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For hundreds of years, Thailand has been considered one of the most developed countries in Asia. The Second World War caused serious damage to the Thai economy, after which Thailand increased its capacity for a long time. Since 1991, after the coup d'état, the country began to develop again at a faster pace: the automotive industry and agriculture improved.

Today, Thailand has firmly taken the leading position in the world in the production of rice, auto parts, raw rubber and latex. In recent years, more and more natural cosmetics, exotic leather, household and sports goods, clothing, jewelry, agricultural products (chicken, pork, fruits and vegetables) have been exported. According to my estimates, rice, clothes, cosmetics and auto parts make up about 90% of exports from Thailand to Russia.

National features

The Thais are friendly and easygoing people, so doing business with them is quite easy. Once in Thailand, everyone will be able to notice the charming national trait of the Thais - a smile, an integral part of the philosophy of "sanuk", which in Russian means "live with pleasure." Thais smile almost always: when they feel good, sad, bad, even when they are angry. For this, Thailand is called the “Land of Smiles”.

But there are several "forbidden zones" in working with Thais. For example, you should avoid any negative statements about the royal family, which occupies a special place in the hearts of the Thais, and since their king is equated with a semi-divine person, any harsh statement about him can put an end to business relations. It is also necessary to show respect and tolerance for the main religion of the country - Buddhism.

Thais always control themselves well and expect the same from their partners, so even if you are negotiating in an informal setting, you should keep this in mind. But what is really worth stocking up when dealing with Thai contractors is patience, because entrepreneurs there carefully weigh every little thing before making a decision.

In general, Thailand is dominated by mature, big business, but there are also a large number of newly born young companies. Communication and doing business with Russians for Thai businessmen is a common thing, because our compatriots have long been accustomed to our compatriots there thanks to the massive tourist flow and a number of agreements at the state level (for example, in relation to the production of rubber).

Finding a supplier in Thailand

The main advantages of working with Thailand are inexpensive labor and the accommodating of local producers who are not spoiled. wholesale buyers from abroad and are ready to reduce purchase prices in favor of customers. At the same time, the quality of the final product does not suffer at all, and the products produced in the country sometimes surpass European ones. For example, Thai cosmetics, which have proven themselves on the world stage, are 50-60% cheaper than analogues from Europe. The largest Thai cosmetics store is WellDee, in just three years of its existence, it has already served more than 130,000 customers around the world. One of the most popular areas of cooperation Russian entrepreneurs with Asian countries - the textile industry. At the same price, the quality of products made in Thailand is on average 1.5 times higher than, for example, in China. And the cost work force in China - about 2.50 dollars per hour, in Thailand - 1.70 dollars per hour.

Entrepreneurs wishing to export goods from Thailand should start by looking for a supplier. This problem can be easily solved in three different ways: sales representative on site, online or specialized exhibitions.

The first method, the search for a sales representative, is, of course, the most convenient and reliable. A trusted person on the spot will help you find and check the counterparty through national registers, personally verify the quality of the offered goods, and also help to conclude an agreement and control the shipment. The cost of work depends on the volume of purchases and is not at all high in relation to the acquired benefits. As a rule, for their services, the traders presented take up to 10% of the contract value. Knowledge of the language is not required, because most of the companies representing the interests of our compatriots are Russian, however, registered in Thailand as a legal entity and permanently residing on the territory of the "Land of Smiles". When selecting a sales representative, it is important to look at the reviews on the forums and in in social networks where they are usually placed.

You can work with Thai companies without intermediaries. Many local manufacturers, in an effort to increase export volumes, translate their websites into English and try to rank high in Google search results. There are also those who offer their goods in the well-known Alibaba wholesale purchasing system. Finding a supplier on the Internet is by far the cheapest, but also the most risky way. Unfortunately, there is also a chance of getting caught in a network of scammers in Thailand, although to a lesser extent than, for example, in China. The most common method of deception is the disappearance of a supplier after receiving an advance payment.

You can reduce your own risks by personally selecting a supplier at specialized exhibitions. Participation in them for scammers is quite expensive and therefore ungrateful. Thailand annually organizes many professional exhibition events on a variety of topics. The largest business events are held in Bangkok in two exhibition centers: Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC) and IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center. On the website of the centers you can see information about upcoming events at English language. But novice entrepreneurs will have to spend a lot of money: visiting an exhibition is not the cheapest pleasure, because you will have to pay not only the entrance ticket, but also the flight, accommodation, translator, etc. The cost of such a selection of a supplier will cost the entrepreneur, according to the most conservative estimates, approximately 100,000 rubles, with that airline tickets will account for the majority of that cost, roughly 70%.

You can save money by hiring a local representative who will collect all the necessary information, prepare a photo report and ask all your questions to the stand attendants at the exhibition. The price for such a fee business cards will cost 12,000 rubles.

Logistics issues with Thailand are sometimes even easier to solve than with China. Here you can rarely encounter a simple goods at customs. On average, air delivery from Thailand will take no more than four days, and by sea, cargo arrives in 45. All manufacturers in Thailand use the international Incoterms rules, which determine who pays for shipping and insurance and is responsible for the goods. The most commonly used formats are EXW and FCA. With EXW, the goods are taken by the buyer from the seller's warehouse specified in the contract, payment of export duties is charged to the buyer. And with FCA, the goods are delivered to the main carrier of the customer, to the departure terminal specified in the contract, the export duties are paid by the seller. These formats, as a rule, are prescribed in the contract, and you should pay attention to this.

Dmitry Fedorov, CEO goods delivery service

Today, Thai cosmetics are simply out of competition in terms of their popularity all over the world. There are many main reasons for this:

  • affordable prices;
  • very high efficiency;
  • the love of Thai producers for natural ingredients and organic compounds;
  • a huge assortment and a full range - in the shops of Siam there are caring, hygiene, and decorative products;
  • emphasis on medical cosmetics, etc.

Surely any reader of our blog will be able to supplement this list with their own reasons to love creams, shampoos and other lipsticks from Thailand.

What to do if you want to open a Thai cosmetics store

It is no secret that people's hobbies often develop into business ideas over time. And today, many are imbued with the idea of ​​​​opening their own shop of Thai products in their city. Another option is to launch your own website selling them. And the number one question that gets in the way of implementing this plan is to find a conscientious and trusted supplier.

Dr. Holland (Thailand) Co. Ltd. has been operating for almost ten years and cooperates with many sellers of Thai cosmetics and medicines in Russia and other CIS countries. Such partnership is possible with sellers anywhere in the world. Therefore, the answer to the above question is simple - contact Dr.Holland management directly to agree on options cooperation in this area.


Tel in Thailand/WhatsApp - + 66 521-86-704
for calls from Thailand - 08521-86-704

Doctor Holland pharmacies are located in Pattaya, on the streets of Naklua (North of the city) and in the Jomtien area near the Palm Beach Hotel.
In the fall of 2018, a few days after the publication of this material, the third Doctor Holland pharmacy in Thailand will also be opened - in Phuket, Kata Beach.

More detailed addresses and information about Doctor Holland can be found by this link.

What are the advantages of cooperation with Dr. Holland Co. Ltd when launching their own project for the sale of Asian funds.

Low prices for goods from Thailand

Truly competitive and possibly even the lowest prices for Thai cosmetics in the online space! The company works directly with many major brands, has its own warehouses, and this allows you to make purchases from manufacturers in large quantities. In addition, they do not use the services of intermediaries or agents. The result is the ability to sell at a very low cost. Significantly lower than in other online stores.

In addition, owners of their own Internet resources, shops and pharmacies are provided with additional discounts and special conditions for cooperation.

Some products are initially offered in small wholesale lots and at appropriate prices. Get to know them .

Availability of accompanying documentation

Its absence is one of the main problems faced by distributors of Thai goods. Because Dr. Holland Co. Ltd is an officially registered legal entity in Thailand, works directly with manufacturers and buys large quantities, they provide all the necessary quality certificates for the available drugs.

This is especially important for those who want to sell not only via the Internet, but also work as a store in the traditional sense.

Huge assortment

A truly royal choice of not only Thai remedies, but also Vietnamese, Cambodian, Korean and Chinese. Doctor Holland can definitely be called the largest retailer of goods from Thailand in Runet today. Its range includes products of the best brands of different price levels and specifics. It is constantly updated with new lines, brands, products. Just think: dozens of new positions arrive every month! And so - throughout the entire time of work.

Here are just a few of the areas featured on the site.

  • natural means for gradual weight loss, including external ones, as well as special teas, coffee and other slimming drinks.
  • Thai bears - complexes for rapid weight loss in a timely manner.
  • Caring cosmetics: creams, serums, gels, masks, patches, peels, lotions, etc.
  • Hair products: shampoos, balms, fluids, anti-fall products, therapeutic formulations, sprays, etc.
  • Healing balms: based on snake venom, scorpion, with extracts of local herbs, warming, cooling, analgesic, healing, soothing, relieving itching, etc.
  • Hundreds of drugs for the treatment of internal organs - for specific diseases and restorative.
  • Asian tea and coffee.
  • Products - coconut milk, spices, sauces, sweets, dried exotic fruits, spice mixes for curries, tom yum and tom kha soups, som tam salad and other traditional local dishes. A real find for those who want to bring a touch of Asia to their daily diet, as well as new opportunities for Thai restaurants.
  • Hygiene products. Soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, shower gels, facial cleansers, etc. Absolutely all of them in the compositions contain herbal extracts, essential oils and other natural ingredients.
  • Lines for children.
  • Pharmaceuticals from Thailand. It has been noted that synonymous drugs brought from Tai are much more effective and often cheaper than those bought in domestic pharmacies. Due to numerous requests from customers, over time, the store management began to add remedies for colds, diseases of the joints, stomach, thyroid gland, etc. to herbal preparations.
  • Latex products that are made on the basis of the juice of natural rubber trees that are cultivated in the southern part of the country.
  • Delicate hypoallergenic tropical honey, pollen, royal jelly and other bee products.
  • Means for increasing male potency, etc.

Personal support and assistance in organizing

Each partner is personally accompanied by a personal consultant who will give comprehensive answers to questions regarding customs, assortment, certificates, etc. You get full information support.

Safety of goods during delivery

It is no secret that the Russian Post service is far from ideal today. Therefore, special emphasis is placed here on the careful and careful packaging of each item sent to avoid cracks, breakage, etc. trouble during delivery. You can read about this in various reviews about the work of the store.

Good reputation, customer trust and integrity

The company has been operating for the ninth year! Even if you don’t know anything about how often business projects of compatriots collapse in Thailand, barely starting, in our age of instability, this is a lot. Tens of thousands of orders in the online store and the same number of customers in Pattaya pharmacies, hundreds of reviews on different sites and just friendly recommendations to “visit Holland” while on vacation in Pattaya - this is all the invisible wealth of the company.

To work successfully for so many years, developing year by year and increasing the scale of activity, perhaps primarily due to a conscientious attitude towards customers and complete customer focus. No business can survive for more than a few months without this essential component of success.

Official legal entity and presence in Pattaya

The vast majority of online stores of Thai goods today are limited to an online presence and are completely "author's and amateur" projects. That is, they work without education legal entity, evade taxes, have no employees, etc.

Since Doctor Holland is a registered company in Thailand with limited liability, a whole team of officially employed employees works here, the company complies with the requirements of Thai legislation governing the conduct of business activities by foreigners. And, as already mentioned, this makes it possible to offer a very large assortment and low prices.

Help in organizing joint purchases

If you are the organizer of joint purchases through various online resources, Doctor Holland will also meet you halfway and offer special conditions works, price, etc. Write or call the above contacts. Here they will be happy to help in organizing their own business for the distribution of Thai cosmetics and pharmacies. Doctor Holland knows for sure that products from Thailand are worth it!

Cosmetics from Thailand - tangible benefits for both the body and the wallet!

Thai women look younger than European women. In many ways, the "culprits" of the youth of taeks are racial and genetic characteristics. But another secret lies in the cosmetics used by women in Thailand. This cosmetics has a considerable number of significant advantages.

First of all, it should be noted here that almost all cosmetics, which are produced in Thailand, contain only natural ingredients. These are components such as algae, oils, extracts of tropical trees and plants, minerals. Even if the creation of a particular tool uses chemical elements, then there are very few of them.

Thai cosmetics are mostly hypoallergenic. For skin on which irritations, rashes and overly sensitive skin appear, Thai cosmetics are a real salvation. All cosmetics created in Thailand have a light structure and a pleasant aroma. Therefore, for any type of skin, they are just perfect.

Many cosmetics are made in Thailand according to traditional recipes that have stood the test of time. Thanks to Thai cosmetics, you can achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. The cost of Thai cosmetics is very attractive. In Thailand, the production of such products is inexpensive. The natural ingredients that make up cosmetics are very cheap in this country. As a result, thanks to all this, the manufacturer has the opportunity to provide the buyer with affordable products.

Another very significant advantage of cosmetics from Thailand is that it can be purchased in bulk. Cosmetics from Thailand wholesale- this is a great opportunity to save various organizations and individual entrepreneurs who sell cosmetics at retail.

Wholesale you can buy not only the most popular cosmetics, but also products of less well-known companies. These are products such as lotions, shampoos, oils, balms, lip balms, body care products and much more. All cosmetics supplied in bulk are packaged with high quality, therefore they reach the buyer in complete safety. You will not have any difficulties with the choice of cosmetics from Thailand, since it is universal.


Good afternoon! 1. I resell cosmetics from Thailand. 2. There is a supplier, and he does not provide any certificates, licenses and declarations. 3. What documents do I need for legal trade when registering a legal entity? 4. Who can issue these documents? 5. I heard that some certificates can be obtained directly from the customs. What are these certificates, how to issue them and where? 6. What documents are required from the seller, for customs and for certification? 7. Legal and financial responsibility for trading without necessary documents? 8. How do companies registered in Thailand sell cosmetics to Russia if they do not have certificates and declarations? It is legal? 9. Is it possible to register a company in Thailand and distribute parcels received from there to recipients without certificates and declarations? How to deal with customs in this case?



provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On licensing certain types activities" (, do not provide for mandatory licensing of activities for the sale of cosmetic products.

In relation to cosmetic products in Russia, a declaration of conformity is provided. Also, in relation to cosmetic products, a mandatory hygienic assessment is provided. For import, production and further sale on the territory of the Russian Federation in without fail conformity is declared. That is binding document serves as a declaration of conformity, a certificate of state registration and test reports. Declaration of cosmetics is carried out in stages - a certificate of state registration, a certificate of conformity and certificates of certification tests are issued.

Samples of products are provided to the certification center and Required documents: contract between the importer and the manufacturer or supplier of the product, founding documents importer's company, quality certificate and packaging layout, or rather the information part (information for the consumer). This document contains the following information: product description, raw material composition, precautionary measures, method of application. To calculate the cost and number of declarations, protocols and certificates of state. registration, you must send a list of products indicating the composition of each product.
then laboratory tests of type samples of cosmetic products will be carried out. For laboratory testing, 3 samples are provided for each type of cosmetic product. Clinical trials, physicochemical and microbiological tests are being carried out. After this procedure, the laboratory issues a test report, the number of which will be included in the declaration of conformity. The certificate of state registration is issued by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and is issued indefinitely.
Further, on the basis of previously received test reports and a registration certificate, cosmetics are declared, which implies the issuance of a declaration of conformity.


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