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Defender of the Fatherland Day is historically associated with the honoring of victorious warriors, honorable veterans and servicemen. But you can be a defender not only with a weapon in your hands, and therefore we do not miss the opportunity to thank and congratulate all the dear men around us.

Not a single team misses this day the opportunity to praise the representatives of the stronger sex. The corporate party is becoming a tradition. At the same time, the scenario for February 23 can be very diverse: starting from fun in a cafe and ending with a trip to nature with the whole company.

If you are hosting a party in the office, take some time to prepare the event. In the plan-scenario for February 23 for a corporate party, include items such as

  • themed decorations;
  • selection of "masculine" music;
  • hearty feast;
  • toast tips;
  • contests-competitions;
  • practical gifts;

This scenario is suitable for holding a holiday in a restaurant hall or an office conference room. The participants sit at the festive tables, the corporate party is held by two presenters.

The room is decorated with balloons of green shades or camouflage colors. From balloons if desired, you can collect a figure of a soldier or a tank. There are also small tricolor flags and paper planes hanging from the ceiling.

Leading: Dear beloved men!
On this day, filled with greatness,
We will honor and praise you
And keeping all the decorum
Let's not forget to give a gift!
You are all for us Defenders, soldiers,
But better be in civilian clothes, you guys!
Let the form on you be only sports,
And your life is sunny and active!

And now we proclaim...

The words are interrupted by music from the movie " star Wars"March of the Empire". The leader is silent. The military commander comes out.

Commander: A new crisis is brewing in the Galactic Republic! The dark side wins all battles. I - the official representative of the Galactic Empire - came to Earth to fulfill the prophecy and find (the number of office men) warriors who will save our Universe.
Recruits, before joining the ranks of the Galactic Army, you must undergo high-quality training. Get ready for tough challenges!

The commander hands out lightsabers and cloaks.

Leading: But first I order every recruit to take 100 grams for courage! And dear ladies support you and also fill their glasses. For men!

The host after each competition writes down the winners. All competitions are accompanied by music.

Agility Test

Commander: We will start the tests seriously,
And let's test the soldiers for dexterity.
As you know, in space gravity is not at all
And the one who is simple does not survive!

When you go into battle
There is no time and you need to hurry.
Who will be the first to refresh
He will be known as the most dexterous.

A rope is pulled in front of the participants, to which bagels or donuts are tied on a rope. The first person to eat the whole donut wins.

Leading: Everyone shines with virtues,
Both honor and courage are whipping over the edge!
To reinforce the strength and firmness of the fist
Among the battles there will be a place for a bivouac!

Table break.

Strength test

Commander: Rota, line up!

All the men line up.

Commander: On the first or second, pay off! First - one step forward!

Leading: The first are skillful and courageous,
Tell us about your strength!
Here in front of you, it would seem, is a funny thing - from matchboxes,
Who can break it with his fist, that guy is not a miss!

Each participant is given an empty matchbox. The box is placed on edge on a flat surface. The task is to flatten it with a fist, usually it flies out from under the arm.

Commander: There is strength, so the mind is not needed!
Who was the second - come out!
The test is no worse
You have to get around!
Before you shells for guns,
You need to check them for strength!
Your own forehead is the best conditions.
I warn you, one shell is raw inside!

A bowl of eggs is placed in front of the participants. They need to grab the “projectile”, split it on the head and put it on their plate. Whoever has the most eggs wins. All eggs must be boiled, just don't tell the participants about it!

As a joke, you can put one ceramic egg, but this is up to you =)

Leading: For strong and ferocious men, women raise their glasses!

A toast from the female half of the team. Table and dance break.

Speed ​​test

Commander: Alright, recruits, get up! Let's check your coherence and teamwork!

Valor and honor make a man
And in our team you will not find the weak!
Developed a discipline of steel
And they must win the race!

Commander: Attention, fighters! In order to adequately respond in hostilities, you need to be able to concentrate and develop great speed! Each of you is given a responsible task: to evacuate the inhabitants! And we will train on straws.

Participants stand in a row, they are given cocktail straws.

Commander: With the help of a straw, you need to transfer all objects strictly to your territory. The winner of the competition is the one who saved more "population"!

If there are a lot of men, then it is better to divide them into two teams (First-second). A large plate full of M&M sweets is installed, you need to attract the candy with a straw to transfer it to your plate.

Commander: I praise you, fighters,

You are hardly new recruits.

Leading: They are still excellent fathers,
Husbands, sons and simply brave men!
Top notch male employees!
I invite all the ladies to sing for you!

Women sing a song-alteration with congratulations for colleagues.

Test of eloquence

Leading: Oh, what women, what women!

Meanwhile, the glasses are gathering dust! And, in order to correct the oversight, we will triple the contest in eloquence! We fill our glasses, and the men take turns toasting. Whose toast gets the most applause wins!

Table pause.

Accuracy test

Commander: Construction!
In difficult combat conditions
Aesthetics must be remembered.
Let's practice your shaving skills
There is no time to mess around in the army!
And this is your task.
I didn't get it, I admit it!
Gently and without trembling
Shave a friend without cuts!

Men are given razors and balloons. Draw a face on the balls and cover them with shaving foam. Whoever can "shave a friend" (or at least hold the blade three times and not break through the ball), he wins.

Intelligence Test

Leading: Gather up, men!
You are not old yet!

Commander: Let's check how the minder works,
And the Internet is not a cheat sheet for you!
Feel free to answer my questions
And ladies, I ask you not to help!
And as they say, without a guess, the mind is not worth a penny!


  1. Is yeast added when kneading shortcrust pastry? (Not)
  2. What Russian word has 40 vowels? (fourty BUT)
  3. What question can you never answer yes to? (Are you sleeping?)
  4. Why does a woman, when her tights are torn, start looking for nail polish everywhere? (To glue the place of the gap, and they will not tear further)
  5. Which 6-letter word has 1 letter "K" and as many as 3 letters "H"? ( To a Ntri)
  6. Numbers 3 and 11 are amazing and special! What is their unique property? (Three and eleven consist of 3 and 11 letters, respectively).
  7. Does not bite, does not bark, but is called the same. (@)
  8. What was the highest mountain on the planet before Everest was discovered? (The mountain remains the highest on Earth regardless of whether people discovered it or not. Answer: Everest)

Table break.

Ditties from women at the table with a refrain

Chorus: And once again
Many, many more times!

1. I am young and good,
And besides, it's beautiful
Admire at work
Male perspective!

2. Our favorite boss
Tomorrow he will go on vacation.
It means team
Get some sleep during your break!

3. Oh, girls, I fell in love!
I can't break away!
The third day I walk, leaf through
Account book!

4. Oh, dear colleagues,
wish you now
Sea of ​​happiness, plenty of money,
Let the girls love you!

5. In honor of a big holiday
The director will be a bunny!
We will all be given an award
And it will give you an extra!

6. The team is our very friendly,
What is there to talk about!
No staff turnover
Not to be seen in our office!

7. Men, congratulations!
We speak at the end.
We raise our glasses

Sounds like a toast to the good guys!

Video congratulations

Showing a presentation or video about the male half of the team. It can be a photo with comments. Signatures can be associated with habits or hobbies, with gastronomic tastes or favorite phrases of an employee.

Sword Trial

Leading: Prepare your swords, but not for battle.
Whoever lasts the longest will impress
Let's start the coordination test.
Lay the plate flat, support it with your sword.

Participants are issued paper plate. The winner is the one who managed to balance with the plate on the tip of the sword the longest.

Commander: I solemnly declare all tests passed! There were no such worthy men in the ranks of the Imperial Army!

The sound of a radio being turned on. The commander takes out a toy walkie-talkie or telephone from his pocket. He puts it to his ear, listens, nods.

Commander: Reporting from the front line! I was informed that the Dark Forces were afraid of the army from the Earth and retreated! You saved the entire galaxy! Three cheers for the warriors of Light!

Leading: And we were convinced that our men are perfectly suitable for responsible service at work! And therefore, they are sent by the Imperial Council to work for the benefit of the company! Let's raise our glasses to the brave and capable men of the team!

Presentation of commemorative diplomas

Prepare diplomas in advance, if possible, paste photos of men into them. As signatures, you can use well-known phrases from films or songs. For example, “I and my Masha are at the samovar”, “Tsar, nice to meet you, tsar”, “Giant of thought”, “I am an old soldier and I don’t know the words of love!” etc.

Or pick up beautiful aphorisms about men that suit your colleagues.

At the same time, gifts are presented, as well as awarding the winners of the competitions. You can give commemorative prizes or intangible but humorous awards. For example, comic certificates: “The holder of this certificate can be late for work for 1 hour without explanation any day”, “The right to a healthy afternoon nap for an hour. Bonus: lingering snoring is allowed,” etc.

birthday cake

Let the end of the evening be a sweet dish. You can cook it yourself: a beautiful birthday cake or muffins with filling. Specially ordered cakes gained great popularity at corporate parties. Such a cake can be decorated as a spaceship (based on the script) or in the style of February 23rd.

Our evening was sparkling and bright
Fun and laughter
Also gifts
We generously gave to friends and ourselves!
In honor of you men let fireworks thunder,
And the music is relentless.
You are worthy of the glory of this moment
Accompanied you along the way!

Take care of yourself, play sports.
Eat right, have more fun.
Be confident and courageous
Let the work argue skillfully.
And let luck decorate every day,
Let your strong camp be beautiful!
To tell you rude words did not dare,
And the ladies so that they were dumb with admiration!


  1. Suit for the commander: cloak, belt, lightsaber, helmet or mask, in the pocket - a toy radio;
  2. Cloaks and lightsabers for all employees. Easy to DIY: flexible water aerobics sticks are wrapped in shiny sticky tape at one end. Or buy toys in the store;
  3. Rope with tied donuts;
  4. Empty matchboxes, a bowl of boiled eggs;
  5. Cocktail tubes, M&M candy plate, plates for participants;
  6. Razors, balloons, markers, shaving foam;
  7. paper plates;
  8. Commemorative diplomas, gifts, prizes for competitions.

Scenarios for February 23 for adults, for students, for corporate parties, for home

Officially, the holiday is called "Defenders of the Fatherland Day", but all men are honored on this day. Women's hearts are overflowing with pride for their men, and for some reason one wants to exclaim: "The heroes on the Russian land have not yet died out!"

And indeed, our men are wonderful: strong, smart, beautiful ... Therefore, they need to be congratulated beautifully and unusually.

We bring to your attention two scenarios: one - for younger men and an informal setting, and the second - for already held "heroes" in a more solemn form. Of course, it is up to you to choose, but both of these scenarios can be complementary and use contests and games at your discretion.

In addition, we offer you congratulations script for February 23 .

Scenario for February 23 for adults, corporate parties, for home

This scenario is designed for a smaller number of participants, it is better to use it to honor men in a closer company, perhaps it will be small firm or even some department, it is also suitable for celebrations with family and close friends.

It will be great if congratulations sound in poetic form. We will present only some of them.

He is the best friend, he is the husband, the father,

He is a son, a hero and a brother,

Conqueror and sage

Lover and soldier

Scientist or Don Quixote

Chauffeur or banker

He is the conqueror of all heights,

He owns the world!

We praise him on this day

And there's a reason

May he be blessed

Whose title is MAN!

Tired of a hard life

Beaten by fate itself

But, devoted to the Fatherland,

You accepted this fight!

We are the strength to admire

We do not get tired of your


Happy February Men's Day!

Today we are more submissive than ever

And we say odes in your honor.

After all, you are for women - pride and support.

Thank you men for being you!

In addition, it is advisable to congratulate each man by name and give each a gift. After congratulations, everyone sits down at the table. Remember that men love to eat well, so you should not limit the table to light snacks, sweets and fruits. So that the toasts are not too frequent and, as a result, the holiday does not end too quickly, you can offer everyone present several table games, for example:

"Knight of the 21st century"

Everyone knows that a real knight should be able to give compliments. The men sitting at the table are invited to choose the "lady of the heart" by drawing lots, and then say the most unusual compliment in her honor. This game can become a joke if you write on pieces of paper not only the names of women, but also men. But in this case, the organizers must be sure that the men who are destined for the honor of complimenting the “lady of the heart” have sufficient relaxedness and a sense of humor. And the last. The names of the men playing "ladies of the heart" are best "encrypted". For example: Peter - Polly, Dmitry - Dulcinea, Mikhail - Milady, etc.

"Who am I really?"

For entertainment at the table, invite your men to take a joke test "Who am I really?" To do this, men are offered to get a card out of a hat or a box. Various "ranks" are written on the cards. It is even more interesting if the cards contain not only inscriptions, but also pictures or photographs cut out from magazines that correspond to the meaning of the inscription.

Examples of inscriptions:

1) real colonel,

2) superman,

3) the hero of our time,

4) sexual giant,

5) exclusive macho,

6) intellectual,

7) agent 007,

8) plush Hercules,

9) ideal husband,

10) super dad,

12) man-orchestra,

13) sage,

14) Don Juan,

15) magician and wizard,

16) Carlson, who lives on the roof.

All inscriptions must be correct enough so as not to offend anyone by chance.

After holding several table games, you can move on to a more mobile part of the holiday, for which the presenter invites men to compete for the title of "The Very Best".

Contests for adults on February 23

Competition 1. "The strongest"

All participants in the competition are invited to crush the empty plastic bottle. The cap must be screwed on the bottle. You might think that this is a very simple task, but it is almost impossible to complete it.

Competition 2. "The most accurate"

Hats are put in front of the competitors or carton boxes at a distance of about two meters. Competitors are given five playing cards. They should try to throw them each into their own hat. This is also quite difficult to do. Naturally, the most accurate wins.

Competition 3. "The most resourceful"

Each participant is given the task to "find" five items. The names of the items are written on cards, which the contestants take turns pulling out of the hat. The resourcefulness of the players lies in the following: they can find the item they need, beg, steal, but in no case take it away.

Examples of inscriptions on cards:

1) a glass of water,

2) anything starting with the letter "k",

3) lace,

4) something red,

1) handkerchief,

2) something brown

3) a person whose name contains the letter "b",

4) comb,

5) a mirror.

The winner is the participant who "found" everything needed before the others.

According to the results of three competitions, "The most - the most" is determined. If there is no clear winner, then the winners in each contest are declared "the best", each is given a "set of a real man", consisting of a bottle of champagne, a shoe brush and a pack of cigarettes. If men are non-smokers, then instead of cigarettes they can be given a chocolate bar.

After the single competition, the presenter offers to participate in the team relay race. For this, two teams of four people are recruited. If there are more applicants, then a third team can be recruited. All competitions are judged by women. The speed of completing tasks, artistry and cohesion of the male team are evaluated.

Competition 1. "Bound in one chain"

Teams are given ropes five meters long each. At the command of the leader, the first member of the team takes the end of the rope and begins to “string” the players on it in such a way that the rope is threaded through the sleeves of the participants. After the three players are “tied”, the first participant “strings” himself onto the rope, then the two extreme players of the chain must tie the ends of the rope. The team that manages to do it faster than the rest wins.

Competition 2. "Woman of my dreams"

In this competition, men will "sculpt" women. To do this, they receive modeling material: twenty balloons, a spool of thread, adhesive tape, scissors and a set of colored markers for each team. At the command of the leading man, they begin to “sculpt”. They have to inflate the balloons, tie and glue them in such a way that a female figure is obtained. But that's not all. Then they must "draw" the features of the "woman of their dreams." In this competition, the division of labor is encouraged. At the end of the competition, women evaluate the work of each team and choose the winner.

Competition 3. "Our heroic strength"

The most difficult competition of the entire relay race. Opposite each team, at a distance of about three meters, tables are placed on which there are props: a “check” of vodka (a bottle of 250 grams), a fifty-gram stack or glass and a plate with four pickles. The task of each team is to drink all the vodka as soon as possible. However, this must be done in a special way. The first team members start the game.

The scheme of the competition is as follows: the first one runs up to the table and pours vodka into a glass, after which he returns and becomes the tail of the team, then the second participant runs to the table and drinks the poured glass and also returns, becoming the tail of the chain. Then the third participant runs to the table, "bites" a cucumber and also returns. The fourth one starts a new circle: he pours, the first one drinks, the second one has a snack. Then: the third one pours, the fourth one drinks, the first one has a snack. The last circle: the second - pours, the third - drinks, the fourth - has a snack.

It may seem that the scheme is very complicated. However, if each participant remembers that each time he returns, he must stand at the tail of the chain and perform only one action, then everything will go fine.

It is clear that the winner is the team that was able to collectively drink all the vodka faster than others.

All competitions and relay races are best done with cheerful music. It is necessary to reward not only the winners, but also the losers. Remember, the main thing is good mood all those present. The best way to end the evening is with dancing.

With an understanding of the problem of the beautiful half on this winter day, I read today all the women's blogs that discussed the topic of celebrating February 23 in the office.

What was your strongest reading experience? How great and diverse is our country :-)!

I wanted to collect all the most interesting and accessible to perform, but soon I realized that the task is insanely difficult, as there are factors on which the entire success of the event depends:

  • the amount that women are willing to collect is very different (naturally, the region matters, and the status of the company itself). Judging by the comments, this is from 100 to 2000 rubles.
  • the ratio of women / men in the team (there are obvious distortions - 2/15 and vice versa)
  • the amount of time for congratulations (if only 20 minutes of a lunch break, what is there to start)
  • the venue of the holiday (do you also have 30 square centimeters among the working papers?)
  • the presence in the team of a creative person who is ready to take on the role of a leader (if everyone presses against the walls and nods at each other, it’s better to limit yourself to an official toast to men’s health)

Now I share my knowledge, advice and specific proposals for the residents of Moscow.

1. My selection of gifts for February 23

In the past, I worked as a personnel manager in a large holding, I was engaged in the selection of gifts for each holiday for the entire team.

The conclusion is this: everything must be ordered in one large online store with courier delivery to the office, convenient payment options and the possibility of receiving impressive discounts. We decided not to rush about and ordered everything in Ozone. Since then, I have had a restful and healthy sleep.

Affordable Unusual Gifts

For the seventh year in a row, I update a selection of all sorts of interesting gifts for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Something quite inexpensive and symbolic, something more expensive (it is quite possible to allow if there are few men in the team).

Personalized gifts with engraving, embossing or printing (personalized)

If it’s important to give a little thing that exists in a single copy, you can make a quick order on the website of individual personalized souvenirs. Just fill out the form with the name, surname or even a nickname in in social networks choose a gift. The courier will bring everything directly to the office. These are personalized flash drives, wallets, cool souvenirs, bottles, glasses, diaries, etc.

2. How to congratulate (9 options)

Choose the most suitable option, all programs can be held in the office, loft, cafe. There are programs for 2-3 hours (this can be arranged at the end of the working day), there are short ones - for 15-40 minutes. If it is impossible to distract all men from work at the same time, arrange master class zones.

1. Everyone cares (literally)

This is a cool master class (can be organized in a team building format), where all participants will learn to “catch the rhythm” with the help of percussion and bass drums.

It's loud, it's better to spend it in a separate office space.

There are still free presenters for congratulations on February 21, 2020 after 4 pm (if the office is inside the Moscow Ring Road).

2. Intellectual and entertaining team games

Intellectual games for February 23 are often ordered from us. Do not be afraid that at the end of the working day you will be forced to rack your brains for 2 hours in a row. it recreational activities, which can be held in the office or in a cafe right during the feast. Lovers of "What? Where? When?”, “Mafia”, “Guess the melody”. There are also programs for those with powerful intuition and moviegoers.

Here (I remind you, we are in Moscow). There are different levels of intelligence and humor, we will select individually.

If you want to think less and laugh more, . A party with 8 rounds based on entertainment TV programs.

3. Art parties

I tried to capture the essence of such an event in the title. This is not just a master class where each participant will paint a positive picture. The organizers tried to combine creativity with a full palette vivid emotions. It's fun, educational and very unique. You can combine the celebration of February 23 and March 8 together.

You can spend such a holiday in the office, loft, restaurant, bar. More about . Paint an overall corporate masterpiece, create a picture gallery for the office, or create custom paintings.

Drawing skills are not needed, you take the finished masterpiece home. Cost - from 1500 rubles. per participant.

5. Master classes that can be held in the office

The minimum order is 20,000 rubles. (up to 12 participants)
Participation in a master class of 20 people will cost the same amount if one master conducts, and the participants are divided into two groups (60 minutes for one group, 60 minutes for the second). If it is important that the master class be held simultaneously for all 20 people, the presence of another master is required. The cost will increase by 10,000 rubles.
Duration - 60-120 minutes (depending on the desire of the participants, the cost for 1-2 hours is the same).

If the company has from 20 to 500 employees, the cost will be calculated by an experienced manager, write to the mail the exact number of participants.

Painting with wine or coffee
tin soldiers
polygonal masks
flask decoration
painting t-shirts or baseball caps
donut decoration
drawing with chocolate on a chocolate bar (edible postcard)
the art of mobile photography

(there is a special men's grill menu)

6. Karaoke congratulations

They bring a karaoke machine, microphones, catalogs and everything to your office necessary equipment. The host will hold a cool party (you can start with military songs, end with even “White Roses”). Everything is very fun, especially if you choose a song program in advance. We have a leader with a song program (dances and competitions on request), with a complete set of equipment, sound, light, song catalogs.

Cost in Moscow - from 60,000 rubles. (presenter, sound engineer, set of equipment)

7. Portrait with wine

An artist comes into the office. She makes herself beautiful workplace with glasses of wine and an easel. She draws from nature, in 2 hours she manages to make 12-15 portraits, the cost with departure inside the Moscow Ring Road is 25,000 rubles. The portrait will be A3 size, at the end it is pasted on a dense wine-colored substrate.

It looks like this:

8. Sand animation (art show as a congratulations)

An artist comes to the office with special equipment. This is a glass table with sand and other devices for creating a living postcard from sand paintings that follow each other to spectacular music.

Duration - 15 minutes. The cost in the morning and afternoon is 28,000 rubles, after 17 hours - 35,000 rubles (within the Moscow Ring Road).

9. Caricature from a photo (frame with glass, delivery by courier)

That's it, the result looks like this:

By the way, you can make a cartoon on your favorite car:

February is the most severe month of the year, and it is very symbolic that in February we celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. We give our attention and care on this day to you - our strong, brave, harsh, but at the same time, touching, loving and beloved men!

It's not easy to be a man in our century,
To be - the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.
Be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... spare no money.
To be slim, elegant and... casual.
To know everything, to do everything and to be able to do everything.
On holiday we wish you ... patience
In solving your life problems.
Health to you, love and inspiration.
Successes creative and every success!

Dear women, making a holiday sincere and memorable is not as difficult as it might seem. Prepare a festive banquet with fun entertainment, well-aimed toasts and good wishes. Surround everyone with attention, none of the heroes of the occasion should be deprived of your care. And let the main surprise at the festive event be a wonderful video gift "Dedicated to beloved men" . Of course, you will have to work hard on it, but the result is worth it! Evaluate your capabilities - you can make a small nice clip using photographs, or you can shoot a whole amateur short film, in any case, the gift will turn out to be unique and very pleasant.
To create a clip, ask the men to bring their photo albums for a while, the more pictures there are, the more interesting it will turn out, children's and family photos are perfect. Scan selected pictures and make photo stories out of them. Play beautiful music and poems about everyone in the background. Knowing your men, you can compose soulful personified poems.

Poems - congratulations.

Life is not life without adventure
And no creative pain.
Bright, courageous, Sasha,
You conquered our hearts!

It will never get bad
If Lech is nearby.
Alexey is like a ray of light
In an instant, sadness will dispel this.

Anatoly. Briefly - Tolya.
The mind is inquisitive. Strength. Will.
He is aware of all events.
Destined for success.

Andrey is a daring
Balagur, merry fellow,
Well done in business
And in love, not a simpleton.

Let not constant, Antosha,
But overall, you're a good guy.
It's never boring with you.
Friends don't forget you.
Abilities - do not hold.
After all, your slogan - "I want to know everything!".

Artem - healthy, unharmed,
Unchained, tireless.
Deep, strong, romantic,
A wonderful friend and a wonderful husband.

Boris is a fighter, Boris is a sage,
Our Borya is just great!
categorical, perhaps
But how can you not love Boris!?

Versatile Vadik knows
That life promises a lot
For those who don't sit still.
Goes forward with luck together.

Responsive Valentine and sensitive,
Will come at any time of the day
To help relatives and friends.
How can we not appreciate all this?

Valera - fidget, mischievous,
I got used to success from early childhood.
It is interesting to go through life with him,
And friendship is measured along the way!

Beautiful name given at birth!
There is so much softness and so much fun in it,
Mobility, lightness and optimism,
Forgotten by us - almost - altruism.
Vitaly has all these qualities!
It's nice to write poems in his honor.

Where he is - there is peace, partnership, friendship,
It's hard to argue with him.
Great friend, husband, father.
Vladimir, right, well done!

A more glorious name
We don't seem to be able to find it.
This is amazing luck
Meet you on the way.
Your heart is open
Thoughts are always honest.
Dear, the only Glory,
We love you very much.

Gennady is our natural leader.
I'm sure you're always right about everything.
God did not offend beauty.
And the mind and become, and everything is with him.

A lot of "star" Gosh in the world -
It is easy for you to join this line.
Always effective and good, -
Well, just don't miss it!

Friendly with people
Responsible for your deeds
Our Gleb is reliable and smart,
He will not throw words into the wind.

Grigory, you are like a hurricane:
Ideas are a fountain, passions are a volcano!
You are a mood generator
You inspire us.

Denis has all weekdays - holidays,
Full of sparkling happiness,
All men are so different
But with you - and it's not cold in the cold!

Dima means "mother earth"
That's where your power is!
At least work for three
Though love for four -
You have enough strength for everything:
Apparently the name helps.

A faithful husband and a good father,
In life, in work - everywhere well done.

Ivan is known as a hero for a reason -
Destroy problems with one blow.
In the soul Vanyusha is vulnerable and thin,
Outside - a warrior, inside - a child.

Garik's last shirt
Will give and smile after.
There are many sympathetic people
There are no more like Igor!

Eloquent, clever Ilyusha,
He's so interesting to listen to.
A wonderful husband and family man -
We have one such Ilya!

Pulls like a magnet, Cyril,
You won't get bored with him.
Witty, light, bright -
It's a surprise, not a gift!

Reliable, faithful, pure soul,
Our Kostya is a golden guy!
And we heartily congratulate
You, our friend! We wish you all the best!

Life is not a joke, life is a game
Miracle, fairy tale, depth.
To live, dreaming, is more interesting -
Lena knows all this.

In Latin - the most-most,
Max and big.
Experience baggage initial
May it serve well.

Be happy, Misha, bright man!
Love for you, dear, we have forever.
Be respected and loved by all
And we keep our Angel all our lives!

Nikita means "winner".
Capable Angel - your guardian
Lead you to victory.
Forward! And have a good trip!

Advice and help are needed -
Kolya will help - everyone knows this.
Calm, wise, faithful comrade,
You are in our heart, our friend, believe us!

Dear, glorious our Oleg!
You're a wonderful person,
You are smart and romantic
And we are very nice!

Calmly and reliably with Pasha,
He has become a pillar of our lives.
Do you need help - Pavlik is nearby,
It will help with deed, word, look.

He is thorough and bold
It can be soft and harsh.
In endurance do not take away -
Peter can raise the whole world.

Roman has solid novels,
Life is like a story, a tangle of adventures.
The eternal wanderer became his friend,
Golden-haired boy Cupid.

Ruslanchik is bright, Ruslanchik is light,
Cheerful, sonorous, a little shy.
We wish you more happiness in everything
Live a vibrant life as long as possible!

We know, Semyon, that you are very vulnerable,
Trust us friends: we appreciate and love you!
A more sympathetic friend than you cannot be found,
You have helped so many along the way!
And on this holiday we want to wish -
Be strong spiritually and do not lose heart!

Sometimes Seryozha is the center of attention,
Sometimes in the eyes of the sad - a mystery.
Your world is rich, your soul is immeasurable,
It makes you sad, I guess.

Timothy is practical and caring,
But, sometimes it comes to life by touch.
You need to be easier, look simpler
And do without self-criticism.

We respect you, Fedya,
We wish you all the blessings of the world!
And also, happiness and good luck
in solving life problems.

Yuri is a mystery to friends,
Glorious, kind, do not hide.
We are good together, sweet,
Just give me a key.

Congratulations to Yaroslav!
Glory to the strength of your life!
Be lucky and happy
And always, always loved!

[c] A man always strives for heights,
He is ready to help if you need help.
A man goes to his goal
He fights, searches and rushes forward.
A man is ready to argue with fate,
Will stand the battle with dignity.
And every man will not give up in the fight -
He is faithful to the Fatherland, love and himself!

presenter: Hello, dear friends! Today we congratulate not just men, we congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland, who are ready to bear the heavy burden of responsibility for their Motherland, their compatriots, their loved ones!

You are responsible for the globe!
Allow me to wish:
May the children live happily
Let in a peaceful white world
Only in fairy tales the army beats!

Happy holiday, dear friends! The word for congratulations is provided by ______________________________________

presenter: ________________________________ joins the congratulations For you, dear men, the song sounds __________________________________

/after the performers leave, the Psychic runs out of breath, holding folders under his arm, holding a capacious bag/

psychic: Sorry for being late! There are traffic jams on the streets! /sits at the coffee table, takes papers, cards, cell phone out of the bag/

presenter: Are you in a car?

psychic: No, on foot.

presenter: Clear. May I announce?

psychic: Of course of course! I'm ready.

presenter: Maybe you will be more comfortable without a hat?

psychic: What are you doing! This is a necessary accessory for entering the astral!

presenter: Clear. Ladies and Gentlemen! Today in the hall there is a well-known psychologist, psychotherapist, psychic, candidate of medical sciences, master of alternative medicine, clairvoyant and clairvoyant Sheherazade Stepanovna Ryazhenka ... sorry Varenets! /psychic stands up and nods to the audience with dignity/

psychic: Madam host, let me clarify something.

presenter: Of course of course.

psychic: Gentlemen, while spaceships plow outer space, computer technology has become the technological basis of any complex technological process, and information processes have penetrated into all spheres of our life, it is a shame to realize that the capabilities of the human body are used by only 10%. Only some especially advanced personalities, such as myself, for example, are able to fully realize the opportunities bestowed on a person! Using them, I will completely disinterestedly help you settle family and personal problems. Don't be shy, come on. I can even work with photographs of people to whom energy flows should be directed. But before starting work, I must explore the egregore field.

presenter: And who is it? /psychic grins indulgently/

psychic: This is the mental and emotional energy of the collective.

presenter: Ooh, I get it. Of course it needs to be explored. /psychic, moving his hands around the hall/

psychic: So, it's not bad here, here too .. And here the radiation is somehow disordered. Ah, the culture is here! It's clear. And in this place a colossal updraft! Apparently the percipient has a powerful energy. There is something incomprehensible here, the radiation is pulsating. That is, it is not. Are not accountants sitting here? All clear. Well, in general, the egregore field is positive. You just need to distribute it evenly. Gentlemen, I ask you to join hands, raise your clasped hands up and say in chorus three times: "We are together." Now everything is all right. Thank you. Madam host, we can begin.

presenter: Dear friends, while you are thinking about what problems need to be solved with the help of a psychic, for you _____________________________________

presenter: Dear men, now ... /a woman in a white coat enters the hall, a dentist/

Dentist: Hello! Excuse me, is there a psychic reception here?

presenter A: Yes, but it only accepts team members.

Dentist: Oh, wait a minute! I really need!

presenter: Well, come in, if for a minute.

Dentist: Thanks. You see, my patient freezes there, sits with her mouth open.

psychic: Since you have little time - get straight to business.

Dentist: Good. Open your mouth. You need sanitation of the entire oral cavity.

psychic: And here is my mouth! Tell us about your problem!

Dentist: Sorry. You just said - get down to business. My business is teeth, and my problem is a man. He cooled off.

psychic: Did you freeze it?

Dentist: No, what are you! He just fell in love with me! /sobs/

psychic: Nothing, calm down, this is fixable. How old is he?

Dentist : 24.

psychic: Did you serve in the army?

Dentist: Not.

psychic: For health?

Dentist: Yes. You see, he has one hand right and the other left. /cell phone rings at the Dentist, she answers/- Yes, I'm listening! /unintelligible sounds are heard/- In 20 minutes. /sounds again/- Which side? From the left? /sounds again/- Oh, on the right! Then spit. Now I will. /turns off/- Excuse me, please! Such patients are impatient, they cannot sit with their mouths open for 2 hours! So will you help me?

psychic: Let's take a photo. /wiggles his hands over her/- I give installation to Ivan Biryulkin for eternal and true love for Tatyana Rogulkina! All. Your husband must go to the draft board tomorrow and sign up as a volunteer in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He will serve, return without teeth and will be yours to the grave.

Dentist: Oh thank you! Come to my appointment, I will do your whole mouth for free! /runs away/

presenter: Can I continue?

psychic A: Of course, sorry.

presenter: Thanks!!

male leaders
We wish to live a hundred years
In harmony with the position and rank,
But women still - love!

Dear men, congratulations _____________________________________

/after the end of the number, a provocatively dressed girl enters the hall, looking at the men, walks down the aisle, flops down on a chair at the psychic’s table/

presenter: Wait a minute! You..

damsel: Yes, I am! Did not recognize?

presenter: Should I have known?

damsel: Yes, everyone here knows me! Although you are old already, you may not be in the know.

psychic: You to me?

damsel: If you are extrasex - then to you.

psychic: Psychic psychologist.

damsel: What's the difference! I have 5 boys. Do you see?

psychic: Yes, yes, of course. So what?

damsel: Who should I drag to the registry office?

psychic: Clear. And to whom are you more disposed?

damsel: Located? Yes, everyone is different. Especially with Puchok! He is such an inventor!

psychic: What kind of posture is this - a beam?

damsel A: He's not a pose, he's a security guard at the store.

psychic: Ah, that's how! So, you can not choose the most worthy applicant.

damsel: Correctly! I need the best one. Well, not the president, of course.

psychic: Did you bring photos?

damsel: And how! /gives pack, psychic looks/

psychic: Marry this one.

damsel: For Tolyan or what? So he is still young, he has not cut down the money.

psychic: Look not these lines. They read the will, and the desire for success. Now I'm reading your boyfriend's future. In 2 years, he will have everything: business, money, an apartment with a European-style renovation, well, etc. But only if he serves in the army. It is in the army that he will meet a man who will have a great influence on his fate.

damsel: Wow! And he still wanted to hang out! Yes, I'll kick him into the army with kicks!

psychic: And you will do it right!

damsel A: Thank you, aunt. I went! /leaves/

presenter: Mrs. Varenets! You are more active with the audience. The team has no less problems.

psychic: I work with egregore, don't worry!

presenter: And we continue our concert dedicated to the strongest and most courageous half of our wonderful team!

Living among women is not easy at all.
A handsome man of such height!
But the deputy head
Don't lose your head!

Congratulations on the holiday to the biggest people of the team! Gives you a song _____________________________________

/after the end of the number, a woman in a headscarf enters the hall, with two shopping bags full of empty bottles/

Woman: Hello! Are alcoholics coded here? Wow, you, how many people! Who is extreme?

presenter: Behave yourself properly! Dear people are here!

Woman A: So I didn't get there. /turns to exit/

psychic: Come in, come in, I will take you out of the queue. What is your problem?

Woman: My husband drinks.

psychic: Why did you bring the bottles?

Woman: If left at home, he will drink. I left the TV yesterday. I come home from work - no. Drank, infection!

psychic: Did you try to speak in a good, kind way? /bangs his fist on the table and yells/- How long are you going to torment me, goat!

Woman: I tried. She even spoke kinder - it does not help. So I decided to code.

psychic: Let's take a photo.

Woman: Why take a photo? I brought it myself - it's under the door. Bring in?

psychic: No need, I can act at a distance. /wiggles hands/- Your husband will stop drinking with only one condition: tomorrow you will take your husband to the draft board and send him to the infantry for 2 years. Will be back - like a cucumber!

Woman: Oh thanks! It is for you! /holds out string bags with bottles/

psychic: No, no, you don't! I help people for free!

Woman: Not drunk yet kind people in the world! Goodbye! /leaves/

presenter: Dear friends! I hope that today you will not only rest, but also solve your problems with the help of Scheherazade Stepanovna. Do not be shy. And we continue our holiday concert!

Reserve junior lieutenant,
He is a friend and brother to recruits!
But only culture will call
On stage with a song he goes!

/ after the number, a very sad lady enters the hall /

Lady: Hello. Are you a psychic, Ms. Varenets?

psychic: Quite right. /lady falls on a chair and starts to sob/

Lady: We have absolutely no mutual understanding! I'm like furniture in the house! What I didn't do! And sandwiches, and cakes, and coffee ...

psychic: To bed?

Lady: And in bed too. And the soup is always too salty, and the shirts are dirty and I don’t know how to clean up ... I can’t live like this anymore!

psychic: Stop crying and take a photo. So it's a woman!

Lady: Of course! My mother-in-law.

psychic: And what do you want?

Lady: Bewitch. So that the mother-in-law does not have a soul in me!

psychic: Maybe it's easier to move to your own separate apartment?

Lady: Easy to say! And where to get money?

psychic: Here I am powerless - not my profile. But I can predict the future for you. /wiggles around the lady with his hands/- You will have a lot of money, buy yourself an apartment and a car. But for this you need your husband to go to serve in the army on a contract basis.

Lady: And the mother-in-law will not be taken there?

psychic: Not.

Lady: Okay, I'll persuade my husband. Goodbye. /leaves/

presenter: As you can see, friends, problems are being solved, the holiday continues!

He is the commander - what is needed!
Father to his soldiers.
Squad leader
People's Deputies!

We wish you happiness and health ... For you it sounds ____________________________________________________

presenter: Mrs. Varenets! This mess! You were invited to solve the problems of the men of our team! And you always deal with strangers!

psychic: Well, now I will check the egregor of men for problems. /gets up with hands/- Non-problems, non-problems, it's the same here... Wait a minute! The man in the last row thinks about some blonde all the time ... Now let's clarify! /comes closer/- Sorry. The blonde is his white Audi, which kissed a beige Mercedes today. And men have no more problems. /An employee stands up/

Employee: Excuse me, can I?

psychic: Of course! Come on in.

Employee: Excuse me, are you treating for dystrophy?

psychic: Of course. Who needs to be treated?

Employee: My husband.

psychic: Let's take a photo. I don't understand anything! What is this, a floor lamp?

Employee: No, this is my husband in profile. And a hat on his head.

psychic: Sorry.

Employee: Nothing, nothing, I myself confuse it with a floor lamp. Maybe you think that I'm starving my husband? Nothing like this! Why didn't I feed him! All the most high-calorie! I even buy beer every day. All to no avail. The doctors just shrug their shoulders.

psychic: Do you have dumbbells?

Employee: What are you, what are you! He can't even lift a bag of bread. I do everything myself at home. Once, I gave him an umbrella, so then I found them both on Kukan!

psychic: Okay, I'll try to help you. /wiggles hands over photo/- Yes, it's bad. Medicine will not help here, even unconventional. One way out - the army! Let him go to serve under the contract. In 2 years you will not recognize your husband - he will carry you in his arms!

Employee: Thanks! And then I was so tired of looking for him under the covers - you have no idea! Goodbye! /rushes to your seat/

presenter: Mrs. Varenets, there are still a lot of letters with photographs.

psychic: Let me see .. So, a letter from Pugacheva with a photograph of Kirkorov - to bewitch. A letter from Eduard Simochkin with a photograph of Boris Moiseev - bewitch. A letter from Lada Dance with a photograph of Mikhail Ivanovich Borovoy - to bewitch. Letter from second-grader Tanechka with a photo /heads of the company/ love spell ... wait a minute ... put in the yard playground. Sorry, gentlemen, while you listen to the song, I'll work on the photos.

presenter: Dear friends!

They can't scare us
Tornado and tsunami
Because in difficult times
Men are with us!

Happy holidays, dear men! Your musical gift is given to you by _______________________________________

psychic: Madam Host, I need the help of several ladies in order to give the installation to the male half of the team.

presenter: Please, Mrs. Ryazhenka, excuse me, Varenets! / music sounds, all the actors enter the hall with trays, on which glasses of champagne. The girls line up, Psychic comes forward /

psychic: All men please stand up! I charge this drink with strength, vivacity, courage, energy and eternal youth! /cell phone rings/- Excuse me, one minute! Comrade Commissar? Your mission has been completed! Accept 75 recruits! Yes sir! Junior Lieutenant Varenets! /returns to the men/- In general, dear men ...

All: Be happy! /music, girls handing out glasses of champagne/

presenter: Once again - happy holiday, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Goodbye, see you again!


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