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GOST RV 15.703-2005

This standard does not apply to products manufactured during research and development work.

This standard specifies:

- the procedure for calling a representative of the supplier (contractor) and eliminating defects (restoring or replacing defective products);

- the procedure for compiling, presenting and recording reclamation documents;

- the procedure for investigating the causes of defects and satisfying claims;

The provisions of this standard shall apply to those located in the territory Russian Federation organizations, enterprises and other entities economic activity regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, as well as the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation participating in orders and deliveries of products in accordance with applicable law.

Based on this standard and in addition to it, in agreement with the customer, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop regulations specifying the procedure for presenting and satisfying complaints, taking into account the specifics of individual types of products.

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Quality Management Forum View Topic. Smolkin Andrey wrote: The Internet suggested that you can buy GOST RV here. Good evening everyone! Andrei, about a year and a half ago I came across the office you indicated. Called them. Indeed, they have a lot of things to buy. Honestly, then (and even now) it seemed strange to me that the office, like this, openly trades in military standards (except for secret ones, of course). Read more here http: //www.

GOST RV 15.703-2005 “System for the development and production of products. Military equipment. The procedure for the presentation and satisfaction of complaints. Basic Provisions..

Sent on disk. The version seems to be updated as of the time of sending.

In principle, "to see" - you can buy from them. But in my case, official editions of military standards were needed. I ordered the standards we needed from ROSOBORONSTANDART. At that time, it was enough to call and send an application. But at that moment they did not put on subscription service (for maintenance), although before that they had such powers. It seems that they transferred the subscription service function to FSUE VNIINMASH. Perhaps now the order has changed in ROSOBORONSTANDART.

Write a letter Site map RSS Designer Download materials with the requirements of GOST RV 15.703-2005 and the act of acceptance and transfer (forms according to GOST RV 15.703-2005 is located in the section: Documentation system that determines the indicators of quality, reliability and durability of products - Catalog GOST Document files available: GOST RV 15.703-2005.pdf submitted on 05/16/2011.

The last time I ordered GOSTs from them was last June /2. I read on their website.

Provides enterprises (organizations), executors of state defense order, documents on the standardization of defense products (interstate and national military standards, limited distribution standards) in accordance with the permission of the Main Directorate of Armaments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Letter dated 1. ОВС / 1. 28). more details: http: //rosoboronstandart. Here is the text of the said letter.

GOST rv 15703-2005 procedure for presenting and satisfying claims

Vitaliy Einula" 05/31/13 4:57. GOST RV 15.703-2005 System for the development and production of products. Military equipment.

  • GOST RV 15.703-2005 System for the development and production of products. Military equipment. Order of presentation and satisfaction.
  • GOST RV 15.703-2005. Dear Stanislav Vladimirovich! In connection with the adoption of the decision by the Federal Defense Service.

GOST RV 15.703-2005 Military equipment. The procedure for the presentation and satisfaction of complaints. - Document GA No. 61 / and November 19, 1986.

ATTENTION! The use of this standard in the Russian Federation has been discontinued due to the entry into force on January 1, 2007 of GOST RV 15.703-2005. Interstate standard. Moscow: Publishing House of Standards, 2001, 35 p. This standard applies to military equipment (newly manufactured or repaired) supplied to organizations of the Ministry of Defense and other ministries (departments), as well as to work carried out by the contractor on military equipment products during commissioning.

GOST RV 0001–005–2006 System for the standardization of defense products. GOST RV 15.703–2005 System for the development and production of products.

This standard applies to military equipment and other defense products (hereinafter referred to as products) supplied to the customer (consumer), as well as to work (services) performed by the contractor on military equipment products during commissioning, and to product modifications carried out by the product supplier in during their operation. This standard does not apply to products manufactured during research and development work. This standard establishes: - the procedure for calling a representative of the supplier (contractor) and eliminating defects (restoring or replacing defective products); - the procedure for compiling, presenting and recording reclamation documents; - the procedure for investigating the causes of defects and satisfying claims; - a list of reclamation documents developed upon presentation and satisfaction of reclamations, and their standard forms. Pages 35. M .: Gosstandart of Russia, 1994. - This standard applies to samples (systems, complexes) of military equipment, their components and components for cross-industry use, materials and substances for which the assigned resource, service life, storage period, distance or duration of transportation, including before repair. M.: Publishing house of standards, 2004. - 37 p. Official publication Developed by VNIIstandart. Adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 18, 2003 No. 370-st. Introduced for the first time (this object and aspect of standardization was previously covered by GOST V 15.301-80, the use of which in the Russian Federation was discontinued simultaneously with the entry into force of this one. M .: Standartinform, 2009. - 27 p. Official publication Introduced for the first time. This standard applies to products, systems (complexes) of military equipment, their components, components for cross-sectoral use and materials included in products, as well as materials, military substances that are not included in products, during their storage and operation.

GOST rv 15703-2005 procedure for presenting and satisfying claims

Smoke the following literature:. - NTERAT GA-93. - Document GA No. 23.

6-71 December 28, 1978 Regulations on the organization and conduct of reclamation and claims work in the aviation technical bases of civil aviation enterprises with industrial enterprises and repairmen with factories. AND.

Mashkivsky. - Document GA No. 54 February 14, 1972. Instructions for restoring a failed aviation technology supplied by the industry to the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the Ministry of Civil Aviation and registration of reclamation acts on it.

Service maintenance procedure in accordance with STB B 15.703-2007 and GOST RV 15.703-2005. Service maintenance produced both on site. Requirements;. GOST RV 0015-002-2012 SRPPP. Military equipment. Quality management systems. General requirements;. GOST RV 15.703-2005 SRPP VT.

  1. ATTENTION The use of this standard in the Russian Federation has been discontinued due to the entry into force on 01.01.2007 of GOST RV 15.703-2005.
  2. Quanta twc drivers · GOST RV 15.703-2005 · GDZ in geography initial course 6th grade Gerasimova Neklyukova 2013 textbook · quanta twc.

Gost Rv 15.703-2005 Read

4 GOST 2.603-68 ESKD Amendments to operational and maintenance DO 22 GOST RV 0001-005-2006 Standardization system for defense products. Implementation order. GOST RV 15.703-2005. SRPP. VT. Order.

Bugaev. — GOST RV 15. 703-2005 Military equipment. The procedure for the presentation and satisfaction of complaints. - Document GA No. 61 / and November 19, 1986.

Basic conditions for the repair of aviation equipment of civil aviation. (ed. of 19. 11. 1986) (inactive version) B.

Regulation: "Basic conditions for the repair of civil aviation equipment" (as amended on 31.01.2002).

GOST rv 15703-2005 procedure for presenting and satisfying claims

Quality assurance system for semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics based on Cals technologies technical sciences Kanevsky, Vladimir Evgenievich.

1 Technology for the development and manufacture of semiconductor materials for devices and electronic devices. 1. 1 Technology for obtaining group materials. А2В6 for IR equipment. one.

2 Technology for obtaining group materials. A B for IR technology. 1. 3 Technology for obtaining materials for ionizing radiation detectors.

Development and implementation of the QMS in accordance with GOST RV 0015-002-2012 and with GOST RV 0015-308-2011 and GOST RV 15.703-2005 at defense industry enterprises. 4 GOST 2.603-68 ESKD Amendments to operational and maintenance DO 22 GOST RV 0001-005-2006 Standardization system for defense products. Implementation order. GOST RV 15.703-2005. SRPP. VT. Order. GOST RV 0015-001-2011 System for the development and setting of products for replacement GOST RV 15.1 000-92 The standard establishes the purpose, purpose and. GOST RV 15.703-2005 System for the development and setting of products for. GOST RV 15.703-2005 System for the development and production of products. Military equipment. The order of presentation and

1. 2 Regulatory and methodological assurance of the quality of materials for semiconductor connections for military and dual-use electronic equipment and devices. 1. 3 Metrological assurance of the quality of materials for semiconductor connections for military and dual-use electronic equipment and devices. one.

4 Quality assurance of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual purposes based on a documented Quality Management System. Analysis of features and determination of the direction of development. 1. 1 The structure of the QMS documentation. one.

Requirements. GOST RV 0015-002-2012 SRPPP. Military equipment. Quality management systems. General requirements. GOST RV 15.703-2005 SRPP VT. Order, meet the requirements of GOST RV 0015-002-2012, GOST ISO products carried out in accordance with GOST RV 15.703-2005. 3.

2 Structure of QMS processes. 1.3 Description of processes, procedures and functions. one.

4 Analysis of features and determination of the direction of development. 1. 5 Statement of the problem: ensuring the quality of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual purposes based on CALS-technologies. Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Principles for Semiconductor Materials for Instruments and Devices of Quantum and Optoelectronics for Military and Dual Purposes Based on CALB Technologies. 2.

1 SLE technologies. 2.2 Analysis regulatory framework, which regulates the use of CAE-technologies.

2. 3 Development of principles for the organization of IIS.

2. 4 Structure of information objects. 2. 1 Information object "QMS".

2. 2 Information object "Documentation". 2.

3 Integrated information environment. 2. 5 Organizational structure of QMS based on SLB-technologies. Chapter 3 Normative documents in electronic format QMS of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual purposes based on SLB technologies. 3. 1 The structure of the complex of normative documents of the QMS. 3.

2 The order of assigning designations. An electronic document regulating the order of designations. 3.

3 Normative document describing IIS. 3.4 An electronic document describing the formal functional models(FFM). 3. 5 Electronic document “Information object “QMS”.

3. 6 Electronic document "Information object" Documentation ". 3. 7 Electronic document describing the structure of databases.

Chapter 4 Monitoring of the QMS, performance criteria and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the QMS based on SLB technologies. four.

1 Monitoring system and algorithm for obtaining information. 4.2 Performance criteria. 4. 3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of QMS based on CALS-technologies. Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "The system for ensuring the quality of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics based on Cals-technologies". In the trends in the development of science-intensive products, such as semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual use, the main directions can be distinguished:

— increase in costs and reduction of research time in the field of semiconductor materials for instruments and devices of quantum and optoelectronics; - increasing the technological complexity of obtaining these materials;

- tougher competition in the market of devices based on these materials with foreign manufacturers; – increasing the intensity of interaction between participants life cycle products. In order to maintain and strengthen their positions in the market, organizations engaged in research, development and production of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual use need to increase their competitiveness. This can be achieved by increasing customer satisfaction, reducing time and costs (where possible) for research, development and production. One of the ways to increase competitiveness is to use the Quality Management System (QMS), which helps to improve the life cycle of products, increase the efficiency of resource management.

The features of the technology for manufacturing such materials, as well as the relevance of scientific research in the field of materials science, also play a role. Quality assurance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 11, 2008 No.

No. 658-25, the federal target program "Development, restoration and organization of the production of strategic, scarce and import-substituting materials and low-tonnage chemicals for weapons, military and special equipment for 2009-2011 and for the period up to 2015" was put into effect, which provides for the development industrial technologies and organization of small-tonnage production of the above mentioned materials. Ensuring the quality of production, as well as the development of materials, is one of the main objectives of the work under the Program. Ensuring the quality of semiconductor materials for ERI and REA - a set of organizational and technical measures, the purpose of which is the most complete satisfaction customer requirements - a set of organizational structure of the manufacturer (developer), personnel, regulatory, organizational, administrative and technical documents (standards, orders, instructions, instructions, methods, etc.).

), technologies. In other words, the Quality Management System (QMS). The development of the QMS implies not only its improvement and improvement of products, but also the expansion of the range of products, the expansion of the scope of the QMS and many other aspects of activity. This means establishing new working contacts, both with consumers and suppliers, and within the enterprise between departments. The consequence of this is an increase in the volume of information flows, both within the enterprise and with external partners.

A similar picture with the documentation is the increase in its quantity. In such a situation (a large amount of information and documents), the efficiency of work using the "classic" workflow on paper is low. The amount and composition of data to be stored is increasing. When solving many problems, it is necessary to process a large amount of records and documents, which leads to an increase in time costs and, accordingly, an increase in material costs, a decrease in management efficiency and insufficient “transparency” of processes for a representative of the customer (consumer).

When organizing work using "traditional" paper media, multiple duplication of data occurs, which causes subtle errors when copying data. Thus, with the development and improvement of the QMS, the effectiveness of management decreases. Further development will be accompanied by an increase in material and labor costs.

Therefore, there is a need to improve the technology of storage and transmission of data and their processing. There is a need to use information technology for the tasks of the QMS, such as provision, management and continuous improvement, comes to the fore. This provision is relevant even for small research institutes. engaged in scientific research, development of semiconductor materials and technologies for their production, production of such materials and applying quality management. The use of information technologies is conditioned by the requirements for increasing the speed, efficiency and coordination of management at all stages of the life cycle of high-tech products, reducing the costs - time and material for the development of products and documentation, including the normative regulating the activities of the QMS.

These requirements can be met by CALS technologies that operate with electronic documents and data instead of "traditional" paper ones. In addition, the use of CALS technologies will make it possible to unify and standardize data, their composition and storage, as well as access to them. CALS-technologies also allow the creation of a single information space within the QMS, which can be integrated into the electronic regulations of the enterprise as its integral part. CALS stands for Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support, which can literally be translated as "continuity of product supply and support for its life cycle." In fact, CALS is a concept, a way of organizing electronic support for a product during its entire life cycle. The basis of the CALS concept is to increase the efficiency of product life cycle processes (LC) by improving the efficiency of information management. The goal of CALS is to transform the life cycle of a product into a highly automated process.

In the context of the CALS concept, methods and technologies of quality management are gaining new development - the use of a single information space provides information support and integration of processes, the possibility effective use electronic data created by various enterprise processes to solve quality management problems. The aim of the dissertation work is to develop a quality assurance system for semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics based on computer information technologies (CALS-technologies). Achieving this goal required solving a number of tasks, including: 1 analysis of the developed, implemented and certified QMS for research, development and production of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual use;. 2 development of quality assurance principles based on CALS technologies;. 3 development of the principles and organizational structure of the QMS based on CALS technologies;. 4 development of organizational principles, methods, methods and means of implementing the QMS based on CALS technologies;.

5 analysis of the regulatory framework governing the use of CALS technologies;. 6 development of QMS elements based on CALS technologies - an information integrated environment (IIS), a generalized database (GDB), formalized functional models (FFM) of system elements;. 7 development of a complex of ND in electronic format, regulating the activities of the QMS based on CALS technologies;. 8 development of indicators, criteria and a method for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the QMS based on CALS technologies;.

9 evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed system on the example of practical implementation. The object of research is the methods and means of ensuring the quality of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual purposes. The scientific novelty of the dissertation work lies in the fact that for the first time in it: — based on the analysis of technologies for the development and production of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual use, the concept of QMS was developed, including the principles, structure of QMS processes, their interaction, process indicators, criteria for evaluating efficiency; — established the principles of building a QMS based on CALS-technologies;

— developed organizational structure QMS based on SLB-technologies, system elements and requirements for them are defined; — a system for classifying and coding documents and data for use in the information environment has been developed; — formalized functional models of processes have been developed;

— regulatory documents have been developed in electronic format that describe the QMS, an integrated information system (IIS), formalized functional models (FFM), a coding system, a database (DB); — the principle of building a monitoring system has been developed, a system of quality indicators, criteria for their assessment, an algorithm for assessing the effectiveness of the QMS functioning have been developed. The practical value of the results of this work lies in the implementation at JSC "Giredmet" of the developed system for ensuring the quality of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics for military and dual purposes based on the documented QMS and QMS based on SLB technologies. Provisions for defense: — QMS based on CALB technologies that meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001, GOST RV 15. 002-2003, RD B 319. 015-2006, ensures the effectiveness of research, development and small-scale production of semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics military and dual purpose;

- the effectiveness of the QMS is ensured by the developed integrated information environment with the functions of electronic document management, data exchange, quality monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the QMS; - the developed coding system provides a clear identification of documents and data in the IIS environment; — the effectiveness of the QMS is ensured by the developed system of quality indicators and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of the QMS. Approbation of work.

The provisions of the dissertation work are used:. - to build the Quality Management System of JSC "Giredmet" based on SLB-technologies for research, development and small-scale production of A2B6 and A3B5 semiconductor materials for devices and devices of quantum and optoelectronics to replace the existing "traditional" QMS;. - in the educational process of training specialists in the direction 200. 503 Standardization and certification. The conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Standardization and product quality management", Kanevsky, Vladimir Evgenievich.

Main conclusions. Based on the research carried out in the dissertation work, the following results were obtained: 1 The concept of application of CALB-technologies in QMS has been developed. An analysis of the existing QMS showed that document management on "paper" media significantly reduces the efficiency of functioning, due to the low speed of access to data and the low speed of data exchange. As a result, the efficiency of response to changes in conditions, both external and internal, is low. 2 The principle of building an integrated information space of the QMS has been developed, formal functional models of information objects of IIS have been developed. on the basis of which a database was developed with the functions of electronic document management and monitoring of the QMS.

3 A unified notation system has been developed that is used for structural elements IIS information objects, information units in the structure of objects, electronic documents, which allows you to uniquely identify any object in the IIS. 4 To confirm the results obtained, a monitoring system has been developed that allows you to monitor and analyze the effectiveness of all processes and, based on the analysis, implement corrective and preventive actions, as well as analyze their effectiveness. List of references for the dissertation research candidate of technical sciences Kanevsky, Vladimir Evgenievich, 2010.

1. www. sofradir. com. Official site of the ZoytasNg company.

563-96 GSI. Measurement techniques.

3. GOST RV 20. 57. 413-97 KSKK. Products of electronic engineering, quantum electronics and electrical engineering for military purposes. Quality control of finished products and acceptance rules. four.

418-98 CCCC. Ensuring, quality control and acceptance rules for single-piece and small-scale production. 5. GOST RV 15. 105-2001 SRPP. VT.

The procedure for performing research work and their constituent parts. Basic provisions. 6. GOST RV 15. 005-2001 Procedure for performing research.

7. GOST RV 15. 203-2001 SRPP. VT. The procedure for performing experimental design work to create products and their components. Basic provisions.

8. GOST RV 15. 205-2004 SRPP.

VT. The procedure for performing R & D for the creation of components for cross-sectoral use. Basic provisions. 9. Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements". 10. GOST 8.

000-2000 GSI. Basic provisions. 11. GOST RV 1.

1-96 GSS. Metrological support of weapons and military equipment. Basic provisions. 12. GOST RV 20.

57. 412-96 CCCC. Products of electronic engineering, quantum electronics and electrical engineering for military purposes. Requirements for a quality management system.

13. GOST R ISO 9001-2001 Quality management system. Requirements. 14. GOST RV 15.

002-2003 SRPP VT. Quality management systems. General requirements. 15. RD B 319.

015-2006 Products of electronic engineering, quantum electronics and electrical engineering for military purposes. Requirements for a quality management system. 16. GOST RV 15. 215-92 SRPP.

VT. Organization and procedure for conducting technical expertise in the process of product development. 17. GOST RV 15.

210-2001 SRPP. VT. Testing of prototype products and prototype repair samples of products.

Basic provisions. eighteen.

GOST RV 15. 211-2002 SRPP. VT. The procedure for developing programs and methods for testing prototypes of products. Basic provisions. 19. GOST RV 15.

105-2001 SRPP. VT. The procedure for performing research work and their components. Basic provisions. 20. GOST RV 15. 703-2005 SRPP.

VT. The procedure for the presentation and satisfaction of complaints. General provisions. 21.

GOST 2. 051-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic Documents. General provisions.

22. GOST 2. 052-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic product model. General provisions. 23. GOST R ISO 10303-1-99 Production automation systems and their integration.

Presentation of product data and exchange of this data. General representations and fundamental principles. 24. GOST R 52292-2004 Information technology. Electronic information exchange. Terms and Definitions. 25.

GOST R 52294-2004 Information technology. Organization management. Electronic regulation of administrative and official activities. Basic provisions. 26. GOST 13699-91 Recording and reproduction of information. Terms and Definitions.

27. GOST 34. 320-96 Information Technology.

Database standards system. Concepts and terminology for the conceptual schema and infobase. 28. GOST R 34. 10-2001 Information technology.

Cryptographic protection of information. The processes of formation and verification of electronic digital signature. 29. GOST R ISO 10303-22-2005 Production automation systems and their integration. Presentation of product data and exchange of this data. Part 22. Methods of implementation.

Standard data access interface. 30. Pushnikov A. Introduction to database management systems.

Part 1. Relational data model: Textbook / Publishing house of Bashkir University.

Ufa, 1999 - 108 p. 31.

Pushnikov A. Introduction to database management systems.

Part 2. Normal forms of relations and transactions. Textbook/Publishing house of the Bashkir University. G.

Ufa, 1999 - 138 p. 32. Leonova T. Cost management for product quality.

St. Petersburg, SPbGUEF Publishing House, 2000.

33. Rakhlin K. Skripko L. Principles of planning and cost accounting for quality.

standards and quality. No. 3, 2000.

34. Brun M. Georgi D. Quality management: costs and benefits.

Problems of the theory and practice of management, No. 1, 2000, p. 70-75. 35. Mishchenko S. et al.

Expert estimates of quality costs // Standards and quality. No. 7-8, p. 79-81, 2001. 36. Averchev I. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the company.

//Financial director. 2006, No. 6. With. 24-31. 37. Andreev A.

etc. Fundamentals of management. Tutorial.

M. LLC "Yurait", 1999. 38.

Anchishkin A. I. Science technology - economics. — 2nd edition, M.

Economy, 2004. 39. Borisov E.

Economic theory. Textbook. M. Yurist, 2001. 40. Goryachev A.

Financial results of the work of organizations by industrial types economic activity in 2005

//Banking. 2006, No. 3. - from 18-21. 41.

Grachev A. Analysis of the financial and economic state of the enterprise in modern conditions: features, disadvantages and solutions // Management in Russia and abroad. 2006, No. 5. - p.

Gurkov I. Competitiveness and innovation of Russian industrial enterprises IJ Questions of Economics. 2005, No. 2. - p. 21-25.

43. Krylov E. I. "Analysis of production efficiency, scientific and technological progress and economic mechanism" Moscow, "Finance and statistics", 2002. 44. Savitskaya G. V.

"Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise", Moscow Minsk, IP "Ekoperspektiva", 2005. 45. Economic analysis activities of enterprises and associations: Textbook for universities under.

Bernholtz. T. M. Tatsia, 3rd edition, revised. — M.

Finance and statistics, 2006. 46.

Economic analysis of the work of enterprises: Textbook for universities, ed. prof.

M. Finance, 2004. 47. GOST 24.

702-85 Unified system of standards automated systems management. Efficiency of automated control systems. Basic provisions. 48. A. Belov.

I. Belova, V. Kanevsky. Development mathematical model to describe the field dependences of the Hall coefficient for CdxHg solid solutions. xTe at T = 77 K.

Journal “Izvestiya MGIU. Information Technologies, No. 1(6), 2007. Please note that the above scientific texts are posted for review and obtained through recognition original texts dissertations (OCR). In this connection, they may contain errors related to the imperfection of recognition algorithms. There are no such errors in the PDF files of dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.

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For administrative use

Ex. No.

GOST RV 15.702-94

For administrative use

Ex. No.

GOST RV 15.702-94








Official edition



1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

2. ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated 31.03.94 No. 83.


This International Standard may not be reproduced in whole or in part,

replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the State Standard of Russia

1 area of ​​use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . one.

3. Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . one.

4. Designations and abbreviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.

5. General provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.

6. The procedure for establishing the assigned indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.

7. The procedure for extending the assigned indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.

Annex A Scheme for selecting the nomenclature of assigned indicators

Annex B Title page decisions to carry out work on

extension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fifteen.

Appendix B Title page of the program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . eighteen.

Annex D Title page of the conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 21.

Annex E Cover page of the decision to extend the appointments

indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.


System for the development and production of products



Introduction date 1995---01---01


This standard applies to samples (systems, complexes) of military equipment, their components and components of intersectoral use, materials and substances (hereinafter referred to as products), for which the technical documentation (TTZ, TK, CD) establishes the assigned resource, period service life, storage period, range or duration of transportation, including before repair, re-preservation or decommissioning (hereinafter referred to as assigned indicators).

The standard establishes general requirements for the organization and procedure for carrying out work on the establishment and extension of the assigned indicators of products.

GOST 2.503-90 ESKD. Rules for making changes

GOST V 15.501-90 SRPP VT. Operational and repair documentation for VT. General requirements for the nomenclature, construction, content, presentation, design, publication and methods of making changes.

GOST 27.002-89 Reliability in engineering, Basic concepts, Terms and definitions

GOST 27.410-87 Reliability in engineering, methods for monitoring reliability indicators and plans for control tests for reliability.


In this standard, terms are used in accordance with GOST 27.002


In this standard, the following symbols and abbreviations apply:

T r..n. - assigned resource;

T r..n. R. - assigned resource before repair of a certain type;

T r..n. cn. - assigned resource before decommissioning;

T sl..n. - assigned service life;

T sl..n.r. - the appointed service life before repair of a certain type;

T sl..n.sp. - assigned service life before decommissioning;

T chr..n. - assigned period of storage;

T chr..n. PC. - the appointed period of storage before reconservation;

T chr..n. cn. - assigned period of storage before write-off;

L so-called - assigned distance of transportation under given conditions;

t so-called - the designated duration of transportation under given conditions;

TD - technical documentation;

ZIP - spare parts, tools and accessories;

TK - terms of reference;

TTZ - tactical and technical task;

KD - design documentation;

ED - operational documentation;

ND - normative documents;

OKR - experimental design work;

TU - technical conditions.


5.1. The establishment of assigned indicators is understood as a set of works carried out by organizations and enterprises of the customer, developer and manufacturer, as a result of which the values ​​​​of assigned indicators are set in the TTZ, TK and CD for products.

5.2. The extension of the assigned indicators is understood as a set of works carried out by organizations and enterprises of the customer, developer and manufacturer, to determine the possibility of operating products beyond the values ​​​​of the assigned indicators established in the TTZ, TOR and CD, developing and implementing measures to ensure the operation of products for an extended period.

5.3. The assigned indicators should ensure the possibility of taking timely measures to maintain the required technical level and quality, combat readiness and effectiveness of products, planning orders and deliveries of products, spare parts for them, as well as the forced termination of the operation of products, based on the requirements of safety for human life and health, protection environment or technical and economic considerations.

5.4. Upon reaching the set value of one of the assigned indicators, the operation (storage) of products is stopped and one of the decisions is made:

Continued operation of products (with positive results of work to extend the assigned indicators);

Direction of products for repair or re-preservation (for stored products;

Transfer of products for use for another purpose until they are written off or disposed of.

5.5. The required values ​​of the assigned indicators of products provide:

Creation of a design, including the selection of components, components, assemblies, parts, materials and substances that retain the main indicators of quality and reliability within the required values ​​of the assigned indicators;

Development (selection) of technology for manufacturing products, ensuring the full implementation of design solutions;

Operation of products in strict accordance with the requirements of the ED and ND of the customer, regulating the issues of operation;

Carrying out the necessary modifications and repairs of products in accordance with the requirements of the relevant design and repair documents.

5.6. The assigned indicators of products are confirmed by carrying out the necessary theoretical and experimental studies using the results of calculations, testing of prototypes and serial samples (including accelerated methods), leader operation of samples, as well as the results of operation of analogues and prototypes of products.

5.7. The establishment and extension of the assigned indicators is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, taking into account the features and specifics of the creation and operation of specific types of products.

5.8. Disagreements related to the establishment and extension of the assigned indicators are resolved by higher organizations according to the subordination of the parties.


6.1 Assigned indicators are set based on the purpose

products, the physical principles of their operation, design features, conditions of use, predicted technical level, quality and reliability, as well as operating experience of prototypes and analogues of products.

6.2. The assigned indicators based on the customer’s studies, research work, preliminary projects by industry and taking into account the achieved (expected) level of durability and shelf life of similar products are set in the TTZ (TOR) for the implementation of R&D and, based on the results of the R&D, are entered in the design documentation: (TU for products and ED).

6.3. In the general nomenclature of assigned indicators, four types of assigned indicators are distinguished:

Assigned resource indicators ( T r..n., T r..n. R., T r..n. sp.);

Assigned service life indicators ( T sl..n. , T sl..n.r. , T sl..n.sp.);

Assigned storage metrics ( T chr..n. , T chr..n. PC., T chr..n. sp.);

Assigned transportation indicators ( L so-called, t so-called).

Assigned indicators ( T r..n. R, T r..n. sp., T sl..n.r. , T sl..n.sp. , T chr..n. PC., T chr..n. sp.) refer to indicators that are specified by the type of technical solution.

Assigned indicators ( T r..n. , T sl..n. , T chr..n. , L so-called , t so-called) refer to indicators that are not specified by the type of technical solution.

6.4. By agreement between the customer and the product developer, along with the general range of assigned indicators, it is allowed to use other assigned indicators that take into account the specifics of specific types of military equipment.

6.5. The choice of the nomenclature of assigned indicators is carried out on the basis of the classification of products according to the following criteria:

The nature of the main processes that determine the transition of products to the limit state;

Availability for products of data on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of their analogues and prototypes during operation;

Possibilities of restoring the resource (service life) of products by carrying out scheduled repairs of a certain type;

The method of restoring the resource (service life) of products during scheduled repairs of a certain type;

Criticality of products to external influencing factors (mechanical, climatic, etc.) characteristic of the accepted (estimated) method of transportation

6.5.1. According to the nature of the main processes that determine the transition to the limit state, products are divided into:



Aging and worn out at the same time.

Note - When classifying products according to the indicated features, the characteristics of the purpose of the products, conditions and modes of operation, data on the reliability of analogue products and prototype products are used.

6.5.2. According to the availability of data on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of analogues and prototypes, products are divided into:

Having data on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of analogues and prototypes;

Having no data on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of analogues and prototypes.

6.5.3. If possible, scheduled repairs of a certain type of product are divided into:



6.5.4. According to the method of carrying out scheduled repairs, products of a certain type are divided into:

Repaired in an impersonal way;

Repaired in a non-depersonalized way.

6.6. The range of assigned product indicators is established in accordance with Appendix A.

6.7. For products, several assigned indicators can be set, specified by the type of technical solution.

6.8. The assigned shelf life (including before write-off, before re-preservation) is set for products, the transition of which to the limit state is possible as a result of aging processes.

The assigned shelf life is set for products in the absence of data on the dynamics of the technical condition and the reliability of their analogues and prototypes in storage conditions.

The designated shelf life before write-off is set for products in the presence of data on the dynamics of the technical condition and the reliability of their analogues and prototypes in storage conditions.

The designated shelf life before re-preservation is established for products, during the conservation of which materials and substances are used, the designated service life (protection period) of which is less than the designated shelf life before the products are written off.

6.9 The assigned range and (or) duration of transportation under given conditions is set for products whose external influences are characteristic of the accepted (intended) method of transportation, and are limiting.

The choice of the assigned range or duration of transportation is carried out taking into account the possibility of measuring the range (duration) of transportation during operation with the required accuracy.

For individual products, by agreement between the customer and the developer, both of these designated indicators can be set.

6.10. If the composition of the products includes components that are not replaced during operation, components, materials and substances for which the assigned indicators are established, all corresponding indicators of the same name must be established in the TTZ (TK) and design documentation for products over high level disaggregation, down to the product as a whole.

Example- The following assigned indicators are established for the components, components, materials and substances of a complex product:

For solid fuel - the designated shelf life;

On the turbine - the assigned resource.

Replacement of solid fuel and turbine during operation is not provided. No other assigned indicators for components, components, materials and substances have been established.

In this case, for the product as a whole, along with other assigned indicators, the following should be established: the assigned shelf life and the assigned resource.

6.11. If necessary, but in agreement with the customer, for various modes and operating conditions in the design documentation, the values ​​of the assigned indicators corresponding to them are set and the distinctive characteristics of these modes and conditions are given.

6.12. By decision of the customer, agreed with the developer and manufacturer, it is allowed to set preliminary values ​​of individual assigned indicators indicating the stage of development, production or operation, at which the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the indicators should be clarified, as well as to revise the previously established individual values ​​​​of the assigned indicators upward or downward, if this is confirmed by the results of operation.

6.13. The values ​​of the assigned indicators of the components, components, materials and substances used in the products must not be less than the corresponding values ​​of the assigned indicators of the products as a whole.

In justified cases, in agreement with the customer, the composition of products may contain components, components, materials and substances (for remanufactured products - from among the replaced or included in the reserve groups, for non-repairable products - only from among the components and components, included in the reserve groups), for which the assigned indicators are set with values ​​that are less than the indicators of the same name for the products as a whole. In this case, the design documentation for products, including TS and ED, contains a list of such components, components, materials and substances, indicating the values ​​of the assigned indicators.

6.14. In the process of operation, accounting for the operating time (service life, shelf life) of components, components, materials and substances for which the assigned indicators are established should be carried out.

When the components, components, materials and substances reach the established values ​​of the assigned indicators, one of the decisions must be made in accordance with 5.4.

6.15. If the composition of products includes redundant components, components for which an assigned resource or service life is established, the corresponding assigned indicators for products as a whole should be established taking into account the nature of the resource consumption (service life) of the components and components included in the reserve group.

6.16. When setting the values ​​of the assigned indicators, the requirements for the methods, technical means and accuracy of measuring the operating time should be determined.

6.17. The operating time of products (batch of products) is calculated from the moment of its acceptance by the representative of the customer.

The representative of the customer enters into the ED for the products accepted by him the operating time during acceptance tests.

The service life and storage period are calculated from the day (date) of acceptance of the products by the customer's representative.

The range (duration) of transportation of products is calculated after they are accepted by the customer's representative from the moment the transportation begins.


7.1. The extension of the assigned indicators is carried out for a specific type of product or its individual batches, combined according to the period of their manufacture (commissioning), taking into account operating conditions, safety requirements for human life and health, and environmental protection.

Work to extend the assigned indicators is carried out for the most complete use of the resource, service life and shelf life of products in order to save material and financial resources.

7.2. Work to extend the assigned indicators is planned and carried out taking into account the following levels of disaggregation of products:

Samples (systems, complexes) in general;



Materials and substances.

In each specific case, the composition of product breakdown levels at which the necessary research is planned and carried out is determined taking into account:

The amount of possible material, technical and financial damage in the event of an erroneous decision to extend, in which the products can reach the limit states within the established value of the assigned indicator;

The actual technical condition of product samples, which provide for the establishment of new values ​​of assigned indicators, assessed by the totality of all available a priori information for the period of work planning (including the results of architectural and technical supervision);

Values ​​of the expected costs for carrying out work to extend the assigned indicators of products.

7.3. The relationship and mutual obligations of the developer, manufacturer and customer for the period of extension of the assigned indicators in excess of the values ​​originally established in the TD are determined by a joint decision to extend the assigned indicators of products.

7.4. With the new values ​​of the assigned indicators established as a result of work on their extension, full compliance of all product quality indicators with the requirements originally established in the TD must be ensured.

In justified cases, it is allowed to reduce individual product quality indicators to a level determined by a joint decision of the customer, developer and manufacturer.

7.5. In the general case, work to extend the assigned indicators of products in operation (storage) (hereinafter referred to as work to extend the assigned indicators) includes:

Development, coordination and approval of a decision to carry out work on the extension, a program with a work schedule;

- carrying out the work provided for by the program, analyzing the information received and the results, conducting the necessary technical and economic calculations and assessments, developing a technical solution on the possibility of extending the assigned indicators, developing partial and final conclusions based on the results of the work performed;

Preparation, coordination and approval of a decision to extend the assigned indicators and an action plan to ensure the operation of products for an extended period;

Implementation of the measures provided for by the decision to extend the assigned indicators.

Note - In justified cases, it is allowed to develop only a work schedule instead of a program.

7.6. Work to extend the assigned indicators is organized by the product developer or the customer in accordance with the terms of the contract for the performance of work to extend the assigned indicators.

7.7. Work to extend the assigned indicators is carried out by:

Product manufacturers;

Product developers;

Leading industrial enterprises by types of equipment;

Customer organizations.

7.8. Product manufacturers:

Conduct an assessment of the technical condition of the dismantled components, components, materials and substances;

Conduct tests of components, components, materials and substances;

Summarize and analyze data on the quality and reliability of products based on test results, information on complaints, technical condition of products;

Participate in the development of methods for assessing the technical condition and testing of products carried out in the interests of extending the assigned indicators;

Develop conclusions based on the results of the work.

7.9. Product developers and (or) parent companies by type of equipment:

- develop methodological documents for the implementation of work to extend the assigned indicators provided for by the program (methods for assessing the technical condition of products, testing, forecasting, developing a decision to extend the assigned indicators);

Summarize and analyze information about the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of analogues and prototypes of products;

Carry out the analysis of statistical data on the reliability of products, the results of assessing the technical condition of products and their tests;

Carry out forecasting of the technical condition and reliability of products;

Evaluate economic efficiency extension of the assigned indicators of products;

Carry out the development of a technical solution on the possibility and expediency of extending the assigned indicators of products;

Develop conclusions on the possibility and expediency of extending the assigned indicators of products.

7.10. Customer organizations:

Methodological documents are developed for the performance of work to extend the assigned indicators, which, in accordance with the program, are provided for in the operating organizations or in the repair bodies of the customer (methods for studying the technical condition of products, operating and assessing the technical condition of the lead or leader samples, control launches and firing, etc.). d.);

Carry out the work provided for by the program, the executors of which they are determined;

Develop conclusions based on the results of the work;

They conduct a feasibility study of conclusions on the possibility of extending the assigned indicators of products developed by industrial enterprises.

7.11. The organizer of the work to extend the assigned indicators (the developer or customer of products in accordance with clause 7.6.) develops a decision to carry out work to extend the assigned indicators.

The decision must indicate the developer of the program of work to extend the assigned indicators and the deadline for completion of its development.

The decision may provide for periodic work to extend the assigned indicators during the operation of the products in order to gradually increase the values ​​of the assigned indicators.

In this case, separate decisions for the work to be carried out for each subsequent stage are not made.

The decision to carry out work to extend the assigned indicators is agreed with the developer and manufacturer of products in general, with the customer's organizations, as well as with the developers and manufacturers of those components, components, materials and substances for which the assigned indicators are set in the TD, and is approved by the customer.

Work on the extension of the assigned indicators should be planned and carried out in such a way that the decision on the possibility of extending the service life of the products is developed before they reach the established values ​​​​of the assigned indicators.

The form of the decision to carry out work to extend the assigned indicators is given in Appendix B.

7.12. The work program for the extension of the assigned indicators is developed by the product developer or the enterprise-holder of the original design documents. In general, the program may include the following types of work:

Development, if necessary, organizational and methodological documents for the implementation of individual work to extend the assigned indicators;

Collection, analysis and generalization of information available at the beginning of work on the durability and shelf life of products for which the assigned indicators are extended, as well as domestic and foreign products of a similar type or design and technological design;

Assessment of the technical condition of products at the sites of operation and repair;

Testing products in general according to special programs and methods and assessing their technical condition during and after testing;

Dismantling (dismantling) of products into components and components and assessment of the technical condition of components, components, materials and substances dismantled from products;

Conducting tests of components, components, materials and working substances according to special programs and methods and assessing their technical condition during and after testing;

Forecasting the technical condition of products for an extended period and making a decision on the possibility and expediency of extending the assigned indicators;

Evaluation of the technical and economic efficiency of extending the assigned indicators of products;

Development of reporting documents (private and final conclusions) based on the results of the work performed;

Development of a draft decision to extend the assigned indicators with an action plan to ensure the operation of products for an extended period.

The program is agreed with the performers of the work, the customer and is approved by the product developer as a whole.

If the program provides for the performance of work and the preparation of conclusions by the customer's organizations, the work program is approved by the product developer as a whole and the customer.

The form of the work program for the extension of assigned indicators is given in Appendix B.

7.13. In each case, the choice of types of work to be included in the program is determined by:

Purpose of products;

Structural and technological features of products and features of their placement at the operation site or in the carrier object;

Conditions and modes of operation and storage of products;

The number of samples of products that make up the operational fleet;

Actual and required operating time, service life, shelf life, distance or duration of transportation of products;

Expected costs for the implementation of work to extend the assigned indicators.

7.14. The possibility and expediency of extending the assigned indicators is assessed on the basis of:

Initial and additionally received information about the reliability and technical condition of products during the assigned resource, service life, storage period and during transportation to the designated distance (time);

Results of predicting the reliability and technical condition of products for an extended period;

The results of the technical and economic analysis of the work carried out to extend the assigned indicators.

7.15. As background information to assess the possibility and feasibility of extending the assigned indicators, in the general case, the following data are used, obtained at the stages of development, manufacture and operation of products:

The results of the work carried out to substantiate the values ​​of the assigned indicators established in the design documentation for products;

The results of the calculation, calculation-experimental and experimental evaluation of durability and shelf life indicators during development, testing and according to operation data in accordance with GOST 27.410;

Information about new ways and methods to ensure the durability and shelf life of products;

Data on the improvements made to products and changes in the technological process of manufacturing products aimed at increasing durability and shelf life;

- results of controlled and (or) trial operation, including specially conducted to determine actual values resource, service life, shelf life, range (duration) of transportation of products;

Reliability Data technical services and repairs collected during operation in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents on information systems on the reliability of products.

7.16. To predict the technical condition of products, methods based on:

On the use of data on changes in the technical condition and the results of diagnosing components and components during operation;

On tests of dismantled components, components, materials and substances in laboratory conditions, including accelerated ones.

Forecasting methods are chosen taking into account:

Features of the purpose, principle of operation, design, manufacturing technology of products, conditions and modes of operation, maintenance and repair during operation;

The required accuracy and reliability of the forecast.

7.17. Reporting documents based on the results of the work performed are drawn up in the form of conclusions.

Protocols with measurement results should be attached to the conclusions technical parameters conducted in accordance with the programs and methods for testing and evaluating the technical condition of products, and the standards for the values ​​of these parameters established in the technical specifications for products.

In general, the conclusions are:

Manufacturers of component parts, materials and substances - to developers of component products, materials and substances or head industry enterprises by type of product;

Developers of component parts, materials and substances or head enterprises of the industry on samples of equipment - manufacturers of components and the customer's organization - the head of the component parts;

Developers of component parts - to the manufacturer of products in general;

The manufacturer of products in general - to the developer of products in general;

Product developer as a whole - to the customer;

Customer organizations - the customer and the product developer as a whole.

The conclusions developed by industrial enterprises are coordinated with the customer's representative offices at these enterprises and approved by the heads of enterprises.

The conclusions developed by the customer's organizations are approved by the heads of these organizations.

The form of the conclusion is given in Appendix D.

7.18. The product developer as a whole, together with the customer, on the basis of the submitted conclusions, develop a draft decision on the extension of the assigned indicators with an action plan to ensure the operation of products for the extended period.

It is allowed to include the following works in the action plan to ensure the operation of products for an extended period:

Replacement of components and components based on the results of assessing their technical condition for products of the current release or promising analogues before resuming operation or during operation;

Carrying out repairs of individual components and components before resuming operation in order to restore the properties lost by them as a result of wear and aging;

Reconservation of products in storage;

Clarification of the nomenclature and quantity of spare parts and components contained in spare parts kits;

Clarification of the scope and timing of maintenance and medium repairs;

Amendments to the design documentation for products in accordance with GOST 2.503, GOST B 15.501;

Issuance of bulletins for the relevant work.

The draft decision on the extension is agreed with the performers of the work provided for by the action plan and approved by the customer.

The form of the decision to extend the assigned indicators is given in Appendix D.

7.19. It is allowed to create an interdepartmental commission to carry out individual stages of work on the extension, as well as to prepare a decision on the extension of the assigned indicators. The composition, functions and procedure for the work of the interdepartmental commission are agreed between the customer and the product developer.

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.

The procedure for presenting and satisfying complaints and claims is established on the basis of the state military standard GOST RV 15.703-2005. This standard applies to military equipment and other defense products supplied to the customer, as well as to work and services carried out by the contractor on military equipment products during commissioning, and to product modifications carried out by the product supplier during their operation. The standard does not apply to products manufactured during research and development work.

The standard states:

the procedure for calling a representative of the supplier (contractor) and eliminating defects (restoring or replacing defective products);

the procedure for compiling, presenting and recording reclamation documents;

the procedure for investigating the causes of defects and satisfying claims;

In addition to the aforementioned standard, in addition, by agreement of the parties, regulatory documents are developed that specify the procedure for submitting and satisfying complaints, taking into account the specifics of individual types of products.

Basic terms

Complaint is a written statement of the consumer (recipient) in the prescribed form to the supplier of the product (contractor) for defects discovered during the warranty period and (or) non-compliance of the completeness of the delivered products, performed works (services) with the established requirements, as well as the requirement to restore the completeness or replace the defective products, or re-performance of works (services). (GOST RV 15.703-2005, clause 3.1.1)

Guarantee period- the total calendar duration of storage and transportation of products in the state of delivery, installation and testing before commissioning, as well as operation (use) by the consumer, during which warranty obligations are valid. (GOST RV 15.703-2005, clause 3.1.3)

Warranty- obligations of the supplier, contractor to guarantee to the customer (consumer) the compliance of the quality of the supplied products, work (services) with the norms established by the technical conditions, standards and (or) terms of the contract for a certain time (warranty period, warranty operating time) and free of charge and within the established warranty obligations to eliminate defects in products (works) by repairing or replacing defective products (components) provided that the consumer observes the agreed conditions of operation (use), storage, transportation. (GOST RV 15.703-2005, clause 3.1.2)

The purpose of submitting complaints is to restore the good condition of products, their completeness, including the replacement of defective products and their components with new ones, the quality of the work (services) performed [repeated high-quality performance of work (services)] within the established time limits; identifying and eliminating the causes of defects, inconsistencies in the quality of work (services) performed, as well as increasing the responsibility of suppliers for the quality of products supplied, contractors for the quality of work (services) performed by them (installation, commissioning, etc.) and recipients for compliance with operating conditions (application), storage and transportation.

The recipient must submit a complaint to the supplier (contractor) upon detection of defects and (or) inconsistencies in the completeness of the delivered products, inconsistencies in the quality of work (services) performed, defects and (or) inconsistencies in packaging, packaging, preservation, marking and sealing with the terms of the supply contract, the requirements of standards , specifications, operational and repair documents, as well as accompanying documents, certifying the quality and completeness of the supplied products both during acceptance, commissioning of products, and during their preparation for installation, during installation, adjustment, testing, operation (application), storage and transportation. The recipient submits a claim during the warranty period if a defect is found in any of the components.

The reclamation is submitted in the form of a reclamation act, which is drawn up by a commission created by the recipient and consisting of representatives of the recipient and the supplier. The recipient arrives at the location of the product within the specified time. In case of non-appearance or impossibility of finding the representative of the recipient, a commission of the recipient is created, which investigates the defect and draws up a unilateral reclamation act, binding on all parties.

upon the expiration of the warranty obligations for the products established in the specifications, standards or supply contract and included in the forms, passports, as well as in other documentation for the products stipulated by the contract, certifying their quality;

if the detected defects of the products were the result of non-observance by the recipient of the conditions and rules of operation (application), storage and transportation.

In addition, the supplier has the right not to accept a complaint:

if defects in the product arose after the expiration of the warranty obligations for the product;

if the supplier proves that the product defects are operational defects.

Restoration of the good condition of products (works, services), their completeness or replacement of defective products with new ones (re-performance of works), identification and elimination of the causes of defects during the warranty period, subject to the conditions of operation (application), storage and transportation, is carried out by the supplier ( manufacturer, contractor) in accordance with the requirements of the above standard free of charge and as soon as possible, taking into account the costs of preparatory and final operations (measures) associated with the elimination of failures, malfunctions, as well as the costs associated with forced downtime of the equipment due to the failure of the reclamation product.

1. Calling a supplier representative

Calling a representative of the supplier to participate in checking the technical condition of products for detected defects and inconsistencies in completeness, drawing up a reclamation report and eliminating defects (restoring serviceable condition) of the product are mandatory, unless otherwise provided by the contract. A notification about the call of the supplier's representative (defect report) must be sent (transferred) to the supplier no later than 24 hours later. The recipient sends a copy of the notice to the Customer's Representative at the supplier of the product.

In accordance with the data (content) of the notification received, the supplier, in agreement with the Customer's Representative, decides:

· about sending a representative, calling representatives of the contractor and CI suppliers (if necessary) to participate in checking the technical condition and completeness of the product, drawing up and signing a reclamation report;

· on sending specialists (repair team) to the recipient to carry out work to restore the product or on consent to carry out these works by the recipient;

· on the composition of the technical means (CI, tools, etc.) necessary for the restoration of the product, the time and method of their dispatch;

· on the development (if necessary) of the TOR for work on the restoration of the product;

about taking (if necessary) measures to prevent such defects in products that are in production, operation, repair and storage

A bilateral reclamation act is drawn up by a commission consisting of representatives of the recipient, the product supplier and, if necessary, the CT supplier and (or) the contractor. A unilateral reclamation act is drawn up by a commission consisting of representatives of the recipient.

The commission is obliged:

Check compliance with the requirements of operational documentation during the operation of the product (mode of operation, used fuels and lubricants, timeliness of inspections, routine maintenance, etc.), the procedure for maintaining a form or passport;

determine whether improvements have been made and whether changes have been made to the operational documentation (including the form or passport) according to the bulletins, if they were issued;

determine the external manifestation of the defect and identify failed CTs;

Conduct research to determine the nature of the defect in the product and, if necessary, the defect of the CI (production, design, operational), as well as the reasons for its occurrence;

determine, if necessary, the procedure for further examination of the product to identify the specific cause and nature of the defect, if it cannot be unequivocally determined on site;

determine the possibility of restoring the product directly at the recipient or the need to carry out this work at the supplier;

3. Product research

The study of the product is carried out in all cases of drawing up a reclamation act in order to:

Establishing the nature of product defects (manufacturing, design, operational, CI defect) and the reasons for their occurrence;

development and implementation of organizational and technical measures to eliminate the causes of defects;

Exclusion of the occurrence of similar defects in products that are in production and operation.

The examination of the defective product at the recipient is carried out by the above commission. The results of the study are used in the preparation of the reclamation act. The Defective Product Investigation Board shall:

Check by external inspection the serviceability of the container (packaging), its sealing;

After unpacking the product, determine its technical condition by external inspection, check the completeness and documentation for the product;

· perform the set of works provided for by the research program to determine the nature and causes of defects;

determine the procedure and place for further research of the product, if the conducted research did not allow to establish the nature and causes of defects;

· draw up a research report.

The term of research of a product should not exceed 20 days. from the date of receipt by the supplier of the product (with documentation for it). If it is impossible to send the product for examination to the supplier of the product, the examination is carried out by the commission of the supplier of the product at the recipient with the participation of the representatives of the recipient. The commission carries out work according to the program developed by the supplier of the product, agreed upon by the PP with the supplier of the product and the recipient. In some cases, upon agreement of the supplier of the product with the PP, with the supplier of the product, the study period may be extended, which should be indicated in the study report with reference to the number and date of the joint document on decision and communicated to the recipient.

4. Dealing with disputes

Claims arising from complaints, including disputes over technical and financial matters(conditions), the parties consider in accordance with regulatory legal acts through negotiations with the execution of a protocol of disagreements and resolve in the manner prescribed in the contract for the purchase and supply of products.

If, when considering the claim report and the defective product examination report, disagreements arose between the recipient and the supplier of the product or the PP under the supplier and the supplier about the nature (production, operational) and causes of defects, then the disagreements are removed by a joint decision taken by the customer and the supplier of the product.

The complaint is considered satisfied if the product is restored (replaced) and delivered to the recipient, the incompleteness of the product upon acceptance and the used spare parts and accessories of the recipient are replenished by the supplier and an act of satisfaction of the complaint is issued or an entry is made in the complaint report on the satisfaction of the complaint, as well as upon completion of the study of the defective product, development and implementation measures to eliminate the causes of defects.

The supplier, at the request of the customer, is obliged to eliminate defects in the product accepted by the recipient, repair (restore) the product in which they are found, regardless of the reasons for the appearance of defects or disagreements in the assessment of their origin.

GOST R 15.301-2016


System for the development and production of products


The procedure for developing and putting products into production

System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation. Procedure of product development and launching into manufacture

For the text of Comparison of GOST R 15.301-2016 with GOST R 15.201-2000, see the link.
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OKS 01.040.01
OKSTU 0015

Introduction date 2017-07-01



1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State unitary enterprise"All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 051 "Design Documentation System"

3 APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology of October 31, 2016 N 1541-st

4 INSTEAD OF GOST R 15.201-2000

5 REVISION. August 2018

The rules for the application of this standard are set out in Article 26 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 N 162-FZ "On standardization in the Russian Federation" . Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the procedure for the development and putting into production of products for industrial purposes, including the rules for the development of technical specifications, design and technological documentation, acceptance of the results of development, preparation and development of production, testing of prototypes of products and products manufactured during the development of production, as well as rules for confirming their compliance with mandatory requirements.

If necessary, the rules established in this standard can be specified in the standards of organizations and / or other documents of these organizations.

The standard does not apply to aircraft and sea ​​vessels civil purpose.

The provisions of this standard are subject to application by organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation and other business entities, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, as well as by the Federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation participating in the development and production of products in accordance with applicable law.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 2.001 Unified system for design documentation. General provisions

GOST 3.1001 Unified system of technological documentation. General provisions

GOST 2.102 Unified system for design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.103 Unified system for design documentation. Development stages

GOST 2.105 Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for text documents

GOST 2.106 Unified system for design documentation. Text Documents

GOST 15.016 System for the development and production of products. Technical task. Requirements for content and design

GOST 15.311 System for the development and production of products. Starting production according to the technical documentation of foreign companies

GOST 16504 State product testing system. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

GOST R 8.563 State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Techniques (methods) of measurements

GOST R 8.568 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Test equipment certification. Key points

GOST R 15.000 System for the development and production of products. Key points

GOST R 15.011 System for the development and production of products. Patent research. Content and procedure

GOST R ISO 9001-2015 Quality management systems. Requirements

GOST R ISO 10006 Quality management systems. Design Quality Management Guide

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for this year. If an undated referenced reference standard has been replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account all this version changes. If the reference standard to which the dated reference is given is replaced, then it is recommended to use the version of this standard with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above. If, after the adoption of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 This standard uses the terms according to GOST 16504, as well as the following terms with their respective definitions.

3.1.1 mandatory requirements: The requirements set national standards and other standardization documents based on the current legislation to ensure the safety of products, works and services, protect the environment, life, health and property, ensure technical and information compatibility, product interchangeability, uniformity of control and labeling methods, as well as other mandatory requirements established technical regulations and legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.1.2 competitive basis: The principle of distribution of orders for the development (production) of products, which consists in the use of competitive selection based on the results of tenders (competitions).

3.1.3 product customer: Entity, which provides financing for the development (creation, modernization) of products, their production and determines the basic requirements for products.

3.1.4 product manufacturer: A legal entity that produces products.

3.1.5 product consumer: Legal and/or individual using the product for its intended purpose.

3.1.6 work organization model (model): A certain combination of work organization modules that establishes a typical scheme for carrying out work and interaction rules that are objects of standardization in the SRPP.

3.1.7 work organization module (module): A systematically ordered set of typical elements of an organizational and technical mechanism, characterized by a certain target orientation, organizational completeness and the procedure for planning, providing and executing its constituent elements established for it.

3.1.8 head sample: A product manufactured according to newly developed documentation, acting simultaneously as the first samples of non-serial and small-scale products sold to the customer under special delivery conditions.


1 Non-serial products include individual copies of products or a batch, materials and substances of a limited volume, manufactured as the need arises (episodic).

2 Small-scale products are products manufactured in small batches for the needs of a particular customer (consumer).

3.2 The following abbreviations are adopted in this standard:

KD - design documentation;

OKR - experimental design work;

TD - technological documentation;

TK - terms of reference;

TR - technical regulations;

TU - technical conditions.

4 General provisions

4.1 This standard considers the following stages and types of work of the product life cycle, established by GOST R 15.000:

Stage "Development", type of work "R & D for product development";

Stage "Production", type of work "Putting into production".

4.2 Separate types of work on the development and production of products, characterized by a target orientation, organizational completeness, a certain sequential order of execution and planning, the presence of certain performers, are combined into work organization modules.

4.3 Subject to availability targeted programs development of products, the presence or absence of a customer, the nature of the relationship between business entities, the development and production of products is carried out according to the following models of work organization:

model 1 - creation of products under state and municipal orders, as well as other orders financed from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - under the state order);

model 2 - creation of products by order of a specific consumer;

model 3 - initiative development of products without a specific customer at the commercial risk of the developer and manufacturer.

The work organization model is chosen based on the status of the customer, the source of financing and market conditions.

4.4 When creating products under the state order, they conclude an agreement (contract) for the work performed, drawn up in in due course, and develop TOR or a document replacing it (hereinafter - TOR) for the work performed. As a replacement document, a document containing the necessary and sufficient requirements for product development and mutually recognized by the customer and the developer can be used.

General principles and requirements for contracts for state needs and regulation of the contract system in the field of state and municipal needs - according to Federal Laws and.

4.5 Based on the initial requirements of the customer (if any), the product developer conducts the necessary development and technological work, paying special attention to ensuring the following requirements:

Safety, protection of health and the environment, including during the operation of products;

Resource saving;

Establishing for the conditions of use of products the values ​​of indicators that determine its technical level;

Resistance to external influences;

Interchangeability and compatibility of components and products in general;

If necessary, recycling and / or destruction and disposal of products, waste from it and disposal of hazardous waste.

4.6 The decision to develop products on an initiative basis is made taking into account the conditions of marketing.

4.7 The "Development" stage and the "Production" stage generally provide for:

Development of technical specifications for R&D;

Carrying out R&D, including the development of design documentation and technical documentation, manufacturing of prototypes, testing of prototypes, acceptance of R&D results;

Refinement of the working design documentation of the prototype;

Putting into production, including preparation for production, development of production (production of an installation series, qualification tests).

The stages of a specific R&D (an integral part of the R&D), as well as the procedure for their acceptance, must be defined in the ToR for the R&D (an integral part of the R&D) and the agreement (contract) for its implementation.

4.8 At all stages of R&D (an integral part of R&D) and when putting products into production, performers ensure that mandatory requirements standards and TR.

The achieved indicators, their compliance with the requirements of the TOR for R&D (an integral part of the R&D) are evaluated upon acceptance of the stages and are reflected in the protocols (acts) of testing prototypes of products and the acts of acceptance of the R&D and R&D stages as a whole.

4.9 The relationship of the developer (manufacturer) with state supervision (control) bodies is carried out in accordance with the current legislation.

4.10 In accordance with their rules, state supervision (control) bodies submit documents confirming compliance with the mandatory requirements of standards and TR.

The composition of the documents is established by the relevant body of state supervision (control).

4.11 Products of intellectual labor obtained in the process of creating and putting products into production and being objects of intellectual property protection are used in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law.

5 Development of terms of reference for development work

5.1 The basis for the R&D for models 1 and 2 according to 4.3 is the TOR and the agreement (contract) for its implementation.

Development of TK, requirements for the construction, content and presentation of TK, as well as the procedure for agreeing and approving TK - in accordance with GOST 15.016.

In the case of proactive product development (model 3 to 4.3), the basis for performing R&D is the TK approved by the management of the development organization (or a document replacing it), based on the results of marketing, as well as patent research in accordance with GOST R 15.011.

The specific content of the TK is determined by the customer and the developer, and in case of initiative development - by the developer.

TK is a mandatory source document for the development of new (modernized, modified) products and design documentation for it.

When analyzing the agreement (contract), one should be guided by the provisions of GOST R ISO 9001 (clauses 8.1-8.3).

5.2 At any stage of product development, with the consent of the customer and the developer, changes and additions can be made to the TOR or a document replacing it that do not violate the conditions for fulfilling the mandatory requirements of standards and TR, in accordance with GOST 15.016.

6 Development of documents, production and testing of prototypes of products

6.1 The development of design documentation, TD, and, if necessary, program documentation for products is carried out according to the rules established respectively by the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (GOST 2.001), the Unified System for Technological Documentation (GOST 3.1001) and the Unified System for Program Documentation.

General requirements for design management (development) - in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001 (clause 8.3).

Quality requirements for design (development) - in accordance with GOST R ISO 10006.

The rules for the development of technical documentation for materials and substances are established by the developer, taking into account standardization documents, the specifics of products and the organization of their production.

6.2 In the process of developing documentation for the selection and verification of new technical solutions that ensure the achievement of the main consumer properties products, laboratory research, bench and other tests can be carried out in accordance with GOST 16504, as well as finishing tests of experimental and prototype products in conditions simulating real conditions operation (consumption), while taking into account the patent and legal aspects of the economic use of these technical solutions.

For certain types of products or their components, testing of prototypes can be carried out under operating conditions (including in organizations - consumers of products).

The scope and content of the tests necessary to prevent the production of unfinished products that do not meet the technical requirements are determined by the developer, taking into account the novelty, complexity, features of production and use of products, and customer requirements. At the same time, tests must be carried out for compliance with all mandatory requirements of standards and TR.

The need to develop, manufacture and test layouts (models), experimental and prototype products, their list and quantity is determined in the TOR and / or agreement (contract) for R&D (an integral part of R&D). This does not exclude the possibility of such work being carried out by the developer, if their need is revealed later, while the TOR and / or agreement (contract), with the consent of the customer, make appropriate changes.

Requirements for inspection and testing procedures are established in accordance with documented inspection and testing procedures to verify that the specified product requirements are met, including software tests, which detail the necessary types of control, testing and registration.

6.3 For maintainable products, the agreement (contract) and / or TOR for R & D should provide for the development of repair documentation intended for the preparation of production, repair and control of products after repair in a repair organization (repair or service organization).

6.4 To confirm the compliance of the developed technical documentation with the initial requirements and to select the best solution (if there are options), prototypes (pilot batches) of products are manufactured if the products are intended for mass production (with expected constant demand). For non-serial production of products, head samples are also made.

When creating a single product, the prototype products, as a rule, are subject to sale to the customer (unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement or contract and TOR for R & D).

6.5 Testing of prototype products

6.5.1 To evaluate and control the quality of the results obtained at certain stages of R&D (R&D component), prototypes (pilot batch) of products (head samples of products) are subjected to control tests in the following categories:

Preliminary tests carried out for the purpose of preliminary verification and assessment of the degree of compliance of the prototype product with the requirements of the TOR, determining the final scope of design documentation changes and design refinement necessary to ensure that the prototype product meets the requirements of the TOR, as well as the volume of repeated and / or additional species tests for their inclusion in the program of acceptance tests of a prototype;

Acceptance tests carried out for the purpose of final verification and confirmation of the compliance of a prototype product with the requirements of the TOR and making a decision on the readiness of the R&D results to be presented to the acceptance committee for their acceptance.

6.5.2 If the products are subject to mandatory requirements of standards and TR, subject to further mandatory confirmation of conformity (certification), the results of product acceptance tests in terms of mandatory requirements carried out in laboratories (centers) accredited in accordance with federal law, can be used to obtain confirmation of compliance in accordance with established rules.

The place for testing prototypes of products is determined by the developer together with the manufacturer of the product [in the event that the functions of the developer and manufacturer are performed by different organizations and there are no specific conditions for testing established by state supervision (control) bodies].

6.5.3 When creating products (work organization model 1 to 4.3), state (interdepartmental, departmental) acceptance tests are carried out.

To certify the test equipment used in testing products according to this model, measuring instruments of approved types must be used, which must be verified, and measurement procedures must be certified in accordance with GOST R 8.563 and GOST R 8.568.

When creating products according to models 2 and 3 - acceptance tests with the participation of the relevant state supervision (control) bodies and other interested organizations.

For the components of products developed according to the TOR of the main R&D contractor, acceptance tests are carried out with the participation of interested organizations. ultimate goal of these tests is to assess compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for which they are developed, and to determine the possibility of installing components in a prototype product intended for its preliminary testing.

6.5.4 The prototype samples of non-serial production are subjected to acceptance tests in order to resolve the issue of the admissibility of their intended use and to resolve the issue of the advisability of putting products into non-serial production.

6.5.5 The prototype products are tested in accordance with the requirements of this standard and taking into account the features established for it in the relevant regulatory documents.

6.5.6 Preliminary testing of products is organized by the R&D contractor.

State (interdepartmental, departmental) acceptance testing of products (model 1 to 4.3) is organized by the customer, unless otherwise stipulated by the agreement (contract).

Acceptance tests of products (models 2 and 3 according to 4.3) with the participation of interested bodies and organizations specified in 6.5.3 are organized by the developer.

Acceptance testing of prototypes of product components (developed according to the TOR of the head R&D contractor) with the participation of interested organizations is organized by the head developer for the creation of products. In other cases, testing of prototypes of product components is organized by their developer.

In the case of R&D during initiative development (without a specific customer), acceptance tests are organized by the developer.

The organizer is responsible for conducting the tests.

6.5.7 Preliminary and acceptance tests are carried out according to the relevant test programs and methods developed and approved by the party, responsible for conducting these tests.

Programs and test methods are developed on the basis of the requirements of the TOR, design documentation using, if necessary, standard programs, standard (standardized) test methods and standards in terms of organizing and conducting tests.

The test program includes:

Test object;

Purpose of testing;

Scope of testing;

Logistics support for testing;

Metrological assurance of tests;

Test reporting.

The test programs include lists of specific checks (tasks to be solved, assessments) that should be carried out during tests to confirm compliance with the requirements of the TOR with links to the relevant test methods.

The program and methodology for acceptance testing of prototypes of products must, in addition, contain a check of a set of working design documentation (including a draft specification for industrial production products) to decide on the suitability of documentation in industrial production.

The test methodology includes:

Estimated characteristics (properties, indicators) of products;

Conditions and procedure for testing;

Methods for processing, analyzing and evaluating test results;

Used means of testing, control and measurement;


Designation, design and content of programs and methods for testing products - in accordance with GOST 2.102, GOST 2.105 and GOST 2.106.

Test methods used to determine the conformity of products to mandatory requirements, if they are not standardized methods, must be certified in the prescribed manner and agreed with the relevant state supervision (control) bodies.

6.5.8 Tests are carried out after checking the readiness of test sites (laboratories, testing centers, etc.) to ensure technical requirements, safety requirements and after appointing responsible specialists for all work in preparing and conducting tests, evaluating product characteristics with established measurement accuracy and registering their results.

6.5.9 To conduct preliminary and acceptance tests, as a rule, a testing commission is appointed, which includes representatives of the developer, the manufacturer of the prototype (pilot batch) and specialists of the testing organization (testing center, laboratory), who control the completeness of the test program , compliance with the terms of testing, reliability, objectivity of test results and their documentation.

If necessary, the commission for testing may include representatives of the customer, component suppliers and experts from expert organizations.

As a rule, a representative of the developer is appointed as the chairman of the testing commission, who provides general management and organizes interaction between organizations whose representatives are members of the testing commission.

With the consent of the organizations concerned, it is allowed to conduct tests without appointing a commission, but with the assignment of its functions and duties to the relevant services of the organization conducting the tests.

6.5.10 By the beginning of the tests, the measures for their preparation should be completed, providing for:

Availability, suitability, sufficiency and operability at the test site of means of logistics and metrological support, guaranteeing the creation of conditions and test modes corresponding to those specified in the test program;

Training and, if necessary, certification of personnel admitted to testing;

Appointment of the commission or relevant organizations and their services (if the commission is not appointed);

Timely submission to the test site of a prototype product with a set of design, regulatory and other documentation provided for by the test program.

6.5.11 In the process of testing, the progress and results of tests are documented in the form and within the time limits specified in the test program.

In case of non-compliance of a product sample with the requirements of the technical specification or design documentation or its failure, the tests may be interrupted or terminated, which is documented.

6.5.12 The specified and actual data obtained during the tests are reflected in the protocol (s).

6.5.13 In the test reports, texts relating to checks of mandatory requirements should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the conformity assessment rules for and.

6.5.14 Positive results for all or certain types of tests and checks obtained during preliminary tests can be credited as positive results for similar types of tests and checks submitted for acceptance tests, if there is a corresponding decision of the test commission.

Upon completion of preliminary tests, the developer assigns the letter "O" to the developed design documentation and TD. The letters KD are assigned according to GOST 2.103.

Positive results of all tests provided for by the acceptance test program are the basis for presenting the results of the R&D to the acceptance committee for their acceptance. The letter "O" is assigned by the acceptance committee after the acceptance tests and consideration of the complete set of design documentation.

The test results are considered negative if negative results are obtained for at least one item from the tests provided for by the test program and / or the acceptance committee negatively assesses the technological readiness of the enterprise for the possibility of manufacturing products.

Upon completion of acceptance tests, prototypes or samples of an experimental batch are considered to have fulfilled their functions. Their further use (as units of non-serial production) is determined in the act of acceptance tests.

Disposal or destruction of prototypes is determined by a special decision that meets the current legislation.

6.5.15 When accepting the results of the work, the state supervision (control) bodies determine the degree of compliance of the products with the mandatory requirements of standards and TR and issue a final conclusion based on the test results.

7 Acceptance of product development results

7.1 In order to accept the results of development and assess the possibility of putting the developed products into production by order of the customer (in its absence, by order of the developer), an acceptance committee is created, which includes representatives of the customer (if any), the developer, the manufacturer of the prototype (pilot batch), test organizations (centers, laboratories) that tested the prototype, representatives of organizations that agreed on the TOR and are interested in considering the results of R&D, as well as, if necessary, representatives of state supervision (control) bodies and expert organizations. Representation for participation in the acceptance committee and the timing of its conduct are preliminarily agreed by the customer with the involved organizations and institutions.

As a rule, a representative of the customer is appointed as the chairman of the commission, and in the absence of the customer, the representative of the developer.

7.2 The state supervision (control) bodies, determined by the current legislation for this product, may, if necessary and at the request of the developer, participate in the acceptance committee or send the developer a conclusion on the compliance of the developed product with the mandatory requirements of standards and TR based on the results of the tests.

In the absence of representatives of supervisory authorities in the acceptance committee, as well as letters of approval on their participation in it, as well as relevant conclusions, it is believed that supervisory authorities agree to accept the results of R&D or are not interested in development.

7.3 The developer submits to the acceptance committee the TOR for the implementation of R&D, a draft specification or standard of the type of specification (if their development is provided), design documentation and / or TD requiring joint consideration, a patent research report, test reports signed by persons who conducted specific types of tests and checks , an act on the results of acceptance tests, signed by members of the commission for testing, if such a commission was created, or by the head of the organization that conducted the tests, and other technical documents and materials required by law, confirming the compliance of the developed products with the TOR and / or agreement (contract) and certifying its technical level and competitiveness.

The acceptance committee, as a rule, is also presented with prototypes of products, and if their manufacture was not provided for, a prototype or a single product created as part of the R&D.

7.4 Based on the results of consideration of the submitted materials, the commission draws up an act in which it indicates:

Compliance of samples of the developed (manufactured) products with the requirements specified in the TOR, the admissibility of its production (delivery to the consumer);

The results of assessing the technical level and competitiveness of products, including in the patent and legal aspect;

The results of the evaluation of the developed technical documentation (including the draft specifications and operational documentation);

Comments and suggestions for improving products and documentation (if necessary);

The procedure and method for the liquidation of products;

The act of the acceptance committee is approved by the customer.

Approval of the act of the acceptance committee means the completion of the development, the termination of the TOR (if it does not apply to further work), the approval of the submitted design documentation (including the draft specifications and operational documents) and TD.

7.5 Based on the results of the work of the acceptance committee, it is allowed to assign the letter "A", in the case of preparation and development of production in the process of manufacturing a prototype product.

8 Preparation and development of production (putting into production) of products

8.1 Preparation and development of production, which are the stages of putting products into production, are carried out in order to ensure the readiness of production for the manufacture and release (delivery) of newly developed (modernized, modified) or previously produced by another organization products in a given volume that meets the requirements of the design documentation.

8.2 Putting products into production is carried out at the decision of the manufacturer (supplier) if there is a potential customer (consumer) of the products and the prospect of concluding a supply contract with him or, in the absence of such, at his own commercial risk.

By the time the production starts, the manufacturer must resolve issues related to obtaining, updating the design documentation and the rules for owning the intellectual property contained therein, in accordance with 4.11.

8.3 By the time the products are put into production, for which the mandatory requirements of standards and TR are established, the results of acceptance tests must be recognized by state supervision (control) bodies - see 7.2.

8.4 To perform the pre-production stage, the manufacturer receives from the developer (the holder of the original CD):

An accounted duplicate of a complete and up-to-date set of design documentation with a letter not lower than "O";

Recorded duplicate of the patent form (if patent research took place during the R&D process);

A copy of the act of the acceptance committee;

List of input control of materials and components.

8.5 At the pre-production stage, the manufacturer must perform work to ensure the technological readiness of the organization for the manufacture of products within the terms specified in the agreement (contract) in the specified volumes, in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation, technical documentation and current legislation, as well as work on:

Conclusion of agreements (contracts) with suppliers of components and materials and license agreements with copyright holders for the use of industrial and intellectual property;

Preparation and submission to the territorial bodies of Rosstandart of a product catalog sheet in the prescribed manner according to the rules;

Other jobs.

The preparation of production is considered complete when the manufacturer of the product has received all the necessary documentation, developed (worked out) the TD for the manufacture of products, tested and debugged the means of technological equipment and technological processes, trained (if necessary, certified) the personnel involved in the manufacture, testing and control of products, and readiness for the development of production has been established.

8.6 At the stage of development of production, perform:

Production of an initial series (the first industrial batch) of products according to design documentation of a letter not lower than "O";

Qualification tests;

Conducting a qualification commission;

Further testing (if necessary) of the design for manufacturability;

Correction of design documentation and TD with the assignment of the letter "A" to documents (when mastering production new organization The TD may be assigned the letter "O").

8.7 During the period of putting into production, the manufacturer (supplier) conducts all necessary work for the subsequent certification of products for which the mandatory requirements of standards and TR are established.

8.8 The production of products according to the technical documentation of foreign companies is carried out in accordance with GOST 15.311, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

8.9 In order to assess the readiness of the organization to release products in the amount determined by the agreement (contract), qualification tests are carried out.

8.10 Qualification tests are carried out according to the program and methodology developed and approved by the manufacturer with the participation of the product developer and agreed with the customer (consumer) of the product, if any.

The program specifies:

The number of samples to be tested, which are selected from among the units of the installation series and passed the control in the scope of checks provided for by the technical specifications for acceptance tests;

The types of tests specified in the technical specifications for products and included in the scope of periodic tests, as well as other checks and types of tests that allow a more complete assessment of the developed technological process and the readiness of the manufacturer to produce the required number of units of production;

Test methods;

Place of testing.

It is allowed not to include in the program of qualification tests the verification of certain requirements of the design documentation, which cannot change during the work on putting into production.

8.11 Qualification tests are organized and ensured by the manufacturer according to the approved program and methodology. The manufacturer conducts qualification tests using its own forces and means.

If it is necessary to conduct certain types of tests in third-party testing organizations (centers, laboratories) that have the necessary scope of accreditation, the manufacturer ensures that they are carried out in such organizations on contractual terms.

8.12 Testing is documented by test reports, which reflect the actual data of checks, inspections, control, measurements and other data.

8.13 To evaluate the results of qualification tests and the readiness of the manufacturer's production to release products that comply with the specifications in the required volume, a qualification commission is created by the order of the manufacturer.

The qualification commission includes representatives of the manufacturer (supplier) of the products, the customer (consumer) of the products, and, if necessary, representatives of the bodies exercising supervision in the field of production of the developed products, representatives of testing organizations and representatives of organizations and institutions that have agreed on the specifications and / or interested in considering the results of putting products into production.

Representation for participation in the qualification commission and the terms of its holding are preliminarily agreed by the manufacturer with the organizations involved. In the absence of representatives of the supervisory authorities in the composition of the qualification commission, as well as approval letters on their participation in it, it is believed that the supervisory authorities positively evaluate the results of putting products into production or are not interested in their consideration.

As a rule, a representative of the manufacturer is appointed as the chairman of the commission.

For the qualification commission, the manufacturer of products in without fail submits the following documents:

Approved program and methodology for qualification tests;

Test reports and inspections of product samples from the installation series, carried out as part of qualification tests, including acceptance tests, and other reporting documents provided for by the program and methodology of qualification tests;

A complete set of TD, developed and used for the manufacture of the installation series;

Certificate of verification / calibration of measuring instruments, certification of technological and testing equipment involved in the manufacture of products in accordance with the TD;

Certificate of qualification of the personnel involved in the manufacture of products in accordance with the TD.

In the course of work, members of the commission may request other documents, the consideration of which is necessary.

The results of the work of the qualification commission are formalized in an act, which is signed by the members of the commission and approved by the chairman of the commission.

The act of the qualification commission reflects:

The composition of the documents reviewed in the course of work;

Completeness of the program implementation, objectivity and reliability of the results of the qualification tests;

An overall assessment of the technological equipment and readiness of production for the production of products in the required volumes based on the submitted documents, the inspection of production and manufactured product samples, the results of selective control of compliance with technological discipline at the workplace (if any);

Assessment of the readiness of the design documentation for approval in the prescribed manner with the assignment of the letter "A" (if necessary);

The test results are considered negative if negative results are obtained for at least one of the items provided for by the program and / or test methodology.

In the event of a negative assessment by the commission of the results of putting products into production, the members of the commission draw up and sign a list of shortcomings identified in the course of the work of the commission, and recommendations for their elimination.

The manufacturer, if necessary, agrees on an increase in the size of the installation series, eliminates the identified deficiencies and repeats the measures provided for in this section.

8.14 Delivery of products during the development of its production is allowed, if the manufacturer can confirm the compliance of this product with the mandatory requirements of standards and TR.

Units of production of the installation series are not classified as commercial products, as a result of which the service technical control carries out only their control, and acceptance for delivery - only at the request of the consumer.

8.15 With positive results of qualification tests, the development of production is considered completed.


Federal Law No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2011

On the procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities

Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated April 5, 2013

O contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs

Federal Law No. 231-FZ of December 18, 2006

On the Enactment of Part Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 412-FZ of December 28, 2013

About accreditation in the national accreditation system

State supervision over compliance with mandatory requirements state standards at the stages of development, preparation for production and operation of industrial products

Methodology for conducting state supervision over compliance with the mandatory requirements of state standards, mandatory certification rules and for certified products at the stage of implementation (sales)

Rules for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets

Electronic text of the document
and verified by:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2018


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