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Our children are growing very fast. Time mercilessly takes away with it the first steps and initial achievements, cheerful and mischievous laughter, pranks and transition into adult life. However, parents always want to remember these important points that bring so much warmth and joy.

By arranging a photo session with a child in nature, you can not only get great shots for a family album, but have fun and spend a great time with your whole family. The ideal option would be the tradition of organizing such events every year, thanks to which not a single year of the child's life will be erased in your memory.

Ideas for photo shoots of children in nature

The best thing is to hire a professional photographer for this purpose, who will help, prompt, correct and do everything in the best possible way. However, if this is not possible, then you can get by with your own camera, having thought through the whole scenario in advance.

The best time of the year for a children's photo shoot in nature is summer. Bright and green grass, on which all the shots are very warm and beautiful. An abundance of fruits that can decorate a clearing. For example, a picture of a baby sitting on bright grass under an apple tree with still green apples will turn out to be very fresh and colorful.

You can also arrange in nature, arranging a real holiday for children with balloons, gifts and a cake. It can be a birthday, Children's Day or some other holiday.

Joint family photos are always very touching and filled with real feelings. After all, the most important thing for a child is that both parents are together. And if everyone lies down on the grass together, hugging a child located in the center, then such a portrait can decorate a wall in the house.

Time irrevocably flies, our children are growing before our eyes, we do not even notice how this is happening. In the age of digital photography, few people print pictures and fold them into a photo album. And in social networks where we post photos in 90% of cases, they are banal, which in a year or two are often even embarrassing to look at. In this article, you will learn interesting poses for a family photo shoot with a child that your friends will envy.

How to make family photos so that everyone would gasp with delight at their sight?

The easiest and fastest solution is to hire a professional family photographer. But do not rush to give the whole process into his hands. After all, no one but you knows that you and your seed love. Working with a photographer is the best solution, and the following ideas will help you choose the personality and style for your family.

1. View from the top.

In terms of an autumn photo session with a child and the whole family in nature and do you need ideas? Here's your first idea. Photos taken from above look interesting and bright, where everyone is happy and sprinkled with yellow foliage. This idea will certainly appeal to even restless kids. If your photographer is young and energetic, then it will not be difficult for him to climb a tree or other elevation, then from above you can take very interesting and creative photographs.

2. Show your love

Every family starts with love. Children are the fruit of love. Love is something without which no seed can exist. So feel free to express your love in photos. You will then be pleased to remember the day of the photo shoot. Kissing is the best way to express your love.

3. Letters of the plate and inscriptions

It is best to come to any photo session prepared. Take with you a simple improvised props - a pre-prepared plate, on which you will write an inscription during the photo shoot. You can prepare various inscriptions with your own hands or just the names of your family. And of course, chalk, which you can write on the wall or on the pavement. Little models will be happy to be creative on the pavement or on the wall. And an experienced photographer will tell you how best to place it all in the frame.

4. Handy props.

If you have not prepared for the photo shoot and have not taken any props with you, it does not matter. Use improvised means. In autumn, at a family photo shoot in nature, the child himself will give a great idea - to arrange leaf fall and make interesting creative shots. Autumn yellow foliage will give the photo vibrant colors.

5. Construction.

Although it may seem banal to some, but the classic pose, where the whole family is built on a photograph, will please you in many years. But boring classics can be diluted with a few creative ideas. And if you hired a professional photographer for shooting, then he will definitely give you some bright and amusing proposals for building and your photo shoot with a child in nature will be full good ideas and great pictures.

6. Let's rest and have a snack

You and your kids have probably already jumped, run and tired. Take a break and have a small snack. Refuel to continue. Here is another idea for a family photo session with a child. The process of shooting and snack time continues. The result is very funny pictures.

7. Fun and play.

You've already taken a bunch of great shots, you're tired, you've had a bite to eat. Let the children relax, have fun and play with them. Take pictures of children in a relaxed atmosphere during a children's game, sincere emotions will be saddened in the photographs and it is possible that these pictures will turn out to be much more interesting than planned and staged ones.

Taking a family photo is not so boring. On the contrary, it can become for each family a separate interesting history- the history of our life - the history of the life of each of us.

instead of a conclusion.

An autumn photo shoot with children in nature can be both an interesting pastime and a challenge, especially if you have small fidget children. Turn the children's photo session into a game. Then your little models will willingly join the process and offer dozens of creative ideas for pictures. At the photo session of kids, the idea of ​​​​the game will also be very relevant. After all, in the photographs you do not want to see strict faces or tense smiles? Turn a family photo shoot into a game and you will get lively and real emotions on your faces. This will greatly facilitate the work of the photographer, and he himself will be much more pleasant to work with you.

A family photo is not just a photograph - it is a very valuable historical artifact for those who are captured in the picture. After all, when you look at a family photo, exactly the moment captured in the photo pops up in front of you. Experienced emotions, mood and relationships of the day of shooting, sometimes even the whole day of shooting, if it was a certain significant event, maybe even a whole period of time.

You or your photographer took great pictures, all your friends and relatives admire the pictures taken, but you should not stop there. You can make a beautiful slideshow or mount a video from photos, if you are on “you” with a computer. You can add interesting effects or just make a beautiful collage of family photos if you are friends with Photoshop. But that's a completely different story.

Family photo session in nature— can there be anything more interesting and more fun? The sun is shining, the breeze is cherishing, flowers and trees are smelling.

It is impossible to create the beauty created by mother nature herself in any studio. Outdoor family photo shoots are always fun. Photos are surprisingly beautiful, rich, bright and vibrant. I have repeatedly had to go to the forest, field or to the banks of a river or lake to take family photos. I confess that this is actually a very exciting, interesting and fun process! It can be both family photo shoots on the street and in the park. It all depends on the wishes of the family.

Features of the photo shoot: winter, spring, summer and autumn

Future photos depend on what time of the year it is outside. So, family photo session in spring it turns out tender and touching. After hibernation, not only trees, flowers and grass awaken, but also people. This is a great time to go to nature with the whole family and take bright photos. Spring family photo session can take place:

  • on the bank of a river or lake;
  • in the forest;
  • in the park;
  • on the street;
  • next to the house;
  • in the village at the cottage.

Family photo session outdoors in spring will not only give nice pictures graphics, but also a great mood!

Most often carried out family photo session in summer. And not by chance. During this period of the year, the weather is very warm, so you can safely go to nature even with a small child. In addition, a lot of fresh flowers and stunning nature will be an excellent backdrop for taking bright photos. Family photo session in nature in summer unlimited possibilities for creativity. Here are some shooting ideas:

  • Have fun and have fun! Children and adults have fun, play, do not pay attention to the photographer. Photos come out alive and real. They show unfeigned emotions.
  • "Portrait in a portrait". When using mirrors and frames, original photographs are obtained.
  • Object in motion. Children love to play. For example, when holding a family photo shoot on the street, you can take a ball with you and play with the children.
  • While the baby is sleeping. Photos are excellent when the child is sleeping, and his parents are posing in front of the camera lens. The kid will not even understand that he has become a participant in an exciting process. A sleeping baby is stunningly beautiful and cute.
  • Take a walk in the fresh air. Family photo walks are always joyful. There are several options here:
    • parents joined hands with children;
    • children go in front, parents behind;
    • the family runs forward along the street, etc.

Family photo session in autumn often held in the forest and park. At this time of the year, a special atmosphere reigns in the air. A riot of colors allows you to make truly beautiful photos. An autumn family photo session is always fun, especially when there are a lot of fresh and bright leaves around. It can be folded in your hand in the form of a bouquet, sprinkled over your head, lie in it. A family photo session in nature in the fall will be just fine if the weather is sunny.

Family photo session in winter has its own subtleties. So that the photos turn out beautiful, it is necessary that there is fresh snow outside. If it’s slushy and raining outside, a family photo shoot in winter, unfortunately, will not work. In order not to catch a cold, I recommend dressing in warm and comfortable clothes. A family photo shoot in nature in winter can be held:

  • in the park;
  • on the street;
  • next to the house;
  • in field;
  • in the forest.

Agree The best way spend the weekend with benefit - forget about the existence of the Internet and go with the whole family to nature. Especially if there are warm sunny days outside, and you really want to escape from the bustle of the city.

Do you know how to turn a family walk in the park or an ordinary picnic in the countryside into an exciting and memorable event? Of course, invite a professional photographer to them!

If in a photo studio the flight of fancy is limited to square meters, then nature simply obliges to create, experiment and have fun. Each season is unique and beautiful in its own way, so seasonalfamily photo shoots in nature in St. PetersburgWith interesting scenario always turn out bright and memorable. In nature, it is easy to think through the storyline and make the shooting come alive - there are no restrictions on imagination and movement.

Choosing a place for a photo shoot in nature with the whole family

Think about where you and your family will feel most comfortable and, based on your own preferences, choose a location for filming. It can be a dacha or a courtyard of a private house, a river, sea or lake bank, a steppe, a field or a meadow, a garden, a forest or a park. If the shooting will take place with small children, you should not choose extreme locations, such as mountains or ravines, you can always find something more calm, safe and no less interesting.

How to prepare for a family photo shoot

  1. Choose a photographer. My personal advice: before negotiating with the master, look at his portfolio, that is, examples of past work, and make sure that the style of work and the quality of the pictures suit you. Talk to the photographer in person to see if they are willing to work hard to bring your ideas to life or are used to working from a template.
  2. Prepare clothes, accessories and props according to the shooting plot (for a thematic photo shoot).
  3. View examples of similar photo shoots on the Internet and choose your favorite poses. What poses for outdoor family photo shoot better to use, you can discuss with your photographer.

There is no bad weather

Forget that shooting should only take place in the summer. Of course, immediately come to mind summer family photo shoot ideas , but this does not mean that other seasons are under a "photographic" ban. Pros do not complain about wind, clouds, sun, snow and other weather factors that can be used to advantage to create wonderful special effects. The master will always find winning solutions in any weather and at any time of the year. In order not to be unfounded, I offer a few ideas on how to organize a seasonal photoset.

Golden autumn is the best time for bright family photography

Who said autumn is sad time? Only not for photographers who know a lot about bright natural locations. Gilded foliage, mysterious fog, funny rubber boots and umbrellas - in a word, there are a lot of ideas to have fun and make beautiful photography. You can play active games, dance in circles, collect bouquets of leaves, make original decorations with children from improvised materials - cones, dried flowers and twigs.

Hot summer - fun and carefree photosets in the bosom of nature

I propose to arrange family photo shoot outdoors in summer in the form of a game or a fascinating story told from the perspective of your family. You can organize a picnic, play some kind of game, dance, eat delicious fruits, splash water. By the way, about the water: wonderful photos are obtained on the beach or near any body of water. As for themed props, you can take a ball, a water pistol, a cozy blanket and a picnic basket with various goodies, unusual hats and a beautiful sun umbrella.

Snowy winter - cozy ideas for outdoor photography

In winter, it's easy to come up with great staged stories for family photo shoot in nature – you can play snowballs, make a snowman, ride down a hill, make drawings in the snow, drink fragrant delicious tea from a beautiful thermos. If you have a large family, you can organize a staged shoot based on the plot of your favorite winter fairy tale or dress up as your favorite New Year's characters.

Spring time - a romantic and tender photo shoot for the whole family

In the spring they turn out beautiful photos against the background of young blossoming foliage, primroses, flowering trees. What can I say, spring literally at every step sets up scenery for beautiful photography: fresh greenery, tiny delicate blades of grass, blooming buds. By the way, if there is a desire to arrange a family photo session during pregnancy or with small children, spring days are conducive to interesting stories on the theme of “the birth of life”.

Rules for a family photo shoot with children on the street: my experience

Analyzing the best family photo shoots in nature with a child , you come to a logical conclusion - you need to stock up on game props. Implement interesting ideas you can use toys and children's drawings, empty frames, musical instruments and sports equipment. Favorite doll or a huge teddy bear, cars, cubes, balloons, bright lanterns and flags, bubble, drawing sets, balls - take what your child loves and what he will be happy to mess with in nature. In such a situation, you will only have to play along, and the photographer - to catch the most spectacular shots.

Don't forget that children, like adults, are at their best in pictures when they stop posing. Try to relax, be at ease and enjoy the creative process.

I hope I managed to convince you that outdoor photo shoots are bright and unforgettable at any time of the year. If you have any questions about how to make a cool photo shoot, then I will be happy to answer any questions!

By ordering professional photography, you can fill your family album with high-quality and beautiful photos to capture the best moments of your life! I would be glad to know that the article turned out to be useful, in which case you can help the development of the project by reposting to friends and stars. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions, send them in the return form, I will be happy to answer them!

Family photographer in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg - Nikolai Gulik

Summer is a time for entertainment, a time when you want to relax and take a break from the routine. One of the options for a family vacation is the organization of a photo shoot in nature. Such an activity can be interesting not only for adults, but also for children. Kids are happy to play the role of fashion models and pose for the camera.

Such a pastime is useful and interesting at the same time. In addition to the fact that you can relax, have fun and spend time with your family at ease, after that there will also be a lot of pleasant memories recorded not only in memory, but also on photographic paper.
Each of us has our own original ideas for a family photo shoot in nature in the summer, but you should not forget about the basic rules.

Emotions in the photo

The main purpose of viewing photos is to remember something good and pleasant. Such feelings can only be evoked by those pictures that depict positive emotions. Believe me, the camera very subtly feels your mood during a photo shoot. Sincere emotions can always be distinguished from a forced smile, even in a photo. Therefore, the main advice is to go shooting only in good mood or try to create it during the photo shoot.

Forecasters will help us

Why do we love taking pictures in the summer? Yes, because sunny warm days leave a piece of heat in summer pictures. Photos are bright and juicy. They are able to energize and give warmth, even on winter days. When choosing a day for filming, be sure to check the weather forecast, if the forecasters promise cloudy or rainy weather, it is better to wait. If you want to capture this summer in color and color, then the sun should be a mandatory participant in your photo shoot.

Don't Forget Attributes

A summer family photo session does not require special decorations. Green park lawns, blooming flower beds, fountains rising up will create a wonderful backdrop for your pictures. To make photos even more interesting and diverse, you can use additional attributes. For a summer photo shoot, three-dimensional letters, multi-colored ribbons, balloons can come in handy. If kids are involved in such shootings, you can buy them cotton candy or colorful lollipops. This will give the children a lot of "delicious" emotions and allow the photographer to take interesting pictures of such a meal.

Children and family photographer, especially if he has great experience work in this area, will always be able to tell you options for successful personnel. But it’s better if the day before you yourself consider different ideas for a family photo shoot in nature in the summer, think over images and poses. This will help you organize your shoot faster and save time.

Here are some concepts that can be easily implemented during a summer photo shoot:

  • An interesting and not losing its popularity subject for photography is a family picnic.
  • Collective sports. It can be a bike ride in the park, a game of badminton, yoga or fitness together.
  • Walk to the village. Picturesque fields, a haystack, and domestic animals look interesting in the pictures.
  • Azure coast. All the joys of a summer family vacation by the sea can be remembered forever by organizing a beach photo session.
  • Flower fields. Photos with wild flowers look cute and romantic.
  • For summer photo shoots Loose, comfortable, brightly colored clothing is best. Classic outfits will look ridiculous surrounded by flowers and trees. Photos look beautiful where all family members are dressed in the same style and the same color scheme.

Involving children who are not yet a year old in the process of filming, it is better to limit the time of the photo session so as not to tire the kids. Remember that posing for a photo should not be a burden or a burden. This event is always organized so that everyone can have a good and fun time in the family circle.


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