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The question of how to open a sports club is more relevant today than ever. And there are plenty of reasons for that. The fashion for a healthy lifestyle, which began to actively emerge about a decade and a half ago, this moment has become a daily habit. A huge number of people, even those with a very busy work schedule, are well aware that without a healthy body, a healthy spirit cannot be seen, and therefore they find time to visit the gym at least three times a week in order to keep themselves in good shape and not lose business activity.

Those who decide to open a gym from scratch will only have to initial stage attract significant investment. After the business pays off after a certain period of time, the cost of maintaining a sports club will be significantly less than income.

Approaching the question of how to open a gym from scratch, you need to understand that in big cities at the moment there is a decent number of elite sports facilities. Therefore, so that the business at the opening of such a club does not turn into continuous costs in a highly competitive environment, an economy class institution should be opened to meet the needs of a specific target audience that cannot afford to lay out half of the monthly income for a subscription.

The first stage: drawing up a business plan and developing a strategy

Starting a business of this kind, you need to decide on the specifics of the future club: will it be a single project in which you will independently solve absolutely all organizational and other pressing issues, or is it a business on a franchise basis. In the first case, there are a number of undeniable advantages, such as, for example, relative freedom of action. But for those who do not have sufficient experience in doing business in sports business, the risk of making critical mistakes that can lead to the collapse of the entire event is quite high.

In the event that the business will be carried out as a franchise, then there are also strengths: you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”, because by purchasing a franchise, you get not only the already promoted brand of this club, but you can also count on support and assistance in solving almost any problems that have arisen. However, it is necessary to understand that this is beneficial primarily to those who have most of the rights to an already established business. You can get into a kind of bondage, giving away most of the profits from the institution to franchise owners.

When you have decided on the specifics of a sports institution, you need to decide what level it will be and at what level. target audience calculated. An economy class institution should be located in a passable place, albeit far from the city center. The list of services of this club should include a gym and a room for fitness, yoga, Pilates, as well as locker rooms, a bathroom, showers, a relaxation room and a reception. You can add a “zest” to your gym of this class, for example, by orienting an institution for family pastime with children, organizing a children's room, or providing for special training programs for parents with kids.

Thus, showing creativity, it is possible to compete even with expensive elite sports clubs, having acquired its own dedicated audience.

If it is decided to organize a club at a higher level, then, in addition to all of the above, it must have a massage room, a room for cosmetic services or SPA procedures, a solarium, a swimming pool, a shop sportswear and nutrition.

Stage two: choosing the most suitable premises

In any case, you will have to look for a room for the future club on your own, no matter whether you open your own authentic institution or a business on a franchise basis. It must be understood that the vast majority of people want to go in for sports in the immediate vicinity of their home or place of work, respectively, the premises of a sports institution should be located near a business center, or in the heart of a residential area near a major traffic intersection.

The premises of a sports facility must have a good ventilation system, which is very important, high ceilings, and all communications, such as heating, electricity, cold and hot water, must be properly connected and function properly. Otherwise, you risk getting large unplanned costs in addition.

The larger the area of ​​​​the premises of such a club, the better, of course, however, it is worth measuring your own financial capabilities so as not to get into a mess. Therefore, first you need to find out what range of services the institution will offer, and based on these needs, look for a suitable room for rent. The area of ​​​​the fitness room should be at least three to five square meters per person.

Even for the smallest economy-level club, a total area of ​​at least 160 square meters is desirable; a higher-level establishment can occupy up to 1,500 square meters.

Third stage: equipment selection

To open your own club, in any case, you will need to purchase equipment, the costs of which "eat up" the lion's share of the entire budget. So, here is a rough list of the essentials:

  • For the full-fledged equipment of the hall, at least ten to fifteen simulators are required. A common mistake novice businessmen make is to purchase cheap copies in the hope of saving some money. However, this is not very profitable, more precisely, on the contrary, the purchase of unsuitable equipment is not only contrary to safety regulations, but it can also be argued with a high degree of probability that such a step will lead to the need to replace equipment within a few months after its commissioning. simulators good quality, in turn, can last up to ten years with proper care, lubrication, replacement of cables and small parts once a year. By the way, at the moment there are enough domestic brands that offer a complete list of high-quality simulators (from block to treadmills) at quite reasonable prices from $400 per unit, which is quite profitable.
  • Equipment for fitness, Pilates and yoga, such as step platforms, special balls, etc., is cheaper than exercise equipment. For example, the cost of a quality step platform is approximately $100.
  • To open the hall, you can limit yourself to the above set of equipment. If the level of such a club is above average, then you will additionally need to purchase a solarium, a table for massage room, refrigerators for a bar, cosmetic installations for depilation, rejuvenation and other equipment.

Stage four: preparation and execution of the necessary documents

If you have firmly decided “I want my own business”, you should understand that establishing a club involves documenting and receiving all required permits granting the right to conduct such activities. You can deal with this issue on your own or entrust the process to intermediaries, which is not very profitable from a financial point of view. So, you will need:

  • A certificate that is issued upon registration for further registration as a CJSC / LLC.
  • Permits signed after inspection of the establishment by the fire service and SES.
  • Original registration documents from the pension fund.
  • A passport issued to a sports institution and granting the right to engage in recreational activities.
  • Permit issued by Rospotrebnadzor.

Fifth stage: recruitment

The staff of such a club plays one of the key roles, because even if in the institution itself high level with a sauna, a swimming pool and a relaxation area, customers will be met by gloomy administrators and incompetent instructors will train, then we can say with confidence that there will be very few people in such a club.

Therefore, starting your business from scratch, you should pay careful attention to the selection of qualified personnel, you can give young employees the opportunity to try their hand, for whom a certain lack of experience is compensated by a zeal for work and a desire to prove themselves, which often bears fruit. The staff of even a small institution should be staffed with:

  • Gym instructors (including personal trainers).
  • Fitness, Pilates and Yoga instructors.
  • At least one head coach.
  • Administrators.
  • Cleaners.
  • Manager (often this function is taken over by the owner of the institution).


It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how much it costs to organize a gym, it depends on many factors, including in which city the institution will be located. In any case, such a business requires investments in the amount of ten million rubles or more. But if you have firmly decided “I want”, then it’s definitely worth trying yourself in the wellness area. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first. The payback period for a business is one to three years.

Club registration, sports federation registration,– registration services for non-profit organizations provided by MosYurUslug at a discount within the framework of social project legal services. These services are offered as a turnkey package with the purchase of a legal address and payment of the state fee from the registration fee.

Registration of a club, registration of a sports federation is a procedure for acquiring the rights of a legal entity by these non-profit organizations. Registration of a club, registration of a sports federation is carried out in the manner prescribed for other non-profit organizations not included in other groups. Registration of the club is carried out taking into account the number of founders of these organizations. Registration of a sports federation has a special procedure and is possible in case of obtaining permission from the State Committee for Sports. For more detailed information, please contact our specialists.

Club registration. Club registration is a type of service for non-profit organizations. Registration of the club is carried out in accordance with the general procedure for non-profit organizations. Recall that the club is a community of people with common interests, united in commercial organization. As a rule, two organizational and legal forms are suitable for performing the club registration service: a non-profit partnership or social organization. There are sports, entertainment, political, religious clubs, etc. In the USSR and a number of socialist countries, cultural and educational institutions that organize the leisure of workers and contribute to their communist upbringing, education, and the development of creative needs were also called clubs. Sports clubs are professional or amateur non-profit organizations that have a team of athletes, infrastructure, management system and service staff. Registration of the club is carried out in the bodies of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation.

Nightclub registration also applies to club registration services. Night club, in accordance with the current legislation is created in the form non-profit organization for the promotion and development of various musical trends, the organization of leisure of citizens and the sale of goods and services. To perform the service, the registration of a nightclub is usually used organizationally. legal form ANO is an autonomous non-profit organization. Registration of a night club is carried out in the same manner as the registration of other clubs.

Sports club registration, registration football club carried out, as a rule, in the form of public associations. Also, to perform the service registration of a sports club, registration of a football club, a non-profit partnership is suitable. All of these organizations are based on membership, which is most typical for organizations of this purpose. Registration of a sports club, registration of a football club, as well as registration of a club, is carried out in accordance with the general procedure provided for by the Federal Law “On Non-Commercial Organizations”.

Registration of a sports federation. Registration of a sports federation is carried out for a specific sport, provided for all-Russian classifier sports approved by the State Sports Committee. Sports Federation- an organization carrying out activities in the field of sports, the purpose of which is the training of athletes, the holding of sports events, education or other activities related to sports. When performing the sports federation registration service, you should be aware that the term "Sports Federation" includes the definition of a wide range of public and non-profit structures. The legal interpretation of this term may vary in different countries, for example, the definition of "Sports Federation" on the territory of the Russian Federation is established by the Federal Law "On physical education and sports in the Russian Federation. Registration of a sports federation is carried out in the bodies of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

MosYurUsluga specializes in performing club registration and sports federation registration services. Depending on the wishes of the client and his capabilities, we offer different terms and cost of the service. To perform the service, it is necessary to provide copies of the founders' passports and title documents to the address. In the absence of a legal address, you can always buy it from us.

Taking into account the specifics of the provision of services for registration of a club, registration of a sports federation and discounts within the framework of a social project for these types of registration, we offer a package - "TURNKEY", containing a discount within the framework of a social project in the amount of 10 to 20%. The service package includes the preparation of documents for the performance of the service, the development of the charter and adapting it to your requirements, verbal advice on the performance of the service, support from a notary, filing documents with the registration authority and receiving documents by our specialist, as well as making the seal of your organization, obtaining a TIN in the territorial tax office, preparation of an information letter on registration in the USRPO (statistical codes) and registration in funds, acquisition of a legal address and payment of the state registration fee.

Club registration, sports federation registration- "ECONOMY" and "TURNKEY" services. The cost of services from 15,000 rubles., registration period - 1 month. Includes preparation of a set of documents for the performance of the service club registration, sports federation registration, development of the charter and adapting it to your requirements, verbal advice on the implementation of the service, support from a notary, submission of documents to the registration authority and receipt of documents by our specialist. obtaining a TIN at the territorial tax office, preparing an information letter on registration in the USRPO (statistics codes), registration with funds. When performing the "TURNKEY" service, you receive a complete set of documents necessary to start the full-fledged activities of your club or federation. non-profit organization.

A sports society (sports club) is one of the types of physical culture and sports organizations that can be created in Russia in accordance with Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”.

The provisions of this law also apply to individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of physical culture and sports.

Forms in which a sports club (legal entity) can be registered:

  1. Non-profit organization.

In this case, the sports club operates on the basis of the Charter of a non-profit organization, guided by the laws:

  • Federal Law No. 82-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On public associations
  • Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996 “On Non-Commercial Organizations”
  1. Commercial organization.

In this case, the club can be organized in any form permitted by law. Most often, such clubs exist in the form of Societies with limited liability. In their activities, they are guided by the Charter of the company and the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”.

Sports club - non-profit organization (NPO)

The main activity of such an organization is the development of a certain type (s) of sports, its popularization, and the involvement of citizens in sports. Making profit with subsequent distribution among the participants cannot be the main goal of a sports society established in the form of a non-profit organization.

Registration of such an organization takes place as a legal entity in the same manner as other non-profit organizations.

When registering, you will need to select the NCO form. The following types of NGOs are suitable for a sports society (club):

  • public organization (public association)
  • non-commercial partnership
  • autonomous non-profit organization
  • association or union.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that public associations, in turn, are divided into:

  • social organization
  • social movement
  • public fund
  • public institution
  • some others (not suitable for a sports club).

All-Russian, interregional, regional and local public associations may be created in the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for registering a Sports Club as an NPO:

  1. Decide on the type of NPO
  2. Decide on the name of the sports club and its legal address.
  3. Decide on the creation of an NPO and prepare founding documents. The founders of the club are usually initiative persons (at least three people). They convene general meeting future members of the club. It is at the general meeting of the club that a decision is made on its creation, the charter of the club, the governing bodies of the club and the control and audit commission are selected.
  4. Submit prepared documents (together with a receipt for payment of state duty for registration of NPOs) to the registration authority. Documents must be submitted for registration no later than three months from the date of the decision to establish the club. The registering body in this case is the regional branch of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The following must be submitted for registration:

1) an application for registration of an NPO in the form Р11001;

2) constituent documents of the NPO in triplicate;

3) a decision on the establishment of a non-profit organization and on the approval of its constituent documents, indicating the composition of the executive bodies in two copies;

4) information about the founders in two copies;

5) a document confirming payment of the state fee;

6) information about the address (location) of the permanent executive body of the NCO;

7) when using symbols protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property in the name of an NPO - documents confirming the authority to use them;

  1. In case of a positive decision on registration, receive:
  • certificates of registration of non-commercial organizations
  • list of entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Step-by-step instructions for registering a Sports Club as a commercial organization.

To register a sports club as a commercial organization, it is necessary to carry out all the typical steps for registering a legal entity:

  1. Decide on the name and legal address of the company
  2. Prepare a package of statutory documents
  3. Hold a general meeting of founders, at which to accept / approve the constituent documents of the company, appoint executive agency society.
  4. Submit to the registration authority (authorized body of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation):
  • Company registration application
  • Constituent documents of the society
  • Receipt of payment of the state fee (See also the article ⇒).

A sports club is created by an individual entrepreneur (IP)

In this case, an individual simply needs to register as an individual entrepreneur, for which he must submit to the registration authority:

  1. Application for registration as an individual entrepreneur
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Choosing a taxation system when registering a sports club

For any of the selected forms of organization of a sports club, it is necessary to decide on the choice of taxation system. If you plan to apply the Simplified Taxation System (STS), then it is better to submit a notification of the transition to the simplified tax system simultaneously with the submission of documents for registration.

Answers to common questions

Question #1:

Can a sports club operate without registration?

Yes, article 3 rules federal law dated 19.05.1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations” allows citizens to create public associations that carry out their activities without state registration and acquisition of legal personality.

Question #2:

Does a sports club established to teach children how to play football need a license?

If the main activity is teaching children sports, then the organization must be established in the form of an NPO and have a license (Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”). A license is not required if the name "Sports Club" uses individual entrepreneur who carries out training independently, without the involvement of other specialists.

If just sports activities are chosen as the main activity, then a license is not required and the form of organization can be any.

Question #3:

Can an individual entrepreneur organize a sports club for training in martial arts if he does not have a special education?

If the activity of a sports club is educational and an individual entrepreneur plans to conduct classes on his own, without involving other sports specialists, in accordance with Article 46 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. higher education in the field of sports.

Service Cost, rub) Term
Consultation IS FREE
Sports Federation
28 000 35 days
Sports Federation
55 000 35 days
from 17 000 35 days

Sports Federation is a public organization created on the basis of membership. The goals of the Federation are the development of one or more sports, their promotion, organization, as well as the holding of sports events and the training of athletes - members of sports teams.

Since the sports federation can only be created in the form of a public organization, then the procedure for the creation, operation, and liquidation of the federation is determined in accordance with the law “On Public Associations”, taking into account the specifics, the law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”.

Which question are you interested in:

Registration of the Federation Federation re-registrationAnother question

Territorial status of the Federation:

All-RussianRegionallocalDifficult to answer

We guarantee that your data will not be passed on to third parties!

Our firm assists in the registration of Sports Federations in the Ministries of Justice: Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region, and we also prepare documents for all regions of the Russian Federation.


  • Consultation on the establishment of the Federation.
  • Preparation of documents for registration of the Federation, 3-5 days.
  • Registration of the sports Federation in the Ministry of Justice, 6-7 weeks.
  • Registration of the registered Federation with the IFTS.
  • Print making.


Name of service Price Term
Federation Consultation Is free
Registration local/regional Federations 28 000 rub. 35 days
Registration All-Russian Federation.
At least 43 branches in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
55 000 rub. 35 days
Only preparation of documents: regional / All-Russian 24,000 rubles/50,000 rubles 5 days
Registration of a branch of the Federation 24 000 rub. 35 days
Amendments to the charter of the Sports Federation from 20 000 rub. 35 days
Registration of a sports club - ANO (detailed) 19 000 rub. 25 days
Departure of a specialist to the client's office to place an order Is free
* State duty (4000 rubles) is not included in the cost of services.


  • At least three individuals.
    In fact, 4 founders are needed, since the head, as a rule, is a member of the founders and the council of the organization, and no more than 1/4 of the employees of a public organization can be a collegiate body.
  • Legal entities - only Public associations.


  • Name of the Sports Federation.
  • Information about the head of the Sports Federation (passport data and TIN are required).
  • Information about the founders - individuals of the Sports Federation (passport data and TIN are required).
  • Address of the location of the Sports Federation (you can use the home address of the head).
  • Contact phone number for government agencies.


  • You provide us with information and documents in person or by email.
  • We sign the contract.
  • You make an advance payment.
  • We send you the Charter of the Sports Federation for approval.
  • After the approval of all documents, we submit them for registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • We receive the registered documents and hand them over to you according to the act of acceptance.


Have you decided to open a sports federation or a sports club? The question arises - where to start?
To register a sports Federation on your own, you need to study the legal provisions of NGOs and correctly fill out the documents. It must be understood that the creation of a sports federation is not an easy procedure. How to open a sports federation, the timing of the creation of a sports federation - there are many questions! The term for opening a sports federation depends on the region of registration, but, as a rule, is 6-8 weeks. This is provided that the documents pass the Ministry of Justice without suspension, otherwise, the period for creating a sports federation is extended by 4-5 weeks. The state fee is not refundable. That is why it is very important to prepare documents correctly and competently.

We offer you step by step instructions.

  • First of all, you need to decide on name. The name should reflect the type of activity of the organization. All-Russian public associations-sports federations may use in their names the names "Russia", "Russian Federation" and words and phrases formed on their basis without special permission from the competent state body.
  • Need to decide on founders. It must be understood that after the registration of the Federation, the founders become members of the organization and have equal rights.
  • It is necessary to form governing bodies.
    The governing bodies of the Federation are formed upon creation and are immediately prescribed in the protocol. The supreme governing body of a sports federation is the meeting of the members of the organization.
  • Need to decide on location address.
    The residential premises of the founder may be the legal address of the organization.
  • Need to decide on activities and goals creating an organization.
  • After all the main points have been determined, it is necessary to collect a set of documents and submit it to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for registration.


  • Application form 11001.
  • Charter of the Sports Federation.
  • Protocol/decision on the establishment of the Sports Federation.
  • Documents confirming the use of a legal address.
  • USN notice.
  • State duty for 4000 rubles.


In the names of public organizations - sports federations, sport-specific indications must be used included in the All-Russian register of sports.
Name of sports federation must contain an indication of the organizational and legal form of the sports Federation- "public organization" and the territorial scope of its activities: local, regional, all-Russian.
Sports Federations have the right to use in their names the words "union" or "association", which in this case are not an indication of their organizational and legal form.


Sports Federations in Russia are included in the All-Russian Register of Sports. In one subject there can be only one Federation of a certain sport. The register is maintained by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.
One sport in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation the relevant executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation is obliged to accredit only one regional sports Federation. If there is an All-Russian Sports Federation for the relevant sport or sports, a regional Public Organization accredited as a regional sports Federation for the same sports must be a member of such an All-Russian Sports Federation.
To obtain state accreditation and acquiring the status of a regional sports federation, the regional public organization submits documents, the list and deadline for submission of which are determined in accordance with the procedure for state accreditation of regional sports federations.
On the territory of the Russian Federation, only one public organization can be accredited as the All-Russian Sports Federation.


Local Sports Federation is created and operates in order to develop a certain type or certain sports in the territories of a municipal district, urban district, intracity municipality federal cities of Moscow or St. Petersburg.
Regional Sports Federation- a regional public organization that is a member of the all-Russian sports federation, or structural subdivision All-Russian Sports Federation, which have received state accreditation and whose goals are the development of one or more sports on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, their promotion, organization, holding of sports events and training of athletes - members of sports teams of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
All-Russian Sports Federation- All-Russian public organization, which was created on the basis of membership, received state accreditation and whose goals are the development of one or more sports on the territory of the Russian Federation, their promotion, organization, holding of sports events and training of athletes - members of the sports teams of the Russian Federation. You can apply for the creation of the All-Russian (All-Russian) Federation through our website: by calling or filling out the online order form.


Sports clubs are legal entities carrying out training, competitive, physical culture and educational activities.
Sports clubs can be created by legal and individuals in the form of physical culture and sports clubs at the place of residence, work, school sports clubs, student sports clubs, professional sports clubs and other sports clubs.
Sports clubs may be assisted by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government through:
1) construction, reconstruction, repair of sports facilities and other sports facilities;
2) transfer for gratuitous use or long-term lease on preferential terms of premises, buildings, structures that are the property of the Russian Federation or constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal property;
3) provision of sports facilities and equipment;
4) provision of other support in the manner and in cases that are established by the regulatory legal acts of the federal executive authorities, the regulatory legal acts of the state power subjects of the Russian Federation or municipal legal acts.
Sports clubs carry out their activities at their own expense and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Sports clubs are created in the form of ANO (autonomous non-profit organization). The procedure for registration of ANO.


In what cases is it necessary to amend the charter of the sports Federation:

  • Name change.
  • Change of legal address.
  • Change of territorial status.
  • Amendment of other provisions of the charter.

OUR CLIENTS (2018 - 2019)

We do not post in general access copies of registration certificates of our clients, as in accordance with paragraph 4.5. agreement on registration of NCOs - this information is confidential.

  • REGIONAL PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "WATER POLO UNION IN MOSCOW" (ORGN: 1177700023489) — received accreditation from the Ministry of Sports without the word "Federation"

Today, the development of the sports industry in Russia is only gaining momentum. More and more people try to follow healthy lifestyle life. To do this, you need to get rid of excess weight, depression, and constantly maintain good physical shape. Given this trend, the opening of a sports club is quite promising idea especially now that the market is saturated.

It should be noted that the market for elite sports services in most major cities is already occupied, so it is necessary to open a sports club with the expectation of providing economy class services. Despite the fact that the number of people who buy simulators in the property is constantly increasing, this does not give reason to believe this species business risky. The fact is that most people go to sports clubs not only to maintain physical fitness, but also to expand their social circle. Also, at best, you can place one or two simulators at home, in a sports club there are much more of them. Among other things, playing sports at home gives significantly worse results, which is caused by laziness or ignorance of the rules.


It is advisable to choose an area for a sports club directly either in a residential area or close to business center. The fact is that potential clients in this case there will be adults who do not have too much free time to get to the sports club. As a rule, people visit the club either in the morning, before work, or in the evening. Statistics show that the remoteness of the club from the place of work or home is the most determining factor in choosing it. The area of ​​the club must be at least 150 square meters. m., while it should be divided into such premises as:

  1. Gym;
  2. bathroom;
  3. Two dressing rooms;
  4. Common room for training;
  5. Warehouse of sports equipment;
  6. Staff room.

Marketing research shows that the creation of separate rooms for women and men has great development prospects. The fact is that ladies in their environment feel more relaxed, which in turn has a positive effect on the productivity of training.

AT gyms a good ventilation system should be provided, as during sports there is profuse sweating. In the hall, the temperature should be around 18°C, and in the locker rooms - 25°C


To purchase simulators, it is necessary to allocate a sufficiently large amount of funds. To equip 1 square. m. of area, domestic simulators need about 9.0 thousand rubles. When betting on imported simulators, this figure increases at least 2-2.5 times.
The main set of sports club equipment should include:

  • Strength training equipment;
  • mats;
  • Fitballs;
  • Free weights;
  • Cardio equipment.


AT staffing The sports club must provide for the following positions:

  • Administrator -1 person;
  • Cleaner - 2 people;
  • Accountant - 1 person;
  • Trainer - 3 people.

The selection of instructors in the gym must be approached very responsibly. The fact is that a good athlete is not always the same good instructor. In addition to excellent physical shape, the coach must have charisma, the ability to start the gym and set the right mood for it.

Technical staff is necessary for the functioning of the sports club, because the cleanliness of the halls is very important for customers.

For reference financial statements in a sports club, you can either hire an accountant for incomplete week or assign these responsibilities to a third party organization.


To open a sports club, approximately 1.75 million rubles are needed, which will be distributed approximately as follows:

  • Repair of premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 1.5 million rubles;
  • Advertising - 100 thousand rubles.

The club's monthly expenses include:

  • Room rental - about 80 thousand rubles;
  • Salaries of employees - 270 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 10 thousand rubles.

Total: 360 thousand rubles.

The profit of a sports club consists of the sale of club cards and proceeds from the provision of additional services. Almost all monthly expenses are recouped through the sale of cocktails, salads, and the provision of cosmetic services. At the cost of an annual subscription equal to 10 thousand rubles. and with 100-150 permanent members, the payback period for opening a sports club is about 3 years.


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