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The article will talk about flexible working hours. What is it, what are its positive and negative sides how to draw up a contract - further.

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Many trade and manufacturing enterprises work seven days a week, and the working day lasts the wrong 8 hours. It is called " flexible schedule work". What does he represent?

Basic information

AT Russian Federation there is a law according to which a person has the right to work according to such a schedule that suits him.

Only if the employer does not mind it. It can be applied to a certain category of citizens, for example, for students or.

Despite all this, with a flexible schedule, there must also be discipline. Employees must be at the workplace for a certain time.

This does not include a lunch break. It's the same work week, only working time can last not only 8 hours, but also 4 hours, and 12 hours.

Guarantees for employees are the same - holidays, weekends, sick days and maternity leave. The main feature of the system is that the employee has the right to independently choose the duration of the working day.

For a specific period, he is obliged to perform the specified amount of work. A flexible schedule helps solve a lot of problems:

This system is not for everyone. If there is no experience, necessary qualifications and level of responsibility, the schedule will not work.

Consider an example of a daily routine with the following work schedule:

fixed time From 11 am to 5 pm
variable time From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Lunch break From 13:00 to 14:00

When introducing a flexible work schedule, restrictions should be adhered to - you cannot enter a schedule for 3-shift work, at the junction of shifts, if work is carried out outside the enterprise (, meetings, conferences).

With a sliding work schedule, it is also provided in case of violations:

The labor process is controlled by the head of the organization or an employee of the personnel department.

Flexible working hours are established if working conditions it is not possible to set a schedule with the normal operating mode.

When the size is determined wages, should take into account the hourly tariff rate or monthly salary. Hours worked are multiplied by the wage rate.

If the established monthly norm has not been worked out, the salary for the month is divided by the number of working hours for the month and multiplied by the time actually worked. The employer is obliged to correctly draw up documents for the employee.

If they are drawn up incorrectly, during the inspection of the labor inspectorate, the employer may be held liable in the form of a fine or suspended manufacturing process organization for 90 days.

If an employee wants to work according to such a schedule, but the employer does not see the need for this and refuses him, it will be legal - no agreement has been reached.

The managing person has the right to introduce a rolling schedule, but is not obliged to do so.

There is a situation in which the employer does not have the right to refuse - if the employee has a minor child or a disabled child. Parents have the right to work part-time.

What it is

A flexible work schedule is a way of distributing work activities that allows an employee to independently set the length of the working day - its beginning and end.

What are they

Can exist in an organization in one of 3 forms. Varieties of flexible working hours are:

Sliding A well-established system that alternates weekends and workdays. The duration is not like the traditional schedule (5 working, 2 days off). The following cycles are applied - 2 working - 2 days off, 3 working - 3 days off, 1 day working - 3 days off
in shifts An employee works in a specific shift, the duration of which is from 5 hours to 12 hours. During the day, the organization has several shifts, for example, from 7.00 to 15.00 and from 15.00 to 23.00. There is also a night shift - from 23.00 to 7 in the morning. Getting a job, a person independently chooses a shift
Free In which the employee is not put forward requirements regarding the time spent in the organization

The legislative framework

Rotating work schedule is adjustable.

The conclusion of the contract is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Submission.
  2. Familiarization with regulations and contracts.
  3. Signing an agreement.
  4. Edition.
  5. Registration of a work book.
  6. Issuance of a personal card of an employee.
  7. Recording in .

An order to establish a flexible schedule and an agreement on a new mode of work (if the employee previously worked in the main mode) should be attached to the contract.

What are the benefits

A flexible schedule has benefits for both the employer and the employee. A person has the opportunity to independently plan his working day.

Video: Big Brother Attendance Software, Office Flexibility

Work activity can be combined with personal affairs without involving the employer in this. This is a great opportunity to avoid stress - due to problems with transport, communication with colleagues.

Can be combined with study. For employers, the benefits are:

  • saving money on renting premises, paying bills and other expenses;
  • the ability to attract qualified workers who are in another city;
  • the result of the work is paid, not the time;
  • reduction in staff turnover.

with rolling holidays

The staggered work schedule also includes days off. But they will not be standard and fixed - any 2 days a week.

They may not be sequential, for example, Tuesday and Friday. Weekends fall on different days every week.

Options for students

Work for students with flexible is divided into 2 types - for smart and not very smart.

The first option involves a job that will help develop, for example, an advertising agent, manager, insurance agent, and so on.

The second option does not provide for any development, but allows you to earn solid money. This is a job as a courier with a flexible schedule, a loader, a cleaner, and so on.

There is nothing shameful in this, especially for those who want to earn money on their own without experience. Work will allow you to relax and distract from the educational process.

The ideal option would be an internship at the one for which the student is studying.

This is a great opportunity not only to earn money, but also to acquire skills and apply knowledge in practice.

Flexible working hours are the least common type of time tracking. At the same time, the use of such a regime in some cases is a measure to encourage employees of the organization.

This material summarizes all available practice in the field of flexible working hours.

The flexible working time regime is used in cases where, for any reason (domestic, social, etc.), the use of regular work schedules is difficult or ineffective, and also when this ensures more economical use of working time.

Flexible working hours can be applied for 5-day and 6-day working week, as well as in combination with other modes of operation (part five of article 128 Labor Code RB (hereinafter - TK)).

A record of working in flexible working hours in work book they do not (part six of article 128 of the Labor Code).

When applying the flexible working time regime for an employee, you can set:

Fixed time when he is necessarily at the workplace.

Variable working hours at the beginning and end of the working day (shift), within which the employee has the right to start and end work at his own discretion (i.e., the beginning and end of work can be “floating”). This allows him to manage his time more freely.

The regime of flexible working hours for employees must be developed based on the operating mode of the organization and determined by the rules of the internal work schedule or work schedule (shift).

The decision to apply the flexible working time regime is made by the employer on individual or collective requests in agreement with the trade union (if any (part two of article 128 of the Labor Code)).

If a pass system has been introduced in an organization, a note is made in the passes of employees with a flexible working time regime that they work with such a regime or a special insert is issued for the pass (part three of article 128 of the Labor Code).

When performing work outside the organization (for example, a business trip), flexible working hours should not be applied, and time tracking should be applied at the place of a business trip.

The procedure for introducing flexible working hours

When introducing flexible working hours, consider the following rules:

Employees must be notified one month in advance, as well as familiarized with the conditions and specifics of work under such a regime;
- maximum duration work during the working day should not exceed 9 hours;
- the sum of hours of working time for the accounting period must be equal to the norm of hours for the same period;
- when performing work outside the organization (for example, when sent on a business trip), flexible working hours are not applied.

Conditions for applying flexible working hours

Flexible working hours can be applied subject to the following conditions:

Mandatory daily presence at work of individual employees or employees of the entire structural unit of the organization in a certain part of the working day, which serves to ensure the normal rhythm of the work of the entire unit and maintain the necessary contacts between employees and managers, as well as external contacts;
- obligatory working out by each employee of the number of hours determined by the legislation either during the working week or month, depending on the accepted in this work collective accounting period;
- ensuring accurate accounting of hours worked, the fulfillment of tasks by each employee and rational use working time.

Such a mode of working time takes into account the interests of production, will not lead to complications in the work of the organization, and will not disrupt the normal activity and rhythm of production without distorting external relations.

The duration of the accounting period cannot exceed one calendar year. The accounting period can be determined by calendar periods (month, quarter), other periods.

With an accounting period equal to a working week or more, the employee must be given a summary accounting of working time simultaneously with the introduction of a flexible time regime.

In the time sheet, mark the actual hours worked during each working day.

Composition of flexible working hours

Flexible working hours include:

Fixed time - the time of obligatory presence at work of all those working according to the flexible working hours in this division of the enterprise. In terms of duration, this is the main part of the working day;
- variable (flexible) time - the time at the beginning and end of the working day (shift), within which the employee has the right to start and finish work at his own discretion;
- a break for meals and rest, which usually divides the fixed time into 2 approximately equal parts. Its actual duration should not be included in working hours;
- the duration (type) of the accounting period, which determines the calendar time (month, week, etc.) during which each employee must work out the norm of working hours established by law.

All elements of flexible working hours are established in the work schedule.


Flexible working hours of the leading designer Ivanov I.I. with an accounting period, a month might look like this:

- fixed time - from 11.00 to 17.00;
- variable time- from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 17.00 to 18.00;
- lunch break - from 13.00 to 14.00.

The duration of the fixed time and other parts of the variable time shall be determined taking into account the wishes of the employees.

Flexible working time options

Options for flexible working hours are defined by Art. 129 TK.

The following main variants of flexible working time regimes are possible depending on the length of the accounting period:

An accounting period equal to a working day, when its duration, provided for by law, is fully worked out on the same day;
- an accounting period equal to a working week, when its duration, set in working hours, is fully worked out in a given working week;
- an accounting period equal to a working month, when a certain monthly norm of working hours is fully worked out in a given month.

In some cases, a working decade, a working quarter from similar conditions working hours and other options for flexible working hours that are convenient for the employer and employees.

Restrictions on the introduction of flexible working hours

Flexible working hours do not apply in the following cases:

In discontinuous productions;
- in conditions of 3-shift work;
- with 2-shift work, if there are no vacant jobs;
- at the junctions of shifts;
- when performing work outside the organization (business trip, participation in meetings, conferences, etc.).

In addition, the possibilities for the use of flexible working hours in individual organizations may be limited in accordance with the law (Article 131 of the Labor Code).

Opportunities for the use of flexible working time regimes in individual organizations (their structural divisions) may also be limited:

Conditions of intra-production cooperation and external relations of the organization;
- the characteristics of the work of certain categories of workers and the nature of the functions they perform;
- lack of due order in the regulation of labor and accounting of working time;
- low level of organization of labor and production, poor labor discipline;
- special labor protection conditions, as well as other conditions and features of production.

The procedure for establishing a flexible working time regime

The flexible working time regime is established by the employer at individual or collective requests (part two of article 128 of the Labor Code). There are no special requirements for the form of expression of such a request. It can be both oral and written (for example, in the form of a statement).

When concluding an employment contract, it is advisable for a potential employee to reflect a request for the establishment of a flexible working time regime in an application for employment. If it is necessary to establish a flexible working time regime in the course of work, then it can be issued in the form of a separate application.

See the “Useful Documentation” section on p. 25 magazine.

Since the regime of work and rest of the employee, which differs from general rules established by the employer is a mandatory condition of the employment contract (part two of article 19 of the Labor Code), then in connection with the establishment of the flexible working time regime, changes are made to labor contract(Contract).

For a sample additional agreement to the contract on the establishment of flexible working hours, see the “Useful Documentation” section on p. 26 magazines.

Cases of transition to normal operation

You have the right to transfer an employee from flexible working hours to a generally established mode of work (Article 130 of the Labor Code).

An employee can be transferred from a flexible working time regime to a generally established work regime:

In case of production necessity - temporarily for a period of up to one month;
- in case of violation by the employee of the accepted regime - for a period of up to 3 months, and in case of repeated violation - for a period of at least 2 years.

The transfer to the normal working hours in this case may be an additional measure of responsibility in addition to disciplinary actions(reprimand, remark);

In the event of a systematic violation by employees of a structural unit of the rules governing work in flexible working hours, an authorized official of the employer must translate this structural subdivision to the general mode of operation.

For a sample order for a temporary transfer to normal operation, see the “Useful Documentation” section on p. 27 magazines.

When transferring from flexible working hours to the generally established working hours due to production needs, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the law and warn the employee in writing about the temporary cancellation of flexible working hours. In case of refusal to continue work due to a change essential conditions labor contract is terminated under paragraph 5 of Art. 35 TK.

See the “Useful Documentation” section on p. 26 magazines.

Irregular working hours - special working hours

In conclusion, let's pay attention to such a concept as "irregular working day".

In practice, this is a special mode of operation, according to which individual workers may, if necessary, occasionally, by written or oral order (instruction), resolution of the employer or on their own initiative, with the knowledge of the employer or his authorized official, perform their labor duties outside the established norm of working hours (Article 118-1 of the Labor Code).

Possible overwork in connection with this in excess of the normal working time should not be considered overtime work and compensate for the provision of additional leave for irregular working hours. The categories of employees who are not allowed to establish an irregular working day are determined by the Government or a body authorized by it.

For employees with irregular working hours, the employer, at his own expense, may establish additional leave for an irregular working day of up to 7 calendar days. The procedure, conditions for granting and the duration of this leave are determined by the collective or labor contract, the employer (Article 158 of the Labor Code).

Based on the foregoing, you can make an informed decision on the advisability of establishing a flexible working time regime for managers and specialists of an organization that has a time-based form of remuneration (earnings are determined based on the established official salaries, the number of working days per month and the number of actually worked days), and at the same time irregular working hours for the specified categories of workers.

Alexander Shkel, labor economist

Consider in the article how to introduce flexible working hours at the request of an employee, taking into account recent changes in legislation.

In the article:

Documents on the topic from the experts of "System Personnel":

An employee may apply for flexible working hours. For example, he needs to combine work with education, take care of children, and so on. If the company is ready to accommodate the employee, it is important to consider that he does not have the right to dictate his terms. The parameters of work in the flexible working hours are determined by agreement of the parties (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In order not to disrupt the production process, agree with the employee on the time when he must be present at the workplace and work a fixed number of hours for the accounting period.

How to establish flexible working hours

Obtain an application from the employee for flexible working hours. To make adjustments to the working hours, the employee submits an application to the employer in any form (sample below). In it, the employee indicates the reason why he needs to establish a flexible working hours, the desired characteristics of the working hours, in particular the period for which he asks to establish a flexible working hours. You can change the work schedule both for a period, for example, for a month or six months, or indefinitely.

Download sample application

Working in flexible working hours: pros and cons

When deciding whether to give an employee flexible working hours, consider the pros and cons of this regime.

Advantages and disadvantagesflexible working hours



Flexible working hours are convenient in cases where the organization is not interested in the process, but in the specific result of work (for example, IT or creative employees)

There is a need to establish and maintain a summarized record of working time, which in practice causes difficulties for many

The efficiency of the work of employees increases, as they have the opportunity to independently choose a convenient working time

It is necessary to strictly fix the start and end time of the employee's work day every day.

The motivation and loyalty of employees is growing. Since such a regime means an improvement in working conditions, employees treat it as a sign of special trust on the part of the employer

Despite the fact that the beginning, end or total duration of the working day (shift) are determined by agreement of the parties (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), specific hours of coming to work (leaving work) may not be prescribed in the employment contract. For example, they reflect that the employee must arrive no later than 13.00 and fix the total length of the working day. As a result, this leads to the fact that the employee can come at 11.00 and 12.00. This circumstance weakens the control over the work of employees.

What is the flexible working hours regime: main characteristics

The employer considers the employee's application and agrees with him the final characteristics of the flexible working time regime (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Flexible working hours consist of four elements:

  • a fixed time when an employee must be present at his workplace;
  • variable (flexible) time within which the employee can start work and finish it at his own discretion;
  • a break for rest and food, which, as a rule, breaks a fixed time into parts;
  • the duration of the accounting period within which the employee undertakes to work out the norm of hours determined for him.

Fixed time duration occupies the bulk of the working day. As a rule, it falls in the middle of the day. Such time is necessary to ensure the normal course of work, official contacts with employees of other departments and management.

Note! The ability to apply flexible working hours should be enshrined in the internal labor regulations (Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Variable (flexible) time is provided in the morning and evening hours. It enables the employee to work the required total number of working hours in the accounting period.

Important! A break for rest and meals should be at least 30 minutes and not more than 2 hours. Such a break is not included in working hours (part one, article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

With a flexible schedule, the employee is set a summarized accounting of working time. The accounting period can be a working day, week, month, quarter, and so on. At the same time, the duration of the accounting period should not exceed one year, and for workers employed in harmful or hazardous working conditions, general rule, - more than three months (part one, article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When the accounting period, for example, is a month, then working days can be of different lengths. In a month, an employee must work exactly as many hours as required by the monthly rate. according to the production calendar .

Flexible working hours in an employment contract: sample

Fix flexible working hours in the employment contract. If flexible working hours are established for a new employee, then he is fixed in employment contract . This must be done, since the working hours of a particular employee will differ from the general rules in force in the organization.

When the regime is changed for an already working employee, an additional agreement is drawn up (paragraph 5, part two, article 57.72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (sample below). It indicates the date and place of the agreement, the full and abbreviated (if any) company name, last name, first name, patronymic of the representative of the employer and the document on the basis of which he acts (charter, power of attorney, etc.), last name, first name, patronymic of the employee.

The contract or supplementary agreement indicates the period. on which a flexible schedule was introduced (if it is introduced on certain period). Also reflect the duration of the selected accounting period. With flexible working hours, the employment contract determines variable time, fixed time, the duration of the break for rest and meals.

Additional agreement to the employment contract. Applying flexible working hours

Download Sample

Flexible working hours: order to change the mode

After you sign an additional agreement with the employee, issue an order in any form to change the working hours. In the order, reflect the date from which you enter the flexible working time regime for the employee, the expiration date of such a regime, if it is introduced for a certain period.

The employer must take into account the working time that each employee worked (part four of article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For this you can apply unified forms timesheets No. T-12, No. T-13 or others developed by the company independently (Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of January 5, 2004 No. 1). The main thing is that the forms contain all the required details.

In order to understand how much an employee worked for each day, they record the time when he came and left every day. This can be done manually, for example, to keep a special log and enter all information about the working hours of employees into it. The time sheet is filled out on the basis of information from the journal. In addition, you can use the data of automated time tracking systems. They accurately record when an employee came to work and left it.

Thus, we looked at how to set up flexible working hours. We found out what the main elements of this regime are, how to reflect the flexible working time regime in an employment contract and order.

Flexible working hours can be established at the request of the employee. Working hours are determined by agreement of the parties. An additional agreement is drawn up to the main employment contract, the employer issues an order and provides accurate accounting of the employee's working time.

Today, most trade and manufacturing enterprises work seven days a week, and the employee's working day is far from the standard eight hours. Striving for maximum efficient use resources, plants, factories and transport enterprises do not stop their activities even at night.

The shops, shopping centers and pavilions, following the lead of consumers, are open ten, twelve hours a day (or even more). To ensure the smooth operation of such organizations, staff are offered flexible working hours. This is the only way to avoid overwork of employees, as well as to maintain the quality of products and services at the proper level.

Varieties of flexible working hours

A flexible schedule in an enterprise can exist in one of three forms:

  1. Sliding. It is a well-established system that includes a sequence of working days and days off. However, the duration of the cycle differs from the traditional one (5 working days, 2 days off). The following cycles are often used: 2 working days, 2 days off; 3 working days, 3 days off or one day working, 3 days off. The work order of an electrician in a metallurgical enterprise is an example of a flexible work schedule on a sliding system. His working week (cycle) lasts 5 days, while in the first calendar week his days off will be Thursday and Friday, and in the second - Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday.
  2. shift. The employee is "attached" to any shift lasting from five to twelve hours. During the day, several shifts can work at the enterprise. For example, the first one starts at 7:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm, the second one runs from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm. There may also be a night shift, from 23:00 to 7:00. Entering a job, a person selects a shift that would suit him from the point of view of biological rhythm or life circumstances.
  3. Free. This is a flexible schedule in which the employee is not subject to daily requirements regarding the time frame for staying at the enterprise. Such a system of work organization involves the development of a larger amount of work for a week or a month.

Flexible schedule and its features

Finally, "owls" and "larks" will be able to build a working day, taking into account their personal sleep and wake patterns. The system of organizing an individual working day is rapidly gaining popularity. What does flexible working hours mean? This is not the option in which a person can come to workplace only when he wants to. The employer simply provides the employee with a certain amount of work and indicates a deadline, or offers the opportunity to work the required number of hours at a convenient time for the subordinate.

For decades, many countries in Europe have been using flexible working hours. This is a practice that allows you to significantly save working time and use labor resources more efficiently. In the domestic labor market, such a system is considered a novelty, which is being introduced by the most progressive and modern companies.

Flexible Schedule Rules

As much as some workers may want freedom, flexible working hours are a system that relies on control and discipline. Employees hired on a flexible schedule are required to be in the office or at the enterprise for a certain number of hours (excluding lunch breaks).

That is, a flexible work schedule is the same duration of the working week (for example, 40 hours), but the working day or shift can be 8, 4, 12 hours. Social guarantees for employees hired under such a system remain common: days off, annual paid leave, sick leave and maternity payments.

Why flexible scheduling is attractive to performers

The peculiarity of such a system is that the employee can independently choose the beginning, duration and end of his working day. At the same time, for a certain accounting period (day, week, month), he is obliged to perform a specific amount of work or stay at the workplace for the number of hours specified in the agreement (contract).

A flexible work contract is a great motivator for many creative people(designers, copywriters), as well as for those who combine work in an enterprise with other responsibilities (mothers with small children, students, caregivers of the elderly or sick people).

Benefits of flexible time tracking

Such a schedule is appropriate only when the production process does not require the simultaneous presence of all team members at the workplace. An example is the organization of advertising agencies, web studios and other companies that use the creative abilities of staff.

The individual biorhythms of various employees may not coincide with the traditional distribution of working hours (8:00-17:00), as a result of which the peak of activity of some people remains outside this range. What does a flexible work schedule mean for such people, if not the opportunity to use their physical and mental abilities more productively?

The company also benefits from the relative freedom of its employees: the number of hours of inefficient use of labor potential is significantly reduced. Employees present at the workplace are really busy with their work, and do not “sit out their pants” waiting for the final call.

What company problems does a flexible schedule solve?

The use of a flexible schedule helps eliminate many of the shortcomings inherent in the traditional form of personnel management, as well as increase the rating of the enterprise in the eyes of specialists. The reasons why managers implement a flexible work schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Lateness, absenteeism and unauthorized departure of the employee become impossible, since the accounting of hours worked occurs automatically.
  • The organization becomes more interesting for really valuable specialists.
  • The convenience of the system for those categories of citizens who cannot work during normal hours (work for students).
  • A flexible schedule helps to increase the level of responsibility of employees. It is suitable for those organizations in which it is not the labor process that matters, but its result. Employees are interested in completing the task in a shorter time or even overfulfilling the plan based on increased earnings.

  • It is impossible not to mention this psychological aspect, as a sense of freedom that gives employees a flexible schedule. Feeling the trust of management and being perfectly motivated by this circumstance, employees show much better results.

However, not all categories of employees can work with a flexible schedule. No work experience, no required qualifications, high level responsibility and the presence of self-discipline to take an attractive position and enjoy the privileges of free visits is almost unrealistic.

Disadvantages of Flexible Schedule

The introduction at the enterprise of a non-standard schedule for recording working hours requires the manager to be foresight and attentive to many details:

  1. It is necessary to organize a clear automated system control of employees in order to be able to record the time of their arrival at work and the end of the working period.
  2. In addition to time control, you need to provide ways to monitor the quality of work. If an employee tends to delay doing his or her job duties and accumulate outstanding tasks, the manager must find out about it in time. Otherwise, delays, missed deadlines, and poorly completed tasks cannot be avoided.
  3. It is necessary to think over the algorithm of actions of employees in cases where it is necessary to join specialists working in different departments. Some managers prefer to schedule large meetings for a specific time with the mandatory presence of all employees. Of course, not everyone will be delighted, but this step is necessary for effective work over the implementation of large projects.


Thus, the introduction of flexible working hours should be carefully considered and justified from the point of view of effectiveness. A timely and competent transition to the use of such a system can attract good specialists to the company, as well as significantly increase performance indicators.

The work schedule is slowly but surely undergoing significant changes. Increasingly, employers are setting flexible working hours for their employees (for example, in the form of a reduced working day, if working conditions leave much to be desired). This system labor was adopted earlier. But it concerned only creative professions. Now, most employees prefer to work, determining their own working hours, including rest breaks. An employer interested in the final result is happy to accept the new rules. A reasonable question arises, how to properly arrange contract of employment with an employee (especially if there is a need to change the work schedule).

Flexible working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The organization of working time according to a flexible schedule and its accounting lies entirely with the employer. The basics of such accounting are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 102. Depending on the type of activity of the hired employee, the schedule may be:

  • Sliding. This is the most common form of labor regime, when an employee works out the prescribed number of hours at a time convenient for him.
  • Free. For those employees whose work it is not possible to take into account. For example, entertainers, artists, sculptors.

During employment, the parties discuss the issue of a possible schedule and come to a mutual decision.

Who is eligible for flexible working hours?

Mobile working hours are often set for people working in a creative environment. But this is not the only industry where such labor systems are used. Today, more and more office workers of different levels are switching to a non-fixed work schedule. On the state enterprises maintaining such a regime is often very problematic. But commercial organizations happy to set such schedules for many of their employees.

How to set flexible working hours - how to apply

To establish a special schedule for an employee, you can resort to two main methods:

  • Employment establishment.
  • Change in the employment contract.

In both cases, this is possible if the chosen mode is agreed by the parties.
Accounting for the established regime is carried out according to a scheme convenient for the employer. It can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or even yearly.

How to write flexible working hours in an employment contract?

An employment contract is a document that is strictly regulated and does not tolerate approximation. In the agreement, the employer is obliged to provide and indicate all the nuances. To do this, it is necessary in the section describing the working conditions to include specific instructions on the beginning, end and duration of work.

The established schedule can be described using the following points:

  • Fixed hours when the mandatory attendance must be 100%.
  • The range of floating hours, when the employee himself determines the mode.
  • Amount of hours per week.

Sample application for flexible working hours

To transfer to an individual schedule, the employee must write an application for its establishment. This can be done when applying for an organization by adding the appropriate item to the application for admission. It is also possible to write an application later, already working on a fixed schedule.

The application must indicate:

  • Start date of the new labor accounting.
  • Describe the desired schedule or express your desire in a general phrase.

For the correct execution of the application, it is also necessary to indicate the reason for such a transition. If it took place after official employment.

Sample order for the establishment of flexible working hours

The request made in the employee's statement comes into force only after the issuance of an order with a corresponding order from the head of the organization.

In the order, the director of the enterprise must indicate:

  • Name of the employee to whom it applies.
  • Date of introduction of the new schedule.
  • The duration of the working week and day.
  • Lunch hours.

Compensation for flexible working hours

Remuneration is based on the number of hours worked by the employee. Hours worked are calculated on the basis of the accounting journal and the compiled monthly time sheet. When accounting for hours worked quarterly or more, a fixed salary can be accrued on a monthly basis. In the month of the final calculation, a total calculation of hours is made, according to the results of which an addition to the salary or subtraction is made.

Flexible working hours example

For a clear example of mobile accounting, let's take an employment contract for a cleaner of entrances. With a total week of 40 hours, she is given the opportunity to independently regulate her involvement in work.

But the employer also set fixed limits for the cleaner:

  • Work must be done on weekdays only.
  • Saturday and Sunday are designated days off.
  • Fixed hours from 10.00 to 14.00.
  • Break from 14.00 to 15.00.
  • Floating hours from 08.00 to 10.00 and 14.00 to 20.00.

To calculate the work done on a flexible schedule, the employer maintains a summarized account on a monthly basis.


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