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The new year 2017 is coming, and many Ukrainians are thinking about finding a job or have already decided to find a job abroad. Over the past five years, citizens of Ukraine actively go to work in neighboring countries and have managed to establish themselves as good professionals in their field. Many foreign employers are happy to extend work contracts, contracts with our employees.

What vacancies are needed

In the group for unskilled workers, the trend remained in the need for workers for construction sites. Therefore, the Czech Republic is open to Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, they can count on the necessary amount of work. In the Czech Republic, there are many factories and factories, which allows you to maintain high employment for workers such as loaders, storekeepers, parts assemblers and other laborers.

How to find a job in the Czech Republic

The easiest way to find a job in the Czech Republic is to use the recommendations of your friends, acquaintances, relatives who have previously worked in the Czech Republic, and it is desirable that this experience be positive. So that the company that hired would take on the maximum obligations regarding the settlement of workers, and also help in processing all required documents. Will it intermediary organization or direct employer, doesn't really matter. This word of mouth method can fail if you trust 100%, but do not check the necessary documents and the company itself as a whole.

You can also use the job search abroad on the Internet, job search sites in Europe or general job boards. In either case, you must communicate with representatives of the employer's company or agency that will handle your employment matters. In other words, it will be a direct conversation without intermediaries or with a company that is a representative of the employer.

Documents for work in the Czech Republic

If you are satisfied with the vacancy and you agree to all the conditions, the next step will be the process of obtaining a visa and preparing documents. You can go to work in the Czech Republic only with a working visa D, or a residence permit VID. There is an option of employment in this country on a Polish visa, such registration is not very convenient and requires a lot of time, so that you can officially work in the Czech Republic.

To apply for a visa, the following documents are welcome: a foreign passport, a civil passport and its copies, where photos for a Schengen visa, a diploma of secondary education for secondary special or higher education, while non-conviction, work book.

Who can work in the Czech Republic

The country is in principle open to men mostly, but there are many vacancies for women as well as couples. Often these are service sectors (maids, governesses), food (baker, cooks), medicine (doctors, nurses), and other humanitarian areas. It is also possible to work without knowledge of the language or with poor knowledge in English, the possibility of parallel learning in foreign language courses.

Where do they mainly work in the Czech Republic

Most vacancies come from a plant or factory such as Skoda, Bosch, but there are 1000 vacancies from small and medium-sized employers. The main production is located near big cities such as Prague or Brno. It is inconvenient to get there, it is good if it falls on the shoulders of the employer.

What they write about work in the Czech Republic

On various sites, forms, they write a lot of information about official employment, paperwork, personal experience of working abroad. Let there be a lot of useful information from forums and comments, but there is also a lot of negative information that does not reflect the reality of the employment situation, but only describes a specific case of a specific person. Few people write about how comfortable it was for him to work abroad in the Czech Republic. Therefore, drawing conclusions on such judgments, we must understand that there is another side to the coin.

The Czech Republic is a former socialist country, and since 2004 a member of the European Union, with a comfortable location in the central part of Europe. If we do not take into account the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, then we can say with confidence that the Czech economy has shown stable development indicators over the past decade. The country has a favorable climate, good infrastructure, transparent laws, which contributes to the influx of not only labor migrants, but also foreign entrepreneurs who open their own business in the Czech Republic.

The main emphasis of the Czech economy is aimed at the development of industry, where the lion's share is occupied by the automotive industry. More than a million cars of the world-famous brand are produced annually in the country. Skoda, about 80% of which are exported. Metallurgy, electrical engineering, electronics, construction, pharmaceutical production and information technology are also developed. The service sector is dominated by the financial sector and tourism, there is a lot to see in the Czech Republic.

Work in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians in 2019 is available for medical workers and tourism professionals often require builders, engineers and, in principle, skilled trades that are in short supply for the local labor market. Unemployment rate in the Czech Republic below 3% and almost no inflation. The country has high social standards, low crime rate and quality medicine.

Real estate prices in the Czech Republic, including for rent, are quite reasonable, and the climate is very similar to Russian or Ukrainian. Czech cities are very beautiful, with many architectural structures and other cultural attractions, including gourmet cuisine. In general, the conditions for immigration are quite suitable. Next, we will consider the features of labor migration to the Czech Republic, the requirements for foreigners, job search options without intermediaries, and highlight the available vacancies and salaries in the Czech labor market in 2019.

To successfully search for a job in the Czech Republic in 2019, you need to soberly assess your chances of finding a job. First of all, we pay attention to the following factors:

Currently, there are a large number of employment agencies in the Czech Republic, both foreign and Czech. Finding a job this way can be effective, but in most cases there is a huge risk of running into scammers. Use services recruiting companies it is possible only with the patronage of friends and acquaintances, but it is better to contact the official agencies of the Czech Republic, which have a special license from local authorities.

First of all, visit the official website of the Ministry of Labor and social security Czech Republic - In the partition database work for foreigners collected information on the availability of vacancies from employment centers throughout the Czech Republic. On the site, you can register and leave a questionnaire by which potential employers can find the right employee from abroad. In addition, the legal norms and legislative regulation of the employment of foreigners, the procedure for obtaining an EU blue card, ongoing projects, programs and more.

Popular job search sites in the Czech Republic
Websites of Czech newspapers

The largest number of jobs for foreigners are located in large Czech cities, especially in the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague. Pay special attention large companies, For example, Škoda, CEZ group, Agrofert, Zentiva, Pilsner Urquell, Unipetrol. Actively use social networks, including professional ones -, visit thematic forums and contact employers directly. Go to the Czech Republic as a tourist and use this time to look for a job, a large number of vacancies in the Czech labor market are not publicly available.


work in the Czech Republic
easy to find. According to statistics, there are more than 10,000 vacancies for every 1,000 applicants. And despite the global economic crisis, work in the Czech Republic many employers offer. The Czech Republic is one of the most developed European countries of the former socialist camp. In terms of living standards such as average salary(2.8 euros per month), it is already close to salaries in Germany and Italy. Although the amount of salaries in the Czech Republic, like ours, varies greatly. The highest is in Prague, and the lowest is in the north of the country, although vacancies there's a lot more here.

The issue of receiving work in the Czech Republic The easiest solution is to get a labor card. It replaces both a work visa and a work permit. At the same time, there are no requirements for education or specialty. The Czech authorities issue labor cards to foreigners only for those jobs for which citizens of the Czech Republic or EU countries could not be accepted within 30 days. Therefore, only an application and an employment contract are submitted to the consulate. Almost always, such a card is used by unskilled workers from the former USSR (nannies, cleaners, security guards).

The liberal migration legislation of the Czech Republic allows for both official and illegal employment. Moreover, our compatriots are mainly engaged in illegal employment there. Many of these intermediaries, offering assistance in finding a job “cheaper”, then arrange uniform labor slavery, which is quite difficult to get out of without loss. In addition, illegal immigrants often end up in the police during regular police raids on construction sites. And then deportation cannot be avoided, and you can forget about a Schengen visa for 5 years.

By the way, work in the Czech Republic with official employment is a great opportunity for our young compatriots to learn the Czech language and enter any Czech university. After all, foreigners who want to study in the Czech language receive education in the Czech Republic for free. Our company "Befind & North" (Befind|Ukraine) deals only with legal employment in the Czech Republic, so we do not have any misunderstandings with our clients.

Construction workers are in high demand processing industry, service staff hotels and restaurants. And the most demanded were specialists in the field of energy, air conditioning and heating. Easier jobs (accountant, secretary, reception or tourism) are also sufficient. But for this you need to be fluent in English and Czech.

The most attractive option work in the Czech Republic for our compatriots - temporary workers. Especially for those who do not speak Czech. For women, most vacancies as a seamstress, waiter, nanny. Men are more needed in construction and industry. Work in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians, the vacancies that it offers, fully meet the expectations of those who decide to start labor activity on the territory of this state. Applicants can find themselves in professions:

  • - installers;
  • - seamstress;
  • - builders;
  • - storekeepers;
  • - workers in production;
  • - drivers.

Most of the vacancies are accompanied by the mandatory provision of housing - free or with payment utilities. This greatly simplifies being in the territory of another state.

Work in the Czech Republic without knowing the language

Working in the Czech Republic without knowing the language is quite real. By contacting the agency for employment abroad "Beefind", you can see for yourself. There are many offers in the catalog of our vacancies, the conditions of which do not provide for the obligatory knowledge of the Czech language.

They need workers for factories, packers of parts, warehouse workers and many other various specialties. At any of the jobs, you can make sure that good working conditions and decent wage With compulsory payments premiums. In addition, working in the Czech Republic is also a great chance to get to know an amazing country, its culture, sights, traditions and customs. And this is also a great opportunity to learn the Czech language, which belongs to the Slavic group, which, in turn, will allow you to find a job in a higher paying position in the future.

If a job in the Czech Republic has been your dream for a long time, contact the Befind employment agency abroad and we will help you take a step towards a more successful future. All you need is to contact our company, where you can get professional advice managers. After collecting the necessary documents and obtaining a visa, you will be able to go to work in the Czech Republic immediately.

Working as a driver in the Czech Republic

Many people are interested in working in the Czech Republic, vacancies may be suitable for applicants from Ukraine. The country has vacancies for drivers who have experience in international transportation and know the language well (English can be used). Drivers for long-distance flights are also required, capable of responsibly treating the provided property and demonstrating attentiveness on the road. Such job seekers will like the job of a driver in the Czech Republic, and will allow them to qualify for long-term relationships with the employer, free accommodation and sometimes food at the expense of the company.

Paid work in the Czech Republic as a truck driver is much higher than in Ukraine. Our compatriots are attracted by the prospect of making decent money and staying in the country on a long-term basis. Employment in such companies is official. The work for a trucker involves business trips and long-term trips. It must also be understood that vacant positions requires experienced employees who have worked in a similar field of activity.

You can find job offers on websites, in an agency or in in social networks. detailed information provided by specialized agencies that search for applicants faster and help with registration.

Jobs in the Czech Republic for couples

Many people from Ukraine decide to find a job in the Czech Republic. It is more realistic to find a job in a company for applicants who have professional skills and work experience, and also know the language basic level. Without such skills, you will be able to find a job in various fields of activity in the country, earning more than in Ukraine.

Working in the Czech Republic for couples attracts with the opportunity to travel and earn money for pleasure. Moreover, employers often provide accommodation and meals at the expense of the company. Jobs for Ukrainians on websites and agencies involve employment in manufacturing enterprises, in hotels, cafes, hotels and firms. Handymen, maids, packers or packers are required there. Payment in the service sector ranges from UAH 30,000 to 50,000. per month, and at enterprises and in the agricultural sector - from 25,000 UAH. You can find work for Ukrainians in the country without intermediaries, using search engines on the Internet and social networks. However, such a search will take months.

Interested in working in the Czech Republic for couples? Contact the relevant agency, which will offer information about vacancies and provide necessary documentation. You can live and work together.

Work in the Czech Republic without intermediaries

Do you want to find a job in a European country and earn decent money? Start looking for a job in the Czech Republic. Jobs for Ukrainians are offered in various fields of activity. You can claim good pay and free accommodation. You can get a job officially, even without knowing the language, you just need to find suitable job for your skill level.

You can get a job in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians without intermediaries through friends who have gone through such an experience. You can find a prestigious job in the country on the website of a particular Czech company, via the Internet. Employers post information about vacancies on official websites, recruitment agencies, and social networks. The latter search method simplifies the procedure and allows you to communicate directly with the employer.

Work in the Czech Republic without intermediaries requires the applicant to provide professional resume and processing time. An early search and tracking of the most recent ads will increase the likelihood of employment, and for this you need to visit more than a dozen resources. Attracted by the prospect of working abroad? It is better to contact a trusted agency.

Many Ukrainians are trying to move to European countries to start working there and earn good money. Today, work in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians can be very diverse. You can choose exactly what is closest in spirit and strength. For example, you can find a job as a driver or manager, while everyone will be able to fully realize their potential and not be afraid that there will be some difficulties in the process of life. But in order to find quality legal employment in the Czech Republic, you should contact only trusted and reliable companies with extensive experience in this field. The company must have:

  1. Extensive and diverse work experience;
  2. Have the necessary certificates and documents allowing it to carry out such activities;
  3. Qualified employees are essential.

Only in this case, you can be sure that such employment for citizens of Ukraine will be formalized correctly and reliably. A person should be as sure as possible that he will be financially completely independent in a foreign country.

Legal and free employment

Our site for finding a job in the Czech Republic allows you to quickly find exactly what you need, even without experience in a particular specialty. Each person will be able to find for himself exactly what he needs, while spending the minimum amount of his free time.

Our employment agency has a number of advantages that make it unique in the modern labor market.

  • With the help of the service, you can find vacancies for both single people and couples, which is especially important if you are going to move with the whole family;
  • The site always contains fresh vacancies, which means that the client will always be aware of what exactly is happening in the labor market in this moment time;
  • The presence of qualified specialists in this field allows you to quickly find the right option. Managers, if necessary, are ready to answer any questions of their clients;
  • Profitable seasonal work;
  • The earning potential for students is especially suitable for many Ukrainians;
  • On our service you can find a huge number of vacancies from the best companies and firms.

Convenient and comfortable interface

Using the site of our organization is quite simple. Even if the person is new to it. A simple interface and fast service will allow you to place an order in the shortest possible time and find a job in the Czech Republic 2019 that you have always dreamed of. It is possible to move to another country and start a completely different life.

Official employment in the Czech Republic

Our company guarantees quality work for women of all specialties. Everyone will be able to find for himself exactly what interests him. For example, you can work as a doctor or start working in the service sector. There is also work for men on favorable and pleasant terms. Especially if you have experience in a certain area, which will be a significant advantage. Great experience work allows you to perform your activities not only qualitatively, but also quickly and efficiently. A huge number of positive reviews about the work of the company speaks of guaranteed quality services. Our specialists carry out their activities on the very high level, which allows you to quickly find a quality job in the shortest possible time, even without knowing the language. On our service you can find a huge number of vacancies from the best companies and firms. Jobs in the Czech Republic from an employer from the best company countries on our website. The earning opportunity for students is especially suitable for many Ukrainians.

Jobs from a direct employer without intermediaries

The Czech Republic is one of the oldest European countries, which has a comfortable location in the central part of Europe, and since 2004 has been a member of the EU. Favorable climate, developed infrastructure, transparent legislation contribute to labor emigration.

Finding a job is not hard at all. To do this, just visit our website and get acquainted with a variety of offers. We offer fresh vacancies in the Czech Republic in 2019 from direct employers without commission.

For Russians and Ukrainians, work is available in a wide variety of areas: medicine, information technology, construction, tourism business. It should be borne in mind that without knowing the language, you should not count on a highly paid position. Unskilled labor also requires minimal speaking skills.

In addition, a diploma of education is required for employment, which requires special confirmation (nostrification).

After signing the employment contract, the employer will apply for a work permit.

In addition, an EU blue card (for qualified employees) or a regular employee card (without qualifications), as well as a work visa, is issued.

At the moment, many readers of European work are interested in the section - official and legal work in the Czech Republic vacancies for Ukrainians 2016 2017 2018 2019 for Russians and again for Belarusians. Here you will find Czech employers and firms - agencies of intermediaries in employment. The main problem is obtaining and issuing a work visa to the Czech Republic, earlier in 2010 quotas and jobs were issued for this year the consulate of the Czech Republic froze the issuance of a work visa to the Czech Republic, so you have to apply for a Polish residence card for a residence permit and permanent residence, citizenship in order to officially find a job in the Czech Republic - there are many vacancies for men and women, married couples. Many try to travel on a Polish visa without knowing the language. Very often, Czechs are looking for specialists - welders for factories and factories, nurses and doctors. On the forum about the Czech Republic, you can create a topic and ask questions to our experts, leave feedback about the Robot in the Czech Republic.


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