risen to a professional level, but having stopped in development, a person will simply slide down to the level of a beginner. Life is constantly moving forward. New technologies appear, new ideas are implemented. If a person does not keep up with the times, he simply remains “on the sidelines”.

Beginner and professional: magic or patience and work

The second difference that distinguishes a professional is the presence of such traits as patience and perseverance. He knows exactly: where, why and how he goes and understands how the path can stretch.
To carry out his plans, he necessary resources, and more. Any plan is ideal, but in reality it will have to be changed and adjusted.
The professional realizes that the easy implementation of the case will not work. But he patiently and persistently moves in the chosen direction, taking into account unforeseen situations that arise along the way.

Various problems may appear. But there is a clear inner confidence that they will certainly be resolved.

Problems are treated differently. Taking it as a challenge, solving it and living in general is much more interesting. It is not common for a beginner to show patience. He wants everything at once. He believes it's easy to become a professional . By magic, millions will “fall” right on their heads, making them happy ... It may upset someone, but this does not happen. It is known that even if by “accident” a person becomes fabulously rich, this will not bring happiness and there is a high probability that he will quickly lose wealth.
Rather than dreaming of fabulous riches, it is better to move towards success gradually, showing diligence and making efforts. Then earnings will be perceived as deserved, and growing profits will be a natural result of the recognition of a new level of professionalism. You need to stock up on patience, diligence and stubbornness. If these traits are not enough, the person will simply go "out of the race" without reaching the professional level.

The third difference of a true professional is the ability to take responsibility. The newbie complains necessary conditions for implementation, someone is to blame for something, he did not find necessary information on any issue, there was too little time.
The professional takes a different approach. The emerging problem is studied, and solutions are immediately found, taking into account various factors. He does not transfer responsibility to the circumstances. On the contrary, there is an understanding that the cause of what is happening in life is himself. Therefore, in order to really change something, it is necessary to accept responsibility.
It is useless to try to influence anyone, but you can change yourself. Then life around will gradually change in the right direction. That is why he makes decisions and takes responsibility. No one but him creates his life and does not really affect it.

Of course, there are still many differences between a beginner and a professional. But, if a person who begins to master the chosen area, is based on at least three basic postulates and follows them, he will definitely reach a professional level.

Don't act like a novice, jumping around, putting someone else in charge of your steps, or hoping for magical results that will come out of nowhere. Moving with this approach, you are likely to quickly become disillusioned and throw the activity aside. And such a zero result will remain only because you did not make the necessary efforts to make it positive, and did not devote the proper time to studying the issue. Therefore, be patient, take everything into your own hands, and gradually, moving step by step, achieve your goals. As a beginner, act professionally, and then you will become a real professional.

Master Level

This is the next step towards professionalism. As mentioned, not every professional strives to become a master. This is not to say that not everyone is capable of it. The potential is within the person. And each of us is free and has the right to discover it in ourselves.

To become a master, professional skills and abilities are not enough. A broader understanding is needed that goes beyond narrow specialization. We are usually taught to acquire skills in some particular area. However, it is more correct to comprehend the general method, universal for all areas of knowledge. That is, the main thing is not the acquisition of knowledge as such, but the way of their perception and comprehension in the integrity of being.
If a person is ready to move on and become a master, then the necessary knowledge will come to him on his own, helping him along the way. This does not mean that efforts, patience and perseverance are no longer needed. These qualities should be even more developed than a professional. The transition to this level will be even more difficult. It will become possible if not egoistic goals are put at the forefront, but a holistic approach, in which the main thing is not the person himself and his skill, but the work thanks to which the world it gets a little better.

What skills do you think are needed? to become a professional?

A person who does something as a trade, and not by vocation. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PROFESSIONAL specialist; also engaged in something like a craft, non-artist. The complete dictionary... ...

Cm … Synonym dictionary

professional- a, m. professionnel m., German. professional. The one who did what. practicing one's profession; a good specialist, an expert in his field (opposite: amateur). ALS 1. That's why it seems to me in the highest degree strange habit of looking ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

PROFESSIONAL, professional, husband. A person who has made some occupation his permanent profession. Not only professionals, but also amateurs took part in the game. Photographer professional. || The same as a professional revolutionary (see ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

- "PROFESSIONAL" (Le professionnel) France, 1981, 105 min. Historical film, comedy. One of the best pictures featuring Jean Paul Belmondo as Superman. Major Josselin Beaumont, secret agent of the French intelligence service, is fulfilling his mission to the end ... Cinema Encyclopedia

Master of his craft. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M .: INFRA M. 479 s .. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

See Specialty (Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom." ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

A person who has chosen something as his permanent, main occupation, turning this occupation into a profession. A large dictionary of foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (from lat. profes sio specialty, occupation) eng. professional/profi; German Professional/Profi. An individual whose main occupation is his profession; specialist in his field, having the appropriate training and qualifications. Antinazi.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology

Professional- a person engaged in any activity as a means of earning a living, that is, a person working in a department, structure, etc. Usually, professionals acquire special knowledge and skills in training ... ... Theoretical aspects and basics environmental problem: interpreter of words and idiomatic expressions


  • The Professional, Ranulph Fiennes. Blood feud is not a shameful relic of the Middle Ages, but a strict law in the mountains and deserts of Oman. And is he worthy to be a sheikh of a glorious ancient people who has amassed great wealth, ... electronic book
  • Professional, . The collection includes works by modern Romanian writers - masters of the detective genre. Stories: D. Ariona "Professional", K. Kritse "White Rose", E. Koltofyanu "Unique Edition" and ...

"Reading is an art"

We will understand such concepts as "professionalism" and "professionalism". They contain the answer to the question - who is a professional - a carrier of a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain professional activity or a person with slightly different characteristics? Let's turn to the leading scientists investigating this problem. So, E.A. Klimov believes that professionalism is a certain system organization consciousness and psyche of a person, this is a complex formation, consisting of many elements, each of which is interconnected and the manifestation of which together makes it possible for a person to perform work on professional level and be considered a professional.

The scientist identifies the main components of professionalism: . properties of a person as a holistic formation - an image of the world; professional orientation; attitude towards the world, people, oneself; creation; intellectuality; professional skill; performing abilities; emotionality; understanding of kinship with other professions; understanding of complex abilities and their combination with personal qualities; idea of ​​one's place in the professional community; . practically significant features (praxis): motility; skills, abilities, actions directed at subject area labor and the area of ​​organization of production; communication skills; skills, skills, addressed to the transformation of information -

macia; skills, self-regulation skills; . professional gnosis - attention, memory, sensation, perception, representation, the ability to receive and process information, the ability to make professional decisions, to understand non-standard situations; . professional awareness, experience and culture: orientation in different scientific fields; specific professional knowledge (about the goals of one's activity and one's life, means of work, conditions for professional development and success); . features of the strength of experiences, the speed of their change; . understanding the issues of their age and gender in connection with the requirements of the profession; understanding the role physical qualities, appearance, health, contraindications to work in this professional area.

N.V. Kuzmina uses the concept of "professionalism" in two semantic meanings: as "professionalism of activity" and as "professionalism of the individual". Professionalism of activity is a qualitative characteristic of the subject of activity, as a representative of this profession, which is determined by the measure of his possession modern means solving professional problems, productive ways of its implementation. The professionalism of a teacher's pedagogical activity is defined as the mastery of the art to form students' readiness for productive problem solving by means of their subject (specialty) for the time allotted for the educational process. Personal professionalism is a qualitative characteristic of the subject of labor, reflecting high level development of professionally important and personal and business qualities, acmeological components of professionalism, a high level of creativity, an adequate level of claims, a motivational sphere and value orientations, aimed at progressive development . N.V. Kuzmina, depending on the results of the teacher's activity, identifies the following levels of professionalism: reproductive, adaptive, locally modeling, system-modeling knowledge, system-modeling creativity.

To the basic pedagogical skills of N.V. Kuzmina attributes: gnostic, design, constructive, communicative, organizational. A.K. Markov uses the concept of "professionalism" in two meanings as "normative professionalism" and "real professionalism". In the first sense, we are talking about the totality of personal characteristics that a person must have in order to fulfill a certain labor activity at a professional level. These are the requirements that an employer can present to a potential employee. Real professionalism, as a set of formed psychological qualities, a person acquires in activity after some time. In this case, professionalism becomes his internal characteristic. A.K. Markova distinguishes two aspects of professionalism: the state of the motivational sphere of a person’s professional activity (what motives induce a person, what is the meaning of professional activity in his life, what goals does he personally strive to achieve, how satisfied is he with work, etc.) and the state of the operational sphere of professional activity a person (how he achieves his goals, what technologies he uses, what means - knowledge, mental operations, abilities he uses).

The key point in the motivational sphere for achieving a high level of professionalism, from the point of view of A.K. Markova, there should be a spiritual content of the profession: the orientation of one's professional activity for the benefit of people; desire to stay in their profession; striving for humanistic ideals, motivation to achieve the highest levels in work, achieving success with optimal conservation of one's own resources. The key point in the operational sphere is the "technological" provision of the spiritual filling of the profession: a developed professional consciousness, a holistic vision of the image of a successful professional; bringing oneself in line with the requirements of the profession; real performance of professional activity at the level of high samples and standards, mastery of skills; self-development by means of a profession; making a creative contribution to the profession; attracting public interest in the results of their work. A.K. Markova notes that mastering new technologies is not yet professionalism, “in the pursuit of new technologies, we are faced with the fact that there are “techniques”, but there is no spirituality (holiness) in labor.”

L.M. Mitina, exploring the problem of professional development of a person, notes that it is the spiritual principle, spirituality that should determine the level of his professional development. The scientist presents two models of a teacher's work: a model of adaptive behavior and a model of professional development. In the first model, the teacher's adaptation to external circumstances is observed, as well as the subordination of the environment (parents, students) to their interests in the form of fulfilling social requirements, expectations, and norms. In this model, a person tries to "fit" into labor process, guided by the postulate of saving time and effort.

Professional tasks are solved on the basis of proven algorithms, which are converted into stamps and templates. L.M. Mitina emphasizes that the model of adaptive behavior is the most common among domestic specialists. different areas activities (80-82%). Representatives of this model quickly experience burnout and “exhaustion”, immunity to something new in work activity. In the professional development model, a person can go beyond their activities and see their work as a whole. The teacher in this model is the constructor of his activity on the basis of the developed value orientations.

Difficulties encountered by a person in the process of work are perceived as a professional lesson and an opportunity to move forward, solving complex problems. The teacher lives in a creative search and feels, on the one hand, freedom in activities, and on the other, responsibility for making decisions. In the developed by L.M. Mitina's psychological technology for the professional development of a future specialist, the emphasis is not on teaching new patterns of activity, but on "transforming the motivational, intellectual, affective and - as a result - behavioral structures of his personality. In essence, this is a technology for optimizing the process of forming the spirituality of a person.” From the point of view of S.A. Druzhilova, a professional is a person who is an individuality, personality and subject of activity, therefore professionalism should be considered as a systemic education in three planes: as a property, as a process and as a state of a professional person.

As a property, professionalism makes it possible to create conditions worthy of human life, to be confident in the future, as professionals are competitive in the labor market and will have more favorable conditions for professional growth and self-improvement. How the process of professionalism is formed over a long period, in each professional field And each person has an individual time frame.

Professionalism as a human condition can be internal and external. Internal professionalism is a comfortable or uncomfortable sensation fixed by the consciousness of the subject in the subsystems of the body or the whole body. External professionalism is the degree of well-being that can be observed by external signs. S.A. Druzhilov defines the professionalism of a teacher as a special property of a specialist to systematically, efficiently and reliably perform complex activities in a wide variety of conditions. The scientist does not identify professionalism with the characteristics of highly skilled labor, this, in his opinion, is a special worldview of a person.

To acquire professionalism, a person must have the desire, character, abilities and aspiration for self-improvement. Noteworthy is the study by A.R. Fonarev, who distinguishes three modes of human existence, in accordance with which the formation of a professional takes place: possession, social achievements and service. The mode of possession consists in a person's desire for convenience, minimization of efforts in all spheres of life. The basic attitude of a person is aimed at satisfying his needs. There are no moral barriers for a person, he uses others to achieve his goals, which makes professionalism impossible. The mode of social achievement consists in comparing oneself with others, in rivalry, self-assertion at the expense of others, and moving away from one's essence. The mode of service is characterized by love for people, the desire to direct one's professional activity for the benefit of others. A feeling of colossal power appears in a person, giving himself to others, he releases tremendous energy, which increases working capacity and contributes to the development of professionalism.

The author notes that the modes identified by him are not isolated from each other, each of them takes place in the life of any person, however, one of them is the main one, while others are a means of realizing the attitude to life. A.R. Fonarev believes that these modes, in turn, are stages in the formation of a professional, by which a scientist understands a person who has realized his life purpose, who is the subject of his work and owns the activity in general, whose work results exceed the result laid down in the goal, who is aware of his responsibility for the consequences of the implementation of the activity and having the freedom to create the means of its implementation. Close to the position of A.R. Fonarev the ideas of the priest G. Yegorov, which deepens the idea of ​​the implementation of professional activities in different modes. As G. Egorov emphasizes, professional activity in the mode of ownership leads to professional destruction and stagnation, that is, to professional degradation of the individual.

In this mode Professional Development of a person is limited by the boundaries of the existing given, by the possibilities that the field of professional activity provides. Value orientations are also limited by the framework of the chosen mode. G. Egorov sees the development of a person as a professional and as a person in the mode of service, which stimulates the formation of higher life meanings, makes a person capable of openness, encourages self-development, self-improvement, enrichment as a person and himself and the Other person. In this mode, a person sees the value of the Other, for the sake of which professional activity is carried out. The professional seeks to create unique conditions for the Other, since the purpose of his activity is not limited to professional result but focused on serving others.

G. Egorov gives the following definition to a professional: “A professional is a subject of his own professional activity, which manifests itself externally as creativity associated with going beyond the professional field, and internally as creative self-transformation, self-creation associated with going beyond the limits of one’s own available givenness, carried out on a single moral value-motivational basis in the mode of service. O.G. Krasnoshlykova considers the professionalism of a teacher as a systemic integral characteristic of a personality, which includes the following interrelated components: pedagogical competence, pedagogical skills, professional significant qualities, an individual image, which together create a unique individuality of the teacher and ensure the effectiveness and optimality of his professional activity. G.V. Sorokoumova clearly distinguishes between the concepts of "specialist" and "professional".

If a specialist is a person who has a certain level of competence in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the profession, then a professional is a competent person who fulfills his professional duties on a spiritual and moral basis. The competence of a professional is inspired by love for his work, people, responsibility and true freedom. “The core of professionalism is the personality, and its leading professional important quality- intelligence. But the generating pillar of professionalism is the spirituality and morality of a person. Thus, a professional is a carrier not only of professional knowledge and methods of activity, but also a carrier of professional and moral values, a person who has a high level of responsibility for decisions taken capable of self-development, self-improvement, striving for the spiritual fulfillment of the profession, for its development and ready to serve other people.

I. V. Chebotareva, S. V. Korotkova


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