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    As you know, in 2017 Russia, along with China and Spain, entered the top three most reading countries in the world, taking second place in the world ranking of the research company GfK. 59% of Russians said they read daily or at least once a week. The adoption of amendments to the “anti-piracy law” in 2015, according to which the law also applies to book materials, is also positively affecting bookstore sales, so now find free books it has become more difficult on the Internet, and it is easier for users to buy or order them in a store. These data confirm the fact that despite the development of modern gadgets and technologies, book production is quite popular and in demand. Therefore, opening a bookstore can be profitable business bringing stable income with the right marketing policy and business organization.

    In million-plus cities with a population of up to 4 million people, on average, from 90 to 140 bookstores are open.

    The amount of initial investment is 1 594 327 rubles.

    Project profitability 26,6%

    The break-even point is reached tenth month of work.

    The payback period is from 24 months.

    Medium net profit: 226 090 rubles.

    2. Description of the business, product or service

    Before starting the project, you need to decide what format of bookstore you will open. We offer the following options for consideration:

    • Bookshop with exclusive books;
    • A small store with a wide range of goods (including related ones);
    • Book supermarket.

    In this business plan, we will consider the option of opening a small bookstore with a wide range of products, since such a project requires a relatively small amount of investment.

    The product provided by your bookstore can be divided into groups and presented as follows:

    Product group name

    Name of the subgroup of goods

    book production

    Children's literature

    Foreign literature


    historical literature

    Educational, methodical literature and dictionaries



    Board games

    It is undesirable to introduce all categories of book publications at first, it is better to cover narrower, but the most popular topics. Such a structure of purchased goods is optimal for a start-up store and will satisfy the needs of not all, but rather the general public. Over time, it is recommended to expand the range by introducing periodicals, gift products, various genres of books, souvenirs, etc.

    According to the Association of e-commerce companies, today only half of Russian Internet users make online purchases, and in Europe and the United States this figure exceeds 80%, so the e-commerce market in Russia is in a stage of significant growth. When opening a bookstore, you cannot ignore such a sales channel as your own website, so you will need to take care of opening your own site where users can familiarize themselves with the assortment and place an order.

    book business is seasonal: the maximum volume of sales falls on the period from September to March, but in summer the demand for books, as a rule, falls. Opening hours of the bookstore: daily from 10:00-21:00.

    3. Description of the market

    4. Sales and Marketing

    5. Production plan

    Let's outline the main stages of opening a bookstore.

    Registration with government agencies

    Before opening a bookstore, you need to register as a individual entrepreneur. If we talk about the taxation system, it is more expedient to choose a simplified one with a 6% income tax.

    When registering, you will need to indicate the following OKVED:

    47.61 Retail sale of books in specialized stores. This class includes the retail sale of books of all kinds, but excludes the retail sale of secondhand or antiquarian books;

    47.62 Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialized stores. This class includes the retail sale of office supplies such as pens, pencils, paper, etc. in specialized stores;

    47.62.1 Retail sale of newspapers and magazines in specialized stores;

    47.62.2 Retail sale of stationery and stationery in specialized stores

    Search for premises and repair

    A bookstore can be placed on an area of ​​80-90 sq.m. The main requirement for the premises: high pedestrian traffic, a separate entrance and convenient transport interchange. Also, there should be at least two rooms in the room: the first is a sales hall, the second is a utility room (warehouse) for goods credited, but not laid out in the main hall. It is not necessary to look for a room in the city center, a bookstore can work quite successfully and be in demand, being in a residential area.

    The rent for a room that meets these requirements will be about 50,000 rubles per month. You may have to make repairs, in particular, painting walls, replacing doors, for this you will have to allocate at least 50,000 rubles.

    Purchase necessary equipment and inventory

    To open a bookstore, you need the following equipment:

    • Racks hinged and floor;
    • Cash registers;
    • Shelves;
    • Chairs and tables;
    • Warehouse cabinets;
    • Wardrobe and chairs for utility room.

    The full list and prices can be viewed in the table below:



    Price for 1 piece

    total amount

    Trade equipment and inventory

    floor rack

    Hanging rack

    Table for arranging goods

    Cash machine

    Interior items

    cashier counter

    Anti-theft gate

    AcerExtensa computer

    Showcase for stationery

    Barcode Scanner

    shop sign


    Warehouse furniture and inventory

    AcerExtensa computer

    Goods rack

    Furniture and equipment for staff



    Electric kettle

    Warehouse shelving


    The capacity of the book retail market in Russia, according to analysts, today reaches 2 billion dollars. According to a study conducted by Discovery Research Group (DRG), for the last three years (as of May 18, 2011), this figure has been steadily increasing. At the same time, the total print run has been declining since 2008. If in 2007, according to the calculations of the Russian Book Chamber, it amounted to 702.3 million copies, then in 2010 - only 633 million. At the same time, the average circulation for the specified period decreased by almost 30%. Market growth is ensured not so much by an increase in sales as by a constant rise in the price of books. At the same time, experts agree that the Russian book market is far from being saturated, and the only problem is that not all stores are able to sell their goods. marketing sales competition assortment

    Today, despite the development of the Internet and trade through catalogs, in Russia, according to all book market experts without exception, the bookstore remains the main tool for bringing books to the buyer. But data trading floors catastrophically lacking. So, according to the calculations of "TOP-knigi" now in Russia there are 60 thousand inhabitants per 1 bookstore, while in Europe (the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary) - 10 thousand inhabitants. Moreover, the distribution of "shops-residents" in our country is carried out far unevenly.

    At present, there are no more than 4,500 enterprises in Russia that call themselves bookstores. In reality, there are 3,000 bookstores of various formats, that is, stores with an area of ​​at least 50 square meters. m., where the book trade is the main one. About 2,000 of these are independent non-chain stores, 500 are publisher chains, and 500 are independent chains. Number of trays per open markets and street stalls in Russia is 10-20 thousand outlets, and book departments in non-core stores in Moscow - 450-500 outlets.

    "Today, approximately 60-80 thousand titles of literature are presented on the market at a time - these are titles released in 2009 that are in demand, and some of the titles of previous years. According to experts, the total assortment that passes through the leading bookstores during the year, already reaches 100-150 thousand items, and the one-time assortment that could be presented is about 75-80 thousand items.

    The main share of the turnover of bookselling companies is still accounted for by stationary book trade - about 70%, which is explained by the slow development of other sales channels (online stores, postal trade, catalog trade, etc.).

    Compared with the world market, in most developed countries, the development of book retail is carried out mainly independent companies and large wholesalers. The retail channel is fully structured, there are common standards trade, many countries introduced fixed prices for books. In the West, the retail and publishing businesses are diversified. Publishing houses do not form their own retail networks, but only build a system of relationships with retailers and wholesalers.

    In Russia, retail trade is built according to a completely different scheme: publishing houses are actively creating their own retail chains, where they mainly supply their assortment. At the same time, the assortment of competitors is placed with a higher trade margin than the rest of the books. There are also examples of strategic partnerships where publishers do not dictate retail chains, what assortment to sell, but there are fewer such cases. Such a policy of publishing houses has a negative impact on trade turnover, since the consumer is interested in a store with the largest possible range of literature.

    There are negative trends in the Russian book market that make business low-profitable for book dealers and do not give book publishers the opportunity to develop.

    Among the main problems of the domestic book business today are the following:

    • - Low profitability of the market - 8-10%, which indicates an unstable financial position industry, as well as slow turnover of funds. As a result, there are high risks for potential investors, and the result is the lack of proposals from Western and Russian investment companies;
    • - Imperfect system of taxation of publishing houses, causing an increase in costs for publishing companies, a decrease in profits, a forced underestimation of actual circulation;
    • - A pronounced concentration of the publishing and bookselling business in Moscow and St. Petersburg against the backdrop of a severe shortage of bookselling and publishing companies in other regions, which contributes to an overproduction crisis caused by the absence of regional sales markets, a decrease in sales due to a decrease in the number of buyers, a general drop in interest to reading;
    • - Poorly developed trade and retail network, far behind the development of the publishing market. This causes a limitation bandwidth distribution channels and a decrease in market volume in value terms;
    • - The unsatisfactory state of the domestic printing base, unclear prospects for state-owned printing houses, high paper prices, due to which the cost of books increases and, as a result, they become inaccessible to a significant group of low-income consumers;
    • - Low (compared to European countries) prices for books with comparable prices for printing and paper. Hence the deterioration in the quality of books due to savings on the payment of qualified personnel, a decrease in the income of publishing houses;
    • - Reducing the population of Russia and a drop in interest in reading among Russians, especially among the young part of the readership, which entails a reduction in the number of book consumers, pessimistic prospects for the book market due to a sharp decrease in the target audience;
    • - Insufficient state regulation the book industry, the lack of state assistance to publishers and bookselling companies, which greatly slows down the development of the book business and causes high risks for potential investors;
    • - Non-transparency of the market - there is no unified accounting system for published and sold book products, there is no open data on the turnover of companies. This entails the absence of official sales statistics, the inability to accurately calculate the volume and potential size of the market, high risks for potential investors;
    • - Virtually no marketing strategy aimed at promoting specific products to a specific buyer, which means that publishers are losing consumers, since there is no advertising promotion strategy, there is an unreasonable expansion of the range due to repetitive positions, which leads to a decrease in sales;
    • - An acute shortage of qualified personnel at all levels of company management. As a result - the deterioration of product quality and a decrease in publishers' income.

    But there are also positive trends in the domestic book market. Among the main factors contributing to positive changes in the book market are the following:

    • - The transition to more expensive editions, a decrease in interest in paperback books and, as a result, an increase in the turnover of the book market and, accordingly, the income of publishers;
    • - Active development of online book trade, the emergence of modern trade formats, distribution centers, due to which there is an increase in throughput trading network and there is an opportunity to develop regions;
    • - Development of online book trade, the emergence online bookstores, as a result of which the attraction of a younger part of the audience increases, an additional distribution channel appears;
    • - Creation of associations of publishers and book distributors (RKS, AKI, ASKR). Thanks to this, potential consolidation of the industry begins, it becomes possible to defend the interests of market participants at the state level, as well as the opportunity to conduct large-scale market research, which is necessary for long-term planning;
    • - Increasing the income of the population, which contributes to the potential increase in the turnover of the book market;
    • - Successful projects cooperation between publishers and the film industry (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter), which creates additional features advertising books and resulting in an increase in sales;
    • - Development of effective marketing strategies by individual large publishing houses, which contributes to a more detailed study of consumer preferences, increasing consumer awareness of novelties in the book market;
    • - Attraction of investments in the book trade and publishing business ("Top-kniga", "Olma Media Group").

    So in modern conditions The Russian book business is a developing field of activity, which has its own positive and negative trends, undoubtedly requiring constant improvement of technologies and the implementation of effective management approaches.

    Despite the ubiquity of all kinds of electronic media, books are still in demand. And this situation is unlikely to change in the near future. A business selling books can bring in a good income if organized properly. Consider how to open a bookstore: how to register and pay taxes, where to get goods, how to choose a store location to maximize traffic, how much money will be needed to organize this business, etc.

    Registration and taxes

    The bookstore owner can. If there are several owners, then a limited liability company will be a more convenient form of registration.

    Your activity code is 52.47 “Retail trade in books, magazines, newspapers, stationery and stationery”. A convenient taxation system is the single tax on imputed income (UTII). It can be paid by shops with an area not exceeding 150 sq.m.

    If you independently purchase or rent premises outside the shopping center, then you will need to obtain permits from the SES and the fire inspectorate.

    Shop space

    Where should a bookstore be located in order to bring profit to its owner? Of course, in a busy passing place, where your potential buyers will see it.

    It is very good to open bookstores near large supermarkets or right on their territory. Even better - in popular and visited shopping centers. The advantages of this location are obvious. First, a constant flow of customers. You do not even have to spend money on advertising, you only need a bright, noticeable sign and a well-designed showcase. Secondly, you will not need to worry about obtaining permits for trading in the rented premises, these concerns are taken over by the administration of the shopping center. The same goes for security.

    When choosing a room for a bookstore in a shopping center, try to choose the most visited places: at the entrance, at the elevators or escalators, near the most famous and popular stores, regardless of their orientation.

    Acquisition of premises for a store in the property is very expensive and often beyond the reach of a novice entrepreneur. Therefore, it is usually more profitable to rent a room. Another option is to invest in a building under construction. shopping center. When it is built, you will receive your own square meters on which you can place the store.

    bookstore format

    The most popular among the population are small bookstores (40-50 sq.m.) with a universal assortment. Such stores are most popular among entrepreneurs, as they are able to bring maximum profit. Especially when located in small towns or sleeping areas of large cities and in the absence of nearby competitors.

    And yet, in some cases, it is beneficial to open not universal, but specialized bookstores. For example:

    • Shop for children's books (and educational toys). It is advisable to open such a store near the center of children's creativity, with a kindergarten, and even better - in an area where there are several kindergartens nearby. And also near the children's clinic or in the malls of children's stores.
    • Shop of specialized high school literature. Opens in close proximity to universities or on campuses.
    • Antique bookstore or secondhand bookstore. Relevant for large cities. May fit in with other antique shops.
    • A small shop for light entertainment reading: inexpensive paperback books, mostly genre literature. It can successfully function in a resort town, in a busy place on the way to the beach.

    bookstore assortment

    You need to be well versed in the book publishing business, know what's hot right now, stay up to date with future releases, and plan ahead for them to appear in your store. That is, you must clearly know the answer to the question: what is being read now and what will be read tomorrow. And sell just that.

    In addition, there are destinations that are in constant or seasonal demand. The former include children's literature, as well as fiction books: genre literature (detectives, action films, women's novels, science fiction), modern prose, both domestic and foreign, and, of course, classics in all its variants (prose, poetry, Russian literature). , foreign - from antiquity to the present day).

    The latter include school and university textbooks, gift editions (actively sold out on the eve of holidays), some sections of specialized literature, for example, gardening.

    If space permits, in addition to books, you can sell postcards, calendars, reproductions of paintings and wall maps, a small set of the best-selling stationery, developing toys in the department of books for the smallest, etc. in addition to books.

    Equipment and accommodation

    In order to conveniently arrange the goods, you will need shelves, racks, showcases, slides and cabinets. All equipment should be positioned to accommodate the maximum number of books and at the same time leave enough space for customers.

    The optimal form of trade for a bookstore is Free access to goods like a supermarket. A book is not a commodity that can be chosen by looking at it from afar. Buyers always want to look through and look at books.

    In addition to placing goods, you will need to take care of the equipment of the cashier's workplace, as well as lockers for bags. You will need cash machine with a scanner to optimize and speed up the checkout process of the purchased goods.

    Goods deliveries

    On the supply of books, you can negotiate directly with publishers, or with wholesalers and intermediaries. With publishing houses, you can agree on the supply of goods for sale - this is very profitable and convenient. Perhaps they will agree to this not immediately, but after some period of cooperation. Therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay in full for the first batch of goods. Trade margin for books - 50 - 100%. In some cases, it may be higher.

    Consider the transport issue as well. You may decide that it will be cheaper to deliver the goods yourself. If there is such an opportunity, fine. In some cases, it is more convenient to conclude an agreement with transport company. Some wholesale firms when ordering large quantities and subject to long-term cooperation, they themselves deliver the goods to customers.

    Store staff

    You will need:

    • Manager and merchandiser, it is possible in one person. Usually this function is performed by the store owner himself, especially at the first stage.
    • Accountant. This unit may be freelance.
    • Sales assistants, cashiers. It is optimal to have four people who will work in shifts, two by two, performing all of the above functions.

    The bookstore should be staffed by people who are passionate about reading, who are versed in literature, including all new book releases. They should be contact and sociable, be able to advise and offer something, as well as discuss this or that book. You must encourage your sales consultants to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. To do this, you can allow them to borrow books to read on the weekend, as well as buy the publications they like at a wholesale price.

    Initial business investment

    The next important question is: how much does it cost to open a bookstore?

    Approximate cost estimate for a bookstore with a size of about 50-60 sq.m.

    • Registration of an enterprise with the tax authorities - 5,000
    • Obtaining permits for trading in the premises - 5,000
    • Repair, equipment, signage and lighting - 200,000
    • Purchase of goods (about 10 thousand books) - 1,000,000
    • Room rental - 50,000 per month
    • Salary - 140 000
    • Other expenses - 100,000

    So, the opening of a small bookstore will require 1.5 million rubles. The payback of such a business is about a year.

    A bookstore business plan is the most important part of getting ready to open. It must be drawn up even before you start looking for a room for a store and think about the assortment. Your business plan may differ slightly or significantly from the one presented above. It depends on a large number of factors: the cost of rent, the population of your city, the remoteness of publishers and suppliers, the presence or absence of competition, etc.

    How to open an online bookstore

    Trading via the Internet is a modern and in many respects a convenient form of doing business. You can open a bookstore on the Internet as an addition to an existing store in reality or as an independent business.

    The main difficulty of this venture is to create an extensive, detailed, user-friendly and attractive product catalog, where each book will be presented on a separate page with a cover photo and a detailed description.

    Second important point– delivery of products selected by the buyer after ordering and payment. There are three main ways to deliver goods from an online store:

    • Express delivery. The most reliable and profitable way. Its disadvantage is that it can be used over short distances, most often within the city.
    • Post office. It is also a fairly convenient and reliable method, but more expensive and takes much more time.
    • Express delivery companies. Fast and reliable, but very expensive. Few buyers agree to pay for this form of shipping.

    Online book sales is a fairly new business, but it is rapidly developing and profitable. According to analysts, books on this moment- the most common and best-selling product on the Internet.

    The most important principle in the formation of the assortment of goods in a bookstore is to ensure its compliance with the nature of the demand of the population. The assortment of a bookselling enterprise ultimately determines the commercial success of its work. The breadth of the choice of book products, a number additional services provided to the customer in the store make the bookselling retailer attractive to visitors.

    The formation of the assortment of a bookselling organization is carried out by commodity specialists and managers according to a well-known scheme:

    Each of the specialists works with permanent suppliers, with whom in the end calendar year, or at the beginning of the next, a supply contract is concluded;

    New suppliers are usually identified at book fairs. ;

    New publisher suppliers as well as individuals can come to bookstores themselves and offer their books .

    Numerous proposals received by mail in the form of price lists, catalogs are considered; the proposals published in the industry and less often in the central press are studied; Recently, publishing and bookselling websites on the Internet have been increasingly viewed.

    The search and study of suppliers is achieved through constant monitoring of publishers. At the same time, it is necessary to systematically visit wholesale book fairs and markets, to study advertisements in the media, to follow the new releases in the special press: in the journals "University Book", "Book Business", in the newspaper "Book Review", etc. The most significant fairs are held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod.

    The formation of an assortment in a bookstore has some features that are directly related to the specifics of the book as a product and to the specifics of the book market.

    The market for book production is specific due to the fact that the product - a book - is an object of culture, it is of a dualistic nature, the usefulness of a book can only be determined conditionally. As a category of "goods" it is characterized by consumer properties, its stay on the market is limited to a certain life cycle. But the book is eternal as the cultural heritage of the nation, it is evidence of the development of society as a whole, many copies retain their cultural value for years. The real market price of a book that a consumer is willing to pay is determined by the prevailing mentality of society, its cultural and educational traditions.

    The publishing and bookselling business is subject to the laws of classical business. However, modern publishers, as entrepreneurs, are required not to blindly submit to mass market processes, often expressed in simplification of the decision. It is necessary to take into account the creative individuality of the book, its spiritual integrity and make commercial decisions based on this.

    It is known that the book performs several functions: communicative, cognitive, educational, aesthetic, spiritual. Today, the book is in competition with other media, and competition in this area of ​​information has intensified. But, nevertheless, it does not lose its fundamental role and its valuable position in the market. It can be observed that now they are reading no less, and reading is going on in a significant amount simultaneously with the use of other media. The frequency of reading depends on the so-called socialization. Therefore, serious market research must take into account the socialization and motivational conditions of reading in a socially differentiated society. This should be taken into account when forming the book assortment.

    The book is not an essential item, but a person almost daily encounters book products, constantly feels the need for it. At the heart of the highly efficient entrepreneurial activity firms are implementing the basic principles of marketing,

    associated with knowledge of the market situation for book products, its feature, determined by the dualistic nature of the product being sold - books.

    With regard to the publishing business and its product - the book - the concept of "benefit" can be differentiated as follows:

    - benefit to the reader;

    - benefit for the wholesale buyer;

    — benefits for government and educational institutions.

    At the time of purchasing book products, the consumer - an individual wants to satisfy his needs of various levels and content.

    1. Psychological - the desire to understand and unravel another person, create your own idea of ​​the world, find answers to your questions, experience catharsis: self-purification with compassion, fear and delight, which the book helps to do.
    2. The needs of belonging - awareness of the events taking place around, the study of the biographies of prominent people.
    3. Self-realization needs - obtaining new knowledge, improving one's professional level.

    It is known that the more needs a product satisfies, the higher the likelihood that it will be bought.

    The wholesale buyer views the book differently than the reader. And these differences are explained by differences in the benefits for them. The wholesaler puts economic, commercial interests at the forefront, while the reader pays attention to the educational and informational nature of the book.

    Motives for purchasing books for educational and public institutions are significantly different from those above. Consumers act in the interests of the organization, taking into account the economic, consumer and operational "properties" of the book. As you know, demand is a form of market manifestation of a need presented on the market and provided with appropriate funds, i.e. paying need. In turn, the need is usually defined as a need or lack of something necessary to maintain the vitality of the organism, the functioning of the individual, the social group of the population or society as a whole. In the process of social development, needs grow and change. At present, the structure of consumption is changing, and the purchase of a book is no longer a priority. The process of consumption itself is the use and use of book products in order to satisfy the need for knowledge, information, reading as a pastime factor, leisure.

    It is not enough to publish a book; it must find its buyer. If we are talking about the consumer market, then the buyer -individual- independently makes a purchase decision, guided by his own needs. If we are talking about the resale market, then this is wholesale buyer, which focuses primarily on commercial success.

    All the main problems of the book production market, one way or another, are connected with consumer demand, which expresses the total social need for book production. The volume and structure of demand depends on many factors marketing environment, but especially from socio-economic, demographic, cultural. Demand also fluctuates seasonally. For example, literature on agriculture relevant in the spring and summer. In addition, when forming the assortment, take into account life cycle books, the degree of saturation of the market with a publication. The specifics of the book market itself also affects the process of selecting assortment items.

    The book market is a market for intellectual products. Publishing is very different from the usual production of goods. Here the author acts as a co-producer. As a result of the work of the team - editor, proofreader, artist, layout designer - a finished product of a book appears, which is a product of creative work. It should be noted that competition in the book market is largely determined by the competition of authors and their popularity. And this is another specific feature of the book market. In order to achieve commercial success, it is necessary to clearly understand who the work is intended for. Targeting in publishing is very important. Reading and buying books becomes pragmatic. The consumer most often knows exactly which edition he needs. The specificity of the book is determined by a diverse contingent of consumers. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups, taking into account their purchasing power, reader preferences, and socio-demographic characteristics. Proper segmentation of the book market largely determines the strategy of the book publishing company. Knowledge of specific market segments provides the basis for the selection of competitive literature in the assortment of the store. Readership analysis is a complex process.

    There are two main reasons for market segmentation:

    1. Concentration of market attention on those groups of buyers whose needs the company hopes to satisfy;
    2. The objective need to develop a marketing strategy in relation to buyers and competitors.

    The purpose of market research is to identify the readership that prefers a certain type of book publications: socio-demographic groups among which the book will be distributed; the purchasing power of these groups; spiritual demands dominating in these group. Having objective information on these issues, you can determine how many books and what topics should be purchased.

    And first of all, the bookselling organization should be interested in the following data: the real audience of readers of books on a certain subject; potential audience; age; the level of education; National composition; aesthetic tastes; literary preference. Obviously, large bookstores, chain stores can call, form their assortment much wider and deeper, compared to smaller trading organizations.

    For the store, information about a potential buyer is interesting. The main motive for acquiring a book is the desire of a person to improve his professional level. Therefore, business and educational literature is quoted on the modern book market. In the first half of 2009, the number of titles of such literature amounted to 77% of the total number, while the total circulation amounted to 62%.

    It is not enough to have information about the needs of the reader, it is necessary to convey to him information about the available assortment of a book publishing and bookselling company. There was an urgent need to create objective information about the book as a commodity along the entire path of its passage from the publisher to the reader. The Russian book market has turned from a scarce market, when the lack of information support had almost no effect on the production and sale of books, in a saturated market, where a lack of information support can seriously affect the production of books, their sale.

    Book publishing, which has been intensively developing since the 15th century, has not lost its relevance, despite increased competition from the media, the Internet, e-books. On the contrary, it is successfully developing, and it is premature to talk about the end of the Gutenberg era. According to the Russian Book Chamber, the number of book titles for the six months of 2009 increased by more than 6.4 thousand compared to the same indicators: 65,193 titles against 58,787 last year. At the same time, their total circulation increased: 371 million copies. against last year's record for a number of years 342 million copies. What is significant - this is happening against the backdrop of crisis phenomena in the economy.

    The dualistic nature of the book requires from the commercial apparatus of the company a dynamic organization of trade, aimed not only at commercial success, but also at satisfying the spiritual needs of the population. Successful work bookselling enterprise depends on its competitiveness, which in turn depends on the effectiveness of the commercial and marketing activities firms; competent management; quality and range of products offered; market segmentation; organizational structure enterprises; organization of work of workers.

    New Information Technology demand from the subjects of the book market - publishing houses, bookselling organizations, libraries, bibliographic centers - close cooperation. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out scientific and research work in the field of developing a unified information platform for the development of publishing, bookselling and librarianship. The result of this work should be a system that allows giving maximum information to consumers about book production: statistics, published books, books in print, in stock. A unified publishing and bookselling classification will make it easier for the consumer to find the right book.

    Despite the positive dynamics, the book market is experiencing certain difficulties associated with the global financial crisis. There is a threat from international and economic factors of the marketing environment to the book market. This is due to the specifics of the book as a commodity, and also to the fact that the book, alas, does not belong to the essential goods.

    The book market is rapidly changing, and the subjects of the market - publishers and booksellers - are increasingly forced to face the problem of the need to increase the competitiveness of the book. This is not only about competition among publishers for certain segments of the book market, but also about the definition competitive advantage books as a product in the system of commodity-money relations. Today, when the incomes of the population are declining, when inflation is growing, it is quite difficult to do this.

    Book publishing depends on the socio-economic development of the country, so the problems of the economy largely determine the problems of the book industry.

    It is premature to say that the position of the book market is steady and stable. The limiting factors for the development of the book market include, first of all, the limited financial capabilities of its participants, and problems associated with the consumer.

    Reading in the market environment has become not only pragmatic, but also functional. The buyer acquires the book, based on the belief in its expediency, necessity. In the 1970s and 1990s, books were cheap, sometimes bought for the sake of buying, and could go unread. Today, the choice of the buyer is more balanced.

    A much more serious problem is related to the level of income of various groups of the population, since the book market is too dependent on this. It is obvious that the price of book production must be much higher than the cost of its production. A book is an intellectual, creative, unique product. The book should not be cheap due to its specifics, or should be cheaper as a result of state support for book publishing and book distribution.

    The book trade is an intermediary between the publisher and the reader. AT retail the process of circulation of book products is being completed through certain technological and commercial processes. The specifics of the goods sold - books, the features of the book market determine the specifics of marketing activities in the market of book products, the formation of the assortment.

    Formation process trade assortment all trade workers pay great attention. This is due to the fact that the commercial success of the store depends on how rationally the assortment list is selected.

    Thus, the most important principle in the formation of an assortment of goods in a bookstore is to ensure that it corresponds to the nature of the demand of the population. It should provide for the comprehensive satisfaction of customer demand within the selected market segment. The breadth of the choice of book products, the range of additional services provided to the buyer in the store, make the bookselling retail enterprise attractive to visitors.

    Zintsova M.V.,

    Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department


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