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One of the most common mistakes on fiscal registrars Shtrikh is RAM error(error 116). This error can appear both on modernized fiscal registrars (Shtrikh-M-02F, Shtrih-Light-02F, Bar-FR-01F), as well as new ones. But at the same time, on modernized devices, the RAM error is much more common.

Upgraded Strokes contain an UM (upgrade device) that replaces the main board and takes control online checkout. On the UM board (as well as on the board of the new Shtrikh devices) there is a battery (highlighted in red in the figure), with a voltage of 3 V, which is responsible for powering the random access memory (RAM). The RAM error at the cash registers Bar, in most cases, is associated with a voltage drop (less than 3 volts) on this battery.

In addition to the RAM error, the cash register may issue other errors, which, one way or another, may be associated with low battery voltage. These errors include:
- Error 120: Software replacement;
- Error 121: Clock failure.

To begin with, let's talk about how to return the cash register to working condition if it was overtaken by a RAM error. In this case, technical zeroing will help, which will be a temporary solution to the problem, but will allow you to continue working until the moment when it becomes possible to come to grips with the repair of the cash register. After resetting, the cash register will work normally and print checks, but after some time the RAM error will appear again. This can happen immediately after turning off and then turning on the cash register, or it can happen after a few days (or even weeks) of work.

It must be borne in mind that after technical zeroing, all data from the tables will be deleted. Data such as: owner's name, address outlet, the network settings will have to be re-entered. Therefore, it is desirable to have a saved copy of the table with all the cash register settings in order to be able to quickly restore them in case of emergency.

To do a technical reset, run the program " FR driver test", go to the checkout properties and click the button" Service" (on right).

In the window that appears, click on the button " Technological zeroing", then the button " Set current date and time". After these actions, the cash register should return to working mode.

To completely get rid of the RAM error at the checkout, you will have to disassemble the cash register and bring to life the very battery that causes so much trouble. There are two options here:
1. If the voltage on the battery is normal (3 Volts and above), it will be enough to solder the contacts on the legs of the battery.
2. If the voltage on the battery is less than 3 volts, the battery will have to be replaced.

As mentioned above, it doesn’t matter what kind of cash register you have: new or modernized. The principle of action to eliminate the RAM error will be the same on all Shtrikh models.

Using the example of a modernized Barcode, the procedure is as follows:

1. Disassemble the cash register and disconnect the PA from the main board.

2. Disassemble the PA case to get access to the board. To do this, disconnect fiscal accumulator, unscrew the two screws and take out the PA board.

3. On the PA board, find the BT1 battery and the contacts of the battery legs. The pins of the legs (3 pieces) will be located on the reverse side of the board (to the right of the CPU).

4. Pins 2 and 3 are positive pins. Contact 1 - negative contact. These contacts need to be soldered, but this will need to be done carefully so as not to close the tracks adjacent to the contacts. After soldering, measure the voltage between pins 1-2 and 1-3. The voltage in both cases must be at least 3 volts. If the RAM error does not disappear after soldering the contacts, install a new battery.

If the above actions (soldering the contacts and replacing the battery) did not fix the problem and the cash register still periodically goes into a RAM error, there is only one way out - to change the upgrade device, because the problem may be the failure of the elements of the PA itself, which are of little use for repair.

Note 1:When error messages appear marked with an asterisk "*", you should call a CTO specialist.

Note 2:Errors 191, 192 and 193 are present only in KKM version 02.

Note 3:Errors with numbers greater than 200 are returned by an external server program. See the software documentation for a description of these errors.

Attention!If errors E048 and E059 occur, the KKM is blocked; after turning off / on the power, the indicator will display error E059. In this case, the KKM is blocked due to a FP failure.


KKM does not respond to keyboard presses:

1. KKM is off. Turn on the power.

3. KKM is out of order. Contact the CTO serving this KKM.

Nothing appears on the display when the keys are pressed:

1. KKM is off. Turn on the power.
2. Some command is being processed. Wait for the current operation to finish.
3. KKM is waiting for confirmation of the operation (on the bottom line of the display " C-00"). Confirm the operation with the [ 00 ] or cancel the operation with the [ FROM].
4. KKM is waiting for the section number to be entered (on the bottom line of the KKM display in the left digit is the symbol “s”). Enter the section number or cancel this registration by pressing [ FROM].
5. KKM displayed an error code. Press the [ FROM].
6. KKM is out of order. Contact the CTO serving this KKM.

KKM is not included in the mode:

Invalid mode number or password. Specify the mode and password.

KKM constantly asks for a password (immediately after turning on the power):

KKM is blocked because an attempt was made to enter the tax inspector mode, but an incorrect tax inspector password was entered. Enter the correct tax inspector password.

Nothing is printed on the check, the paper is wound normally:

1. Incorrect thermal paper is loaded into the KKM, or it is not suitable for technical parameters thermal paper, replace the paper.
2. The thermal paper is loaded incorrectly. o, load the thermal paper correctly.
3. KKM gives an error "Roll" (No paper), but there is paper:
the paper has formed a “wave”, rewind the roll of paper so that there is no “wave”;
the printer is out of order. Contact the service center servicing this POS printer.

KKM does not feed paper when pressing the key:

1. Paper jammed, release the paper.
2. Some command is being processed, wait until the end of the current operation.
3. KKM is out of order. Contact the TsTO serving this KKM.

Technological zeroing of cash register

Technological zeroing allows you to reset all monetary and operational registers of KKM, as well as to set "by default" all values ​​in all tables of KKM settings. To carry out the technological zeroing operation, you must perform the following steps:

2. Sequentially dial [00] and [x].
3. While holding down the micro-button on the KKM system board, press the key [ 00 ] to confirm technological zeroing.

Initializing KKM tables

Initialization of tables allows you to clear and mark the RAM of the KKM. To perform the table initialization operation, you must perform the following steps:
1. Enter the technological mode.
2. Sequentially dial [AN] and [X].
3. While holding down the microbutton on the KKM system board, press the key [ 00 ] to confirm initialization of the tables.
4. Release the microbutton on the system board and wait until the process mode is reached.

Fiscal memory test

1. Enter the technological mode.
2. Enter the fiscal memory testing submode by pressing the [ 7 ] key.

  1. Starting from the software version dated 05/27/09, closing the ECLZ archive in the Mercury-115K and Mercury-130K KKM is password protected. Password to close the archive 741625 ».
  2. Error 26 after technological reset on Mercury 115K and 130K
    Check the status of option 31. When the option value is set to "0", there is a prohibition on total transactions in on-line and off-line modes.

  3. Eliminated by service programs and service firmware download archive with service programs. The archive contains the MercFPEditor program (FP editor for KKM Mercury 115,130,140,180) for editing FP on a stand assembled on a Mercury 130 KKM board. Service firmware for AF recovery according to ECLZ data (115KRuSrv003
  4. Restoration of the grand total.
    The grand total in updated software versions for Mercury 115K is restored after a technological reset of CLEAR 2 (without losing all POS printer settings) or CLEAR 4 (with losing all POS printer settings). If you did not make CLEAR 4 after updating the firmware, then it is better to do it, and then reprogram the POS printer settings again. Technological discharges are strongly recommended to be done after a shift extinguishing (with a closed shift).
  5. How to program taxes.
    Programming of tax rates. Entering this mode occurs from the main menu after selecting the “PR” mode and pressing the “IT” key or entering the correct six-digit password (by default - 000000) when the message “P?_ _ _ _ _ _” appears on the display. By pressing the "+", "-" keys, select the "-NS" submode, press the "IT" key. The display will show the first bet from the base in the form: “X. Y CC.CCo” (if the rate is not defined as “X. NOT OP”), where X is the digital number of the rate. In total, the database provides for five tax rates with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Y is a sign of a tax: allocated - 1, accrued - 0. СС.СС - tax percentage rate. Use the "+" and "-" keys to navigate through the taxes in the database. Use the "PI" key to view the tax fields. To edit the field, press the multiply "X" key. If you press any numeric key instead, you will enter the editing mode of the selected field, and the character corresponding to this key will be entered. Pressing the "00" and "9" keys is used to print all character codes. After setting the field, press the "IT" key to confirm. Programming tax groups. By pressing the "+", "-" keys, select the "-NG" submode, press the "IT" key. The display will show the first tax group - "A" from the database in the form: "N. =X Y Z”, where N is the designation of the tax group, Х Y Z are tax positions. The shift of the tax pointer (the "=" sign in front of the position) is carried out by pressing the "PI" key, and then the tax rate number is entered, if this tax rate is not needed - 0.
  6. How to program the TIN in CHPM 115
    Entering this mode occurs from the main menu after selecting the “ES _ _ _ _ _” mode, pressing the “KLK” key and entering the correct six-digit password (000000 by default). By pressing the "+" and "-" keys, select the option "REG EP" - activation of non-volatile memory. In the "REG EP" submode, press the "IT" key. The display will show the message "РН 0", which is an invitation to enter the registration number. Enter registration number(any value) and confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. The indicator will display the message "UN 0", which is an invitation to enter the TIN. Enter the TIN and confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. The display will show the message "P 0", which is an invitation to enter the password of the tax inspector. Enter the password of the tax inspector and confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. Check on the printout that the entered parameters are entered correctly and confirm the entry by pressing the "3" key, or repeat the process by pressing the "C" key. After recording the entered parameters, a printout of a report on the activation of the ES is made.
  7. Fiscalization/re-registration 115 KKM. (IN p 3.6. Registration and re-registration of KKM)
    We select the mode "НР_ _ _ _ _ _" press the key "KLK" and enter the password of the tax inspector. By pressing the "+" and "-" keys, select the option "-REG NP" - fiscalization / re-registration of cash registers. In the "-REG NP" submode, press the "IT" key. Further as on 115 ChPM.

  8. The date and time can be corrected when the kkm is turned on, or during operation. In the selection of modes, press the "00" button, the date will be displayed on the display. When you press the "PI" button, the display will show the current time. When you click on "X", the cashier will prompt you to enter a new time in the format hh:mm:ss. After entering the time, confirm it by pressing the "TOTAL" button.
  9. Cashless payment.
    To reflect non-cash payment, before closing the check, press "PI", "00", "IT". "CREDIT" will be printed on the check tape. In a shift report, such amounts are accumulated not in the register "CASH", but in a separate register, and printed in the line "CREDIT". Allows the implementation of such actions single value of option 23.
  10. Refund of money (return of goods).
    Return of goods, regardless of the option, is carried out by pressing the "VZ" key. The offline return operation is possible only by entering the amount from the keyboard. To do this, press the "VZ" key, enter the amount to be returned and indicate the number of the section to which it is returned. In operation mode 2 (OFF-LINE) - work with directories, there are two options for returning goods: Option value 32 = 1 - return is carried out by entering the amount from the keyboard. Option value 32 = 0 – goods are returned by code. To return a product by code, press the "VZ" key, type the product code on the numeric keypad and press the "KLK" key. To return multiple items, use the "X" key.

  11. service software
  12. How to check the software version?
    On Mercury 115K, to view the firmware build, you need to press “00” three times, then “KLK” in the choice of modes (for the latest firmware versions, after pressing “00”, you must press “PI” twice, then “KLK”). The build will be printed on the receipt tape.

  13. For a quick exit from failure situations, the ability to enter the technological reset menu is intended. To enter this menu, it is necessary to press the technological button located on the control device (if there is no button, then close the 2nd and 3rd outputs of the processor) and turn on the POS printer. For the latest software versions, it is possible to enter the technological reset menu without opening the device. To do this, turn on the device with the "VZ" button pressed. After some time, after the internal check, the machine will display the message "CLEAr 0". This indicates the availability of reset mode. The selection of modes is carried out by pressing the "PI" key, to start the selected operation, press the "IT" key: For CPM 115, starting from the software version of 11/03/2010, when entering the reset menu by pressing the "VZ" key, when turning on the power, only the item " CLEAR 0. Other resets are available via the service button.
  14. Refinement to CPM.
    For 115, 3 upgrade kits are available. In the simplest version, you simply turn off the ECLZ, flash firmware 115RU200 into the microcontroller, connect a clean fiscal (or clean the old one, for this there is an option RESET.EP.64 in the service mode of the FMM) and program a new serial number. Firmware is available on the site. The microcontroller must be one of these:
    • W78E516B
    • P89V51RD2
    • P89C60
    • P89C60X2
    Fiscal - with EEPROM, rewritable, AVLG 423.30.00-08. It is possible to use the FP with the AVLG 423.32.00 microcontroller, it is cleaned using the programmer and software available on the site. Download the archive with service programs. You need to flash the kfp222Srv64+.hex kfp202.hex firmware into the FP using the programmer (the main FP controller firmware, Russian). The second and third revision kits are designed to be installed on the board of the RS-connector, which makes it possible to download the product database from a computer and configure the device. Installing the RS-connector It is also possible to connect a barcode scanner and scales using the "MERA" protocol. Only weight is taken from the scales!
  15. To upgrade to NIM 115F, you must first modify the device to 115K.
    To do this, you need to replace the microcontroller and electronic journal chip with AT24C256 (RAM). Improvement to NIM of old versions of boards is not guaranteed. Our developers announced the completion of 115 devices with the letter "K". There may also be problems with the installation of the RS connector. Installation of the RS-connector is possible on the board of the control device AVLG 410.99.02 V5 and higher.
  1. EKLZ archive in Mercury 115K, 130K.
    Starting from the software version dated 05/27/09, closing the ECLZ archive in the Mercury-115K and Mercury-130K KKMs is password protected. Password to close the archive 741625 » ECLZ to Mercury 115K, 130K
  2. Error 26 after technological reset on Mercury 115K and 130K.
    check the status of option 31. When the option value is set to "0", there is a prohibition on total transactions in on-line and off-line modes.
  3. Divergence of shifts at FP and ECLZ.
    Eliminated by service programs and service firmware download archive with service programs. The archive contains the MercFPEditor program (FP editor for KKM Mercury 115,130,140,180) for editing FP on a stand assembled on a Mercury 130 KKM board. Service firmware for AF recovery according to ECLZ data ( 130KRuSrv001). It is necessary to check the type of FP - the connector on the fiscal card is strictly in the center (EEPROM, AVLG 423.30.00-08) or shifted to the side (with the AVLG 423.32.00 microcontroller). Rewritable FPs (EEPROM) can be edited directly, to edit the FP with the microcontroller, before writing the corrected data, it is necessary to initialize the FP.
  4. Restoration of the grand total.
  5. How to program a tax rate/group.
    “Reference books” mode, item NS (tax rates), press IT - the first tax rate in the list will be displayed, X (editing), enter the name (the name is entered character by character, “KON” 9 displays a table of character codes), after each character, press IP , at the end of IT name. Next, we indicate the type "V-N 1-0 = 0" (allocated / accrued) IT. Specify the IT tax percentage. You can print by pressing "KON" 7. "Reference books" mode, item NG (tax groups), press the "IT" key. The display will show the first tax group - "A" from the database in the form: "N. =X X X”, where N is the designation of the tax group, X X X are tax positions. Each of the three positions can have a tax rate (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) from the tax base (if programmed into the base). If the rate is not specified, then this position is zero, for example: “A. = 1 2 0".
  6. How to program the TIN in CHPM 130
    This mode is entered from the main menu after selecting the “WORK. ES?", pressing the "CODE" key and entering the correct six-digit password (default - 000000). By pressing the "+" and "-" keys, select the option "REG EP" - activation of non-volatile memory. In the "REG EP" submode, press the "IT" key. The display will show the message "РН 0", which is an invitation to enter the registration number. Enter the registration number (any value) and confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. The indicator will display the message "UN 0", which is an invitation to enter the TIN. Enter the TIN and confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. The display will show the message "P 0", which is an invitation to enter the password of the tax inspector. Enter the password of the tax inspector and confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. Check on the printout that the entered parameters are entered correctly and confirm the entry by pressing the "3" key, or repeat the process by pressing the "C" key. After recording the entered parameters, a printout of a report on the activation of the ES is made.
  7. Fiscalization/re-registration of 130 cash registers. (ID p 3.8. Registration and re-registration of KKM)
    We select the “WORK.NP” mode, press the “CODE” key and enter the password of the tax inspector. By pressing the "+" and "-" keys, select the option "-REG NP" - fiscalization / re-registration of cash registers. In the "-REG NP" submode, press the "IT" key. Further, as at 130 CPM.
  8. In KKM Mercury 115K, 130K, there are 34 system options.
    Responsible for the maximum discrepancy between the current date and the date of the last entry in the ECLZ. If it is activated, then after the programmed number of days between the current date and the last date recorded in the ECLZ, the cash register is blocked. To unlock it, you must enter the programming options and program option 34 for a longer time period.
  9. Mercury 115K and 130K, how to read the tax inspector's password?
    In software versions starting from 05/27/09, it is possible to view the password without reading the FP. To do this, you need to start the test "CHECK NP" in the service mode after the end of the test, you need to press the "X" key. The password will appear on the display. For other cash registers, you need to read the password using a stand based on 130 cash registers and service software available on the site, download the archive with service programs.
  10. Cashless payment.
    To reflect non-cash payment, before closing the check, press the "KRD" key. "CREDIT" will be printed on the check tape. In a shift report, such amounts are accumulated not in the register "CASH", but in a separate register, and printed in the line "CREDIT". Allows the implementation of such actions single value of option 23.
  11. How to check the software version?
    On Mercury 130K, to view the firmware build, you need to press “CON” three times in the choice of modes, then “CODE”. The build will be printed on the receipt tape. On the latest firmware versions, the version and build can be viewed if you click on “.” in the choice of modes.
  12. Mercury 130K - on the display "---"
    To get out of this error, do a technological reset "Clear 4" and update the software version. In software versions starting from 130ru050_20090417, this error has been fixed.
  13. Modes of technological discharges in KKM Mercury with the letter K and FPM.
    130 - For a quick exit from failure situations, the ability to enter the technological reset menu is intended. To enter this menu, it is necessary to press the technological button located on the control device (if there is no button, then close the 2nd and 3rd outputs of the processor) and turn on the POS printer. It is possible to enter the technological reset menu without opening the device. To do this, you must turn on the device with closed 2 and 3 contacts in the RS-connector. After some time, after the internal check, the machine will display the message "CLEAr 0". This indicates the availability of reset mode. The selection of modes is carried out by pressing the "PI" key, to start the selected operation, press the "IT" key:
    • CLEAr 0 - reset cyclic return to the point of failure;
    • CLEAr 1 – clearing the check buffer and timer RAM;
    • CLEAr 2 - resetting money savings registers;
    • CLEAr 3 - setting passwords to the default value (except for the password of the tax inspector);
    • CLEAr 4 – resetting the cash register (options, sections, passwords, directories, all counters and accumulative registers are set to the default value).
    • CLEAr 5 - resetting the cash register with EPROM formatting.
    To complete the reset after viewing the result, press the "C" key. If the 2nd and 3rd processor outputs were closed, then to exit the mode, it is necessary to open the 2nd and 3rd outputs of the processor, and press the "C" key.
    Note: In most cases, resetting "CLEAr 0" or "CLEAr 1" is enough to clear the fault.
  14. Refinement to NIM 130 K.
    Turn off the ECLZ, flash firmware 130RU200 into the microcontroller, connect a clean fiscal (or clean the old one, for this there is an option RESET.EP.64 in the CPM service mode) and program a new serial number. The microcontroller must be one of these:
    • W78E516B
    • P89V51RD2
    • P89C60
    • P89C60X2
    Fiscal - with EEPROM, rewritable, AVLG 423.30.00-08. It is possible to use the FP with the AVLG 423.32.00 microcontroller, it is cleaned using the programmer and software available on the site. Download the archive with service programs. You need to flash the kfp222Srv64 + .hex firmware into the FP using the programmer, connect the FP to the FMM, turn on the power, wait for the FP initialization to finish and flash the kfp202 .hex working firmware into it (the main FP controller firmware, Russian). It is also possible to connect a barcode scanner and scales using the "MERA" protocol. Only weight is taken from the scales!
  15. Improvements to CPM 130F.
    To refine to NIM 130F, you must first modify the device to 130K. Improvement to NIM of old versions of boards is not guaranteed. Our developers announced the completion of 130 devices with the letter "K".
  16. How to make a stand at 130.
    To do this, you need to flash the KKM with a service firmware (for fiscals, 115 or) and use the FP Editor program.
  1. Time setting (correction).
    We enter the “PRG_ _ _ _ _ _” mode and enter the correct six-digit password (default is 000000). The first position of the submenu "DATE-BP" will appear on the indicator - programming the date and time. To enter the selected submode, press the “IT” key and the indicator will display the message “DT _ –.– –.– –”. Use the numeric keys to enter the current date in the format DD.MM.YY - respectively two digits of the date, two digits of the month and the last two digits of the year. Confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. After displaying the prompt to enter the time on the indicator: “BP _ –.– –.– –”, use the numeric keys to enter the current time in the format HH.MM.SS - respectively two digits of hours (according to the 24-hour system), two digits of minutes and two digits seconds. Confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key.
  2. How to program TIN in FIM 180. (OM Section 9.5 Activating FIM)
    Entering this mode occurs from the main menu after selecting the “ES _ _ _ _ _” mode, pressing the “К” key and entering the correct six-digit password (000000 by default). By pressing the "+" and "-" keys, we select the option "REG EP" - activation / re-activation of the FMM. In the "REG EP" submode, press the "IT" key. The indicator will display the message "РН= 0", which is an invitation to enter the registration number. Enter the registration number (any value) and confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. The indicator will display the message "TIN = 0", which is an invitation to enter the TIN. Enter the TIN and confirm the entry by pressing the "IT" key. The indicator will show the message “PA ------”, which is an invitation to enter the mode password. Enter a 6-digit password. Check on the printout the correctness of entering the programmed parameters and confirm the intention to activate the EA by pressing the "00" key; or interrupt the process by pressing the "C" key and repeat the entry again. After recording the entered parameters in the ES, a printout of the report on the reactivation of the ES is made.
  3. Purchase returns.
    The return is carried out by pressing the "B" key. If the item to be returned has not been programmed, enter its price and press the key of the section to which it is returned. If the product is programmed, then it can be entered: by code, for which type the product code on the numeric keypad and press the "K" key (and also enter the section number if the section has not been programmed for this product). Before entering the price or product code, you can enter its quantity and press the multiply "X" key.
  4. Divergence of shifts at FP and ECLZ.
    Eliminated by service programs. Service programs allow you to restore data in fiscal memory from ECLZ. To edit FP 115, 130, 180 and 140 on the site, download the archive with service programs. The archive contains a software package for editing (or restoring from ECLZ) FP on a stand assembled on a 130 KKM board. It is necessary to check the type of FP - the connector on the fiscal card is strictly in the center (EEPROM, AVLG 423.30.00-08) or shifted to the side (with the AVLG 423.32.00 microcontroller). Rewritable FPs (EEPROM) can be edited directly, to edit the FP with the microcontroller, before writing the corrected data, it is necessary to initialize the FP.
  5. How to read the password of the tax inspector?
    Entering the extended service mode is carried out by holding down service button on the printed circuit board when turning on the KKM. In this case, the display will show the message "------". You must enter a service password. The service password is factory set to "000000" (all zeros). When you enter the correct service password, you enter the main menu. The transition between the menu items is carried out by the key "AH / PE". To enter the mode, press the "IT" key. «PASSWORDS» – view all passwords for access to the corresponding modes of cash register. You can read the password using a stand based on 130 KKM and service software (MercFPEditor), available on the site, download the archive with service programs.
  6. How to check the software version?
    For 180K, you must select the service mode “SER------” and enter the password “ 98765 four". The build will be printed on the receipt tape If the build is not printed, then the firmware must be updated to a newer one.
  7. Modes of technological discharges in KKM Mercury with the letter K and FPM.
    Entering the extended service mode is carried out by holding down the service button on the printed circuit board while turning on the KKM (during disassembly, we recommend very carefully unscrewing the lower right screw that secures the board - there are frequent cases of closing the tracks passing by it or a screwdriver, which at best leads to exit from building a fuse). In this case, the display will show the message "------". You must enter a service password. The service password is factory set to "000000" (all zeros). When you enter the correct service password, you enter the main menu. The transition between the menu items is carried out by the key "AH / PE". To enter the mode, press the "IT" key.
    • "RESET" - reset (zeroing) blocking and non-volatile KKM data. Scrolling through the submenu items forward / backward is carried out using the "+" / "-" keys, respectively.
    • “CONVULATION” – resetting the convolution of the main mode of the cash register;
    • "Lo9" (Log) - resetting the removable electronic log; (RAM)
    • "BLOCK. NP" - reset the blocking of the tax inspector mode in case of 5 incorrect attempts to enter the password for access to the NP mode;
    • "EEPROM" - complete reset of the EEPROM chip;
    • "GROSS" - setting a non-resettable total.
  8. Refinement to NIM 180K.
    Turn off the ECLZ, flash firmware 180RU201 into the microcontroller, connect a clean fiscal and program a new serial number. Modules FP 115, 130, 180 EEPROM, rewritable, AVLG 423.30.00-08 can be cleaned by assembling the stand on the basis of 130 checkout and using service firmware (download the archive with service programs on the site), or using CPM 115 or 130, in the service menu has a special mode. It is possible to use the FP with the AVLG 423.32.00 microcontroller, it is cleared using the programmer. You need to flash the kfp222Srv64+.hex firmware into the FP using the programmer, connect the FP to the FFM, turn on the power, wait for the FP initialization to complete and flash the working firmware kfp202.hex into it (the main firmware of the FP controller, Russian).
  9. Restoration of the grand total.
    In Mercury 180K, the grand total is restored in the "RESET" mode - there is a special "GROSS" submode. Enter it and "score" the required amount. Further calculation will go from this amount.
  1. Restoration of the grand total.
    The grand total in the updated versions of the software for Mercury 115K, 130K and MS-K after a failure is restored automatically when the Z-report is removed.
  2. Divergence of shifts at FP and ECLZ.
    Eliminated by service programs and service firmware (download). Edited by FP under ECLZ. After that, the archive is closed.
  3. How to check the software version?
    To find out the software version, press the “Mode” button on the turned off FR, and turn on the power while holding this button until the receipt prints, com1 on the receipt is the speed of the FR connection on this moment, at the end of the check the software version will be indicated, after the check is printed, restart the FR with the power button.
  4. MSK parameters for those. reset
    In Mercury MS-K, starting from firmware version 4.8, during a technological reset, the following parameters are set: If, after reprogramming MS-K to latest version, or during a technological reset, the auto cutter stopped cutting, you need to download the latest version of the Winexpert or Expert program from the website, and program the auto cutter to a width of 80 mm.
  5. Technological Reset MSK
    There is a DIP switch on the system board. The working state of the contacts is OFF. MSK - To reset parameters to factory defaults:
    • turn pin 1 of DIP switch S1 on the FR system board to ON.
    • turn on the power supply of the FR;
    • wait until the end of the printout of the report "AUTO TEST - setting the factory settings of the POS printer";
    • turn off the power supply of the KKM;
    • set pin 1 of the system board DIP switch to OFF. Switch on the power supply of the KKM, wait for the “AUTO TESTING” check to print and check it for errors.
    To carry out technological reset of CCM:
    • set pin 2 of DIP switch S1 of the FR system board to ON(KE).
    • turn on the power supply of the FR;
    • wait until the end of the printout of the report "AUTO TESTING technological reset of the cash register";
    turn off the power supply of the KKM;
    • set pin 2 of the system board DIP switch to OFF.
    • Switch on the power supply of the KKM, wait for the “AUTO TESTING” check to print and check it for errors.
    • Starting with firmware version 4.0, it has been added - performing a technological reset using the printer control buttons:
    • Power must be turned on to perform a process reset fiscal registrar while holding down the buttons "Feed check tape" and "Mode", after the "receipt tape error" LED starts to turn on and off periodically, release the "Receipt tape feed", "Mode" buttons and press the "Receipt tape feed" button, if you press the "Mode" button, technological reset not produced.
  6. Programming the factory number of the PMM "Mercury MS" is performed only in the "Technological reset of the PMM" mode when the shift is closed. Switch the FMM to the technological reset mode, make sure that the autotest check has the inscription “Technological reset of the FMM” Further, using the program "Expert" or "Winexpert
  7. Refinement to NIM MSK.
    To modify the KKM, it is necessary to turn off the ECLZ, connect the FP module (without entries, clean), install the software version from the CPM, set new number device. The necessary information on the NIM Mercury, along with the documentation, is available on the website. Use the init_fm utility to clear the MS MFM FP. It is poured into MS instead of a working firmware and cleans up. The programming of the serial number of the PMM "Mercury MS" is performed only in the "Technological reset of the PMM" mode when the shift is closed. Switch the FMM to the technological reset mode, make sure that the autotest check has the inscription "Technological reset of the PMM" Next, using the "Expert" or "Winexpert" program, you need to program the MS number.
  8. Mercury MSK how to read tax inspector password?
    Read the fiscal memory on the device itself using init_fp .
  9. Modifications of the MS NMM with old boards for removing the control tape.
    To print a control tape, it is necessary to modify the board by installing an m / s electronic journal on it. Possibility to install email log depends on the version printed circuit board management.
    • You need to see if there is a place on the board for installing the DD102 chip. If there is no space, you need to order a new board version V12
    • View the version of the printed circuit board, if the version of the board is lower than V12 and there is a place on the board for installing the DD102, you will need to solder the circuits by surface mounting.
    • For V12 board and above, install R114 (0 ohm) and DD102 (AT45DB081D).
    • For boards of version below V12: - DD102 is installed, pin 4 of the microcircuit is not soldered for printing, but soldered to pin 18 of DD3 with a separate conductor. To work with the electronic journal, you need to install the firmware Version msk_cpm_b575 with email support. magazine and FP AVLG 423.30.00.
    Further, new version programs "Winexpert" must be enabled electronic journal in the "parameter programming" tab.

Any successful commercial enterprise today is unthinkable without the appropriate equipment. And first of all, these are cash registers, which include several components - a special device for printing a check, a device for entering information and a screen that displays the essence of the operations performed.

Any cash desk is intended, first of all, to control all financial transactions of the company from the outside. public institutions. For this purpose, the device uses its fiscal memory - its most important part. Data on all transactions and actions ever performed are recorded and remain in the fiscal memory. However, in addition to fiscal memory, any cash register contains one more memory - ECLZ. EKLZ - electronic control tape protected. Simply put, this is an additional memory unit that is installed inside the cash register and is designed to store the amounts of money passing through the cash register.

The use of the ECLZ block has been mandatory since 2004 and serves to prevent unauthorized operations with fiscal memory cash registers(hacking, resetting and correction of fiscal memory) in order to reduce the amount of revenue subject to taxation. EKLZ, unlike fiscal memory, is closed in its own case, all information to be recorded in EKLZ is securely encrypted using a special encryption code (key), which is constantly changing. It is this fact that makes it necessary to carry out an annual replacement of ECLZ in all cash registers. Thus, "hacking the ECLZ", if it is carried out, will not make it possible to obtain a "universal master key" either for this cash register for a long time, or, even more so, for other cash registers. With regular use of KKM (cash register), it periodically becomes necessary to replace the ECLZ. Replacement can be warranty and scheduled, it is made only in special service organizations. Self-replacement of ECLZ is prohibited and can cause trouble with the tax office.

The company "Avangard Service" is one of the most recommended and proven companies, offers services for the planned and warranty replacement of ECLZ. We perform work quickly and efficiently.

The planned replacement of ECLZ cash registers is usually due to the fact that the memory is more than 90% full, or that more than 12 months have passed since the unit was activated. In this case, the organization individual entrepreneur must contact the service organization, attaching to the appeal Letter of guarantee, which indicates consent to the replacement of the ECLZ (removal of the old unit and installation of a new one). The law also allows unscheduled replacement of ECLZ. This is possible if the cash register is being re-registered to another owner.

Regardless of which ECLZ replacement, planned or warranty, was carried out, all work is confirmed by documents, and an act is drawn up based on the result. Documents must be submitted to tax office. All ECLZ removed from cash registers during replacement must be stored in an organization or with a private entrepreneur for at least 5 years.

However, there is another important point, when replacing ECLZ, to which we advise you to pay special attention. The fiscal memory of KKM is designed, on average, for 2000 shifts, which on average allows you to work with it for 5-6 years. ECLZ changes 1 time in 13 months. When replacing the FP, the ECLZ must be changed. Thus, if you have been working on your KKM for a long time, pay attention to the number of remaining working shifts of the FP. Since, if 150-200 free work shifts remain on your KKM, they will be enough for six months, and the ECLZ installed at this time is designed for 13 months, this suggests that with the new installed ECLZ you will be able to work only half of its term, after what, you will have to change it again. So, it is much more profitable to "reset" the remaining shifts and simultaneously replace the ECLZ and FP. This will save you money and time to replace them.


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