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Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care in fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

We will tell you what needs to be taken into account when drawing up a provision on business trips, we will give a sample of 2017.

How to make a travel statement

Travel regulations (sample 2017 you can download) should establish the procedure and amount of compensation to employees for expenses related to business trips (daily allowances, expenses for renting housing, travel expenses), the procedure for the employee and employer in case of unforeseen circumstances on a business trip, etc.

Since 2017, there have been significant changes in the work of an accountant: it will be necessary to pay contributions to the INFS according to the new CBC, there will be more reporting, the deadlines for its submission will change, etc. See our table for an overview of the main innovations.

As a rule, the provision prescribes all the features of business trips that are characteristic of the organization.

For example, a company often has to send employees on weekend business trips. Then be sure to describe in detail the payment procedure for these days (a fragment from the situation below)

The regulation on business trips (sample 2017) should also contain an indication of how you will determine the duration of the business trip. For example, an employee is sent on a business trip. The term of the business trip by order is from 23 to 24 August. The employee traveled to the place of business trip and back by plane. The plane was delayed, and in fact the employee returned from a business trip on August 25. The actual period of the business trip was 3 days (from August 23 to 25), since such a procedure for determining the timing of the business trip is established in the Regulations.

One of the main sections in the travel regulations is also the section “Procedure for reporting related to sending employees on business trips”. For example, after a business trip, an employee must submit an advance report within three days.

If employees often go on business trips in private cars, then the procedure for reimbursement of expenses should be provided for in the Regulations. According to the rules, the period in such situations must be determined by a memo that the employee will write himself after returning.

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How to arrange a business trip without errors in the article: "Documentation of a business trip in 2017".

Business memo for a business trip

The question often arises: is it necessary to draw up a memo for a business trip. The legislation does not require this. However, if the administration of the organization considers it necessary to draw up such documents, fix this rule in a local document. Make a memo for a business trip (see sample 2017 below) in free form. Describe in detail the reasons for sending the employee on a business trip, and what production tasks the employee must decide.

In some cases, the employee draws up a memo for a business trip himself. He must do this after returning from a business trip if:

  • the employee goes on a business trip (or back) on a personal, rented or official vehicle;
  • the employee does not have documents with which he could confirm the travel expenses incurred.

Travel certificate in 2017

As before, it is not necessary to draw up a travel certificate in 2017. It has been canceled since January 8, 2015.

Travel changes in 2017

From January 1, 2017, organizations and entrepreneurs will have to pay insurance premiums from the daily allowance. Law No. 243-FZ establishes a limit on daily allowances that are not subject to contributions:

  • 700 rub. per day for business trips in Russia;
  • 2500 rub. per day on business trips outside the Russian Federation.

For example, the Regulation on business trips of the organization (sample 2017 can be downloaded on our website) establishes that when traveling on business trips in Russia, an employee is paid per diem in the amount of 800 rubles for each day of a business trip. The employee was sent on a business trip to another city in 2017 for 2 days. The daily allowance for two days is 1600 rubles (800 × 2). Contributions are subject to 200 rubles (1600 - 1400).

In the Regulations on business trips, you can specify any amount of daily allowance both for business trips in Russia and for business trips abroad. The maximum limit is not limited by law.

Business trips of employees are an integral part of the labor activity of many organizations. The regulation of the procedure for their implementation, payment and other important issues is reflected in the Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation and in Government Decrees. Let us dwell on the main positions of the Government Decree on business trips in 2017.

Government Decree 729 on business trips

This document is the main guideline governing the reimbursement of expenses incurred during business trips by employees government agencies and state institutions. The resolution was adopted on October 2, 2002, is relevant for business trips within Russian Federation.

Main provisions of Decree 729


Compensation for expenses incurred by employees due to the use of personal transport on a business trip is carried out only upon provision of binding documents(waybill, copies of checks, expense report, etc.) Read more in this

  • Expenses for renting or renting a dwelling. Recall that a lease agreement is concluded if at least one of the parties is legal entity, and a contract of employment in case both parties are natural persons. The maximum amount of compensation for this item of expenses is 550 rubles per day. In the absence of confirmation documents, the amount of payment is reduced to 12 rubles per day of stay.
  • Per diem expenses reimbursed in the amount of 100 rubles per day of business trip.
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses to the place of business trip and back carried out in the amount of actual expenses. It is obligatory to have supporting documents of the established form. In the absence of travel documents, payment is made in a different order. Consider possible options more details in the table below.

Reimbursement of expenses incurred by the employee is carried out by the organization that sent him. At the same time, the payment of expenses according to the norms established by this resolution is made from the funds allocated for these purposes from the federal budget. Reimbursement of costs incurred in excess of the established norms is carried out at the expense of savings in the budget estimate.

Regulations on business trips

Companies that require employees to travel in the course of their activities must have their own developed Regulations on business trips. This is necessary in order to take into account all the nuances of the functioning of the company. The regulation on business trips is an internal local act, therefore there is no single form. Development this document- one of the priorities in the creation of a company.

Positions that should be reflected in the Regulations on business trips:

  • types of business trips: within the Russian Federation or abroad;
  • the structure of allowable expenses to be reimbursed from the company's funds;
  • the amount of compensation specifically for each item of the cost structure;
  • situations in which an employee may refuse to travel. This, in without fail- all options provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 203, 259, 264, 268 of the Labor Code), as well as other situations provided by the employer;
  • other nuances inherent in a particular organization.

Per diems

The maximum daily allowance not subject to personal income tax is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and is 700 rubles if a business trip is on the territory of the Russian Federation and 2500 rubles if a business trip is abroad. Read more in this

The provision on business trips is necessary for a clear regulation of expenses when employees work outside the company. This is also necessary for the correct calculation of the income tax base. The fact is that the recorded travel expenses are posted to the company's cost item. The monetary amounts of this article are deductible from the taxable income tax base. Thus, taxation is minimized.

The travel policy does not apply if labor activity employee outside the company does not exceed 1 day and is not associated with moving to another locality.

Amendments to the Regulation on business trips dated July 29, 2015

The legislation of the Russian Federation is being improved, it is regularly amended and amended. The regulation on business trips is also not a static document; today's realities have required significant adjustments to the document. Government Decree No. 749 of July 29, 2015 introduced some important changes in the travel policy. On our Internet resource, you can download the Regulations on business trips of the 2017 sample for free.

A few details about the changes made:

  • obligatory publication or order;
  • the possibility of using the contract for the conclusion of the rental of residential premises, or the paid bill at the hotel to determine the actual period of the employee's stay on a business trip. This option for accounting for the duration of a business trip is necessary if there are no travel documents;
  • the possibility of confirming the actual period of stay by means of a document issued by the host on the date of arrival and departure of the seconded employee.

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Regulation on business trips - 2017 local act of the organization, which is required to be developed in the case when the company practices sending employees on business trips. Despite the fact that this local act is not mandatory, its presence is highly desirable for organizations, since such a document will clearly regulate all issues related to the travel of employees.

From the article you will learn:

Regulation on business trips - 2017

Many questions related to sending employees on business trips are regulated at the local level. To this end, the organization is developing a special document - Regulations on business trips, which reflects all the fundamental issues related to business trips.

Note that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly establishes the costs that the organization is obliged to reimburse the seconded worker. All of them are listed in article 168 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These expenses include:

travel expenses. This category includes the cost of purchasing tickets for transport, if the trip is on public transport. If the employee travels on a business trip in a private car, he is reimbursed for the cost of fuel and lubricants;

housing rental costs. In other words, the employer is obliged to pay for the employee's accommodation in a hotel or other residential premises during the trip;

additional expenses associated with living outside the place of permanent residence. These additional costs include per diems. The amount of daily allowance should be indicated in the Regulations on business trips in 2017;

other expenses incurred by the employee with the permission or knowledge of the employer.

The employer is not entitled to reduce the list of these reimbursable expenses. Therefore, in any case, regardless of whether the organization has a Regulation on business trips, these expenses must be reimbursed to the employee.

Pay attention! The Travel Regulation 2017 is not one of the mandatory local regulations developed by the employer. But issues related to business trips require special local regulation. Therefore, if the organization practices sending employees on business trips, it is necessary to develop a Regulation on business trips, which will regulate all the fundamental issues related to travel.

Conditions to be included in the Regulation on business trips - 2017

First of all, we note that at present the procedure for registering the direction of employees on business trips has been significantly simplified. Now it is not required to draw up a job assignment and issue a travel certificate. Meanwhile, as practice shows, many organizations continue to use these forms.

Drawing up a job assignment and a travel certificate regulates in detail the issues of the trip. The employee has a clear idea of ​​the tasks that need to be completed during the trip. A travel certificate allows the employer to have reliable information about the period of the employee's stay at the place of business trip.

And the use of a service assignment and a travel certificate is quite familiar and convenient for organizations. In this regard, if the company still uses these documents in practice, the procedure for their preparation and execution should be provided for in the Regulations on business trips.

The following issues should also be reflected in the Regulations on business trips:

  1. travel documentation. In the event that an organization uses a service assignment and a travel certificate, this must be reflected in the local act;
  2. the need to keep a log of posted workers. Note that such a log is currently not mandatory;
  3. coordination of the procedure for going to work on the day of the business trip;
  4. daily allowance. Here it must be taken into account that commercial organizations independently determine the amount of daily allowance. Meanwhile, per diems must be paid in such an amount as to cover the expenses of the employee associated with being outside his place of residence. At the same time, the amount of daily allowance for employees holding different positions may not be the same. For example, daily allowances for managers can be set at one rate, and for all other employees at a different rate. Also, the size of the daily allowance will vary depending on the place of business trip: the territory of Russia or another state;
  5. procedure for reimbursement of taxi expenses;
  6. the procedure for reimbursement of additional expenses of employees on a business trip. Here you should reflect the list of expenses that the employee has the right not to agree with the employer;
  7. payment order weekend work and at night on a business trip;
  8. submission by the employee of the advance report. Here it is necessary to indicate the procedure for submitting the report, as well as the list of supporting documents that should be attached to the advance report.

It should be noted that a detailed settlement of all these and other issues related to business trips will allow the organization to simplify travel arrangements as much as possible, as well as avoid disagreements with employees. With the Regulations on business trips - 2017, all employees to whom it will apply should be familiarized under signature.

Regulation on business trips: sample - 2017

Each organization develops the travel regulations independently, according to its own needs, that is, “for itself”. unified form there is no such document. When developing your own local act, you can use the 2017 Travel Provision Template prepared by us.

In accordance with Article 12 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it will enter into force on the day specified in this document, or, if the date of entry is not specifically stipulated, from the date of approval. Therefore, the attribute “I approve” must necessarily contain the date of approval. The fact that the regulation on business trips 2017 has been adopted can be confirmed by the order of the employer, issued in an arbitrary form, adopted in the office work system on this enterprise. After the approval of the provision for business trips 2017, the document must be familiarized with the signature of all employees of the enterprise whom it concerns.


Among the regulatory acts of an economic entity that are optional for execution, one can single out the Regulation on business trips, which the organization needs to settle labor relations between management and people working at the enterprise when they are sent on business trips. In order to give this document legal force, an Order is issued on the approval of the provision on business trips, by which it enters into force.

The regulation can also be considered additional questions on business trips, the main thing is that they do not contradict the law and do not worsen the position of the company's employees.

How to draw up an order for approval of the position

For an order by which this type of provision can be approved, there is no special established form. The company can compose its text in any form, and issue it on letterhead.

Drawing up an order responsible person starts with an entry at the top of the page with the full name of the company. On the next line, you must also specify it legal address, as well as the assigned TIN and OGRN codes.

Further, in the middle of the page, the name of the document "Order" and its serial number for the enterprise are affixed. Under this number, the order will need to be registered in the accounting book for the enterprise.

On the next line, on one side of the page, the date of issue of the document is indicated, and on the other, the place.

Then comes the introductory part. It must indicate for what reason the administration decided to put this provision into effect. But this part of the text can be omitted.

This is followed by the word "I order", after which the orders given under this order are listed. These include:

  • Approval of the proposed regulation;
  • Putting it into effect from a certain date. If it is not specified, and this paragraph is omitted, then the provision shall enter into force from the date of issuance of such an order;
  • An indication of a responsible employee who will acquaint all employees working at the enterprise with the adopted document;
  • Appointment of a responsible employee who will acquaint with the document all employees admitted to the enterprise.

A fully executed order is signed by the head of the company.

The need to somehow regulate the direction of employees on business trips arises in the organization after the very need for such trips. The provision on business trips as a local normative act becomes one, but not the only one of the options for solving this problem. However, since the need for it has arisen, it is worth making sure that the document is drawn up in strict accordance with the requirements of the law.

Regulations on business trips: is it mandatory and what is it used for?

It must be said right away that this document is not mandatory for enterprises and organizations. In the event of a visit to the office of the company by inspectors from the labor inspectorate, tax office or other controlling organizations, they do not have the right to require you to show them this very Regulation, and even more so they do not have the right to apply any sanctions to you in case of its absence.

Before sending employees on business trips, the company must adopt a local regulation governing this process.

Even when the subject of verification is the correctness of registration of travel expenses and their accounting, the absence of a provision on travel as a local document is not yet a problem. After all, the legislation requires employers only to fix at the level of local regulations the procedure for sending employees on business trips, reimbursement of their expenses in connection with such trips, remuneration for their work while on business trips, the amount of daily allowance, etc. But at the same time, no one insists on that all the above points are spelled out precisely in the Regulations on business trips.

In everyday life, the provision on business trips is also often referred to as Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749 “On the Peculiarities of Sending Employees on Business Trips” with a number of changes and additions, the most recent of which as of 2018 date back to 2015. However, this is a departmental regulation. The regulation on business trips in a particular organization, as a rule, duplicates the key provisions of the said Resolution, since it contains a number of legal requirements for the procedure for issuing business trips and reimbursement of expenses. But in no way can it be equivalent to it.

The employer has the right to use alternative options to regulate business trips and everything related to them: separate orders, for example, on approving the amount of daily allowance or the regulations for sending an employee on a business trip and a report upon returning from it, the provisions of a collective agreement or employment contracts concluded with employees , where a special section or separate provisions of, say, a section on the obligations of the employer to the employee in the framework of labor relations can be devoted to these points. Other options are also possible.

As for the state, in relation to local acts on business trips, it is only interested in two things: that these same local acts in any specific and convenient form for the employer should in principle be and not worsen the situation of seconded workers in comparison with the current legislation, in particular mentioned by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Labor Code.

It is usually advisable to give preference to the development of a separate Regulation in large organization with a large number of workers, because it will be easier. However, it is often preferred small companies. They, in turn, often find it easier to prepare one document once based on type sample than each time to develop a new one, for example, an order as one or another nuance arises.

In the first few months of the existence of a city newspaper in one of the Russian regional centers, business trips for journalists were not discussed, since the editors were only interested in topics from the life of the city. However, later, in the course of one of the actions carried out by the newspaper, the need arose to send an employee to Moscow. In order to reimburse him for expenses, the editorial board developed the Regulations on business trips on the basis of a standard document. Since there was no time, the standard text of the document was simply copied and subjected to light editing in separate places, and entire sections, including, for example, those devoted to business trips abroad, migrated to the local Regulation from the sample intact, causing only a smile from all those involved. However, less than a year later, the editorial office got the opportunity to send one of the journalists to Sweden for training, and that's when the section of the Regulations on business trips abroad came in handy.

How to develop a travel policy in an organization

No strict legal requirements to the contents of this document. The employer has the right to include in it everything that he deems necessary. However, it will greatly simplify the task of using the standard text of the Regulation as a source (download a sample). Then, if desired, it can be supplemented with other sections arising from the specifics of a particular company.

When choosing a sample, it makes sense to give preference to the most recent options developed after 2015. The fact is that in 2015, when making further adjustments to the already mentioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 10/13/2008 No. 749. From the text in its latest edition, in particular, the requirements to necessarily issue travel certificates, job assignments and reports on the work done were excluded business trip. For example, now only tickets serve as confirmation of the dates of departure and return from a business trip, and, for example, if an employee used official or personal vehicles, route sheets for the trip, and a travel certificate with departure and arrival notes, which was previously mandatory, has become redundant. However, if you continue to use this unnecessary bureaucracy in the old fashioned way, there is no violation in this.

The structure of the travel regulations in the organization

Usually, when compiling the Travel Regulations for an organization, they are guided by the following typical structure:

  1. General provisions. Here, the main concepts and terms used in the document are disclosed. In this section, it makes sense, guided by the provisions of the current legislation, to prescribe which trips are business trips and which are not, which categories of employees cannot be sent on a business trip (the Labor Code prohibits sending pregnant women and underage employees), and which ones can only with their consent, etc.
  2. The procedure for issuing a business trip. Usually, this paragraph prescribes the procedure for document flow in connection with business trips and delineates areas of responsibility structural divisions company and / or specific officials - for example, what the accounting department is responsible for, and what the personnel service is responsible for, and in what sequence travel documents should be transferred between departments. It is usually stipulated that the basis for the business trip is the corresponding order of the head of the organization, there may be a reference to the established form of the order. Previously, business trips had to be recorded in a special internal journal. Now there is no such requirement in the law, but if the employer continues to use it, it is worth reflecting this circumstance in the text. The section may refer to standard forms orders and other local documents, however, it is also possible to use your own options. In this case, the requirements for them are prescribed separately. In particular, such documents may contain:
    • the purpose of the trip;
    • Expected Result;
    • way of travel (mode of transport (train, plane, bus, water vehicle, the fact of using personal or company vehicles, if applicable, the calculation of fuel costs when using personal or company vehicles);
    • type of accommodation used during a business trip: hotel, rented apartment, premises provided free of charge by the employer or the host, another option (for example, when traveling to a city where the employee has relatives, he stays with them);
    • the duration of the trip, it makes sense to prescribe here that in a situation where it is difficult to predict the exact date of the return of the employee, an approximate one is indicated, and the daily allowance for issuing an advance is calculated based on it;
    • full or partial reimbursement of travel expenses at the expense of the host, for example, the client.
  3. Travel dates. There is no room for creativity here, since this moment is strictly regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749: the dates of arrival and departure are determined by tickets or route sheets.
  4. The procedure for remuneration of employees during a business trip, compensation for travel expenses, guarantees to employees in connection with business trips. Here, as in the case of the previous paragraph, it is necessary to focus on the requirements Labor Code RF and the mentioned government Decree. In the same section, it makes sense to prescribe which expenses are considered travel expenses and are subject to reimbursement, in which cases primary accounting documents (tickets, invoices, receipts, etc.) are required for their reimbursement, and in which you can do without them. The list of travel expenses is determined at the legislative level and includes:
    • travel expenses;
    • rental housing;
    • per diem. At this point, it makes sense to prescribe their size. Legislatively, it is unlimited by neither the upper nor the lower limit, but it must be borne in mind that personal income tax and contributions to off-budget funds are levied on their part, exceeding 700 rubles per day for trips around Russia and 2.5 thousand rubles for business trips abroad.
  5. The procedure for reporting on business trips. The deadline for reporting is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749 and is three days after returning from a business trip. But the forms of reporting documents, which can be both standard and own development employer, may be specified in this section. It also specifies the requirements for documents confirming the expenses of each type (tickets, bills, checks, strict reporting forms, etc.). If it is customary for an organization to require a written application from an employee to compensate for overspending, in the section of the Regulations on reporting, it is possible to fix this at the regulatory level. In the event that an employee did not use the entire advance payment on a business trip, the procedure for returning its balance is discussed. It can be, for example, paid in cash to the cashier or deducted from the next paycheck. In practice, both options are most often provided.

    One of the options for the reporting document at the end of the trip may be a memo

  6. Additional sections at the discretion of the employer. They may contain, for example, the obligations of the employee during a business trip, additional guarantees provided to him by the employer, if applicable, sanctions for late reporting and lack of supporting documents, etc.
  7. Final provisions. They may contain the procedure for the Regulations on business trips to come into force (for example, from the moment of approval by the first person of the company and the issuance of an appropriate order by him), references to other local acts and the current legislation of the Russian Federation on certain issues, etc.

The travel regulations may also be accompanied by the forms of various documents accepted in the organization: the form of an order to send an employee on a business trip, an advance report, a travel certificate, a travel log, applications for reimbursement of overspending or an option for accepting an unused balance of an advance payment, etc. Each such form is a separate application with a unique number: application 1, 2, 3, etc.

Ability to travel on business trips individuals who are not employees of the company, but are in civil law relations with it, it is useless to prescribe in the Regulations on business trips. This option is excluded by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749, the text of which clearly states that only an employee with whom labor contract. If the company needs to send a person who is in a civil law relationship with it on a business trip and reimburse him for the costs of such a trip, the problem is solved at the level of a civil law contract or additional agreements to it.

Travel requirements

There are no specific requirements for the graphic design of this local regulatory act. It is enough to adhere to the general standards of office work. If a specific corporate standard is practiced in a particular firm, it applies to this document to the same extent as to all other local documents.

When graphic design of the Regulations on business trips, it is enough to adhere to the general standards of office work

Arrangement of business trips in the organization (video)

The procedure for approving the provision on business trips

Most often, when preparing and approving a local Regulation on business trips, the following procedure is practiced:

  1. The text of the document is preparing personnel service, and if it is not there, as is often the case in a small business, an employee who is assigned the appropriate functions.
  2. Then the provision is agreed with the accounting department, which checks the text within its competence - for compliance with financial and tax legislation.
  3. Optionally, the text can also be agreed with the legal department of the company.
  4. After making all the necessary approvals and adjustments, the document is submitted for approval to the head. If he has comments, he expresses them according to their affiliation, in case of adjustments on his part, all of them are coordinated with the company's divisions (personnel service, accounting, legal department) within their competence.
  5. Upon completion of all edits and approvals, the head of the organization issues an order (download a sample) on the approval of the Regulations on business trips.
  6. After the Regulation on business trips is approved, all employees of the company familiarize themselves with it against signature (download a sample sheet of familiarization with the regulation on business trips). When hiring new employees, they are introduced to the travel regulations, along with other documents with which they must be familiarized against signature, in the process of concluding an employment contract.

There are no strict requirements for the order, it can be drawn up in any form. However, in practice it is usually written on company letterhead and contains:

  • name, TIN, OGRN, legal address of the company;
  • unique number;
  • title - usually "On approval of the Regulations on business trips";
  • information on the approval of the Regulations;
  • the date from which the Regulation enters into force;
  • mention of officials who are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the text of the Regulations on business trips for existing and recruited employees;
  • signature of the head of the company;
  • Full name and place for the signatures of employees who must familiarize themselves with the order against signature. This is optional and is usually practiced when responsible for familiarizing staff and new employees with the document is appointed. These are responsible and put their signatures under the order.

Photo gallery: an example of an order approving a travel regulation

An example of an order approving the Regulations on business trips, part 1 An example of an order approving the Regulations on business trips, part 2 An example of an order approving the Regulations on business trips, part 3

How to make changes to the travel policy

Life does not stand still, and sooner or later there is a need to make certain adjustments to various local regulations. The provision on business trips is no exception.

Changes to it are made in the same order in which the original text of the document is approved:

  1. The personnel service is preparing a new version of the Regulation on business trips.
  2. The text prepared by her is coordinated with the accounting department.
  3. Optionally, the text can be sent for approval to the legal body.
  4. The document agreed upon by all services in the new edition is approved by the first person of the company and issues an appropriate order to this effect.
  5. Responsible employees get acquainted with the order on approval of the Regulations on business trips in the new edition, if provided, against signature.
  6. FROM new edition documents are familiarized against signature by all existing employees and newcomers as they are admitted to the state.

As a basis for the order to approve the Regulations on business trips in the new edition with all the changes, you can take the order to approve its original version, but supplement the text with clauses about the loss of force of the old version of the regulation - as a rule, from the date of entry into force of the new edition specified in the same order .

In order to avoid confusion, it is advisable to include in the order approving the new version of the Regulations this document itself as an appendix.

For example, this option is possible:

  1. Approve the new version of the Regulations on business trips (Appendix 1 to this Order) from 01/01/2018.
  2. Recognize as invalid from 01/01/2018 Regulation on business trips, approved by Order No. ... dated .... "On approval of the Regulations on business trips".
  3. Appoint responsible for familiarizing the company's personnel with the new version of the Regulations…
  4. Assign responsible for familiarizing new employees with the Regulations on business trips in the edition approved by this Order ...

After the approval of the Regulations on business trips, the company receives at its disposal a document that removes all controversial issues that may arise when employees are sent to another location for business reasons. And if it is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the law, at the same time the company will be reliably insured against possible claims from regulatory authorities. To avoid problems, it remains only to follow the text of this document.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
No. 771 dated 07/29/2015

On the introduction of amendments to the Regulations on the specifics of sending employees on business trips and the invalidation of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 72 of the amendments that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the activities of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2013 No. 257

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes that are being made to the Regulations on the specifics of sending employees on business trips, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749 "On the specifics of sending employees on business trips" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 42, Art. 4821, 2015, No. 3, item 590).

2. Recognize invalid subparagraph "b" of paragraph 72 of the amendments that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2013 No. 257 "On the amendment and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, No. 13, item 1559).

Government of the Russian Federation
dated 29.07.2015 No. 771


1. The second paragraph of paragraph 3 shall be stated as follows:

"Employees are sent on business trips on the basis of a written decision of the employer on certain period to perform an official assignment outside the place of permanent work. The trip of an employee sent on a business trip on the basis of a written decision of the employer in separate subdivision sending organization (representative office, branch), located outside the place of permanent work, is also recognized as a business trip.

2. Paragraph 7 shall be stated in the following wording:

"7. The actual period of stay of an employee on a business trip is determined by travel documents submitted by the employee upon his return from a business trip.

In the event that an employee, on the basis of a written decision of the employer, travels to the place of business trip and (or) back to the place of work on official transport, on transport owned by the employee or owned by third parties (by proxy), the actual period of stay at the place of business trip is indicated in the official a note that is submitted by the employee upon returning from a business trip to the employer with documents confirming the use of the specified transport to travel to the place of business trip and back ( waybill, route sheet, bills, receipts, cash receipts and other documents confirming the route of transport).

In the absence of travel documents, the employee confirms the actual period of the employee's stay on a business trip with documents for renting a dwelling at the place of business trip. When staying at a hotel, the specified period of stay is confirmed by a receipt (coupon) or other document confirming the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of hotel services at the place of business trip, containing information provided for by the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation".

In the absence of travel documents, documents for renting accommodation or other documents confirming the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of hotel services at the place of business trip, in order to confirm the actual period of stay at the place of business trip, the employee submits a memo and (or) other document on the actual period of stay of the employee in business trip, containing confirmation of the party (organization or official) receiving the employee about the time of arrival (departure) of the employee to the place of business trip (from the place of business trip).".

3. Paragraph 8 shall be recognized as invalid.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev

Decree 729 on business trips regulates the reimbursement of travel expenses and serves as the basis for registration of their accounting in budgetary organizations. In recent years, there have been some changes in the regulation of business trips, we will consider them.

Decree 729 on business trips with changes for 2017

Since January 2015, the documentary registration of business trips has been simplified. A business trip certificate and a written job assignment have ceased to be mandatory. It is now sufficient to confirm the stay on a business trip with travel documents.
You can now go to work assignments by private transport, confirming your costs with the necessary papers.

Today, an employee is sent on a business trip based on the order or order of the director of the company and he does not need to write a report on the work performed. These changes have already become habitual.
The composition of travel expenses remained the same.

Basic moments

The most significant change in the regulation of travel expenses is that starting from this year, organizations will have to accrue mandatory daily payments for excess daily payments.

Until this year, any amount of per diem was free from contributions. At the same time, the maximum norms for daily allowances have not changed:

  • for trips around Russia - up to 700 rubles;
  • for foreign - up to 2.5 thousand rubles.

Now, when these values ​​are exceeded, per diems are subject to contributions to the relevant funds.
At the same time, as before, there are no restrictions on the employer's right to set their own daily allowance rates. In budget organizations, daily allowances can be increased by providing, for example, paid services, or by saving your budget. The size of the per diem, in excess of the established limit, is approved by the order of the head of the institution.

Decree 729 on business trips with changes for 2017

Regulations on the peculiarities of sending employees on business trips

The presence of this document, despite the fact that it is not mandatory, is justified by the need to regulate the company-specific features of business trips. In particular, to determine the actions of the employee and the management of the company in the event of disputes.

One of the main points is the timing of the trip. Its duration is established in each case by the order of the director. But there are force majeure circumstances. For example, it can last instead of 3 days by order of actually 5 days. Adjustment of such terms can be reflected in the above document. In particular, on papers confirming the employee's return journey.

The document defines the reporting procedure, the amount of specific costs, payments for travel on holidays or weekends, and a compensation mechanism for employees using personal transport. The procedure for paying for one-day trips to assignments is being specified.

Taking into account innovations on daily expenses, their new or former sizes are approved.

Sample order for approval of regulations on business trips

The order indicates the start time of the new rules, in some cases a transitional period is provided for adaptation to these rules.

Limited Liability Company

« _____ »___________ 201____

On approval of the Regulations

Based on Art.Article. 166 - 168, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order to streamline the departure of employees on business trips:

1. Approve this Regulation (attached).
2. Personnel inspector (full name) to familiarize personally the heads of structural divisions of the company with this document.
3. The order comes into force ___________
4. Assign control over the implementation of this order to ______________________________________________________________.

Position of the head Surname I.О.

How are changes to the travel policy made?

Do I need an order to approve amendments to the travel regulations?
Given that the above provision is local act organization, then it must be approved by order of the director of the company, as well as changes in its content.
But it is also possible to change the clauses of the provision by signing an agreement on introducing new rules into the collective agreement. To do this, the employer needs to negotiate with employees.

In budgetary institutions, the provision on business trips

In publicly funded organizations, the business travel document is generally no different from that in commercial structures. But it must be clearly based on the norms specified in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For budget organizations the amount of reimbursement for business trips is strictly regulated by article 168 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and acts of authorities, both federal and regional levels.
On this basis, institutions are deprived of the opportunity to determine the amount of compensation for travel expenses by their acts.

Regulations on business trips budget institutions


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