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A resume is one of the most important steps in a job application. It is according to this document that HR managers conduct an initial sorting of candidates, make a first impression and subsequently invite them for an interview. A resume should be written in such a way that a potential employer has a complete picture of your knowledge, experience and skills. At the same time, no need to reload the image good worker redundant information.

Finding a balance is difficult, especially when you want to stand out from the crowd of candidates. Even the most creative approach requires a logical design. A well-written resume has every chance to “hook” the employer. Not the last role in this is played by filling in the skills of the candidate.

What are key, special and additional skills?

key skills characterize what kind of employee you will be in general. This section often includes the “standard set of the seeker” – determination, stress resistance, self-discipline, learning ability… These phrases have long turned into a meaningless formality. Each applicant wants to show himself with better side, turning the resume into a description of a superman.

Skills must be selected and prescribed for a specific vacancy. Decide which characteristic is critical to work in the position. It is advisable to choose no more than three main qualities. For example, working as an animator requires high level sociability. It does not hurt to specify this skill as a key skill. When you apply for a bank branch manager position, prepare to handle difficult situations. Accordingly, it will be important for the employer to know that you are stress-resistant.

When describing key skills, do not limit yourself to one word. About each make up a sentence that will complement the image. For example, the standard "analytical mindset" can be turned into "the ability to find the best way out of difficult situations and effective management time." However, do not get carried away with long descriptions: they can be included in .

Skills and abilities in the resume - what to write?

The easiest option is to rephrase the requirements that the employer provided in the job description. Thus, you don’t have to think about what skill potential bosses consider the main one: everything is already indicated for you. You just have to think about the presentation.

Three groups of skills can be distinguished: managerial, communication and research. Depending on the type of vacancy, in the resume must dominate one of them. These qualities are often additionally verified using. Let's consider each group in more detail.


The applicant is going to work with entrusted subordinates. He knows which specialists suit him, knows how to organize the work of the department and personally leads the team to the goal. The requirements for such a candidate are always especially strict, and the attention from recruiters is increased.

The main skills to be mentioned are:

  • High-quality organization of the work process. You can give a short example of how you dealt with this task in the previous place;
  • Independent decision-making and full responsibility for them. Managers are expected to make smart decisions, not constant consultations with senior management. The ability to admit mistakes reinforces the honesty and responsibility of the employee;
  • Negotiation skills are essential for any leader. This concept can be included as a settlement conflict situations at work, and external transactions with partners.

A good bonus to additional skills will be the experience of motivating subordinates. Team building is a popular means of strengthening relationships between employees. If you have had experience in holding such events or have successfully implemented a reward system, briefly describe it.


They are needed in a very wide range of positions - from a sales assistant to a teacher. The right approach to the client is the key to successful cooperation. And an employee who knows how to win people over is also good at smoothing out conflicts.

Good core skills are:

  • Sales experience, if the vacancy involves similar work;
  • Competent oral and written (if necessary) business correspondence) speech. A given voice is a great advantage;
  • Skills of concentration and holding a person's attention for a long time;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages ​​if the company cooperates with foreign clients.

Remember that the skill of communication is manifested not only in friendliness and active communication. It is also important to listen and understand the client, to show tact and patience in the dialogue. All this can be specified in additional skills.

Advice: phrases like “I know how to find an approach to difficult clients” are better to specify. Recall the most remarkable such case and briefly describe it for the employer.


Many employers value employee autonomy. If you encounter a problem that is not directly related to your boss, try to solve it yourself before asking for advice.

Research skills demonstrate to the employer that the applicant knows where to look for data, and based on the information received, he is able to draw conclusions and come to the right decision. Such skills are most often needed by workers in technical specialties.


  • High-quality processing of large volumes of new information;
  • Defining and solving problems of paramount importance;
  • Knowledge of professional resources. For example, programmers can list where they most often go for information;
  • Work in different directions. Such multitasking sometimes implies the specifics of the position.

If you have a well-developed imagination, put yourself in the place of the employer. From which applicant would you like to receive ? What qualities should he show first of all? Write down the answers, analyze and compare with the requirements. This will be a good help when creating a resume.

Summing up

The skills section is designed to reveal the applicant as a professional. Skills are divided into key, special and additional. In the first paragraph, there should be no more than three of them, and in the rest - no more than five. Choose only the essentials. Adjust to a specific vacancy and to the specifics of the enterprise.

Do not write too formulaically and dryly, but do not go into unnecessary details. If there is something to support the achievement, give an example in one short sentence. If necessary, check with the requirements for similar vacancies. Be sure to rephrase and include in your resume each condition of the job you are applying for.

Knowledge and their classification. Knowledge is the practice-tested results of cognition of the surrounding world, its true reflection in the human brain. The following classifications of knowledge are most common.

By reflection localization allocate:

individual knowledge (consciousness) - a set of sensory and mental images and their connections that arise when an individual interacts with reality, his personal experience of communication, work, knowledge of the world;

public knowledge is a product of generalization, objectification, socialization of the results of individual cognitive processes, expressed in language, science, technology, material and spiritual values ​​created by generations of people, civilization.

Training is a "translation" of public ZUN into individual ones.

Byform of reflection ZUN distinguish:

- symbolic, verbal knowledge encoded in a sign, language form, theoretical knowledge;

- figurative, presented in images perceived by the senses;

- real, existing in the objects of labor, art - materialized results of activity;

- procedural - those that are contained in the current activities of people, their skills and abilities, in technology, the procedure of the labor and creative process.

Extensive classification of knowledge by areas andthe subject of knowledge; its largest sections: humanities and exact mathematical sciences, philosophy, animate and inanimate nature, society, technology, art.

By psychological level distinguish: knowledge - recognition, - reproduction, - understanding, - application, - automatic actions, - attitude and knowledge - need.

By degree of generalization: facts - phenomena, concepts - terms, connections - patterns, hypotheses - theories, methodological knowledge, evaluative knowledge.

Associative model of individual knowledge. The sense organs transmit signals to the brain, which imprints them in the form of memory traces - facts of perception, elementary bricks of knowledge. At the same time, connections of facts are fixed in the brain - associations (by contiguity in time and space, by similarity or contrast, and other signs).

Consciousness is able to single out the main and secondary elements in these facts and connections, create generalizations (concepts), recognize connections and patterns hidden from direct perception, and solve problems set by external circumstances.

The simplest semantic system is the concept. The concept is knowledge of the essential properties (sides) of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, knowledge of the essential connections and relationships between them. A concept is not something that is observed, but an abstraction that expresses the internal semantic content of objects of knowledge.

Skills and abilities. A special part of universal human experience is the process itself, the mode of activity. It can only partially be described by language. It can be reproduced only in the activity itself, therefore, possession of it is characterized by special personality traits - skills and abilities. Skill is defined as the ability of a person to effectively perform a divided activity based on existing knowledge in changed or new conditions. The ability is characterized primarily by the ability to comprehend the available information with the help of knowledge, draw up a plan to achieve the goal, regulate and control the process of activity. The skill includes and utilizes all related personality skills.

Simple skills with sufficient exercise can be automated, move inskills.Skills - is the ability to perform any action automatically, without element-by-element control. That is why it is sometimes said that A skill is an automated skill.

Skills and abilities are characterized by varying degrees of generalization and are classified according to various logical grounds. So, according to the nature of the prevailing mental processes, motor (motor), sensual (touch) and mental (intellectual).

ZUNs define the so-called "voluminous" personality, i.e. the amount of information, information available in memory, and elementary skills for their reproduction. Intellectual skills in the application and creative transformation of information already belong to another group of personality traits - methods of mental actions.

To get a job, a person must present himself correctly. A resume must be drawn up, which indicates short biography applicant and lists the professional skills that he possesses. To a certain extent, it depends on the correct execution of this document whether a person will get a job or not.

Basic professional skills

The main features of a good resume are presentability and conciseness.

It should list those professional skills that correspond to the vacancy. There is a list of basic characteristics that every modern applicant should have. They are divided into 4 groups. In the first category, communicative:

  • Negotiation;
  • competent written and oral speech;
  • conflict resolution, controversial situations;
  • the ability to convince;
  • work with objections, claims;
  • ability to speak in public.
  • time management;
  • budgeting;
  • project management;
  • strategic planning;
  • work in multitasking mode;
  • processing large amounts of information.
  • personnel Management;
  • motivation;
  • generation of ideas;
  • analytics.

The fourth group is the applied skills necessary for a particular profession. Scroll:

  • PC ownership;
  • "blind set";
  • handling office equipment;
  • knowledge of the MS Office software package;
  • knowledge of GOSTs, SNIPs;
  • business correspondence;
  • ability to work with legal bases knowledge of the law;
  • office work;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • personnel production.

Extra skills

There are professional skills, the presence of which is welcomed, although not considered mandatory. What additional skills can be listed in the resume:

  • attention to detail;
  • analytic skills;
  • flexibility;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality;
  • managerial abilities.

Examples of professional skills in a resume

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand which skills are basic, which are additional, and what is better to transfer to the “About Me” section or not to mention at all. The following are examples of professional skills that can be included in a resume for vacancies:

  • manager
  • leader;
  • economist;
  • engineer;
  • teacher;
  • bank employee;
  • accountant.

Manager Skills

This position has many branches, which affects the list of skills that you need to possess when occupying it. There are vacancies for a sales, procurement, personnel training, recruitment manager, etc. There are a number of general qualities that are important for the performance of official duties. A resume for a management position can include the following skills:

  • work with objections;
  • resolution of conflict situations;
  • PC knowledge;
  • processing of large volumes of information;
  • sales experience;
  • office work;
  • work with office equipment, means of communication;
  • communication in accordance with the rules of etiquette;
  • Negotiation;
  • knowledge of the relevant market;
  • building stable relationships with customers, suppliers, personnel.


All actions of the person holding this position should be aimed at establishing efficient work enterprises.

The applicant for the vacancy of the manager in the resume can indicate the following specialized skills:

  • the ability to convince, motivate;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(with enumeration and level of proficiency);
  • selection, training, control of personnel at all stages of the work process;
  • proficiency level personal computer(be sure to list in which programs it can work);
  • strategic thinking;
  • Negotiation;
  • critical thinking;
  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • delegation of authority;
  • time management, labor resources;
  • forecasting, strategic planning;
  • search for non-standard management decisions;
  • organizational skills.


The person holding this position must have higher education and analytical mind. In the resume for the vacancy of an economist, you can indicate the following professional skills and knowledge:

  • PC proficiency (with a list of mastered programs, especially specialized ones);
  • accounting of the performance of the company;
  • maintenance of bank accounts of individuals, legal entities;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(with enumeration, level);
  • economic analysis;
  • planning, maintaining and recording payments;
  • work with electronic reporting, translations;
  • management, conclusion of contracts;
  • documentation of transactions;
  • maintaining and submitting reports in accordance with the rules and deadlines.


To hold this position, you need to have many skills. What can be included in a resume:

  • possession of a PC, specialized programs (Compass, AutoCAD);
  • organization of construction and repair processes, management at all stages;
  • knowledge normative documentation, laws and acts in the field of engineering design;
  • examination project documentation;
  • conducting daily quality control, recording the volume of work performed;
  • processing of tender documents;
  • development of engineering projects;
  • drawing up contracts, additional agreements;
  • maintenance of technical documentation;
  • work with providers;
  • reading and drawing drawings;
  • knowledge of the specifics of mechanisms of varying complexity.


The teacher and educator are special professions that require great dedication. For applicants for these vacancies, both specialized skills and personal qualities are equally important. When compiling a resume for a teacher position, you can list those of these characteristics that you possess:

  • possession modern technologies learning;
  • motivation;
  • experience in tutoring, private lessons;
  • initiative;
  • broad outlook;
  • energy;
  • erudition;
  • effective communication skill;
  • flexibility, tolerance in communication;
  • making decisions;
  • organization, planning;
  • critical thinking.

bank employee

The position, as a rule, involves constant communication with people. To obtain it, you may need such professional knowledge:

  • sales experience;
  • tact, tolerance;
  • time management;
  • effective communication- the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give competent advice;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • learning ability, easy assimilation of new information;
  • the ability to motivate and persuade;
  • work with objections, search for compromises.


The list of skills that a person holding this position should have is very large and may vary depending on the narrow specialization.

Professional knowledge that can be listed in the resume for the vacancy of an accountant:

  • conducting mutual settlements, acts of reconciliation;
  • knowledge of relevant legislation;
  • bookkeeping and tax accounting;
  • knowledge of the "Client-bank" system and specialized programs;
  • accounting entries;
  • analytical thinking;
  • preparation and submission of reports;
  • planning;
  • conducting an inventory;
  • attentiveness;
  • accrual wages;
  • knowledge of the principles of calculating vacation pay, sick leave;
  • work with primary documents.

Professional skills in a resume without experience

If you haven’t had time to work anywhere yet, it doesn’t mean at all that you don’t have any skills. What knowledge can be reflected in a resume for people who do not have professional experience:

  • PC ownership, computer programs;
  • theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of mathematical modeling, marketing analysis, sociology (any direction in which you received an education, had an internship);
  • experience in conducting sociological research (can be obtained in the course of study);
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, etc.);
  • skills acquired in certain part-time jobs (optional);
  • Availability thesis rated "excellent".

Common mistakes

You need to approach the preparation of a resume very responsibly, because your career and future depend on it. When preparing a document, avoid the following mistakes:

  1. The optimal number of points is from 6 to 9. If you write too few skills, then the HR manager or the head of the company may have the opinion that you are not qualified enough to fill the position. If there are too many of them, then the document will raise doubts at all. The specialist may think that you have listed the knowledge that you do not own.
  2. Do not write professional skills that are not related to a particular job, even if you are very proud of them.
  3. Do not add personal qualities, character traits to the “Professional skills” item. There is a separate section for them.
  4. Write about each professional skill not in the abstract, but specifically, for example - "Experience in wholesale sales - 5 years." Operate with the words “I own”, “I know”, “I have experience”.
  5. Don't forget about the principle of relevance. Write key skills first, additional ones later.
  6. Avoid template phrases, stamps.


Resume (CV)- it's yours business card, on the correct compilation of which depends whether you get the desired job or not. It is very important to approach writing a resume responsibly, because it can be a decisive factor in hiring you.

In this article, we will look at specific skills and abilities for a resume, as well as give you tips and advice on how to correctly fill out these sections of a resume. At the end of the article, you can download a standard resume template.

If you are interested in the question, you can read more about it in the article.

Education, experience, positions held in previous positions are mandatory parts of a CV. Good resume it is unacceptable to draw up without describing the most important skills of a specialist. You need to describe these skills in such a way that a potential boss has an irresistible desire to hire not someone, but you.

1. Key skills and abilities for a resume

Those key skills that are reflected in your resume will definitely become the object of attention from the employer. An experience previous work and the availability of education, will not always be able to disclose information about the skills that you possess.

The correct approach to filling out this resume block will enable the employer to understand even without personal communication that you are exactly the one he needs.

There are no such general key skills that would be suitable for any of the positions and professions. For those who cannot formulate their own professional merits, the following skills and abilities can be indicated:

  • ability to interpersonal business communication;
  • organization and planning of working time;
  • attention to detail;
  • analytical skills necessary to find solutions to problem situations;
  • manifestation of flexibility;
  • managerial skills
  • business leadership skills.

Keep in mind that an employer may only require a subset of these skills, which is usually stated in their own job offer. It's much easier to reframe the employer's requirements into your core skills.

2. Skills and abilities for salespeople, consultants, secretaries, bankers…

Applicants for positions of salespeople, managers and consultants, as well as other positions that require regular communication with people, can indicate as their own skills and abilities:

  • successful experience in sales;
  • time management skills;
  • competent speech, the ability to convince;
  • effective communication skills;
  • finding an approach to the client and reaching compromises;
  • ability to learn and perceive information;
  • the ability to listen to the interlocutor and give him competent advice;
  • manifestation of tact and tolerance;
  • creativity.

If you have information that the employer cooperates with foreign clients, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be your advantage. Be sure to include this on your resume.

Service workers need to be skilled in the communication, analysis and decision-making required to provide assistance. Any activity of such employees should be aimed at satisfying the interests of the client, which requires the applicant to be result-oriented, able to work in the presence of personal pressure and initiative.

Also, the employer will certainly be attracted by the resume of the candidate who will have knowledge of foreign languages, own a PC, conduct business correspondence, be attentive and interested in the overall result of the company's work.

3. Leadership skills and abilities: manager, manager, director, administrator…

It is worth starting work on a resume by identifying those skills that are of fundamental importance for a particular position.

Employers check managers with particular care, often making excessive demands on them. Those who wish to take a managerial position should indicate as skills:

  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • optimal organization of the workflow;
  • independent decision-making and responsibility for them;
  • the presence of critical thinking;
  • efficient management of time and labor resources;
  • staff motivation skills;
  • strategic thinking;
  • effective negotiation;
  • communication skills and the ability to gain trust.

The applicant can add to this group those professional features that he considers his strengths.

Professional skills and personal qualities in this case should have a clear distinction, because the question about the personal qualities of the applicant will certainly come from the employer, and their identity with professional skills will not allow creating a positive impression about themselves.

The list of skills can be supplemented by the ability to simultaneously perform several tasks, the ability to distribute responsibilities and control their execution.

4. Skills and abilities for teachers leading seminars and trainings…

Slightly different skills and abilities should be characteristic of teachers leading seminars. Such people should be:

  • capable of motivation;
  • highly initiative and energetic;
  • masters in concentrating people's attention on certain phenomena for the required time;
  • flexible and patient;
  • capable of organizing the work process.

In addition, you can specify teachers should have competent speech and clear pronunciation, be good interlocutors in personal communication.

The main task of this category of workers is to establish contacts.

5. Skills and abilities for technical specialists: programmers, system administrators…

The skills that technicians should have are completely individual.

For example, system administrators are required to monitor the operation of all computers in the company, which requires them to:

  • carrying out diagnostic measures regarding subordinate equipment;
  • constant monitoring of possible risks;
  • proficiency in English at a technical level;
  • ease of perception of information flows.

6. Skills and abilities for accountants, auditors…

Professionals who are aiming for jobs related to accounting should have a clear understanding of the requirements of the employer. The accountant must have:

  • analytical thinking;
  • organizational skills to create a work algorithm;
  • constant analysis;
  • competent planning;
  • increased attention to details and trifles;
  • the ability to determine the degree of priorities;
  • definition of priority tasks;
  • skills to work with representatives of regulatory authorities.

7. Skills and abilities - examples for lawyers

Workers in the field of jurisprudence can indicate in the resume:

  • knowledge of the law;
  • skills in drafting contracts and documentation;
  • use of legal electronic databases;
  • ability to work with regulatory authorities;
  • search for compromise solutions;
  • setting goals and striving to achieve them.

8. Special skills and abilities for a resume

The ability to establish oral and written contact with counterparties, high achievements in the field of service, organization of the work process, the presence of speaker skills and many other skills will be in without fail evaluated by the employer.

Each of them is looking for such an employee who will be motivated for a common result, will show initiative and high energy in solving emerging issues, will be a pleasant and competent interlocutor, able to immediately make a decision, give an answer and be responsible for every word.

Applicants can include in their resumes:

  • the presence of leadership qualities;
  • technical knowledge;
  • project organization and management skills;
  • marketing abilities.

9. General skills and abilities

There are a number of general skills that professionals may have. Their list is generalized and not suitable for all specialties.

However, I think this list will be useful for you, perhaps you will find exactly those skills and abilities that you want to indicate in your resume. These include:

  • knowledge of a foreign language (language and degree of proficiency in it);
  • programming ability;
  • budgeting;
  • competent business conversation(oral and written);
  • work with customer databases, including from the level of their creation;
  • efficiency regarding the search for information;
  • development of plans;
  • analyzer actions upon sales (including those performed by competitive organizations);
  • purchasing skills;
  • skills in conducting inventory processes;
  • ability in merchandising;
  • work with commercial proposals;
  • negotiation skills;
  • training and motivation of colleagues;
  • forecasting;
  • pricing skills;
  • skills in direct sales;
  • persuasion skills;
  • telephone sales skills
  • skills in working with individual computer programs: Excel, Word, Photoshop, 1C, etc. ;
  • the ability to object;
  • use of primary data;
  • handling office equipment;
  • development and implementation of advertising and market research campaigns;
  • legal expertise;
  • scrupulousness in the preparation of reporting materials;
  • collection and preparation of statistical information;
  • ability to organize processes;
  • readiness for team work;
  • independence of decisions;
  • organization skills;
  • ability to apply methods of persuasion.

Each individual specialty is characterized by certain abilities. Among the presented, there will certainly be exactly those that will suit you and the position that has become your choice. These skills can be used for inclusion in a resume.

10. Correct compilation of a basic list of skills and abilities

Tip: when searching for the desired position, you should not limit yourself to a single resume, it is better to constantly modify it in relation to the vacancy. The skills representations on the main resume and the one you create for a specific position should be different.

In the main version of the CV, suitable for most positions, you need to describe the skills as follows: the “Skills and Achievements” column is the end of the “Work Experience” column, i.e. skills are the result of professional experience.

Let's say you worked as a marketer and are now looking for a vacancy for this position, you need to write a list of benefits that the new boss will receive by hiring you for this position.

Professional skills and abilities for a resume example for a marketer:

  • conducting marketing research;
  • analysis of the market situation and consumer desires;
  • ability to develop product ideas.

The list should not be very long and detailed - the main points will suffice. The recruiter reading your CV needs to understand that your core competencies come from experience, so don't make it up. Imagine that you were a simple employee, and write that you know how to organize work. No one will believe you and the recruiter will simply ignore you.

11. Do not confuse the description of your abilities and personality traits

About punctuality, sociability and responsibility should be indicated in the column "About myself". The "Skills and Achievements" column is needed only for information related to official obligations.

In the section "Professional skills" it is necessary to indicate the main skills acquired at the last workplace or at the university. Here you can also list your achievements. The section should reveal you as a specialist. In other words, this section should describe your "Qualification".

If you describe your skills, you will make your CV more attractive. After reading this section, a potential boss should clearly understand that the company needs you and you should definitely be called for an interview. He must be attracted by his knowledge and abilities. If you want this to happen more often, heed our advice:

  • The "Qualifications" item should be placed exactly after the "Education" item. This is at least logical.
  • This section needs to be changed for any new vacancy. You only need to write down the abilities that are suitable for the position you are looking for.
  • Don't make yourself man-orchestra, carefully indicating the entire list of their pluses. Specify a few (4-8) key ones, this is enough. If you want to express some skills, you will have to sacrifice others.
  • Initially, write down those abilities that are most consistent with the position you are looking for.
  • Write the list in a way that is easy to read.
  • You need to use those definitions and phrases used by the potential boss in the ad.
  • When describing skills and abilities, you need to start phrases with the words “I have experience”, “I know”, “I own”, etc.
  • No need to write about your traits, there is a special section in the resume for them.

Attention: the so-called "headhunters" are looking for rare employees. They are generally not interested in the experience of the candidate, they want the specific benefits provided to them.

12. Skills and abilities for a resume example for an HR director:

Ability to build communication within the company. Ability to effectively manage departments and projects. Organization of consultations and business training.

The new skill can be written with a red line, this will make your text easier to read, although it will take up more space. If you correctly describe your skills and abilities, this will significantly increase the chance that you will be called for an interview.

Education and experience, though a very important part of the resume, but they cannot create an impression of the right employee.

It is not enough for the hirer to know where you studied and received your professional experience. He needs to know exactly what you can do and how you can be useful to his firm. So correctly painted basic skills greatly increase the likelihood of getting the coveted job.

Core Skills are the combination of your skills and abilities needed to do well with the tasks presented to you. job requirements. So carefully chosen and well-formulated phrases can help your resume stand out from a lot of similar documents.

While working, try to gain skills, study extra and get certificates. In this case, you will be able to really arouse the interest of the hirer and get a higher probability of being hired.

We hope that examples of skills and abilities for resume will help you.

13. We indicate specific skills and abilities in the resume

Now let's imagine that you are writing a CV for a specific position in which you have an increased interest. Then the list of core skills should be treated as a list of specific rather than general skills.

Read the ad very carefully. What do you need to know to be hired for this position? Do these requests match your skills and experience? This must be indicated in the "Skills" column.

However, a simple rewrite of the requirements in the resume and designing them as your own skills - bad idea. The recruiter will immediately guess that you have decided to treat the resume as “get rid of it”. Change this information, make it more specific, add something that was not specified by the employer, but may benefit this company.

For example, if you see a requirement - fluency in English, then mention the ability to organize a visa for the boss (if this is the case, of course). After all, if the employer and his henchmen correspond to English language, this may indicate that there are business partners from other countries, and in this case, the ability to organize a visa will arouse the interest of a possible boss.

Also remember that in our time, the recruiter will certainly look for candidates on keywords, so it is necessary to compose a description of skills so that it contains phrases that are in the text of the job description.

Scientists have not yet agreed on what is primary: skills are formed on the basis of skills or, conversely, skills are based on skills. While theoretical scientists are arguing, we will try to learn how skill differs from skill in practice. And for those who are engaged in raising children, training specialists in any field of activity, it is important to know how to quickly and correctly form their life and work skills and abilities.

Skills are...

The phrase "skillful worker" is pronounced respectfully in relation to the one who quickly and correctly performs his work, shows ingenuity, solving the production problems that have arisen. Such an employee is prepared theoretically and practically to perform certain actions and has a creative attitude to work.

How is a skill different from a skill? Skill requires:

  • conscious attitude to planning their actions to achieve results;
  • knowledge about the properties, qualities of the object of labor and methods of working with it;
  • skills in working with tools, auxiliary materials.

That is, skill is a way of performing some action, which is based both on firmly formed skills and on specific knowledge about the object of work, about its properties, about possible ways to work with it. Skills are the basis for the formation of skills.

What are skills

Then what is the difference between a skill and a skill, which is more durable?

A skill is a way of doing something that has been brought to automaticity. Skill and skill differ from each other in that the second one is stereotypical, does not require special theoretical training, creativity.

The algorithm for performing a specific operation does not change, mental and physical actions are coordinated and do not require additional thinking, preliminary planning.

For example, when teaching a child to act independently with a spoon, the mother fixes his attention on the sequence and rules of actions with it (in which hand and how to hold it, how to scoop up food correctly, bring it to the mouth). As the skill of instructions is formed, it becomes less and less, the child learns actions and automatically begins to perform them correctly in any situation.

Motor skill and skill differ from each other in the degree of their understanding and controllability by a person. Skill also involves its creative development and improvement.

Types of skills and abilities

The definition of the type of skill is associated with human activity. Of the four types of skills (sensory, motor, intellectual, communicative), communicative ones undergo the greatest and most frequent changes, since the rules of social life are rapidly changing by the people themselves in accordance with socio-historical changes in the country and in the world.

Mixed skills combine several types: working on a computer requires a combination of intellectual skills (reading and writing text), motor skills (typing). The general educational ones stand out in particular.

At first they are developed in the process of teaching a subject, but then they are used in many areas of activity. In everyday life, for example, we freely use the computational actions formed in mathematics lessons.

A number of skills are used in narrow areas of activity (specialized skills): in medicine, in scientific work.

Skills can be:

  • simple physical, that is, such simple human actions as dressing, cleaning the house;
  • complex, associated, for example, with interaction with other people to achieve some goals - the ability to promote, write articles;
  • systemic - the ability to distinguish between moods, psychological states of people, to respond to them, to feel one's own physical and mental states.

List of skills and abilities required modern man, extensive. It differs from those that were needed, for example, by Pushkin's contemporaries.

Why form them

Careful analysis of any kind of activity shows that it is a sum different types skills and abilities - the absence of one of them does not allow a person to get the desired result. This entails a deterioration in the quality of life, mental discomfort.

The lack of formation of motor skills deprives a person of freedom of movement and action, communication, causes an excessive expenditure of effort, time and material resources.

Mental activity is impossible without observation and memorization of information, comparison, analysis, without control own attention, state. It is closely related to the development of sensory skills for perceiving information by ear, visually, and tactilely. Sensitivity to smells is necessary for a chemist, a cook, a doctor and many other specialists.

Communication skills are considered especially important and are formed on the basis of knowledge of the rules of behavior in various situations, allowing a person to take a worthy place in society, to become its full member.

How skills and abilities are formed

Any field of activity requires specific algorithms of actions from a person: what is the difference between a skill and a dancer’s ability to move correctly in accordance with the pattern of the dance and the sound of the music, without thinking about the movements. The driver has the ability to correctly respond to the traffic situation and drive a particular type of car; from the teacher - the skills of working with literature, with a team of children of a certain age, with parents, the ability to correctly navigate in unforeseen communicative situations.

The formation of a skill should be carried out on the basis of repeated consolidation in memory of the sequence and method of action, bringing the action itself to automatism.

That is, the exercise is a method of forming a skill that guarantees the quality of the performed action (work) and leads to the formation of the ability to recognize the goal and choose the desired sequence of necessary actions to achieve it.

An important issue is taking into account the individual abilities of the student. The quality and speed of mental and motor skills affect the timing and quality of the formation of skills and abilities.

Thus, the methods and techniques of teaching a person a conscious attitude to the labor process, preliminary planning, thinking about options for proposed actions and anticipating their final results underlie the formation of his skills and abilities.


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