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Dear bidders! We remind you of the need to register suppliers in the EIS in order to create a Unified Register of Procurement Participants (URUZ).

As a reminder, on January 1, 2019, all supplier registries currently maintained by trading platforms (lists of bidders accredited to them) will be merged into Single register Procurement Participants (ERUZ) and will be maintained by the Federal Treasury.

The unified register of procurement participants is a collection of information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs participating in procurement as suppliers. If the information about the participant is not in the register, he will not be able to apply for participation. At the same time, you can get into the register only after registering with the EIS. Accordingly, the UIS reminds procurement participants of the need to perform registration actions.

  • Register in the EIS;
  • Place information in the ERUZ (documents);
  • Get accredited to the ETP.

It is worth noting that you need to be accredited on the site no later than 1 business day from the date of registration in the EIS and ERUZ. In addition, from January 1, it will be possible only for companies that have posted information about themselves in the ERUZ. Plus, during the New Year holidays, accreditation at the ETP will be available only from January 9th. Therefore, it is recommended not to delay registration and accreditation indefinitely in order to New Year brought new contracts, not a headache.

However! Companies that are already accredited on at least one ETP must register with the EIS not before January 1, 2019, but until December 31, 2019, since until that time participation in procurement will be possible if included in any of the registers. The only thing to do is to check the relevance of the information and documents on the ETP (check if there are any outdated data, if something has changed - update the extracts, check the credentials, check if the accreditation period expires).

It is advisable for companies that do not have accreditation, registration and special accounts to do all this before the end of the year in order to enter the new year fully armed.

But here a certain conflict arises - there is no functionality for registration in the EIS yet. The support service cannot give an indication of the timing of its appearance, noting that the participant needs to follow the news. The way out here is not to wait for the module to appear on the EIS, but to get accredited at one of the ETPs right now so that the company information gets into the register of suppliers on this ETP, and then general rule were transferred to the ERUZ. Thus, the company will have a whole year (until 12/31/2019) to register with the EIS.

Another solution is to wait for the registration functionality in the EIS and go through all the steps according to the algorithm described above, but here you need to take into account that in this case participation in the auction may be delayed until all procedures are completed.

Please note that there are currently no legal acts regulating the registration procedure in the EIS. As soon as it appears Additional Information We will definitely update the data. Follow the news!

User registration in the UIS is carried out in strict accordance with a certain procedure approved by the Order of the Treasury of Russia No. 27n dated 12/30/2015. The order itself consists of the main provisions, which approve the regulations for registration procedures and responsible persons, and directly the procedure for registration in the Unified information system in the area of ​​procurement. The document fixes the registration procedure for the following categories of users:

  • Information Systems;
  • organizations, information about which is included in the Consolidated Register;
  • authorized persons of these institutions;
  • legal entities and their representatives.

Order 27n also presents judicial practice aimed at resolving disputes related to the user authorization process in the EIS.

If the customer was registered in the EIS before the entry into force of Procedure No. 27n, then he will have to re-register.

Step-by-step instructions for registering customers in the EIS

Step 3. To start the process of registering a customer under 44-FZ, you need, and from there - to the "Personal Account" section.

The system will automatically redirect the new customer to the registration section of the organization or user in the UIS through the Consolidated list of customers.

If the customer has already been re-registered through the system public services- ESIA, then the EIS will show such a notification.

Step 4. In order for the procedure for the initial registration of the customer to be successful, information about such an organization must be entered in the Consolidated Register indicating the roles of the institution in the Federal Contract System. As soon as the specialist starts the registration, the data from the Consolidated Register is automatically sent to the UIS, after which the IKO is formed - the identification code of the organization.

On the email of the customer specified in the information card of the Consolidated Register, a letter is received confirming the registration of the institution in the system.

In the case of primary registration under 44-FZ for customer organizations from the Consolidated Register, the Unified Information System automatically registers a manager with the appropriate authority. The registered manager card will look like this:

Step 5. After successful registration, you must log in to the customer's personal account according to 44-FZ.

After switching to the LC according to 44-FZ, the system will send a notification.

Step 6. The specialist must perform the "Enter" action in the Section III Order 27n, after that he will be redirected to the personal account of the registered manager. A message about the initial authorization will be displayed on the screen.

The registration procedure for the customer is now complete.

How can a customer register a user under 44-FZ

Authorized persons who must be registered in the EIS to work with the Federal Contract System must also receive and install electronic signature certificates on their PCs.

User registration under 44-FZ is available only to an authorized person with the "Organization Administrator" functionality.

Step 1. A specialist with such authority in their personal account on the page "Registered users of the organization" must select the action "Register user".

Step 3. Then fill in registration form. Everything needs to be filled required fields marked with a red asterisk.

Step 4. After entering the data, the specialist clicks "Register user". The system checks for the completeness and correctness of the entered data and, if there are no errors, sends a message about signing the registration form.

Step 5. After the administrator selects "Continue", the new user will be registered.

How to register a customer under 223-FZ

Step 1. The first actions of a specialist of the customer organization included in the Consolidated Register are similar to working with the registration form under 44-FZ - you need to go to the main page of the UIS, and then to Personal Area according to 223-FZ.

Step 2. The user then selects Section III Order 27n and performs the "Enter" action.

Step 4. The specialist clicks "Continue work" and is redirected to the identification and primary authorization section. Order further action identical to the registration procedure under 44-FZ.

How to register a user under 223-FZ

Now we register a user who will work according to 223-FZ.

Step 1. Registration is automatically performed for new customers according to 223-FZ. If the user of the institution is not found during the initial authorization, the registration form opens.

Step 2. It is necessary to check whether all the information is filled in correctly. If the registration request was generated without errors, then the "Register" action is selected.

User rights and updating data on ESIA registers are set automatically.

Step 3. After completing the procedure, the user receives a message about successful registration under 223-FZ.

How the register of legal entities works according to 223-FZ

From March 1, 2019, the regulations of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1711 dated December 28, 2018 “On the procedure for maintaining the register of legal entities” came into force. The document regulates the rules for maintaining the register of legal entities registered in the EIS within the framework of 223-FZ (part 2 of article 1 223-FZ).

The registry itself is a collection of data on registered legal entities with the following information about customers:

  • full or short name;
  • organizational and legal form;
  • address;
  • other information specified during registration.

To find the desired customer in the list, enter its name or registration codes in the search bar - TIN, KPP, PSRN.

The list is kept in in electronic format in the EIS by specialists of the Russian Treasury. When access is terminated for a customer organization under 223-FZ, information about it is excluded from the register within three working days.

In order to be able to publish orders on the site of the official website of public procurement of the Russian Federation (, hereinafter referred to as the Site), the organization must go through the registration and authorization procedure on this resource.

Persons acting as potential suppliers under the law "On the contract system in the field of procurement ..." dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ) from 01.01.2019 must be registered in the EIS. Persons accredited on the trading platform must be registered before the end of 2019 (clause 47, article 112 of Law No. 44-FZ). During 2019, operators of electronic platforms must make it impossible to submit applications by persons who have not been registered with the EIS 3 months before the end of the accreditation period this person on the site (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 N 1752).

At the same time, regions may have their own supplier portals (for example, the UAIST Supplier Portal subsystem in Moscow), but this practice is not widespread, therefore, this article is not considered.

There are several main stages of the registration procedure:

  • Obtaining and installation of an electronic digital signature key (hereinafter - EDS) by the organization. We also recommend reading the article “The procedure for obtaining an EDS for public procurement (nuances)”.
  • Registration of an organization and its representative who will act as an administrator in the unified information system of the Site (hereinafter referred to as the UIS).
  • Registration of other UIS users from this organization who have an EDS.
  • Setting up access for UIS users who do not have the functions of an organization administrator.

Where can I find the user guide for registering on the public procurement website

The registration procedure for both the organization itself and its representatives is described in detail in the following documents:

  • UIS user manual (at the time of preparation of this article, version 9.0 of the manual is current) - for placing orders within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • user manual for the UIS, developed in accordance with the Procedure for registering legal entities ..., approved. by a joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Treasury of Russia dated August 10, 2012 No. 506/13n (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 506) - for placing orders within the framework of Law No. 223-FZ;
  • User Guide for the EIS in terms of registration and accreditation of participants, developed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 No. 1752 (hereinafter referred to as the Guide);
  • instructions for registering organizations and users in the UIS (hereinafter referred to as the instruction), created on the basis of the provisions of the order of the Treasury of Russia dated December 30, 2015 No. 27n (hereinafter referred to as order No. 27n).

Obtaining an EDS

Before starting the registration procedure on the public procurement website (it does not matter under which law - No. 44-FZ or 223-FZ), you must obtain an electronic signature tool with a qualification verification key certificate (see clause 2, article 5 of law No. 44-FZ , clause 18, article 4 of Law No. 223-FZ, clause 1.5 of Order No. 27n).

An EDS can be obtained at the certification center of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation or at certification centers accredited by the named executive authority of the Russian Federation (clauses of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation" dated 02.06.2008 No. 418). The list of such accredited certification centers is published on the official website of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation on the Internet.

The persons who need to obtain an EDS are (see clauses 4.1-4.3 of Order No. 27n):

  • the head of the organization (i.e. a person who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of this legal entity, according to information from the Unified state register legal entities);
  • any employee of the organization who needs access to the EIS.

The form and list of information included in the EDS verification key certificate are regulated by clause 2 of Art. 14, paragraph 2 of Art. 17 of the Law "On Electronic Signature" dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 63-FZ). In particular, they include the surname, name, patronymic, SNILS and TIN of the authorized person - the owner of the qualification certificate.

The technical side of the issue of installing a certificate is described in detail in the instructions, in the section "Instructions for setting up a workstation".

Registration on the public procurement website under federal law No. 44-FZ

In accordance with Order No. 27n (clause 1.3-1.4), organizations included in the consolidated register (i.e., the register of participants in the budget process), approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 23, 2014 No. 163, are registered in the EIS by the Federal Treasury.

Registration of organizations that are not subject to inclusion in the consolidated register is carried out after the named legal entities have passed the identification and authentication procedure on the public services website.

A detailed description of the procedure for registering organizations and their representatives in the EIS is contained in the following sources:

  • in sections III-V of order No. 27n;
  • in paragraph 2 of the instruction;
  • in paragraph 2 of the guide.

At the same time, registration in the EIS of an organization subject to entry in the consolidated register is carried out in automatic mode after receiving the EIS information from the consolidated register. At this stage, the identification code of the customer is generated and a letter of registration of the organization in the EIS is sent to the e-mail address specified by the organization when applying for entry into the consolidated register.

Next, the head of the enterprise must enter his personal account on the official website of public procurement and fill out the registration form for the administrator of the organization. Entry into the EIS is carried out using the EDS verification key certificate. If the specified form is filled out correctly, the registration of the administrator will take place automatically (clause 4.3 of order No. 27n).

Legal entities, information about which is not subject to inclusion in the consolidated register, are registered by the head on the website of public services in the section "Registration of legal entities", after which the administrator of the organization enters his personal account in the EIS for authorization (select the icon "Personal account 44-FZ").

Read about how to work with public procurement.

Registration on the public procurement website under federal law No. 223-FZ

To work with the UIS in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 223-FZ, legal entities, information about which should not be included in the consolidated register, must go through the registration procedure in the Registration of Legal Entities section (clauses 1.1, 1.4 of Order No. 506, clause 1.4 Order No. 27n).

The specified data is checked for correctness by the public services portal system, and if the results of the check are positive, the legal entity is included in the register of legal entities, and the head of such a legal entity is included in the register of individuals.

After that, an authorized person who has the rights of an administrator or additional administrator must go through the authorization procedure in his personal account in the UIS system (select the icon "Personal account 223-FZ").

The entrance is made by using a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key (clause 1.5 of order No. 506).

After successful completion of the authorization procedure, the registration form of the organization appears in the EIS, which is filled in automatically based on data from the information system of the public services portal. It is necessary to check the correctness of its filling and click the "Register" icon.

In relation to organizations, information about which is subject to entry into the consolidated register, the procedure described in Section III of Order No. 27n is applied.

In case of successful registration and authorization, a notification about this will be sent to the e-mail specified when sending the application for registration of the organization. To confirm registration, the administrator of the organization must follow the link contained in this letter.

After that, other employees of the organization can be registered, who will need access to the UIS in the future.

Thus, the registration process on the public procurement portal under laws No. 44-FZ and 223-FZ is generally similar and involves separate stages of registration:

  • the organization itself;
  • administrator / additional administrator of the organization;
  • other employees of the organization.

Prior to the registration procedure in the UIS, it is necessary to issue and obtain an electronic digital signature in the authorized federal executive body (Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation) or in certification centers accredited by it.

Konstantin Edelev, expert of the State Order System

From August 14, 2019, the procedure for calculating fines under 44-FZ was changed: the requirement for fixed amount, reduced the penalty for SMP and SONO. In the article you will find all the current rules. Working with a penalty will be simplified by examples of wording and judicial practice.

Information about the concluded contract is posted by the customer in the EIS within three working days from the date of conclusion of the contract (part 3 of article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ).

What information and how to place in the register of contracts

Customers who have concluded, changed, performed, terminated the contract send information to the register of contracts. The Federal Treasury maintains a register of contracts in electronic form in Russian. Customers have the right to use letters of the Latin alphabet if they indicate the surname, name, patronymic of foreign individuals, the names of foreign legal entities and trademarks.

The register of contracts consists of register entries. The Treasury generates or changes entries based on the information and documents provided by the customer and places the entries in the EIS.

The rules by which customers and the Federal Treasury interact are established in the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 24, 2014 No. 136n, hereinafter - Order No. 136n.

The rules by which the register of contracts is maintained are established in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1084, hereinafter - Rules No. 1084.

The documents were amended by Government Decree No. 443 dated April 13, 2017 and Order No. 12n dated January 31, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance.

Rules No. 1084 are guided by:

  • customers in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 3 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • legal entities that conduct procurement under part 4 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • legal entities that are specified in part 5 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ. At the same time, there is an agreement on the participation of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipality owned by such legal entities. The contract specifies that the legal entity provides information and documents that are included in the register of contracts;
  • legal entities from part 6 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ. At the same time, legal entities provide information and documents that are included in the register of contracts on behalf of government agencies, management bodies of state non-budgetary funds, bodies local government, the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" within the limits of the powers that they received on the basis of agreements.

This is stated in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Regulation No. 1084.

What documents and information are included in the register

The list of documents and information that is sent to the register of contracts depends on the actions of the customer. Send information and documents electronically using the EIS functionality and sign with enhanced electronic signature.

During three working days from the moment you signed the contract, send information and documents to the Treasury:

  1. name of the customer;
  2. source of financing;
  3. method of determining the supplier;
  4. the date when the results of the procurement were summed up;
  5. details of the documents that confirm the basis for the conclusion of the contract (for example, the date and number of the protocol for the consideration and evaluation of applications for participation in the tender);
  6. date of conclusion of the contract;
  7. contract number (if any). Before the number of the contract for the state defense order, specify the identifier of the state contract through the symbol "/". If there is no government contract number, indicate only the contract identifier;
  8. purchase object;
  9. the price of the contract with an advance payment, if any;
  10. term of the contract;
  11. unit price of goods, work or services;
  12. Name, brand name, location - for legal entity;
  13. surname, name, patronymic (if any) and place of residence - for individual. An exception is information about an individual - a supplier of cultural property, including museum items and museum collections, as well as rare and valuable publications, manuscripts, archival documents;
  14. TIN of the supplier, contractor, performer or its equivalent - for a foreign person. An exception is information about an individual - a supplier of cultural property, including museum items and museum collections, as well as rare and valuable publications, manuscripts, archival documents;
  15. information about quality assurance - if available;
  16. a copy of the contract, which is signed with an enhanced unqualified electronic signature of the customer;
  17. procurement identification code;
  18. decision of the medical commission with depersonalized personal data (clause 7, part 2, article 83, clause 28, part 1, article 93 of Law No. 44-FZ);
  19. name of the country of origin of the goods, if the national regime is applied during the purchase (clause 20 of Order No. 136n).

If you are purchasing medicines, in the description of the procurement object, additionally indicate:

  • Name;
  • registration certificate number and name of its owner;
  • the name of the drug manufacturer;
  • form, dosage, number of dosage forms in consumer packaging.

This is stated in paragraph 2 of Regulation No. 1084.

Journal "" is a magazine, on the pages of which leading industry experts give practical explanations, and the materials are prepared with the participation of specialists from the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Finance. All journal articles are highest degree reliability.


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