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Currently, a large number of crimes committed are associated with the theft of property from any object, including private ones. To create an appropriate level of security, individual security systems or integrated complexes are installed on the controlled perimeter. The presence of such protective lines allows you to timely notify the person concerned about the occurrence emergency situation indoors and immediately take appropriate response measures. The security systems installed by the Russian company Delta provide round-the-clock monitoring of the protected area.

Delta exists on domestic market about eight years old. During this time, the security unit has established itself exclusively on the positive side. The security systems offered by Delta are constantly being improved: the latest scientific and technical achievements. The employees of the enterprise are highly qualified persons. For a long time now this firm holds a leading position in the market of protective and security services.

The specifics of the activities of the domestic security company Delta

The security systems installed by Delta are highly efficient in operation. The correct and uninterrupted functioning of the equipment directly depends on the quality of performance installation work. The firm makes installation and adjustment of the equipment in the shortest possible time.

The whole range of services is provided within a few hours after the client submits the relevant application.

The main security system used by the described company is the burglar alarm system. Equipment is selected according to individual characteristics controlled object. After the installation work is completed, the employees familiarize the user with the operation of the mechanisms. The advantage of the installed equipment is the wireless connection method.

Before the start of the installation work, the company's employees carry out a full assessment and study of the protected area. The selected set of devices harmoniously fits into any interior and does not require additional costs for laying connecting cable lines. All installed protection lines are connected to the central security console. The exchange of information takes place through several different channels:

  • GPRS;
  • RF channel;
  • Over the global network.

If there is no signal on any communication line, another alternative channel is used to exchange information. This approach to creating a continuous flow of information keeps the security line running smoothly. All security kits must have a backup power supply. The security of the facility is provided around the clock.

Complete set of security alarms Delta and cost of services

Delta installs security equipment, which consists of two main blocks:

  • Panic button;
  • Alarms.

In the event of a danger, the user or the facility's security officer must press the panic button. Within Moscow, employees of the unit arrive at the specified location in 7 minutes. The optimal configuration of the alarm system includes the following elements:

  • Control panel;
  • Wireless keyboard;
  • Motion sensors, door opening, glass breaking;
  • Panic button;
  • Wireless control panel for the protection line.

The average cost of such a set of equipment is 7900 rubles. The indicated price includes the payment of the installation process. Subsequently, a maintenance contract is concluded with the company. Maintenance price is 7500 rubles. monthly. In addition to these mechanisms, the system can be equipped with various sensors (gas leaks, smoke or fire, flooding). Installation of each additional sensor is paid separately. The average installation price of the listed sensors is 2500 rubles. (for each type of detector).

The video tells about Delta security systems:

Price Maintenance includes the following types of services:

  • Continuous (round-the-clock) monitoring of the controlled object;
  • Checking the technical serviceability of the mechanisms of the installed complex;
  • Unlimited number of departures of employees on an incoming signal;
  • Technical support and advice at any time;
  • Warranty for the operation of equipment and its service.

The list of services provided by the domestic security organization Delta

Anyone can apply to Delta for a specific range of services. individual or business entity. The company provides the following types of services:

  • Organization of protection of objects of any complexity using complex technical mechanisms and central control and monitoring consoles;
  • Provision of services to ensure the physical security of the premises;
  • Creation of access control in the controlled territory;
  • Protection of individual individuals;
  • Escort and security individuals or cargo on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Statement under protection of apartments or private houses;
  • Installation of "Navigator" systems for the protection of vehicles;
  • Performing firefighting actions on the protected perimeter.

The Delta division has the appropriate license and a number of representative offices in many cities of Russia. The name of branches can be supplemented with separate words indicating the location of the branch. The range of services provided, the quality and effectiveness of security in all branches are the same.

On the video - about security systems:

Benefits of cooperation with Russian security firms

Over the years, Delta has only positive feedback from employees and customers. All reviews are on the official website of the company and various forums. Having studied diverse opinions, one can single out the advantages of cooperation with a domestic security company. These include:

  • Quick response after receiving a signal about the occurrence of an alarm situation;
  • An agreement is concluded between the parties, which provides for the liability of employees for the delay in arrival to the controlled territory;
  • The company establishes liability (up to 10 million rubles) for all the consequences that occur as a result of unauthorized entry or theft of property (in case of improper response of the company's employees);
  • To complete the protection lines, only modern wireless equipment is used;
  • Fast installation work (installation of the complex is carried out within a few hours);
  • Availability of a manager for work with individual clients;
  • Providing advice to users around the clock;
  • Ability to create on the official website personal account to check the status of the account and all ongoing transactions.

Delta is a large federal company offering services for the installation and maintenance of security systems for the reliable protection of apartments, cottages, as well as office and industrial premises at competitive rates.

Why is it profitable to buy an alarm system for an apartment from Delta?

  • All-Russian coverage. In the 30 largest Russian cities there are branches of the company. And we install and maintain security systems in more than 100 cities.
  • Quality service. More than 11,000 Delta professionals care about customer safety. Rapid response groups consist of guards of the 6th category. All of them are well equipped and armed.
  • 24/7 technical support. Putting an apartment on guard with us means that every day 24 hours a day professionals technical service are in touch and ready to help in resolving any issues related to the operation of our equipment.
  • Permanent protection of each client. Our monitoring stations are capable of simultaneously monitoring 250 thousand objects scattered throughout the country. The alarm signal reaches the control panel in less than 1 second.
  • Prompt response. Delta employs over 750 security teams. They instantly go to the object on an alarm signal and arrive at the place within 5-7 minutes.

Selection and installation of security systems

Turning to us, you can get a full range of services to ensure the security of an object - an apartment, a cottage or commercial real estate along with all its contents. We also carry out installation and subsequent maintenance. alarm systems . Masters of the company Delta carry out the installation of security equipment in just 3 hours. At the same time, they do not grate the walls, they do all the work as accurately and efficiently as possible. Then the company's specialists tell in detail how to properly use the security system. Although our systems are very easy to maintain. Even children will not be difficult to use them for their intended purpose.

The principle of operation of the security system

In the event of unauthorized access to the object by unauthorized persons, the panic button is triggered. The signal is instantly sent to the Delta security console and we immediately send an armed crew of professional security guards. The alarm and security system includes several devices that can be purchased from our company:

  • alarm button- promptly transmits a signal to our control panel;
  • security alarm it will work in the apartment even if the owners are not at home and there is no one to give an alarm, and strangers have entered the object.

Additional property protection services

Delta will help protect your property not only from intruders, but also from fire, gas or water leaks. Monitoring of relevant indicators is carried out by the system around the clock. Therefore, the object is under the supervision and protection of our specialists even when you are sleeping or you are not in the building.


year as concluded with the delta, NO claims. we have a wireless system, it cost a little more than a wired one, but the interior does not spoil the whole thing



My husband loves everything tech. His car is new, heaped up, the instructions for it are as thick as War and Peace. Therefore, he wanted to secure his “treasure” as much as possible. Ordered in Delta the most modern system security - 8th generation Delta systems and reinforced hood locks and the “on-board monitor” service. Pleased. Like a child, he plays with it almost every day. And I'm sure he got what he wanted.



The question of arming our clothing store with my husband has long been brewing. Although there is nothing special to take, I think no one wants to be a victim. We chose the simplest tariff from Delta, by the way, the manager Ilya was very polite and courteous. He himself said that in our case it makes no sense to install many sensors or connect additional. services. Satisfied with the work of the system, now life is much calmer



I've been with Delta for a year now. During this time, the salary was indexed, which is very nice in the current economic situation in our country) I like my job, I know that I offer people really good services and equipment, for which I am not ashamed. I myself am a client of my own company)) There were no problems with the work of services or mobile application. By the way, it is very convenient and understandable, the pride of the company)



I have been using Delta services for several years now. During this time, he equipped them with equipment not only all his outlets, but also your house, as well as your mother's apartment. Never let down. Drug addicts tried to get into the house, while my wife and I were on vacation. They didn’t even have time to open anything, only they jumped over the fence, and the employees immediately “accepted” them.



I have been working as a security guard for 5 years, during which time I received a discharge. But sitting or sleeping all night is not my thing. I decided that I want to go to a private security company. Came to Delta. Heard about them from colleagues. Passed the interview, all related checks. It was not easy, but the main thing is to have a goal. I've been working here for six months now. I like this work much more than the previous one. The equipment is new, the car too. Everything is great.



He dreamed of working in the protection of rapid response. I found a vacancy at Delta, came for an interview, but, to my much to my regret- did not fit. I failed to complete special training, as well as pass the exam for obtaining firearms and special means. It turned out that the requirements are very high and incomprehensible for me and my level of training. I had to abandon the idea and look for something similar, but without such strict conditions. it's a pity



After the army, I got a job at DELTA as a guard. I got a 6th category here, good physical shape and discipline helped me after the service. I have been working for 2 years, during this time there was a salary review 3 times. Money is usually not delayed, as well as new equipment



Getting a job as a security guard at Delta LLC is not as easy as at other organizations, because the requirements are quite high. But the pay is good and the working conditions are also good. Of course, you have to work overtime, but it's all paid. Every day, briefing, they teach everything, help to figure it out - the main desire of the employee. About career development in security - I don’t know what the prospects are, while I have been working for 7 months and have not thought about it. Everything else is ok.

During my time in Delta, I learned a lot, for example, to communicate with people and remain calm in stressful situations. The work is really good and interesting, and most importantly, it does not let you get bored. And everything pays well. The working conditions are modern, the office is comfortable.

07.08.19 19:55Moscow cityMarina,

I have been working in Delta for more than two years, I like everything. Excellent attitude of superiors to subordinates, without remarks, if you do your job in good faith. If you work conscientiously, then the attitude is appropriate. The salary is good, there are no delays.

06.08.19 18:11 OmskManager...,

As he got a job in Delta, he immediately solved all his financial problems. At first it was hard, but when I figured it out and got involved in the work, it became very good to sell. In this regard, the Delta is excellent, there are many clients. Among other things, the team for five balls, all excellent guys and professionals do their job.

05.08.19 19:37 Moscow cityTamara

A normal job, a small salary, but a lot of clients - the main thing is to sell and then you will earn a lot. I just recently started, I had no experience before, but they taught me everything and helped me. I especially like the office, convenient and comfortable. Colleagues are also great, friendly and polite.

Until I noticed

29.07.19 19:10Moscow cityNatalya Vasilyeva,

I came to Delta on the advice of a friend who has been working here for a long time. I am very satisfied with my choice. I earn decently, enough for all the needs of life. Work is a pleasure, it is pleasant to work in a friendly team. We have different team building events; last time played paintball. All this comes from the filing of a management that takes care of its subordinates.

11.07.19 00:16 St. PetersburgAnton Smirnov,

1) friendly attitude in the team 2) respectful attitude from employees of other departments 3) decent wages 4) they will always help you if you need 5) earnings without a ceiling 6) free work schedule

1) there are no guarantees (gray salary) 2) they introduce new fines, although this is not very cool - it violates the principle agreement reached upon employment. 3) there is no training (although many employees want it) 4) all the disadvantages of a bloated staff are present, federal company- there is no personal contact with other departments (although this can be a plus at the same time), everyone is only interested in their own work and ...

10.07.19 21:38 KalugaAnonymous

I work as a customer support specialist helping clients with problem solving. I also make requests for an engineer's departure. I like my job, it's nice to help people. The pay is good, the team is nice. The guide will help too. Sometimes there are negative clients, but this is rare. The main thing is to be able to control yourself and everything will be fine.

09.07.19 22:52 Nizhny NovgorodArina,

In Delta, I was met by a friendly and close-knit team. I've been working for over a year now and I'm happy with it. Good wage, comfortable office, adequate bosses. Everyone helps each other, they don’t leave each other in trouble. The job is stressful and requires the ability to remain calm. But I have nothing to complain about.

Online cost calculation

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Console security group of companies Delta

The company "Formula Okhrana" is a partner and official dealer of the group of companies "DELTA" and performs the installation and installation of sets of fire and security alarm systems with the connection of the remote control of the CS "DELTA" with monthly maintenance at the following prices:

Set of security and fire alarms for the apartment

Equipment and installation from 34,500 rubles.

Monthly service burglar alarm from 950 rubles/month.

Monthly service alarm and burglar alarms from 1050 rubles/month.

Set of security and fire alarms for the cottage

Equipment and installation from 66,300 rubles.

Monthly service burglar alarm from 1 990 rub./month.

Monthly maintenance of alarm and burglar alarms from 2,190 rubles/month.

Fire and security alarm starter kit "PROXYMA business"

Equipment and installation from 25,000 rubles.

Monthly service burglar alarm from 4 500 rub./month.

Monthly maintenance of alarm and burglar alarms from 7,500 rubles/month.

Set "Panic button business"

Equipment and installation from 18,000 rubles.

Monthly maintenance from 5,000 rubles / month.

We offer our customers not only remote security services with a connection to the police, but also the installation of remote security guards from the Delta group of private security companies.
Currently, the Delta group of companies consists of 3 enterprises:

  • "Bayard console security"
  • "Strike console security"
  • "Trojan remote security"

The Delta group of companies provides security for more than 4,000 facilities. One of the most reliable ways to protect apartments, houses, offices and other objects is round-the-clock monitoring with connection to the console security of the Delta group of companies. LLC "Formula Okhrana" offers a full range of services from installation and installation of console security to connection and subsequent after-sales service security equipment.
On the modern market of security systems, there are many offers for the protection of apartments, the protection of houses and the protection of offices, in which it is easy for the average consumer to get confused. Tem choice is more important, to whom to entrust the protection of your peace of mind and property. "Formula Okhrany" has all the qualities of a reliable performer and offers you a connection to the security console with a response to the call of the PSC employees:

  • The Delta group of companies includes some of the oldest private security companies in Russia - all of them have solid experience in the console security services market.
  • When connecting console security, we install modern and reliable security equipment, which provides round-the-clock monitoring of protected objects.
  • Delta has its own monitoring station with a console capacity of up to 20,000 objects. The station is located on a sensitive guarded facility in certified center data processing and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The security module is installed at a protected facility and, to increase reliability, communication channels with the monitoring station are duplicated in several ways - via a city telephone, radio frequency, via the Internet, via GSM, CDMA mobile networks.
  • Delta Security Company has its own security school - each private security officer receives at least 240 hours of training. Such a system has become a standard for all training centers of private security companies in Russia.


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