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When carrying out transportation, each vehicle must have strict reporting documents (having a series and an account number). In general, these documents are:
- waybill
- consignment note (TTN)
when transporting goods of a commodity nature (having value).

Waybill is the main primary document that determines the indicators when taking into account the work of the PS and the driver, accruing wages driver and payment for transportation.

When performing road freight transportation, the following forms of waybills are used, approved by the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics dated November 28, 1997 No. 78:

The bill of lading consists of two sections: commodity and transport. In the header of the TTN, the date of its issue, the name of the customer who pays for the transportation, the name of the transport organization, the brand and state numbers of the PS, the driver's data, and the number of the waybill are indicated.

Commodity section The TTN is filled in by the consignor and contains information about the cargo, as well as about the person releasing the cargo. Instead of specifying detailed information about the cargo, the numbers of consignment notes containing all the details provided for by the consignment note may be indicated, these consignment notes are attached to the consignment note.

In the transport section TTN provides information on loading and unloading operations and performance indicators of the PS.

Upon receipt of the cargo, the driver receives 3 copies of the TTN, certified by the signatures and seals of the consignor and the signature of the driver. Upon delivery of goods responsible person the consignee puts his signature and seal in the TTN. In case of discrepancy between the delivered goods in terms of quality or quantity, an act must be drawn up, which is legal document to file claims with the supplier. Information about the drawn up act (number, date and brief reason for drawing up the act) is recorded in the appropriate column of the TTN.

In case of reloading of cargo en route to another PS, information about the organization, driver and car is crossed out while maintaining the readability of the previous data and new data is recorded. These corrections are certified by the signature of the employee in charge of the reloading and the fact of the transfer.

For non-commodity goods, the volume of transportation of which is taken into account, the TTN is issued in 3 copies: the first and second - for the transport organization, the third - for the consignor. First copy transport organization attached to the invoice for carriage.

Depending on the type of cargo being transported, other shipping documents (for example, a certificate of radiation safety of the cargo) may be attached to the bill of lading.

The list of necessary accompanying documents for the carriage of goods in Russia

For transportation, the carrier is obliged to accept the goods and issue a forwarding document certifying that the forwarding driver has accepted the goods and that in the future the right to dispose of the goods belongs exclusively to the forwarding carrier.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 7 federal law dated 01.01.01 No 87-FZ "On Forwarding Activities" the forwarder is liable to the client in the form of compensation for real damage for the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of the cargo after its acceptance and before the delivery of the cargo to the recipient.

In order to competently send the goods, you will need, firstly, a waybill - without it, the driver is not entitled to move off, and secondly, a consignment note - a form (approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01.01.01 No. 78).

Why is TTN needed?

Bill of lading - is a document of title, consists of two sections - commodity and transport.
The commodity section defines the relationship between the sender and the recipient of the cargo and serves to write off goods and materials from the warehouse of the consignor and post them to the warehouse of the consignee (in fact, for the write-off of goods and materials, the tax authorities accept only the consignment note TORG-12 approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 N 132 "On approval unified forms primary accounting documentation accounting trading operations")." width="624" height="468">

The document is drawn up when the delivery of the purchased goods to the buyer is carried out by the carrier company. The bill of lading performs several functions. It confirms the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods (clause 2, article 785 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The seller, on the basis of the TTN, writes off inventory items, and the buyer receives them (information is taken from the commodity section of the invoice). According to the transport section of the TTN, settlements are carried out between the carrier and the sender of the goods (cost of services), as well as the calculation of the driver's salary. The document is also needed by the driver on the way in order to confirm the legality of transportation to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to prove that the cargo was not stolen.

TTN is issued in four copies.

The first copy remains with the consignor and is intended for the write-off of goods and materials from the warehouse. All violations of packaging, placement and securing of cargo in the body are recorded, entered by the driver in the TTN and certified by the consignor. What is the legal basis for making claims against the consignor, and relieves the carrier of liability for possible damage during transportation.
The second, third and fourth copies are certified by the signatures and seals (stamps) of the consignor, the signature of the driver and handed over to the driver.
The second copy is handed over by the driver to the consignee for posting goods and materials. In case of discrepancy between the actual availability of goods or deviations in quality established in the contract, the data specified in accompanying documents, an act must be drawn up, which is the legal basis for filing claims with the supplier. In the TTN, a note should be made on the preparation of the act.
The third and fourth copies, certified by signatures and seals (stamps) of the consignee, are handed over to the accounting department of the transport organization.
The third copy, which serves as the basis for calculating the payment for transportation, is attached by the transport organization to the invoice for transportation and sent to the payer-customer.
The fourth copy is attached to the waybill and serves as the basis for accounting for transport work and payroll for the driver.
The consignor and consignee are responsible for all consequences of the incorrectness or incompleteness of the information indicated by them in the bill of lading.
Regardless of who concludes the contract of carriage (seller or buyer), the obligation to draw up (issue) a transport document in accordance with applicable law lies with the consignor, that is, with the seller (supplier). In case of trucking, such a document is a consignment note according to the approved form 1-T.

In practice, it is not always possible to fill in all the positions of the transport section of the document. Especially in terms of payments for the services of a transport company. Then they sign an act (report of the carrier) on the provision of delivery services. Or they make a report in any form (for example, indicating the duration of work vehicle in hours). But without a consignment note, these documents will not be considered confirmation of the costs of transporting goods (as required by paragraph 1 of article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) either from the carrier or from the one who ordered the transportation.

Subtleties of filling

In the transport section of the waybill, the seller indicates the date of delivery of the goods, the name of the trucking company, the points of loading and unloading, the list of shipping documents (for example, the waybill (in cases where it is needed), the certificate of quality), the type of packaging of goods.

Columns 20–44 are filled in by the driver and accountant of the carrier organization. Here indicate the mileage of the car, downtime, prices for transport services.

If it is impossible to list all the names and characteristics of the transported goods in the TTN, a consignment note can be attached to it (form TORG-12, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 000 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for trade operations”) . In the blank lines of the bill of lading, it should be written that TORG-12 is attached as a commodity section, without which the TTN is invalid. You must also indicate the number and date of the invoice. Similarly, they do with other documents (rail waybills, certificates, certificates, certificates).

The documentation confirming the execution of the transport expedition contract to the client depends on the type of services provided.

If the freight forwarder organizes transportation for the client, then the forwarder's report will act as the primary document. In it, the forwarder must indicate:

Amounts transferred on account of the contract of carriage concluded on behalf of the client;

Documents confirming the transportation to the destination;

The amount of your reward.

The original shipping documents or their copies must be attached to the report.

If the freight forwarder provides transportation services personally, then he is obliged to transfer to the client transportation documents (waybills, air waybills, bills of lading, etc.) confirming the provision of these services. The parties sign the act of acceptance.

To confirm the performance of other types of services (loading, packing, labeling, etc.), the parties sign an act on the provision paid services indicating specific types of services and their cost.

If goods are transported, if there is a carrier, it is necessary to correctly and completely draw up a consignment note, its transport section. Do not enter the name of the first organization that comes across or non-existent there, do not enter the forwarder's data there, but only the data from the waybill of the car that will carry the cargo. Only in this case, the contract for the carriage of goods is drawn up correctly.

The freight forwarder may not work directly with the carrier, but directly with the client. In this case, in order to correctly register the cargo, the forwarder must issue a forwarding receipt. This is a special document of the appropriate form, which is established by a special order of the Ministry of Transport. There are examples of filling out such a receipt. This document confirms that the owner of the transported goods is working with the forwarder. This document contains all the information about the cargo that the forwarder accepts for movement.

It is this document that, in the event of some unfavorable circumstances: loss, fire, accident, fraud, etc., can protect the owner of the cargo if a dispute arises that will have to be resolved in judicial order. It is this document that will confirm what kind of cargo, in what assortment and quantity, the forwarder accepted for transportation. If there is no forwarding receipt, it is simply impossible to prove that there were any legal relations between the client (the owner of the cargo) and the forwarder.

In addition, if the bill of lading is correctly filled out, then in case of circumstances, the freight forwarder and carrier will be responsible for the undelivered goods.

The cargo owner, who duly executed all the documentation, will have two contracts in his hands. And two entities - the carrier and the forwarder will be responsible to him for the delivery of the goods. Moreover, the carrier, to a greater extent, since it is often at the stage of his work on the transportation of goods that some emergency situations occur.

In general, at a minimum, these two documents must be completed to confirm contractual relationship between these three subjects of cargo transportation. It is also necessary for each of the participants in the process of cargo transportation for their internal accounting, financial statements.

If the cargo owner works directly with the carrier, without the mediation of a forwarder, then the execution of a forwarding receipt is not required.

In this case, a bilateral agreement on the provision of transport services is concluded. And within the framework of this agreement, a contract of carriage is signed, which is confirmed by a consignment note.

There are still conflict cases when it turns out in court that the TTN were either not executed or were not properly executed. And if there is no TTN, then it is impossible to prove in court that the cargo was lost through the fault of the carrier and it is impossible to recover money from him for the lost cargo. Also, the carrier will not be able to receive payment for the carriage of goods from the cargo owner, if he does not have the corresponding primary document - TTN. In the absence of TTN, unprotected parties in conflict situation are both the cargo owner, and the consignee, and the carrier.

· Waybill. Required document from the carrier. Issued by the car company and presented by the driver at the time of loading.

Contract between shipper(consignee) and carrier(forwarder). Or a copy of the contract, certified by one of the parties. The contract is the basis for the transportation of goods by this carrier. It can be replaced by a Power of Attorney for the carriage of goods issued to the driver by the consignor / consignee, also with original seals.

Additional documents

Packing list is attached, if the complete list of the transported cargo is not indicated in the commodity section of the TTN

· Certificates of conformity and quality, passports attached depending on the nature of the cargo

· Invoices and contract between the supplier and the buyer of the goods are not binding documents, but are often given on the road to avoid misunderstandings with the traffic police.

Upon receipt of the cargo and during transportation, the driver must have the following documents with him:

· Driver's license(rights) or temporary permission to drive a vehicle (TC)

· Registration documents (PTS for the car and trailer) and a ticket for the passage of the GTO on the vehicle

· Document confirming the right of ownership, use or disposal of the vehicle

· OSAGO insurance policy(compulsory third party liability insurance) of the owner of the vehicle

· Sanitary passport on the vehicle - when transporting products

· medical book -when transporting food products.

· copy employment contract(contract)- on the basis of the Letter of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 17, 1996 No. AL-2 / 37 “On the control of the activities of individual entrepreneurs”, a driver working for hire;

· consignment note(s) for the transported cargo, which is the main transportation document - in accordance with the Charter of road transport and the Instruction on the procedure for settlements for the carriage of goods by road (as amended by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01.01.01 No. 78);

In addition to the documents listed above, taking into account the characteristics of the goods transported, the driver must have:
When transporting dangerous goods:

Certificate of admission of the driver to the transportation of dangerous goods (a sample form - the certificate is given in Appendix 7.12 of the Rules of the POGAT);

Hazard information system emergency card (a sample is given in Annex 7.5 of the POGAT Rules);

Addresses and phone numbers of officials of the motor transport organization, the consignor, the consignee responsible for the transportation of duty units of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, located along the route of movement.
When transporting perishable goods (in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods by road, approved by the Ministry of Autotransport of the RSFSR on 30.07.71):

A sheet of control checks of the temperature of the cargo and air in the body of the car, issued to the driver by the owner of the car or by the freight forwarder transporting perishable goods;

Product quality certificate, or quality certificate, issued mainly for vegetables, potatoes, fruits and melons. Both documents confirm the quality and safety of the product and are transferred to the driver by the consignor;

Quarantine certificate issued by the local organization of veterinary and sanitary supervision and transferred to the driver by the consignor;

Veterinary certificate, issued by the local organization of veterinary and sanitary supervision and transferred to the driver by the consignor;

A sanitary passport is issued by the territorial body of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision for each vehicle and handed over to the driver of the AU.

When transporting bulky and heavy cargo:

Special permission for the transportation of bulky and (or) heavy cargo - according to the Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road by road Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated May 27, 1996;

A special pass issued by the traffic police (should be placed in the lower right corner of the windshield of the vehicle).

In the cases established by the current legislation (clause 23, article 11 of the "Law on Police"), police officers have the right to inspect vehicles and goods; inspect vehicles if it is suspected that they are used for illegal purposes.

Frequently asked questions about what documents are required for the carriage of goods. In response, they receive: rights, registration certificate and consignment note (TTN). However, this is not all.

The process of cargo transportation is primarily a transaction between the consignor, consignee and intermediate links in the cargo transportation chain. Like any transaction, cargo transportation must have a number of documents under it: these are documents for a vehicle carrying cargo and, of course, documents for the cargo itself. This list documents are necessary for each link of cargo transportation, the customer makes accounting for them, the driver reports on them for the delivered cargo, and the state. authorities, such as customs, check them.

The rules for carrying out cargo transportation activities are specified in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter No. 40, under the name "Transportation". Chapter 41 talks about the duties of a freight forwarder - called " Transport expedition". All documents necessary for cargo transportation are determined by the laws of the Russian Federation.

What kind of documents are needed for the transportation of goods between the cities of Russia.

Documents required by a truck driver when transporting cargo in Russia.

Documents for the driver of a vehicle transporting goods in Russia is his driver's license, if a special license is required, as well as if a transportation permit is required. In addition, a pass issued by the traffic police departments is required.

There are cases when a truck driver is not the owner of the car, in which case he needs to obtain a power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle. It is also advisable to make a copy of the employment contract for yourself and carry it with you, a copy will be useful to you if you need to prove that you are really a hired driver, and not an entrepreneur conducting an unregistered activity. In addition, a copy of the contract must be carried by the forwarder if he travels with the cargo.

Documents required for a vehicle carrying cargo.

The following list of documents relates directly to the vehicle transporting goods in Russia. There must be a TCP and a technical inspection coupon. Also, the driver must have a waybill issued by the sender of the cargo. A waybill is issued to each truck driver for each vehicle, the waybill is issued indicating the terms for transportation, but not more than 1 month. Before loading the cargo into the vehicle, the driver is obliged to provide the waybill and his documents for driving the vehicle to the consignor, in turn, the consignor makes a note in the waybill about the start time of loading. It is according to the waybill that the work of the truck driver is monitored during the transportation of goods. Also, it contains information about the driver and the vehicle, for example, mileage at the beginning of the journey and its end, departure time for loading, arrival time at the parking lot, etc.

A bill of lading is a document confirming the completion of a cargo transportation transaction.

An integral document for any cargo transportation, it is by the TTN that one can judge the success of the cargo transportation, which means that the cargo was loaded from the consignor and delivered to the consignee.

The bill of lading (TTN) is divided into 2 sections, these are the transport and commodity sections.

Information about the sale by the consignor and the purchase by the consignee of the transported goods is entered in the commodity section of the TTN. It is under this section of the TTN that the goods are debited from the consignor's warehouse and accepted at the consignee's warehouse.

Data serving as the basis for calculating the cost for the provision of cargo transportation services are entered in the transport section of the TTN. Also, under this section, transport work is taken into account.

TTN for each trip is issued separately, all fields are filled in, unclaimed ones are deleted. Usually, different bills of lading are issued for different consignees; when transporting different goods on the same vehicle, each consignment of cargo has its own TTN.

The bill of lading (TTN) is issued in four copies. The shipper keeps one copy for himself, according to which the cargo will be written off from the warehouse in the future. In the event of any cases, for example, if the packaging of the cargo is damaged, the driver writes about this fact in the TTN, and the consignor certifies it. After loading, the truck driver is given the remaining 3 copies of the TTN, all copies must contain the signatures and seals of the consignor, as well as the signatures of the driver himself carrying this cargo. The second copy of the TTN is given by the driver to the consignee during unloading and acceptance of the cargo. In cases of damage to the cargo itself during its transportation, the consignee indicates them in the bill of lading, draws up an act, and subsequently makes a claim against the supplier of the goods. The remaining 2 copies are given to the vehicle of which the cargo was transported.

If the purchase and transportation of goods is carried out directly by the buyer, then the TTN is not issued, but only an invoice is drawn up for registration of the sale of goods.

Documents required for the cargo itself during its transportation in Russia.

It is not uncommon when documents are required for the cargo itself. For example, when, in this case, you will need certificates confirming the quality of the product. , also conceals important nuance. With such cargo transportation, the driver fills in data on checking the air temperature in the car body during the transportation of perishable goods. If you are transporting live animals, then a veterinary certificate must be issued. In all the cases presented above, it is also necessary to have a sanitary passport for the vehicle.

If any of the documents is missing or incorrectly executed, the driver carrying the goods has the right, since these documents are extremely important for all parties involved in the transportation of goods.

No commercial cargo transportation can be carried out without documentary support. Documents for the cargo, firstly, confirm the very fact of the transportation and the fact that the driver carrying the cargo did not steal it and did not arbitrarily take it out of any warehouse. Secondly, they determine the cost of transportation (which, by the way, is included in the final cost of the goods!), regulate relations with the carrier and are the basis for settlement with him.

Since cargo transportation involves the movement of goods from one owner to another, then, thirdly, documents are necessary for accounting: write-off and posting of goods. Fourthly, they can generally serve as evidence that the vehicle is allowed to enter the roads, and the cargo it carries satisfies mandatory requirements. And fifthly, the necessary documentation helps to keep statistical records and other types of control.

Mandatory set of documents

In principle, in different cases, different documents may be required: it all depends on what kind of cargo the car is carrying. However, at the same time, there is standard set of documents, which must accompany each commercial cargo transportation on the territory of the Russian Federation. It includes:

  • waybill;
  • an agreement between the shipper (or consignee) and the carrier.

Bill of lading(or an invoice in the form 1-T) is the main document that performs a dual function: on the one hand, it contains all the necessary information about the cargo and serves as the basis for writing off and posting the goods, and on the other hand, it keeps records of the transport work done, determines the relationship consignor (or consignee) with the carrier and establishes the procedure for payment for the rendered transport services.

However, at the same time, the bill of lading is not the only document that can accompany and regulate the process of cargo transportation. Since July 25, 2011, after the Government of the Russian Federation approved the "Rules for the carriage of goods by road", it began to be used new form - waybill. As the name suggests, this document is “responsible” only for transport services, and therefore is not used for accounting and writing off goods. For these purposes it serves packing list(form TORG-12). By the way, it is not included in the number of documents required to accompany the cargo. Since this waybill is intended specifically for the consignor and consignee, it is issued in two copies and can be transmitted both through the driver and through other communication channels (mail, Internet).

However, due to the fact that the effect of the consignment note has not yet been canceled, two options can equally be used for commercial cargo transportation: either a consignment note or a consignment note (supplemented by a consignment note - TORG-12). By the way, the confusion in the documentation is such that it is often recommended to fill out both forms for one flight.

Waybill is intended for settlements within the carrier company: payroll for the driver, write-off of fuel costs, depreciation, etc., as well as for confirming the very fact of cargo transportation. It is issued to the driver and contains such information as: data on the vehicle, its owner and driver, route, weight of the cargo and the number of the transport / consignment note, speedometer indicators, the number of trips completed, the start and end time of the task and others. In addition, a waybill is the document that the transport inspectorate has the right to require to verify the legality of cargo transportation.

Agreement between the consignor (consignee) and the carrier as a document accompanying the cargo, first of all confirms that the transportation of this cargo is entrusted to this particular carrier. Plus, it, of course, determines the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties, the terms and conditions of delivery, the procedure for calculating, etc. However, instead of a contract, a certified by seal can be applied in the same way. a power of attorney for the carriage of goods issued by the consignor or consignee in the name of the driver.

What other documents may be needed when carrying out cargo transportation on the territory of the Russian Federation?

As already noted, it all depends on what kind of cargo is being transported. For hazardous substances, oversized and heavy cargoes, foodstuffs, etc. additional, but no less mandatory, supporting documentation will be required. Namely:

  • Permission to travel on highways: received during the transportation of dangerous, bulky and (or) heavy cargo.
  • ADR certificate: confirms the fact that the vehicle is approved for the transport of dangerous goods. In addition, an ADR certificate of completion of the relevant training must also be driver transporting dangerous goods.
  • Written instructions: are drawn up during the transport of dangerous goods and describe the threat posed by the substance / product being transported, as well as the necessary measures that must be taken in the event of an emergency.
  • ATP certificate: issued to a vehicle approved for the carriage of perishable goods.
  • Checklist for the temperature of cargo and air in the car body: its presence is a prerequisite if perishable goods are transported.
  • MSDS chemical products: issued for a hazardous substance (product), describes its composition, characteristics, chemical and physical properties, potential threats, as well as general principles for handling it, and therefore it is necessary both for drawing up a transportation plan, and directly for loading and unloading operations, warehousing and transportation.
  • Veterinary certificate: confirms the absence of pathogens of dangerous diseases in transported products of animal origin (or, in fact, in the animals themselves).
  • Quarantine certificate: indicates the safety of plant products and is necessary if these products are exported outside the established quarantine phytosanitary zone.

In addition, other certificates can accompany the cargo: a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, a fire safety certificate, a radiation control certificate, a declaration of conformity, an environmental certificate ... Depending on the type of cargo, they can be both mandatory and voluntary, however, for transportation directly inside Russia, as a rule, does not need them: they are needed after the cargo has become a commodity and goes for sale.

Sometimes, by the way, in order to avoid problems with the transport inspectorate and traffic police officers, they also apply to the package of documents for the cargo invoice and the contract between the supplier and the buyer, but in fact their demand is redundant.

Naturally, in no case should we forget about driving and vehicle documents, which are mandatory regardless of whether the car is empty or loaded and what kind of cargo it is carrying. It:

  • driver's license;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • technical inspection certificate;
  • compulsory civil liability insurance policy (OSAGO);
  • a copy of the employment contract between the driver and transport company(if the driver is not the owner of the vehicle).

Concerning cargo insurance, then this measure is not mandatory in the implementation of domestic trucking, and therefore entirely depends on the will of the consignee or consignor and cannot be required by any regulatory authority.


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