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Mobilization preparation and mobilization of the country is a complex and voluminous set of activities that make up the content mobilization training and mobilization. The Federal Law "On mobilization training and mobilization in Russian Federation»Article 2, paragraph 3 sets out the activities that make up the content of mobilization preparation and mobilization, there are 24 of them in total.

For the convenience of considering these activities, they are combined into a set of activities related to mobilization preparation and mobilization of the economy, authorities and the Armed Forces (other troops):

A) A set of measures for mobilization preparation and mobilization of the economy.

7. Development of mobilization plans for the economy and mobilization plans for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military units, agencies and special units.

The mobilization plan of the economy is a system of interconnected forecasts, calculations and tasks (orders) to meet the most important needs of the state in war time. The planning system for mobilization preparation and mobilization of the economy consists of two blocks:

plans for wartime (conditionally referred to as plans for accounting year), developed, as a rule, once every five years;

plans for the mobilization preparation of the economy, developed annually as part of the State defense order and implemented in peacetime.

Methodological guidance and control over the development of mobilization plans for the economy is carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, mobilization plans for the deployment of the Armed Forces - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, plans for the transfer of bodies state power- Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation.

8. Preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation and organizations for work during the period of mobilization and in wartime.

The preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation and organizations for work during the period of mobilization and in wartime is carried out on the basis of plans for mobilization preparation drawn up on calendar year and promising for 5 years. The plans provide for the implementation of the entire range of measures for mobilization preparation and mobilization in peacetime.

9. Carrying out activities to transfer the economy of the Russian Federation and organizations to work in wartime conditions.

Measures to transfer the economy of the Russian Federation and organizations to work in wartime conditions are carried out in accordance with the transfer plans and plans for the accounting year, which reflect all transfer activities, strictly on time and in full, indicating the responsible officials for their implementation.

11. Creation, development and preservation of mobilization capacities and facilities for the production of products necessary to meet the needs of the state, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies, special formations and the needs of the population in wartime.

In today's conditions, the problem of preserving those production capacity, which will be involved in the production of military products according to the plan for the billing year. The creation of mobilization capacities is carried out through the construction of new, reconstruction existing businesses for the production of military and essential civilian products and by assimilation (adaptation) of enterprises for the production of military products.

14. Creation, accumulation, preservation and renewal of stocks material assets in the mobilization and state reserves, irreducible stocks of food products and petroleum products.

The mobilization reserve of material values ​​is created by enterprises and organizations in peacetime to ensure the deployment of military production, the deployment of special forces, the re-equipment of means of transport, to ensure mass military and evacuation transportation and to ensure the smooth operation of enterprises.

The main raw materials and materials, special technological equipment, floating bridges, flight structures, power plants, medical preparations, funds are subject to accumulation in the mobile reserve. personal protection. Unfortunately, in recent years, a significant part of the mobilization stocks has been sold, the other part needs to be refreshed or written off. Flaw financial resources hinders progress in this direction.

16. Preparation and organization of the rationed supply of the population with food and non-food products, its medical care, provision of means of communication and vehicles during the period of mobilization and in wartime.

The main principles of the rationed supply of goods to the population are the introduction of a rationed supply of goods to the entire population of the country (for this, nine categories of the population are introduced), the introduction of norms and an assortment of goods, the provision of hot meals, the introduction of a central distribution of commodity resources for rationed supply in the regions and the whole country, with maintaining commercial trade.

21. Booking for the period of mobilization and for wartime of citizens in reserve. Reservation of persons liable for military service is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

Accounting for the need to provide for the period of mobilization and wartime labor resources from among the military bodies of state power, bodies local government, enterprises, as well as the needs for manning the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

· Priority booking for those liable for military service working at enterprises with a mob task;

Establishment of restrictions in the provision of a deferment from conscription to those liable for military service, intended for the understaffing of units of constant readiness.

B) A set of measures to transfer the authorities to martial law.

3. Determination of working conditions and preparation of public authorities and local governments for work during the period of mobilization and in wartime.

The determination of the working conditions of the authorities is planned on the basis of an assessment of the possible military situation during the period of mobilization and in wartime. The preparation of authorities for work during the period of mobilization and in wartime is carried out in peacetime, during scheduled mobilization training sessions, as well as during training, business games and exercises.

4. Transfer of public authorities and local governments to work under wartime conditions.

The transfer of government bodies to work under wartime conditions is carried out on the basis of plans for the transfer of state authorities and local governments, with the receipt of a signal about the transfer when the degree of combat readiness "Full" is put into effect.

10. Assessment of the state of mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation is carried out according to the means of control.

The main goal of monitoring the mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation is to assess the readiness of the economy, authorities at various levels and the Armed Forces, other troops for mobilization deployment on time with the implementation of the entire range of mobilization measures and the ability to perform assigned tasks (tasks) in wartime.

17. Creation and training in in due course spare control points of state authorities, local governments, organizations to work in wartime conditions.

Alternate control points are created in peacetime in accordance with the system deployment plan government controlled. They can be suburban and protected. ZPU are equipped with controls, documentation, life support system, food and medicines according to established standards.

C) A set of measures for the preparation and transfer of the Armed Forces and other troops to martial law.

5. The preparation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations for mobilization is carried out by the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies in accordance with combat training plans.

6. The mobilization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations is carried out in accordance with the mobilization plans of the Ministry of Defense and other power ministries on time with the implementation of the entire range of mobilization measures.

12. Creation and training of special formations intended, upon the announcement of mobilization, for transfer to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or use in their interests, as well as in the interests of the economy of the Russian Federation.

Paramilitary and non-military special formations are created on the basis of operating enterprises, organizations and institutions. Responsibility for creating and maintaining them in readiness for use lies with the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, industry associations, as well as the heads of associations, enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of the form of ownership on the basis of which they are created.

Military-type motor vehicle columns are formed at the expense of motor vehicles to be transferred to the Armed Forces, other troops in accordance with established norms and withdrawal limits.

13. Preparation of equipment intended, upon the announcement of mobilization, for delivery to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations or use in their interests.

As a rule, automobile, road-building and loading and unloading equipment and part of special equipment are supplied. All equipment supplied to the Armed Forces must have a certain power reserve up to overhaul(10 thousand km.), Must be equipped with spare parts and tools and have a fuel supply in the amount of one refueling. The equipment is delivered with a driver (conscripted).

19. Organization of military registration in state authorities, local governments and organizations.

Military registration is organized to ensure the use of military duty by citizens of the Russian Federation. It is carried out constantly and covers all categories of citizens subject to military registration. The main requirements for military registration are the completeness and reliability of data characterizing the quantitative and qualitative state of conscription and mobilization human resources.

Military registration is carried out by military commissariats, local governments, enterprises, organizations and institutions in accordance with the Regulations on military registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1998 No. 1541.

20. Training of citizens in military specialties for staffing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations during the period of mobilization and in wartime.

Training of citizens in military specialties is carried out at military training camps of citizens in the reserve, which are held in military formations and units for 30 days with a frequency of 5 years.

D) A set of measures to ensure mobilization training and mobilization.

1. Regulatory legal regulation in the field of mobilization training and mobilization.

Regulations on mobilization training should be structured by levels: Federal laws of the Russian Federation, intersectoral (industry) regulations, legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, acts of local government and regulations of enterprises. They should be interconnected in terms of tasks, performers, resources and deadlines. Normative-legal acts should cover all areas of preparation for the functioning of the economy in wartime. Normative acts should define the status, role and tasks of the governing bodies, the rights, duties and responsibilities of officials for carrying out measures to prepare the economy for functioning in wartime. Since 1992, the Russian Federation has adopted more than 150 normative acts relating to the issues of mobilization training. Currently started new stage development of regulatory legal documents in connection with the development of a new mobilization plan for the economy for the 2000 accounting year.

2. Scientific and methodological support of mobilization training and mobilization.

Conducting research work on mobilization training should ensure the most efficient and rational planning and implementation of the tasks of mobilization training. Scientific support should cover the entire spectrum of issues of mobilization training, from issues of the mobilization training system as a whole to the mobilization training of an enterprise. Unfortunately, the transition to a market economy has led to insufficient funding and, as a result, to the outflow of the most qualified personnel and the closure of a number of research projects on the defense capability of the state.

15. Creation and preservation of the insurance fund of documentation for weapons and military equipment, the most important civilian products, to high-risk facilities, life support systems of the population and objects that are national treasures.

The insurance documentation fund began to be created in the late 1950s. The lion's share of it is concentrated in the Ministry of Defense Industry (90%). The share of the Ministry of Industry accounts for about 8%. The vast majority of documents of the insurance fund are stored on roll films and microfilms, which have high reliability and reliability. In addition, information can be stored on magnetic media and optical discs. On them, basically, the insurance fund of documentation in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is built.

18. Preparation of the media for work during the period of mobilization and in wartime.

During the period of mobilization and in wartime, the mass media are assigned the functions of alerting and warning, censorship and restrictions are introduced on the information released. This is regulated by the law "On martial law" and other regulatory legal acts.

22. Conducting exercises and drills on mobilization deployment and implementation of mobilization plans.

During exercises, business games and trainings, the following tasks can be solved:

Checking the completeness and reality of mobilization plans;

· identification of shortcomings, "bottlenecks", disproportions in industries, enterprises, organizations and institutions that affect the implementation of mobilization tasks;

Improving skills management team sectoral and territorial links of the economy and carrying out measures for the mobilization deployment of the economy and ensuring its functioning in wartime conditions, in carrying out restoration work;

Improving the interaction between government bodies at various levels, officials for the mobilization deployment of the economy and its work in wartime conditions, etc.

If necessary, other tasks can be solved, up to the production of prototypes of weapons and military equipment, other military and civilian products (production of established batches).

23. Advanced training of workers of mobilization bodies.

Since 1995, active training of personnel in the field of mobilization work has been carried out. There are advanced training courses at branch academies and institutes. On the basis of the Academy of Civil Protection, the department of special training, on the territory of which you are currently located, conducts retraining and advanced training of specialists. It is becoming a practice of annual meetings with the heads of mobilization bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the participation of specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Government of the Russian Federation and the GUSP.

24. International cooperation in the field of mobilization training and mobilization.

The main areas of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the CIS member states in the field of mobilization training are:

· creation of a system of interstate cooperation and conclusion of agreements with the CIS member states in the military field, in the field of mobilization preparation of the economy, as well as cooperation and interaction between state authorities;

· harmonization of the mobilization plans of the economy in terms of determining the volume of mutual deliveries of weapons, military equipment and other materiel;

· advanced training of specialists in the field of mobilization training;

· holding meetings, conferences, consultations and meetings on a bilateral and multilateral basis.

Mobilization plan

state documents that determine the content, scope, procedure and timing of measures to transfer the country's economy, state authorities, local self-government and organizations to the mode of operation in wartime conditions, as well as the transfer of the Armed Forces and other troops to the organization and composition of wartime. In the Russian Federation, they are developed in accordance with the legislation on defense M. p. economy, the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations, bodies and special. formations.

Edwart. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

See what the "Mobilization Plan" is in other dictionaries:

    Mobilization plan- a set of interrelated documents that determine the content, volume, procedure and timing of measures for the mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces and other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as those created for the military ... ... Border Dictionary

    Mobilization plan (plan for the billing year) of the economy- a set of mobilization documents that determine the content, volume, procedure and timing of the implementation of measures in sectors and sectors of the economy during the introduction of martial law, as well as the transfer of the economy and state and executive ... Official terminology

    MOBILIZATION, mobilization, mobilization. adj. to mobilization. mobilization plan. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    mobilization- oh, oh. mobilization f. Rel. to mobilization. mobilization plan. BAS 1. We were assigned to hospitals, to infirmaries, to regiments, to manage mobilization lists. Veresaev In Japanese. war. Against the background of these successes of capitalism, real socialism with ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    plan- An idea, a project for the implementation of something; exercise. About the breadth, scope, significance of the plan; about his assessment. Brilliant, important, great, magnificent, majestic, popular, comprehensive, all-encompassing, harmonious, general, grandiose, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    Mobilization plan- MOBILIZATION PLAN. See Mobilization… Military Encyclopedia

    "Russian Armed Forces" redirects here; see also other meanings. Armed forces Russian Federation Armed Forces of Russia ... Wikipedia

The most important function of the Russian state is to maintain defense capabilities at a level corresponding to the nature of military threats. According to the provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces must be ready to conduct local wars and participate in armed conflicts. However, the doctrine admits that local wars and armed conflicts, under certain conditions, can develop into a large-scale war.

The preparation of the country for war is a complex, continuous process associated with the solution of political, military-strategic and economic tasks in the interests of ensuring the country's defense capability.

The main components of the preparation of the country for war and the organization of defense are measures of mobilization preparation and mobilization.

Let us turn to the basic concepts of mobilization and mobilization preparation. Mobilization - the Latin word "mobile" i.e. movable, hence the name "car". In general, the concept of "mobilization" is the implementation of the necessary measures in a short time to concentrate funds and resources to achieve the goals (for example: a sports team mobilized its strength and energy and achieved a certain sports result).

The Federal Law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" determines that mobilization training in the Russian Federation is understood as a set of activities carried out in peacetime, for the advance preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the subjects of the Russian Federation and economy municipalities training of state authorities, local self-government bodies and organizations, training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations created in wartime to ensure the protection of the state from an armed attack and meet the needs of the state and the needs of the population in wartime. Mobilization in the Russian Federation is understood as a set of measures for the transfer of the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the economy of municipalities, the transfer of state authorities, local governments and organizations to work in wartime conditions, the transfer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations on the organization and composition of wartime. Based on these definitions, in a generalized form, the mobilization preparation and mobilization of the country includes:

· mobilization preparation and mobilization of the economy;

· mobilization training and mobilization of authorities at all levels and organizations;

· mobilization preparation for deployment and mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces and other troops.

The mobilization preparation of the economy is understood as a set of planned activities carried out in peacetime to meet the current needs of the Armed Forces and other troops and to accumulate stocks of weapons, ammunition, military equipment, military, military-technical property and other products for wartime, to create and maintain stocks material assets of mobilization and state reserves, development and preservation of mobilization capacities.

The mobilization of the economy consists in the systematic transfer of all sectors of the economy, associations, organizations and enterprises to work in wartime conditions to comprehensively meet the needs of the country's defense in weapons, ammunition, equipment and other materiel, the life support of the country's population and other needs of the state in wartime.

The mobilization of the country's economy includes: the deployment of military production, a change in economic proportions in the interests of an all-round increase in the production of military products, the restructuring of the work of government, communications, transport, Agriculture the entire infrastructure of the country in order to meet the needs of the state in wartime. The mobilization of the economy also involves the reallocation of human resources to ensure mobilization needs Armed Forces, other troops and the work of the defense industry, other sectors of the economy. With the mobilization of the economy, there is a change in the activities of scientific and experimental design institutions in order to meet the needs of the Armed Forces and achieve military-technical superiority over the enemy, restructuring financial system, trade and supply enterprises in accordance with the needs of the war. With the mobilization of the economy, the role of state centralization of economic management increases in order to concentrate resources to meet the needs of defense and the state.

The purpose of the mobilization preparation of the economy is the creation in peacetime of a military-economic potential adequate to the military needs of the country and the implementation of a complex preparatory activities on the transfer of the economy to work in wartime conditions.

The purpose of the mobilization of the economy is the timely, planned transfer to work in wartime conditions of all sectors of the economy, associations, organizations, institutions and enterprises for the production of products, in accordance with mobilization plans (plans for the billing year), for complete satisfaction the needs of the Armed Forces, other troops in armaments, equipment and materiel, as well as the population in food, goods, means of protection and other means of life support in wartime.

Based on these definitions, we must clearly understand the periods of functioning of the system of mobilization measures ( tab. 6.5.1).

In addition, we will consider the issues of mobilization training and mobilization at the following levels of the state hierarchical system:

1st level - State: representative power; executive power; economic structures of the federal level;

2nd level - Subjective: representative and executive power, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3rd level - Municipal: local governments and the economy of the municipality;

4th level - Objective: objects of the economy: enterprises, institutions and organizations that have mobilization tasks.

Mobilization preparation

a set of measures taken in peacetime to prepare in advance the economy, state authorities and local self-government, the Armed Forces and the territory of the state to ensure its protection from an armed attack; component defense organizations of the Russian Federation. the main objective M.p. - ensuring a guaranteed transfer of the country's economy, state authorities, local self-government and organizations to work in wartime conditions, and the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations, bodies and special forces - to the organizational and staffing structure and composition of wartime; planning and implementation of measures for civil and territorial defense. Organization and order M.p. public authorities, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special. formations are determined by regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation. Organization and order M.p. economy of the Russian Federation, as well as organizations are determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation (see. Mobilization preparation of the economy).

Edwart. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

See what "Mobilization preparation" is in other dictionaries:

    Mobilization preparation- (English mobilization preparation) in the Russian Federation a set of measures carried out in peacetime, for the advance preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities, the preparation of state authorities, local self-government and ... Encyclopedia of Law

    MOBILIZATION PREPARATION- a set of measures taken in peacetime to prepare in advance the economy, state authorities and local self-government, the population and the armed forces, the territory of the state to ensure its protection from armed ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

    MOBILIZATION PREPARATION- in accordance with the Federal Law On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation of February 26, 1997, M. p. means a set of measures taken in peacetime, for the advance preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

    Mobilization preparation- 1) a set of measures carried out in peacetime, for the advance preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, (subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities), state authorities (local governments) and organizations, the Armed Forces, others ... ... Border Dictionary

    Mobilization preparation- a set of activities carried out in peacetime, for the advance preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the economy of municipalities, the preparation of state authorities, local governments and ... ... Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

    Mobilization preparation- (eng. mobilization preparation) in the Russian Federation, a set of activities carried out in peacetime, for the advance preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities, the preparation of state authorities, local self-government and organizations ... Big Law Dictionary

    Mobilization preparation- 1. Mobilization training in the Russian Federation is understood as a set of measures carried out in peacetime, for the advance preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the economy ... ... Official terminology

    Mobilization preparation- this is a set of measures taken in peacetime for the advance preparation of the country's economy, state authorities, local governments and organizations, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and ... ... Administrative procedural law: a dictionary of terms and concepts

    A set of activities carried out in peacetime, for the advance preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the preparation of state authorities, local governments and organizations, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and created ...

    A set of activities carried out in peacetime, for the advance preparation of civil defense forces (troops and civil defense organizations), their command and control bodies for action in wartime. Edwart. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Emergencies Dictionary


  • Emergency Medicine. Textbook. Vulture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Pavel Kolesnichenko, Alexander Loshchakov, Sergey Stepovich, Konstantin Kotenko, Natalia Amosova, Denis Timashkov. The textbook was developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard for higher educational institutions. It is presented in three sections: mobilization preparation…

Good afternoon. If the government of the region allocates funds to the executive authority for a set of measures for mob. preparation (certification of the informatization object). Are we entitled to conclude a contract under paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 93 (single supplier)? Who should be involved as experts in this case? Is it necessary to conclude a contract with this organization in advance?

  • Question: No. 531 dated: 2014-04-03.

For the above situation, I can only .

By virtue of clause 3, part 1 of Law 44-FZ, procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) can be carried out by the customer in the event that work on mobilization preparation is performed in the Russian Federation.

Certification of informatization objects is a complex of organizational and technical measures during which a multifaceted verification of an informatization object is carried out in real conditions operation in order to assess compliance with the required level of information security against leakage through technical channels.

In Russia operates the federal law dated February 26, 1997 N 31-FZ
"On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation".

According to part 3 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" the content of mobilization training and mobilization includes:

1) normative legal regulation in the field of mobilization training and mobilization;

2) scientific and methodological support for mobilization training and mobilization;

3) determination of working conditions and preparation of public authorities, local governments and organizations for work during the period of mobilization and in wartime;

4) carrying out activities to transfer state authorities, local governments and organizations to work in wartime conditions;

5) preparation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations for mobilization;

6) carrying out the mobilization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations;

7) development of mobilization plans for the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the economy of municipalities, mobilization plans for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special forces (hereinafter referred to as mobilization plans);

8) preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the economy of municipalities, the preparation of organizations for work during the period of mobilization and in wartime;

9) carrying out activities to transfer the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the economy of municipalities, the transfer of organizations to work in wartime conditions;

10) assessment of the state of mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation;

11) creation, development and maintenance of mobilization capacities and facilities for the production of products necessary to meet the needs of the state, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations and the needs of the population in wartime;

12) the creation and training of special units intended, upon the announcement of mobilization, to be transferred to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or used in their interests, as well as in the interests of the economy of the Russian Federation;

13) preparation of equipment intended upon the announcement of mobilization for delivery to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations or use in their interests;

14) creation as part of the state material reserve of stocks of material assets (including the stock of the mobilization reserve and the irreducible stock of the state material reserve) intended for the mobilization needs of the Russian Federation;

15) creation and preservation of an insurance fund of documentation for weapons and military equipment, the most important civilian products, high-risk objects, life support systems for the population and objects that are national treasures;

16) preparation and organization of the rationed supply of the population with food and non-food products, its medical care and provision with means of communication and vehicles during the period of mobilization and in wartime;

17) creation in accordance with the established procedure of reserve control points of state authorities, local governments and organizations and preparation of these control points for work in wartime conditions;

18) preparation of the mass media for work during the period of mobilization and in wartime;

19) organization of military registration in state authorities, local governments and organizations;

19.1) creation of a reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a reserve of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, a reserve Federal Service the security of the Russian Federation;

20) training of citizens in military registration specialties for recruiting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations during the period of mobilization and in wartime;

21) reservation for the period of mobilization and for wartime of citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies with a reserve (hereinafter - citizens who are in reserve), and working in state authorities, local governments and organizations;

22) conducting exercises and trainings on mobilization deployment and implementation of mobilization plans;

23) advanced training of employees of mobilization bodies;

24) international cooperation in the field of mobilization training and mobilization.

Therefore, the first thing to pay attention to is whether the certification of the informatization object really refers to mobilization training and mobilization.

I draw your attention to the above, because upon further verification, if it is decided that the certification of the object of informatization does not apply to mobilization training and mobilization, then the conclusion of a contract under paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 93 of Law 44-FZ will also be a violation.

If the certification of the informatization object relates to mobilization training and / or mobilization, then feel free to conclude a contract within the framework of clause 3, part 1, article 93 of Law 44-FZ.

The organization that will carry out the work must have special permits.

After carrying out work on attestation of the informatization object, the Customer is issued a certificate of conformity after agreement with the Office of the State Technical Commission of Russia for the relevant federal district.

My personal opinion is that a certificate of conformity will suffice as an expert opinion.

If the work is not performed or is performed poorly, then the certificate of conformity will not be issued.

Consequently, there is no point in producing documents in the form of a certificate of conformity.

Attention! The information provided in the article is current at the time of its publication.


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