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Information, information, information anytime, anywhere. How to quickly find what a particular consumer needs? Moreover, it is not only the search for a product of a well-known manufacturer that matters. No less important for target audience, immediately penetrate the essence of the very idea of ​​a company playing its game in the market. The decisive role in this matter belongs to the logo, which is nothing more than an individual graphic sign in one or another display. And it is not so important: it will be a drawing, typography, or both in one combination. The most important thing is the fulfillment of the assigned functions.

What is a logo: types, functions and their implementation

Working on a logo is not cheap, because, with its appearance, the customer company intends to solve the following tasks:

1. Providing a distinctive, associative function. With a successful logo, its owner will have no problem recognizing their products and the company itself against the background of any number of competing enterprises.

2. The protective function consists in the ability to call to account negligent competitors who illegally use someone else's designation. The whole secret lies in the right of ownership, which implies the legal protection of labeled goods and services. Violation of the rules of ownership is fraught with administrative, civil and criminal liability.

3. The guarantee function lies in the fact that the presence of a logo is the prerogative of companies that have earned popularity with a responsible attitude towards production process and the ability to guess the needs of the market. Only self-confident manufacturers allow themselves to spend money on creating a logo and, through its application, sign as a product.

4. Aesthetic function. A beautiful logo that combines the harmony of color and shape will make the design of the product even more visually attractive. Moreover, a special aesthetic effect is only enhanced by the awareness of quality assurance and protection against counterfeiting.

5. One of the most important functions of this kind of designation is an advertising purpose. Such an icon contributes to the formation of the image of the company at the level of the consumer's subconscious. Moreover, the effect of recognition of goods increases, associative links with the quality and reputation of the company are born, which cannot but serve its reputation.

Not sparing labor costs and financial investments in creating a logo, thus, its owner creates an attractive image for himself. In addition, it is worth mentioning the informational and psychological significance. Only with such a marking, the buyer receives maximum information about the manufacturer of the product in demand. Based on this, a positive attitude towards the company of interest is formed.

So, there should be no questions about the expensive pleasure of creating a logo. A symbol that carries a huge amount of meaning is born in the throes of highly professional efforts, accumulated experience and deep knowledge of different aspects of the market and human psychology. Playing a primary role in the individualization of the owner company, the logo does not stop performing its assigned functions throughout the entire period of its use.

Components of a professional logo

1. Style, appropriate for many years.
2. Ultimate clarity of subtext and visual perception.
3. Ability to attract consumers.
4. Legibility.
5. Excellent visibility.
6. Maximum possible simplicity.
7. The ability to remember.
8. Descriptiveness.
9. Color range.

Types of logos

At the time of creating a logo, you can give preference to one of the well-known types, or stop at their combination. There are such symbols of a similar purpose:

1. Illustrative, allowing you to get an idea of ​​​​the company's activities.

2. Graphic, indicating the activities of the company in a generalized or abstract way. In this regard, graphic elements will serve.

3. Textual, which are based on a text that gives an understanding of the activities of the customer company.

Regardless of the choice of one or another type of logo, the main purpose is not only to attract the attention of potential buyers, but also to retain and extend it.

Creating a sufficiently effective corporate designation is a step towards the formation of a brand. As an example worldwide famous logos, can be called:

McDonalds, recognizable in any country;

Nike, the lion's share of production sports shoes and clothes;

Nokia is a symbol of quality and reliability;

Coca Cola - an icon that confidently holds the leading position in the ranking of the most expensive;

Lacoste is popular not only in France, but all over the world.

A company that owns a logo is different from colleagues that do not have a similar symbol, just like the permanent effect of attracting new customers is different from not having them at all..

A little history of the logo

Such a concept as a logo appeared already at the beginning of the 19th century. But at the time of its appearance, it was just a designation of 2-3 characters of a typographic font, which included any cliché that did not require re-typing. During that period of its existence, the logo was nothing more than a synonym for the expression "ligature". It was only in the 20th century that a stylized typeface of the name of interest began to be included in this category. The use of this kind of symbol played a significant role during the period of the rise in production, export of products and tougher competition.

For the first time in history, the registration of such an OIC took place in 1876. In connection with this event, the British Patent Office has issued a title of protection for the type mark for Bass beer.

Thus, a symbol in the form of a red triangle received a ticket to life. This mark, as well as the drink itself, for which registration was carried out, still exist. b

Such centenarians include the Coca-Cola logo, registered in 1886. Designation Gebrüder Thonet , used for bentwood furniture, began life without registration (in 1859).

Over time, when the world learned such a thing as industrial graphics, stable combinations of graphic elements and other attributes appeared that provide company identification. Moreover, the combination of graphic signs, props and elements of corporate decor served to form stable combinations from the category of corporate blocks. There are also known examples of company identification without the use of graphic style. For example: until 1989, Toyota did without its sign of three ellipses.

Property rights protection

How to protect yourself from unscrupulous competitors, seduced by the effectiveness of a particular logo? The only correct way out is to obtain security documents that provide exclusive right possession of IP. To provide this kind of advantage, there is no other way out than to register a logo in accordance with the rules provided for a trademark.

The first step towards the implementation of the plan will be the execution and submission of an application for the designation of interest.

During the registration procedure, confirmation of uniqueness will be required. To make sure that there is no likelihood of claims from the owners of similar designations, a preliminary search in the database of trademarks registered and applied for this procedure will allow. Otherwise, the refusal of the Patent Office threatens. In addition, the violator often faces civil liability (Article 1515 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), administrative (Article 14.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and criminal (Article 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The use of someone else's logo is not considered a violation of the Law only if there is permission from the copyright holder (, a commercial concession agreement, an act of purchase / sale).

Temporal and geographic restrictions

The right to use a legally registered logo extends for a 10-year period. At the discretion of the owner, you can always take advantage of the chance to extend the title of protection for an additional 10 years, moreover, as many times as circumstances require. True, in case of non-use of the protected designation for a period of 3 years, any of the competitors may file a claim for early termination legal protection in full or in part (in the specified).

Secrets of successful logos

The most important thing in working on a logo is the effect of visual perception, which responds on a conscious and subconscious level with the desire to deal with a specific manufacturer and his goods. In the implementation of such plans, special attention deserves:

1. Choosing a font that reflects the personality of the owner. Options are possible: with serifs; without serifs; handwritten; typewritten; decorative.

2. Color requirements as a way to evoke positive associations and, at the same time, not overshadow the essence of the designation itself.

3. Memorability, justified by the exclusion of overly complex elements. Extreme simplicity is the key to recognition and good readability in any size. For example: the usual Nike swoosh will not go unnoticed even on crowded store shelves. Even at a cursory glance, such a logo catches the eye and evokes an associative connection with something familiar, almost native.

4. Durability. (To stand out from the crowd, not following the fashion hysteria of different times).

5. Universality achieved through vector development, which allows maintaining quality regardless of the size and change of the demonstration environment (on the site, on the form, in advertising, directly on the product or packaging).

6. Reflection of the scope of activity and compliance with the characteristics of the company will provide a thematic symbol. For example: a company of children's things, chooses associations with toys, a "fun" font.

7. Uniqueness does not negate the ability to emphasize the industry where the activity takes place. But under no circumstances should you copy someone else's logo and repeat the ideas of other companies. As a plagiarism, it is worth mentioning the Chinese brand BYD reminiscent of the BMW logo

To please the company with the desired results, you need to answer a number of questions:

1. Understand the features of the business and differences from competitors, penetrate the essence of the idea conveyed to the consumer. Here you need to decide on long-term goals, characteristics of the target audience, the value of the advertised goods and services. It is extremely important to find keywords in the business description.

Logo, sign and emblem. Terminology. Alexander Shiryshev.

Sign, logo, emblem - everyone has heard these words, many actively use them, but most use them for other purposes. Why is a sign called a logo and an emblem is called a sign? Why did the designer get lost in three birch trees and drag the customer there? Let's figure it out. Let's start with the logo.

“Logo (from the Greek. logos - word and typos - imprint) - the original style, the image of the full or abbreviated name of the company or the company's products. It is specially developed by the company in order to draw attention to it and to its products.- Raizberg B. A., Lozovsky L. Sh., Starodubtseva E. B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional — M.: INFRA-M, 2007. — 495 p. - (B-ka dictionaries "INFRA-M").

“Logotype (from the Greek logos - word + typos - imprint) is a hand-typing letter with the most common syllables or even words. Logos were used at an early stage of typography in order to speed up the typing process.- Milchin A. E. Publishing dictionary-reference book. - Ed. 3rd, rev. and add., Electronic - M .: OLMA-Press, 2006.

“Logotype (from German Logotype, English logotype - Stefanov S. I. Advertising and printing: the experience of a dictionary-reference book. - M .: Gella-print, 2004. - 320 s: ill. - (Advertising technologies).

All of the above definitions agree on one thing: logo- this is some kind of indivisible combination of letters. Specifically in design word mark. This can be the name of a company or product, typed in a ready-made font, or an original style drawn by a designer for this work, a calligraphic inscription, a monogram, a monogram. Obviously, it is wrong to call a trademark a logo in general, especially if it is some kind of image not associated with letters. However, you can meet the illiterate use of this term all the time. Even at the end of the last definition, this situation is mentioned.

Logo. Alexander Shiryshev.

Sign is a very broad concept. The simplest definition I found explains it as “something capable in some respect to act instead of something else, i.e., being perceived by some living object, to have a meaning”(Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary: In 3 volumes - M .: Humanit. Publishing Center VLADOS: Philol. Faculty. St. Petersburg State University, 2002).

I dare to suggest that the "living object" here means a person. The newest philosophical dictionary interprets this concept even cooler.

“A sign is traditionally a material, sensually perceived object (event, action or phenomenon), acting in cognition as an indication, designation or representative of another object, event, action, subjective formation. Designed to acquire, store, convert and broadcast certain information (messages)."— The latest philosophical dictionary: 3rd ed., corrected. — Mn.: Book House. 2003.- 1280 p. — (The world of encyclopedias).

Based on these definitions, anything can act as a sign. Therefore, for our particular applied case, it would be correct to clarify the concept. There are several options: graphic sign, company logo, signal, trademark, emblem, trademark. Dictionaries are full of definitions of each of these concepts, somewhere intersecting in meanings, somewhere contradicting each other, demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of the compilers, what they are talking about, and why they put these terms into use at all.

The designer needs this term for one simple reason: this is one of his products. The client needs to explain why it is, how much it costs and how it is used. Obviously, explaining these things using the term "this shit" is not very convenient. How to name the original Nike style? We have already found out - the logo. How to call "swoosh" - the famous Nike arc? While we can answer this question, guided by the method of contradiction, this is definitely not a logo. How to designate a situation when they are used together? Another question that the designer must know the answer to, if only because there is a corresponding section in the standards passport and it must have a name.

Before continuing to terminology, let's deal with two harmful phrases: trademark and trademark. They are borrowed from the advertising industry, which has a very mediocre relationship to the identity. For advertisers, these terms are enough for communication. For a designer, they are too rough and conditional. Firstly, because anything can be hidden under them. Second, adjectives trading and commodity are misleading about the design services application object. After all, corporate identity can have not only a product, company or service, but also non-profit organization, state or educational institution, city, country, TV show, film, festival, sports team, person and much more. It's hard to imagine the phrase trademark of the Ministry of Education or trade mark of the Grushinsky festival.

The design services application object itself (company, product, organization, institution, country, event, etc.) we will designate with the word brand. In the context of this article, it does not matter to us that the brand is the result. Here and below, we will assume that the object for which we are developing a corporate identity standards passport will sooner or later become a brand.

So, we need to designate by the term such a phenomenon as a graphic sign of a brand. To be sure that we understand each other, I will give concrete examples: Apple apple, McDonalds arches, Nike swoosh, Mercedes star, MTS egg, multi-colored Windows window.

Of the contenders for the designation of this corporate element remaining terms: brand name, sign, graphic sign and emblem. Adjective branded concept sign does not specify, which means that the term remains as inaccurate and cloudy as without it. Signet- Anglicism (from the English signet - sign, stamp), also not deepening the concept of a sign. Thus, as a precise term, it makes sense to consider graphic sign and emblem.

“Emblem (from the Greek emblema - insert, convex decoration), a conditional explanation of an abstract concept, idea with the help of any image (for example, a dove - E. of the peace movement); often regarded as a kind of allegory. In a narrow sense - a symbolic image.- "Great Soviet Encyclopedia".

“Emblem (from lat. emblema - insert, convex image) - a conditional symbolic image of a concept or idea; unlike the symbol, it does not embody the content of the concept, but only points to it.- Raizberg B. A., Lozovsky L. Sh., Starodubtseva E. B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional — M.: INFRA-M, 2007.

“Emblem (from lat. emblema - Stefanov S. I. Advertising and printing: the experience of a dictionary-reference book. - M .: Gella-print, 2004.

These definitions apply to the term graphic sign. However, the concept graphic sign mixed with concepts trademark, trademark and even trademark, but the phrase itself graphic sign in practice is reduced to just sign. Sometimes the designer uses the term sign understanding what lies underneath graphic sign, sometimes not.

Emblem. Alexander Shiryshev.

By the title of the article, it is not difficult to guess which term the author is leaning towards. For many years, I used the term graphic sign or simply sign. But gradually I come to the conclusion that the amorphousness of these terms and the resulting discrepancies are a significant hindrance in the work of an identity designer. Emblem more unambiguous, emblem shorter, emblem easier to understand and easier to explain to people far from design. There are no barriers to using this term. Word emblem familiar to everyone, can easily enter professional use and be easily perceived by the customer.

Thus, we have two terms denoting two different entities: emblem and logo.

Why did I delve into the terminology with such tediousness? Terms are the basis of internal and external communications. Both in communication with the customer and in communication with colleagues, one language should be used - the language of communication of professionals. And the more accurate and richer it is, the more effective communication will be.

As one colleague so aptly put it: “Think about who’s complicating things: a salesperson giving different names to different sausages, or a buyer who wants to be understood when he only says that give me three hundred grams of sausage.

What is a logo? What is it eaten with? What are types of logos and when is it appropriate to use it?

Primarily, logo is an integral and perhaps the most important part corporate style.

Briefly describe the concept logo, then this is a kind of font style or sign denoting a specific company (organization, circle of young craftsmen, sect).

Purpose of the logo

  • Do you want to stand out from the crowd of competitors? Do you want to be remembered by the client? Solving these problems is the main purpose of the logo.
  • The logo on the product is a sign of quality. Many people saw the logo on a cell phone Nokia involuntarily associate it with quality and reliability.
  • A well-executed logo increases the attractiveness of the product for the buyer (smartly, this is called the “synergy effect”).
  • The logo will help create a solid image of the company. Logos can sometimes work wonders. They can elevate the company above the competition or lower it below the plinth. I recall an example when one local construction company chose the image of two guest workers as a logo))

Types of logos

Character based. An image or symbol associated with a company.

Text based or some type of writing. A special style of the name of the company or part of it is used. In this case, a different color solution can be used.
Incidentally, the IBM logo is one of the most popular logos of the last century.

And this logo took first place in the top ten most expensive logos of the 20th century.

Combined. It is a combination of the emblem and corporate writing.

Logo affiliation.

The belonging of the logo to one or another legal entity is determined by its registration with Rospatent and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property.

Registration lasts about a year and is carried out in several stages.

Logo registered as a trademark.


I hope you enjoyed this little introduction to the concept of a logo. It is worth remembering for yourself how important right choice logo, what types are there and how to prove that this logo is yours. Well, does anyone have anything to add?

A, m. logotype m., eng. logotype. pl. gr. logos word + typos imprint. 1. Letters with the most common words and syllables used in the past with manual typing. SIS 1985. 2. They even decorate stylish white porcelain for a restaurant ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

logo- Characteristically designed name of the product or its manufacturer. Similarly trademark the logo is designed to make it easier for the buyer to identify the product or the manufacturer directly in point of sale. . II In addition, ... ... Font terminology

Logo- (from the Greek logos word + typos imprint) a manual type letter with the most common syllables or even words. L. were used at an early stage of printing in order to speed up the process of typing ... Publishing Dictionary


  • Logo and corporate identity. Designer's Guide, David Airey. The first edition of this book was published in 2009 and has been translated into 10 languages. A lot has changed in that time, and finally comes the completely revised, full-color second edition...
  • Kurdyumov. Literature. 5 cells Textbook reader. Part 2. VERTICAL. (FGOS). Electron logo. app. (2012) , . Kurdyumov. Literature. 5 cells Textbook reader. Part 2. VERTICAL. (FGOS). Electron logo. app. (2012) ISBN:978-5-358-09899-2…

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The logo is the face of the company. As soon as we see recognizable symbols, we subconsciously begin to trust popular brands. That is why designers approach the creation of a logo especially responsibly: they want to make it not only simple and memorable, but also convey a certain hidden subtext.

website I learned what secret meaning is hidden behind the logos of world-famous brands.

1. Airbnb

Airbnb, an online service that searches for accommodations around the world, has chosen a very strange logo that looks like a paper clip. However, the emblem has a much deeper meaning than it might seem at first glance. It contains as many as 4 elements: the head of a little man, which denotes a user on the site; a geolocation icon indicating the place where the housing is located; heart is a sign of love; and all these symbols are combined in the letter A - Airbnb.


The American site TripAdvisor allows travelers from all over the world to choose which hotel to stay in, which restaurant to eat in, which airline to fly with and even which attraction to visit - all thanks to the reviews of other visitors. The TripAdvisor logo is designed in the form of an owl, which represents wisdom and knowledge, but her eyes symbolize the choice that the traveler makes: green is worth going, and red is definitely not.


International payment system MasterCard decided to bet on the psychology of color in its logo. Red stands for courage and passion for action that gives a sense of joy. A rich yellow color speaks of prosperity. MasterCard believes that it is these qualities that a person needs in order to get rich, so the colors merge together.

4. Dell

The American company Dell, which manufactures computers, highlighted the letter E in its logo for a reason. Corporation founder Michael Dell wanted to convey the meaning of the popular idiom "turn the world on its ear", which in translation means innovation, changing something in an unusual way. But separately “turn (something) on ​​its ear” is translated as “turn upside down / vice versa”. So the company decided to use a play on words and turned the letter E.

5 National Geographic

The popular National Geographic TV channel, which shows documentaries in as many as 171 countries around the world, has made a yellow rectangle its logo. It symbolizes the door that opens to the world of knowledge about nature, science and culture. The yellow color is also not chosen by chance: it acts here as a metaphor for the sun, which illuminates the whole world and is a source of strength and energy.

6 Vodafone

British operator cellular communication Vodafone has chosen a mysterious squiggle as its logo, which reminds many of an earpiece, but in fact it is a simple quotation mark. Direct speech is highlighted with quotation marks in a letter, and an open quotation mark in this case symbolizes the beginning of a conversation. Thus, the designers wanted to show that users can literally talk to Vodafone all the time.

7 Haribo

Sweets manufacturer Haribo is known for its gummy bears, which are loved by children and adults alike. The name of the company was invented by the creator himself: he combined the first two letters of his name and surname - Hans Riegel, adding to them the first two letters of his name hometown Bonn. Initially, Hans sold candies at a fair where performances of live dancing bears were popular. Inspired by this, he decided to create candies in the form of bears.

8. GAS

Originally Gorky car factory(GAZ) collaborated with the American company Ford. The plant not only copied the models of a foreign manufacturer, but also decided to make a similar logo. So, for example, the letter G was made in the same style as the letter F from Ford. But the deer was placed on the logo, because this animal was placed on the coat of arms of the city where the plant itself was located.

9 Subway

Arrows on the first and last letters of the network logo fast food Subway appeared for a reason: they mark the entrance to the subway and the exit from it. So the company decided to show that with Subway you can eat on the go. The color palette also plays an important role in the logo: green symbolizes the fact that the company stands for healthy food and supplies appropriate products, while yellow means joy in life, optimism and fun.

10. DC Comics

The well-known comics company DC Comics in 2016 rebranded and changed its logo. The fans were indignant and demanded the return of the old and familiar emblem. However, it never occurred to anyone how much secret meaning is hidden in this blue inscription. Company co-founder Jim Lee on your instagram account explained what the new logo stands for: "Sharp corners represent the power of several characters at once: Superman's S, Wonder Woman's WW logo, and Batman's logo."

11 Mozilla Firefox

famous browser Mozilla Firefox on his logo depicted a fox that encircles the globe. And if we tell you that this is not a fox at all, but a red panda? The fact is that most people translate the word “firefox” from English literally as “fire fox”, but in fact, “firefox” is English translation Chinese


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