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State regulation of tourism development in Russian Federation implies the impact of the state on the activities of economic entities and market conditions for the implementation of normal conditions for the functioning of the market mechanism, the implementation of state socio-economic priorities and the development of a unified concept for the development of the tourism sector. Novikov V.S. notes that this process includes measures to develop a state policy for regulating the development of tourism at the federal and regional levels.

The principle of state regulation of tourism activities is that the state, recognizing tourism as one of the priority sectors of the Russian economy, promotes the development of tourism activities and creates favorable conditions for its functioning, determines and supports priority areas, forms the image of Russia as a country favorable for tourism, and advertises it at the international level, as well as provides support and protection for Russian tourists, tour operators and travel agents. Scheme of formation of state policy on the basis of strategic planning of tourism development.

The system of state regulation of tourism in the Russian Federation is based on the Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation”.

In accordance with Art. 3 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation", the state, recognizing tourism as one of the priority sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation, promotes tourism and creates favorable conditions for its development; determines and supports priority areas of tourism activities; forms an idea of ​​the Russian Federation as a country favorable for tourism; provides support and protection for Russian tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations.

Amirkhanova E.A. highlights the basic principles of state regulation of tourism. Thus, the main principles of state regulation of tourism and the tourism industry (hereinafter referred to as "state regulation of tourism") are:

  • 1) protection of the rights and legally protected interests of citizens, including ensuring their safety when engaged in tourism;
  • 2) the development of tourism and the tourism industry as a priority direction of the state socio-economic policy of the Russian Federation;
  • 3) formation of the idea of ​​the Russian Federation as a country favorable for the development of tourism;
  • 4) ensuring the sustainable development of tourism on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 5) consistency, as well as ensuring a balance of interests of the population of the regions (territories) of the Russian Federation, tourists visiting these regions (territories), and tourism industry entities;
  • 6) priority support for small business in the field of tourism;
  • 7) development of competition and prevention of monopoly in the tourist market of the Russian Federation;
  • 8) publicity and openness in the development, adoption and application of measures of state regulation of tourism;
  • 9) the validity and objectivity of the application of measures of state regulation of tourism;
  • 10) the unity of the system of state regulation of tourism.

State policy of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism ( tourism policy Russian Federation) is an integral part of the socio-economic policy of the Russian Federation and includes a set of principles of norms, goals, objectives, methods and priorities that guide the state in its activities to develop tourism and the tourism industry in the Russian Federation.

The goal of the tourism policy of the Russian Federation is to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism through the creation in the Russian Federation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourism industry that can meet the needs of citizens in a variety of high-quality services.

The tourism policy of the Russian Federation is based on the observance of generally recognized principles and norms of international law and obligations arising from international treaties of the Russian Federation.

State regulation of tourism in the Russian Federation solves the following main goals in the face of increasing competition in the global tourism market (Article 4 of the Federal Law "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation"):

  • ?ensuring the right of citizens to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling;
  • ?environmental protection;
  • ?creation of conditions for activities aimed at the upbringing, education and health improvement of tourists;
  • ?development of the tourism industry, providing for the needs of citizens when traveling, creating new jobs, increasing the income of the state and citizens of the Russian Federation, developing international contacts, preserving tourist display facilities, rational use of natural and cultural heritage.

The priority areas of state regulation of tourism activities are the support and development of domestic, inbound, social and amateur tourism. State regulation of tourism activities in the Russian Federation is carried out by:

  • - determination of priority areas for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation;
  • - regulatory legal regulation in the field of tourism;
  • - development and implementation of federal, sectoral targeted and regional tourism development programs;
  • ?assistance in promoting the tourism product in the domestic and global tourism markets;
  • - protecting the rights and interests of tourists, ensuring their safety;
  • - assistance staffing in the field of tourism;
  • - development of scientific research in the field of tourism;
  • - standardization and classification of objects of the tourism industry;
  • - formation and maintenance of a unified federal register of tour operators (hereinafter referred to as the register);
  • - information support of tourism;
  • - creating favorable conditions for the development of the tourism industry;
  • - provision of public services in the field of tourism;
  • - interaction with foreign states and international organizations in the field of tourism, including through representative offices of the federal executive body in the field of tourism outside the Russian Federation.

The Government of the Russian Federation directly or through a specially authorized federal executive body of the Russian Federation exercises state management of tourism in the Russian Federation.

State regulation of tourism is carried out through:

  • ?establishing the procedure for the creation and activities of bodies state power the Russian Federation, authorized to carry out state management of tourism in the Russian Federation;
  • ?establishment of general rules for the implementation of various types of entrepreneurial and other economic activities of the subjects of the tourism industry and the implementation of control and supervision over its implementation;
  • ?determining the features of the creation, reorganization and liquidation of the subjects of the tourism industry;
  • ? licensing tour operator and travel agency activities;
  • ?technical regulation in the tourism industry, as well as other security entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism for citizens, society and the state;
  • ?development and implementation of targeted, investment and other programs, concepts and projects in the field of tourism;
  • ? tax regulation;
  • ?customs, currency, migration, sanitary and epidemiological formalities (tourist formalities);
  • ?state support for priority types of tourism and activities of tourism industry entities;
  • ?State protectionism;
  • ?information support of tourism;
  • ?statistical supervision in the field of tourism and the tourist industry;
  • ?establishment of qualification requirements for the training of personnel in the field of tourism;
  • ? protection of the rights and interests of participants of the relations in the field of tourism and the tourist industry;
  • ?other economic and administrative measures, including those provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

In the context of increasing competition in the global tourism market, programs for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation are being put forward.

For the development of tourism in the Russian Federation, strategies, concepts for the development of tourism, as well as targeted, targeted, investment and other programs and regional programs for the development of tourism are being developed.

Tourism development programs can be short-term (up to 3 years), medium-term (3-5 years) and long-term (10-15 years).

The main components of the program include the rationale for its development, goals, objectives, implementation deadlines, a system of program activities, resource provision, a mechanism for implementation and control, and expected socio-economic results.

The programs provide:

  • 1. Creation of conditions for the development and renewal of the material and technical base of tourism, including through budget investment, the provision of subsidies and subventions to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs involved in the development of domestic and inbound tourism.
  • 2. Determination of priority areas for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation (subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, etc.) and increasing the efficiency of using the existing material and technical base of the tourism industry.
  • 3. Development and implementation of regulatory legal acts in the field of tourism and the activities of the subjects of the tourism industry.
  • 4. Carrying out tax, investment and pricing policies that stimulate the development of domestic, social and inbound tourism.
  • 5. Expansion of intersectoral and interregional coordination in the field of tourism, as well as contacts with foreign countries.
  • 6. Scientific and information support for tourism.
  • 7. Support for small business in the field of tourism;
  • 8. Creation of conditions for professional training and advanced training of workers involved in servicing tourists.
  • 9. Development of social, amateur and other types of tourism.

The Russian tourism industry has been in the center of attention in recent years. Recently, more and more companies operating in the field of tourism have appeared on the Russian market: this moment their number reaches 9,000, although firms actually operating in this segment of the Russian economy are much smaller - about 6,000. Of these, a little more than 30 companies actually control the market, each of them serves more than 5,000 tourists a year. According to the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT), formerly known as Russian association travel agencies (RATA), this is one of the most profitable sectors of the Russian economy: according to the results of activities for 2010, the profit of tourism enterprises increased by 2.2 times compared to 2008.

However, the situation in the industry is still critical. Firstly, there are too many small firms in the Russian tourist market that provide poor quality services and have no idea about the standards of the service industry adopted throughout the world. This is a consequence of the general state of the hospitality industry in Russia.

Coordinating bodies, such as the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, bodies of sectoral and intersectoral competence, and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, take part in the state management of the tourism industry in Russia.

The tourism management system in the Russian Federation is presented in Appendix B.

The President of the Russian Federation occupies a special position in the system of state bodies. The Constitution of the Russian Federation entrusts it with the task of ensuring the unity of state power, exercised by legislative, executive, judicial and other state bodies. It is the President who ensures the coordinated functioning and interaction of state authorities, although he himself does not formally belong to any of the three branches of power. In this regard, the determining factor is the provision that the President establishes the main directions of state policy, and hence the directions in the socio-cultural and economic spheres, in particular in the field of tourism.

In accordance with Art. 84 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation is obliged to sign and promulgate federal laws. The signing and promulgation of laws by the head of state is an essential element of the legislative procedure that ensures the separation of powers. Based on this norm, we can say that all laws, including those in the field of tourism, must be signed by the President of the Russian Federation and made public.

In accordance with Art. 90 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation issues decrees and orders, respectively, in the field of tourism, the rule-making activity of the head of state is also important. Of particular importance among the specified regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation is the Decree of April 25, 1994 No. 813 “On additional measures to develop tourism in the Russian Federation and on streamlining the use of state property in the field of tourism”. In order to ensure state interests in the field of tourism and create conditions for the development of international and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation, one of the priority tasks of the state is the all-round support for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation. It is important to note that since the mid-1990s The President of the Russian Federation has not adopted a single legal act regulating relations in the field of tourism or aimed at improving tourism activities in Russia. Most of these acts are adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, as well as the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. In accordance with Art. 1 of the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Government of the Russian Federation" The Government of the Russian Federation is the highest executive body of state power of the Russian Federation. As an executive and administrative body, the Government of the Russian Federation, within its powers, organizes the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, exercises systematic control over their implementation by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, takes measures to eliminate violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation. As a general authority, the Government of the Russian Federation is assigned regulation in the socio-economic sphere (tourism also belongs to this area). In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation, among a large number of special powers, develops and implements measures for the development of physical culture, sports and tourism, as well as the sanatorium and resort sector. Apparently, the state perceives tourism exclusively as a sphere of intersectoral management, where physical culture and sports are a priority. The sectoral body of state administration in the field of tourism is the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Sport and Tourism of Russia). The Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia is a federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture, sports, tourism and youth policy. It is important to note that the list of powers of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia in the field of physical culture and sports is explained in sufficient detail, while in the field of tourism it is very streamlined. In particular, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation has the right to independently adopt regulatory legal acts:

  • 1) in the field of physical culture and sports - regulatory legal acts containing a list of sports for the development of which all-Russian sports federations; the procedure for developing and presenting development programs for the relevant sports; general requirements for the content of provisions on interregional and all-Russian official physical culture events and sports competitions; Unified All-Russian sports classification and regulations on it; regulation on sports judges; regulation on awarding honorary sports titles; procedure for mandatory doping control; standard training programs for training athletes in various types sports; general principles, criteria for the formation and procedure for approving the lists of candidates for the sports teams of the Russian Federation and many others;
  • 2) in the field of tourism - regulatory legal acts "on other issues of the established field of activity." In general, the powers of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia in the field of tourism were reduced to coordinating activities for the implementation of priority areas of state regulation of tourism activities in the Russian Federation (clause 5.3 of the Regulation "On the Ministry sports, tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation”). At the same time, it is important to note that the legislator does not explain which specific areas the Ministry of Sports and Tourism can coordinate. The implementation of public administration in the field of tourism according to the residual principle is a step backwards for the development of tourism as an economic sector. This complex area requires special attention and control from the state. The combination of this sphere with sports and youth policy indicates that the state considers tourism as a social institution, while releasing an economic component.

In Russia, the federal executive authorities are constantly changing, exercising state administration, inter-sectoral and inter-regional coordination in the field of tourism, and the implementation of state policy in the field of tourism. Over a ten-year period in Russia, at least ten transformations of the federal executive body responsible for the development of tourism have been carried out. Currently, the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation (Rostourism) is responsible for the development of tourism in Russia, created by decree of the President of Russia of November 18, 2004 No. 1453. In accordance with the Regulations on the Federal Tourism Agency, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No 901, the Federal Agency for Tourism (Rostourism) is a federal executive body that performs the functions of providing public services, managing state property, as well as law enforcement functions in the field of tourism.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis - 480 rubles, shipping 10 minutes 24 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays

Kalinina Larisa Evgenievna State management of tourism in the Russian Federation: dissertation... candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.14 / Kalinina Larisa Evgenievna; [Place of protection: Rost. legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation]. - Rostov-on-Don, 2007. - 210 p. RSL OD, 61:07-12/2288


Chapter 1. The concept and principles of public administration in the field of tourism 13

1.1. Tourism as an object of public administration 13

1.2. Principles of state- management activities in the field of tourism 42

Chapter 2 Administrative and legal status of bodies exercising public administration in the field of tourism 68

2.1. Administrative and legal status of federal bodies that manage tourism 68

2.1.1. Powers of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism 68

2.1.2. Competence and structure of specialized federal executive bodies in the field of tourism 78

2.2. Administrative and legal status of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage tourism 108

2.3. Bodies activities local government on the implementation of public administration functions in the field of tourism 121

Chapter 3. Administrative and legal status of organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing services in the field of tourism 132

3.1. Features of the administrative and legal status of organizations providing sanatorium and resort services 132

3.2. State regulation of individual entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism 146

Conclusion 161

List of used normative acts and literature 164

Applications 202

Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topic. The development and complication of economic relations in society requires a certain participation of the state in the regulation of these relations. One of the promising sectors of the economy today is tourism in all its forms and types. The multiplier effect of tourism is huge: the income received from one tourist exceeds the amount of money spent by him at the place of stay for the purchase of services and goods in the range from 1.2 to 4 times 1 . Countries known as world centers of tourism have made it their state policy, taking on the functions of forecasting, coordinating and controlling.

In the Russian Federation, with a huge tourism potential, there is practically no state support for the development of tourism. Competitiveness Russian organizations in the field of tourism directly depends on the state approach to this issue, and the course taken by Russia to join the World Trade Organization is another reason for changing the attitude towards tourism. A theoretical understanding of new forms and principles of interaction between executive authorities of various levels, as well as their interaction with organizations operating in the field of tourism, is required.

The need for such an analysis is dictated by the practical tasks of developing laws and by-laws aimed at substantiating the competence and structure of state tourism management bodies, improving the forms and methods of their activities that meet the requirements of the current stage of socio-economic development.

1 Kucheryavaya O.M., Dracheva Ya.V. Multiplicative effect of tourism development in the region // Priorities of economic development. Krasnodar: YuIM, 2005. - S. 258

The organization of democracy in the Russian Federation includes a three-level system of bodies, consisting of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. Each level of government is endowed with its own competence in tourism management, however, the powers of these bodies endowed with state power are such that they are not able to activate the development of the industry and provide support to business entities.

The development of tourism involves not only the representative functions of the state in internal and external relations, but also state programming, control, and effective management of state property.

The lack of state management of tourism has led to the loss of such an important component as the social side. The development of types of tourism that are not associated with obtaining high incomes is impossible without the use of organizational methods.

We have to admit that the degree of development of tourism legislation does not meet modern requirements: the current principles of public administration are outdated and are not taken into account in practice. In practice, authorities of all levels perform only representative and advertising functions, which does not allow them to properly participate in public relations that are developing in the field of tourism.

This work is devoted to the resolution of these administrative and legal problems.

The degree of development of the research topic. The problems of public administration in the field of tourism within the framework of the science of administrative law in Soviet times were not developed at all, since tourism was considered only as a social component of public relations.

General issues of public administration were studied by such authors as A.P. Alekhin, P.T. Vasilenkov, E.P. Gubin, A.A. Karmolitsky, Yu.M. Kozlov, B.M. Lazarev, M.I. Piskotin, Yu.N. Starilov, Yu.A. Tikhomirov, V.A. Yusupov and others. Issues of the administrative and legal status of executive authorities in the field of tourism are developed by such authors as N.I. Voloshin, E.L. Pisarevsky.

At the same time, there are practically no systematic studies aimed at developing a general doctrine of the state management of tourism today.

The purpose and objectives of dissertation research.aim the dissertation is a theoretical substantiation of the legal foundations of the state management of tourism, the definition of the system and competence of bodies exercising state management of tourism, the development of proposals for improving regulations that establish the competence of tourism management bodies at the federal level, the level of subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

Study of the concept and content of tourism as an object
government controlled;

Identification of administrative and legal problems of the state
tourism management through:

a) substantiation of the system of principles of public administration
tourism, without which the real impact on the economy as a whole, and
tourism, in particular, is impossible;

b) analysis of the administrative and legal status of federal bodies
authorities, authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments;

c) study of the administrative and legal status of subjects
entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism.

Object and subject of dissertation research. The object of the study is a set of managerial legal relations,

8 emerging in tourism. The subject of the study is the system of legal norms and the practice of their application by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. The study of issues was carried out within the framework of administrative law, therefore, the activities of representative bodies of state power and local self-government in the field of tourism were not analyzed in detail, although they were considered in the work.

Research methodology. The methodological basis of the study was both general scientific methods: deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, and private scientific methods of research: historical-legal, comparative-legal, legal-dogmatic, logical in combination with a systematic analysis of the phenomena under study, the method of analyzing the regulatory framework and summarizing the practice of its application. Foreign experience in solving similar issues is studied.

theoretical basis dissertation research were the works of such representatives of the science of administrative law as A.P. Alekhin, G.V. Atamanchuk, I.L. Bachilo, A.B. Agapov, D.N. Bahrakh, A.E. Lunev, M.I. Piskotin, L.L. Popov, Yu.N. Starilov, A.P. Korenev, UFO. Khamaneva, V.V. Denisenko, A.N. Pozdnyshov and others. The work also uses the works of legal scholars on constitutional and civil law, such as L.V. Andreeva, S.S. Alekseev, S.S. Zankovsky, L.A. Okounkova, P.M. Pisarevsky, K.Yu. Totiev.

empirical base work is international acts ratified by the Russian Federation, federal legislation, legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, by-laws of various types and levels, including regulations of local governments. In comparative historical terms, the acts of the USSR and the RSFSR that were previously in force on the territory of the Russian Federation are being studied. The paper analyzes the law enforcement practice of federal and regional executive authorities,

9 local governments. In terms of comparison, the study was carried out on the normative acts of such foreign countries as France, Spain, Hungary.

Scientific novelty of the work consists in the theoretical development of understanding the state management of tourism, in the complexity of the study of this problem. In addition, the scientific novelty of the work is determined both by the very formulation of the problem and the approach to its study, taking into account the insufficient degree of its development to date.

The dissertation formulates a series provisions and conclusions submitted for defense:

1. The doctrinal meaning of the concepts of "tourism" is determined,
"tourism industry", as objects of public administration, using
experience of Russian and international law-making, Russian scientific

tourism is an active activity of natural persons associated with leaving and staying outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding 12 months for a purpose not related to With receiving income at the place of temporary residence;

tourist activity is an entrepreneurial activity for the provision of services for the formation of tours, movement, accommodation and satisfaction of other needs of tourists.

The unification of concepts will make it possible to develop a state policy in the field of tourism, which is the activity of state authorities, various organizations to determine the form, objectives and content of activities in the field of tourism.

2. The need to develop a system is substantiated
tourism legislation as a complex institution of administrative
and civil law, which will allow the industry to develop within the legal framework.
The current legislation in the field of tourism is contained in the regulatory

10 legal acts of various branches of law, which at this stage of development of Russian law excludes its systematization. We believe that when developing legislation, two components of tourism should be taken into account: economic and social.

    In order to improve the legislation, we propose to legislate the following principles of state management of tourism: the principle of accessibility of tourism; ensuring the safety of citizens when engaged in tourism; state support for tourism; international cooperation; ensuring a balance of interests of the population of the regions (territories) of the Russian Federation, tourists visiting these regions (territories), and subjects of the tourism industry sending tourists; priority support for small businesses in the field of tourism; publicity and openness in the development, adoption and application of measures for the state management of tourism; protection of nature, historical and cultural values.

    It is proposed to make changes and additions to the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Government of the Russian Federation":

supplement Art. 14 of the said law, paragraph 10 “develops and implements state policy in the field of domestic and international tourism”;

change paragraph 8 of Art. 16 “develops and implements measures for the development of physical culture, sports”;

supplement Art. 16 paragraph 9 "develops and implements measures for the development of social tourism and the sanatorium-resort sector."

    In the programs and plans for socio-economic development, it is necessary to make the issues of tourism development a priority in practice. In the modern structure of federal executive bodies, more than forty of them are endowed with functions in the field of tourism.

    It is necessary to change the position of the federal executive body in charge of tourism management. FROM

with the powers vested in the Federal Agency for Tourism, it can be liquidated, since the functions it carries out in practice can be painlessly transferred to other executive authorities.

However, taking into account the experience of countries that have been able to develop the tourism industry in a short time (for example, Jordan, France), it is proposed to change the scope and content of the functions of the Federal Agency for Tourism, to give it the authority to develop projects for socio-economic development, attract investment in the industry, real management of state property.

    When determining the structure of the Federal Agency for Tourism, the complexity of the managed sphere should be taken into account, that is, there should be units exercising powers in the social component of tourism, and units with powers to manage the economic component of tourism.

    It is necessary to fix general issues in the field of tourism in the federal legislative act, which should be resolved at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The absence of such consolidation leads to disunity in the approach to the development of tourism in the territories of different subjects of the Russian Federation.

    You also need to install qualification requirements in matters of professional skills for government positions in the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism.

    It is necessary to leave state supervision over the organizations of the sanatorium-resort complex, if only because of the social component of tourism.

Theoretical value of dissertation research is determined by the complex development of scientific foundations and topical problems of public administration in the field of tourism. The conclusions and suggestions presented in the dissertation can be used in the further development of the theory of tourism management.

Practical significance research is to develop sufficiently specific recommendations that can be used in the process of improving legislation and by-laws; along with the use in research and practical activities, they can be used in educational institutions of a tourist profile and a legal profile in the process of teaching a course of administrative law.

Approbation of the research results. The main provisions of the dissertation are set out in 4 published works of the author. Research materials are used in conducting training sessions at the Southern Institute of Management and in the process of legal support for activities in the field of tourism.

Thesis structure due to the tasks carried out within the framework of the dissertation scientific research. The work includes an introduction, three chapters, consisting of 7 paragraphs, a conclusion and bibliographic list used literature.

Tourism as an object of public administration

Tourism - a type of active recreation - travel (trips, hikes) made in an organized or amateur way for recreation, with sports (for example, mountain, water, ski tourism) or educational (scientific) purposes

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “everyone has the right to rest, leisure, permanent reduction of working hours and holidays with pay”. This norm of international law is enshrined in national legislation: Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that “Everyone has the right to rest. A person working under an employment contract is guaranteed the length of working time established by federal law, weekends and holidays, and paid annual leave.”3.

The beginning of the new millennium was marked by the rise of world tourism movements, according to the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in 2000, the number of travelers reached 698 million people, and tourism receipts amounted to more than 476 billion US dollars. The annual turnover (according to WTO data for 2003) from tourism in the world amounted to about 3.8 trillion dollars. Capital investments in the tourism industry reach 700 billion dollars a year, or more than 11% of all investments. Direct and indirect tax revenues amount to about $400 billion, or 16% of all tax revenues. The contribution to the gross domestic product from tourism in a number of countries reaches 25%4.

The tourism sector has a high investment multiplier: 1 ruble of investments brings 4 rubles of total income in various sectors of the economy. The same multiplying factor in employment - 1 workplace in tourism leads to the emergence of 4 jobs in industries involved in the production of a tourism product1. In the United States, for example, tourism delivers more than $400 billion worth of services and more than 10 million jobs annually.

The budget of many states is significantly replenished due to the activities of the tourism industry, and a large share of the budget is replenished by the flows of incoming tourists, who replenish the state budget with foreign currency. It should be borne in mind that the tourism economy is a socially oriented economy. This means that tourism not only boosts economic growth social sphere, but also plays an important role in the use of free time by a person and the improvement of the nation.

The regulation of tourism by states takes into account this feature - social orientation, but not in all countries the ratio of social tourism and tourism, as an entrepreneurial activity, is the same.

The same trends are observed in Russia. For example: in 1990. in terms of the number of international tourist arrivals, our country ranked 17th, in 1995-18th, in 2000. moved to 7th place (22.8 million people), although most of the guests, as before, arrived from neighboring countries and the CIS countries.

In modern scientific domestic and foreign literature, quite a lot of approaches to the definition of the concept of "tourism" are described. According to various features, these approaches can be grouped into several groups.

First of all, tourism as a popular form of recreation and leisure activities.

Thus, the Charter of Tourism, approved by resolution 1 of the VI session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization, in Article 1 recognizes “the right of every person to rest and leisure ... as well as the right to move freely without restrictions, except those provided by law”1.

The next approach is tourism as a special form of movement of people along the route in order to visit a specific object or satisfy a special interest and return to the place of permanent residence.

Tourism as a special form of personality development, implemented through its social and humanitarian functions (educational, educational, health and sports). This definition proceeds from the inalienable rights of citizens to meet spiritual needs, familiarize themselves with cultural and historical values.

Tourism as the movement (movement) of people, their stay outside the permanent place of residence and temporary stay at the object of interest (travel).

From the point of view of marketing theory, tourism is considered as a market segment where enterprises of traditional sectors of the economy (transport, catering, hospitality, culture, trade, etc.) converge to offer their products and services to consumers.

Principles of state management activities in the field of tourism

There are several definitions of the concept of "principle of public administration" used in the legal literature.

Yu.M. Kozlov in his works reveals the principle of public administration as “the main guiding principles on which management is built and functions and which can be formulated in the form of certain rules”1.

From the point of view of G.S. Yakovlev, the principle of public administration is “a generalization of significant and steadily recurring interdependencies and cause-and-effect relationships, expressing in the form of certain statements the concentrated experience of rational activity in the field of public life management” .

Yu.A. Tikhomirov understands the principle of public administration as sustainable essential characteristics of both subjects and objects of management3.

On the basis of this, we can say that the principles of state-administrative activity are the fundamental ideas used in managerial relations and reflecting the activities of the subjects of management.

The general principles of state management of tourism include: 1. The principle of legality 2. The principle of federalism 3. The principle of planning

Based on the content of Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the bodies exercising the functions of state administration and citizens are obliged to comply with the laws. Law gives stability and certainty to the interactions of subjects and objects of management, without which the process of public administration could not be carried out, and therefore the intended goals would not be achieved. The subjects of management must have clear orientations, know in advance the limits of their creative activity and the specific composition of actions.

Legality can be defined as the exact and steady implementation by all subjects of law of the regulatory requirements of the current legislation. There are two components to this principle. The first relates to the sphere of lawmaking: a lot of legal acts are applied in the management system. The criteria for the legality of these acts include: a) the competence of the subject accepting the act; b) compliance of the content of the act with the scope of powers of the subject; c) the correct choice of the form of the act; d) compliance with the established procedure for the preparation, adoption and entry into force of the act1. Violation of these requirements in form or in essence entails the inferiority of the normative act, makes it voidable, allows the participants in legal relations to demand its cancellation. Numerous legal acts constitute a legal system consisting of laws and by-laws.

Legal acts of management are secondary in relation to laws. This is due to the by-law nature of management activities. When assessing the legality of by-laws, one should take into account, in addition to the specified criteria, the adequacy of the content of the act to the scope of powers. Of particular importance is the comparison of the norms of laws and norms of by-laws - decrees, resolutions, orders. It is carried out according to the elements of norms and, first of all, according to dispositions, which are functionally closely related, and in the latter they are more specific and “scattered” over many acts.

The second component of legality covers the scope of the implementation (application) of the law and consists in the strict implementation (observance, execution, use) by all participants of legal relations, including the state, of the current legislation.

The tourism industry, like other areas, requires compliance with both of the above components of legality. In addition, it is very important here to adhere to the principle of the legality of legal acts in their compliance with generally recognized principles and international norms ratified by international treaties of the Russian Federation. If this principle is followed, a high degree of impact on social processes can be achieved.

The principle of federalism presupposes the existence of federal bodies exercising the functions of state administration in the field of tourism and similar bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Administrative and legal status of federal bodies that manage tourism

National interests, the specifics of the industry and international competition are the main reasons that require the participation of government agencies in tourism management. The tourism sector in the Russian Federation is characterized by fragmentation, which makes it difficult to ensure the unity of the various components of tourism policy. The state must have a long-term strategy to manage this area. The fate of tourism depends on the preservation and "promotion" of the national heritage1. Tourism should not only participate, but also be perceived as a leading element in all processes related to national heritage. Both the impression created by the tourism industry as a whole and the political weight of the tourism industry will depend on this. Related to this is the need for coordinating bodies of general competence, which include the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

State regulation of the tourism sector, like any other sphere in the Russian Federation, is carried out on the basis of the principle of separation of powers (Article 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The Constitution proceeds from the fact that no state body can claim the sovereign exercise of all the fullness of state power in the country. State power itself is not divided between bodies - it is one. One can only speak of the practical necessity of delimiting functions between bodies exercising respectively legislative, executive and judicial powers.

The President of the Russian Federation occupies a special position in the system of federal state bodies. The Constitution entrusts it with the task of ensuring the unity of state power exercised by legislative, executive, judicial and other state bodies. It is the President who ensures the coordinated functioning and interaction of state authorities, although he himself does not formally belong to any of the three branches of power. In this regard, the determining factor is the provision that the President establishes the main directions of state policy1.

The legal position of the President is characterized primarily by the fact that he is the head of state. It is precisely as the head of state that the President, in accordance with paragraph “e” of Article 84 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is entitled to address annual messages to the federal legislative body. Since 1994, the President of the Russian Federation has annually addressed the Federal Assembly with his message. The preparation of materials for the annual messages is entrusted to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/06/2004 N 490 "On approval of the Regulations on the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation"

It should be noted that the Messages of the President are not normative acts, they are acts of a political nature containing program principles. The practice of messages of the head of state to the legislature exists in many countries. The content of the messages, as a rule, has a great influence on both the legislature and public opinion in the country.

In the Russian Federation, the importance of the messages of the President is due to the fact that the President, in accordance with the Constitution and federal laws, determines the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the state (Part 3, Article 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation1). The messages set out the President's vision of the country's future.

Annual messages reflect the state of affairs at a certain stage and ways of possible solution of problems. Thus, in 1999, the President of the Russian Federation focused on the fact that "the main meaning of the country's development, the main idea of ​​our entry into the 21st century should be to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy"2. Unfortunately, after analyzing the messages of the President for 2001-2004, we can say that economic priorities, including the development of profitable industries, were transferred to the category of reasons for the implementation of the same administrative reform and ceased to occupy a leading position for public administration. The 2006 Presidential Address puts social programs as the main priority3. The change in government guidelines can be justified by the fact that the Assistant to the President for Education and Science is preparing the draft message4. Of course, raising the level of education, orientation vocational education on the tourism sector can lead to qualitative changes in the industry, but this requires an active government policy in tourism itself. From our point of view, the President, in his last annual addresses, has accepted as an axiom a developed economy in Russia, which is absent today. In addition, the implementation of social programs should take into account such aspects as recreation and health improvement of citizens.

Features of the administrative and legal status of organizations providing sanatorium and resort services

Consideration of the issue of state management of tourism in the Russian Federation involves consideration of the problems of the administrative and legal status of organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing services in the field of tourism.

Administrative legal capacity and administrative capacity are the main components of the administrative-legal status of subjects of administrative law. Unlike private law, which normatively establishes the concept of civil legal capacity, in administrative law the category of "administrative legal personality" is devoid of any satisfactory legal regulation and is analyzed by scientists in order to clarify the legal nature and general issues of the administrative-legal status of participants in administrative-legal relations. In the science of administrative law, the acquisition of administrative legal capacity as one of the elements of the status of a collective subject of administrative law is mainly associated with the moment the status of a legal entity arises (registration of a collective subject with tax authorities).

For organizations, as for collective subjects of administrative law, the content of the status is associated with the following circumstances: 1) whether it is part of the state mechanism or not; 2) what type of activity he is engaged in (economic, cultural and educational, etc.); 3) it is an independent organizational unit or is included in a more complex organizational structure1.

To consider the administrative and legal status of collective entities, we propose the following structure, which consists of two main blocks: a) target; b) structural and organizational.

Organizations providing sanatorium and resort services were selected for the study in the work. The first element of the administrative-legal status of a collective entity is its goals, objectives and functions, legally fixed. The goal in this case should be understood as the provision of a certain social need, which in the provisions, the charter is specified in the list of tasks and functions performed.

To identify the target component of the structure of the administrative and legal status of such organizations, it is necessary to correlate such concepts as "sanatorium treatment" and "tourism".

Federal Law No. 26-FZ of February 23, 1995 “On natural healing resources, health-improving areas and resorts” understands the health resort complex as the health industry, represented by medical institutions, the main activity of which is, first of all, medicine, based on the effective use of natural physical factors and having their own specialization. The tourism industry is understood as a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, catering facilities, entertainment facilities and facilities, educational, business, recreational, sports and other facilities. Those. in accordance with this law, the health direction is in the penultimate place for the tourism industry.

In addition, the entities to which services are provided also differ. A tourist-citizen visiting a place of temporary stay for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes in the period from 24 hours to 6 months in a row or spending at least one overnight stay. The state of health of a tourist is not defined in the law. Patients suffering from chronic diseases are sent to sanatorium-resort institutions, and their direction is determined by the presence of indications, since even the stage of the disease is sometimes a contraindication for his stay even in a specialized sanatorium. In connection with this, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 256 dated November 22, 2004 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients to sanatorium-resort treatment” appeared1.

For a tourist, the length of stay is not of fundamental importance, but for a patient it is determined by the course of treatment, which today, in a truncated form, requires at least 14 days.


Federal Law "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation" + regional legislation (for example, the Law of the Krasnodar Territory of October 25, 2005 N 938-KZ "On tourism activities in the Krasnodar Territory")

Principles of public administration in the field of tourism:

1) the principle of tourism accessibility;

2) the principle of ensuring the safety of citizens when engaging in tourism;

3) the principle of state support for tourism;

4) the principle of international cooperation in the field of tourism;

5) the principle of ensuring a balance of interests of the population of the regions (territories) of the Russian Federation, tourists visiting these regions (territories), and tourism industry entities that send tourists;

6) the principle of priority support for small businesses in the field of tourism;

7) the principle of publicity and openness in the development, adoption and application of measures for the state management of tourism;

8) the principle of protection of nature, historical and cultural values ​​in the implementation of tourism activities.

Bodies involved in the management of tourism:

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, which controls the Federal Agency for Tourism (Rostourism).

The Federal Agency for Tourism (Rostourism) is a federal executive body that performs the functions of providing public services, managing state property, as well as law enforcement functions in the field of tourism.

The Federal Agency for Tourism exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

1) implements the priority areas of state regulation of tourism activities in the Russian Federation, forms and maintains a unified federal register of tour operators;

2) informs in in due course tour operators, travel agents and tourists about the threat to the safety of tourists in the country (place) of temporary stay;

3) promotes the tourism product in the domestic and global tourist markets;

4) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, places orders and concludes government contracts, as well as other civil law contracts for the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services, the conduct of research, development and technological work for state needs in the established field of activity , as well as to meet the needs of the Agency;

5) exercises, in the manner and within the limits determined by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, the powers of the owner in relation to federal property necessary to ensure the performance of the functions of a federal state authority in the established field of activity, including property transferred by federal state institutions and federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Agency;

6) carries out an economic analysis of the activities of subordinate state unitary enterprises and approves economic indicators their activities, conducts inspections of financial and economic activities and the use of the property complex in subordinate organizations;

7) performs the functions of the state customer of federal target, scientific, technical and innovative programs and projects in the established field of activity;

8) interacts in accordance with the established procedure with public authorities of foreign states and international organizations, including representing, on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, the interests of the Russian Federation in international organizations in the established field of activity;

9) creates representative offices outside the Russian Federation in the field of tourism. The procedure for their creation, operation and liquidation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation;

10) organizes the reception of citizens, ensures timely and complete consideration of oral and written appeals from citizens, making decisions on them and sending answers to applicants within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

11) ensure, within its competence, the protection of information constituting a state secret;

12) carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents formed in the course of the Agency's activities;

13) organize congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events in the established field of activity;

14) implement measures to support small and medium-sized businesses aimed at their development, including the implementation of relevant departmental targeted programs, in the established field of activity;

15) performs other functions for the management of state property and the provision of public services in the established field of activity, if such functions are provided for by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

16) performs the functions of the main manager and recipient of federal budget funds provided for the maintenance of the Agency and the implementation of the functions assigned to it

Ticket number 36

1. State control in the sphere of executive power.

Based on the division of state power into independent branches established by the Constitution, as well as the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, the following types of state control are distinguished:

1. presidential control;

2. control of legislative (representative) authorities;

3. control in the system of executive authorities;

4. judicial control.

The main goals of control are compliance by executive authorities and their officials with the law, ensuring the expedient and economical spending of funds, maintaining the stability of the state structure, and increasing the efficiency of state regulation. Its main principles are: legality, objectivity, independence, openness, economy, preservation of state, commercial and other secrets protected by law.

The functions of state control are carried out by the Government, federal ministries and other federal executive authorities, as well as the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

Government of the Russian Federation

According to Art. 114 of the Constitution and the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Government of the Russian Federation", it takes measures to ensure the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of citizens and other powers vested in it by the Constitution, federal laws and decrees of the President Within its competence, it organizes the implementation of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulatory decrees of the President, international treaties of the Russian Federation, systematically monitors their implementation by the federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, takes measures to eliminate violations of the current legislation.

The government has the right to cancel acts of federal executive bodies or suspend their operation. It sends to the legislative (representative) bodies and executive bodies of the subjects of the Federation drafts of its decisions on the subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Federation and its subjects. The proposals of these bodies on such projects are subject to mandatory consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The government ensures that the federal executive authorities observe the rights of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and promotes their interaction. It resolves disputes and eliminates disagreements between the federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. For these purposes, conciliation commissions are created from representatives of interested parties.

The Government submits proposals to the President of the country on the suspension of the acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation in case of their contradiction with the federal Constitution, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, international obligations of the Russian Federation or violation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

Federal ministries and other federal executive bodies may exercise intersectoral (supra-departmental) and sectoral (intradepartmental) control. Among these bodies there are those whose main activity is precisely intersectoral (specialized) control, for example, the Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, the State Customs Committee, federal Service on currency and export control. The majority of federal ministries and other federal executive bodies exercise control over branches and areas of their activity. So, in the financial and economic sphere, control is exercised by the ministries of finance, economy, state property, and the Central Bank of Russia. Strict control over the targeted use of budgetary funds is one of the main tasks of economic policy. In this regard, the ministries of finance, economy and the Central Bank were instructed to report quarterly to the Government on the progress of the federal budget and concentrate their efforts on financial stabilization and strengthening of the ruble.

Control in the field of law and order is carried out by the ministries of justice, internal affairs, in the field of environmental management, production and sale of agricultural products - the Ministry of Natural Resources, the State Committee for Environmental Protection, the Ministry Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Economy, Federal Forestry Service.

Specialized inspectorates (for example, the State Housing Inspectorate) and special structural subdivisions within federal executive bodies are also created to carry out intersectoral control functions.

Sectoral (intradepartmental) control, unlike intersectoral, is carried out by the bodies of one industry or sphere in relation to their subordinate bodies and personnel on all issues of executive and administrative activities. At the same time, all federal executive authorities and their territorial structures exercise control over their subordinates (subordinate), and the heads (administration) of specific organizations exercise internal control over the activities of their structural divisions and their officials. Once again, we note that sectoral control is an indispensable part of the managerial influences of managers on their subordinates. The immediate supervisor, exercising control over subordinate structures and persons on all issues of their activities, has the right to cancel or change their decisions, interfere in operational activities, punish those responsible, take measures to correct identified shortcomings and eliminate their causes.

In the constituent entities of the Federation, their administration, as well as the relevant ministries, committees, departments and other executive authorities, are vested with control powers. The scope of their powers is determined by federal legislation, constitutions, charters, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Federation.

Executive authorities, exercising control, use a variety of methods. They carry out audits and checks on the actual state of affairs, hear reports from officials, check press reports and complaints, and control acts.

2. State administration in the field of labor, employment and social protection.

Labor Code

Federal Law "On the subsistence minimum"

Federal Law "On the state social assistance "

Federal Law "On employment"

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Labor of Russia), according to the Regulations on it, is a federal executive body that conducts state policy and manages in the field of labor, employment and social protection of the population, as well as coordinating the activities of other federal executive bodies in these areas. authorities and executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation.

The main tasks of the Ministry are:

development of proposals and implementation of the main directions and priorities of the state social policy to solve complex problems of social development, population,

raising the standard of living and income of the population,

development of social insurance, human resources,

improvement of the system of remuneration and social partnership,

organizations of pension provision and social services,

improving working conditions and labor protection, ensuring effective employment of the population and social guarantees, social protection of the family, women, children, elderly citizens and veterans, the disabled, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families,

formation and development of the public service,


legislation on labor, employment and social protection of the population.

Decisions made by the Ministry of Labor of Russia, as well as clarifications on the application of regulatory legal acts in the field of labor and social development, are binding on everyone.

Federal public service employment of the population, acting as part of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, directs its activities to:

assessment of the state and forecast of the development of employment of the population, informing about the situation in the labor market;

development and implementation of federal, territorial (territorial, regional, district, city) and other targeted programs to promote employment of the population, including programs to promote the employment of citizens at risk of dismissal, as well as citizens who are in special need of social protection and have difficulty finding work;

assistance to citizens in search suitable job and employers in the selection of the necessary workers;

organizing, if necessary, vocational guidance, vocational training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed citizens;

the implementation of social payments in the form of unemployment benefits, scholarships during the period of study at the direction of the employment service, the provision of material and other assistance to unemployed citizens and family members of the unemployed who are on their support.


1. Theoretical and legal foundations of public administration in the sphere

tourism in the Russian Federation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10 1.1. Theoretical foundations of state management in the tourism sector ... ..10

1.2. The current state of the tourism sector in the Russian Federation………18

1.3. The current state of the tourism sector in the Samara region…………..28

2. Analysis of the problems of public administration in the field of tourism……………32

2.1. Analysis of problems in the field of tourism in the Russian Federation………………..32

2.2. Analysis of problems in the field of tourism in the Samara region……………………42

3. Improving the state management of the tourism sector………..46

3.1. Ways and methods of improving the state management of the tourism sector in the Russian Federation……………………………………………………46

3.2. Proposals for optimizing the state management of tourism in the Samara region……………………………………………………………...57

3.3. Economic justification improving the state management of the tourism sector in the Samara region……………………..68


List of sources used………………………………………………...79



In the messages of the President to the Federal Assembly of recent years, the main priorities of social and economic policy for the next decade were formulated, among them, such as a significant increase in GDP, reduction of poverty and growth in the well-being of people. In his speech at the enlarged meeting of the State Council "On the Development Strategy of Russia until 2020" on February 8, 2008, the President of the Russian Federation drew attention to the fact that the main efforts should be directed precisely to those areas that directly determine the quality of life of citizens. The need to overcome the inertial energy and raw materials scenario of the country's development requires the development of alternative directions that create incentives for diversifying the economy of the country's regions.

Tourism is one of the most important areas of activity of the modern economy, aimed at meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. At the same time, unlike many other sectors of the economy, tourism does not lead to the depletion of natural resources. Being an export-oriented sphere, tourism shows greater stability compared to other industries in an unstable situation in world markets.

Currently, the tourism industry in the world is one of the fastest growing areas in the world. international trade services. In the last 20 years, the average annual growth rate in the number of foreign tourist arrivals in the world amounted to 5.1%, foreign exchange earnings - 14%. If in 1950 the number of tourists worldwide was 25 million, and the turnover of the tourism industry was 2.1 billion US dollars, then, according to the data of the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2006, 846 0 million tourist arrivals and international tourism receipts reached $733 billion. International tourism has gained worldwide coverage since the 60-70s of the 20th century. As a result, a global tourism market has formed, in which almost all countries participate.

Often, tourism in different countries turned out to be the lever, the use of which made it possible to improve the entire national economy of the country. In many countries, tourism plays a significant role in shaping the gross domestic product, creating additional jobs and providing employment for the population, and enhancing the foreign trade balance. Tourism has a huge impact on such key sectors of the economy as transport and communications, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods and others, that is, it acts as a kind of catalyst for socio-economic development. Tourism has become one of the most profitable businesses in the world. According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), it uses approximately 7% of the world's capital, every 16th job is associated with it, it accounts for 11% of global consumer spending and generates 5% of all tax revenues. These figures characterize the direct economic effect of the functioning of the tourism industry. Developed tourism is called one of the main phenomena of the XX century.

In recent years, Russia has begun to pay more attention to the development of tourism. The formation of a market economy in Russia has increased interest in the forms and methods of tourist services for the population. For several generations, a significant part of the Russian population used tourist services, as a result of which the need for them was massive, that is, it became the norm of life, became part of the national culture. The development of the tourism industry at an accelerated pace and the increase in the negative consequences of competition and the commercialization of tourism activities have led to an understanding of the need for state regulation of the tourism business.

In accordance with the role of tourism in the revival of the economic potential of the country, the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation" recognizes tourism as a priority sector of the Russian economy. At the same time, it was determined that the main direction of state support should be the development of inbound and domestic tourism.

Russia has a huge potential both for the development of domestic tourism and for the reception of foreign travelers. It has everything you need - a huge territory, a rich historical and cultural heritage, and in some regions - untouched, wild nature. The potential of Russia allows, with an appropriate level of development of the tourist infrastructure, to receive up to 40 million foreign tourists a year. Despite the huge opportunities for the development of tourism, Russia looks more than modest in the world market of tourist services: its share in terms of the number of domestic tourists accounts for less than 1.5% of the world tourist flow. Over the past 6-7 years, domestic tourism has become popular in our country, the number of tourists traveling to Russia has almost doubled. However, domestic tourism does not bring (because of the small number of travel agencies) new jobs and billions of dollars in income.

The effective development of tourism in Russia is largely hampered by the lack of a clear state policy in the field of tourism. The prospects for the development of the tourism complex in Russia largely depend on the strengthening of state regulation of the tourism sector at the national level, which should be combined with a modern strategy for promoting regional tourism products.

In the light of the foregoing, the relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the insufficiency of studying the state management of the tourism sector, the lack of practical developments for its improvement, especially within the framework of regional management (in the Samara region).

The degree of study of the topic. Both Russian and foreign scientists have made a great contribution to the formation and development of the theory and practice of the tourism sector. In particular, various general theoretical aspects of tourism organization are considered in the works of Azar V. I., Balabanov I. T., Dolzhenko G. P. Kvartalnov V. A. and others, as well as in the works of a number of foreign researchers - D. Bowen, F. Kotler , D. Fletcher and others. All this is the most important theoretical basis for the analysis of the current state and conditions for the functioning of the tourism sector in Russia.

At the same time, the formation of a system of market relations in the country's economy raised the question of a significant expansion of the research problems conducted in Russia. The works of domestic scientists at the present stage touch upon various problems. However, there are practically no works that would consider methodological developments for improving the state management of the tourism sector. There is no scientific literature on the development of tourism in the Samara region at all. The only thing you can rely on is publications in regional newspapers and magazines, such as Samarskiye Izvestiya, Volzhskaya Kommuna, Reporter, and a number of others.

The purpose and objectives of the graduation project.

aim graduation project is the development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for improving the management of tourism at the federal and regional levels (in the Samara region).

Achieving this goal required the following tasks :

Conduct an analysis of the development of tourism in the Russian Federation;

Conduct an analysis of the development of tourism in the Samara region;

To identify the competitive advantages and competitive weaknesses of the Samara region as a tourist destination among the main host markets;

To identify ways and develop methods for improving the state management of the tourism sector in Russia, as well as on the territory of the Samara region.

Subject graduation project are the processes of formation and development of tourism.

object diploma project advocates the activities of state bodies in the field of tourism.

Analysis of sources and literature.

When developing the graduation project, official and regulatory documents that determine the development of tourism in the Russian Federation and the Samara region were taken into account:

Federal Law of November 24, 1996 (as amended on February 5, 2007 No. 12-FZ) No. 132-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation”. This Federal Law defines the principles of state policy aimed at establishing the legal foundations of a single tourist market in the Russian Federation, and regulates relations arising from the exercise of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling, and also determines the procedure for the rational use of tourist resources of the Russian Federation.

Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015. The provisions of the Strategy are the basis for a nationwide understanding of the place and role of tourism in the country's economy, determine the main tasks of tourism development facing executive authorities at all levels, and also determine the direction and level of state support tourism industry.

The regional target program "Development of tourism in the Samara region for 2004-2008" determines the main directions of the policy in the field of tourism in the Samara region. The main directions of the Program are: regulation of tourism activities and management of tourism development, advertising and information support, development of regional and international cooperation in the field of tourism, etc.

Report of the Governor of the Samara Region on the results and main activities, submitted for consideration at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of this report, among others, the characteristics of the tourist and recreational potential of the region, as well as measures to preserve the historical and cultural heritage in Russia, are considered.

Apart from official documents taking into account the development of tourism in Russia, the materials of the Charter of Tourism and the Code of Tourism adopted by the World Tourism Organization were considered.

The theoretical basis of the project was the following literature:

Textbook Alexandrova A. Yu. International tourism gives a holistic view of tourism as a social phenomenon and considers in a complex all the components of the tourism system in their relationships. It summarizes theoretical knowledge about tourism, which is supported by statistical information, examples from international and Russian tourism practice, and also gives recommendations on the formation of a civilized tourism market in the Russian Federation.

Birzhakov's book M.B. Introduction to Tourism: Travel. Tourism and tourist. Tourist activity. The tourism industry contains the basics of tourism theory; interpretation of the main terms and concepts in the aspect of international conventions and recommendations of the World Tourism Organization and taking into account national practice. Features of the use of tourist terminology in business.

In the book of Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism reveals the basic concepts of tourism, types, means, methods and forms of tourism activities; various aspects of tourism are analyzed: the motivation of tourist trips, management and marketing of tourism, its legislative framework, economic aspects, methods of advertising and information work, information technologies in tourism, the evolution of the development of the international tourism market.

Tourism management. Tourism as a type of activity Zorina I.V. reveals the essence of tourism as an integral object of management and a multifaceted phenomenon of the modern world, the history of origin and the development strategy of world and Russian tourism. Definitions of the basic concepts of tourism as a type of economic activity are given - a tourist product, the tourism industry, a tour operator and travel agent, program tourism, etc.

In addition to the above works, one can note the works of Dolzhenko G.P. Fundamentals of tourism; Kabushkina M. I. Management of tourism and others.

Practical significance diploma project is that the conclusions and recommendations obtained in the course of the work make a certain contribution to the development of the tourism sector, and also allow improving the main directions of state policy in the field of tourism both at the federal and regional levels.

Structure graduation project. The diploma project consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

1. Theoretical and legal foundations of public administration

1.1. Theoretical foundations of public administration


Throughout its centuries-old history, mankind has been characterized by the desire to travel in order to develop trade, conquer and develop new lands, search for resources, etc. Tourism (French tourisme, from tour - a walk, a trip) is a relatively young phenomenon, on the one hand, which became widespread only after World War II, and on the other hand, it has deep historical roots.

Tourism in the original sense is understood as the movement and temporary stay of people outside their permanent place of residence. However, in the process of historical development, the content and meaning of this concept has constantly undergone changes and additions.

In 1993, the UN Statistical Commission adopted a definition approved by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and widely used in international practice. According to it, tourism covers the activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.

Modern economics considers tourism as a systemic object of study, which allows, on the one hand, to identify its structure with diversity internal communications, and on the other hand, to determine the nature of interaction with the external environment.

In accordance with the definition developed by the International Association of Scientific Experts in the Field of Tourism, tourism as a socio-economic system is a set of relationships, connections and phenomena that arise during the movement and stay of people in places other than their permanent place of residence and not related to their work. activity.

The economic efficiency of the functioning of tourism is largely determined by its form, which implies an appropriate set of services that meet the needs of tourists. There are two forms of tourism: domestic and international tourism.

Domestic tourism - travel within their country of persons permanently residing within the borders of their state, without engaging in paid activities in the place of temporary residence. The share of domestic tourism in the world accounts for 80-90% of trips. The cost of it is 5-10 times higher than the cost of international tourism.

International tourism is tourism to another country for tourism purposes without engaging in paid activities at the place of temporary residence. On average, about 65% of all international tourist trips are to Europe, about 20% to America and about 15% to other regions. Recently, there has been a trend of convergence of domestic and international tourism. This is due to the simplification of tourist formalities (for example, the Schengen agreement in a united Europe).

The type of tourism is associated with the specifics of reflecting financial results in the budget of a country or its region. On this basis, two types of tourism are distinguished in the forms of tourism: active and passive.

The arrival of foreign tourists in the country or domestic tourists in a given region of the country is active tourism. Active tourism serves as a factor in the import of money into a country or a given region.

The travel of citizens of one country to other states and the departure of tourists from this region of the country is passive tourism. Passive tourism serves as a factor in the export of money to a country or a given region.

Tourism according to the most significant features is divided into separate varieties. Such signs are: the purpose of the trip, the method of movement, the intensity of the tourist flow, the duration of the trip, the nature of the organization of the trip, etc.

Depending on the purpose of the trip, the following types of tourism are distinguished: recreational, educational, health, scientific, business, sports, shopping tours, adventure, pilgrimage, exotic, ecotourism, etc.

Recreational tourism is characterized by the duration of travel, a small number of cities included in the route, and the widespread use of air transport. Cognitive tourism performs the functions of expanding horizons and intelligence. Health-improving rest, depending on the means of influence on a person, is divided into climate-, sea-, mud therapy, etc. Business tourism (travels of businessmen with business purposes) is the most dynamic and profitable type of tourism. Therefore, many states are striving to host international forums and conferences. Relatively new in international business is scientific tourism. Educational trips abroad have become one of the established segments of the Russian tourist industry.

According to the method of movement of tourists, there are: pedestrian, aviation, sea, river, autotourism, railway, bicycle and mixed. According to the intensity of tourist flows, permanent and seasonal tourism are distinguished. According to the duration of tourists on a trip, short-term and long-term tourism are distinguished. According to the nature of the organization of travel, individual, group, organized and amateur (unorganized), etc. are distinguished.

In connection with the development of the Internet and new technologies, completely new types of tourism have appeared: virtual and space.

There are factors that determine the development of tourism and shape the direction of tourist flows. Favorable factors lead a region or country to leadership in world tourism, unfavorable factors reduce the tourist flow. Such factors should be established as fully as possible for each specific market segment.

External circumstances of the effectiveness of tourism include statistical (invariant over time) and dynamic factors.

The statistical group includes natural-climatic, geographical, cultural-historical factors. The attractiveness of places of rest is determined primarily by these conditions. It is no coincidence that the southern regions with a warm climate have a positive balance in the article "tourism", while in all northern countries, whether it be Russia or the Scandinavian countries, the balance is negative. Historical and cultural resources are becoming increasingly important with the growth of the level of education and the cognitive needs of people.

Dynamic factors include: social and demographic changes, financial and economic development, the political situation in the country and logistical factors.

Demographic and social changes mean that more and more people will have the time and income to travel. These changes include the following indicators: increase in life expectancy; the formation of a mobile stereotype of the life of the population; an increase in the proportion of elderly people living alone; increase in the duration of paid leave; lowering the retirement age; increase in income per family member; tendency to marry at a later age; an increase in the number of childless couples.

In economic and financial development, there is a tendency to increase the production of services compared to the production of goods, which results in an increase in the share of consumption of services (including tourism services) in the total consumption of the population. This factor includes the following indicators: the economic situation in the country; financial stability; income level of the population; acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the tourism industry; commodity prices.

The political situation in the country influences essentially all dynamic factors. The following indicators actively contribute to the expansion of international tourist relations: the internal political stability of the country; peaceful, friendly relations between states; agreements on cooperation in the field of economy, trade, culture, tourism at the state and government levels.

Organization and management in the field of tourism are closely related to such concepts as "tourism industry" and "tourism policy".

The tourism industry is a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, sanatorium treatment and recreation facilities, catering facilities, entertainment facilities and facilities, educational, business, medical and recreational, sports and other purposes, organizations that carry out tour operator and travel agency activities, operators of tourist information systems, as well as organizations providing services of guides (guides), guides-translators and instructors-guides.

The tourism industry has a solid material and technical base, provides employment for a large number of people and interacts with all sectors of the economic complex. The effective functioning of the tourism system is impossible without planning, regulation, coordination and control by the structures responsible for its development. This necessitates the development and implementation of tourism policy.

Tourism policy is a system of methods, measures and activities of a socio-economic, legal, foreign policy, cultural and other nature, which is carried out by parliaments, government, public and private organizations, associations and institutions in order to create conditions for the development of the tourism industry, the rational use of tourism resources , improve the efficiency of the tourism system.

The principles of state policy aimed at establishing the legal foundations for a single tourism market in the Russian Federation are enshrined in the federal law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1996. In accordance with this law, relations arising from the exercise of the right of citizens to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling are regulated, and the procedure for the rational use of tourist resources of the Russian Federation is determined.

In order to increase international tourist arrivals, the world tourism community represented by UNWTO (the largest intergovernmental organization, which is a specialized agency of the UN and numbering 153 countries) has formulated the following main tasks facing countries for the next decade:

· increasing the overall responsibility and role of coordination on the part of the governments of countries that rely on the development of tourism;

Ensuring security measures and timely provision of tourists with the necessary information;

· increasing the role of state policy in the field of tourism;

· Strengthening the role of public-private partnerships;

· the need for state investments in the development of tourism, primarily in the promotion of the tourist product and the development of tourism infrastructure.

According to the federal law "On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1996, the State, recognizing tourism activities as one of the priority sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation, promotes tourism activities and creates favorable conditions for its development; defines and supports priority areas; forms an idea of ​​the Russian Federation as a country favorable for tourism; provides support and protection for Russian tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations.

State regulation of tourism activities in the Russian Federation is carried out by:

· determination of priority directions of tourism development in the Russian Federation;

legal regulation in the field of tourism;

· development and implementation of federal, sectoral targeted and regional tourism development programs;

Assistance in promoting the tourist product in the domestic and global tourism markets;

protection of the rights and interests of tourists, ensuring their safety;

· promotion of staffing in the field of tourism;

development of scientific research in the field of tourism;

standardization and classification of objects of the tourism industry;

· formation and maintenance of the unified federal register of tour operators;

information support for tourism;

creation of favorable conditions for the development of the tourism industry;

provision of public services in the field of tourism;

· interaction with foreign and international organizations in the field of tourism, including through representative offices of the federal executive body in the field of tourism outside the Russian Federation.

Thus, tourism is the activity of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.

In the production and service process of tourism, forms, types and varieties of tourism are distinguished.

Being a complex socio-economic system, tourism is influenced by numerous factors, the role of which can be different at any given moment.

The effective functioning of the tourism system is influenced by the development of the tourism industry and the development of tourism policy.

1.2. The current state of the tourism sector in the Russian Federation

An analysis of the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation shows that in recent years this area as a whole has been developing steadily and dynamically. There is an annual increase in the domestic tourist flow. The rapidly growing demand for tourist services within the country caused a boom in the construction of small hotels, mainly in resort regions, as well as an increase in the number of hotels of international hotel chains in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities of the country, and the creation of domestic hotel chains. The volume of investment proposals for hotel construction has sharply increased both from foreign and domestic investors. At the same time, the main proposals are aimed at developing hotel business in the regions of Russia. Of particular note are the successes of recent years in the development of the resort and tourist complex of the Krasnodar Territory, which naturally led to the choice of our country in determining Sochi as the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Currently, there are more than 6 thousand hotels in the country, while in 2004 there were only 4 thousand. Taking into account the number of other accommodation facilities, such as boarding houses, houses and recreation centers, tourist camps and others, the total number of tourist accommodation facilities is about 10 thousand. population Russian citizens living in hotels, sanatorium organizations and recreation organizations in 2006 amounted to 26.6 million people, of which 16.4 million people lived in hotels.

The volume of paid services provided to the population by hotels and similar accommodation facilities is growing annually and amounted to 88.9 billion rubles in 2007, which exceeded the figures for 2005 by 47%.

According to forecast estimates of the World Council for Tourism and Travel, in 2007 tourism revenues in our country's GDP, taking into account the multiplier effect, amounted to 6.7%. According to the same source, the number of jobs in tourism accounted for 1% of total employment, including related industries - 5.7%, investment in fixed assets in the tourism industry in Russia is 12.1% of total investment, with an annual growth of 8. 2%.

It is known that our country has a huge number of cultural and natural attractions, as well as other objects of tourist display. These, according to Rosstat, include 2,368 museums in 477 historical cities, 590 theaters, 67 circuses, 24 zoos, almost 99,000 historical and cultural monuments, 140 national parks and reserves. In Russia, there are currently 103 museum-reserves and 41 museum-estates (objects identical to museum-reserves in terms of the nature of their activities, differing, as a rule, in a small territory). Museum-reserves play a crucial role in shaping an attractive image of Russia abroad. Of the 15 cultural heritage sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, 12 are part of the reserve museums. In accordance with this, the network of museum-reserves as centers of international and domestic tourism requires constant improvement and development.

As for such objects of tourist infrastructure as water parks, entertainment centers, ski resorts, tourist transport, etc., they are clearly not enough.

The reduction of inbound tourist flow to our country began to occur in 2006. In 2007, the number of arrivals of "classic" foreign tourists for the purpose of recreation decreased by more than 8%. This is primarily due to the increased prices for services in the country over the past two years, as well as a sharp increase in hotel prices. The lack of places in tourist-class hotels has a negative impact on the development of inbound and domestic tourism. This significantly increases the cost of the package of services offered to tourists when they travel to Russia.

In order to obtain a description of the current level of tourism development in the country, taking into account the results of the state's activities in the development of this sphere, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the state and trends in the development of regulatory legal regulation.

Legal regulation of tourism in the Russian Federation.

The current state of regulatory legal regulation in the field of tourism is characterized by the following trends: the development and implementation of legal norms aimed at improving the guarantees and effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of the tourist product, the quality and safety of tourism; strengthening the economic (financial) responsibility of persons engaged in tourism activities for violation of civil obligations, and as a result - increasing the transparency, stability and investment attractiveness of the tourism business; the emergence of legal acts regulating the issues of classification and standardization in various segments of the tourism industry (accommodation facilities, beaches, ski slopes, etc.); development of normative legal regulation in the field of tourism safety; the formation of the legal framework for self-regulation in the tourism market, including the active development of the rule-making of self-regulatory organizations (associations (unions) of tour operators, banks and insurers); the complexity of regulatory legal regulation in the field of tourism, including the presence of a significant number of "tourist norms" in the branches of legislation adjacent to the legislation on tourism activities (hereinafter referred to as related legislation); development of regional law-making in the field of tourism and its unification; harmonization of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the law of the European Union, the legislation of the states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, etc.

These trends were most clearly manifested in 2006-2007, when, as a result of the effective law-making activities of the federal executive body in the field of tourism, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts were adopted that formed the legal foundations of the modern civilized tourism market in our country. At the moment, the legislation on tourism activity largely complies with the norms and principles of international law, harmonized with the law of the European Union and the legislation of countries developed in relation to tourism.

Legislation on tourism activities

In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Tourism Activities), the legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activities belongs to the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and consists of the Law on Tourism Activities adopted in in accordance with it, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activities (hereinafter referred to as the legislation on tourism activities) determines the principles of state policy aimed at establishing the legal foundations for a single tourism market in the Russian Federation, and regulates relations arising from the exercise of the rights of tourists to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when making travel, and also determines the procedure for the rational use of tourist resources of the Russian Federation.

In order to implement the state policy in the field of tourism, coordinate the actions of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to form a competitive tourism market in the interests of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, by Order No. 51 dated May 6, 2008, the Federal Agency for Tourism approved the Development Strategy tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015.

The Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation is understood as a set of targeted programs, individual projects and extra-program activities of an organizational, legal, economic, political and diplomatic nature, interconnected in terms of tasks, implementation timeframes and resources, providing an effective solution to the problem of dynamic and sustainable development of tourism in the country. The implementation of this Strategy should ensure the contribution of the tourism industry to the solution of the following national tasks of the current stage of Russia's economic development:

Creation of conditions for dynamic and sustainable economic growth. To do this, due to high growth rates, the tourism industry (including related areas) must ensure its contribution to an additional increase in the rate of economic development;

Improving the level and quality of life of the population by increasing the availability of tourist services, employment and incomes of the inhabitants of our country;

Increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy by increasing the attractiveness of our country as a tourist destination;

Ensuring a balanced socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by increasing the share of tourism in the regional gross product.

The provisions of the Strategy should become the basis for a nationwide understanding of the place and role of tourism in the country's economy, the implementation of the main tasks of tourism development facing executive authorities at all levels, and also determine the direction and level of state support for the tourism industry.

The main content of the legislation on tourism activities is the protection of the rights of consumers of the tourist product, the legal regulation of the activities of tour operators and travel agents, as well as the public organization of entrepreneurial activities in the field of tourism. It is in this area of ​​legal regulation that cardinal changes took place in 2007 (amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” No. 12-FZ dated February 5, 2007).

With the adoption of the Law, the mechanism for licensing tourism activities that existed in the period 1993-2006 was replaced by a more effective way of state regulation of tourism activities - the unified federal register of tour operators (hereinafter referred to as the register). In this regard, the main document necessary for entrepreneurs to enter information about them in the register is a tour operator's liability insurance contract or a bank guarantee for the fulfillment of the tour operator's obligations (financial security). From June 1, 2008, for tour operators operating in the field of international tourism, the amount of financial security cannot be less than 10 million rubles, and for tour operators engaged in domestic tourism - 500 thousand rubles.

In turn, travel agency activities are currently exempt from any excessive administrative regulation. The activities of travel agents are regulated by the Rules for the provision of services for the sale of a tourist product, approved in July 2007 by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as internal standards of associations of tour operators and local acts travel agents and their associations.

An important place in the activities of the federal executive authorities is given to the issues of tourism safety. In January 2008, the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for informing tour operators, travel agents and tourists about the threat to the safety of tourists in the country (place) of temporary residence came into force. The administrative regulations are aimed at timely providing tourists with reliable information about security threats in the country (place) of temporary stay.

In order to improve the quality of tourist services and ensure the safety of tourism in the field of standardization and classification of objects of the tourism industry, Rostourism approved regulatory legal acts regulating the classification of accommodation facilities, ski slopes and beaches. For three years, the classification of hotels has been carried out on the basis of a public-private partnership, confirming the assessment of the quality of service, becoming a kind of quality mark. As international practice shows, the presence of "stars" at the hotel significantly increases its attractiveness for potential customers. Currently, the system is being actively implemented in Russian regions that are in particular need of consumer confidence.

The beach classification system, recently introduced, received positive feedback from Russian and international experts, as well as the leaders of the sanatorium and resort complex, and began to be implemented. Similar work is underway to introduce the Alpine Skiing Classification System. These classification systems, designed to significantly improve the safety of tourists and structure the Russian market, include the procedure for assessing the compliance of hotels (beaches, trails) with security requirements, information support, provision additional services for tourists and other provisions.

Considerable attention in the activities of federal executive authorities is given to the analysis and generalization of law enforcement practice, on the basis of which proposals are formed to improve the legislation on tourism activities. Thus, under the federal executive body in the field of tourism, an interdepartmental working group for monitoring legislation on tourism activities operates on an ongoing basis. an active role in working group representatives of civil society play (associations of tour operators, associations (unions) of banks and insurers).

Legislation on tourism activities is actively developing in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 48 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are special laws regulating public relations in the field of tourism (laws “On tourism”, “On tourism activities in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation”, “On supporting the development of tourism”, “On the development of domestic and inbound tourism”, etc.). d.). Along with the laws in 3 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are concepts for the development of tourism (health resort, tourist complex) for the medium term, and in 16 regions regional targeted programs for the development of tourism have been adopted. All this emphasizes the importance of tourism for the socio-economic, cultural, environmental and other development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Related legislation

The tourism sector is a complex intersectoral complex. In this regard, the regulatory legal regulation of relations in this area includes not only legal acts of the legislation on tourism activities, but also acts of various branches of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Thus, of great importance for the development of tourism in our country is the Federal Law of June 3, 2006 No. 76-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation”. He formed the legal basis for the creation and operation of tourist and recreational special economic zones in Russia, as well as the development of public-private partnerships. For the first time, the law defines tourism and recreational activities as activities that include elements of tourism, sanatorium-resort and investment activities, which is important for the comprehensive legal regulation of the tourism sector. In 2006, 7 tourist and recreational special economic zones were defined in Russia.

Adopted in 2005, the Federal Law "On Concession Agreements" regulates relations arising from the implementation of concession agreements, establishes guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of the parties to the concession agreement. In the development of this Law, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of a standard concession agreement in relation to cultural, sports, leisure and tourism facilities and other social and cultural facilities” has been prepared. With the adoption of these regulatory legal acts, the legal framework for attracting investments in the development of engineering, transport and other tourism infrastructure, as well as ensuring the efficient use of state or municipal property, has been formed.

A significant socio-economic effect was obtained from the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the regulation on the stay in the territory of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens - passengers of cruise ships." This document significantly simplified tourist formalities for foreign tourists arriving in the Russian Federation on cruise ships for a period of not more than 72 hours. Such tourists can visit the tourist centers of our country without issuing a visa, which contributes to obtaining significant benefits for Russian port cities and other settlements (St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, etc.).

On June 28, 2007, the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 82 “On Approval of the Federal Aviation Rules” was adopted General rules air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, consignors, consignees. The Rules are a timely and relevant document in the field of regulation of tourist air transportation and significantly increase the guarantees for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of passengers, ensure the quality of services provided.

The norms of the legislation on tourism activities are closely intertwined with the legal norms governing the legal status of foreign citizens, migration registration, issues of leaving the territory of the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation, and other issues of state migration policy. In this regard, the adoption of decisions by the state in this area should be carried out taking into account the balance of interests in the development of inbound tourism, as well as the interests of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

Having considered the current state of the tourism sector in the Russian Federation, we can conclude that the resource potential of Russia allows, with an appropriate level of development of the tourist infrastructure, to increase the reception of foreign tourists several times. At present, a realistic approach to tourism and an understanding of it as a sector of the economy that has significant benefits for the socio-economic development of Russian regions is gradually being formed in the country as a whole.

1.3. The current state of the tourism sector in the Samara region

The Samara region, occupying a favorable geographical position, has a rich historical and cultural heritage, is an economically developed region and a major transport hub of Russia. A picturesque landscape, a unique natural complex - Samarskaya Luka, the Zhiguli Mountains, deposits of medicinal and table waters create favorable conditions for the development of tourism and recreation infrastructure.

At the moment, it is obvious that the regional authorities are aware of the uniqueness of the natural and cultural resources of the region, which should be fully used to attract investment in the economy, increase the number of jobs, increase the income of the population, significantly increase tax revenues to the budget, preserve and rationally use cultural and natural heritage of the Samara region.

The following types of tourism are represented in the Samara province: water, ecological, rural, business, aerospace, extreme, speleotourism, cultural tourism, event, religious.

According to the heads of large travel companies involved in organizing and conducting tours, the problem of “what to show tourists” as such has long outlived its usefulness.

One of the main attractions of the Samara region, of course, is the Volga. Volga river cruises, organized by Samara tour operators, enjoy stable popularity among both residents and guests of the Samara region. The unique natural landmark of the region is the Samarskaya Luka National Park, which is called the "Pearl of Russia" and the Zhiguli Mountains. The object of attracting tourists from various regions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries to the region is the largest in Europe indoor water park "Victoria", built in 2002. The business tourism industry is currently represented by business centers, associations, scientific and educational institutions. To date, three large exhibition centers are successfully operating in the region: EXPO-Dom, Expo-Volga and Expo-Togliatti. The Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics named after Academician S.P. Korolev, located in the Aerospace University, introduces the history of Samara "space" to the residents and guests of the province. Within the framework of the “Festive Province”, it is impossible not to mention the festival of author's song named after. V. Grushina. And individual travel companies can offer residents and guests of the province routes to anomalous places and underground secrets of the region ("Stalin's Bunker"). Favorable geographical position, as well as the possibility of using all types of transport (air, rail, road, water) when visiting the region attracts tourists from Russia and abroad. One of the largest railway stations in Europe has been built in Samara. The air transport of the Samara region is represented by the international airport "Kurumoch" and the airline "Samara". Air carriers operate flights to more than 80 destinations in Russia, near and far abroad.

The tourist infrastructure of the Samara region is characterized by dynamic development. The number of new hotel complexes is increasing, the existing hotel fund is being reconstructed and updated. In December 2003, the Renaissance hotel complex was opened, in 2007 the hotel of the international chain “Holiday Inn” was built, it fully complies with one of the hotel business organization models, which relies on greater flexibility in meeting the needs of the client.

Cluster formation is one of the priority areas of the region's economy. The tourist and recreational cluster of the Samara region is in its infancy. The main emphasis of the cluster policy is placed on the decentralization of tourism resources of the province, i.e. on the priority development of municipal districts. The most promising direction - a kind of core of the tourist and recreational cluster - is Samarskaya Luka. The creation of the tourist and recreational complex "Zhigulevskaya Zhemchuzhina", the purpose of which will be not only the preservation of the existing monuments of the Samarskaya Luka with their active involvement in the recreation industry, but also the revival of traditional crafts, will solve a number of social problems and issues of transport accessibility to the right bank of the Volga. Another attractive tourist center is the Sergievsky district. The famous sanatorium "Sergievsky mineral water", which, with a competent investor, may well compete with the Czech resort of Karlovy Vary. Ethno-historical festival "Battle of Timur and Tokhtamysh" - business card Krasnoyarsk region. The experience of holding such an event is unique for the Samara region.

In the formation of a competitive tourism product, interaction and development of joint programs with the regions of the Volga Federal District are especially important. One of the most promising areas of joint activity is the development of cruise tourism. The regions of the Volga Federal District are concentrated around a large water transport artery of Russia - the Volga River, which makes possible the joint development of cruise vacations.

In order to stimulate the development of the tourism industry in the region, competitions “Tourist brand”, the Silver Gull award, a competition for the best graduation project, etc. are held.

Thus, the competitive advantages of the Samara region include: an advantageous geographical position, a rich natural heritage, the presence of large industrial facilities that are attractive to business tourists, a rich historical and cultural heritage, the presence of cultural events of an all-Russian and international character, large tourist and recreational zones, diverse entertainment infrastructure, rich theatrical and concert sphere, proximity to the center, high transport accessibility.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the Samara region has competitive advantages for the formation of a modern, efficient, competitive tourism market that provides ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens in tourism services, increase employment and income levels.

2. Analysis of the problems of public administration in the field of tourism

2.1. Analysis of problems in the field of tourism in the Russian Federation

In the practice of state regulation, there are three main problems, the solution of which is within the competence of the state:

1) coordination of interdepartmental interaction;

2) determination of the required level of management decentralization;

3) the organization of the relationship of state institutions with the private tourism industry.

Undoubtedly, there are certain boundaries beyond which the process of decentralization and deconcentration of activities in the tourism sector cannot go. At the same time, one cannot do without a mechanism of state regulation that ensures the implementation of a unified tourism policy at the national and regional levels.

The provision that domestic tourism should form part of comprehensive plan development of the country, along with other priority sectors of the economy, is one of the most important decisions of the inter-parliamentary tourism conference in The Hague. This means that the problems of developing domestic and inbound tourism should be considered in the context of a national state policy.

Today, the state policy in the field of tourism in our country is quite multifaceted, although imperfect.

In order to obtain a comprehensive analysis of the problems of public administration in the tourism sector, we will consider the direction of the organizational and legal framework, the state and trends in the development of tourism infrastructure, training, statistical base, promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in the domestic and international tourism markets.

In Soviet times, the state in our country exercised its regulatory role in tourism through three organizations: the State Committee for Tourism, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Sputnik Bureau of International Youth Tourism, although, of course, formally the last two organizations were considered public. They practically monopolized the tourist market of the country. The formation of market relations in the country necessitated fundamental changes in the structure of tourism management. At the turn of the 1990s, all these organizations ceased to exist as government bodies. For a long time, the main issue remained unresolved: there was no department responsible for the development of the tourism sector in the structure of the federal executive authorities of the country. Without proper state attention and support, the necessary legal base in tourism has been destroyed and irretrievably lost. Since 1999, the organizational structure of the highest executive body in the field of tourism has changed several times.

Today, the authorized federal executive body for the development of tourism is the federal agency for tourism, which is part of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy.

In my opinion, the presence of a ministry that simultaneously deals with the problems of sports, tourism and youth policy is not enough today to solve the integrated development of tourism in Russia.

In this regard, it is worth listening to the recommendations of the World Tourism Organization: "... the ministry should deal only with tourism ... if only tourism is within the competence of the department, this will increase the priority of tasks and the importance of this sector in the state structure." Even in the Hague Declaration on Tourism, it was noted that it is necessary "to expand in all countries the rights and obligations of national tourism administrations, equating them to the same level that administrations responsible for other major economic sectors have." Today, the issues of investment, lending, budgetary financing of projects and other significant problems for the tourism industry do not directly fall within the competence of the current ministry, but are scattered across different ministries. In this regard, the ministry is practically deprived of the opportunity to have a significant impact on the solution of macroeconomic problems that are of great importance for the development of tourism. Therefore, it would be appropriate to review the organizational structure of the federal government in the field of tourism.

The state policy in the field of tourism, for all its versatility, should be based on the principle of strict division of functions and coordination of the activities of all responsible structures. The most important instrument of state influence on the development of tourism is its legal regulation. Tourism in the country cannot exist outside of legal norms. In many countries of the world (more than 100), legislative acts regulating the development of tourism have been adopted. They form the basis on which the civilized system of tourism management in the country is based. Depending on the development of countries and the significance of tourism for them, this legislation can vary greatly.

In Russia, tourism developed to a certain extent in a legal vacuum, with virtually no legal framework. And only on December 3, 1996, the federal law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation" came into force. For the first time in the history of the development of Russian tourism, its legal regulation was determined by an act with the highest legal force - a federal law. It was he who became the basis for the development of the tourism industry in the new economic conditions of Russia. The law proclaimed tourism as a priority sector of the Russian economy; established the principles and state regulation of tourism activities; determined the methods of state regulation and a number of legal institutions in the field of tourism: licensing, standardization, certification, rights and obligations of a tourist, etc.; fixed the structure of the contract for the provision of tourist services; resolved a number of important legal and organizational issues.

The law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation" was adopted 12 years ago, much has changed since then, and the legislation required serious adjustments. In this regard, from June 1, 2007, the law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation” came into force. This law was developed in order to improve the current legislation in the field of tourism and form a mechanism for the economic responsibility of tour operators to consumers of tourist services. As mentioned above, the Law is aimed at changing the methods of state influence on the tourism business and ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of tourism services in the context of the termination from January 1, 2007 of licensing travel agency and tour operator activities. The law provides for the introduction into the Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” of the concept of “financial guarantee”, defined as a guarantee of compensation for losses arising from non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations of the tour operator to the consumer of tourist services. The amounts of financial guarantees are differentiated depending on the type of tour operator activity. To ensure the implementation of the financial guarantee mechanism, the Law provides for the introduction by the federal executive body in the field of tourism of the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators.

Despite the fact that the law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation” was expected and necessary, with its appearance many controversial issues and contradictions arose. So, in order to obtain a certificate of inclusion in the Unified Federal Register, tour operators, even from the most remote territories, will have to travel to Moscow every year. It should also be noted that in this matter one cannot equate small and big business, and the capital with the regional, especially in matters of domestic tourism. The regions propose to reduce several times the financial guarantees in the field of domestic tourism, otherwise small businesses will simply “die”.

In addition, the new law does not in any way raise the issue of controlling and protecting businesses from unscrupulous competitors who both worked without a license and will continue to work after it is canceled, thereby damaging the reputation of the entire business community.

The transition to a market economy in Russia was accompanied by radical structural changes, which led to a shift in emphasis from the social to the commercial aspect of tourism development. But even in market conditions, not everything should be measured by profit. The health of the nation is a matter of national importance. The motive of recreation as the main one in meeting the needs in the domestic segment of the tourism market is of great social importance, since the well-being of society and its social stability are formed from the satisfaction of the tourism needs of individual citizens.

Therefore, it became objectively necessary to create a base for the legal regulation of recreation for socially unprotected segments of the population. A draft law "On social tourism" was developed. The developers of the law believe that its adoption will increase the volume of domestic tourism, revive a large number of boarding houses, rest houses, hotels and camp sites, and provide new jobs. The outlined prospects are quite tempting. But the real economic opportunities, the mechanism for achieving these indicators in the draft law is very weakly visible.

It is quite obvious that the further development of the legal framework for tourism activities should follow the path of developing by-laws relating to all sectors of the development of the tourism industry. These include issues of improving federal and regional legislation, stimulating investment activity, improving the quality of tourist services, and state support for domestic tourism. This will create appropriate tools for the practical implementation of the concept strategic development tourism sector in our country.

The most significant problems that require close attention and a serious approach to their solution on the part of state authorities include the insufficient development of tourism infrastructure and the absence, with rare exceptions, of the practice of creating favorable conditions for investment by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the construction of accommodation facilities and other objects of tourist use. .

After the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of the social tourism system, the majority of Russians were unable to pay for their holidays on their own, while another, smaller part of the population, whose income level allowed them to pay for a tourist trip, reoriented themselves to holidays abroad. The fall in domestic tourist flows has led to idle, and then to the gradual destruction and closure of more accommodation facilities. Although the sanatorium and resort complex of Russia includes 5.5 thousand health-improving enterprises, but, according to tour operators, today only 10% of the surviving accommodation enterprises are able to provide a European level of comfort. At present, in our country, a significant part of the material base of tourism needs to be updated, since about half of the hotels in our country belong to non-categorical ones. The main disadvantages of the Russian hotel stock: small rooms, a large number of multi-bed rooms (4 or more beds in a room), lack of sanitary facilities in the rooms, primitive quality of interior decoration, rudeness of the attendants.

At the same time, proposals for the development of infrastructure cannot be limited only to the creation of a new and reconstruction of the existing hotel stock. It should be noted the importance of the integrated development of tourism infrastructure, which includes not only the large-scale construction of new accommodation facilities, but also related infrastructure (transport, catering, entertainment, tourist display facilities, etc.). The location of newly constructed tourist complexes should take into account both the parameters of tourist demand by type of tourism and the nature of the tourist offer - the availability of tourist resources, conditions for staffing, in accordance with environmental requirements and economic feasibility. Taking into account the nature of Russian tourist resources, the state of the tourist infrastructure and the readiness of the tourist product, the following types of tourism can be of particular interest for the development of inbound tourism in our country: cultural, educational, business, as well as specialized tourism (cruise, event, ecological, rural, hunting and fishing, active, including in the future skiing, extreme (adventure), ethnic, educational and scientific, etc.).

For domestic tourism, it is especially important to develop beach and health tourism. Beach tourism is one of the most popular types of recreation among Russians: 38% of Russian tourists prefer to relax near the water. However, the lack of hotel and other infrastructure, the unsatisfactory state of the coastal strip (pollution) are limiting factors for the successful development of this type of tourism.

One of the urgent problems is the problem of the transport component in ensuring the further development of tourism in Russia. This applies to air, rail, water and road communication, the construction of roads.

The insufficient level of organization of air transport within the country in comparison with international transportation is one of the factors limiting the further development of tourist complexes in the regions of the country. Airport services for aircraft, passenger and cargo handling are regulated by the state as services of natural monopolies, which limits competition for domestic air transportation and does not allow reducing prices for ground handling. Unlike many foreign countries, there are practically no low-cost carriers with a modern fleet in Russia. The share of air transportation in the structure of the inbound and domestic tourist flow is very significant, but the state of the fleet of airliners, airports, and runways is still holding back the development of tourism in a number of Russian regions.

Despite the positive developments that have taken place in recent years in passenger rail transport (renovation of the fleet of trains, introduction of high-speed trains in a number of directions, expansion of the tourist offer, etc.), problems such as the shortage of rail traffic in the high season, the difficulty of buying railroad tickets, overpriced.

For many years, river cruises have been very popular among foreign and Russian tourists. The most popular route is cruises Moscow-St. Petersburg, as well as Valaam, Solovki, Kizhi, as well as along the Volga. In the last decades, Russia practically does not conduct its own construction of modern cruise ships and at the same time does not purchase cruise ships abroad. In this regard, cruise shipping on the Black Sea has practically stopped, passenger shipping is not developing on the Caspian and Azov Seas, and the development of river cruises in Central Russia is being hampered. The infrastructure of cruise tourism is worn out - sea and river stations, piers, etc.

Tourist buses with a modern level of comfort are also not produced by the domestic industry, despite the fact that about 15% of tourists use this type of transport.

According to the estimates of specialists of the All-Russian Association of Ski Instructors, Russia annually loses at least 70 million dollars, which are taken out of the country by the so-called "winter" tourists. This amount includes money paid for trips to countries with a developed winter infrastructure, primarily skiing (Austria, Switzerland, etc.), as well as funds spent on subscribing to ski lifts, renting and purchasing equipment. Given the climatic and landscape features of Russia, skiing, like other types of winter tourism, have great development prospects. However, modern equipment of ski resorts requires not only hotels, but also the availability of engineering and transport infrastructure - water, energy and gas supply, a developed road system, ski lifts and other equipment, information communications, quality service, environmentally friendly infrastructure. In addition, the mechanism for leasing land plots of the forest fund for the construction of ski facilities is complicated.

A significant problem is the high customs duties on the purchase of vehicles (tourist buses, cruise ships), hotel and restaurant equipment, equipment for ski resorts, water parks and other infrastructure not produced in Russia.

The main obstacles to attracting investment in infrastructure development are the lack of ready-made investment sites, the presence of local administrative barriers and unfavorable land lease conditions.

In recent years, the need for tourism statistics has increased significantly. This is due, first of all, to the rapid development of the tourism industry, increasing its role in the economy and social sphere. The availability of complete statistical information creates the conditions for developing an effective state policy in the field of tourism, making adequate decisions in the field of tourism and hotel business, and strengthening the investment attractiveness of the country's regions. The source of official data on tourism statistics is Rosstat. Until now, the most complete information from Rosstat comes only on indicators of inbound and outbound tourism, as well as on data on the volume of paid services provided by travel agencies and hotels. The internal flow is not the subject of statistical reporting by Rosstat, as well as data on tourism spending and indicators for assessing the role of tourism in the country's economy. The lack of the listed full-fledged data has been a problem for planning directed activities for both executive authorities in the field of tourism and for the tourist business for many years.

For the tourism sector, one of the most acute problems is the lack of professionally qualified personnel. Currently, more than 300 higher and secondary educational institutions in the country are preparing personnel for tourism. At the same time, the gap between the needs of the industry and the supply from educational institutions remains very significant. The main problem is the excessive academic nature of specialized higher education with a clear lack of practical skills and knowledge and the lack of secondary specialized educational institutions that train hotel workers. The problem of quality service is insufficiently solved not only in the framework of the training of employees of the hotel and tourism business, but also specialists in related industries serving tourists.

An analysis of the problems of state management of the tourism sector at the federal level leads us to the conclusion that for the full development of the tourism industry, active actions are needed, primarily from the state, aimed at creating conditions for the sustainable development of tourism in Russia.

2.2. Analysis of problems in the field of tourism in the Samara region

Tourism and tourist resources are in constant development and at the same time have pronounced local characteristics. In the new economic conditions, it became necessary to transfer the center of economic responsibility in solving the problems of tourism development to the regional and local level, that is, where these problems are filled with real content and are tied to the conditions of a particular territory, taking into account the available resources, real-life opportunities and specific requests. population. This, in turn, requires the provision of appropriate rights to the regions in the field of the formation of principles, functions and methods for managing economic and social processes in local systems that can ensure real economic sustainability on the ground.

There are regions, countries, cities, historical, cultural and natural complexes, the mention of which evokes associations associated primarily with tourism and recreation. These, for example, are the Canary Islands and about. Cyprus, Turkey and Egypt, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring of Russia. Unfortunately, Samara and the Samara region - a region unique in terms of geographical, natural, historical and cultural potential - have not caused such associations for many decades. And there were objective reasons for that. The main one was that during the Great Patriotic War, Kuibyshev became a "reserve" capital, where the production resources of the defense complex were pulled together. Later, in the 50-70s. XX century, a system of basic enterprises of the rocket and space complex is being created here.

The Samara region is just beginning to integrate into the sphere of all-Russian and world tourism. As a tourist destination, the Samara province is not very popular, Samara evokes three associations among potential tourists: the song “Ah, Samara-town”, VAZ and Nikita Mikhalkov’s statement that Samara has the most beautiful girls. Muscovites, Petersburgers and residents of other regions of Russia are surprised by the fact that in the Samara region there are the only Zhiguli mountains and ski resorts in the Volga region, the unique world natural heritage Samarskaya Luka, etc. It is obvious that in the Samara region there are opportunities for the development of the tourism industry and certain problems in this area.

In the report for 2004, the Minister of Economic Development, Investments and Trade of the Samara Region, G. R. Khasaev, identified the priorities for the development of the tourism industry. main goal development, it was announced the creation of a modern highly competitive competitive tourist complex in the region. To achieve this goal, the Law of the Samara Region No. 30 - State Duma of March 12, 2004 approved the regional target program "Tourism Development in the Samara Region for 2004-2008." The main directions of this program were: regulation of tourism activities and management of tourism development; advertising and information support, development of regional, interregional and international cooperation in the field of tourism; creation of a modern, highly efficient competitive tourism complex, training of specialists and scientific support for tourism activities.

In addition to the described program, the tourism sector in the Samara region is not legally supported by any legal acts.

2008 is the year of the completion of the implementation of the regional target program for the development of tourism, but, in fact, over the past four years, tourism in the Samara region has not become a competitive sector of the economy. And this is understandable: such a program at the regional level was adopted for the first time, it could not fully cover all aspects of the legal regulation of the tourism sector in the region. These include:

Mechanisms for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of tourists in the subject, ensuring their safety have not been worked out;

Assistance in standardization and classification of objects of the tourism industry located in the region;

Tourist resources have not yet been fully identified and evaluated, the regimes for their protection, the procedure for maintaining integrity and implementing measures to restore them, determining the procedure for using tourist resources, taking into account the maximum permissible loads on the environment, have not yet been established;

Promoting staffing and development of scientific research in the field of tourism;

Lack of a targeted program to provide tourist offers during the periods of the "off season" (the most popular for travel are the summer months, and the least visited period is January-March);

Lack of a program for the development of tourism infrastructure;

Lack of a program to support tourism companies engaged in inbound and social tourism;

Lack of reliable statistical data on all types of tourism (tourist arrivals, length of stay, indicators of impact on the region's economy).

Another significant problem during the implementation of the target program "Development of tourism in the Samara region for 2004-2008." there was insufficient funding. According to Yuri Antimonov, head of the Department of Tourism Development of the Samara Region, “Today Samara spends about 60 million dollars a year only on the development of Turkey. The governor set another task for our department - to develop domestic tourism. Many countries make billions of dollars on tourism, significantly replenishing their budgets at the expense of this industry. But, first, of course, you need to invest. Today, about three million euros a year are allocated from the federal budget for the development of tourism. This is not the amount that should appear at the federal level. I believe that regions should invest so much, not the whole country.”

A significant problem hindering the development of the tourism industry in the region is the underdevelopment of the infrastructure of the hotel and tourist complex, the state of which does not yet meet international standards. The problem of shortage of hotel rooms of the middle class, category 2-3 stars, cheap hotels for youth tourism remains relevant. The mass dilapidation and destruction of ancient monuments causes concern.

Topical issues today are the state of the environment in the region, the crime situation, the state of the transport sector.

To date, a mechanism for interaction between tourism and regional governments, tourism and local authorities, as well as a unified system of interaction between tourist sites has not yet been formed.

In general, according to Yury Antimonov, head of the tourism development department of the Samara region, despite numerous problems, a stable growth of domestic tourism has been recorded lately. We are certainly interested in the development of tourism - the export direction of the region's economy. The task of the state is to create favorable conditions for the development of tourism business. Private business, in turn, needs to use the prepared base to develop the developed projects, applying world experience and modern technologies.

3. Improving the state management of the tourism sector.

3.1. Ways and methods of improving public administration

tourism in the Russian Federation

Since the development of tourism in Russia in many respects objectively depends on numerous factors of an exogenous and endogenous nature, but also on the methods of national control over this industry, the formation of a tourism management system naturally requires the search for new forms of state regulation and support for the development of the national tourism complex. It should also be borne in mind that tourism, as the most dynamic sector of the national economy, has special requirements for state regulation. The regulatory mechanism should be based on the primacy of market relations in tourism as an objective reality. This means that in the interaction between state regulation and the market, the primary link should be the market, and state regulation should act as an auxiliary tool to equalize its negative actions. Having completely surrendered tourism to the influence of market factors, it is impossible to ensure its sustainable development that does not damage the natural, cultural and human values ​​of the national economy, as well as the fulfillment by tourism of its social function to improve the nation. That is why the state should provide mechanisms that restrain the spontaneous development of the industry and direct it to a civilized course. The international forum, held in March 1995 in Cadiz (Spain), stated that the state should be responsible for the following areas of importance for domestic tourism:

1) development of tourism infrastructure;

2) provision of preferential tax and administrative regime for tourist firms;

3) the introduction of economic and statistical mechanisms that will allow for objective statistical accounting and control over the state and development of tourism.

An analysis of the competitive advantages and weaknesses of the Russian Federation in the inbound and domestic tourism market shows the need to provide incentives for the successful development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation as one of the elements of economic growth, strengthening the country's international prestige and improving the quality of life of the population by solving the following tasks:

1) improvement of regulatory legal regulation in the field of tourism;

2) development and improvement of tourism infrastructure, including related (transport, catering, entertainment industry, etc.);

3) creation of new priority tourist centers;

5) improving the quality of tourism and related services;

6) improvement of visa policy, including in the direction of simplifying the entry into our country of tourists from countries that are safe in terms of migration;

7) ensuring conditions for the personal safety of tourists.

Legislative excommunication in Russia of tourism from the market turned out in practice that the sphere of commercial tourist services was in the hands of not social, but completely commercial tourism. As a result, the cheap tourist product disappeared. For 90 million Russian citizens, rest in their own country has become inaccessible. The basic constitutional provision that the Russian Federation is a welfare state is stuck and cannot be implemented if we consider the rights of citizens that are guaranteed to be related to the tourism sector.

The revival of social tourism can be facilitated by the adoption of the law "On social tourism", aimed at laying a reliable legal foundation for the revival of public, socially oriented tourism in Russia: children's and youth, amateur, medical and recreational, environmental, cultural and educational, family travel and tourism for youth, veterans, disabled people.

Also, in order to improve the legislation on tourism, it is necessary to consider the issues of increasing legal liability individuals and organizations providing services in the field of tourism security; adoption of a set of measures in terms of creating conditions for unimpeded access to communication facilities in places of active recreation and tourism, as well as insurance of risks associated with the passage by tourists and sightseers of high-risk routes.

In modern conditions, the state is called upon to fulfill its regulatory and stimulating function of tourism development through indirect support mechanisms. In particular, it seems important to provide financial assistance to enterprises by optimizing the rates of import duties on equipment, without which civilized tourism is impossible. We are talking about tourist buses, some types of hotel equipment, inventory items that are not produced in the Russian Federation or are produced in small volumes. On the other hand, all possible state support should be provided to domestic manufacturers of relevant equipment for the tourism industry.

The basis of state policy in the field of domestic tourism should be the idea of ​​protecting human rights and its interests as a consumer. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in many countries, to solve problems related to consumer protection, a regulatory system has been introduced, which is based on standardization, certification and licensing. The current law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation” establishes that legal entities entered in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators are entitled to carry out tourism activities if they have a civil liability insurance contract for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under a contract for the sale of a tourist product or a bank guarantee for the fulfillment of obligations under an agreement on the sale of a tourist product. The refusal of the tour operator to provide financial security entails the suspension or termination of tourism activities. However, the mere fact of entering into the register does not yet mean the complete reliability of the company. In this regard, it is necessary to intensify the work of tax services in relation to those firms that operate without a civil liability insurance contract or a bank guarantee. The Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy should develop a mechanism for joint control over their activities. The work of these firms must be stopped immediately and with grave consequences for the violator.

An important point for the development of tourism is the policy of the state in the field of support and development of small business. Of the total number of active travel companies in the Russian market, 70% are small businesses, which are usually very small in states, but, on the other hand, small business teams show a lot of ingenuity, work more profitably and implement meaningful recreation programs. In addition, small businesses in the competitive struggle, due to their anticipatory response to changes in market conditions, quite quickly fill the niches that arise as a result of shifts in the needs of the population. Of course, the success of small business depends primarily on the entrepreneurs themselves, their initiative and enterprise, reasonable commercial risk. But state support should help them develop a kind of "survival immunity" in a competitive and market environment.

In this regard, the state is called upon to determine the priorities and forms of support for small businesses, starting from the conditions for their creation and ending with tax, credit and other benefits. For example, in Turkey, the income of a tour operator from tourism activities is subject to corporate tax only on 1/5. 20% of tourism income received in foreign currency and converted into Turkish lira is exempt from taxation for 10 years from the date of establishment of the enterprise. And these examples are not isolated: in most countries of the world, the development of small business in tourism is a steady concern of the state. Today in Russia the conditions for the development of small business in tourism are not favorable. According to the law "On State Support for Small Business", which defines the main categories of small businesses that receive state support, there was no place for tourism. Meanwhile, it is the state that is able to provide real assistance and support to tourism enterprises and, first of all, those that operate in the domestic market segment. This support can be expressed in: 1) exemption of tourism enterprises (hotels, sanatoriums, campsites, etc.) from paying customs duties for equipment, building materials imported from abroad for repair and construction works at tourist sites; 2) exemption from payment of a part of federal taxes with the volume of capital investments invested in the material base of tourist and sanatorium complexes; 3) provision of preferential loans (at 7-10% per annum) for the improvement and development of the material and technical base of tourist facilities with deferred payments for them for a period of 2 to 10 years.

The wide development of small business in tourism generally implies certain specifics of taxation. The current taxation system does not clearly regulate the procedure for taxing tourism activities. The national tourist complex should not be considered as a source of replenishment of the federal and local budgets by strengthening the tax regime of the industry. It is quite obvious that specific proposals should be adopted aimed at improving the tax policy in relation to the tourism services market. Among the main ones, in my opinion, are the following:

1) reduction by approximately a quarter of the tax pressure on the taxpayer;

2) structure change tax system, strengthening its regulatory aspect;

3) simplification of the calculated tax base;

4) differentiation of the principles of taxation by type of tourism: outbound, domestic and inbound.

An important place in the system of measures for the development of the tourism business in Russia is given to ensuring the promotion of the domestic tourism product on the world market. This process cannot be reduced to the advertising campaigns of individual travel companies. There should be a clearly thought-out concept at the state level. The state level is not the sum of the efforts of private firms, but a set of nationwide measures aimed at creating the image of a country that is favorable for tourism, recreation and spa treatment. That is why an important function of any state tourism administration is to promote the domestic tourism product abroad. All self-respecting countries allocate huge amounts of money to promote their beauties. Considering the limited possibilities of the Russian budget, it is necessary to approach the advertising of the Russian tourist product more carefully. It is necessary to abandon the standard set of advertising objects in Moscow and St. Petersburg and organize targeted advertising campaigns to promote new promising regions and routes. It is necessary to work out a scheme of cooperation between the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy with the private tourist industry, to use the possibilities of the regional offices of the ministry. According to the first vice-president of the Academy of Tourism V. Azar, “the state spends annually about 1.5 thousand dollars on the maintenance of regional offices. At the same time, not a single penny is spent on promoting its own product.”

The role of national tourism administrations is also growing in strengthening travel safety and protecting tourists. It should be emphasized that security measures cannot be reduced only to the protection of tourist sites and routes or round-the-clock security in hotels. The question is posed much broader - we are talking about a comprehensive system of security measures, which should include:

1) the release of information materials about Russia, explaining the socio-cultural and national characteristics of the country, where, in addition, places of increased criminogenic situation will be indicated;

2) adoption of legislative and other regulations to toughen penalties for cheating tourists against drivers of vehicles, employees of hotels, restaurants and other enterprises of the national tourist complex;

3) the creation of a "tourist police" - a special mobile police service to provide urgent assistance to tourists.

The intensity of their functioning depends on the flexibility and efficiency of the investment policy of the state in relation to economic entities. A well-thought-out system of attracting capital to the domestic tourism market improves it, mobilizes the internal reserves of tourism enterprises, and makes it possible to withstand the competition of foreign companies that are much more “advanced” in terms of service technologies and quality of service. The sources that the state can use to invest in the tourism sector are well known in the world management practice. These are state budget revenues; grants created by the state; government loans received specifically for specific tourism projects; economic development assistance programs from international organizations and financial institutions, as well as private financial investments. Now in the country, probably, there is not a single industry whose representatives would not require state support, which is usually understood as budget financing. At the same time, it is obvious that tourism in the list of recipients of budget money will always be closer to the end. Attempts to transition the state to the implementation of the mechanism of competitive investment did not give a noticeable effect. No real progress has been made on this path. Underfunding of planned investment expenditures has unfortunately become the norm. Russian banks, for the most part, are now not ready to lend to the construction of tourist infrastructure facilities. Moreover, at current interest rates in Russia, not a single hotel in the Russian provinces will be able to pay off the bank within an acceptable timeframe. In this state of affairs, the state should take over lending to individual tourism enterprises, especially social ones, with a lower interest rate. The government tourism management body could take the lead in attracting financial resources for the construction of tourist infrastructure. To do this, it is necessary to teach local governments to draw up competent business plans, taking into account the specifics of the hotel and tourism business.

State regulation, representing a rather complex process of economic relations, is closely related to the property of the state itself. The diversity of forms of ownership that has arisen today in tourism should force the state to come to grips with these problems. On the one hand, the unregulated sale of state property in the field of domestic tourism during the massive privatization did not solve the main task - the creation of a real owner. Unfortunately, for the most part, the new owners were unable to provide domestic tourism enterprises with investments for reconstruction and modernization in order to further develop them and increase their competitiveness. On the other hand, the process of hasty denationalization led to numerous arbitration disputes over the ownership of a particular tourism object between the federal and regional authorities. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 426 of April 27, 1995 "On streamlining the use of federal property in the field of tourism" did not resolve the urgent problems. To this day, work continues in terms of fixing blocks of ordinary shares in enterprises and tourism facilities in federal ownership, as well as delimiting ownership of federal, federal and municipal property. Meanwhile, the property remaining with the state predetermines the need for it to perform certain functions for its efficient use. In this regard, it is necessary to compile an all-Russian register of tourism enterprises, the main share of shares in which is in federal (municipal) ownership, and develop a management strategy for these enterprises.

Another important and rather urgent task, which, in my opinion, should be taken up by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy, is the compilation of a list of land plots that are promising in terms of tourism development (for the construction of hotels, theme parks, resort areas, laying routes ecological and adventure tourism, etc.). These plots should be prohibited from being sold to private property. The logic of market reforms will undoubtedly lead sooner or later to private property on the ground in Russia will come into practice. And you need to prepare for this in advance. Otherwise, in the future, in order to create new tourist facilities, the land for them will have to be bought from the owners, which will lead to their significant rise in price (this situation can now be observed in Sochi, the capital of the 2014 Winter Olympics). The experience of European countries should be taken into account, in which the state, in order to develop tourism, buys land from the owners and then gives them on preferential lease for the construction of hotels and other objects of the tourism industry.

Already today, the state policy in the field of domestic tourism should be aimed at maintaining fair competition. In this regard, it is necessary to proactively control the merger of enterprises that are trying to take a dominant position in the market, and subsequently implement comprehensive measures to prevent the omnipotence of monopolies and oligopolies.

The environment, natural and artificial, is the most fundamental component of the domestic tourism product. However, as soon as tourism activity begins to unfold, the environment inevitably undergoes changes, either to support tourism activities or as a result of it. These impacts can be both positive (this distinguishes tourism projects from most investment projects in other industries) and negative. The development of domestic tourism is impossible without an impact on the environment, however, through rational planning of this impact, it is possible to minimize its negative consequences and maintain positive effects. It is necessary to determine the possible impact of domestic tourism development on the environment already at an early stage, since it is easier and cheaper to avoid environmental damage by adjusting or rejecting development plans than to eliminate the damage caused by the project.

Thus, for the effective management of the tourism sector, the state must perform the following functions:

1) general organization and legal regulation of tourism activities;

2) tourism development planning;

3) regulation of certain types of activities;

4) ensuring the safety of tourism;

5) staffing tourism;

6) ensuring scientific research of the tourist market;

7) support for foreign economic activity of travel agencies;

8) ensuring environmental protection;

9) creating a favorable image of the country;

10) control and supervision.

3.2. Suggestions for optimizing public administration

tourism in the Samara region

The development of tourism in recent years shows how the priorities of a person going on a trip are changing. Most potential tourists live in densely populated urban areas. This, in turn, forms tourist preferences in the direction of rural tourism, short-term holidays outside the high season, active types of tourism, short-term trips to other cities for educational purposes, etc.

The most characteristic trend in tourism at present is the diversification of the tourist product, the search for new directions. If earlier numerous clients of travel agencies preferred visiting large cities and getting acquainted with megacities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, now there is a tendency to turn demand for a regional product, the so-called "backwoods" of Russia.

According to Mikhail Segal, president of the Bolshaya Volga interregional travel company, “If the regional and city authorities help us, then tourism will certainly develop. But competition among the regions in this market is strong, and if everything develops as it is now, then the main flow will go to those regions where tourism is given great attention. The well-being of the region and tourism are strongly linked. Everything is not so bad with us, but we are not competitive with those regions where the problems of the industry are solved at the level of the regional administration.”

Thus, it is not advisable to hope that a regional tourist product will develop a private business, since any commercial structure is focused on making a profit. Therefore, first of all, attention from the Government of the region, city, district and local administrations to the problems and needs of the industry is necessary.

The main directions of tourism development in the Samara region.

1. Development of tourism infrastructure. In order to reduce the volume of outbound tourism in favor of domestic tourism, it is necessary to create, modernize and reconstruct the tourism infrastructure.

The hotel infrastructure of the region is underdeveloped. But this deficiency is structural. It is dominated by the old fund, which does not meet modern requirements at all. Only 14 hotels, such as "Renaissance", "Europe", etc., can really offer a high level of service. 23 hotels can be attributed to the middle class. All the rest are "economy class" hotels. But, despite this, during the period of major city events, exhibitions and seminars, as well as at the height of the tourist season, it becomes almost impossible to book a room due to lack of vacant places. One of the ways out is to build a network of tourist-class hotels, and in particular, two- or three-star hotels with affordable prices, as well as the development of suburban hotels-villages.

At present, according to expert estimates based on the current prices for the preparation and development of investment projects, only for the implementation of organizational and methodological assistance in the preparation of business projects and their further promotion in the domestic investment market, it is necessary to allocate funds in the annual volume of about 16.5 million rubles. rub. With the annual allocation of budgetary funds for the formation of a basic package of investment projects in the field of infrastructure development in the indicated volumes, the problem of developing the required number of investment projects can be solved within four years. The amount of investment required for this can be calculated based on the needs of the region in modern means accommodation of tourists and the corresponding tourist infrastructure (roads, engineering networks, etc.). For example, there is a real need for 12-15 tourist class hotels (2-3 stars) with a total capacity of 2250 rooms. The volume of investments for their construction will amount to 1.3 billion rubles (calculations were made based on the cost of one room of a turnkey hotel under construction, approximately 15-20 thousand USD).

Russia is in a state where Moscow and St. Petersburg are mostly satiated with investments. Investors are looking to the regions, and not least to the Samara region. Investors realized that today the investment projects of hotels in the regions are a future source of good and, most importantly, stable profit. Especially if such project complexes will initially focus not only on traditional hotel services, but also, for example, on office and cultural and entertainment services, including for the local population.

Modernization of the tourism infrastructure built during the Soviet era, the implementation of large projects is possible only with the involvement of domestic and international capital on the basis of PPP (public-private partnership). There is simply no other rational and, moreover, well-tested in international practice solution to this problem.

I believe that additions can be made to the regional Tourism Development Program regarding the development of hotel infrastructure. A package of proposals should be developed to create a mechanism for attracting investments for the reconstruction of hotels, the renewal of their number of rooms, and the construction of new facilities. One of these proposals could be an investment cooperation scheme, when certain travel agencies are assigned blocks of rooms in a reconstructed hotel for a long-term period at a reduced price, provided that they advance investment resources for the reconstruction and development of the corresponding hotel.

An innovation and one of the promising forms of support for enterprises in the near future should be the selection and equipping of sites planned for the construction of production facilities, engineering infrastructure, public networks and access roads. As world practice shows, when a construction site, for example, a hotel, is determined, all communications are connected to it in advance. This site is put up for auction taking into account the funds spent, and the investor immediately receives both the site and all the necessary communications. Thus, in order for the project to be implemented at a good pace, all communications must be installed at the expense of the budget, and then sold to investors along with the construction site with a strict agreement on its intended use.

An effective form of state support for investors is the provision of subsidies for the development of public utility infrastructure, compensation of part of the interest rate on loans received from financial and credit institutions.

Another essential condition for the successful implementation of infrastructure projects that have a multiplier effect, funds raised from the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation should become. The budget of the region is not able to cover all the expenses for the construction of large-scale projects.

In Samara, a beach holiday is quite possible, but here again the problem with hotels manifests itself: it is necessary to have comfortable hotels near the embankment. At the moment, we are building only residential buildings there. According to Yuri Antimonov, “It is very difficult to get a building permit here, and in a good place, too. In this regard, I am impressed by the policy pursued by Kazan. In the city center there are many undeveloped sites that are not given away for the construction of housing. These sites have been set aside and are waiting for their investor, who will build infrastructure facilities.”

The unsatisfactory state of the beaches requires state support in carrying out measures to strengthen the coast, increase the beach strip, improve the quality of services and environmental safety.

To solve the problem with the lack of comfortable tourist-class buses, funds from a private investor are also needed. A good bus of a tourist-excursion type costs today 300-500 thousand dollars, and, of course, not a single travel company is able to buy such a bus. But here the help of the regional authorities is also needed.

There are many beautiful places in the Samara region. The main thing is the viewpoints, which are always popular among tourists. Our viewpoints are in extremely poor condition. So first you need to put them in order, remove garbage and dirt, and then think about tourists, ”Yuri Antimonov said in an interview.

For the successful development of tourism and recreation infrastructure, the help of municipal services of the city and the region is necessary, because as long as we drive on bad roads, walk along unkempt streets and breathe dust, guests will not come to us. Roads in Samara leave much to be desired. Although they have begun to be repaired recently, by and large, this is mainly only local patching. In order to eliminate infrastructural constraints on the growth of the region's economy and the development of the road network, it is important to carry out the design, reconstruction of existing and construction of new roads. The construction of roads to places of tourist display, especially hard-to-reach and located on the territory of municipal districts, remains relevant.

2. Promotion of the Samara region as a tourist destination.

Efforts to develop infrastructure are not enough to form a competitive tourism market. An effective strategy is needed to promote the tourism product, focused on key tourism destination markets and of an aggressive nature, which will make inbound and domestic tourism a profitable component of the entire economy of the Samara region. region, and abroad, participation in the largest international profile and other exhibitions, presentation of tourist opportunities of the Samara region. To increase the competitiveness of the Samara tourist product and create a favorable image of the region, it is necessary to organize the production of advertising non-commercial printed materials in foreign languages. Much of this is already being done. At the same time, with the currently existing budget financing, activities to promote a regional tourism product can only minimally change the parameters of the existing tourist flow. Private business cannot conduct non-commercial image advertising company the entire region, as it promotes and sells only its own product, and creating the image of the Samara region as a region favorable for tourism is an exclusively state task.

The experience of implementing state advertising and information strategies indicates the need to diversify the tourism product: along with traditional tourism offers, it is necessary to ensure the display of new tourism products, the dissemination of broader information about national traditions in the region, trades and crafts, new museums and expositions, events and tourism services .All this requires the development of a long-term information campaign aimed at creating a positive image of the region in order to promote the development of inbound and domestic tourism.

None of the largest tourist centers today can be imagined without some easily recognizable symbols, which is usually reflected in the souvenirs of these centers. In such cities as Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Tula, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, the production of souvenirs is very widely established, new shops for its sale exist and are opening. This has never happened in Samara historically. But even today there are no attempts to organize something similar. The absence of Samara's souvenir products is felt on major exhibitions especially when compared to other regions. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a program for the development of souvenir production and folk crafts in the near future. The souvenir industry should develop in line with local traditions and crafts. There is nothing more repulsive to the buyer than "genuine local pottery" stamped "Made in China". Souvenir products in the Samara region can most actively develop in the centers of traditional folk arts and crafts (ethnic carpet weaving in the Isaklinsky district, pottery and ceramics, basket weaving in the Isaklinsky, Kinel-Cherkassky, Sergievsky municipal districts). It is promising to use modern brands in the development of souvenirs, for example, souvenirs related to the aerospace industry (launcher model).

In creating a favorable image of the region, the installation of billboards that will present the delights of our region, both in large cities of the province, and on entry and exit routes, can help. This method does not require large financial costs, but bright and beautiful pictures of our sights can be seen by millions of people who later want to visit our region. These billboards could be sold or rented on preferential terms to travel agencies that specialize in domestic and inbound tourism.

In the world, and in a number of Russian regions, the experience of joint work of representatives of the tourism business, authorities and public organizations has been accumulated. An example is the co-financing of exhibition activities, when the main governing body provides funds for paying for exhibition space in the budget, and market participants receive exhibition spaces on a competitive basis, print booklets, pay for their travel to the exhibition venue and accommodation for employees. A positive example in our region is the annual Silver Gull Award.

Improving the quality of tourism and related services .

At present, the tourism market is characterized a high degree competition, one of the main tools today is to improve the quality of tourist services. In order to improve the quality of tourist services, it is necessary to carry out standardization (certification) of the activities of instructors-guides in the field of ensuring travel safety related to the passage by tourists (tourists) of routes that pose an increased danger to their life and health, accreditation of guides and guides.

The problem of improving the quality of tourist services is complex and should be addressed both through measures to improve the categorization system of hotels and other accommodation facilities, develop professional standards services, and by creating educational standards that meet the requirements of employers and increasing the level of professional training and retraining of tourism industry personnel.

In order to improve the organization of hotel services, increase the professionalism of tourism industry specialists in management, marketing, promote new technologies, and improve the quality of services, a Coordinating Board of Directors for hotels could be created under the Tourism Development Department of the Samara Region.

The academic base for the development of personnel for the tourism industry is quite well represented in Samara. On the territory of the region there are 15 specialized educational institutions of higher and middle level, leading the training of specialists for the tourism industry. At the same time, there remains a need to expand and improve the quality of education. To improve tourism education, it is necessary to correct existing and create new educational disciplines and practical exercises. At the same time, the composition of the teaching staff should be significantly changed in the direction of attracting practitioners from the tourism industry in order to increase the level of teaching specialized disciplines. It is advisable to widely use methodological experience and learning programs specialized foreign educational institutions. In the coming years, the main task is to improve the activities of existing educational institutions in order to create conditions for improving the skills of employees in the tourism and hotel business, as well as taking refresher courses on the most pressing issues of practical activity. In addition, these educational institutions should be engaged in the retraining of specialists starting to work in the tourism industry. Staff development should include on-the-job training, namely, regular in-house and in-company training.

In addition, one of the necessary conditions for the successful development of the tourism industry is that specialists of government bodies, both at the regional and municipal levels, must have a tourism education.

An important point in organizing inbound tourism in the region and ensuring the safety of tourists could be the creation of a service center that organizes round-the-clock centralized provision of medical, language, legal, transport and technical assistance to arriving guests. An insured tourist, by contacting this service, could receive the required type of assistance through the basic city institutions around the clock, promptly and efficiently. Now the "Tourist Information Center" operates on the territory of the region, but the main direction of its activity is the provision of information services.

The use of national heritage for tourism purposes, including artificial and natural, tangible and intangible objects, as well as the creativity of the local population, requires activities aimed at educating the local population and tourists in the spirit of respect for the cultural values ​​of the region. With a general strong degree of anthropogenic transformation of the natural landscape in the region, specially protected territories are of particular importance, occupying about 15% of its territory and acting as a kind of counterbalance to the extremely disturbed lands of the region. Each object of cultural and natural heritage is unique, and the disappearance of any such object is an irreparable loss and absolute impoverishment of this heritage.

In general, it should be noted that with proper management and planning, such a specific area of ​​tourism as eco-tourism can help raise funds for the organization of the protection of valuable natural areas, raise funds for the protection of archaeological and historical sites, improve the quality of the environment, since tourists are attracted, first of all, by clean and undamaged territories; contribute to the environmental education of local residents, who should clearly see the interest of tourists in the prosperous nature of their region.

Thus, in order to improve the regional management of the tourism sector, it is necessary to take a set of measures aimed at developing the tourism infrastructure, promoting the Samara region as a tourist destination, improving the quality of tourism and related services, and improving regional legislation.

3.3. Economic rationale for improving the state management of tourism in the Samara region

The tourism industry is one of the most dynamic in the modern world. Its growth rates are ahead of the rates of development of all other sectors of the world economy. From an economic point of view, the attractiveness of tourism development lies in its significant multiplier effect. The multiplier effect of tourism is its ability, due to the initiation of demand, to necessitate the development of many industries that satisfy this demand in the territories visited by tourists. This refers not only to those organizations whose existence is due to work directly with tourists (tour operators, travel agents), but also accommodation facilities, catering, means of transport, museums, theaters, other objects of tourist display, that is, organizations that, in one or to some extent participate in the service of tourists. Receipts from the tourist are distributed in the proportion of 20:80. The smaller one goes to tourist operators and agencies, the larger one goes through a variety of channels to all sectors of the economy participating in the service. One ruble of investments brings 4 rubles of total income in other sectors of the economy. The same multiplying factor is in employment - one job in tourism leads to the emergence of four jobs in industries that participate in the production of the tourism product.

The implementation of the measures proposed by me to optimize the state management of the tourism sector in the Samara region, of course, requires financial investments. Funds must be both public and borrowed. But the state must make a contribution first, as it exists in world practice. It is quite obvious that the implementation of large-scale tourism projects requires the investment of large amounts of money, which have never been allocated in sufficient volume from the regional budget, and, in my opinion, will not be allocated in the near future. The authorities have more pressing problems that have emerged or become more acute in connection with the global financial crisis. Therefore, it would be advisable to strengthen the work on finding and attracting investors who, in addition to making a profit for themselves, taking into account the multiplier effect of the tourism sector, would replenish the regional budget.

The economic efficiency of the activities of public authorities in the field of tourism development in the Samara region can be determined by the achievement of certain indicators, such as an increase in the number of foreign citizens visiting the region for tourism purposes, and tourism revenues, the relative growth of domestic tourism in relation to the trips of local tourists abroad, growth in the number of accommodation facilities for tourists and an increase in the share of categorization of accommodation facilities, an increase in employment in the tourism industry and related industries.

Most of the indicators are designed for the long-term perspective of their achievement and do not have a linear dependence on direct investments. Many factors influence the increase in the level of indicators, among which the main ones are the increase in political and economic stability both in Russia as a whole and in the region in particular, the creation of a favorable investment climate, which leads to the competitiveness of the Samara tourist market, and the improvement of market mechanisms.


As a result of the completed thesis project, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Tourism - voluntarily made territorial, equatorial or air movements lasting more than a day for educational, recreational, sports or other non-utilitarian purposes. In the production and service process of tourism, forms, types and varieties of tourism are distinguished.

The tourism industry is one of the most dynamic in the modern world. In a relatively short period of time (5-7 years), the number of travelers in the world has become almost comparable to the number of inhabitants of the planet: almost 5 billion people. Of this number, almost a billion travel across borders and about 4 billion within the borders of their states.

The tourism industry is one of the most profitable in the world today. For many countries, tourist spending on accommodation, food, local transportation, entertainment and visits to tourist attractions, shopping and other expenses constitute a significant share of their economy, while increasing the level of employment of the population and opportunities for further development. For example, in 2006, 75 countries around the world earned more than $1 billion from tourism revenue. Daily international tourism generates about 2.4 billion US dollars.

From an economic point of view, the attractiveness of tourism development lies in its significant multiplier effect. The multiplier effect of tourism is its ability, due to the initiation of demand, to necessitate the development of many industries that satisfy this demand in the territories visited by tourists.

The greater the "range" of various tourist resources the territory has, the more opportunities it has to attract tourists and to increase the duration of their stay. Analysis and forecast of tourism potential can be carried out according to the following range of indicators: geographical location and natural and climatic conditions; demographic characteristics of the population: the level of urbanization of the territory, the average age of the population; the presence of objects of historical and cultural heritage, their condition - which is the basis for the development of cultural and educational (cognitive) tourism; the presence of recreational zones, nature reserves, national parks, hunting grounds, health-improving, tourist bases and rest houses that contribute to the formation of health-improving, recreational, active (sports) tourism systems; availability of equipped trade and exhibition and business complexes for holding international, interregional fairs, congresses, etc.; the level of development of a technologically advanced production complex, which ensures the development of business tourism; conditions for the location of tourist accommodation facilities (remoteness from cultural and natural objects); the level of development of the infrastructure of cultural and educational institutions that can perform the functions of training personnel in the field of tourism and ensure the content and maintenance of tourist educational and excursion programs; general level of development of communal infrastructure; the level of development of advertising and printing production, Internet centers that provide support for information and presentation tourism; the level of support and promotion of the idea of ​​tourism development by regional administrations (the availability of developed concepts and programs for the development of tourism, taking into account the issues of their logistics, laws on tourism, etc.).

Analysis of tourism resources allows you to evaluate the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the territory. So, the competitive advantages of Russia can be attributed, first of all, to the richest cultural, historical and natural heritage of our country, combined with the unknown factor. The undoubted competitive advantages of Russia are political stability and increased security in the country, the growth of per capita incomes of citizens, the stability of the national currency.

The tourist attractiveness of the Samara region is facilitated by: a favorable geographical position, a rich natural heritage, the presence of large industrial facilities that are attractive to business tourists, large tourist and recreational zones, the presence of cultural events of an all-Russian and international character, high transport accessibility and proximity to the center (Moscow) etc.

2. The competitive weaknesses of Russia include such factors that still persist and hinder the development of inbound and domestic tourism, such as: insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure in most regions of the country, a small number of tourist-class hotel accommodation facilities with a modern level of comfort; high cost of accommodation in hotels, food, transport and other services offered to tourists, significantly exceeding the average European level; obstacles to attract investment in tourism infrastructure, consisting in the absence of ready-made investment sites, the presence of administrative barriers; in general, the continuing shortage of qualified personnel, which determines the low quality of service in all sectors of the tourism industry; the preservation of negative stereotypes of the perception of the image of Russia, insufficient state non-commercial advertising of the country's tourism opportunities, both abroad and within the country, which makes it difficult to purposefully form a positive image of Russia as a country favorable for tourism, which is associated with limited budget funding, etc.

The competitive weaknesses of the Samara region include the influence of the following factors: historical past (status of a closed city); underdevelopment of tourist infrastructure; low quality of tourism and related services; lack of reliable statistical information, which does not allow an objective assessment of the impact of tourism on the economy of the region; the lack of a mechanism for the interaction of tourism and regional and local authorities, as well as a unified system for the interaction of tourist facilities, etc.

Thus, the systemic problem is that while maintaining the current level of competitiveness of Russia and, in particular, the Samara region, in the tourism market, the opportunities for developing the domestic tourism market will not be sufficient to improve living standards and increase employment, meet the growing demand for quality tourism services. . To solve this problem, active actions are needed, primarily on the part of the state, aimed at creating conditions for the sustainable development of tourism in Russia.

3. Regulation of the development of inbound and domestic tourism is a multi-level system, including:

Coordination and promotion of tourism development on a global scale, which is carried out through the World Tourism Organization;

Coherence of tourism policy at the interstate level, which is achieved through regional tourism organizations and special bodies of interstate associations (for example, the European Community);

Coordination of tourism policy at the national and regional levels, which is carried out through specially created state bodies and public associations of tourism organizations.

Management of the market model with elements of state regulation of tourism development at the federal and regional levels is carried out through two main mechanisms: firstly, through market self-regulation by achieving a balance of supply and demand, and secondly, through the introduction of certain mechanisms of public administration and coordination. Moreover, in the second case, we are talking about both state regulation and self-organization of business entities through the creation of tourist associations and associations.

State policy in the field of development of inbound and domestic tourism is the impact of the state on the activities of economic entities and market conditions to ensure normal conditions for the functioning of the market mechanism, the implementation of state socio-economic priorities and the development of a unified concept for the development of the domestic tourism sector.

The content of state regulation of tourism development is determined by the goals facing state bodies, as well as the tools that the state has in implementing this policy. It should also be noted that in some countries, state policy in the field of inbound and domestic tourism is often not singled out, but integrated into the policy of other sectors of the economy, for example, into production policy, balance of payments policy, etc. However, with this approach, the target orientation of regulation of tourism development is inevitably lost.

With regard to the sphere of inbound and domestic tourism, I have defined and concretized a set of functions and methods for implementing the state policy for regulating the development of tourism.

Federal level.

In the legal sphere: improvement of the regulatory framework; development and implementation of legal norms aimed at improving the guarantees and effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of the tourism product, the quality and safety of tourism; development of classification and standardization methodology in various segments of the tourism industry (accommodation facilities, beaches, ski slopes, etc.); customs regulation; fight against crime and corruption.

In the economic sphere: tax regulation; target budget financing of tourism development programs; creating favorable conditions for investment in tourism; increasing investment in human capital.

In the social sphere: solving the problems of targeted social tourism.

In the scientific and educational sphere: development of scientific research in the field of tourism; creation of information and analytical base; provision of professional personnel for tourism activities.

In the field of tourism organization: formation of a favorable image of Russia in the inbound and domestic tourism market; assistance in promoting the tourist product to the domestic and world markets; facilitating participation in Russian tourism programs; creation of conditions for the multi-purpose use of tourism infrastructure; coordination of activities and investments of the public and private sectors in the field of tourism development.

Regional level (Samara region).

1. Development of tourism infrastructure:

creation, modernization and reconstruction of tourist infrastructure. Construction of a network of tourist-class hotels (2-3 stars) with affordable prices, as well as the development of suburban hotels-villages;

creation of a mechanism for attracting investments on the basis of PPP (assignment to certain travel agencies for a long-term period of blocks of rooms in a reconstructed hotel at a reduced price, provided that they advance investment resources; selection and equipping of sites planned for construction with all necessary communications with subsequent sale to investors, taking into account the spent budget funds), as well as support for investors (provision of subsidies, compensation of part of the interest rate on loans);

development of beach recreation (activities for strengthening the coast, increasing the beach strip, improving the quality of services and environmental safety, building hotels near the embankment).

development of the road network (design, reconstruction of existing and construction of new roads to places of tourist display, especially in municipal areas).

2. Promotion of the Samara region as a tourist destination:

participation in the largest international specialized and other exhibitions (co-financing of exhibition activities);

presentation of tourist opportunities of the region (installation of billboards in large cities of the province, as well as on entry and exit routes, sale or leasing them to travel agencies specializing in domestic and inbound tourism);

diversification of the tourism product: display of new tourism products, mainly in municipal areas;

the development of souvenir production and folk crafts, the use of modern brands in the development of souvenir products.

3. Improving the quality of tourism and related services:

carrying out accreditation of activities of guides, instructors-guides in the field of travel safety;

creation of the Coordinating Board of Directors for hotels under the Department of Tourism Development;

creation of a service center that organizes round-the-clock centralized provision of medical, language, legal, transport and technical assistance to tourists;

assistance in providing the tourism industry with professional personnel (adjusting existing and creating new disciplines, involving practical workers in the tourism industry in the educational process, creating conditions for advanced training and retraining of industry specialists without interrupting their main activities, assistance in obtaining tourism education management bodies for specialists).

Among other things, it is necessary to carry out activities aimed at educating the local population and tourists in the spirit of respect for the cultural values ​​of the region.

In the most general form, the strategic goal of the state policy of tourism development can be defined as follows: the creation of a competitive tourist complex that meets the needs of Russian and foreign citizens in tourism services and contributes to the development of the country's economy by increasing the number of jobs, inflow of foreign currency, replenishing the budget and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage.

Despite the fact that outbound tourism currently clearly prevails over inbound and domestic tourism, over the past 6-7 years we can talk about the resuscitation of Russian tourism. This, first of all, is facilitated by the new state policy in the field of tourism. The authorities finally looked at tourism as a highly profitable sector of the domestic economy, capable of generating billions of dollars in income. It is necessary that this dynamics does not decline, but continues its development in an increasing manner.

List of sources used

Currently, there is a constant and rapid growth in the volume of tourism activities, which leads to the fact that many countries consider tourism as one of the important factors in the development of the state. Undoubtedly, this fact is of interest to structures that at the state level determine the direction of development and methods of stimulating the most promising sectors of the economy. Paying attention to the tourism industry, government authorities in countries where tourism has significant development potential have taken a number of measures that could help increase the volume of tourism activities. A positive role in increasing tourist flows was played, for example, by the fact that after the end of World War II, the policy of the authorities in European countries was focused on simplifying visa formalities when crossing borders. So in the post-war years, the intervention of the state in the development of the tourism industry was first manifested.

However, the need for state participation in the regulation of the tourism sector does not in itself determine the degree of this participation. In countries with a developed market economy, a well-established economic mechanism and developed legislation that takes into account the interests of both society as a whole and its individual groups, including producers and consumers of the tourist product, the intervention of state bodies can be minimal. This is the trend that is currently being observed in Europe and North America, where the public sector is increasingly detached from the tourism industry, devolving its traditional powers to local authorities and the private sector. In countries with unstable economies, increased attention from the state to the tourism sector is necessary, since this will partly help to neutralize the negative effects of crises. The elimination of the state from participating in the regulation of the tourism industry violates the delicate balance in the relationship between the producer and the consumer of the tourism product, and it is mainly consumers who suffer.

Obviously, the state is called upon to play a leading role in the development of industries that are recognized as priorities for a given country. Each country determines the forms and limits of such participation on its own, based on real opportunities, common priorities, and the balance of supply and demand in the domestic market. In the same way, questions about cooperation with the private sector are resolved: in what areas can it be recognized as the most significant, and what forms should it take to ensure maximum efficiency.

At the end of the XX century. state intervention in the tourism industry was mainly focused on advertising and information activities. The spread of the media and the discovery of their advertising opportunities have prompted the use of new technical means to increase consumer demand in tourism. But to organize a large advertising company, whose activities are aimed at promoting the national tourism product, is impossible without financial and organizational support from the state.

When it comes to the economic mechanisms of state regulation of the tourism sector, they usually proceed from the considerations that tourism, as a diversified complex, needs to be coordinated and regulated like no other sphere. At the same time, state presence and regulation hamper entrepreneurial initiative and hinder the development of market relations. In other words, the state should intervene when the interests of society and the industry so require, and fade into the background, allowing the subjects of tourism activities to act independently if necessary, although the combination of strict regulation with reasonable autonomy is not an easy task.

State regulation of tourism development should be aimed at minimizing the negative and increasing the positive consequences of external influences in relation to the tourism sector. The need for state regulation of tourism is determined by the following factors:

  • - the complex nature of the industry: elements of the tourism industry are accommodation facilities, catering establishments, entertainment facilities and tourist enterprises - travel organizers; in addition, tourism is in close interaction with other sectors of the economy - transport, trade, agriculture, which requires external coordinating intervention;
  • - the need to preserve and rationally use environmental factors, cultural and natural heritage in the field of tourism, increase the prestige of the country in the eyes of the international community, solve security problems, etc.;
  • - the influence of the tourism industry on the general state of the country's economy, which is determined, among other factors, by direct cash receipts from domestic and inbound tourism, as well as the intensification of activities in related industries, including due to the multiplier effect;
  • - a great educational impact of tourism, especially within their own country, the formation of a sense of patriotism; propaganda of national tourist values, which is one of the ways to promote the state model of a given country, including the political system, economics, culture and lifestyle of the population.

Each of these reasons is already a sufficient reason for the state to pay special attention to the tourism sector. In addition, a number of circumstances make it possible to attribute the tourism industry to sectors of the economy that have not a local, but a global impact on the state of the entire economy. Undoubtedly, state bodies cannot but take into account these points when determining areas of priority regulation.

In general, the management of the market model of tourism development with elements of state regulation is carried out through two main mechanisms: firstly, through market self-regulation by achieving a balance of supply and demand, and secondly, through the introduction of certain mechanisms of state management and coordination. Moreover, in the second case, we are talking about both state regulation and the very organization of economic entities through the creation of tourist associations and associations.

Thus, state regulation of tourism development is the impact of the state on the activities of economic entities and market conditions to ensure normal conditions for the functioning of the market mechanism for the implementation of state socio-economic priorities and the development of a unified concept for the development of the tourism sector.

This is a complex process, which includes the procedure for developing a state policy for regulating the development of tourism, substantiating its goals, objectives, main directions, choosing tools and methods for its implementation. The specific difference between the modern market model with elements of state regulation of tourism development and other sectors of the national economy is that public organizations represented by tourism associations participate in regulating the activities of the industry.

State regulation of tourism development is a multi-level system, including:

  • - coordination and promotion of tourism development on a global scale, which are carried out by the World Tourism Organization with the participation of international governmental and public organizations;
  • - consistency of tourism policy at the interstate level, which is achieved through regional tourism organizations and special bodies of interstate associations (for example, the European Union);
  • - consistency of tourism policy at the national and regional levels, which is ensured by specially created state bodies and public associations of tourist organizations.

The parameters for the development of the tourism industry, which has received worldwide recognition as the leading service sector, are set by the state. It is also intended to determine the legal and tax rules under which the tourism industry will operate. The tasks of state bodies in any field of activity traditionally include direct state investment or attraction of private investments for the development of the necessary infrastructure, especially in the regions that are the least favorable from an economic point of view. This helps to equalize the levels of development of different economic zones within the country. The state also economically influences tourism by regulating the demand for the tourist product and supply, prices for services and incomes of the population. Finally, the training and advanced training of professional personnel for the tourism sector also belongs to state functions. At the same time, state regulation should be dosed, since going beyond certain reasonable limits of the level of state intervention hinders business development.

The main levers of state regulation in the tourism sector are:

  • - development of a legislative framework that regulates the main issues of the development of the tourism sector, including economic incentives for the development of promising types of tourism (usually this is achieved by establishing tax incentives and special investment conditions), as well as the development of rules for the functioning of tourism enterprises;
  • - development of anti-crisis programs to mitigate the adverse effects of the uneven development of world economic processes. In general, the tourism industry shows higher stability in crisis situations than most other industries, including due to the significant inertia of this area (creating a material and technical base that meets the needs of the development of traditional types of tourism takes several years, and there is practically no way to quickly change supply to meet changing demand). Contractual practice, which is widespread in the tourism sector, also helps to mitigate the impact of the crisis. At the same time, tourism activities, like no other, are influenced by factors beyond the control of representatives of this sphere (terrorist attacks, policy changes, including visa, negative information about the destination, cases of mass diseases, climate change, currency fluctuations, etc. .);
  • - creation of conditions conducive to the inflow of investments into the tourism sector. Stable state economic policy and the development of a strategy for the development of the tourism industry in the future are the most significant of them;
  • - leveling the levels of economic development of the regions by determining the priorities and amounts of state support;
  • - coordination of the pace of development of the tourism industry and related industries;
  • - regulation of tourist flows by creating demand and expanding supply in the field of tourist services.

The state management of the tourism industry and the implementation of the national tourism policy are usually carried out by creating a special administrative body for tourism management of the national tourism administration (NTA), whose role in different state structures is not the same. In the development and implementation of tourism policy, the NTA interacts with legislative and executive authorities at the central and local levels, with research organizations, tourism associations, unions and other public associations and organizations. However, the main link in the formation and implementation of tourism policy is precisely the national tourism administration, on the efforts of which, the degree of influence on other government bodies, initiatives in the field of legislation, tax, financial, economic and social spheres, the success or failure of the implementation of the tourism policy of the state depends.

In the recommendations of the World Tourism Organization, it is noted that the state tourism management body “should deal only with tourism. This will increase the priority of tasks and the importance of this sector in the state structure.”

The administrative body of tourism management (national tourism administration) should solve the following tasks:

  • - organize effective interaction with ministries and departments that are directly or indirectly in contact with the tourism industry and tourist services;
  • - to convince other state structures to take into account the interests of the tourism industry in the development of policies in the field of budget, taxation, investment, loans, social sphere, the development and adoption of major programs in the field of economy, ecology, labor relations and employment, vocational training, etc.;
  • - ensure effective interaction with local government authorities and the tourism business.

It is rather difficult to define the functions of an administrative body of state administration in the field of tourism. An analysis of foreign experience in this area shows that when clarifying the terms of reference and issues related exclusively to the competence of this body, it is necessary to strive to solve three main problems: interagency cooperation, partnerships with the tourism business and public associations, as well as the required level of decentralization. The national tourism administration must exercise its competence and bear the responsibility assigned to it for the state and development of tourism, which is manifested in the performance of the following functions of this state body:

  • - formation and implementation of the state tourism policy and targeted programs for the development of tourism;
  • - intersectoral coordination of the functioning of the tourism system;
  • - development of normative legal acts and financial and economic parameters of tourism development;
  • - licensing, certification and standardization in the tourism industry;
  • - marketing of the national tourism product; creation of representative offices of the state tourism management body abroad and ensuring their effective functioning;
  • - organization of international cooperation in the field of tourism;
  • - assistance to tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations in participation in international tourism programs;
  • - development of practical measures to attract domestic and foreign investment in the tourism industry;
  • - development of a mechanism for investments invested by the state in the development of priority areas of tourism infrastructure;
  • - organization of interaction and business partnership with the tourism business, associations of tour operators, travel agents and tourists;
  • - development of practical measures to support domestic producers of the tourist product;
  • - assistance to tourist enterprises in the work on the introduction of progressive technologies of tourist services;
  • - provision of consulting assistance to business entities engaged in tourism activities;
  • - development of measures to protect, maintain the integrity and ensure the protection of tourist resources;
  • - assistance in the revival and development of traditional centers of tourism, the development of new tourist areas with extensive natural, historical and cultural potential;
  • - formation of a system of information support for the tourism industry;
  • - creation and maintenance of the unified system of training, retraining and advanced training of tourist personnel;
  • - regulation professional activity in tourism;
  • - solution of issues related to the scientific support of tourism development.

The experience of most countries indicates the need and expediency of dividing the activities of the national tourism administration into two branches. One of them, the main one, which can be called bureaucratic, covers general issues of public administration: the legal framework, the collection and processing of statistical information, the coordination of the activities of tourism enterprises and regions, international cooperation at the interstate level, etc.

The second branch is marketing, as a rule, it is dealt with by an agency that is subordinate to or is part of the national tourism administration, but is not a governing body in itself. His competence includes all issues related to the marketing of the national tourism product, aimed at creating an attractive image of the country and promoting it in foreign markets. Moreover, it is these areas of activity that receive the bulk of state funding - tens of millions of dollars a year and hundreds of specialists, which is much more than is allocated to the bureaucratic direction. There are attempts to make such marketing agencies partly self-sustaining, mainly through the commercialization of advertising and information services. But in any case, we are only talking about attracting funds to supplement state appropriations.

National tourism administrations work closely with local authorities and private businesses. This is the aim of the general global trend of reducing the role of the central executive in economic processes and cuts in government spending. As a result of this interaction, mixed public-private institutions in the field of tourism regulation emerge. Their goal is to attract funds from the private sector to the implementation of state tasks, to search for mutually beneficial forms of cooperation between governments at various levels.

The creation of an attractive image of the state for tourism and the promotion of a national product that incorporates all the diversity and originality of its tourism opportunities are of great importance both in countries that have already won their place in the international market, and in countries that have appeared on it relatively recently. At the same time, there are certain differences in approaches to the organization of this activity.

Due to a number of political and economic factors in the world practice, there are different national systems for the organization, management and regulation of tourism. With a certain degree of conventionality, we can talk about three models of public tourism management.

The first model assumes the absence of a central state tourism administration, all issues are resolved locally based on the principles of market self-organization. The governments of individual countries make a management decision to abandon the national tourism administration in cases where the country does not need tourism at all, when the country occupies a strong position in the international tourism market and is attractive to foreign tourists, or when the subjects of the tourism market are conscious and occupy strong positions, t i.e. able to solve their problems without state participation.

This model of management of the tourism industry is used in the United States (in 1997, the state structure in charge of tourism was liquidated in the United States). The country's leadership decided on this but for a number of reasons:

  • - the need to reduce federal budget expenditures;
  • - the presence of strong US positions in the international tourism market;
  • - attractiveness of the country for foreign tourists and confidence in this attractiveness;
  • - the existence of strong private companies in the tourism industry, capable of powerful independent promotions in the interests of the entire national tourism market.

The liquidation of the state tourism administration is a very serious step, which requires special conditions.

The second model of state management of tourism provides for a strong and authoritative state body - the ministry, concentrating in its hands control over the activities of the entire industry. This model is very effective, but certain conditions are required for its implementation, in particular, significant financial investments in the tourism industry, advertising and marketing activities, and government investment in tourism infrastructure. For example, in 1999, the Egyptian State Tourist Administration in Italy alone spent about 3 million US dollars on advertising the national tourist product, which led to a huge effect that exceeded all expectations.

The organization of management of the tourism industry according to this model is common in Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and other countries that are not too rich, in which tourism is one of the main sources of foreign exchange earnings.

For example, in Turkey, the Government in 1963 decided to create the Ministry of Tourism, under whose leadership financing began for the construction of hotels, motels, clubs, and with its help the first tourism companies were created. Since 1970, the planning and construction of tourist complexes has been completely transferred to the Ministry of Tourism. Since 1982, Turkey has had a law “On Tourism Support”, which has a pronounced public law character and contains both measures of state support for tourism and a mechanism for their implementation.

In Algeria, in 1963, the Ministry of Tourism was created. The official structure of the national tourism industry was changed in 1979 through the reorganization of national corporations involved in tourism development and the creation of state-owned enterprises. In 1976, the National Tourist Hotel Corporation was formed and is given responsibility for the management and marketing of all tourism in the public sector. At the same time, the Algerian National Directorate of Tourism Works was created, which began to deal with all issues of infrastructure and construction work related to the development of the tourism sector.

In Egypt, the Ministry of Tourism, which is entrusted with the management of the development and operation of tourist areas, was formed in 1973. The General Company for Tourism and Hotels of Egypt takes part in the work of the ministry. To coordinate tourism plans, the Supreme Council for Tourism was created, which is headed by the Prime Minister of the country.

The management of the tourism sector in Morocco is also carried out by a specially created ministry of tourism, since tourism is a strategic direction for the development of the country's economy. The tourist infrastructure of Morocco was created by the end of the 80s. 20th century At that time, the government encouraged elite tourism for wealthy clients, but later switched to encouraging mass family tourism, and the country began to compete even with Spain with the help of pricing policy.

Tunisia has a Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Crafts. In 1973, a law was passed on the formation of tourist zones, transferring control over the use of land in promising areas to a state agency. Certain measures have been taken to encourage investment in the tourism industry, in particular, long-term tax incentives and symbolic land lease payments, which ensured the growth of financial investments in the industry, including foreign investment.

The third model of state management of tourism prevails in developed European countries and consists in the fact that the development of the country's tourism activities is resolved at the level of a diversified ministry. Most often this is the Ministry of Economic Direction. At the same time, the subdivision of this ministry, which is in charge of tourism development issues, carries out activities in two directions: deals with global issues of state regulation (development of the legal framework, coordination of regional activities, international cooperation at the interstate level, processing of statistical information) and marketing activities, participation in exhibitions, management of tourist offices abroad.

This model of selective participation of the state in the management of the tourism industry is inherent in most European countries, and it is the most acceptable and close to Russia. The state tourism administration in developed European countries works in cooperation with local authorities and private business to attract financial resources from the private sector to the implementation of state tasks, to find mutually beneficial forms of cooperation between governments at various levels. The consequence of the implementation of this policy is the emergence of mixed in the form of ownership (public-private) institutions in the field of regulation of tourism activities.

Consider, as an example of the third model, the state management of the tourism industry in some countries.

In Italy, the public tourism administration is going through a long and complex process of reform, which began in 1993 with the abolition of the Ministry of Tourism. For a long time The Tourism Development and Competition Department was subordinate to the Ministry of Industrial Activities, in 2013 tourism issues were placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism. The main functions of the national tourism administration are reduced to coordinating the activities of regional tourism administrations, developing regulatory and legal sectoral documents of a national nature, research and processing of statistical data, as well as international activities (intergovernmental agreements, relations with international organizations and the European Union). The powers of local tourist administrations have been significantly expanded. They are in charge of all issues of licensing tourism activities, carry out the classification of hotels, have the right to promote their regions within the country and abroad. A significant role in the management of tourism in Italy belongs to the National Tourism Authority (EN / T), whose main functions are advertising and information work, marketing research, and coordination of foreign activities of local tourism administrations.

The public administration of the tourism industry in France is also an example of the third model. At the executive level, tourism falls within the purview of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, which includes the State Secretariat for Tourism. They oversee the management and regulation of the industry, investment and international relations, conduct economic analyzes and research related to tourism. In addition, there are a number of bodies involved in tourism management and also supported by the state, for example, the French Agency for Tourism Engineering, the National Tourism Supervisory Board, the National Agency for Holiday Travel and a number of others. Marketing activities and promotion of the French tourism product on the international tourism market are carried out by the national tourism association Maison de la France(“Houses of France”), which arose in 1987 as a result of a partnership agreement between local administrations, travel agencies, hotels, sightseeing objects.

Belgium's main body for the regulation of tourism, the General Commissariat for Tourism, was formed in 1939.

It is part of the Ministry of Communications. Since 1977, the General Commissariat has been subdivided into three services: a central service, which is mainly responsible for organizing tourism abroad, and two tourism commissions (one for French-speaking citizens, the other for Flemish), whose activities are related with the organization of tourism within the country, the financial intervention of the state, the development of social tourism and cooperation with the competent ministries in matters of planning and creating a material base for tourism services. Tourism federations and local tourism departments have been established in the provinces under the magistrates of cities and provincial centers. These local tourism federations and tourism authorities are united in the Supreme Council for Tourism and the Supreme Council for Social Tourism.

In Portugal, the State Secretariat for Tourism is part of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Development. In 1976, the National Tourism Corporation was established, among whose responsibilities is the management of hotels and travel agencies, as well as government investment in the tourism sector of the economy and trade. The corporation is in charge of the National Institute for the Training of Specialists in Tourism and Hospitality.

Management functions in the field of tourism in Canada are assigned to the Canadian Tourism Commission, which is included in the structure of the industrial department of the Ministry of Industry Canada. The main tasks of the Commission are: informing customers, developing a world-class tourism industry, meeting the growing needs of tourists, strengthening cooperation between various tourism organizations and participants in the tourism industry, etc.

In Ecuador, the National Directorate of Tourism is subordinate to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Integration. It is responsible for the planning, advertising and development of tourism, and also oversees this development. The formulation of the general policy of the Directorate is the responsibility of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Integration, who chairs the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Tourism.

In Colombia, the Tourism Development Fund (National Tourism Fund - "Fontour") was established to promote tourism, which is administered by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism. The main activities of the Fund are the development of domestic tourism, the implementation of various social programs, the support of local communities, and the promotion of national cultural heritage.

Thus, state regulation of the tourism sector should be carried out in two forms: firstly, as current control aimed at the implementation of specific measures for the development of tourism; secondly, as a strategic regulation aimed at assessing the level of achievement of the set goals. The objects of strategic regulation are the state and degree of use of the country's tourism potential, the implementation of planned targeted programs, as well as monitoring the external and internal environment and changes in the economic and social policy of the state.

Various forms of state regulation of the tourism industry as ways of implementing the tourism policy of the state perform similar tasks in different countries, the main of which are the regulation of tourism activities, information support, promotion of the national tourism product, training, etc. Ultimately, the tourism policy of all of these countries is aimed at strengthening the tourism economy and increasing the economic efficiency of this branch of the national economic complex.


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