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A tape that stores information about all cash transactions has a finite resource. When it is exhausted, as well as under certain other conditions, the ECLZ must be replaced. This entrepreneur cannot carry out the process on his own, it is regulated by certain rules and follows the generally accepted procedure.

Why ECLZ needs to be changed

EKLZ is a flash memory block with a capacity of about 16 megabytes, which includes a cryptographic code generation system. All operations performed on the cash register mechanism are recorded in this memory, they cannot be corrected or erased. Obviously, sooner or later the memory resource will be exhausted. ECLZ manufacturers limit the stock of information to be stored to 100,000 checks.

ECLZ also has a temporary resource, which does not depend on the amount of memory filling.

Any ECLZ is designed to work for a year plus one additional month.

After this time after activation, the system is automatically blocked.

A prerequisite for the legal use of ECLZ is the timely replacement of this unit. The procedure and conditions for replacement are regulated by clause 10 of the “Regulations on the procedure for the sale, Maintenance and repair of cash registers in the Russian Federation”.

Conditions for replacing ECLZ

It is important for an entrepreneur to know that it is necessary to change the ECLZ unit not when it has already ceased to function, but in advance.

NOTE! To prevent this time from being missed, the EKLZ device issues a warning in advance on the receipts that the memory is close to full. After the first appearance of such a notification, the entrepreneur usually has about 3 months to carry out the necessary procedure.

In addition to filling the resource, there are other factors that entail the mandatory replacement of ECLZ. Consider all the circumstances requiring the immediate replacement of ECLZ.

  1. The memory block is 9/10 full or higher. With such information issued by the cash register, you need to immediately take steps to replace it so that blocking does not occur at the most unexpected moment.
  2. The expiration of the operating life of the recording device. Even if the memory is not full, after a year of service, the device must be replaced, for this the entrepreneur is given one more additional month, which guarantees the operation of the ECLZ.
  3. Problems with the work of ECLZ. If malfunctions or equipment failure are detected, after the first malfunction, it is prescribed to contact the technical service center. It is prohibited to work on a cash register with an inoperative or incorrectly functioning EKLZ device.
  4. Re-registration cash register a. If KKM has changed the owner, EKLZ should be replaced outside the plan: new entrepreneur - new history of the movement of funds.

We replace according to the plan and under warranty

All operations with ECLZ are authorized to be carried out only by specialists who have a certificate for such actions. An entrepreneur or a cashier does not have the right to do anything independently in relation to the ECLZ.

It's just time

The system will inform you that it is time to worry about replacing the ECLZ:

  • when 11 months have elapsed from the start of operation;
  • code, the memory block will be close to full.

The owner of the cash register has a certain time resource after the appearance of warnings, but it is better not to delay and start the procedure in a timely manner, because it is not so simple.

In the case of a planned replacement, all costs are borne by the entrepreneur, who will have to pay:

  • the cost of a new ECLZ device;
  • specialist services;
  • additionally - at the request of the customer, it is possible to order a specialist's visit to the place of installation of the cash register (then you do not have to take the cash register to the technical service center), as well as services for coordinating re-registration with the tax office.

IMPORTANT! The specialist will start work only after repayment of all necessary payments. Existing debt or late payment can disrupt the planned replacement of ECLZ, which will result in additional tax troubles and ultimately result in much heavy expenses in the form of a fine.

Planned replacement procedure

So, after printing the Z-report, the device issued a phrase that the device's memory will soon be full. What steps should be taken consistently?

  1. Contact the CTO and apply for a replacement, agreeing on the day and time.
  2. The invoice for payment issued by the management of the CTO must be fully repaid.
  3. With the help of the information contained in the last Z-report, the CTO specialist forms acts on the technical examination of the KKM, as well as an act of transferring the device to safekeeping (in case of replacement in the CTO).
  4. Compiled acts are transferred responsible persons customer for transfer to tax office for re-registration.
  5. An appeal to the tax office, where it is necessary to obtain a signature and a seal on (part 1), which will be the official permission to replace the ECLZ. When visiting the tax authorities, you must have a certain package of documents with you.
  6. The replacement itself is carried out by a technician.
  7. The second visit to the tax office to obtain a signature on the second part of the KM-2 act (do not forget to provide all Required documents). 3 copies of this act are distributed as follows: one remains in the INFS, the second remains with the entrepreneur, and the third customer returns to the TsTO.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! From the moment of signing part 1 of KM-2 and until receiving the second signature (between paragraphs 5 and 7), it is strictly forbidden to work on a cash register with the ECLZ removed.

The firm guarantees

The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the EKLZ blocks sold by him. If the device fails before 12 months after activation, and this is not the fault of the entrepreneur using it, the supplier will provide a warranty replacement. All of the following conditions must be met:

  • the information recording unit has been activated correctly;
  • ECLZ memory is not filled up to 100%;
  • no independent attempts were made to manipulate the ECLZ unit;
  • a replacement request is submitted within 12 months from the date of activation (an additional 13 months of operation is no longer covered by the warranty);
  • technical expertise carried out by the manufacturer, made a positive decision on the warranty replacement.

Warranty Replacement Procedure

Having found a malfunction in the ECLZ before the expiration of the warranty period, the following steps must be taken.

  1. Immediately notify the technical service center or bring the failed device there yourself. Have the latest Z-report and ECLZ passport with you, certified by the signature and seal of the organization.
  2. Testing of the problematic ECLZ unit (produced by specialists of the TsTO). In this case, all fiscal information from it is copied to an additional external media.
  3. When a malfunction is confirmed, a technical examination report is drawn up and part 1 of the KM-2 form is filled in.
  4. On the basis of these documents, an application for examination is drawn up, which is carried out by the General Supplier (this will take 3-5 days). A positive decision gives the right to a warranty replacement of ECLZ.
  5. Form KM-2 and the technical report are submitted to the customer for approval by the tax office.
  6. The steps to obtain permission from the tax office and carry out work on the replacement are similar to paragraphs 5-7 of the planned replacement of the ECLZ.

A package of documents for the tax to replace ECLZ

Going to the tax authorities to obtain permission to replace the ECLZ, the entrepreneur must take with him:

  • cash register form (KKM passport);
  • additional sheet characterizing the version of KKM;
  • ECLZ passport requiring replacement;
  • cashier's magazine (form KM-4);
  • seal of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur (if any);
  • replacement application form (get it at the TsTO);
  • contract for the maintenance of the cash register;
  • a document received after the first application to the CTO, which must be endorsed in the tax office (part 1 of the KM-2 form).

After the replacement is made, it must be fixed with another tax visa, for which you will need to have with you:

  • KKM form;
  • passport of your version of the device with an additional sheet;
  • EKLZ passport, which is now in your device;
  • magazine on calls of technical specialists (form KM-8).

REMEMBER! With any replacement of the ECLZ, the removed tapes will remain with the entrepreneur. He must keep them intact for the 5 years provided for by law, for which it is necessary to strictly observe the storage conditions indicated in the ECLZ passport.

Also modern KKM are equipped with EKLZ. The term "ECLZ" stands for "protected electronic control tape."

The main purpose of EKLZ: to supplement the fiscal memory of the cash register, to fix each check / operation. The data recorded in the ECLZ is encrypted: it will not be possible to “unscrew” a previously punched check.

Terms of replacement of ECLZ

EKLZ is designed to work for 13 months from the date of activation. If within 13 months from the moment of activation only one check has been broken, the ECLZ will still be blocked and its replacement will be required. In 2-3 months, KKM will start issuing a system message: "ECLZ is close to filling." This message will be issued by KKM when removing X- and Z-reports, printing out a message at the very beginning of the cash register.

When to change ECLZ

ECLZ is replaced in the following cases:

  1. When filling ECLZ (more than 90%)
  2. At the end of the established service life (13 months)
  3. When re registration of KKM to another legal person or individual
  4. In the event of a malfunction of the ECLZ

ECLZ replacement procedure

So, it's time to change the ECLZ. What does the ECLZ replacement procedure look like?

All KKM maintenance operations are also performed by the repair of cash registers (hereinafter referred to as the CTO), with which you must have an agreement. We hope that this CTC will be the best Crimean CTC - Allat

The most difficult thing when replacing ECLZ is choosing the time.
On average, it takes a day to replace the ECLZ. And on this day, the cashier in your office will not be able to accept cash (the cash machine will not be in place). If there are several KKMs, then the problem is removed (first there will be an ECLZ replacement on one machine, then on another). And if there is only one cash register in the office? You can choose Friday morning or Monday morning - the time when you have the fewest customers.

So, you have chosen a day. You contact your TsTO with a request to replace the ECLZ at a convenient time for you. TsTO allocates a mechanic who will carry out the replacement, issues an invoice for payment.

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"On the use of CCP", according to which trade enterprises are required to use fiscal drives instead of ECLZ and transfer sales data to the Federal Tax Service online. Starting July 1, 2017, only cash registers with a fiscal drive (FN) can be used for trading.

In a short time, entrepreneurs need to have time to prepare and submit a complete list of documents for replacing the ECLZ with the tax, TsTO and OFD. The question of what is submitted to the tax office when replacing ECLZ has become one of the most relevant. We will tell you what documents are needed to replace the ECLZ, and in what order to issue an updated CCP.

What documents are needed to replace the ECLZ?

The general list of documents for replacing ECLZ includes:

  • CCP owner card,
  • report from ECLZ,
  • application for deregistration of the old CCP,
  • service contract with the CTO,
  • service agreement with OFD (fiscal data operator).

It is important to note that prior to the introduction of the new law, trading enterprises were required to conclude an agreement with the TsTO and receive a technical opinion from them to replace the ECLZ. With the new rules, this obligation has been abolished. Cooperation with the CTO has become voluntary for enterprises and has retained some advantages.

In order to maintain the infrastructure for the CCP to work with the fiscal data operator, it is necessary that all equipment is working properly and the Internet connection is stable. If you use conventional ones, having an agreement with the CTO will help solve technical problems.

The CTO is engaged not only in the maintenance of cash registers, but also in the replacement of ECLZ with FN. Therefore, having submitted all the documents necessary to replace the ECLZ with the IFTS, and having registered the cash register, do not forget to conclude or renew the contract with the CTO.

The procedure for replacing ECLZ and issuing an updated cash desk

To replace the ECLZ and issue an updated CCP, you must:

  1. Remove the report from the ECLZ. This is a standard procedure that is required before changing the ribbon. The report can be requested from the CTO.
  2. Check whether the CCP is subject to modernization and replacement of EKLZ with FN. Some models of cash registers cannot be modified, and instead of them you will have to buy a new type of cash register.
  3. Remove the cash desk from the register with the Federal Tax Service and fill out an application for the replacement of ECLZ. Samples and application forms for replacing the ECLZ and deregistration of the old CCP, a complete list of documents for replacing the ECLZ with a tax one, deadlines for registration and other information can be found on the official websites of the CTO and the Federal Tax Service. An application for the replacement of the ECLZ must be submitted to the CTO or another authorized organization that is involved in the completion of the KKM.
  4. Buy upgrade kit - fiscal accumulator, a special built-in modem and cash register software.
  5. Replace ECLZ with FN and update software cash desks with the help of specialists from the central service center or an authorized organization.
  6. Conclude a service agreement with the fiscal data operator. Registration of an updated cash desk is carried out only if there is an agreement with the OFD.
  7. Register an updated CCP with the IFTS through Personal Area taxpayer or in person at the tax office.

Before replacing the ECLZ with a fiscal drive, you will need to deregister the cash register. To do this, you need to submit an application to the tax service for the removal of CCP from registration.

In five days, the cash register will be removed from the register with the Federal Tax Service. The card of the owner of the cash register with a mark on the deregistration of the old cash register should remain in your hands. Now you can start upgrading the old KKM or buying and installing new cash desk. The procedure for filling out an application for the replacement of ECLZ can be clarified at the TsTO or an authorized organization.

The types of documents necessary for the IFTS when replacing the ECLZ and registering an updated cash desk can also include digital signature(EDS). You will need it if you are going to register a cash register remotely using the FTS website.

The easiest and fastest way to update cash registers today is to use the so-called cloud cash desks, for example, i-Retail. They do not require the submission of a large number of applications to the tax office, the replacement of ECLZ, the purchase, installation and configuration of refinement kits.

To use a cloud cash desk, it is enough to conclude an agreement with OFD, register a cash desk on the website of the Federal Tax Service and install the application on any device that can access the Internet. All you need is a tablet or smartphone and a modem that provides a stable internet connection. You can try out the i-Retail application at work and make sure that it is convenient for your business for free.

EKLZ - "protected electronic control tape" - is the most important component of any cash register. The tax office does not register CCPs that are not equipped with an EKLZ unit. Read about the procedure for replacing, deregistration, filling out a passport and registering an EKLZ in our material.

What is ECLZ for?

Fiscal memory is the "memory" of any cash register, which records all information about each transaction entered on the cash register. “To help” the fiscal memory of the KKT, it is precisely the Protected Electronic Control Tape that works - this is a kind of “black box”, a sealed block that it finds inside the KKM. In this small box, all the data of each check and transaction are recorded and encrypted. Thus, it becomes impossible to “unscrew” checks and replace one information about monetary transactions with another - after all, the function of the ECLZ is precisely to protect the fiscal memory of devices. But if only the daily revenue of the company is recorded in the fiscal memory (conducting the so-called Z-report), then the secure electronic control tape records each operation carried out by this cash register. In addition, the tape has a special protection against data changes.

Starting from 2004, all cash registers are equipped with ECLZ manufacturers, and in case of re-registration of a cash register in the tax service that was not equipped with ECLZ, then it must be finalized and equipped with ECLZ - otherwise the Federal Tax Service will simply not register it. According to experts, the introduction of ECLZ into cash registers in our country was caused by the need to prevent the counters of cash registers from “twisting”, which means that it is impossible today to “reset” the cash register and deceive the state.

After a certain time, the ECLZ needs to be replaced - this is done by specialized CCP maintenance centers. The specialists of the center with which a particular company has concluded a contract for the maintenance of a CCP also prepare documents for registering an EKLZ, after registration they activate it, and then they replace the tape in the prescribed manner.

It is necessary to store the EKLZ block for the next five years in the same way as the paper control tape. But, as you know, the EKLZ block has a limited service life and after certain time it needs to be replaced.

Replacement of ECLZ: terms, procedure, requirements

From the moment the KKM is registered with the tax service, the countdown of the ECLZ operation time begins. If the EKLZ block has already been changed, then the countdown begins exactly at the moment of its replacement. Exactly 13 months later, ECLZ will need to be changed - the tape is designed specifically for this period of work. And even if only a few checks are broken during this time, the ECLZ should still be replaced, since it will be blocked anyway.

With large sales volumes in the company, EKLZ can also be completely filled after six months, and then its urgent replacement will be needed. It is also required to change the tape in the case when the cash register equipment is transferred to the use of another company. In order to "remind" the owner of the cash register that the time to replace the tape is coming up, the cash register will display a system message on receipts when removing Z-reports on revenue for the day with the wording: "ECLZ is close to full."

All operations related to the replacement of EKLZ are performed by certified center maintenance of CCP, with which the company has signed an agreement. On average, it takes a day to replace the ECLZ, and therefore, in order to carry out the replacement procedure, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents in advance:

  • application for replacement of ECLZ in triplicate;
  • extended valid service contract with the CTO;
  • lease agreement for the premises of the company;
  • registration card of KKM in the Federal Tax Service;
  • passport of the cash register;
  • passport version of this cash register with an additional sheet;
  • passport of the ECLZ, which is located inside the KKM;
  • journal of the cashier-operator (in the form of KM-4) and the journal of the call of a technical specialist (KM-8);
  • the last Z-report of revenue for the day and three copies of it.

In order to replace the ECLZ, either the head of the organization or his authorized representative must contact the CTO (that is, a power of attorney must be drawn up and certified). Then:

  • the cash register is delivered to the CTO with a package of necessary documents;
  • TsTO specialists must issue acts on taking readings of fiscal memory meters, as well as an act on the technical condition of the cash desk;
  • all acts and documents are certified by the employees of the CTO, and then by the head of the company or his authorized representative;
  • then the head of the company or his authorized representative must go to the inspection of the Federal Tax Service, in which the CCP is registered and obtain permission to replace the ECLZ, having with him the entire package of documents listed above, as well as acts filled out by the TsTO employees in the form KM-2;
  • only after receiving permission to replace the ECLZ from the Federal Tax Service, central heating workers have the right to start replacing the tape;
  • after replacing the ECLZ, the CTO employees fill out all the necessary documents and acts;
  • the customer picks up the cash register with a new tape and all completed documents. Now you can work and conduct money transactions on the cash register;
  • all documents after replacing the ECLZ cash desk must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate within five working days after the procedure.

Recall that the enterprise must store the used and replaced ECLZ for five years.

Registration and deregistration of ECLZ

As mentioned above, it is impossible today to register a CCP without an EKLZ, but it does not require a separate registration of the EKLZ either. In the event that the ECLZ was replaced, then it is necessary to act in accordance with the procedure given above, and if the KKM is new and will be registered with the tax office for the first time, then the ECLZ will be registered simultaneously with the cash register.

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Registrations control- cash register organizations is carried out at the tax office at the location of this cash register, and individual entrepreneurs must register their cash register at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur. To register a cash register, it is necessary to prepare the following package of documents: TIN of the company, PSRN, notice of registration with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, application for registration of cash registers, a completed act in the form KM-1 “On transferring the readings of summing cash counters to zero and registering control counters of a cash register » in two copies, KKM passport, passport KKM version(with an additional sheet), EKLZ passport, contract for technical KKM service from the TsTO, a new journal of the cashier-operator, the passport of the head of the organization.

After receiving the application and fully accepting the documents to the tax office, but no later than five days from this moment, the registration of the cash register and the fiscalization procedure are carried out in the presence of a mechanic of the technical service center, an NFS inspector and a representative of the company. A cash register is delivered to the tax office, the engineer checks its integrity, enters all the data into the cash register, programs it, sets a security code against hacking, the TsTO specialist seals the cash register case, fills in the cash register registration certificate and the magazine. To check all the settings, a trial check is made.

After fiscalization in without fail the following documents must be drawn up: data on the identification number of the cash register, an act on zeroing counters (in the KM-1 form), a test check, a Z-report and a fiscal report, an ECLZ report are entered in the KKM register.

After this procedure, the inspector of the Federal Tax Service within three days must issue a KKM registration card, then this card and the entire package of documents for KKM are received by the head of the organization at the inspection.

If the owner of a cash register needs to deregister a cash register (for example, replacing a cash register model, or if the period of use of a cash register has expired, or when changing the owner of a cash register, in the event of closing a company), then to carry out this procedure, it is also necessary to contact to the tax service and provide a package of documents: an application for deregistration of KKM, provide a registration card for KKM, as well as a KKM passport, a cashier-operator journal, a cash book or a book of income and expenses, as well as a completed act on taking readings of control and summing cash counters in the KM-2 form, filled out by the specialists of the TsTO, as well as a report on the contents of the fiscal memory block, for example, the last check punched by this cash register.

After checking all the documents, the inspector of the Federal Tax Service gives permission to close the ECLZ memory block - that is, from that moment it will be impossible to break through the check using this cash register. The EKLZ block will have to be transferred to the owner of the KKM for storage within the prescribed five years.

ECLZ passport

Each copy of the secure electronic control tape has its own passport, which is included with the purchase of the product. This document It has general information about the product (what kind of module it is, what it is intended for), contains a mark on the certificate of conformity and admission to operation of the FSB of Russia; an important point of the passport is the procedure for commissioning the ECLZ and its activation. Also, the passport must list the main technical data of the tape, sign the functions that EKLZ performs, list the operating conditions of the product, its dimensions, power supply, completeness, information on the service life and supplier's warranty.

During our entrepreneurial activity such encrypted names as EKLZ will constantly appear. It is not known who invents them, but besides the fact that you need to know their decoding, you also need to know why these encrypted abbreviations are needed and what to do with them. In the article we will consider these issues, because if you have a cash register, then you will touch them sooner or later. But it is better to know this in advance than at the last moment, when the “rake” is already loaded and ready to work.

Let's first analyze the concept of EKLZ, the decoding of this intricate name means the following, EKLZ is an abbreviation, the full name is Electronic Control Tape with Protection, which is necessary to fix all cash flows, opening and closing the shift, and after saving this information to the device memory.

The peculiarity of this device is that the recorded information cannot be corrected or deleted, which is what the tax authorities need to control us as taxpayers.

The service life of the device is 12 months, after which it is blocked and you will not be able to work for more than a year. The second replacement option is when the device runs out of internal memory.

It is also possible that the unit is defective. All information about the need for replacement will appear in your Z-report: when the memory is 90% full or 3 months before the end of the control tape's service life. According to our legislation, the fact of replacing the device must be registered with the tax authorities.

ECLZ replacement. step by step

Step 1. The occurrence of the replacement event

In the course of working on the device, when the day is extinguished, you need to monitor the information that is written on the tape in case a replacement is needed:

  • When the memory is 90% full.
  • 3 months before the expiration date of the device.
  • When re-registering a cash register.
  • When a block breaks.

It is necessary to notify the technical service center (abbreviated as CTO) and send a letter of request to activate the new tape. At the end of the service life, such an application is submitted 1 month before its expiration.

Step 2. Tax notification

After the onset of signs of replacement, you should notify the tax office before replacing the unit by visiting the service center and submit the following documents to the IFTS:

  • Cashier journal (document form - KM 4).
  • KKT registration card.
  • The conclusion received from the technical service center on the reasons for replacing the unit, drawn up in triplicate, in the form of document No. KM-2. The application must be certified by the technical center. service.

After reviewing the provided package of documents, the tax office must sign the block replacement act and put a stamp on the documents authorizing the replacement procedure, while the cash register registration card and the cashier's journal remain in the tax office for the time of replacement.

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Do I need an IP seal?

Step 3. Replacing a block in the central heating center

After receiving confirmation from the tax authority to allow the replacement of the block, the process proceeds as follows:

  • A short report on the closing of shifts is taken (the period of the report is from the moment of activation to your last shift of the cash desk).
  • Close the archive in accordance with the rules described in the documents of the cash register supplier. In the event of a tape replacement in an emergency, it will be necessary to close the archive using the software
  • Removing the KKM cover
  • Removing the Control Tape Unit
  • New block installed
  • The cover is put in place
  • The device is being activated.
  • Results reports are taken.
  • After that, the paperwork for the replacement of the block is processed.

Important! Please note that it is forbidden to operate the cash register during the replacement of the ECLZ.

Step 4. Submission of documents to the tax office after replacing the unit

After you have had the unit replaced, you must notify the tax authority of this fact. To do this, you will need to submit a package of documents, which consists of the following items:

  1. Those. cash register passport (form). In the column "Special marks" the date of replacement and activation of the ECLZ is indicated, it is also indicated registration number protective tape. It is necessary to certify the replacement record with a stamp, the signature of the CTO employee and an impression of a seal
  1. Specialist call registration log (KM-8) with a record of the replacement procedure. Stick the tear-off part of the coupon with the identification number indicated on it.
  1. Add. sheet to the Passport with a mark on the activation of the tape
  2. The act of commissioning is also drawn up by the employees of the technical center. service
  3. Act KM-2 (in 3 copies) with a record of the replacement, as well as the condition and indications of the block before and after the procedure (filled in by the employees of the TsTO)
  4. KKM reports

After receiving the package of documents, the tax authority will check the correctness of their execution and return the journal of the cashier-operator, documents on the replacement of the control tape, and also sign 3 copies of the act on the replacement of block No. KM-2. One copy for the service center, tax office and for the owner of the cash register. After that, you can start using the cash register again.


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